How to cut a square. Bob caret: photo of hairstyles with bangs. The study of the external-occipital zone

Bob haircut its types and technology.

At all times, a bob haircut does not go out of fashion, since its types are very diverse: "Classic caret", "Elongation caret", "Graduated caret", "Square on the leg". In this article, we will consider a bob haircut, its types and, of course, the execution technology.

  • Classic caret. Recommended for girls with a rectangular face shape. In styling, create volume on the sides with rounded lines towards the face and volume in the parietal zone. Also suitable for a triangular oval face and oval.

Execution technology:

2. We start the haircut from the lower occipital zone, separate the strand of hair with a horizontal parting, determine the length and make a border with a straight cut, this will turn out to be a control strand. Remember the CP will be 20-25 ml shorter than the resulting haircut length. The haircut is done on wet hair, do not forget that when drying, the length will become shorter by 0.5-1 cm.

3. Separate the next strand with a horizontal parting and comb it to the CP (control strand), the angle of the pull is 0 degrees, make a straight cut using the graduation method directed inward, the length of the strand is 1-2 ml longer than the previous strand. In this technique, continue to cut to the frontal parietal parting. Observing the same angle of bracing, we cut the entire occipital area using the “Strand to strand” method.

4. Now you can move on to cutting the parietal and temporal zones. In the temporal zone, we separate the strand and cut it to the length of the occipital zone, adding a square line. Using the strand by strand method, we cut the entire section of hair to the upper vertical parting, in the same technique we cut the other side of the hair. Observe the length of the hair on both sides of the face, cutting the strands of hair alternately.

5. Make a bang at the request of the client. Check the symmetry of the haircut: 1. stand facing the model and comb out the hair lying to the right and left of the vertical parting that separates the parietal zone, forward, compare their length (it should be the same); 2. Combing hair in different directions, you need to ensure that there are no sharp changes in hair length.

6. For a more rounded silhouette, you can profile the length vertically.

2.Caret for lengthening. A square with a diagonal forward can be on a leg, the difference is only in the length of the hair. It differs from the “Classic bob” by edging (the horseshoe of the lower occipital zone turns into a diagonal forward on the temporal zones) and partings along which the haircut is performed.

Execution technology:

1. The lower occipital zone is twisted into a tourniquet strictly in the center in the occipital zone and cut off.

2. We cut the temporal and parietal zones. By analogy with the classic bob technology, only the strands are cut diagonally, the length of the hair lengthens towards the face.

3. Graduated caret. big The advantage of this haircut is that it allows you to vary the length of the hair, emphasizing or hiding some of the nuances of appearance. A graduated caret can be made elongated, torn, and more strict. You can also play with bangs.

Many women today cut their hair in a bob or bob, because they suit everyone. For such a haircut, it is easy to do styling at home, and maintain an excellent look of hair in everyday life. Owners of a square will be interested in how you can add variety to an ordinary or festive look.

Features of styling bob and square

A characteristic feature for such hairstyles is a clear outline of all contours. They can be short, or fall below the ear. For the first time, classic haircut options appeared in ancient times. Fashionistas have always preferred this style, because it is quite practical for lovers of short and medium haircuts. Today, different types of bob are known: asymmetric, straight, with elongated or curly strands. Many women experiment, alternating different styling methods, and give advice on what kind of styling can be done on a square.

How to make styling on a square?

It is necessary to prepare for the upcoming styling and take care of the condition of the hair. It is better not to style weak and damaged hair with a hairdryer, but to carry out restorative procedures and make masks. Healthy hair will need to be washed, or simply moistened with warm water. Next, you should gently blot them with a towel without rubbing your hair, because active movements can harm the vulnerable structure. You can walk around with a towel or dry your hair a little with a hairdryer. After that, apply your favorite styling product.

To style your hair, you will need to use a gel, mousse, spray or wax. Everyone chooses their own remedy, depending on their characteristics and the desired effect. The hair takes shape during the drying process, so you will need to create an image with a hair dryer, comb or brush. Additionally, you can use different brooches to secure the strands, or other hair accessories.

It is necessary to distinguish between two types of basic laying of a caret:
The tips are bent inward;
The ends of the hair are straightened out.

Bob hair styling at home on a parting

You can quickly and beautifully style a haircut with a straight parting. This hairstyle is recommended for girls with clear and regular faces. A straight parting embodies elegance and style. To make an even parting, you will need to show patience and a little perfectionism, because it must be neat and be perfectly in the middle of the head. To do this styling, you will need to use a hair dryer, brush and hairpins. The strands need to be gradually fixed with clamps and dried. To betray the volume, you can slightly raise the hair near the roots. The use of special tools will only simplify the task.

Bob side parting

Side parting hairstyle suits everyone. It will perfectly hide the natural asymmetry of the face, refresh the look and create a unique style. It looks especially interesting if part of the hair is stabbed behind the ear. You can experiment with side parting, for example, curl parts of your hair in different ways. You can create a hairstyle for a side parting in the same way as a straight one, however, it would be appropriate to use an iron here. Even a perfectly even hairstyle with such a parting looks fresh and attractive. With the help of styling products, it will be possible to fix the hairstyle so that the hair retains its appearance longer.

You can create an interesting hairstyle if you make a zigzag parting. For a woman with sparse hair, such a parting will be a real salvation, because it increases volume and density. To do this styling, you need to comb wet hair to one side, then dry the strand and shift it to the other side. Similarly, strand by strand can be expanded in different directions. You can make a neat zigzag parting using the end of the comb. You can fix the result with styling tools.

Laying a caret at home - corrugation

Using tongs for corrugation will achieve a beautiful effect and large volume. Thanks to a special nozzle for creating waves, you can give your hair an amazing texture. Making such waves on a square will turn out very easily and quickly. In addition to styling products, you must use a heat-protective gel. You will get an excellent styling on a square of a photo with a volume that can be achieved due to corrugation or curls.

Curls - styling caret at home video

Beautiful and romantic curls can be made for an everyday look or an evening out. The curls will last a long time and will not damage the hair if you make them on curlers or hairpins. First you need to apply a special styling mousse. In order for the hairstyle to look as expected, it is necessary to carefully choose the curlers. From their diameter depends on what the curls will be. After drying your hair well with a hairdryer, you can fix the styling for a long time. Another way to make curls is to use a curling iron or hair dryer attachments.

Light beam on the square

Simple styling for a bob haircut is a stylish bun. To make a bun, you need to have long enough hair. A small bunch of squares will look funny. To make such a bun, you need to collect the hair in a ponytail and fix it with an elastic band. The usual styling products are also used. Using a comb, you can comb the ponytail and twist it around the base of the ponytail. You can fix the bundle with hairpins and varnish. If you do not comb your hair and collect it tightly, you get a classic bun that you can go anywhere with.

Romantic disheveled bob

It is easy to style your hair in the style of a casual natural hairstyle. On damp hair, you will need to apply a special mousse evenly. Next, the hair is dried, separating the strands. It will be even easier if you use a hair dryer with a nozzle. The finished styling can be fixed with the usual means.

Hairstyle for a long bob

If the bob haircut has already grown a little, you can choose a new styling. It is required to properly care for the hair, because the square looks best on healthy hair. To make styling on such hair, you need to comb it and style it with a hairdryer. The longer the hair, the more difficult it is to style, so you will need to use new products.

Laying on a short square photo

A short square can be laid very quickly. If you use mousse and dry your hair, you will get a great hairstyle in a matter of minutes. It is necessary to guide the strands with a brush and fix the result with varnish. Similarly, the styling of a bob with bangs is done, the photo of which will help you choose the best option.

Bob caret with sharp or smooth contours at home

For perfectly smooth hair, you can do straight styling with sharp contours. Such a decision will betray the image of a strict and elegant look. Use a smoothing gel and flat iron. For lovers of freer forms, you can perform a free and soft styling with a little carelessness. This style of styling is great for most women. Apply styling products to damp hair and blow-dry with a round brush, then fix with hairspray.

Bob with pointed ends

Hairstyle with bent tips will refresh the everyday look. The hair is blow-dried as usual, but the ends are brushed outward. The finished hairstyle is fixed with wax or varnish.

Bob bob with back styling

You can style your hair, directing the hair from the roots back. Wash your hair and dry it with a towel. Next, use brushing to dry each strand in the desired direction. If you make a small bouffant at the top, the image will turn out in retro style.

high bob

On wet hair, distribute a soft foam for volume. Next, the strands must be wound on curlers and dried. The styled hair is collected high in a hairstyle, leaving a couple of strands near the face.

Bob hairstyles with do-it-yourself accessories

You can add variety to any styling with the help of brooches and other accessories. All kinds of ribbons, hairpins, headbands and other decorations are used.

For a bob haircut, you can come up with many different hairstyles. Various styling options are available for implementation at home in a short time.

If you think that it is impossible to make short haircuts on yourself, then look at our instructions on how to make a bob for yourself.

The shorter the hair, the more difficult it is to cut it evenly without resorting to outside help. But using special tools, you can make a bob or short bob haircut in one cut. To make your own bob this way, you'll need a clipper with a level and a clipper. The machine can be replaced with scissors, but it will be quite difficult to make a straight cut with them, since you will need to cut off all the ends at a time.

The hair cutting level can be bought from the well-known Chinese marketplace Aliexpress. The cost of such an accessory is from 60 to 250 rubles, and they differ in the length of the clip (there are short ones, only for cutting bangs) and in shape (straight and slightly curved, for cutting the ends in a semicircle). To make the square itself, you need to choose a long straight clamp, and it is not even necessary that it has an indicator showing the horizontal level, since you will not see it anyway.

How to make a square for yourself - step by step instructions with a photo:

Wash your hair first and comb it well. Practice gathering your hair into a low ponytail at the back of your head, securing it with a hair clip. Under the clip, the entire hair should be collected completely (with the exception of the bangs), if the hair is too short and the individual strands do not reach the clip, it will not work to cut the bob using this technology. In our photo, the haircut is done on an already regrown square, almost shoulder-length. When you manage to collect all the hair under the clip, you can start cutting. By the way, our new bob will be slightly different from the old classic haircut - we will make the front strands longer.

The tail must be formed as low as possible and exactly in the center of the head.

After you have closed the lock on the level, you need to pull the side strands out of it a little. To do this, hold the clip in a horizontal position with one hand, and slightly squeeze the side strands with the other hand. This must be done so that the hair framing the face is slightly longer than the hair at the back of the head. If you need a short bob, then leave the level at the base of the tail, for a longer haircut, the level needs to be moved through the hair to the desired length, but it must always remain in a horizontal position and in the center of the head.

Having determined the desired length, hold the clip with one hand, and take the clipper with the other and cut off all the ends coming out of the clip. Drive the machine touching the level to make an even cut.

Before removing the clip, check that all the hair coming out of the clip has been cut off. If something is left, then once again run the machine along the clamp.

Immediately after you remove the clip, the hairstyle may seem sloppy, it seems that the ends stick out in different directions and the cut line is not even.

But it is enough to take an iron and straighten the tips clamped earlier and the caret will take on a well-groomed look.

We do not urge you to do your own haircuts and refuse the services of hairdressers, but if you have a desire to become your own hairdresser, then you can try to do it!

An elongated bob with bangs is a popular haircut among women. It should be performed on straight hair of medium length. We offer you to get acquainted with fashionable haircuts, variations of an elongated bob and bob with bangs.

Elongated bob with bangs and arched edging

Haircut is recommended for straight, heavy and obedient shoulder-length hair. The main feature of the hairstyle is that short strands should remain on the back of the head, which will add volume to the hair, with smooth contour lines. The elongation of the caret goes to the face, which makes the girl's face romantic and neat. The bangs are made oblique.

Elongated caret with oblique bangs and edging - execution scheme

How to get a haircut:

Wash hair, comb, leave slightly damp. Divide the head into zones using a thin comb. At the request of the client, a side parting is left from ear to ear. Collect strands in all zones, fasten them with hairpins or twist them into bundles.

Elongated bob with arched edging and oblique bangs

An elongated bob with bangs starts from the back of the head. On an arcuate parting in the back of the head, pick up a strand and cut it, leaving a length of 1 cm. The control strand (KP) will be the first.
Comb out the rest of the hair from the occipital left side on the CP and cut it to the same length. In the same way, make a haircut of the right occipital zone.

Haircut is done on medium length hair. Behind should remain the effect of "voluminous occiput"

Comb the curls according to hair growth, make a fringing.
Cut the curls of the left and right sides at the back of the head with thinning scissors.
Next, a haircut is made on the parietal zone on the right and left sides. Zones need to be highlighted with an arcuate parting so that each next strand lengthens.
Trim the frontal area. At the edge of the hairline, a strand is selected and combed out to hair growth.

An elongated bob with oblique bangs is easy to perform on a bob haircut

The strands on the temporal zone are sheared in the same way as on the frontal. The strands are cut alternately with each lengthening by 2 mm.
Having determined the exact line of the side parting, a unifying haircut is made. Curls on the temporal zone are combed out onto the frontal zone and cut at the level of the frontal strands with an elongation of 3 mm.

It looks like a variant of an elongated caret with straight bangs and no bangs

Determine the location of the arcuate parting at the highest point of the head. A curl is highlighted and combed out on strands to the back of the head with an elongation of 3 mm. Strand by strand, taking them with arched partings, the strands are cut in the frontal zone with an elongation of 4 mm for each subsequent strand.

See how to properly style an elongated bob with bangs:

Check haircut can be combed in different directions. Thinning scissors make adjustments to the curls.
An elongated bob with bangs can be fixed with hairspray or gel. It is important to add volume to the occipital area.

An elongated bob with bangs - a variant of the Bob haircut

To perform a bob haircut with lengthening and bangs, filigree precision of movements is required. Wash before cutting, but do not dry. The head is divided by parting into 4 equal zones. The haircut starts at the back of the head.

Bob-car option with lengthening and short bangs

The left side unfolds, a KP 8 mm long is taken along the diagonal side, the rest of the curls are stabbed near the ear. The CP is combed and cut parallel to the parting line. Do the same on the right side. Next, the hair is loosened at the back of the head, one central strand is taken, pulled to a 90-degree angle, and cut at a 45-degree angle.

Jennifer Aniston long bob

At the back of the head, the hair is cut vertically. The next step is the transition to the back of the head. On the central vertical parting, a strand is taken at an angle of 90 degrees from the head, and cut at the same angle. The length of the KP is longer than all the other curls that are on the lower occipital zone. The rest of the hair is cut with an extension to the face. The curl above the ear remains the longest. On the temple area, a straight parting is made near the ear, and a haircut is made with the strand pulled back.

The parietal zone must be treated last. It is divided into two sections using a vertical parting. A haircut is made, moving from short curls to long ones, so that the elongation falls on the central part. Curls are pulled in a perpendicular direction to the hairline.

The finishing touches of the haircut are thinning with serrated scissors and combing the strands. After the haircut, the desired length of hair should remain. The bangs are made asymmetrically, it starts on the temporal zone and ends at the cheekbone line. Bangs can be extended at will.

Bob-caret for elongation with oblique bangs

We offer you to get acquainted with all the options for bob haircuts - from classic to asymmetrical models for different hair lengths.

How to make a bob haircut with lengthening and bangs, video:

How to style a caret at home no worse than a professional hairdresser? How to try on different looks without spending any time or extra money on it? How to look fresh, attractive and stylish, even if you only had 15 minutes for your morning styling? Not so difficult. You will need a couple of combs, a blow dryer, a little practice, a lot of desire and some interesting ideas. We will definitely provide you with ideas!

Unfading charm of a square

Years go by, tastes change, and the popularity of haircuts, once - in the distant 20s - won the hearts of fashionistas, is not waning. And this is not surprising, because the square not only looks great on the heads of most women, it is easily transformed depending on the mood and goals of its mistress. Just a few strokes of a comb can turn the owner of the coveted haircut from a business woman into a mischievous girl; a curling iron and a hairdryer in a matter of minutes will create the image of a romantic young lady waiting for her prince; a flat iron will bring a self-confident and independent film star onto the stage ...
Whatever the main idea of ​​​​your image, a skillfully styled haircut will emphasize it and present it in the most favorable light. That is why the question of how to beautifully lay a square at home will not lose its relevance for a long time.

The history of the famous haircut began a long time ago

But in order for the hair to submit to the iron and the brush, you will have to do preparatory work with them:

  • wash with warm water, carefully removing the remnants of styling products and sebum from the lock;
  • blot well with a thick towel and disassemble with your hands;
  • comb slightly damp curls, schematically outlining the shape from which you will later sculpt your flawless styling.

Do not neglect the preparatory stage. Not a single hairstyle will look on stale hair, even if we are talking about a short square on a leg. And it is absolutely impossible to effectively lay an elongated square on an unwashed head - both at home and in the most expensive salon.

5 Easy Styling Styles and Lots of Variations

First of all, equip your workplace. You will need:

  • large mirror;
  • good lighting;
  • round hair brush;
  • comb with rare teeth;
  • different-sized curlers;
  • hair dryer with adjustable power;
  • styling products - varnish, mousse, wax and other indispensable helpers designed to securely fix the styling.

In some cases, an iron may come in handy.

For classic styling, an iron is needed

1. Faster, even faster!

How to style a bob haircut at home, if the time for getting ready is running out, your loved one coughs meaningfully at the door, and you still have a complete mess on your head?

1. Apply to clean, barely damp curls foam or spray, giving the hair volume. You need to do this in the direction from the roots to the tips.

2. Run your fingers all over the head, "crumpling" and "whipping" the hairstyle.

3. Lean forward and dry your hair with a hair dryer set to maximum heat. At the same time, try to direct the air stream to the roots, and slightly pull the hair up with a round comb.

4. With the same comb, twist the ends of the strands to the face, and then use your hands to give the hairstyle its final shape.

5. Spray the finished styling with varnish.

It doesn't take long to look great.

Video: Luxurious volume without foam and mousse

How to lay a square at home using only a hairdryer and two combs? A connoisseur of beauty secrets will tell about this in his video Beauty Ksu:

2. Curls

...Or airy curls, depending on what size curler you choose.

1. Treat damp hair with mousse or foam to add volume.

2. Divide them into separate strands and wind each one into curlers.

3. Dry the future curls with a hairdryer by switching it to hot air mode.

4. Carefully loosen the curls and shape the hairstyle with your hands.

5. Use hairspray.

Curls especially go to owners of an elongated caret

It is even easier to create a spectacular corrugation. Separate the washed, dried and heat-treated hair into strands and hold each in a flat iron with a special ribbed nozzle for a few seconds. Spread the resulting beauty with your fingers and varnish.

Catchy styling is suitable for a holiday, and for weekdays

3. Straight, oblique, zigzag?

Parting never goes out of style; and this summer they have clearly become the favorites of eminent stylists. True, practice has shown that not all girls know how to style their hair with a “correct” parting at home. Well, let's do a little tutorial:

  • side parting is great with a bob without bangs, regardless of the length and shape of the haircut itself;
  • the straight line looks good with and without bangs, but it does not suit the owners of curls devoid of volume at all;
  • but the zigzag one seems to be created in order to solve the problem of a “sleek” head, visually making the hair more magnificent.

How do we install?

1. Apply a smoothing spray or mousse to clean, damp hair.

2. Arm yourself with an iron and, separating thin strands one at a time, stretch them between the hot plates to achieve perfect smoothness.

3. If desired, curl the tips in or out with a round brush.

4. With a sharp tooth of a comb, “draw” a parting of the shape you have chosen.

5. Fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Parting is still at the peak of popularity

4. Style first

How to lay a square at home, with which you can safely go out? For this occasion, save a stylish hairstyle with hair pulled back. It is enough to look at the photos below to make sure: this styling is not in vain so often flashes on the carpet.

1. Apply styling product to damp hair.

2. Dry them with a hair dryer, sequentially combing the strands back with a large round brush. You can also twist the ends with it, if this is included in your plans.

3. Fix the result with varnish.

Laconic and bold styling option will impress others

5. Always on top

A more interesting styling option with hair pulled back can be a high hairstyle. It is especially relevant for those who regularly wonder how to style a bob or “legged” bob at home - these hairstyles imply the presence of volume in the back of the head, which will come in handy.

1. Apply a volumizing product to damp hair.

2. Dry them by lifting the strands with a round brush and directing a jet of air at the roots.

3. Make a lush bouffant at the crown and fix it with invisibility.

4. Comb the bulk of the hair from the sides back, but leave a few strands casually falling on the face.

5. Spray hair with varnish.

A little retro never hurts

Video: 3 winning bob styling options

Video: 7 quick styling

Are you still not enough? Then an unprecedentedly generous offer from Liza Krasnova: 7 quick styling in less than 3 minutes!