Signs that you have the gift of healing. Hand treatment! Ancient Healing Methods! Healer treatment with prayers and hands anna

Thin shells of physical bodies are very sensitive to each other's aura and can even change under the strong influence of the object's energy.

Treatment with hands and bioenergy is a very accessible and ancient form of influence on the invisible fields of a person that surround every organ and the entire body. To learn healing at the expense of your life force, you need to train regularly, develop a number of skills in yourself and read the necessary literature.

History of direction development

Since ancient times, people have known that any disease is a manifestation of energy imbalance in the body. To return to a close relationship with nature and restore the biofield, our ancestors used Qi energy treatment, used special massage techniques. In ancient India, for example, yogis many centuries ago created the doctrine of restoring health with the help of Prana.

These principles of treatment then flowed into Egypt, Greece, China. Later, in the Middle Ages, Europeans resorted to the principles of magnetism, which was preached by many monks. Such a special gift of healing was recognized only among the clergy and royal persons, so the doctrine developed underground for a long time. Around the same time, they began to heal with their hands in Russia, when there was a fashion for incantation of various diseases and quackery.

Medical passes with hands became allowed only in the second half of the 19th century. At the same time, books and textbooks on healing and the occult experience of moving energies began to appear. Around the same time, the real training of doctors began, who, in addition to everything else, also had the skills to influence the human biofield. As for the modern techniques of such treatment, they are based on the concept of bioenergetic systems inside and around every living object, which can both absorb energy from the external environment and accumulate it in itself.

There is a biofield around every cell, every organ, just the levels of these energy structures are always different. Today, such treatment is resorted to by those people who are prohibited from taking the medicines they need, who have special contraindications in official medicine. It can also be those individuals whose despair in the classical treatment has reached its maximum.

Methods of working with the energy of diseased areas of the body may differ. Some use verbal techniques, hypnotize patients with a look, and engage in manual therapy. Someone prefers to cooperate with direct contact, others like remote exposure through a photo.

Each healer also has his own sensations of bioenergy: it can be tingling, a feeling of resistance, and temperature changes. However, regardless of specific external manifestations, bioenergetic treatment is based on the accumulation of energy and its transfer to a weakened body. At the same time, the potential of the life force decreases in the healer, and increases in the client.

How justified are these actions of bioenergy therapists, healers and healers? The scientific direction that studies the information field of the earth considers the energy of the physical vacuum as a result of zero fluctuations. As a result of this process, electrons are formed that can interact with small particles of the outside world. Approximately the same thing happens in the energy system of each person when there is radiation of electromagnetic waves.

These waves can store and create information, and together they represent a common shell around the planet - the noosphere.

At the same time, the field of each person is able to influence even inanimate objects, or rather, their virtual dipole with negative energy.

Based on such theoretical positions, many scientists recognize non-traditional methods of human treatment based on psychoenergetic influence. From the point of view of some supporters of bioenergetic healing, all objects in nature form holograms that store the necessary information. If you influence a person at the physical level, his hologram will change. But the opposite is also true: the influence on this form causes changes in the state of health of the individual, in the process of his communication with the world.

If the holograms are in contact with each other, the energy begins to be redistributed. Under such circumstances, amateur intervention in the energy-information field of a person can be very dangerous. Therefore, a specialist must have a high level of responsibility, accept moral and humanistic values.

Hand biofield treatment: who can master

Diagnostics of the bioenergetic state of human subtle bodies and subsequent correction of deviations of the biofield is not available to every individual. It is very important to believe that energy really exists and that it can be controlled.

Outstanding specialists in such treatment are always distinguished by humanity, sincerity, and compassion. They should also love their work, not look for personal gain in it, strive to grow creatively and spiritually.

It is believed that one can become a healer at the age of 25 to 50, since during this period the body has already formed at the bioenergetic level, but has not yet begun to age.

At the same time, a person must have excellent health without any chronic or hereditary ailments. Such precautions are due to the fact that the specialist loses a lot of his energy during the healing, and if vital supplies are depleted, the healer may die.

However, at first you can deal with the healing of your own body, and only then, having accumulated energy, proceed to the diagnosis of your family and friends. It is very important that the healer understands the nuances of medicine and biology.

Preparatory workouts

Bioenergy practice is impossible without competent control of one's own energy. The management of life flows should be carried out at the expense of willpower, and certain trainings are needed to develop this skill. Experienced healers advise starting the development of non-traditional methods of treatment with the following steps:

Rebuild the psyche

The point is that in the course of your thinking, you must forever abandon doubts about yourself and your capabilities. You can read literature about yoga and magnetism, find scientific publications on biorhythmics. Such training is needed to create cause-and-effect relationships in the head about the development of bioenergy and its rationality.

Treatment with hands has been based since ancient times on quite understandable material phenomena. It is also very important that bioenergetic healing is not a way of revenge, a negative impact on health, quick earnings. The healer must set himself up for honesty and a lofty feeling of love for humanity.

In the development of his abilities, he must show steadfastness and obstinacy. He should not be irritable, because negative feelings pump out energy. It is necessary to accumulate peace, kindness, balance. To do this, you can relax in nature, sometimes give in to fun, give a break to the mind.

Know how to relax

We are talking about relieving tension from the muscular system, because the blocks in the body do not allow energy to replenish their reserves. Muscle restraint may even be subconscious, but it always leads to fatigue and nervous strain. Therefore, the healer must feel his muscles, control them, focusing on different parts of the body and diverting negative energy flows from them with the help of thought.

Most of all, tension accumulates in the upper half of the body and in the limbs, so you need to pay enough attention to them before a session of bioenergetic diagnostics and treatment. Muscle relaxation is excellently facilitated by sipping, holding the breath, resting in a supine position, thinking not about the material world, but about the Universe and time.

Concentrate your attention

Bioenergetic treatment with hands is based on focusing the desire and thoughts of a specialist in relation to a particular object. Therefore, it is so important to be able to concentrate at any moment, even with an abundance of other thoughts and feelings and the influence of external stimuli. You can train in holding attention on individual actions, reflections, material objects, parts of the body. But such practice should not be a struggle with the mind, because everything should go without tension and discomfort.

A concentration session can be carried out sitting on a chair, in a lotus position, in an oriental way, even lying down. The main thing is that the muscles are relaxed. It is most convenient to practice in the evening and early morning, from 30 seconds to 30 minutes.

It is better to start from the outside world, for example, you can consider individual objects or natural phenomena. Then you should move on to keeping your attention on specific chakras. It is easiest to concentrate on the tip of the nose or bridge of the nose.

Develop your imagination

After a relaxed state is reached, you can move on to mastering the skills of spatial visualization. You should start with a simple contemplation of any object, which after a while will have to be interrupted by closing the eyelids. One must first contemplate a thing continuously, and then with pauses.

When both techniques are mastered, you can mentally call up the image of the object. The internal picture should be accurate and distinct, and over time - bright, colorful. Another exercise of this type is called a videoscope. It is necessary to imprint in memory a couple of separate objects, and then hide one in the other, creating an overlay in your thoughts.

Some experts also advise focusing attention between the eyebrows, presenting images of white, crusts, grass, yolks with an internal gaze for 1-10 minutes. Then you can move on to gustatory and tactile imaginary aspects.

It is also useful to imagine whole natural pictures, feeling like a participant in what is happening to the fullest.

Practice meditation

The process of meditation combines a deep focus on abstract ideas and free reflection, which leads to a change in consciousness. However, such a relaxing practice should not be made sluggish and sleepy, you just need to move your eyes around yourself and not dwell on anything. There is no need to control your actions.

Meditation is necessary for the healer to include him in the general energy-information field of the planet, in which you can select the necessary data about the state of human health.

Energy storage

The human body absorbs energy constantly, using the processes of digestion and respiration for this. However, such volumes of energy support only the functioning of the main systems, this is not enough to resist an unfavorable factor, and even more so, to drain strength for the sake of another person. Therefore, healers try to carry out various exercises to increase their energy potential.

As bioenergetics teaches, treatment with hands is impossible without volitional efforts. Therefore, even at the stage of energy accumulation, it is necessary to imagine the activation of one's own organism in great detail and vividly. It is useful to visualize that energy permeates the body, spreads over it, envelops it in the form of rays, waterfalls, rain.

A novice specialist should not be engaged in the accumulation of energy for a long time, since overload provokes a decline in health and a bad mood. It is better to approach the energy images gradually, not forgetting small workouts every day.

The results will not be long in coming, and the addition of vitality will have a beneficial effect on well-being.

However, it is important to remember that you do not need to worsen the process of accumulating power with your emotions. It is necessary to mentally give orders in complete calmness, and then simply imagine how it all happens. A passionate desire to receive energy is unlikely to bear fruit. Experts advise accumulating energy through the following exercises:

  • Thoughts about your own gift and its importance, combined with abdominal breathing, before or after meals in the morning.
  • Breath control by inhaling and exhaling one nostril with a delay.
  • Hermes gymnastics is a set of cosmic energy through strength training, the essence of which is a series of muscle tension and relaxation with rhythmic breathing.

Any exercises should be done gradually, preparing for them in advance. Filling with energy is recommended to be combined with the transition to a healthy diet and various forms of physical activity.

Hand exercises

Physical experiments within the framework of bioenergy training come down to working with the palms. Since it is the hands that the specialist uses in the diagnosis and treatment of the biofield, it is necessary that all energy channels be open there. Between the palms themselves, there must also be a stable flow of energy. The hands should be the most sensitive part of the healer's body, because they work like natural dowsers.

Hand training allows you to develop the skill of redirecting the flow of energy, but at the same time they increase the likelihood of taking over the signal of the disease on yourself, because the hand becomes a device for transmitting and receiving signals.

It is believed that the smaller the palm, the easier it is to control incoming flows.

We can say that there are only 6 basic exercises, and only 2 of them are devoted to the palms, and not to the fingers.

Most specialists prefer to use the right hand as an active one, i.e. giving, and the left - as a receiver, as a screen. This means that the right palm is charged with a plus, and the second with a minus. The active hand needs to be trained more. Diagnosis of all diseases is carried out with the index, middle and ring fingers, but this is, as bioenergetics teaches, treatment with hands.

Reviews about the work of a healer directly depend on how sensitively he can feel subtle matters. Therefore, the palms themselves need to be developed to determine the boundaries of the energy shell and establish an indicator of pressure in the arteries.

Hands in the framework of training carry out circular movements, taking into account the following features:

  • One palm is motionless at the moment of gestures of the second palm.
  • Movements are always made in a clockwise direction.
  • As the sensitivity of the skin increases, you can increase the distance between the hands up to their full swing.
  • The hands are spread as part of the exercise with an oscillatory movement, making two gestures forward and one back, and then brought together. Losing the bioenergetic contact between the palms is undesirable.
  • First, train one hand, then move on to the second.
  • The exercise can be accompanied by visualization of the movement of flows and concentration on your sensations in the hands and fingertips.
  • The speed of movement of the hands and rotation of the fingers is small at first, but when the hands acquire a high level of sensitivity, it increases.
  • Training is carried out every day in the first 2 months, giving them 1-1.5 hours. Then you can take to the exercises and 30 minutes a day. You can do fractional classes, doing 3-5 minutes every hour.
  • Classes must be carried out during breaks in healing activities.

What kind of training should be done?

You can twist the nail phalanges of one hand over the fingers of the second palm in turn, and also make oscillatory movements with your fingers. The movements of the active fingers can also be spiral or pendulum. Oscillatory movements of the forearms are useful for slow dilution and convergence of the palms. You can also unfold the brushes, visualizing that a ball is sandwiched between them, which is thrown from hand to hand.

Varieties of bioenergetic treatment

In addition to the classic individual direct contact of the healer's palms with the object, there are several more options for diagnosing diseases and eliminating ailments through energy.


Group bioenergetic sessions are considered to be the most effective, if only all healers are familiar and have trained together before. Every healer must be firmly convinced in action. The patient sits in the center of a circle of specialists, who are placed in an hourly circle according to their age.

A leader of the session should be identified, who gives the rest of the installation on the type and degree of impact, and also gives a signal to start work. He also takes care of the patient. After work, all healers wash their hands in cool water.

Breath healing

This method came from India, and the energy of the active hand in it is the energy of exhalation. The master uses hot breathing, which warms the diseased area of ​​the patient's body through cotton fabric. Inhalation is carried out through the nose. You can also slowly breathe through the half-open mouth onto the body directly, keeping a distance of 2-3 cm.

With any technique, a hand with a negative charge is located on the back side of the sore spot.

With the help of this treatment, you can restore the health of the joints, as well as get rid of the inflammatory process in the body. Some of the healers also use cold breathing from a distance of 30 cm to calm the patient, relieve fatigue in his body.

Healing through objects

As you know, inanimate objects can carry an energy program with a different charge, which affects the health and life of an individual. Indirect treatment is convenient when the patient is remote or if the severity of the disease is severe, when working with a group, it can also be used in addition to direct sessions.

In order to charge something with his energy, the healer must prepare his hands as part of the training, tune in to the patient through his mental phantom or photograph, and then put a clear healing program into the information carrier.

Most often, the life force of the hands is charged with water, which has a large supply of memory.

This liquid should be drunk twice a day for many months or at least weeks.

Also very popular is the positive charge of paper, food, cosmetics.

Eye treatment

In this case, we are talking about the movement of an energy flow due to a visual volitional order. Not all healers know this technique, it requires special knowledge and a large energy potential. A specialist directs a concentrated gaze at a diseased organ or at the general biofield of a person; rare masters can look into the eyes without entering a hypnotic state.

This technique is dangerous, because an incorrect assessment of well-being and incorrect actions can change the patient's consciousness, cause long-term mental shifts.

It is better to use eye treatment as an additional practice, imagining how the gaze projects bioenergy rays onto the sore spot.

remote work

Strong healers can transmit positive energy at a distance only through the effort of thoughts. This is convenient when removing the patient or the need for instant exposure. It is important that the patient is ready for treatment and knows when it starts. Then the specialist enters into mental contact with the person, imagining his external image.

You can also treat by phone, calling the ethereal double of the client in front of you.

Sometimes healers imagine that the energy goes through invisible information channels, leaving with each exhalation of the healer. Remote sessions for diagnosing ailments are carried out for 4-6 minutes.

Photo treatment

Any snapshot or portrait saves current information about a person's condition. Bioenergetic diagnostics by photo is also carried out with the help of the palms, but the frame should be as large as possible.

More complex treatment methods involve creating an image of a patient based on a photograph or conditional revival of a picture, creating a three-dimensional copy of a person with a continuous look. In fact, this is the materialization of the image, which strengthens the connection with the client.

How dangerous is it to treat with bioenergetics with hands

Beginning healers sometimes seek to help their patient too much, interfering with personal attitudes and emotions in independent energy exchange. Therefore, it is so important at the very start of your work with the biofield to master the methodology of internal protection. It is necessary so that there are no side effects after interaction with the patient. Otherwise, treating a person becomes unsafe for oneself, because the disease can be transferred to one's own energy system.

The power flow of the healer really undergoes serious transformations, when it passes through the painful area of ​​the individual, it loses pressure and changes in a qualitative way. Therefore, he needs to be helped by protective manipulations.

Why can a disease pass from a client to a doctor? Until now, healers do not have a single answer to this question, but many of them believe that there must be some kind of predisposition.

There are also opinions that the transition of the disease is due to a low level of internal immunity or improper work of a person with evil intentions.

In any case, you should secure your biofield and adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not reduce your own energy potential below the established limit in one session.
  • Practice no more than 30 minutes a day. Do not take more than 3 people in one day.
  • Receive the disease signal only with the fingertips of the active hand, minimizing the energetically active surface of the skin.
  • At the beginning of your healing career, do not directly touch your naked body with your hands, but only act remotely and locally.
  • Try to develop immunity to diseases on a psychological level.
  • Reset the received signal during the session.
  • Wash your hands with running water after treatment, even above the receiving point. If there is no water, it is necessary to clean the receiving palm with a gesture of the active hand, and vice versa. You can remove sticky energy with the help of sand.

If the healer needs to activate the inner protection, he can literally wrap his hands around himself in a spiral from the bottom up into an energy cocoon, moving clockwise with joined palms. You can also visualize yourself on a metal disk and under a metal glass (or cylinder), since metals are good at reflecting negative energy flows. Affirmative affirmations are also useful, during the reading of which the arms are stretched in the castle.

Hand and bioenergy treatments are trustworthy due to their long history and positive recommendations. This technique can be safely combined with treatment within the framework of official medicine, as well as with the practice of massage. The main thing is to always remember that the key to the success of this technique lies in complete confidence in success.

Most who wish to have healing powers do not, but no one will doubt that there are others with whom it is just the opposite. Due to what a healer can really help people, you can answer in a variety of ways. Many things, at first glance fantastic, may be accompanied by quite understandable elements that act on us. Moreover, this action may not necessarily be expressed directly. they can affect our mind, which programs itself for treatment. Most importantly, healing abilities, no matter what anyone says, exist and they can be safely classified based on the most pragmatic views on life. I can vouch for this myself.

Suggestion in healing plays a key role, which allows even a charlatan not only to influence your wallet, but also your disease. When you create all the necessary conditions that meet your ideas about folk or mystical healing, then you automatically fall under the influence of suggestion. In fact, everything else can only be the final and not the main touches. For this reason, people with a well-trained and deep voice, which works well on our inner urges, have the greatest success. Most clients can be programmed with this voice. You come with the problem of obesity, and ritual actions are so actively shown to you, they are so insistently told that the problem is solved, that there is nothing left for you but to come home and feel great relief and lack of desire to eat. At least for a while. All these hand passes, herbs, spells in this case are just elements of a theatrical performance. The most interesting thing, but many who are confident in their abilities, are successful in their affairs only due to the effect of suggestion, without suspecting it.

Suggestion has a purely psychological effect, when a person can easily just stop paying attention to their own problems, as if they were gone, and can have a completely physical effect, as already noted. As the state of the body affects well-being, so well-being affects the state of the body. In almost all studies of medicines, a control group is always used, using pacifiers, that is, only external analogues of the drug, but essentially a neutral substance. They always have their effect on most diseases, albeit lagging behind the real drug. It is the task of the healer to create such a dummy, although in part this is already our own confidence in the result.

Expectation and faith in success determines an even greater role in the effectiveness of the healer. In fact, the actions of any good healer should be aimed at creating the client's confidence in success, which is the same suggestion. However, in this case, we are talking about your initial expectations. If they are strong and strong, then even elementary and even strange procedures without observing rituals will have a positive effect on you. In fact, the healer in this case acts as the detonator of your own beliefs. And so, you yourself were able to get rid of the problem.

Less common are real healers who heal precisely at the expense of their knowledge, and not anything else. Their knowledge may be passed down from someone else or developed or found on their own. This knowledge does not necessarily lie within the framework of the unknown, but often quite the opposite. Basically, they are based on the power of nature, and not folk remedies. If with a headache a person will be helped by the help of “bioenergetics” and a portion of spells, then in case of serious illnesses and especially injuries, healers are the ones who treat. No one doubts that they often do it no worse than official medicine. A big role in their correct actions is played by an intuitive sense of the laws of nature and man separately. They seem to see the basic principles and are based in action solely on them, even if they never knew the solution to a particular problem. If we evaluate the success of healers in comparison with the varieties of types of their approaches, then it is the “forest healers”, as they are also called, that have the greatest result.

Logical thinking plays an important role in the success of the reality of the healer. Even if he has real healing abilities or knowledge, the skill of the mind will always help to achieve the best result. After all, you need to understand that often a problem has not only an outlined form, but also a specific source of origin. In most cases, this source can be found out. Often only logic and careful questioning. It is not necessary to have some outstanding analytical knowledge. In most cases, it is enough just to look at things as an outsider and everything will become clear. For this reason, the client should always listen to what the healer says, especially if he gives the impression of a competent person.

Communication often comes to the fore. Many people can be hindered simply by the presence of an unspoken problem, the inability to receive sympathy and courtship in other places. Therefore, the very fact of good communication will act as an excellent psychological aid for believers in such non-traditional healing institutions. In this case, a person may intentionally not notice the absence of a real effect from the procedures. In his head, preconceived biased moments of attitude to the healer may arise not only as the owner of special abilities or knowledge, but also as a person.

If the above reasons for the efficiency of healers have a rather mundane basis, mainly taking place in the head of the client himself or the mind of the healer and his knowledge, then there are more inexplicable, but quite effective reasons for their successful impact on a person and his health. It is already much more difficult to approach them with an unbiased point of view, and even more pragmatic. Problems are added by a huge number of charlatans, who literally absorb something real from the visible horizons with their number.

Most healers believe that they have the ability to influence certain energy structures, which, however, cannot be detected and verified by science, which, in fact, is the problem. That is why any self-respecting healer without fail uses the term "energy-information" exchange.

Not obscure Chumak shares this opinion.

Alan Chumak - President of the Regional Public Foundation for the Promotion of Research on Social and Abnormal Phenomena; academician; one of the most famous psychics in Russia.

- Why medicine today does not treat a huge number of diseases? Is diabetes curable? No. Is asthma curable? No. I don't have enough fingers to count it all. And all because medicine does not know the cause. And the reason is always in violation of information. And information is the whole world. A person is an energy-information structure.

Academician Vlakhov gives the following approximate scheme of influence:

Alexander Vlakhov - Academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Natural Sciences.

- Here's the simplest example: you got angry at someone on the bus. You will not swear out loud, but mentally you must have cursed. And so it flew out of your field and began to fly in free space. And all these field structures are looking for a person who is in the same state in order to stick to his energy shell and feed.

He believes that we all feel, notice, write down, but in the subcortex and therefore we cannot express ourselves what we ourselves know and can do in this life.

But no one can give a clear definition of this information field. On the one hand, its nature is obvious to many, and even ways are given to contact and interact with it. On the other hand, no one can show its reality otherwise than by their own, often subjective experience, perhaps not related to the real surrounding reality. Unless the problem lies in the special nature of man, which still puts him above science due to the possible presence by nature of more senses and tools for interacting with the world than is believed.

It is possible that our knowledge is far from complete and people can really have something that can heal people in a completely unknown way. Healers very often use their hands in practice, explaining their performance in a variety of ways. But do you know that anyone can at home see on their hands something that no one has yet explained exactly?

Stretch your arms out in front of you against a flat, light background. Turn your palms so that they are facing you and the fingers are facing each other. First, move your index fingers closer to a distance of 1-2 cm and carefully peer into the gap between them. Do not keep your fingers in a static position, but rather move a little from side to side, sometimes even slightly changing the distance between them to a smaller and much larger one. If you are lucky, then from the first time, after a couple of minutes or more, you will see one oddity that haunts many. Between the fingers, with the right focus, you can see a certain distortion of space or even a small light glow, like a thick thread connecting the fingertips. Not only that, you will soon even be able to feel how this thread connects your fingers. There will be more further, again and again returning to this action, gradually you will begin to notice this unknown connection between all the fingers and, in general, between any parts of the hands that are close to each other. Personally, I was able to notice an unknown distortion at a distance of up to 10 cm.

Almost every person can see the distortion between the fingers. Usually, up to three five-minute attempts on different days are enough for this. Many see almost immediately.

Maybe it is this ray that is a small manifestation of the very one that controls its laws of the universe on a completely different level? Or maybe it's just an optical effect?

If a person was given by God to meet a healer, then this is not an accident, this is a sign of fate! The very acquaintance with a healer imposes much more responsibility on people than if they did not know anything and did not turn to a healer. When communicating with healers, people must strive for harmony, must keep purity within themselves, because with their field they either help the healer with whom they communicate, or destroy him. With their attitude to life, people should take care of healers, be their support, protection, they should correspond, radiate, multiply the Divine spark received from the healer and thereby contribute to the clarification of the world. Just such a support for healers is the creation of families, the birth of children in love. In this case, there is an energy exchange and strengthening of the healer's field. If people destroy the healer, then they become a vulnerable link in his field.

Given the above, not every person a healer can contact. There is an expression "not in the horse feed." On the one hand, healers want to help all people, but it is necessary to understand who has spiritual potential, and who should not be wasted energy or time. In addition, there are people in whom the dark forces have laid such powerful programs, working with which, healers can destroy themselves, so healers need to filter out people who may be nearby.

Filtering can be of a different nature, from refusing to receive or communicate to a change in the pay of the healer. Something else is noteworthy, namely, the adoption of this or that decision in relation to a particular person is regulated by the forces of light. They determine what to do, and the healer, as a guide, carries out their will.

Usually people are brought to the healer by light forces, angels. But in the fight against healers, the dark forces actively use the patients who come to them with a plea for help. Through such people, a program of confrontation is being implemented, the main goals of which are to shake people's faith in healers, and, if given the opportunity, to destroy them. As part of this goal, there are a lot of subtleties and tricks, here are some of them.

A person with a strong “essence” inside comes to the healer. It does not come so easily, it is driven by this "essence". During the session, the "essence" scans the healer's abilities, tries to take a sample of the energies that the healer works with and direct them into his own space for study. The man leaves. If this visit is not enough for the "essence", the person comes again or another patient comes, with a similar "essence" or even more sophisticated from the same space, and the healer's capabilities are scanned again. If this is enough, then the dark forces analyze the information received and, on its basis, develop a plan to neutralize the healer. Then inevitably comes the stage of confrontation between light and dark forces. This kind of fight happens regularly.

It often happens that "entities" at a distance read information from the healer and then send the patient to him, but having previously put into his consciousness the thought that he will not be helped. A person already comes with a great deal of skepticism and, as a rule, does not go through the necessary course to the end. Claims and dissatisfaction are growing, but what is even worse, disbelief is born at once to all healers.

Or, while at the reception, a person experiences severe irritation and begins to behave not only dismissively, but sometimes even aggressively. So the "entities" try to unbalance the healers. The person himself cannot explain his behavior. Sometimes, already from impotence to fight energetically, "essences" through a person try to influence physically. There is also a backlash when, through patients, "essences" tempt the healer, flattering him, praising and, as it were, bowing before his strength. A very dangerous moment. If the healer relaxes and at least for a moment believes in his unusualness, he will receive a devastating energy blow, the consequences of which can be extremely deplorable. At such moments, those patients who know about the existence of "essences" perfectly understand the origin of the suddenly manifested inappropriate behavior and try to fight, helping the healer. For those who do not have the slightest idea about the inhabitants of the invisible worlds, the healer will first have to clear their consciousness and only then talk about "essences".

Difficult situations arise where a person, understanding and, in general, believing in healers, is going to ask for help. Not infrequently, some kind of inner voice or just a persistent thought, generated by "essences", is manifested, causing doubt whether it is necessary to turn to a healer. If doubt intensifies, then quite quickly a person's consciousness is blocked. The person himself gives in, taking inner doubts for his own. Naturally, problems do not decrease, but accumulate. In such situations, a lot will depend on whether the time has come to turn to a healer, whether the person himself is ready, even despite his faith in healers. It is important to understand something else - a lot also depends on the patients themselves. If the patient himself continues to destroy himself, his energy field, then programs are triggered in which the divine world can no longer protect, the person himself blocks such help.

Another aspect. Formally, dark healers can heal people, but there are a number of differences, the hidden meaning of which may not be revealed to people. A negative program is laid in the people who come to the dark healers by the forces of evil, which at the first stages will make it possible to achieve a temporary improvement or even a significant shift in the state of health. But no more. Further, a person may not go to a dark healer, the programmed program will still work. And as soon as the deadline for the implementation of the pledged program comes in full, there are catastrophic consequences for the mental and physical health of a person, up to death. To recognize what kind of healer is in front of them, people will be able only through a developed worldview, as well as striving for light, then they will be attracted to bright healers. The principle that like attracts like is always relevant.

As you can imagine, there are many nuances. One thing is absolutely certain - it is extremely necessary for healers to listen to their worldview and feel people. If there is a feeling that at a given moment in time it is better not to accept a person (usually it manifests itself as some kind of stopper or heaviness), then you do not need to step over it. This means that you do not yet have all the necessary range of energies to work with this person, or maybe the space is not yet ready for the acceptance of the “essence”. In this case, it is better to delay the reception, otherwise it can be dangerous.

And the person who was not accepted can only wait for his turn to come. The choice is his, whether to wait for him or not. But as practice shows, the forces of light help in waiting and bring people to the healer again, but at a favorable time.

However, if a healer is chosen by a person, then God forbid you allow condemnation, claims and discontent! Otherwise, a mechanism is triggered when an energy boomerang is directed towards the negative source of thoughts, words, deeds. Dissatisfied will be punished in full! No one forced you to go to this or that healer, you chose yourself, therefore, the right of choice was yours. By the way, this is the essence of human freedom, when here, on Earth, God grants the right to choose literally in everything. What way, what line of behavior a person chooses, it does not matter, the responsibility for the result, whatever it may be, lies with the person himself. Therefore, there will be no one to blame. But there, in another life, no one represents any freedoms anymore, there you will have to strictly and impartially answer for all the baggage you have acquired.

Returning to the boomerang mechanism, I would like to note that it is absolutely universal, both in relation to light healers and dark ones. The difference is only in the speed of return of this boomerang to the unhappy one.

Control yourself, evolve, work on your extremely limited consciousness, grow spiritually, take care of your soul and body, climb the steps of knowing and understanding the invisible worlds.

based on materials from the book: Aleksanova I.N. - "Entities Among Us". Secrets of the invisible world.

Pasha Pashaevich Abbasov is a folk healer of Russia, has an officially approved certificate and work permit.

He lives in a small town in the Saratov region, conducts home visits, while still working on an ambulance. He has a very interesting version of why people get sick and what a disease is on a global scale.

- Let's start with official information. Do you advertise?

No, and never did. People learn about me from acquaintances who were my patients. This is the best advertising, as they say, first-hand. And there is more faith in such advertising than in the best booklets and stories on television. A healed person is the best advertisement for a doctor or healer.

- Are your services paid?

Before answering this question, I will start a little from afar. About how I became a healer. I'm a paramedic or paramedic by training. But I've always preferred the name paramedic. A paramedic is a person with a secondary medical education. He started his work in medicine on an ambulance, then got married, moved to Russia, settled in the Saratov region. Here, too, he worked for an ambulance, there were no problems with employment - there are few hunters to go to work for such ridiculous money and with such a crazy schedule. I still work for an ambulance, part-time.

And then, somewhere in my forties, I had a teacher. They say the teacher appears when the student is ready. And by that time I was almost ready. The fact is that my mother knew herbs very well, she knew how to treat with the help of stones and minerals. This skill is mainly transmitted through the female line, but she, as in a fairy tale, has three sons. Mom gave me the necessary knowledge, and when I became an adult, I tried to find some books, asked old people, in general, I wanted to know more.

And now here, near Saratov, I met a teacher. It was an ordinary Russian old man who created absolutely unique things. He taught me a lot, I respected him very much and even let go of his mustache and beard in his honor - he wore the same ones. So, he said: God gave you this gift, and taking money for it is a sin. Then your gift will be gone. Something will remain - knowledge, experience, skill, but that instinct that suddenly came to you - it will no longer exist. And in my work, the main thing is flair. I look at a person and somehow I know what hurts him and how to help him.

And often even herbs are not needed. But, my teacher later told me, you are a living person, you also need to eat, feed the children. Therefore, your work should be paid, because it is also work - both physical and spiritual. But not with money, but with products and services that your patients can provide you.

Those who recommend me immediately warn new potential patients so that after treatment they ask what I need, provided that I have my own farm, vegetables, eggs, lamb and chicken, I have my own. I say - I want sweets, "Snowball", for example, I love it very much, or cookies there, all sorts of yoghurts. Or, if some shoemaker comes to me, I ask you to put on heels. Now decide for yourself whether I have paid services or not.

- Why do not all healers adhere to the same principle?

I cannot answer this question. Here everyone decides for himself.

- They boldly take money, and rather big ones, and their gift does not disappear anywhere.

Are you sure it doesn't disappear? Try to go somewhere in the outback, to Siberia, for example. Find some real old witch there and try to give him money. I wonder what route you will take from him! And how many different words you will hear from him. I don't know... this is my personal opinion... but I think that healing should never be put on stream and advertised in the media. Especially taking money for it. It is not right. This breaks the subtle ties between people and nature. And when an ordinary doctor takes money from a patient, this is also wrong. Money should be taken for something that a person can do without, but he cannot do without health.

- But the doctor also needs to live and go to the store!

Nobody argues. I believe that the state should pay doctors, not patients. As it was in the USSR. But not in the same quantity as in the USSR.

- What is the purpose of your coming to Moscow now?

Healers, like people of other professions, have congresses, rallies, symposiums. Now in a town near Moscow there is a congress of healers from central Russia. We share experience, tell unique cases. This is a great opportunity to learn something new, buy books, even watch documentaries.

- Why is there no information about this congress in the media?

What for? We do not need the hype, and so the world goes a huge number of charlatans who pretend to be healers. If someone finds out that there is such a congress, wants to break through there by hook or by crook, then he will trump that I was at such and such a congress in such and such a city.

- Your Russian patients are not embarrassed that you are an Azerbaijani?

Those who are embarrassed will not come to me. But these are their problems, and I don’t treat this (laughs). Normal people should not be confused by nationality. And if you are embarrassed, this is an indicator that you just need to stay away from such a person. In my town, everyone knows that I am Azerbaijani, but this does not bother anyone, they call me Pal Palych in the Russian manner.

Can you tell us about the basic principles of your work? About those cases when, as you said, herbs are not needed.

Everything is very simple. Any disease is the result of a violation of the moral principles of a person. I don’t take accidents, although not everything is clear with them either - everything in this world is programmed, and if a person falls out of the blue and breaks his leg, or a car runs into him at low speed, and he turns out to be all broken - this makes wonder if he is right.

To put it more clearly, I’ll quote my teacher better: illness is not cruelty and not punishment, but only the way in which the Almighty points out our mistakes to us in order to keep us from even greater delusions and mistakes, to prevent us from doing even more harm to ourselves and others and return us to the path of goodness and light.

When a person comes to me who is not helped by either doctors or medicines, I begin to look first of all for the cause of his illness. Spiritual level, not physical. Where did he do something wrong in his life, where did he sin. And if this sin can be somehow corrected, and the person corrects it, then the disease goes away. And doctors begin to treat him, feed him with pills. Sometimes it helps, but still not completely.

There is a very wise parable on this topic: a very good doctor dies, having helped hundreds of people in his life, and God sends him to hell. Why? - the doctor is perplexed. And God explains: people get sick for their sins in order to realize their meaning, to return to the path of goodness and light, and you did not let them realize and understand this. Therefore, to hell.

- It turns out that a doctor who treats in the usual ways only causes harm?

On a global scale in terms of spirituality - yes. It gives only temporary relief to the body, because it cures the effects, not the disease. The disease is considered by such doctors, but above all by patients, as one of the greatest evils in this world and, therefore, the goal is to fight the disease, the disease is eradicated by all possible means. But if you eradicate one, another immediately pops up. And, as a rule, from the same series. And so it will be uninterrupted until a person learns to determine the cause of his illness in himself, in his actions, even in his thoughts.

- And if you can't find it yourself, you can help, right?

Only the person himself can change his thoughts, and, consequently, remove the cause of the disease. However, it does not follow from this that it is impossible to eliminate the consequences that have already appeared. And here I can help and help. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a set of procedures to restore the integrity of a person at the level of the spirit - these are thoughts, beliefs, a moral basis, the creative and creative activity of the soul, this is the attitude towards other people and the outside world, the body is physiological health, the energy balance of the body.

But we must keep in mind the most important thing: a healer can help if a person wants to get to the bottom of the truth, is ready to admit any true cause of his ailments, ready to admit a vice in himself, for example, pride, or anger, or cruelty. Most are unable to admit - even to themselves - that they are doing something wrong. "What do I need this for?!" - a woman recently ill with uterine cancer exclaimed pathetically, having stolen her husband from her neighbor, and not just like that, but with the help of a love spell. Or an elderly lady, who literally crushed her adult daughter with her difficult character, cannot understand why she has constant hypertensive crises.

And hypertension is a disease that mainly affects those who morally suppress the people around them with the strength of their character, uncompromising confidence in their rightness. And this lady will never admit that she is to blame, that she considers herself right always and in everything. And when I advised her to turn to herself and admit that she is far from the ultimate truth and there is no need to teach and teach everyone right and left, she said that she herself knows what and how to do and there is no need to teach her. Give me some weed, he says, and I'll be cured.

Won't heal! Weed won't help! Until he gets off his daughter, until he lets her live in her own way and breathe calmly, she will suffer from hypertension. Yes, I can give the sick weed, teach the prayers with which this weed should be brewed, but only on condition that the person, firstly, admits that he is doing something wrong, and secondly, wants to change his behavior.

Because even admitting your mistakes and unseemly actions is still half the battle, you still need to gain willpower or determination not to commit such actions anymore. Sometimes a disease is given not for sins, but for quite, in fact, normal behavior. For example, every day a person goes to a job he hates or to a hateful house to an unloved spouse or spouse.

And pays for it - varicose veins. Or thrombophlebitis - if he does his job, but with such a sediment in his soul and bad thoughts that it would be better not to do it at all. It is sometimes very difficult to change this state of affairs - well, there is no other job in his small town, and you cannot leave your unloved wife - there are children there, they are not to blame for anything.

- And what do you recommend then?

If a person is brave, easy-going, I say that he should change his place of residence, this will help him find a new job. This helps, by the way, from many diseases, not only from varicose veins. But if such a step is impossible, then weeds are already used. But their help is temporary and partial.

I'm warning you. But you know what I noticed? People always find a bunch of compelling reasons why they do not need to change their job, place of residence, take some serious steps to change their lifestyle. They are just afraid! They are afraid to break the established way of life, even a bad life, even if unsuccessful, with illnesses and problems, but well-established. They are afraid of the future. And fear is also a sin. Such people tell me that, apparently, my fate is such that I suffer. And this point of view is not original.

People at all times have asked themselves the question, what is the meaning of the disease, why does pain and suffering exist, and argued that this is fate. Or the other extreme - punishment from God. But God is kind, he does not punish! It only gives, as it were, a signal, and this signal is a symptom of the disease, which indicates in which area we have gone astray. The disease itself shows us what step to take in our own evolution. Each symptom of the disease is a special message that should be known, accepted, and based on it, build a new life - for further treatment and spiritual development.

- Why are doctors who are trained in medical institutes not given this knowledge? They are obvious!

Because we have long forgotten how to perceive a person, his life, actions and all the signs of his life - including diseases - as a whole. Even if we do not take the spiritual component of all diseases, but assume that cirrhosis of the liver is just a consequence of alcohol abuse and the result of malnutrition. What happens in this case? The patient is given a pill to relieve the symptoms. The reason remains untouched.

Yes, the patient is forbidden to drink, but that's all! Other reasons are not affected! And the reason for cirrhosis (except for drinking) is that a person is angry and annoyed, has completely forgotten how to have fun, while being hypocritical and pretending that he is happy and having fun.

Will this pill help? So it turns out that taking pills as a panacea, having such an approach to medicine, doctors are not taught the meaning of the disease, and ignorance of the meaning of the disease has existed since religious figures (and in all faiths) deliberately divided, I would even say - split religion and healing, abandoning a holistic view of the origin of suffering. Instead, they divided suffering into physical and mental, taking these people even further away from the holistic concept of illness.

Orthodox doctors have forgotten that our body, and indeed our whole life, is nothing but an accurate reflection of our spiritual situation. And then a very simple law comes into force - like attracts like. This means that we, in an external visible form - in our body and our life - attract to ourselves what corresponds to our consciousness or subconsciousness.

- They also say that if we are afraid of something, this, as a rule, happens to us.

Yes, this is another aspect of the manifestation of this law. We ourselves give birth to the so-called diseases. The body, like everything else in our lives, is nothing but a direct reflection of our beliefs. And our body always communicates with us, trying to convey something to us. If only we could listen to him! Every cell of the body reacts to our every thought and every word.

The image of thought and words determine the behavior of the body. For me personally, the undoubted fact is that all things and events form an internal unity and thus are in an invisible, but very strong connection. And each symptom - mental, intellectual or physical - is an accurate indicator of where we are in the path of life at the moment, what we must learn or what we must come to terms with. And in this light, illness is nothing more than an offer and a chance to evolve to understand the meaning of illness, understand its meaning and see what we lack for our wholeness and holiness.

Do not like pathetic words? Then for cleanliness. And to understand what this or that symptom means, in general, is not so difficult. It is enough to ask oneself: "What does this symptom force me to do? In what and where does it prevent me from living? Under what circumstances did it appear or appear?" Correctly answer - get cured. And in no case should one reject the disease, be angry with it, scold it. Thank God for sending you sickness - it's a red traffic light! And do not blame the unfortunate viruses - they are not to blame for your illness!

- Do you want to reject the virus theory?

Do you think I'm an idiot? Of course, viral infections exist precisely "thanks" to viruses. But viruses are the same red color of God's traffic light. If there were no viruses, He would have come up with something else.

But if a person falls ill, say, with a common cold, then what does this mean? He could just catch a cold while waiting for the bus, or catch someone else's contagious sneeze on the same bus.

Quite right. But the one who rode next to him in this bus and froze in the same way, while waiting for him, did not get sick, but this one got sick. Immunity is weak - you say. Yes, weak. And why? What weakened him? We need to find the true meaning. For example, a sore throat has a very simple and at the same time wise meaning: a person is simply tired, he needs a stop, a respite. But you can’t give up on your illness, like it’s just a runny nose, it will go away on its own. If you do not pay attention to it, any disease can worsen.

And if at first it was just a mild disorder, to which you did not pay attention and did not think about the cause of it, i.e. continued to misbehave in the same way, then after a while a mild disorder will reach a serious one and will flow into inflammation. You may develop diseases ending in -itis: sinusitis, arthritis, otitis media. Such "Itovskie" illnesses are a persistent proposal to understand something, to realize. And if you do not take them seriously, then it will come to chronic suffering associated with metabolism - diseases ending in -oz: atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, tuberculosis, arthrosis.

After that, it comes to incurable processes, such as cancer, etc. And if even after such a signal a person does not change his life, then death occurs - from this illness or accident, which is designated as karma, i.e. fate. If we take into account this knowledge that our ancestors possessed and that has come down to us, then we will be able to get rid of the causes of diseases, and not fight their consequences.

- Can you list the causes of the most common diseases, or is it a secret?

What is this secret? I'll list it with pleasure. The cause of coronary heart disease, for example, is a long, joyless existence. A person may understand that his life is not good, but he is looking for a way out not in changing his attitude to life, but in receiving emanations from those around him through spiritual vampirism. In a word, the man is an egoist. If selfishness begins to go off scale, an acquired heart disease appears.

- And if congenital?

This disease is due to karmic egoism, as a punishment for the sins of the ancestors. Myocardial infarction - retribution for the accumulation of negative feelings to their overabundance. A stroke is a strong nervous strain associated with an attempt to solve clearly unsolvable problems. If you suffer from angina pectoris, blame yourself for the lack of vitality in relationships with someone.

If paroxysmal tachycardia, ventricular arrhythmia - then say thank you for your rudeness and incontinence. If you are tormented by stabbing, aching pains in the heart or behind the sternum, this means that you are tormented by conscience for some kind of indifference in relations with loved ones, for a disregard for them, which you yourself may not have noticed, but your soul noticed. What is hypertension, I have already said.

And hypotension is a retribution for energy weakness. A person cannot influence others because of weak energy, he does not have what is called charm, charisma. And yet you want to influence, and he starts screaming, he can hit, especially a weak child. Then he may even burst into tears because of the realization that he still did not achieve the goal.

A person suffers from an aortic aneurysm because he deceives himself, wishful thinking. Various thrombosis and vascular obstruction - due to unwillingness to recognize reality and constant stiffness from the expectation of trouble. Bronchial asthma occurs most often due to the inability to express oneself in creativity. A person seems to be suffocating from the influence of the people around him or self-restraint that limits his will. In the end, it really suffocates.

A very similar cause in acute bronchitis - a person suffers due to a ban on any type of activity. He wants to achieve something, but circumstances - objective - do not allow. It is in these cases that the healer must help - both by alleviating the consequences and eliminating the cause. Because a person is most often not to blame for these diseases - this is how life has developed.

Pneumonia occurs due to the long accumulation of negative emotions. It is worse with tuberculosis: it is the result of a concentration of lack of spirituality; people who have fallen spiritually are often ill with it. Why do you think there are so many tuberculosis patients in prisons? Because of poor sanitation? Then why don't doctors and other staff there get infected?

Emphysema occurs due to a squeamish attitude towards certain people, towards their spiritual development. This is when a person considers himself better than others, clearly shows his own egocentrism. Cardiopulmonary failure occurs when there is no freedom to love someone or something. A person either limits himself for some reason, or those around him limit him. And man becomes a slave to circumstances.

With such diseases, everything is clear. And such a common disease as inflammation of the appendix? It also happens in early childhood.

Early childhood is karmic. And in middle age, retribution for collecting vile, corrupting thoughts during one's life. Hemorrhagic diathesis also has a similar cause. A person has collected all the family "dirt" - moral, ethical. But if a person not only collected all the karmic "dirt" and drags it through his life, but also accumulates new "dirt" already in this life, then he thus destroys his defense system and suffers from inflammation of the lymph nodes. Chronic hepatitis and all related diseases - from anger at people, especially those with whom you do not want to deal, but have to.

Chronic pancreatitis is the result of character traits that flatter this person, he feels unsurpassed, rejoices in material values. At the same time, he is angry at those who do not notice his merits, most often imaginary.

And it is possible a question "for pull"? Me and my fellow journalists suffer from cervical osteochondrosis. Isn't it because we spend half our lives in front of a computer?

And it is you who carry "on your neck" problems that you do not want to part with for many years. Reconsider your life, it may very well be that you are carrying other people's problems, you have an exaggerated sense of duty. And if you have lumbar osteochondrosis, then you are also loading yourself excessively, and also with an unnecessary burden. Yes, you can now tell me that osteochondrosis is from a sedentary lifestyle, from inactivity, from tension in the joints, which are in a forced position for many hours.

This is all true, and yet this all does not contradict what I say, because a sedentary lifestyle is, as it were, external causes of the disease, bodily, and they also signal: you, a person, are making a mistake, get up from your chair, move. And internal reasons are a signal not to take on other people's problems and measure the load. Or scoliosis. Seems like bad posture. But also from the imbalance of emotions. A very interesting reason for osteochondrosis in the coccygeal-sacral region. A person has financial problems, luck has turned away from him in everything related to money, plus he is also sloppy in money matters.

The qualities that a healer possesses in addition to unusual abilities are patience, good nature, mercy, attentiveness, responsiveness to someone else's grief, the ability to empathize, determination, sincerity instead of greed.

Healer- a person who is not only distinguished by certain character traits and possesses special knowledge, this is a person of high spirituality.

Such people are characterized by a high degree of sensitivity (sensitivity), they are able to see, hear and feel what others do not hear or see.

Hand treatment has existed since ancient times, the most famous healers are Jesus Christ, Holy Matrona, Vanga. In the 21st century, hand treatment began to be called Bioenergetics.

Treatment with hands sometimes works wonders, because all healings are healing with energies, cleansing from internal negativity and removing the negative influences of other people. We are talking about a negative - energy-informational impact - the evil eye and damage, removing breakdowns in the biofield, that is, eliminating the leakage of bioenergy, saturating and pumping the organs with energy, aligning the biofield, clearing the chakras, restoring the patient's energy, charging water, and so on.

A healer is someone who can inspire faith. The tongue pronounces words for human ears, but the Soul will hear only the Soul that speaks to it.

Jesus Christ.

Message to Healers.

All people are brothers and sons of God. The possibility of appeasement is also in your hands. Healers! Invest in the healed the foundations of spirituality, give him a future, do not forget about him, do not leave one walking in the desert in a world of temptations and mirages. If not you, then others will take you away, make you a destroyer of your own life, the lives of other peoples, nations, states. Those who, in their recklessness, in a frenzy of greatness, will blow up the Earth, taking away from it the best - Nature and Humanity.

From the apostolic service of God to the healer came the ability to heal, but this gift should be increased in order to heal, and not cripple one's soul with wealth, robbing the orphans, the poor, the poor, suffering in longing for God.

Treat the poor for free, those who only have money for money, and donate the wealth you receive to the improvement of the nature of a person’s spiritual life. Healers! be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Healers, help your brothers and sisters who are on the road to God, but avoid others. My true followers will equal me in their deeds, some will even surpass me.

Jesus Christ.

About diseases, Jesus Christ said that God sends all human ailments as a punishment, therefore, in order to get rid of them, first of all, you need to understand yourself.

Disease— a signal of trouble in life and a visible proof of the violation of the Laws of Existence, established by the Creator from the beginning.

Harmony is health. Discord is a disease.

Deteriorating health and ailments are clear signals that a person is going in the wrong direction.

We treat diseases as catastrophes, we try to be treated to eliminate them, while diseases are a warning given to us about our mistakes in salvation. Illness and suffering are a necessary condition for the perfection of our Soul.

Understanding the causes of one's suffering and illness is the main condition for purification and recovery. This is a lesson that is given for the man himself to overcome his vices and shortcomings.

The suffering of the Soul and Spirit is the shortest way to God.

The ability to heal suffering is nothing but a spiritual gift. When treating with hands, the healer restores the deficit of vital energy and, as a result, to the disease. The healer, eliminating the cause of the disease, thereby removes the disease itself. While traditional medicine treats the consequences of the disease, and not its cause, using mainly chemical effects or surgery for treatment.

Chemistry affects the entire body, and the effect of such treatment is only short-term as long as the drug works. In addition, all medicines have side effects, and getting rid of one disease can easily lead to a new disease. Therefore, treatment by hands of the underlying causes of the disease, and not its external manifestations and consequences, is more effective. However, the result depends on the professional qualities of the healer.

Any person can determine the ability of a healer. Usually the patient feels warmth emanating from the hands of the healer, or tingling, cold, “buzzing” on the skin, or clearly experiences other sensations in the body.

The level of the healer is also indicated by his reputation. It happens that a healer is approached with a disease of extreme severity, when the healer can no longer help the patient, a true healer will not charge for the lack of results.

Important! The results of treatment may be different, but a complete healing of a person is possible only after he himself changes his worldview and attitude towards God.

There are many diseases, and the degree of their neglect is individual, which requires certain forces, energy and time from the healer.

As for the payment for treatment, everything here is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the situation. Why? Because it is impossible to evaluate the health and life of a person in money. Health and money are incommensurable. And what is wealth worth if there is no health - the second basis for happiness? The healer must also soberly assess his abilities, and if he understands that he cannot cure, he is obliged to honestly say about it and refuse treatment.

For a healer who heals with his hands, it is important that the energy received is absorbed from the outside, because the healer acts as a conductor, and not an emitter of his own energy. Transferring one's own energy is a dangerous practice, as it can lead to loss of health.

In addition to knowledge about treatment, you need to have a high level of energy, because it is the energy capabilities that determine the healer. It is necessary to manage energy, and this is available only to a small number of people.

High Spirituality(the ability to generate high energies with your Spirit, such as the energy of Love) — the main condition of a true healer.

Unusual abilities of the healer are not placed by special knowledge and moral and volitional qualities. But still the main thing is high Spirituality.

It rarely happens that all the qualities described above are concentrated in one person. And this explains why there are only a small number of good healers.

There are few real healers today. Time has shown that healing people is not an easy task, and often simply ungrateful. But real healers continue to heal.

As in any business, experience and practice matter here, because in order to cure a patient, you must first find the cause of the disease, understand what caused the disease: stress or feelings, or negative thinking.

For example, the heart suffers from malice, and the stomach from constant anxiety, the kidneys from fear, the liver from anger. Strong emotional experiences that you experienced years ago can manifest themselves in the form of pain over time and turn into an illness.

Strong resentment, grief for the departed, unbearable longing or all-consuming anger can lead to cancer.

In his activity, the healer faces a problem — people do not like to work with the Soul and do not engage in their Spiritual development. They do not want to change the character traits that caused the disease. As a result, the disease can come back and the effect of the treatment will be only temporary.

All illnesses are the result of sins that cannot be forgiven. They must be redeemed by beginning to act in accordance with the laws of Nature. Illness and suffering are the exact proof that a person has not developed the ability to bring his condition, his life into harmony with the outside world.

All the diseases and suffering that people endure make you think and realize yourself, your actions and the reasons that led to ailments. The main reason for the deterioration of health is the rejection or ignorance of the laws of the Spiritual World, which, like ignorance of criminal laws, does not exempt from punishment.

Sickness and pain can have one cause. The very word "Pain" in Greek means punishment.

But many decide to dump their problems on the healer, not wanting to change, change their thinking, lifestyle and outlook on themselves. Such people would rather die than change their lives.

But there are other causes of the disease - the negative impact of one person on another in order to harm health. Scientists have only recently recognized such phenomena as damage, evil eye, curse, and so on. All of them received a common name - negative-energy-informational impact. Such negative impacts lead to illness and even death. And traditional medicine in these cases will not help!

The ultimate healer is God, having felt the Love of God on himself and in himself, a person will be able to become a healer for himself, because a spark kindles a flame.

The healer is only a conductor of vital energy, and that is God's will, without his will the healer would not be able to heal and would not be endowed with unusual abilities. For God said: "What is good and good in you is from me, and what is bad in you is from Satan." And this is true - we either let God into our hearts, or listen to the instigations of the devil.