Safe sex positions for pregnant women. Sex during pregnancy. Let's talk about intimacy

Sex life during pregnancy is a hot topic for all couples. Is it possible and safe to have sex in the second trimester? What poses to choose? Why is there no orgasm? Let's look for answers together.

Most couples, having learned that they will soon become parents, at first do not think about the topic of sex, because you need to get used to the new status. The expectant mother in the first weeks is not at all up to caresses: the body is rebuilt, which is accompanied by fatigue, toxicosis and other “charms”. But time passes, and questions arise: is it possible or not, how not to harm, etc. Usually, sexual activity resumes in the second trimester, and we'll talk about this period.

Is it possible to have sex in the second trimester of pregnancy

Answering the question whether it is possible for spouses to have sex in the second trimester, doctors agree that it is not only possible, but also necessary. This period is the most suitable for intimate life. The pregnant woman feels better, sexual desire returns to her, and she is ready to pay attention to her husband. By this time, a man comes to terms with a new role for himself, gets rid of fears and is also ready to fulfill his “marital duty”. So why not? Moreover, hormonal surges are not expected in this trimester, the fetus is already firmly entrenched in the uterus, so it is impossible to harm the child.

During this period, many couples experience a second honeymoon. In the second trimester of pregnancy, blood actively rushes to the female genital organs, so the expectant mother discovers sex in a new way: the orgasm becomes brighter. The couple does not need to be protected, which helps to completely liberate. The stomach still does not interfere with intimacy, although by this time it is noticeably rounded, but does not cause discomfort to partners. By the 20th week, the expectant mother begins to feel the baby moving: this tells her that everything is in order with the baby, and you should not worry.

There is no need to give up sexual activity if both you and your husband want to be closer. Enjoy each other, because soon you will have many new worries and very little time for yourself. Many doctors focus on the benefits of sex during pregnancy: for example, the uterus is trained in this way. And there is no need to talk about the psychological aspect: while waiting for replenishment in the family, harmonious relationships are so important.

Contraindications to sexual activity at any time are complications of pregnancy. In each case, the issue is discussed with the doctor. If you have any doubts, it is best to consult your gynecologist.

Safe Postures

In the second trimester in the intimate sphere, the right positions for sex play a key role. Already from the thirteenth week, it is recommended to avoid positions that assume that the partner is lying on her back. By this time, the uterus is getting heavier, there may be a clamping of the vessels, which will impede blood circulation. In this case, there is no need to talk about pleasant sensations, instead of them, dizziness and nausea suddenly appear. The safest and at the same time comfortable postures in the second trimester are:

  • "rider";
  • knee-elbow posture;
  • "spoons".

It is important that during intercourse there is no pressure on the abdomen. It is also necessary to control the amplitude and sharpness of movements: sex should be gentle and calm, leave bold experiments for later.

During pregnancy, not only vaginal but also oral sex is possible, however, special care must be taken with such caresses. The danger lies in herpes infections, the carrier of which may be a partner. A man must be careful not to accidentally blow a stream of air into the vagina, as this can provoke an air embolism.

Why is there no orgasm

In the second trimester, the fair sex usually experiences new types of orgasm, but what to do if it is not there, and why this happens. Expectant mothers, as a rule, attribute the lack of vivid sensations to physiological reasons, but in the second trimester the clitoris increases, the vagina becomes sensitive, blood rushes to the pelvis, that is, there are all the prerequisites for unforgettable pleasure. The reason for the lack of orgasm must be sought in the psychological plane. Often, the expectant mother cannot fully relax, fearing for the child. Throw away all doubts and give way to new sensations, remember: what is good for you is good for the baby.

In everyday life, few women think about what posture to take and how to perform this or that action. But our health largely depends on the position of the body. Pregnant women should be especially careful about choosing a comfortable position. The location of the body in space determines not only the well-being of the expectant mother during this difficult period, but also indirectly affects the growth and development of the fetus throughout pregnancy.

About the sitting position during pregnancy

Experts say: long-term maintenance of a sitting position will not benefit a pregnant woman and her baby. In the sitting position, only one muscle group is constantly working, while others are in a relaxed state. That is why pregnant women are not recommended sedentary work, which requires a long time to maintain a stationary position.

Negative effects of prolonged sedentary work:

  • decreased activity of the back muscles;
  • increased pressure on the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region;
  • blood supply to the pelvic organs and lower extremities is disturbed;
  • blood flow through the placenta to the fetus slows down;
  • increases the risk of developing edema of the lower extremities.
  • Long-term maintenance of a sitting position provokes an exacerbation of osteochondrosis and the development of an intervertebral hernia. Over time, there are pains in the lumbar region, discomfort in the lower extremities. Due to impaired blood flow, blood pressure drops, headaches, dizziness are possible. All this significantly worsens the condition of the expectant mother and interferes with the normal course of pregnancy.

    Sedentary work is a risk factor for the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities and small pelvis. The likelihood of developing such complications increases in the second half of pregnancy. The resulting stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs leads to the appearance of hemorrhoids, spider veins and dilated veins in the legs. Significantly increases the risk of thrombosis in pathologically altered veins.

    Serious problems arise in the second half of pregnancy after 24 weeks. With a long stay in a sitting position, the pressure of the growing uterus on the pelvic organs and spine increases. The blood flow in the pelvic cavity is disturbed, the supply of the fetus with oxygen and nutrients is deteriorating. Permanent sedentary work in the III trimester is a risk factor for the development of placental insufficiency and other complications of pregnancy.

    Pose selection

    Comfortable sitting positions for pregnant women:

    • Option number 1. Sitting on a chair, rest your back against the support. Make sure your back is snug against the back of the chair. The neck and shoulders at this moment should be on the same axis with the spine. Feet should be straight with support on toes and heels.
    • Option number 2. Sit on the seat without touching its back with your back. Position yourself so that your buttocks lie completely on the seat. Relax: there should be no tension in the legs and buttocks.
    • Option number 3. Sit cross-legged (Turkish). Arrange so that the weight of the body falls on the sitting bones. Watch your posture: the back should be straight, the head and neck should be on the same axis as the spine. The pose is suitable for sitting on the floor, sofa, or other wide, flat surface.

    The proposed postures are considered the most physiological. They do not interfere with the normal blood flow in the pelvic organs, contribute to an even distribution of the load on the muscles and ligaments, help maintain posture and fully relax. Such positions do not interfere with the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development.

    Important Aspects

    When choosing a comfortable sitting position, you must consider the following points:

    1. In a sitting position on a chair, the legs should fully reach the floor, rest against the surface with the toe and heel. You should not cross your legs, bend them under you, or throw one leg over the other.
    2. The seat for the future mother should be moderately hard, not falling through under her weight.
    3. For convenience, you can put a roller or pillow under the lumbar region. Special pillows for pregnant women will come to the aid of the expectant mother, designed to relieve the load from the spine.
    4. In the Turkish position, you should carefully monitor your well-being and sensation in your legs. Unaccustomed to such a position, legs become numb, unpleasant sensations appear in the form of crawling, numbness.
    5. From time to time you should change your position, get up, walk around the room.
    6. Convenient hand placement is the key to comfort. Hands should be relaxed. In a sitting position on a chair, hands can be folded in front of you on your knees, put on a table or armrests.

    What Not to Do

    • cross one leg;
    • cross your legs;
    • sit with support only on socks;
    • slouch;
    • arch your back;
    • focus on the right or left side;
    • for a long time to be in a Turkish position (sitting on the buttocks with legs crossed);
    • sit with your legs bent under you;
    • squat.

    Security measures

    Pregnant women are not recommended to be in a fixed position for a long time. Every 30-45 minutes you need to take a break: get up, change position. After 30 weeks, a break will be required every 15-20 minutes or as needed.

    When changing positions, you should do simple gymnastics:

    • Walk barefoot on the floor.
    • Squeeze and unclench your toes quickly.
    • Try to grab a small object from the floor with your toes.
    • Do a few slow circular motions with your feet.
    • Roll from heel to toe and back again until the tension on your feet subsides.

    It will not be superfluous to warm up for other muscle groups:

    • Make several rotational movements with your head and shoulders.
    • Stretch your hands.
    • Gently stretch your whole body up.
    • Spend 30-60 seconds stretching your arms forward and relaxing your back.

    These simple exercises will help normalize blood flow in the pelvic cavity, put muscles and ligaments in order, and relieve stress from the spine.

    In a sitting position, it is important to listen to your own feelings. As soon as you take an uncomfortable position, in which the blood flow in the pelvic organs is disturbed, the baby will immediately make itself felt with active movements. Excessive motor activity of the fetus is a reason to change position, stand up, walk or do simple gymnastics. As soon as you manage to get into a comfortable position, the baby will calm down. Keeping track of your well-being is the best way to find the right position for you during pregnancy.

    Some couples lead a hectic sex life from the beginning of pregnancy to the very birth. Others have only a few sexual contacts during the entire "pregnant" period. Our experts are sure: if there are no serious medical contraindications, then whether to live an intimate life remains a matter of your choice and feelings! Is it safe, what positions to choose and how to enjoy sex for all nine months - the author of "Lady Mail.Ru" decided to look into this topic together with permanent consultants - sexologist, psychoanalyst of the psychological office "On the Patriarch" Larisa Bedova and sexologist and writer Sultanova .

    “The issue of refusing to have sex during pregnancy is decided by each couple individually, but there are some features,” says Larisa Bedova. - The main source that should be trusted is the opinion of a gynecologist, since it is he who observes and manages a woman's pregnancy. If sexual rest is recommended, then it is worth accepting this as a necessity.».

    Margarita Sultanova also believes that there is no single answer to this question. " It all depends on the state of physical and emotional health of both partners. Pregnancy is not a disease, and if there are no medical contraindications and there is a desire of partners, then there can be no prohibitions. Contraindications also include: the threat of abortion, central placenta previa, and sometimes even toxicosis in severe forms.

    At the same time, many doctors still recommend abstinence from sex during the first three months of pregnancy and during the last month, since in the first trimester there is a high risk of miscarriage, and in the ninth month - the risk of premature birth.

    The subtleties of pregnant sex

    “The difference between sex during pregnancy and normal is only in the second and third trimester, and it consists solely in the presence of the abdomen,” says Sultanova. - Unless, of course, we are talking about a healthy woman. But I wouldn’t call it a serious difficulty - it doesn’t bother many lovers at all.

    At the same time, most women during pregnancy constantly secrete lubricant and are in a state of mild sexual arousal. In a situation where it is recommended to refrain from sex for medical reasons, you have to control yourself and listen to the advice of your doctor. But if "full" sex is not prohibited, then do it. True, it seems to many that lovemaking should become calmer and take place without sudden movements. And future mothers require their partners to literally slow down the process.

    However, Sultanova warns against extremes: “Sex needs to be satisfying. Extreme and exotic is not necessary, but everything must be done so that both partners are satisfied. If you change everything beyond recognition and are afraid to make an extra move, then nothing will remain of intimacy. This can lead to a pause in intimate life, which is not recommended by any sexologist.”

    Pose art

    Couples begin to face the problem of choosing a position in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, and this is due to the growth of the abdomen. Firstly, he just physically interferes, and secondly, women subconsciously do not want to expose him to active external influences.

    Therefore, the most common missionary position becomes the most undesirable. So we discard it and look for others!

    One of the ideal positions for a pregnant woman is on her side, with the woman lying with her back to her husband.“This position is anatomically the most natural for the child and mother,” says Sultanova.

    A woman on a man's lap. In the early stages, it is convenient to sit both facing and the back of the head to the partner, but the owners of a decent belly have to turn their backs to their companion. In the later stages, you can even ask a man to help a woman with his hands, because now she has to lift not only herself, but also her stomach.

    The woman is standing leaning on something, and the man is behind. A table, a washing machine, a bathroom sink - it turns out that the apartment has many convenient places for having sex, which you might not have thought about before. Alternatively, the classic “on all fours” position, during which soft pillows can be placed under the stomach.

    The woman lies on her back and is at an angle to the man who lies on his side. This position is great for couples who prefer to see each other's face during sex.

    Women often become more liberated, sensuality awakens in them, which they had not even suspected before. “Situations when pregnancy liberates a woman’s sensuality are not so rare,” says Bedova. - Pregnancy and childbirth give impetus to the development of true bodily femininity. One gets the impression that nature itself makes it possible to better feel and understand your body, to accept and experience the nuances of bodily sensations.

    “New sensations are associated with a new circumstance in the lives of partners,” Sultanova echoes. - It has long been observed that pregnancy increases libido, and a woman feels a much stronger sexual desire than before pregnancy. In addition, with the growth of the abdomen, she has a constant need to make sure that her partner is sexually attractive, that he wants her as much as before. It turns out that sex will turn into such a kind of proof of love in the eyes of a woman. Agree that most men with great joy will go to such a feat!

    Therefore, do not be afraid of your desires and, if there are no contraindications, continue to live a full sexual life.

    During pregnancy, many couples wonder if it is possible to continue an intimate life during such a special period. Often it is the woman who categorically opposes, because she is afraid that the process can harm the fetus. Some husbands are also afraid of harming the expectant mother and her child, especially after the tummy becomes rounded.

    Intimate life during pregnancy: pros and cons

    It should be noted right away that doctors do not prohibit sexual life during pregnancy without complications.

    The benefits of intimacy

    The benefits of this process can be divided into two categories:

    • medical factors;
    • psychological influence.

    Medical factors

    Scientists have proven that sexual activity helps prepare the female genital organs for the upcoming birth.

    During intimacy, more blood flows to the pelvic area, which has a beneficial effect on the baby's body, as metabolic processes are accelerated.

    In addition, male semen contains substances called prostaglandins. These biologically active substances help to soften the cervix and facilitate future childbirth.

    During sexual activity, more endorphins are produced in the body of a woman - the hormones of happiness, therefore, there is an increase in the mood and general well-being of a pregnant woman.

    Fears that during normal sex during an uncomplicated pregnancy, it is possible to physically damage the fetus, are groundless - the child is reliably protected by amniotic fluid.

    Psychological impact

    The changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy significantly affect her self-esteem. Many women cease to consider themselves attractive, so support from the husband is extremely important during this period. Intimate life will help a pregnant woman feel attractive and desirable.

    Some online sources note that having sex during pregnancy and after childbirth reduces the risk of developing postpartum depression. During pregnancy, it is advisable for a husband to remember that sex for his wife, especially in such a special period, is one of the types of psychological support

    Harm of sexual intimacy during pregnancy

    Sexual activity can harm a woman and an unborn child only if the pregnancy is complicated. In this case, the doctor exposes medical contraindications to intimacy.

    In the normal course of pregnancy, sexual activity is not completely prohibited, but excessive activity is undesirable.

    Having studied the literature on this issue, I believe that intimacy can also negatively affect the health of the mother and unborn child in other cases. I can give an example from practice in a hospital: a woman was admitted at the 5th week of pregnancy with bloody discharge from the genital tract. From the anamnesis it became known that the couple leads a very active sex life and loves to experiment in bed, which in this case resulted in a miscarriage. In the early stages, when the embryo has not yet settled in the uterus, violent sexual intercourse can lead to extremely negative consequences, so it is important to abandon such sexual activity for the entire period of pregnancy.

    Medical contraindications to intimacy during pregnancy

    In some situations, the doctor immediately warns the expectant mother that intimate life is categorically contraindicated for her. These medical conditions include:

    • the presence of a threat of miscarriage;
    • habitual miscarriage (if a woman had spontaneous abortions or miscarriages before this pregnancy);
    • bleeding and spotting from the vagina;
    • leakage of amniotic fluid;
    • low-lying placenta;
    • the presence of a genital tract infection in a sexual partner.

    Relative contraindications include multiple pregnancy. This means that you should not stop having sex completely. However, you should be as careful as possible: you need to choose poses that do not put pressure on the lower abdomen, and also avoid sudden movements and deep penetrations.

    Intimate life by trimesters of pregnancy

    Each trimester of pregnancy has its own characteristics both in the development of the fetus and in the health of the expectant mother. The sexual activity of a woman and the choice of “safe” positions for having sex will depend on these features.

    During the period of pregnancy, a woman should refuse oral sex, since a young man’s oral cavity contains a large number of bacteria, which, against the background of reduced immunity, which is the norm for pregnant women, can lead to the development of candidiasis and other genitourinary infections.

    First trimester of pregnancy

    In the first 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, women are not always aware of its onset, so the sexual life of partners does not experience any changes. In the future, a pregnant woman may experience a decline in sexual activity, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body.

    After 3 weeks of pregnancy, a woman may experience manifestations of toxicosis. Nausea, headaches and feeling unwell are not conducive to sexual intimacy. Also at this time, mood swings occur due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, which can also affect sexual activity.

    The phenomena of toxicosis are not observed in all women, and with good health and the absence of contraindications, you can have a normal sex life, but remember about the danger of violent sexual intercourse.

    Photo gallery: what positions are suitable for starting pregnancy and which are not

    At the beginning of pregnancy, the missionary position is still allowed.
    It is permissible for a partner to lie on her stomach if it does not bring discomfort
    Non-standard positions are not prohibited, but violent sex can lead to miscarriage. If penetration is too deep with the knee-elbow position, it is better not to practice it. Sex in water can lead to infection and injury to the mucous membrane! Try not to use poses that involve significant stress on the woman’s body, “flowing” in an unnatural position

    The small tummy of a woman in the first trimester still allows her to have a full sexual life. In principle, you can choose any position that is comfortable for a woman. Deep penetrations and excessive activity during intercourse should be avoided.

    Second trimester of pregnancy

    This period is the most favorable for sexual life. The phenomena of toxicosis already cease to disturb the woman, the hormonal background stabilizes. In the second trimester, blood flow in the pelvic organs is consistently high, so many women are able to experience multiple and prolonged orgasms.

    It is necessary to make adjustments in sexual life, since a woman's tummy is already acquiring rounded outlines. Some postures should be eliminated so as not to put pressure on him. Avoid the missionary position. It is still important to avoid deep penetrations and excessive activity, which increase the tone of the uterus.

    The most important criterion in choosing positions during this period is the comfort of the woman. Preference should be given to positions in which the woman independently controls the depth of penetration and the speed of the process.
    During mid to late pregnancy, it is best to make love in positions that allow the mother-to-be's body to assume a relaxed position, such as leaning back against several pillows stacked one on top of the other.

    Third trimester of pregnancy

    During this period, the stomach already significantly increases in size, which causes some discomfort during sexual intercourse. The expectant mother begins to worry about the birth process, prepares the room and the necessary things for the future baby, so sexual activity is significantly reduced.

    However, if a woman feels comfortable and is sexually attracted to her partner, you should not give up sex. You should choose poses in which the partner will be as comfortable as possible. These include:

    • the position of a woman reclining on the knees of a man;
      In this position, the movements of the couple will be calm and smooth.
    • position of the woman lying on her side;
      The position in which the woman lies on her side in front of her partner is comfortable and almost effortless.
    • rider posture;
      In this position, the woman completely controls the intensity and depth of the partner's entry.
    • the position of a woman standing on all fours.
      Knee-elbow position

    In the third trimester, the belly puts considerable pressure on a woman's internal organs. The position of a woman lying on her back can lead to squeezing of blood vessels, cause dizziness and a feeling of nausea. The condition of the pregnant woman will improve if she rolls over on her side or gets on all fours.
    The main requirement for postures during sex in the third trimester of pregnancy is the free position of the abdomen and fetus

    In the last 2 weeks before giving birth, many couples are recommended to have sex as a labor induction. In some cases, women go to the hospital within a few hours after intercourse.

    Safety rules for future parents

    During pregnancy, two basic safety rules must be observed:

    • careful observance of intimate hygiene;
    • caution during sexual intimacy.

    intimate hygiene

    It is important to remember that during pregnancy, the immunity of the female body is slightly reduced, so the slightest non-compliance with hygiene can be fraught with the development of infections of the genitourinary system. To avoid this, it is necessary to take a shower before and after sexual intercourse. This applies not only to a woman, but also to her sexual partner.

    Sex should be excluded if the sexual partner has an infectious disease of the genitourinary system.

    Sometimes a woman is not sure about the fidelity of her sexual partner. In this case, it is better to warn yourself and use condoms. In my practice, there have been many cases when a woman who has a sexual life only with her man, absolutely healthy at the last appointment, came to the next one with infectious diseases of the reproductive system.

    Caution during sex

    During intimacy, you should be as careful as possible and take into account the characteristics of each period of pregnancy.

    The partner should not produce excessively intense friction during sex, since this not only carries a danger to the fetus, but can also lead to trauma to the mucous membrane of the female genital organs. Even small microcracks, which in the normal state remain invisible, during pregnancy can become the entrance gate for infection.
    You should stop using sex toys (vibrators, vaginal balls), as they carry a large number of microorganisms on their surface and can lead to infection of the genital tract

    Men should remember that the main rule of sexual intimacy during pregnancy is the woman's comfort. If during or after intercourse there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by discharge, you should immediately go to the hospital

    During pregnancy, it is very important to understand which sensations are normal during and after intercourse, and which are not.

    Since blood rushes to the woman's genitals during sexual intercourse, sexual contact stimulates the uterus. So, a slight discomfort and a feeling of uterine tone that does not cause significant discomfort (pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, similar to those before the onset of menstruation) are considered normal for a maximum of half an hour after intercourse.

    Symptoms requiring immediate medical attention:

    • a feeling of uterine tone that brings severe discomfort or lasts more than 40 minutes after sexual intimacy;
    • the appearance of vaginal discharge (both bloody and transparent);
    • acute constant or intermittent cramping pain in the lower abdomen.

    In the presence of the above symptoms, a woman should immediately consult a doctor!

    Pregnancy for a woman is a special period when she wants to feel not only a future mother, but also to remain an object of desire for her man. Therefore, expectant mothers consult with friends and experts about what positions are suitable for pregnant women.

    But with men, things are not so simple. Some of them will gladly take the opportunity to please their beloved, while others will fight back, suggesting that sex can only harm. Therefore, the article will be useful for future fathers.

    Not so long ago, doctors warned their patients that sexual rest is necessary in the first and last trimesters. Experience shows that such a limitation is not confirmed by anything. Preserving an intimate life will allow you to achieve mutual understanding with your companion, make a man think more often about women's desires.

    A sexual ban will cause misunderstanding in the future father, he will be forced to drown out his needs, and this may affect the relationship as a whole.

    Today, most experts believe that sex, even in late pregnancy, during its normal course is not prohibited. For some women, the gynecologist even strongly advises to encourage her husband to have an active sexual life in the period before childbirth.

    Moreover, there are such positions for sex with a pregnant woman that will not only give pleasure, but also make the process as safe as possible.

    Benefits of sex during pregnancy:

    • During sex, endorphin is produced - the hormone of happiness, which is useful for any person. Through the blood, it is transmitted to the fetus, providing a beneficial effect.
    • With intimacy, the muscular frame of the uterus trains in preparation for childbirth.
    • The seminal fluid contains prostaglandins, which soften the cervix.
    • The psychological state of both parents will be much better if their usual life does not change for the worse. The desired woman will be calm for the relationship, and the man will not think of making a connection on the side. You can try new sex positions that will be a way for a pregnant woman to get unusual emotions.

    Negative effects of intimacy:

    • If a woman has had miscarriages, sex can trigger an abortion.
    • When the cervix can remain permanently open until childbirth. Sex provokes the release of blood.
    • Placenta previa is a good reason to refuse sex, because there is a direct danger to the life of the baby.
    • The presence of an infection in any of the parents can provoke the infection of the child if they do not refuse sexual activity.
    • If the pregnancy is multiple, after 28 weeks, sexual rest is recommended to avoid premature birth.

    When is sex during pregnancy contraindicated?

    There is a list of cases where doctors categorically forbid a couple to have sex. Even the safest positions for sex during pregnancy will not be able to protect the mother and fetus from negative consequences.

    Contraindications in which sex is strictly prohibited:

    • Presence of sexually transmitted diseases. This is especially true for infections that are dangerous to the fetus.
    • Inflammation of the penis in one of the partners.
    • Bloody discharge or other symptoms that indicate a threatened abortion.
    • A history of recurrent miscarriage or premature birth.

    Features of intimacy during pregnancy

    A woman in position is not someone who needs to be restricted from enjoying intimacy with her husband. But there are still some nuances. You can find such sexy positions during pregnancy that the expectant mother will enjoy even faster and brighter than usual. An orgasm cannot cause preterm labor, and slight contractions of the uterus will not threaten the baby.

    Do not use toys from a sex shop, because you can injure the vaginal mucosa. This is especially true for vibrators. Mechanical vibrations can break the integrity of the cervix.

    Fans of oral and anal sex are embarrassed to ask questions to the doctor, so there is an answer for them. Pregnancy is not a contraindication for cunnilingus.

    It is important that the man does not have herpes or other infection on the lips. But anal sex should be postponed - it can provoke hemorrhoids and the appearance of cracks, which can already begin to disturb the expectant mother.

    Many caring dads are afraid to harm the child or leave such an introduction into his space in the memory of the fetus. This myth is very common, but absolutely groundless.

    The child cannot remember anything and will not experience any discomfort. And light wiggles can in no way harm. There are poses that will make sure that sex and pregnancy are compatible concepts. The main thing is to show patience and care for the expectant mother.

    What poses should be abandoned

    Expectant mothers are interested in whether there are positions in sex during pregnancy that should be avoided. She is only one - missionary.

    It is during sex in this position that a woman may experience discomfort due to pressure on her stomach. Even if the period is still quite small, it is better to exclude such a situation.

    Moreover, there is no reason to take risks - during pregnancy there are safe positions for sex that guarantee only positive emotions from the process.

    Allowed Poses

    Now all doubts about the safety of sexual life have been dispelled. Future parents become interested in what position is better to have sex during pregnancy. There are several safe positions.

    Poses that allow you not to make deep penetration:

    • "Rider". For many ladies, this position is the most beloved, because you can control the process yourself. It can be actively used during sex during pregnancy, because it is really possible to avoid too deep penetration.
    • On the side. The man, being behind, does not put pressure on the belly of the expectant mother and does not enter deeper than possible.
    • The woman sits on her husband's knees and, as in the first paragraph, controls every movement.

    Postures where there is no pressure on the abdomen

    The baby is getting bigger every month, so the woman begins to experience some discomfort due to the new volumes of her body.

    Therefore, even such sex positions during pregnancy as a “rider” and sitting on your knees begin to bring discomfort.

    Comfortable posture options:

    • I'm on all fours. Doctors advise taking this position even just as a daily exercise. The load on the back and pelvic bones is reduced, which makes the expectant mother feel relieved.
    • Standing in the bathroom, kitchen or other room where there is a reliable support. The man enters from behind, and pressure on the stomach is completely eliminated.
    • On the side. It has already been described above, one has only to add that in the later stages the pose is especially convenient. The woman's abdomen is not affected and the penetration depth is small.
    • On the edge of the bed. The woman can lie on her back and bend her knees. At this time, the man adapts, as it suits him - kneeling or on bent legs.

    Now you know what positions in sex can be understood by pregnant women, and that intercourse will in no way interfere with the child if gestation proceeds without complications. There is nothing more important in this special period, so that two spouses joyfully look forward to the birth of a baby and do not forget to pay attention to each other.