They grow like crazy: how to grow long and thick eyelashes for a penny! How to grow long and thick eyelashes

Every girl wants to grow long eyelashes that will miraculously draw attention to your eyes, add romanticism to the image, but they do not find an answer to the question of how to grow long eyelashes. And although you can find dozens of materials on the Internet on how to grow long eyelashes, most of them are uninformative and do not give an answer on what exactly needs to be done to make long eyelashes a reality. We will offer you a complex that includes masks, oils and a decoction for eyelashes, which will help you not only grow long eyelashes in two months, but make them simply gorgeous.

I do not say this from scratch - my friends, looking at my long eyelashes, often ask - how to grow eyelashes correctly and quickly. (Moreover, I suspect that I also got a job on the site because of long eyelashes, the editor likes it when a woman has everything as fashion magazines require.) And everyone asks if it is possible not to prepare all kinds of masks for eyelash growth, oils for eyelash growth, but use, say, hair care products, because eyelashes, in fact, are the same hair. I was convinced from my own experience that there is a huge risk that such products will irritate the sensitive mucous membrane of the eyes, so it is better to carry out activities aimed at accelerating the growth of eyelashes. Enough talking, let's get down to business...

How to grow long eyelashes - oil.

Eyelash growth oil is a basic element of eyelash care, without oil it is almost impossible to quickly grow long eyelashes. And here it seems to be a simple question - which oil for eyelash growth is better than others, runs into the belief that castor oil is the best oil for eyelash growth. This is wrong. Or rather, not quite so. Castor and burdock oils can only be used as components of eyelash masks, and they must be washed off (more on this in the block about masks). And here oils to help you grow long lashes and, what is very important, with which you can lubricate your eyelashes without time limits, that is, for the night or all day, are natural almond, sea buckthorn, peach oils. All of them are sold in pharmacies, it is not difficult to buy.

Oil solutions of vitamins A and E, aloe juice can be added to oils for the growth and care of eyelashes. And to keep your eyelash care product always at hand, pour it into a well-washed mascara tube (there is already a brush there), which should be stored at room temperature if your eyelash oil contains only oils and vitamins (otherwise, place the finished oil in the refrigerator). To make eyelashes grow faster, “paint” your eyelashes well with oil, but try not to get into your eyes!

Masks for eyelash growth.

If you decide to quickly grow thick long eyelashes at home, make special masks every other day to accelerate the growth of eyelashes. These masks are prepared on the basis of burdock or castor oil, as I said above, and require removal an hour after application.

The first version of the mask for eyelash growth
To prepare a mask for the rapid growth of eyelashes, take one part castor oil for one part cognac (cognac can be replaced with aloe juice).

The second version of the mask for eyelash growth
An interesting solution is to combine castor and burdock oils in the same proportion and drop a couple of drops of oil solutions of vitamins A and E and the same number of drops of aloe juice into the mixture.

The third version of the mask for eyelash growth
And the last version of the mask that I did to quickly grow my eyelashes: I took the same amount of castor oil, aloe juice and finely chopped parsley, mixed it, insisted for 24 hours and applied it to the cilia for 30 minutes.

If you ask my opinion which mask will help you quickly grow long eyelashes better than others, I will say - any. But I liked it better with oil and aloe - it's easy to do and works well.

Tip - put eyelash masks in the refrigerator, let them warm up to room temperature before use and apply for one hour, and treat the eyelashes with a mascara brush or a cotton swab.

How to grow long eyelashes - compresses for eyelash growth

I think few people have heard about a decoction of herbs, but this is a very good remedy for eyelash growth. To quickly grow long eyelashes, once a week you can make special eyelash compresses of your own preparation. From the herbs purchased at the pharmacy (cornflower, calendula, chamomile, take everything equally), we prepare a decoction or infusion, let it cool to warm (37-38 degrees), dip cotton pads into it and cover them with eyelids and cilia. We lie down for 20 minutes, thinking about the beautiful .. After you remove the cotton pads, let the eyelashes dry and smear them with previously prepared oil.

By alternating these simple remedies, you will notice the growth of eyelashes in a week.. However, only on the condition that you do not maliciously damage your eyelashes by forgetting to remove makeup at night or constantly using waterproof mascara. In the first case, at night, the cosmetics will begin to crumble along with your eyelashes, in the second, you will have to remove the mascara with a rather harsh method, which leads to the loss of eyelashes. And of course, you should not cut your eyelashes if you want to grow them!

Regina Raitova All rights reserved

What else are people reading on the site who are watching the topic of how to grow long eyelashes

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Reviews and comments (30)

If you have feedback, tips, opinions on how to grow long eyelashes, you can leave them in this block.

A lot of useful recommendations have been written, but it seems to me that it is unlikely that it will be possible to radically accelerate the growth of eyelashes with home remedies alone. You need to use cosmetics, there are special products for eyelash growth, and don’t forget lengthening mascara.

You all write that different oils are suitable there in order to grow long eyelashes, and I will tell you that there is nothing better than fish oil. I assure you, it works much more effectively than all the oils and masks combined. I don’t know what it contains scientifically, but I can definitely say that both I and my friends tried it and everyone liked it. Just lubricate them with eyelashes before going to bed and everything will be fine.

It is not clear, if everything is so simple, why cosmetic companies spend a lot of money on developing their cosmetics for the same lips. For me, it's easier to buy a ready-made product.

I grew my eyelashes using cosmetic almond oil (available at any pharmacy at an affordable price), as stated in the article. The only thing is that I not only processed the eyelashes themselves, but also rubbed them into the skin of the eyelid at the base of the eyelashes.

A decoction of chamomile and calendula herbs helped me grow long eyelashes. Weed is sold in a pharmacy and there is a method of preparing a decoction on the side of the box. Personally, I brewed 1 tbsp. l. collection with a glass of boiling water, then left for an hour to infuse. After the broth has cooled, I poured it into ice molds and froze it in the freezer. And every morning she rubbed her eyes. And eyelashes from this grow well and swelling around the eyes can be dealt with.

I'm currently using the balm. Just a little more than a month has passed, and already I see the result: the eyelashes have become longer and the volume has slightly increased, the color of the eyelashes has changed, they have become darker. I hope the effect will continue.

As far as I know, it is impossible to grow long eyelashes, their length is set genetically. At least I didn't succeed. But since I still want to see them longer and more beautiful, I look for different tips in magazines and the net. And that's what I found, in my opinion, in good advice - they recommended adding a little olive oil to the lengthening mascara. I did so. Now, when I paint, the cilia become longer, and shine, and separate better. Simple, fast!

Tatyana, eyelashes are hair, and they also grow. In your opinion, hair length is also genetically determined. Of course, eyelashes grow to a certain level, it is connected with the eyes, but I think it’s realistic to add a few millimeters to them.

Want to grow long eyelashes - lubricate them constantly with fish oil. And they will be gorgeous for you, like mine.

I heard about masks from a decoction of herbs for the first time, I decided to try it. And what do you think, the cilia really become more magnificent and shine, as after lamination. Plus, the skin around the eyes has become fresher and toned, fine wrinkles, the very "crow's feet" have become less noticeable. So, girls, I recommend.

I read that rustic sour cream helps to grow long eyelashes, who has tried it, is it really so? And if I use the store, will there be a result or not.

And how much, in principle, can you grow eyelashes and how long will it take. When is the best time of year to grow eyelashes?

It is best to use special eyelash growth products than to rely on folk remedies or eyelash extensions.

Yes, fairy tales are all, you can’t grow eyelashes at all, I haven’t grown for a year now. I will try your masks but I do not believe that it will help.


The tool strengthens eyelash bulbs, enhances growth, prevents their loss, promotes the healing of micro-scratches and makes the skin around the eyes velvety, strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels.

Long, lush and expressive eyelashes are the dream of any girl. Long eyelashes make the face more feminine and elegant, avoiding vulgarity and unnaturalness. To quickly increase eyelashes, you can seek help from a beautician. However, eyelash extensions are expensive and unsafe.

If you decide on salon procedures, you should understand that they are not cheap and require frequent correction sessions. In addition, artificial eyelashes are attached to their own hairs, which are not intended for such loads - they fall out over time. When you remove the extensions, you will see that your own hairs have suffered greatly from such procedures. Therefore, it is much safer, cheaper and more effective to grow your own eyelashes at home. Together with a good and high-quality mascara, you will get the perfect result in the form of lush eyelashes that cannot be distinguished from artificial ones.

Cosmetic oils for eyelash growth

The oil is a natural eyelash growth stimulant that can increase the length of your eyelashes by up to 50%. However, in order to achieve a high-quality and visible result, patience and regularity are needed. Only after a month of daily application of oil to the cilia, you can see that they have become much thicker and longer. In order for oil care to give a real result, you need to follow a few rules.

  1. First, choose which oils you want to use for eyelash care. For hair growth, burdock and castor oil are best suited. Almond and peach oil will help strengthen damaged eyelashes after extension. And sea buckthorn and linseed oil will protect eyelashes from brittleness and loss. Also, vitamins A and E are very useful for hair, which are sold in a pharmacy in liquid form in ampoules. For eyelashes, you can choose one or more components that are mixed in equal proportions.
  2. After you have chosen the right components, you need to check if you are allergic to them. After all, if you immediately apply oils to your eyelashes without making sure that there is no allergy, your eyes may turn red and start to itch. A little oil should be dropped on the inside of the elbow, on the wrist or on the skin in the neck. If no redness, itching, or blistering appears on the treated area after 15 minutes, you can use the oils as directed.
  3. If you have chosen oils for the mask, they must be preheated in a water bath or simply in hot water before use. When heated, the oil becomes more effective. If you add vitamins A or E to oils, you can’t heat the mass - vitamins lose their beneficial properties.
  4. Use an old mascara bottle for a convenient and daily application of oils on the eyelashes. To do this, it must be thoroughly rinsed using alcohol and a small brush for washing baby bottles. Rinse the bottle so that there is no residue of cosmetic product in it. Then, using a syringe or pipette, pour the prepared oily liquid into the vial. Before use, make sure that the purchased product has a good shelf life, expired oil loses all its useful properties.
  5. The oil is applied after removing make-up, usually before going to bed. After the eyelashes are cleared of cosmetics, you need to start applying the mask. With a brush, gently run over the eyelashes as if you were painting them with mascara. Be careful not to get oil in your eyes - otherwise there will be a thin film on the pupil. It is harmless and disappears after a while, but this is a rather unpleasant phenomenon.
  6. After careful application, pat the corners of the eyes with dry wipes. After an hour, also remove the remaining oil with a napkin, but do not wash your face, let the oil saturate the cilia with vitamins until the morning. Wash your face in the morning as usual.

Regular carrying out of such a procedure in 4-6 weeks will make your eyelashes lush, thick and strong. Oil masks are done in courses - a month of using the oil, and then a week break.

  1. If you want to grow strong and beautiful eyelashes, you need to take care of their condition. You can not sleep in makeup - eyelashes do not withstand the long-term aggressive effects of cosmetics. Be sure to remove makeup before going to bed with special means. Do not wash off the mascara, especially if it is waterproof, with plain water. From strong friction, eyelashes can break, be damaged and fall out. And soap dries the eyelashes, they become dull and lose their elasticity. If you come home and you no longer have plans for this evening, wash off the mascara, let the cilia once again be saturated with oxygen.
  2. When choosing mascara and shadows, give preference to high-quality cosmetics. Cheap cosmetics may contain allergens that cause redness and itching in the eye area. If you have sensitive skin, choose hypoallergenic cosmetics. And do not use mascara for more than 3-4 months - mascara is like a toothbrush, it requires frequent changes.
  3. For the growth, restoration and strengthening of eyelashes, you can do herbal compresses. Take chamomile, coltsfoot, sage and green tea. Prepare a rich and strong decoction from plants. Soak cotton pads in a warm solution and apply them to your eyes, leave for 20 minutes. This is an excellent tool for the natural strengthening and healing of cilia. This procedure will also help to quickly remove bags under the eyes, traces of insomnia and tears. This tool perfectly helps with any inflammation of the eye area - conjunctivitis, barley, etc. Such compresses should be done several times a week. Store the decoction in the refrigerator, but reheat before each use.
  4. To saturate the bulbs of cilia with oxygen and vitamins, you need to increase blood circulation in them. To do this, you can do a light massage of the eyelids. Gently massage the place where the roots of the eyelashes are located so as not to damage the hairs. Do this procedure as often as possible to improve eyelash growth.
  5. Very often, eyelashes fall out and lose their shine due to malnutrition and lack of vitamins. To improve the growth of eyelashes and make them strong, you need vitamins A, B and E. Vitamin A is found in fish, eggs, butter. Vitamin B can be found in cereals, beef liver and beans. And beauty vitamin E is found in nuts, milk and some natural oils.
  6. Here is a folk cosmetology recipe that will help you quickly restore and grow damaged eyelashes. To do this, mix a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil with the same amount of castor oil. Then add crushed rosehips to the mass, cover tightly with a lid and let it brew for several days. This tool can be used to treat eyelashes with a brush or cotton swab. This recipe is designed for rapid growth and emergency restoration of cilia.

Beautiful and lush eyelashes are not only a natural reality. Following the daily rules of nutrition, care and restoration of eyelashes, you can significantly improve their condition. You can make your eyelashes thick, lush, strong and shiny. You just have to wish!

Video: how to grow chic eyelashes at home

In order for the cilia to be beautiful and healthy, you need to take care of them no less than your hair: thoroughly clean from cosmetics, wipe very carefully, make nourishing masks and massages.

To grow long eyelashes at home, you need to carefully care for them.

You can use the same tools and methods as for hair:

  • Masks with oils: linen, castor, burdock, olive, sea buckthorn.
  • Vitamins A, B, C and E.
  • Compresses from tea and herbal infusions.
  • Massage with oils.

A thoroughly washed mascara brush is perfect for applying oils. Apply a few drops of oil to the brush and carefully lubricate the eyelashes along the entire length. After half an hour, blot with a paper towel to remove any remaining oil.

Masks perfectly nourish the hair roots and stimulate their growth. You just need to apply them very carefully so as not to get into your eyes.

Home treatments for eyelashes

Consider a few simple but effective ways to improve the condition of eyelashes:

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn and castor oil, add the contents of one ampoule of vitamin A and E. Mix everything, apply the mixture on the cilia, massage lightly. Wipe off excess oil.
  • To prepare a herbal infusion of calendula or chamomile, you need to pour 4 tablespoons of dried flowers with a liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 3 hours, strain. The finished broth can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Moisten cotton pads with infusion, squeeze lightly and put on the eyelids. Keep on eyes for 15 minutes, no need to rinse.
  • Apply on the eyelids a drop of castor, linseed or burdock oil. With the tips of clean fingers, perform a light massage of the upper and lower eyelids for a couple of minutes, moving from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. Finally, walk with patting movements with your fingertips.

The main goal of all procedures is to improve the nutrition of the hair roots and stimulate blood circulation. This will wake up inactive bulbs and the cilia will grow thicker and longer. But, of course, it takes time to notice this. The first results are visible within a week after the start of the procedures, and it takes about a month and a half to grow new and longer eyelashes.

Thick, long and beautiful eyelashes - isn't this what a woman dreams of? Of course, nature has not endowed everyone with such dignity and most girls want to have much more beautiful long eyelashes. But what to do and how to grow eyelashes at home so that they actually become the pride of any girl? In fact, there are excellent recommendations here that can help you achieve the desired result. But still, it is worth preparing for the fact that a lot of effort will have to be made.

How to grow eyelashes fast

Naturally, resorting to any method, every woman wants to get the result as quickly as possible. But still, there is no need to be so suspicious, because it should be understood that a very quick result cannot be of such high quality and durable.

Of course, the tips described below on how to quickly grow eyelashes can give quite a quick result, but you still need to understand that you should also try to keep the effect.

However, it is worth noting right away that the described tips help not only lengthen your own eyelashes at home, but also make them thicker. Eyelashes will grow more often and actively, which will definitely please you.

And yet it is worth starting the question of how to quickly grow long eyelashes and what is needed for this.

Thick eyelashes

Even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew about the real secrets of beauty, including how to grow thick eyelashes at home . True, it should be noted that today there are many tools and drugs that can accelerate growth and increase the density of eyelashes.

And yet it is here that there are certain "pitfalls". First of all, it is worth saying that such funds are not so cheap. But is it necessary to give a large amount for an unknown remedy, the result of which is not guaranteed. When you grow your beautiful and long eyelashes, we will share the secrets of that with you.

Undoubtedly, among all this variety of tempting and colorful tubes, there are tools that really help to make eyelashes thick. But you need to open, finally, "all the cards." This is because the most common components are very often present in the composition of such products, in other words, natural oils act as the main activators. Plus, there are vitamins and other substances that can improve the appearance and structure of cilia.

And yet it must be admitted that all such components today can be purchased separately, and even for less money.

As a rule, the main activator for hair growth, both eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair on the head, is real natural oil, that is, burdock, castor, peach, olive oil and even grape seed oil.

If you intend to grow eyelashes yourself, but do not fully understand how to grow thick and long eyelashes, all you need to do is go to the nearest pharmacy and buy the necessary product.

Eyelash extensions can kill your own lashes

Surely, many have already heard or even personally encountered the fact that after the procedure, their own eyelashes become very rare, faded and small. And how then can you grow eyelashes after extension, so that their former beauty returns?

It is worth noting that you can not only return the density and length of eyelashes that you had before extensions, but also increase their size and volume many times over. In this case, additional components and vegetable oils will certainly help you.

Growing and strengthening

When you grow and strengthen your own eyelashes according to our advice, you can also be 100% sure that your eyelashes will become stronger, their roots will be significantly strengthened, which means that they will break and fall out less often.

It is important to understand that regardless of whether you take care of your eyelashes or not, the life of any hair is programmed. In other words, eyelashes tend to fall out at one time or another. Naturally, this happens in turn, and instead of eyelashes that have fallen out, new ones come out. And in principle, such a process is invisible. But still, it had to be said so that everything was clear to you. And there is no need to be scared when a few eyelashes sometimes fall on the cheek.

But how to strengthen and grow eyelashes? We will tell you about this a little later. And to be more precise, then we will talk about this topic.

Starting the growing process

Many girls and women have repeatedly wondered - "how to grow eyelashes at home?" and we will try to answer this question further.

As previously mentioned, natural oils will be needed to grow eyelashes at home. They can be used singly or mixed. Neither in the first nor in the other case, harm will be practically absent.

The main thing is that the procedure should be performed in the evening. This is not for the reason that you do not need to go anywhere, but because it is in the evening that the active process of taking all useful substances into the body takes place. That is why it is necessary to use masks for the face and body, for eyelashes and hair in the evening. In general, self-care should be scheduled between 8 pm and 12 am.

When mixing the oil, you can add any auxiliary vitamin. To do this, you need to purchase it at a pharmacy. Vitamin E or B6 is sold in small capsules, in liquid form. Just a couple of drops added to the total composition of the prepared preparation will do the trick.

Means for strengthening and growth of eyelashes

Mix castor and burdock oils in equal proportions. Consider all means for eyelash growth.

  1. Add peach oil and mix thoroughly.
  2. Now you can add a couple of drops of vitamin E and B, also mix.
  3. Apply with a special brush on the eyelashes and leave for twenty minutes.
  4. Blot the remains with a napkin, but do not wipe dry.

If oil is used separately, be it either burdock or peach, then the procedure is exactly the same. You can generally apply the oil at night, and remove it completely in the morning.

Erofeevskaya Natalya

Long fluffy eyelashes can magically transform the face of a woman of any age, make the look mysterious and languid, without imposing a tenth layer of mascara for volume and length, highlight the eyes on the face, giving the image femininity and romance. But what if nature has stinted on a chic frame for women's eyes? And what if even branded, but aggressive cosmetics cause eyelash loss, their fragility, exhaustion and terrible appearance?

Oils and all kinds of masks, which are easy to make and use at home, will help heal the cilia, activate their growth and restore the structure.

Grow long eyelashes in a week? Quite possible!

It is not enough to have long eyelashes - they still need to be thick, healthy and well-groomed. The complex of oils, masks and natural herbal decoctions recommended below will help achieve the desired result.

Women sometimes try to treat and improve the condition of eyelashes, motivating their actions by the fact that eyelashes are the same hair. Alas, this is not entirely true, and the close proximity of eyelashes to a very sensitive mucous membrane of the eye excludes the use of many active ingredients in mixtures that can cause irritation and more serious consequences.

Regular use of compositions useful for eyelash growth will improve the outer framing of the eyes in just a week, and within a month you can achieve the desired density and length of upper and lower eyelashes.

Oils for hair growth

Oil is a basic element for eyelash growth, without which it is almost impossible to obtain the required length. There is an opinion that there is nothing better for eyelash growth and cannot be. Partly correct, partly not. Burdock and castor oils are traditionally used as part of eyelash masks, which are applied for a certain time (usually one hour) and are required to be washed off with warm water. More convenient in terms of use are natural oils:

For eyelashes strengthens them, gives a healthy lively shine and significantly lengthens;
for eyelashes it is necessary to use slightly warmed up, it is possible to use in combination with burdock in a ratio of 1: 1;
for eyelashes is rich in vitamins and useful components that give eyelashes volume and silkiness, like a baby.

Oils are sold in pharmacies, it is not difficult to buy them. There are rules for using eyelash helper oils:

The entire procedure for applying oils should be carried out on clean, rested eyelashes: for this, it is enough to carefully remove makeup and lie down for 15-20 minutes, allowing the cilia to “breathe”.
It is convenient to store oils in a cleanly washed mascara bottle, a convenient brush will make applying the oil comfortable and natural (soaked sponges, cotton pads or swabs will not make the application so neat: it is possible to smear the oil on the face and get it on the mucous membrane of the eye). A bottle of oil (without the addition of other natural ingredients of plant and animal origin) is stored in a dark place at room temperature - storage in the refrigerator will destroy all the valuable properties of oil products.

3. Natural oils, except for castor and burdock, are applied and left for any period of time - it is convenient to do this at night: eyelashes will receive maximum nutrition and in the morning they will fully meet a new wave of eyeliners, eyeliners and mascara.

4. The minimum health or preventive course is 2-3 weeks: this time is enough to evaluate the benefits and feel the effect.

Hair growth masks

For the growth of eyelashes, folk remedies have been used since ancient times, they are prepared on the basis of burdock or castor oils. The main recipes for masks for eyelash growth are easy to prepare, gently applied to the cilia with a brush, left for one hour and gently washed off with warm water.

Recipe 1

Ingredients: castor oil and cognac (or aloe juice) in a ratio of 1:1.

Recipe 2

Ingredients: castor and in equal proportions with the addition of two drops of oily vitamins A and E and aloe juice.

Recipe 3

Finely chopped parsley is poured with a mixture of castor oil and aloe juice, all three components are taken in equal proportions. The resulting slurry is mixed and infused for a day. It is applied to the cilia for half an hour, then gently washed off with warm water.

Herbal decoctions for eyelashes

Herbal decoctions and infusions are an effective and natural remedy for strengthening, restoring and growing eyelashes. Warm decoctions and infusions are used as compresses: a cotton pad is dipped into the liquid and applied to the eyes, 20 minutes of quiet rest will allow the eyelids and cilia to absorb useful substances. After removing the cotton pads, allow the eyelashes to dry and lubricate them with a suitable oil.

The popular strong brewing of black tea is also used according to the same principle. However, natural remedies will be powerless if you forget to remove makeup at night or constantly use aggressive waterproof mascara without giving your eyelashes any rest. But even if careful care does not give any result, one should be puzzled by the overall strengthening of the body and health - problems of the digestive system, rare walks in the fresh air, and worsen the condition of the skin and hair and negatively affect the appearance of eyelashes.

Careful attention to your own eyelashes and eyes will help to make the look deep, and the eyelashes - fluffy and charming!

January 18, 2014