Affirmations for changing and correcting the body. Try changing your life for the better with affirmations and you will be amazed at the results. How to make affirmations effective

What are affirmations and how to use them

After you promise yourself to lose weight for the tenth time in a month. You start a new diet on Monday, and on Tuesday, having finished a package of chocolates for dinner, you definitely decide that tomorrow you will start all over again. It is at such moments that you think about why it is easy for someone to lose weight, and difficult for someone, where people have so much willpower to go on strict diets for months. And your personal record is a week, and even then, except for one pie with potatoes.

It's all about the attitude, the right attitude to lose weight, that's what brags about, many failed slim people. But where does this very mood come from when you feed only on lettuce leaves and bread? Everything is not as difficult as it seems. Affirmations are here to help.

Correct affirmations for body shaping

Affirmations are small positive messages aimed at changing the mindset and programming the future. This method allows you to set yourself up for success, it has been known for a long time, but it has only just begun to gain popularity.

One of the conditions for a strong impact of affirmation is its correct construction:
pronoun + predicate in the present tense + circumstance and / or actions.

For example, "I look good," or "I'm losing weight in front of my eyes." Another important condition is the absence of the “not” particle, this particle has a negative effect, and subconsciously sets you up for denial. It is also very important to build sentences in the present tense. The phrases “I will be thin” and I “I am losing weight”, you see, sound different.

A very common problem in the fight against excess weight is the inability to break the habitual pattern of behavior. Affirmations successfully fight this problem, with the help of them you can not only destroy the usual behavior model, but also create a new one with proper nutrition and exercise. To do this, use more specific affirmations, such as "I eat 2,000 calories a day", "I take the stairs home" or "I walk 30 minutes every morning. ". Wordings like “I do sports” or “I don’t eat much” put a less rigid framework in front of a person and leaves the opportunity to shirk the process of losing weight.

Body shaping with the help of affirmations will help you create the right mood and program yourself for the process of losing weight, achieve your goal and save the result.

"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet" (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Affirmations are the easiest way to change your mind

Now we find out what is an affirmation and how to write it correctly.

The very word "affirmation" - from the English "affirm" - means "statement". Everything you think about, what guides you in your life, is one or another statement that you have acquired in the course of your life experience.

Some of your statements, attitudes, views on life is so firmly embedded in your consciousness and subconsciousness that you use them automatically, unconsciously, without realizing why you think or think so.

How do installations occur?

If once in your childhood your parents repeatedly told you that you are slow (especially when you yourself were in a hurry somewhere), then having accepted them imposedYu installation as guide to action, your subconscious has become so control your body that all your movements have become really leisurely and slow.

As a result, a seemingly harmless characteristic turned into program of action which you are forced to carry out all your life. Until you yourself decide to stop this program and do not replace it with another, more profitable and necessary for yourself.

Affirmations for Success

To change your life qualitatively, you should use only positive affirmations, because everything you think and say - you affirm. Such affirmations will lead you to success, they are called - affirmations for success.

Affirmation for success works on all levels of your being - mental, physical, emotional. This means that affirmation helps to change your body, mind, mood. And therefore - to make your life successful.

Use affirmations every day!

The point of working with affirmations is to transform your negative beliefs, attitudes and situations into positive ones. Therefore, it is very important to apply affirmations for every day. Thus, you will tune your subconscious to the process a qualitative change in your life as a whole.

Affirmations for every day, affirmations for success will transform your problems - into tasks that can be solved easily and playfully. Affirmations bring the problem from the subconscious to the conscious level, allow you to analyze, reassess the problem and turn it from negative stagnant energy into positive, affirmative flow.

For example, you often catch a cold and complain to your friends: "I have a weakened immune system." What is happening? First, you have a problem - frequent colds, health problems, medications and, as a result, new diseases. Secondly, you give a command to your subconscious - to get sick! - and it obediently executes your command and fully rewards you with all sorts of infections.

The Powerful Power of Affirmations

You can turn this negative attitude into a powerful one, positive affirmation"I have excellent health. I am full of strength and energy!". If you repeat this affirmation daily (confidently and emotionally!), your subconscious will be freed from the negative mood and start deep healing process, the results of which will not keep you waiting long!

Any positive thought can change your life for the better, as can negative- spoil. Therefore, watch your thoughts and statements that you express most often during the day. What are they?

How many times in conversations do you say negative statements: “I never have enough money,” “I can’t do anything,” “I can’t quit smoking,” and the like? And then you wonder why you can't get out of debt, lose weight, quit smoking...

So isn't it time change negative thoughts positive? Try changing your life for the better with affirmations and you will be amazed at the results.

An affirmation can be compared to a seed. You plant, you will water daily - a beautiful flower will grow! Just do not forget, the flower does not grow the next day after planting!

It takes time during which you will apply affirmations daily. Try it and you'll see - it's so easy! And most importantly - effective! Your life will begin to change in a new, positive direction. and luck will turn to face you!

My first and most effective affirmation was and remains the affirmation "Everything is going well! My world is taking care of me!" (I borrowed it from V. Zeland. By the way, in his books "Reality Transurfing" I found a lot of valuable information, read it, try it on yourself - very powerful!)

Everything is going the way it should. I believe that no matter what happens in my life, I need it for my development and learning, for gaining experience and improving my knowledge and skills. (See, this is also a statement!)

How to compose


to make the most of it

and you could in a few weeks

rejoice at new achievements, be surprised

unexpected successes and find new

Opportunities where there were none before

The affirmation must be:

1. recorded . Start materializing your affirmations.

(Get a special notepad!)

2. positive . No "don't", "I don't want".

(Example: "I'm always healthy!" instead of "I don't get sick")

3. specific and, if possible, brief. Clearly define what you WANT. ("I am full of strength and energy!")

4. emotional . Add an emotional charge in the form

attractive words. ("excellent", "strong",

"magnificent", "excellent", "colossal")

5. In present time . ("I have...", "I earn...")

6. Include pronouns I, ME .

7. touch you personallyWith and not your relatives and

loved ones.

8. be real and not from the realm of fantasy.

Properly compiled and applied daily, affirmations will open your subconscious mind and completely rid it of negative attitudes and programs that interfere with your success. This will allow you to see your life in a new, positive light. You will feel the power and power of your words. You will learn how to create and launch the positive programs you need for prosperity, success, love, joy and happiness!


Here are affirmations for daily use.

Choose for yourself what you need.

It is desirable to apply affirmations at least 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

It is desirable to be in a calm, relaxed state.

Each affirmation must be read at least 3-7 times.

You can read aloud or to yourself.

You can dictate affirmations to your mobile phone and listen to them at any convenient time through headphones, this is very convenient.

Affirmations are better absorbed if you add emotions when reading them!

Positive thoughts form positive statements, they are called affirmations. In them, the construction of words is psychologically competently built, aimed at approximating the desired. No matter where they come from, they have a real impact on life.

Because affirmations are made up of words, they can make a person sad, despair, hurt, or cause illness if the affirmations are negative. If these are positive statements, they cause a rise in physical and inner spiritual strength, make you richer and heal.

A well-formed positive statement works beautifully and flawlessly, you just need to use it correctly. It is recommended to repeat the affirmation 3000 times a day. If you want to conduct a mental recoding, then the affirmation should be repeated at least 20 times without a break. What are affirmations for?

Firstly, it is a wonderful potion for the soul and body. A right thought, a kind and true word is a medicine for a person. Affirmations program the creative forces of our body to fulfill the desired.

Secondly, affirmations are needed to displace negative painful attitudes and form life-affirming formulas. Without changing unconscious thoughts, it is impossible to solve some problems.

Third, affirmations tune a person to positive. They are an effective way to achieve your own goals, to solve significant life problems, for well-being, happiness, prosperity, improvement, finding inner harmony, improving health.

Fourth, the text of affirmations is built in such a way that it can change the consciousness of a person. After a long repetition, information penetrates into deeper layers and lays down a new program there. Life is being restructured on the basis of the updated program. Faith and desire are the main agents of change.

Fifth, affirmations fulfill the principle of substitution. The mind can only hold one thought at a time, and affirmations allow you to fill your mind with a specially formed positive thought that reinforces desire. The brain, working through a new thought, replaces the old one. But the replacement does not happen immediately, but over time.

It is very important to use affirmations every day. By proclaiming them, you can change your life and health for the better. Affirmations evoke emotions that activate the help of the Universe. They are compiled according to certain principles and say what you want to get, what to achieve. For example, "I earn XXX 000 per month" (X - replace with the numbers you need). They should always be formulated only in the affirmative form. Compose affirmations, say them and change your life exclusively for the better.

Victoria Litvinchuk

The abstruse Western term "affirmation" is sometimes alarming. However, there is nothing unusual in it - the word comes from the English affirm ("to affirm"). In other words, an affirmation is a positive wording that a person repeats to achieve certain goals or reconfigure their psyche. The main active element of affirmations is stability. That is, this is not just a thought that accidentally flashed through my head and in the next moment drowned in a pile of other worries; it is the deliberate and regular projection of positive beliefs.

History of affirmations

Émile Coue's Discovery: The Placebo Effect

The practice of affirmations is by no means a whim of the 21st century. In the 20s of the last century, the self-hypnosis technique developed by the French pharmacist Emile Coué began to gain great popularity in medical practice. His method became famous thanks to the success of his own self-hypnosis clinic. Coué found that suggestions had no effect on those people who, in a state of hypnotic trance, remained indifferent. He suggested that self-hypnosis is a good and affordable way by which each person has the opportunity to influence his unconscious.

The hypothesis was confirmed in an unusual way. The author of the technique began to sell medicine to customers, which could only be purchased at his pharmacy. But the pharmacist put forward the only condition for each buyer: every day, easily and without stress, pronounce the phrase: "I'm getting better every day." So a simple pharmacist was able to discover a pattern known today as the “Placebo effect”.

Kue assumed that it was morbid imagination that was one of the main causes of disease. For 15 years, he developed a method of conscious self-hypnosis, with which you can suppress unpleasant ideas, replacing them with more beneficial ones. The pharmacist compared negative ideas with "pins" that are stuck in the psyche, and which can be "taken out", gradually replacing them with others. For example, pessimism and grouchiness can be replaced by good nature.

Often, the technique of self-hypnosis is used by doctors today. When the patient expects that his condition will improve, after a while it really becomes easier for him.

One of the main conclusions made by the French pharmacist is as follows: if the suggestion (affirmation) is pronounced in a state of relaxation or, its effect is several times stronger.

positive affirmations for every day

The following suggestions are given by way of example. Someone may need to modify them a little, but for someone they will fit in finished form.

Affirmations for Willpower

  • Every day my habits are more and more controllable;
  • I am above all my temptations;
  • I am fully responsible for my actions;
  • I am the captain of my life;
  • I can count on myself in any situation;
  • I am able to control my every impulse;
  • I bring any started business to the end;
  • When it comes to my goals, I show iron willpower;
  • I have enough strength to continue;
  • I know that willpower is trained through exercise;
  • I pay attention to what I like, and this strengthens my willpower even more.

Affirmations for beauty and attractiveness

And these phrases are about confidence in their appearance, they are suitable for ladies of all ages:

  • Every day I feel more and more beautiful;
  • Every day my inner beauty shines brighter;
  • I'm stunning!
  • Everything is beautiful in me - body, soul and spirit;
  • I'm proud of my body;
  • I deserve to look great;
  • Every day I take care of myself properly;
  • I have an amazing sense of style.

Affirmations for Fear and Anxiety

The following suggestions are suitable for those who suffer from suspiciousness, depression, anxiety:

  • Peace fills me with every breath;
  • Every day I take life lighter and lighter;
  • Every muscle in my body is in relaxation;
  • I accept everything that happens with a calm soul;
  • I am at peace with my past;
  • I am calm and relaxed; I am in control;
  • I am immune to stress;
  • I appreciate the time I spend alone;
  • No matter what happens around, harmony and peace reign in my heart.

Affirmations to improve performance

Suggestions for those who need extra and strength to work:

  • Every day I have more and more vital energy and strength;
  • Everything I do increases my energy;
  • I am a human engine;
  • I'm filled with drive;
  • Positive energy overwhelms me;
  • I have unlimited supplies of wild energy available to me whenever I need it;
  • I am constantly charging my batteries with enthusiasm;
  • I do sports every day to fill my body with crazy energy;
  • I have incredible stamina.

Affirmations for developing self-confidence

  • Every day I am more and more convinced of my talents;
  • I understand myself better and better;
  • I am fully responsible for what I think and what I do;
  • I consciously take part in the events of the surrounding world;
  • I like being here and now;
  • I choose to be human, not perfect;
  • Today I choose to live in the present and enjoy all the gifts of life;
  • As soon as my unconscious mind makes unpleasant statements about me, I refute them immediately.

Important points in the use of affirmations

It is worth noting that suggestions only work in the waking state. If you are offered some kind of "special" program that can achieve change by putting on your headphones and going to bed, don't be fooled. She is 99.9% charlatan. The idea that you can change your life using sleep suggestions is nothing more than a convenient myth.

Not affirmations that are contrary to the current state can be effective. For example, if this or that person causes rejection, unwillingness to communicate, it is very difficult to prove to your unconscious that "Uncle Vasya is the sweetest person." After all, the psyche can be compared with a plant, the roots of which (the unconscious) go deep, and the leaves (consciousness) are on the surface of the earth. With the help of positive statements, we seem to water these roots, give them growth. What happens when a person tries to inspire himself with a thought that is not consistent with his true attitudes? In the place where the plant is already firmly rooted, another plant is forcibly planted. As a result, the resistance of the psyche works very quickly, and the person throws these “useless” affirmations.

How to make affirmations effective

№1 in working with positive suggestions, this is regularity. It is better to read or listen to verbal formulas that you have written down in advance. It is also recommended to write affirmations in a notebook alternately with the right hand, then with the left hand. Are you right-handed or left-handed - it does not play a special role here. This is necessary to consolidate information in both hemispheres of the brain.

Here and a way for those who are ready to work "to the limit": repeat the desired affirmation for a month. Bad weather, salary delays, a quarrelsome wife, a drunken husband, a hurricane or a blizzard - no disaster should stop you. It is necessary to repeat the suggestion under any circumstances, no matter what happens around, until the phrase is completely rooted in the unconscious. More one condition for the effectiveness of suggestions is their personalization. It will be very difficult for a girl who weighs about 80 kg to believe that she is “thin and slender”. In this case, the affirmation needs to be slightly corrected: “Every day I become a little slimmer”, “My body is already beautiful. It just needs to be tweaked a little." Sometimes, in order to formulate a more appropriate affirmation, it is necessary to work with a private psychologist.

In order for the process of losing weight to be actually effective, it is important for a woman not only to limit herself in food. The emotional message and attitude with which she charges herself on the way to achieving the goal is also essential. It is important to maximize the resources of your subconscious, thereby ensuring moral and emotional stability and faith in the result.
In this article, we will introduce you to such a newfangled phenomenon as making affirmations and tell you how to use your subconscious mind to lose weight.

What is an affirmation

This concept came to us from the field of psychology and denotes certain brief phrases of self-hypnosis. By repeating them many times, we tune our mind to positive thinking, and also fix the necessary setting in the subconscious.
Thus, we stimulate changes in life and in some way improve our psycho-emotional state.
More than one popular science article and book has been written on the topic of affirmations, one of the most famous authors of which is the American Louise Hay, who wrote a whole series of books united by one topic - how to help yourself. Psychosomatic Hay compiled a whole guide, where she described in detail the psychological causes of diseases and brought out her positive thinking models for gaining health and beauty.

Weight loss affirmations from Louise Hay

The main idea of ​​all attitudes from an American is that we ourselves are the result of what we think about.
We offer you her version of affirmations for weight loss:

  • I am in harmony with my body and myself.
  • I achieve the result that I want to get.
  • I like my figure.
  • I look great.
  • I control my weight.
  • I don't eat much, but I'm full.
  • I am getting leaner every day.
  • I am confident and calm.
  • I become healthy.
  • I create myself and my body myself.
  • I'm skinny and I love my body.
  • I am happy, I am gaining harmony.
  • I eat healthy food.
  • I am the source of beauty and kindness.

These motivational statements need to be repeated to yourself every day. Psychologists say that after a while, changes for the better will become noticeable. And those who have already tried this method leave positive feedback on the Internet about the positive changes in their internal state.

How to create your own motivation

You can develop a system of such motivating and life-affirming phrases yourself.

In order for the desired to be fulfilled, as you know, it is necessary to correctly formulate your goals, giving specifics to the phrases.

How to write your own affirmations that bring results?

  • Motivational statements should evoke positive feelings in you, the desire for change and beauty without internal resistance.
  • In the phrases under construction, it is important to reflect your personality. Use the pronouns "I", "me" in sentences. This is one of the important components of positive attitudes. Phrases should be built as follows: “I know that I will succeed”, “My endeavors will be successful because I am working to achieve the goal”, etc.
  • Any of your thoughts should be attached to reality and used in the present tense. No need to think about the future, talk about what is happening here and now, without the word "I will."
  • If you feel any internal resistance associated with a result that is hard to believe, change the formula. For example, instead of the phrase "I'm thin," use "Every day I'm losing weight even more."
  • Sentences should be clear and short. The maximum is 10 words.

How to make affirmations work most effectively

To achieve the greatest effect, it is necessary to repeat the instructions you have prepared daily for several weeks. You need to relax and balance yourself as much as possible.
The best time for you is morning. Thus, you set yourself up not only for positive thinking, but also for emotional stability during the day.
In order for the method of psychological self-programming to work successfully, it is necessary to eliminate all your dissatisfaction with yourself and your figure. At any age, think about your youth and beauty and look at yourself less critically.
To say affirmations, choose a place where no one will distract you, create your own comfort zone. Start by taking slow, deep breaths and focus on your inner sensations.
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