The shell is an elegant hairstyle for all times. DIY French Shell Hairstyle

I remember with pleasure how my mother did this hairstyle for me as a child before a massive school trip to the theater or other event.

I’m sure some of you have certainly tried to do this for one occasion or another. If not, then today I will show you how to do it shell hairstyle with your own hands.

The shell hairstyle is very easy to do. Depending on some of its nuances, it can be both casual and ceremonial.

To make it clear to you what kind of hairstyle this is, here are a few photo with shell hairstyle:

How to do a shell hairstyle?

You'll need:

  • massage comb or brush for
  • small comb for creating backcomb
  • several studs
  • invisible
  • fixing varnish
  • a crab or a hairpin so that our curls do not interfere with the process of creating the shell

First, you need to comb your hair along the entire length to get rid of knots and tangles. Then you need to take the top layer of hair on the front of your head and secure it with a crab, since we won’t be working with it for now, and it didn’t bother us.

The lower part must be combed and twisted, gradually increasing the upward twist, and secured with hairpins. If it’s not clear, you can see a more demonstrative example of how to do a shell hairstyle in the video below.

Then the upper part of the hair, which we secured, must be combed, smoothed the top layer of the comb and carefully gathered back. This end of the comb must be secured to the shell with pins. All that is left over can be removed with the help of invisible ones.

Fix with hairspray, voila, the shell hairstyle is ready! Here's a photo I found of a simple technique for creating a seashell:

Or you can do this:

With bangs, you can also vary based on its length. You can backcomb it along with the curls, or you can lay it on its side, or part it as you prefer.

In the next article, I will show you how you can make a shell hairstyle along with a braid. A very interesting composition is expected, so subscribe to site updates below.

As promised, a video on how to do a shell hairstyle, in two versions. The first and second differ in technology, choose the option that you like best:

France is a country of weightless romance, sparkling wines and fragrant croissants. The French also know a lot about fashion and sophisticated hairstyles. French braid, French cascade, French twist - it would seem that we can no longer imagine ourselves without these incredible coiffures. Here we will talk about the last of those named, which is considered an indispensable attribute of sophisticated chic - the French twist, or, as people say, "". Ah, Paris, Paris...

The shell hairstyle is the weapon of a sophisticated beauty!

The shell, which exposes the neck, accentuates the posture, creating an aura of graceful and delicate nature. This is probably why, trying to impress others, the choice of many ladies at social events, private parties and wedding celebrations, or simply important meetings, falls on the French twist.

The shell is ideal for girls with both long and medium hair, because... the hairstyle also provides for this length of curls. But straight hair is considered an indispensable condition. A shell hairstyle is unlikely to work on curly strands - unruly curls will not allow you to wrap your hair in a twist.

The shell is not difficult to perform, but you still need to practice styling your hair the day before an important event.

So to speak, “get your hands on it.”

How to do a shell hairstyle?

To make creating a French twist as hassle-free as possible, follow these guidelines:

Little tricks:

Shell hairstyle variations:

Shell on wavy hair

Whatever one may say, girls with curly hair also do a twist, thereby embodying a truly French style: sweet carelessness and naturalness, as a standard of beauty. Wavy hair does not need to be straightened and applied with mousse and hairspray; stylists recommend deliberately abandoning these techniques in order to maintain the sloppiness of the hair with hairs sticking out of it. The shell hairstyle should be voluminous, then the image will be airy and light.

Double French bun

An alternative to the French twist is... a double French twist! And it looks unusual - two shells twisted towards each other, it seems as if they were made in a mirror image.

As you understand, creating a double French twist follows the same pattern as a simple shell. But still with some difference: two strands twisted opposite each other are secured together, and more pins will be needed here, because the hairstyle turns out even more fragile.

Informal shell

Armed with an unconventional imagination and bold dreams, you can recreate a unique look that can turn the head of the most eccentric hairstyle master. It all depends on your taste, but you can create the hair shown in the photo: create maxi-volume on top using a tight backcomb, make tight strands of small strands on the sides. To complete your hairstyle, wrap your curls in a tight shell and, voila! - the image of a hipster from another planet in your pocket!

An informal shell, as a rule, is a rather complex hairstyle, and you can’t do it without outside help: one pair of hands is good, but two are better. Yes, and more convenient.

French twist in Pin-up style

The shell is another classic, and here it is expressed in a fashionable version “a la dude”. You can give this quite ordinary hairstyle a vintage feel by creating a shell on the side. But - attention - it should be twisted very freely, in soft waves. Complete the pin-up shell with a bouffant and bangs styled high. Do not forget to fix the result with hairspray, otherwise, at the first whiff of the breeze, the hairstyle will fall apart into curls.

Another Pin-up style hairstyle based on the French twist.

Wedding shell

For this case, we have prepared the most sophisticated version of the French twist - a shell with curls. Unfortunately, it will only be relevant for girls with long hair.

This hairstyle is quite easy to do. First we make the usual shell, but place the ends of the hair outside on top. Then we create a masterpiece from this very hair: at our discretion, we “draw” patterns from small strands made up of loose curls. We secure each of them with hairpins.

Rest assured, you look great in this hairstyle!

The shell hairstyle (or French bun) is one that is considered one of the timeless classics. It looks elegant, sophisticated and helps hide hair imperfections such as thinness, sparseness and fragility. The shell is well suited for both long hair and medium length hair – shoulder length.

There are many variations on the elegant French bun. Over time and under the influence of fashion, several varieties of this have appeared - it has become more complicated and modified, but the classic version still remains the most famous and easiest to perform.

Photo 1 - All variations of the shell hairstyle require sleight of hand

It is also worth noting that any of the variations on the shell theme requires the accuracy and dexterity of the hands of its performer, as well as straight or straightened hair.

Classics always remain in fashion, however, over time, the shell of the classic version has changed its status from a hairstyle performed as an evening hairstyle to an everyday simple and at the same time stylish, comfortable, which, in turn, quickly won the hearts of strict but elegant teachers, scientists and accounting workers.

Many women wonder how to do a shell hairstyle themselves.

This styling is very suitable for young ladies with an oval-shaped face. However, if your face shape is round, then you can complement the classic shell with neatly styled straight bangs.

In order to style your hair in a shell hairstyle, you need to have on hand:

  • Iron (if you have thick wavy hair)
  • Hair brush
  • Comb with a sharp end
  • Invisible or stiletto heels
  • Mousse or strong hold
  • A little mousse should be applied to thoroughly combed hair for fixation;
  • If you have bangs, fix and style them the way you want - a classic shell, in most cases it looks great when the hair is pulled away from the face;
  • When styling, the hair is constantly combed - strands that have strayed from the total mass must be immediately fixed with bobby pins or mousse;
  • Without securing with rubber bands, gather the hair at the back of your head into a ponytail and twist it into a braid;
  • Fold the resulting strand into a loop; the remaining tip of the hair must be hidden in the resulting shell;
  • Secure your hair with bobby pins and hairspray.

To perform more complex and interesting options for styling a shell bun, it is worth mastering the classic, basic version, which, although not difficult to perform, requires accuracy and certain skills.

Shell hairstyle in 1 minute

The shorter the hair length, the more difficult it is to create an elegant French bun. However, oddly enough, on medium-length hair it is easier to get the hang of doing a simple version of the classic shell.

Photo 2 - Shell hairstyle can be done in a minute

With practice, you can learn how to do a neat hairstyle in no more than one minute, which is very useful if you are in a hurry to work or an important meeting.

  • As in the classic shell version, the hair is carefully combed and fixed with a styling product;
  • Throwing the tail to one side, it is carefully twisted into something like a shell;
  • The remaining tip is hidden inside the styling, and the shell itself is secured with bobby pins and varnish.

It is necessary to constantly ensure that small strands do not get out of the hairstyle during the process of creating it, then the elegant business look will last until the evening.

A quick version of the shell can be made in another way:

  • Gather hair at the back of the head into a ponytail and secure with an elastic band;
  • Slightly lift the hair, creating a “pocket”;
  • Wrap the tail, hiding it in this “pocket”, straighten it and secure it with hairpins. If desired, diversify with hairpins, thin braids and curled strands.

By alternating these two methods, you can create beautiful images for every working day without spending a lot of time.

It shows how to quickly and easily do a shell hairstyle.

Shell hairstyle for the holidays

Because of its sophistication and convenience, the shell was very fond of stars - socialite divas, actresses and singers. And if at your celebration you want to feel like a Hollywood celebrity (no less), then this hairstyle is for you.

The French bun is a very variable hairstyle; despite its apparent complexity, it is perfect not only for the office and business routine. By doing it right and adding a bit of imagination, you can create a gorgeous, luxurious or even playful one for holidays, parties or big celebrations.

Photo 3 - For a festive look, you can curl your hair

To create a more festive, evening look, you can not only not straighten it, but also, on the contrary, wrap it around a curling iron or curlers, giving them a slightly careless look. The strands that escape from such a bun should be slightly disheveled.

For theme parties or masquerade balls, variations such as double classic twist (Pin-up style hairstyles) and fantasy shells (an example is Princess Leia from the cult saga “Star Wars”) are suitable.

The first option looks light and playful - it is created according to the classical scheme with only one difference. Two strands of equal volume are twisted opposite each other. Thus, you get two shells, tightly adjacent to one another.

Option two looks a little more strict, but no less attractive. In fact, it’s all the same long hair gathered into a ponytail and twisted into plaits, secured with bobby pins, but how much of a sensation such a simple hairstyle created in its time!

It is the festive version of the shell that should be done in the salon, even if your hand is already full of doing the daily version of the hairstyle.

After all, it is the specialist hairdressers who will give your hair a perfectly straight look, or add extra detail to your hairstyle by lightly combing it, or twist the hair, placed in a shell, into fancy plaits. In addition, they will secure your hair with professional products and decorate it.

The average cost of a salon shell varies depending on the region and level of the establishment, and it also depends on the complexity of the design and the number of additional details - hairpins, jewelry, rhinestones and other accessories. A simple wedding hairstyle based on a French knot costs from 1500-2000 rubles. However, in more elite salons, the price for this styling can reach 3000–4000 rubles.

That is why the most profitable option is the one that will be described in the next paragraph. With the right amount of desire and frequent training, you can learn to create masterpieces from your own hair in a matter of minutes.

Shell hairstyle for yourself

Not every young lady can afford to go to a beauty salon or hairdresser before an important event. The reasons for this can be completely different - from lack of time to the banal lack of necessary funds. But this is not a problem for those who have gotten the hang of making a classic shell on their own hair and are ready to give it a special, solemn look.

Photo 4 – An off-shoulder hairstyle makes the look more elegant

It is worth noting that any high hairstyle, including a French bun, leaves the shoulders and neck open, emphasizing the beauty of correct posture and making its wearer more sophisticated and graceful. This is what we should build on.

If the classic version is too boring and simple for you, using its principle as a basis, you can create new masterpieces.

Why not dilute the classics with a playful one, especially since this styling looks quite festive!

To diversify the braided shell hairstyle you need:

  • Take a strand of hair above your left ear and, dividing it into three equal parts, weave a one-sided French braid, capturing exclusively the upper strands;
  • Weave to the back of the head and continue to weave, tightening it a little less tightly, weave to the very end in a downward direction, and secure at the end;
  • Under the first braid, a second braid is woven, exactly the same; it should follow the curves of the first braid and collect all the remaining ones;
  • Afterwards, a shell is formed from these two braids, secured with pins and strong-hold varnish.

Creating a beautiful updo hairstyle at home cannot be limited by anything other than a flight of fancy.

How to decorate a shell hairstyle?

Using additional accessories, you can turn the most ordinary shell into a real work of art, worthy of crowning the head of the main star of the evening.

Photo 5 - Any means are used for decoration

In order to give your hairstyle a special, unique look, you can use anything - hairpins and brooches, rhinestones, pins, ribbons, tiaras and stones.

A win-win, sophisticated and most recognizable version of a decorated shell is Audrey Hepburn’s hairstyle from the beloved movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” Decorate your high hair with a small neat tiara made of precious stones, rhinestones or, a more modern, fashionable option - artificial flowers.

Flowers in hairstyles, by the way, should be chosen wisely. Carrying around a dying plant is not the most pleasant thing. From what you can take into service: spray rose, orchid, chrysanthemum and gerbera, but it is better to refuse live irises and tulips right away.

Combs of various sizes and shapes, decorated with the same rhinestones and stones, as well as beads, flowers and feathers, will add a special charm to any high hairstyle and serve as an additional means of fixation.

A neat little pillbox hat with a small veil or veil that matches the look will add a piquant touch to the look. You can also purchase or make your own small hat-clip, which, if appropriate, can be easily attached to your hair without fear of spoiling your neat hairstyle.

Shell hairstyle is a hairstyle option that suits almost everyone and is an example of classics and grace. The advantages of this hairstyle include the fact that it is easy to do yourself.

In contact with

Perhaps it is quite difficult to come up with a more elegant hairstyle that would be known for its simplicity and sophistication.

“Shell” has held the first position in its femininity for many, many years. This luxurious and eye-catching hairstyle is loved by women all over the world.

Why did this hairstyle get such a name? The fact is that if you carefully examine the “curl” of the hairstyle, it is easy to guess that its shape resembles a sea shell.

A lot of attention is paid to creating a “Shell” hairstyle for long hair. Of course, given the length of the hair, there is a lot to work with. What should those ladies do, whose hair can be classified as medium length and choosing a hairstyle for them is a little more difficult? Let's start getting acquainted with creation techniques, step by step.

“Shell” hairstyle: creating a sophisticated look

In any case, you need to take into account that it is easiest to create a “Shell” hairstyle for medium hair if it is first wound with a curling iron or curlers. Use styling mousse to give your hair some rigidity, volume and make it more manageable.

The main auxiliary materials for securing the hairstyle are bobby pins and hairpins. Then, the “Shell” can be decorated with simple or sophisticated accessories, which will distinguish it favorably from the hairstyles of your friends, if, for example, it is a wedding, and all the “friends” are dressed and hairstyled the same way.

“Shells” can be varied - with bangs, without them, with strands on the sides, with a curl at the back and top of the head, with a tail. It all depends on your mood and desire. Come up with the best image for yourself and create the option that you like.

The simplest hairstyle - “Shell” for medium hair (photo) - backcombing on straight hair

Wash your hair with a suitable shampoo. Dry them. If you decide to exclude the use of a curling iron to create curls and want to do a hairstyle for straight hair, then be sure to use volumizing mousse to dry your hair. This indispensable assistant will make your efforts easier.

Comb your hair along its entire length to make it appear fuller.

- Divide your hair into your usual parting.

-Put one side of your hair smoothly back. Try not to comb the hair, but rather run the comb over it.

— Attach the laid out strand with bobby pins so that they securely fix the hair on the back of the head.

— We also lay the hair on the opposite side in an even strand and, twisting the edge, form a shell.

— Secure your hair with hairpins, hiding them in your hair. To be safe, spray with varnish.

In the case of this hairstyle, the bangs can be any or even absent. The hairstyle is suitable as an office option. The main thing is to choose a little time to create it.

We draw out the contour of the face with a “Shell” hairstyle for medium hair (photo)

The previous hairstyle for medium hair can be diversified by creating additional volume on the crown of the head.

This hairstyle is perfect for women with round, square and trapezoidal face shapes. The hairstyle visually elongates the contour of the face and creates the perfect image.

We carry out all the steps according to the previous photo and step-by-step description. The only point is the formation of a volumetric crown:

— Separate the thick bangs or part of the hair above the forehead;

— Create root volume. It is best done with a small, wide-toothed comb;

— Take the resulting voluminous strand back;

- Pin with bobby pins to the back of the head.

All other stages are as in the previous photo.

Complete your hairstyle with an elegant elongated bow-clip, which will help hide “errors” and hairpins.

This hairstyle can be diversified by adding one or more headbands (ribbons) so that its styling creates a “Greek” effect. Looking at the photo, you can easily understand how best to secure the elastic hoops and add a special twist to this option.

“Shell” step by step for medium hair cut with a ladder (“Cascade”)

Does your haircut have uneven ends because it's shaped to add extra fullness? Great! These “subtleties” of your everyday look can be transformed into “innovations” using the “Shell” hairstyle.

Pay attention to the photo. And visually imagine that you need to beautifully shape your hair, adding small curls to it. So:

- Wash your hair. Dry it with a hairdryer and styling product - mousse;

- Separate all the short hair that forms the cap on the crown of the head;

- For longer hair, comb it smoothly and pull it back, forming a shell curl. The edge of the hair can be pulled up;

— Secure the lower part of the shell with hairpins (you can use hairpins with decorative elements);

— We finely wind the crown part of the hair and those that came out of the shell onto a curling iron;

— By distributing the curls, we form a single beautiful image;

— Add decorative elements to your hair and get admiring glances from others.

In French: creating a “Shell” for medium hair (photo)

The French “Shell”, in its original version, is not much different from other hairstyles. Its main advantage is simplicity and classic sophistication. This hairstyle is different in that it is created on hair of medium and low density or on straight hair. Although, if you don’t want to “lose” your natural curls and straighten them with an “iron,” do it on curls. The result will be no less charming.

- Comb your cleanly washed and dried hair, smoothing it on the sides of the hair, as if “licking” it.

- If desired, this hairstyle can be supplemented with a couple of strands released from the frontal or temporal part of the hair.

- Pull one section of hair back. Secure at the base of the neck with long bobby pins. A couple of pieces are enough if your hair is not very thick.

— Bring the edge of the tourniquet upward.

— Gradually secure your hair from the bottom to the top with hairpins.

— Hide the final edge of the hair under the “Shell” itself or in the crown of the hair.

- Attach bobby pins.

Long ponytails in the “Shell” hairstyle for medium hair (photo)

Summarizing the variety of hairstyles and their creation, it should be noted that the “Shell” hairstyle can have options with tails that are not tucked into the “roller” itself.

In this case, when forming the hairstyle itself, its ends are pulled up or down.

The main curl of the “Shell” is attached to the head with bobby pins and hairpins, and the loose hair that forms the ponytail can simply fall along the neck or be curled and have tight curls or light waves. An unconditional addition will be holiday hairpins, if necessary.

You may want to decorate your hair with fresh flowers, which will look especially delicate.

Whichever hairstyle you choose, one thing is clear - it is not at all boring and can add some elegance to your young age, and sophistication to your mature age.

Most girls associate the French shell with Soviet-era hairstyles, and few people know that in fact its homeland is France. Despite the fact that this method of creating a beam appeared a long time ago, it does not lose its relevance in our time. In addition, this hairstyle can be varied, has several variations and looks different depending on the situation.

The French shell hairstyle can be done for any length except short and is suitable for absolutely all girls, regardless of the type of haircut and whether the hair is naturally straight or wavy.

Curls arranged in this way emphasize the beautiful curves of the neck and add lightness and elegance to the image. Every girl can twist such a “snail” on her own, and to make it easier, there is an algorithm for the necessary actions that will ensure the desired result.

To make a French shell bun, you first need to prepare the items that you may need to create it:

  • comb;
  • a comb with frequently spaced small teeth and a handle with a pointed end;
  • styling and fixing products;
  • hairpins and bobby pins;
  • accessories for evening styling.

To understand the principle of creating a French shell, watch the video.

Before you start shaping the bun, you need to dry and comb your hair well. It is necessary to decide in advance on the type of hairstyle and prepare the necessary accessories so that they are “at hand”.

Classic French Shell hairstyle

To make a classic version of the French shell with your own hands, all you need to do is learn how to make a spiral out of hair and put it in a bun.

Apply your usual styling product to your hair and comb it well.

Secure the shell well with pins and bobby pins, and then fix everything with varnish.

To have an idea of ​​what a French shell looks like, see the photo.

The classic version of this hairstyle looks discreet, elegant and somewhat formal, especially if done on straight hair. This styling emphasizes the beauty and well-groomed hair and adds charm and French charm to the image.

Smooth, shiny hair perfectly styled in a shell can't help but attract attention.

French Shell Hairstyle for Curly Hair

How to make a French shell for owners of beautiful curls that they got from birth? It is necessary to follow the same algorithm, but with some amendments.

When twisting your hair into a spiral, the tip of the ponytail does not have to be hidden under the bun; it can be left hanging in beautiful curls.

When forming a rope of curls, it is not necessary to wrap them too tightly. A loose “snail” on natural curls looks playful and playful.

To make a light, careless shell look more harmonious, you can let out a few strands near your face.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a French Shell hairstyle

To create a loop version of the bun, follow the step-by-step instructions for creating a French shell hairstyle with a loop. It looks original, interesting and will complement both an everyday office look and an evening look. It all depends on the chosen hair accessories.

Well-combed curls are gathered into a ponytail with your hands at the desired height in the occipital region.

The hair is then wrapped around the index and middle fingers.

Turn the resulting loop counterclockwise again.

Holding the loop with your fingers, you should continue the rotational movements, twisting the rest of the curls.

Then the ends are disguised as a “snail”, and the loop remains on top.

Secure everything with hairpins and wear a hairpin as decoration.

Festive version of the French Shell hairstyle

How to make a stylish French shell for yourself, see below. The principle of its creation is a little reminiscent of the classic version, but the end result is a more festive version of this hairstyle.

It is necessary to collect the hair on the top of the head, backcomb it and temporarily pin it with bobby pins.

The remaining hair is carefully combed with a brush, slightly tucked to the left, and secured with bobby pins.

Now the curls are wrapped in a spiral so that the “shell” is located higher and secured with hairpins.

The remaining ends are not hidden anywhere, but are laid in a loose “spiral” on top, clamped with bobby pins and everything is well sprayed with varnish.

Beautiful hairstyle "French bun-shell" with a tiara

The French shell bun hairstyle with a tiara looks very beautiful. It can be done for any special event, be it a wedding or graduation. It is based on the same classic version of this bun, complemented by modern stylish “tricks”, and in combination with an elegant tiara, the hairstyle takes on a royal look.

How to make a French shell hairstyle in a festive style, look at the algorithm below and practice.

To create such a shell, the hair must be perfectly smooth and well dried. Divide the hair into four parts and use bobby pins to create a base for the “snail” on the bottom.

Form a not very tight tourniquet, hide the ends under it, and secure with hairpins. Comb the part of the hair that is located above the “shell”.

Now you need to carefully lay it on top of the bun and attach it with bobby pins.

We take a strand from the left side and lay it so that it wraps around the “snail”. To make it lie tighter, we fix it on the back side with hairpins. At this stage, you need to spray your hair with hairspray.

Attach the right strand to the “snail” too, wrapping the ends of both with rings and securing with bobby pins.

All that remains is to wear a tiara or add other chic accessories.

For more French shell hairstyle options, see the photo.