What to do about toenails turning yellow? Diagnosis and treatment of thickened nails. What is yellow nail

Causes of yellowing of fingernails and toenails. Methods for treating yellow nails with medications and folk remedies.

Well-groomed hands attract attention, so women try to get a beautiful and neat manicure. For several seasons now, naturalness has been at the peak of popularity. All cosmetologists and manicurists adhere to the Nude style. Now you can go outside without any nail polish at all, the main thing is that the manicure is neat.

Why yellow fingernails and toenails in men and women: reasons

There are many reasons for yellowing nails. These can be both disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and external factors. Most often, this problem is faced by girls who often paint their nails with varnish and then wash it off with a special liquid. But if your nails turn yellow without using polish or liquid, you should deal with this problem.

Causes of yellow nails:

  • Hormonal disorders. These may be diseases of the endocrine or reproductive system. Often nails turn yellow in women during menopause. This is also due to deficiencies of certain hormones.
  • Taking antibiotics. Typically, nails turn yellow after taking tetracycline and quinoline. Medicines containing arsenic also cause yellowing of the nail plate.
  • Exposure to aggressive substances. Typically, nails turn yellow when using White, stove and toilet cleaners without gloves.
  • Psoriasis. This is a complex disease when the immune system works against itself. Due to a malfunction of the liver and kidneys, marigolds may turn yellow.
  • Fungus. If, in addition to yellowness, you notice thickening of the nail plate, separation and deformation, then this is a fungus.

A child has yellow toenails: reasons

Children get sick more often than adults, this is due to the immaturity of the immune system. Children under 6 years of age do not always like to eat salad and fruit; therefore, the body may lack vitamins and minerals.

  • Causes of yellow nails in a child:Lack of calcium and selenium. These microelements are found in broccoli, dairy products and soy. Let your child eat yogurt or cottage cheese at least once a day.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system. Children under 3 years of age are just going through a period of adaptation to kindergarten. During this time, children often suffer from viral illnesses. They weaken the immune system and can cause yellowing of nails.
  • Diabetes mellitus and disorders of the pancreas.
  • Worm infestation. Some strains of worms poison the blood with substances that cause nail staining.

Why do the toenails on the big toes and little fingers turn yellow: reasons

Most often, toenails turn yellow due to fungal infection. The most interesting thing is that along with yellowness, nails can flake off, become thick, grow in or even move away from the skin, forming voids.

Causes of yellowing toenails:

  • Visit to the swimming pool. The plate may turn yellow due to high chlorine content in the water or if infected with a fungus. But the fungus is not difficult to recognize, since it most often causes itching and sores between the fingers.
  • Hepatitis or cirrhosis. Along with damage to the nails, the skin turns yellow, as well as the whites of the eyes.
  • Treatment of bacterial diseases. After taking antibiotics, your toenails may turn yellow. It goes away after a while.

Yellow spots on nails: causes

In addition to the above ailments, yellow spots can occur under the following conditions:

  • Smoking. Harmful resins and polymer particles can accumulate in the body. This manifests itself in yellowing of the marigolds.
  • Using low-quality nail polish. Do not use coatings from dubious manufacturers.
  • Dystrophic onychia. This disease is characterized by the destruction of the base of the nail. Because of this, the plate turns yellow and then breaks off into pieces.

A white-yellow spot appears on the nail: what to do?

Along with yellow spots, specks of white light may appear on the nails. This indicates a lack of vitamins. Sometimes white spots appear in winter as a reaction to the cold. If white and yellow spots appear on your nails for the first time, you should consult a dermatologist. It is an experienced doctor who is able to find out the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. It is not recommended to treat such manifestations on your own.

Yellow coating on fingernails: causes

Most often, the cause of this phenomenon is onychomycosis. This is a fungal disease that affects not only the nail plate, but also the skin underneath it. Often the fungus causes cracks between the fingers.

Along with the appearance of a yellow coating, the nail can exfoliate, crumble, move away from the matrix and darken. Without the necessary treatment, the condition worsens. There is deformation and loss of the nail. Yellow plaque is nothing more than small flakes of keratinized tissue that peel off from the nail.

Yellow stripes on nails: causes

These are the first signs of fungus. It is at this stage that the disease is cured most quickly. The fungus can be picked up in a bathhouse, swimming pool or massage room. Sloppy manicurists and pedicurists can also spread infection. At the same time, along with the yellow stripes, the nail plate thickens, and white marks appear. Sweating increases. Winter shoes made of artificial leather can make the situation worse.

Yellow and thick toenails: causes

Thickening of the nail plate and its yellowing is not exactly the first sign of a fungal disease. Initially, the nail simply turns yellow and there is a slight relief in the form of grooves. But if left untreated, the condition worsens. The nail becomes opaque and crumbles when trying to cut it off.

Treatment of yellow nails with folk remedies

There are a lot of folk methods that help get rid of yellowness on nails. Usually these are herbal infusions and lemon juice.

Nail whitening recipes:

  • With sea salt. Dissolve a handful of sea salt in a liter of warm water and add lemon juice. You need 20 ml. Immerse your fingers in the solution and hold for 15 minutes. This bath also strengthens the nail plate.
  • With tea tree. Rub tea tree oil into the nail plate. It has antibacterial properties and kills germs and fungi.
  • With chamomile. Pour a liter of boiling water over a handful of chamomile flowers and leave for 20 minutes. Immerse your fingers in the warm solution and hold for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, rub lemon juice into the plate.
  • With garlic. Grind 5 cloves of garlic and add 20 g of butter to the puree. Rub the mixture into your nails.

Remedies and ointment for yellow nails

Typically, whitening creams or antifungal drugs are used for this purpose. Local remedies are useless if the cause of yellowing nails is hepatitis, cirrhosis or other ailments of the internal organs.

Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of yellow nails:

  • Candide
  • Lamisil
  • Nizoral
  • Exoderil
  • Zalain

Almost all of these drugs contain antifungal substances. Some of the ointments contain antibiotics.

Yellow nails are a common problem that requires immediate treatment. If it is a fungus, then ignoring the problem can cause nail loss.

VIDEO: Yellow nails

Huge yellow or black nails on the hands and feet that resemble animal claws are not a very pleasant sight. They can be so hard that they cannot be cut off, they disfigure legs, and cause horror in people. Thick nails are so hard that they cannot be cut with scissors. Summer shoes are becoming unavailable. For women, this is generally a tragedy. They don’t know what to do about it, panic and hysteria begin.

Why did the nail plate on the big toe of each foot change its structure and become thicker? Thickening and changing color of nails can provoke various diseases.

Causes and symptoms of thickening:

Fungus remedy

1.The most common reason for this problem is fungus. The symptoms of fungus are very easy to recognize, as the toes begin to itch first.

An unpleasant odor emanates from the feet and the appearance of the nails deteriorates. It is easy to catch this disease. While visiting beauty salons, gym, solarium, swimming pool. More careless is wearing someone else's shoes. What to do if the nail on your big toe has turned slightly yellow and thicker?

The fungus is easy to treat this way. Even if you don’t have a fungus, it won’t cause any harm, and prevention won’t hurt.

2.Lymphatic circulation disorder is the second reason for this problem. It usually affects the toenails. Elephantiasis of the feet disrupts the uniform supply of nutrients, because the toes experience hypoxia, the nail plate becomes much thicker, and then darkens.

Thickening and yellowing of the nail

3.This trouble can be caused by diabetes. During the course of this disease, the blood supply is disrupted, the nail on the big toe experiences a lack of nutrients, becomes thicker, and its color and structure change.

4.Endocrine diseases, change the color and thickness of the nail plate. When the endocrine system is disrupted, the normal production of hormones is disrupted. Some are produced in excess, others, on the contrary, are not enough. If there are not enough hormones responsible for the growth and health of nails, then they become thick and change color.

5. Liver diseases, often lead to this problem. Seals, yellowness, roughness, grooves on the nails are one of the signs of liver disease.

6.Cardiac ischemia, leads to cessation of blood circulation, which causes the entire body to suffer, including the nails. They become very thick and acquire a yellow-gray tint.

7. Nervous system disease neuropathy is a complication of diabetes mellitus. The peripheral type of this disease leads to decreased sensitivity of the lower extremities; they are more susceptible to dryness than other parts of the body. You need to watch every nail. If it changes color and becomes thicker, then you should definitely visit a dermatologist.

Fungus on the nail

8. It happens that yellow and thick nails on a person’s feet or hands are a congenital feature. Disturbance of normal blood circulation leads to the fact that they turn yellow and thicken. This disease is called - onychogryphosis.

8. Because lack of vitamin B and calcium, toenails turn yellow, become streaky, and become thicker.

9. The nail on the big toe became painful and yellow, it’s all to blame wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes. In addition to yellowness, it may have blue and black spots. Over time, the nail falls away from the skin. To ensure your new nail grows healthy, you need to wear comfortable shoes.

10. Old age. In people who have passed the age of sixty, their fingernails and toenails become thicker. This is more likely due to the fact that older people suffer from one of the above diseases, or metabolic disorders.

All these causes can be successfully treated. In order for each of the nails to become healthy again, there are folk remedies, as well as modern medicine.

Folk remedies for thickening of nails:


Before making baths and compresses, it is worth remembering that not all diseases can be cured with folk remedies. Traditional methods usually treat nail plate fungus.
Apple vinegar along with potassium permanganate, it is added to the water in which you wash your feet. Such baths need to be done for exactly a week to restore a healthy appearance to your nails.
Tea tree oil– a good remedy for fungus. Treatment: you need to smear yellowed toenails every day.
Herbal collection, consisting of horsetail, oak bark and calendula, is successfully used for baths, has a quick and long-lasting effect.
Garlic– a product known for its antibacterial effect. In order to fight fungal diseases, garlic must be mixed with alcohol to make a tincture, then wipe your feet with it two to three times a day.
For a good effect, it is better to use two methods of treatment at once. For example, first take a bath, then smear your nails with oil.

After taking baths, you need to treat your steamed toenails with oil.
To treat internal causes use:
ivy leaves, filled with a liter of vodka or alcohol. They are first infused for three days, then taken one tablespoon per day. This helps normalize the functioning of the endocrine system.

Wild clove tea cleanses the blood and normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands. It is an excellent remedy for treating many diseases, but this type of clove grows only in France.

If the nail has become thicker due to a violation of the outflow of lymph, then it is treated plantain decoction. Making a decoction is very simple. You need to pour one hundred grams of dried plantain leaves with a liter of water, bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat for another ten minutes. You need to take three tablespoons per day.

Honey with garlic

You can also mix crushed garlic with honey and take it three times a day.
For some liver diseases, people are treated with fasting, or a special diet, and an herb called milk thistle, which must be taken before each meal. After a month of treatment, the liver is cleansed and the signs of the disease disappear.

The worst thing is when this problem is congenital, then treatment is required constantly.
Congenital thickening can be treated with kombucha. Before applying the compress, you need to steam your feet, then treat each nail with kombucha for 8-12 hours.

At the initial stage of onychogryphosis, the steamed nail plate is treated lavender oil. This treatment is good for prevention (until the nail becomes thick). If the nail plate on your toes has already hardened and taken on a sharp shape, it is better to consult a doctor.

Gives a good effect aloe leaf compress.

A congenital disease does not mean that a person has this shape and color of nails. Usually they become thicker due to a lack of nutrients or some problems with the internal organs. Therefore, you must first identify and eliminate the cause. Treatment with folk remedies is good, but not always effective.

Diagnosis and treatment of thickened nails

Before starting treatment, you need to identify the exact cause, and not guess it, self-medicating and wasting time.

To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist and get a referral from him for the appropriate tests. After passing all the tests, when the reason becomes known. You may have to change your doctor. A thick nail, or rather a small piece of it, is taken for analysis.
Thickening of the nails, which appears due to fungus, lymphostasis, and lack of essential vitamins, can be treated with folk remedies. But if the thickening occurs due to liver disease, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system, it is better to treat them using the methods prescribed by the doctor.

It is probably very difficult to find a person who has not had their natural nail color changed at least once in their life. But, as a rule, most people do not take such a warning seriously, which ultimately results in quite serious consequences for the entire human body. It’s not for nothing that the shape and color of the nail are natural indicators of the health of the entire body.

Therefore, it is so important to know not only the reasons for possible changes, but also ways to correct the current situation. And in today’s article we’ll talk not only about what yellow nails say, but also consider both the causes and methods of treatment.

Usually, This condition of the nail plates can be caused by various factors. So, they include:

  • Early stage of jaundice. In most cases, this skin condition is not considered to be a disease, but rather an early manifestation of symptoms of liver disease, such as hepatitis or in some cases even cirrhosis.
  • Long-term use of various antibiotics , for example, the tetracycline or quinoline series. A change in the color of the nails in this case signals the onset of problems in the body associated with metabolism.
  • Exposure of nails to certain chemical compounds. This could be some varnishes, gels, nail polish remover and even some household chemicals. But it is worth noting that such substances only affect the open area of ​​the nail, and if you do not stop further use of such drugs, then there is a high probability of both surface deformation and peeling of the nail plates.
  • Negative effects of ultraviolet rays from the sun. Most often this happens due to abuse of visits to the solarium. Experts recommend performing this procedure no more than once every 6 days.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice helps with yellow nails
  • Smoking. Although many people know about the harmfulness of this addiction, unfortunately, the number of smokers has not decreased at all in recent years. And the nicotine itself, contained in cigarettes, can lead to the fact that, one day, you wake up and see yellow toenails. The cause and treatment of this painful condition of the nail plates are often interrelated. So, it is enough to quit smoking, and after a certain period of time your nails will regain their healthy color.
  • Fungal infection of the nail surface. As a rule, the fungus can be of several types, but with common symptoms for all, which makes it possible not only to recognize it without much difficulty, but also to select an effective treatment.
  • Respiratory tract diseases.
  • Chronical bronchitis
  • Heart diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Weakening of the human immune system.

Don't miss useful advice from doctors: How to quickly cure jams in the corners of the lips. Effective ways and means.

Treatment for yellow toenails

It is not at all surprising that, upon discovering yellow toenails, the cause and treatment are what a person immediately thinks about. And if, for example, this unhealthy change in the color shade of the nail plates arose as a result of the aggressive effects of substances of chemical origin, then it is enough to simply stop using them or change them to others.

In addition, there are many recipes for lightening nail plates that can be used at home. So, they include:

  1. Juice from freshly squeezed lemon. Just pour a little juice into a jar and dip your discolored nails into it. For the procedure, one half of a lemon will be enough.

  2. Tea tree oil. Not only is it a strong natural antiseptic, but it is also widely available in any locality.

  3. Celandine oil. You can apply it to the affected area both in the evening and during the day. Remember that your feet should always be in socks during the entire treatment period.

Celandine oil

But no matter how the circumstances develop, we should not forget that the effectiveness of traditional medicine increases several times when used in combination with traditional medicine. That's why it's so it is important to contact medical institutions in a timely manner .

But how to use oats to cleanse the body, recipes and reviews about this folk remedy can be found at the link provided.

A nail plate that suddenly acquires a yellowish tint should alert you, because, as you know, it is nails and hair that are the first to react to complications with human health, not to mention the problem of aesthetics.

The sight of unhealthy yellow nails creates an unpleasant opinion among others that a person may not be sufficiently careful about the cleanliness of his own body, and perhaps is not treating a fungal disease that has arisen, which naturally causes disapproval and reluctance to contact him.

That's why it is necessary to combat this pathology as soon as it has been identified. Having identified the cause of the problem, you can choose an effective way to eliminate it so that your nails are healthy and beautiful.

Why are your fingernails yellow: the main reasons

Yellowing of nails most often appears in the following cases:

Be careful! Not knowing why the nails on their hands are yellow, many women resort to the services of manicurists to mechanically file away the yellow layer. This method can only make the situation worse. In addition, this will only eliminate the symptoms, but not the root cause of the pathology.

Fungal infections of nails

One of the most common causes of yellowing nails is fungal infections.

Penetrating deep into the structure of the nail, the fungus thickens it and gives it an unusual shade.

Most often, infection occurs due to non-compliance with hygiene rules., physical contact with people susceptible to infections, as well as visiting public swimming pools and saunas, where it is simply impossible to remove the fungus.

Nail plate injury

If the nail plate is damaged due to a strong blow or mechanical impact, the nail becomes deformed and changes its structure. Its entire system is disrupted, swelling and sometimes hematoma appear.

All these factors affect the color of the nail, and it changes color for natural reasons. However, this is a temporary phenomenon.

After successful healing and fusion of the old nail, the color will return to normal and acquire its natural shade.

Diseases of internal organs

Suddenly yellowed nails can be a serious sign signaling possible diseases of the internal organs. If this pathology is detected, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Usually in such cases, the organs are susceptible to infectious diseases such as pneumonia, dysentery, etc. Often the nails turn yellow due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Exposure to chemicals

Modern products, replete with chemicals, cause severe harm to body tissues. Their molecules penetrate deep into the nail and, as a result of the reactions that occur, change its color.

This most often occurs when gloves are ignored when using household chemicals. It is important to protect your hands from their adverse effects.

Bad habits

Smoking is one of the most common causes of yellow nails. The nicotine contained in cigarettes destroys the protective barrier of the nail, and nicotine resins give it this unhealthy tint. Often smokers have no idea why their fingernails are yellow.

Experts are confident that the most The best solution to combat this aesthetic problem is to quit smoking.

Consequences of an incorrectly done manicure

Women who save significantly on manicure products risk ruining their nails not only by the appearance of a yellow tint, but also by a violation of their integrity and strength.

Cheap varnishes change color when exposed to ultraviolet rays, thereby causing damage to the nail plate.

Note! Experienced manicurists recommend using high-quality, proven products to decorate your hands, as well as using a base before applying any varnish. This will reduce the negative impact to a minimum.

If the problem has already arisen, it is necessary to allow the nail to grow completely without using any nail substances.

Yellow nails after removing gel polish or shellac

This reason is closely related:

  • using low-quality materials, which causes the fingernails to turn yellow;
  • with incorrect gel polish removal technique.

The combination of a low-quality remover and rough, careless handling can lead to yellowing of the nail and damage.

To avoid this, Experts advise removing gel polish with a special preparation without emollients. from a trusted specialist.

Features of yellowing of the nail plate

Based on exactly how the yellowness on the nails was localized, you can understand the possible sources of its appearance. However, this method is approximate.

Types of yellow spots and causes of their appearance:

When yellow nails are a sign of illness

The body reacts differently to the disease occurring within it. In some cases, yellowed nails can indicate the development of a person’s disease. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the body's signals.

Yellow nails indicate illness if:

Which doctor should I contact if my nails are yellow and what tests may need to be taken?

The very first specialist who needs to be visited when this pathology appears is a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination, ask clarifying questions, try to find out the cause of the problem, and prescribe tests.

If the yellowing is not associated with serious diseases, but comes from an infection of the outer skin, a referral to a dermatologist will be issued.

The therapist himself prescribed tests based on the external picture of the course of the disease. Most often these are blood tests, cultures and x-rays.

These tests are performed to identify the root cause of the problem., are prescribed by a doctor and can be supplemented at the discretion of a specialist.

Scheme for complex treatment of the nail plate

Methods and methods of treatment, first of all, will
ut depend on the root cause of the pathology. If these are diseases of internal organs, then drug treatment with antibiotics will be fundamental.

In each specific case, a doctor draws up a complete plan, which in most cases includes:

  • prescribing medications to treat the cause of yellowing nails;
  • supporting vitamin complex;
  • in some cases, a therapeutic diet is prescribed.

Important to remember! Full recovery is possible only with comprehensive treatment and following all doctor’s recommendations!

It is impossible to exclude any link from the prescribed treatment regimen. Otherwise, there is a risk of not only not eliminating the problem, but also aggravating it.

Remedies and ointments for yellow nails from the pharmacy

In situations where it is not possible to see a doctor, you can resort to help from the drug industry.

Note! Experts do not recommend self-medication. You can use the products yourself only in cases of extreme necessity and complete confidence that the cause of yellowing is in no way related to serious diseases.

The pharmacy sells ointments that can alleviate the pathology and stop the development of the fungus.

All medical products of this type basically contain special substances designed to fight nail fungus as the most common cause of yellow nails on the hands.

However, they should only be used if the pathology is caused by it. In other cases, you should not resort to such drugs.

The most common remedies for yellowing due to fungus:

These drugs require long-term use. Don't expect results after the first time. For best results, you should also not skip days of using the product.

These ointments must be used strictly according to the instructions or as directed by a doctor.

Vitamin complexes for healthy nails

Important! The use of multivitamin complexes, regardless of the root cause of the pathology, will help strengthen the nails and prevent their diseases.

This causes your fingernails to become less yellow. In addition, the substances included in the drug allow the nail plate to become stronger, firmer and more durable, as well as acquire a healthy, well-groomed appearance.

When choosing such complexes, it is very important to pay attention to their composition. It should not contain artificial impurities or harmful substances.

Preference should be given to proven popular brands that have long won the trust of not only ordinary consumers, but also specialists.

Best remedies:

  • "Revalid", costing from 700 to 1200 rubles. A fairly environmentally friendly product. It is based on an extract of millet, as well as an infusion of wheat, copper, and iron. These ingredients replenish the nutrients of the nail, help strengthen its structure from the inside;
  • "Alphabet Cosmetics", priced at about 500 rubles. It contains a wide range of vitamins, including vitamins C, B, E, as well as extracts of aloe, birch, and horsetail. This product helps restore the process of nail regeneration, prevents its delamination and promotes accelerated growth of the plate;
  • "Perfectil", costing from 600 to 1500 rubles. Contains a fairly rich complex of useful substances that have a beneficial effect not only on the nail plate, but also on the body as a whole. Contains B vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. They nourish, strengthen, and also create a protective shell on the surface of the nail, protecting it from adverse factors.

It is worth considering that the cost of drugs varies depending on their configuration and the number of tablets themselves in the package.

According to doctors, Such drugs for healing and strengthening nails must be used in courses. However, their duration should not exceed more than one month.

If you break this rule, there is a significant risk of harming your body.

It is also a good idea to consult your doctor before starting to take a multivitamin.

Traditional recipes for treating nail plates from yellowness

It is quite possible to improve the situation using folk methods. Such methods have practically no contraindications, and in addition they additionally help improve the appearance of nails.

Therapeutic baths

Salt bath is one of the simplest and most accessible for the nail plate., which you can easily prepare on your own.

Another obvious advantage is its economic feasibility - you don’t have to buy additional substances.

To make it you need:

  • salt. Ideally, it should be sea, as it contains more nutrients and minerals. However, a regular kitchen one will do;
  • water in the volume of one glass. It must be boiled and warm;
  • oils. They are needed for additional nutrition and hydration of the plate. Tea tree oil is best suited for these purposes. However, due to the lack of specialized oils, the addition of sunflower oil is allowed. Required amount of any type: 9-11 drops.

The procedure goes like this:

A berry bath will nourish your nails, give them shine and strength.

For a berry bath you need:

  • seasonal berries in quantities of several pieces. It is better if they are sour varieties. Since the acid contained in them will significantly whiten your nails. In addition, such berries contain vitamin C, which is extremely beneficial for them.
  • mineral water in the volume of one glass.

The procedure is like this:

  1. The fruits themselves must be pureed and then combined with mineral water.
  2. The procedure time is 15 minutes.
  3. After doing this, you need to rinse your hands and lubricate them with nourishing cream.

Bleaching with fruit acids

Fruit acids have the unique property of eliminating the yellowness of the nail plate, which makes the fingernails less yellow. This is due to the presence of vitamin C in the composition.

It is worth noting that a positive effect and long-term results are achieved only after constant long-term use of fruit acids.

There are two most effective ways to use fruit acids to brighten a plate:

  • using lemon: the fruit is cut into small pieces. One slice is applied to the plate for 5-8 minutes. Afterwards, rub the nail with it. Such actions must be carried out on each finger. The remaining juice is washed off with water. As an option, make a bath from this fruit. To do this, squeeze the juice of 1/3 lemon into clean, warm water. Keep your hands in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.
  • using grapefruit: puree is made from half the fruit, and then it is slightly diluted with water. The resulting mixture is applied to the nails and left for 10 minutes. The residues are thoroughly washed off with water, and the nail plate is wiped with olive oil.

The problem that causes nails to turn yellow can be either a minor side effect of cosmetic procedures and the influence of household chemicals, or a sign of a serious illness.

Anyway, Do not put off visiting a doctor for a long time, you should contact a specialist as early as possible.

In this video you will learn why fingernails and toenails are yellow and how to fix it:

This video will show you a simple way to whiten your nail plate:

The color and shape of the nail plates are excellent indicators of health. The changes that occur with them indicate the presence of a disease or the emergence of a pathological process. If your toenails have turned yellow, become ribbed, wavy, smell bad and are peeling - all these are symptoms of ailments that need to be paid close attention to.

The causes of yellow toenails can be completely different. The appearance of this unpleasant symptom is due to both external and internal factors:

1. The most common cause of yellowness on the nail plate is acute and chronic liver diseases. First, the nails acquire an uncharacteristic shade, then the whites of the eyes and skin.

2. Imbalance of microflora. A lack of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines and disturbances in its functioning can also cause yellowing.

3. The nails on the big toes turn yellow, peel and break off unevenly in cases where they are affected by various types of skin fungi.

4. There is a pathology called “yellow nail syndrome.” It occurs periodically in people older than middle age. In this case, not only the nails turn yellow and peel, but also problems with swelling of the legs and lung function appear. If such symptoms are observed, it is necessary to do fluorography to detect tumors in the respiratory system.

5. Yellowing and separation of the plates on the toes may be a concomitant sign of diabetes.

6. Pathological changes can be caused by disruption of the protective and nervous systems. When the immune system deteriorates, the nails and hair are the first to suffer, followed by unpleasant deformations that appear on the skin.

7. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, neglect of daily foot washing, pedicure. The nail plates must be carefully monitored so that they do not become deformed, grow into the skin or peel off (read about such problems and their treatment in the article). The appearance of yellow spots often occurs in those people who suffer from excessive sweating of the feet, but do not use special deodorizing agents (sprays, powders, talc for feet). Wearing synthetic, uncomfortable shoes also negatively affects the condition of the foot.

8. Long-term use of certain medications (chloramphenicol and tetracycline antibiotics, antimicrobial tablets, pharmaceuticals containing arsenic), exposure to chemicals (household cleaners, decorative varnish) can cause discoloration.

What to do?

Depending on what diagnosis the doctor makes, it will be clear what to do if the nail plate on the big toe turns yellow:

1. In cases where yellow toenails are the result of chronic liver disease (cirrhosis or hepatitis), the doctor will suggest drug treatment. It necessarily includes a wide range of different medications and will depend on the stage and severity of the disease. Many of the prescribed medications are used strictly in courses under the mandatory supervision of a doctor. In addition, the affected plate is allowed to grow back and the yellow part is carefully cut off, gradually getting rid of the unpleasant growth.

2. If yellowing is caused by a weakened immune system, then taking vitamin and mineral complexes that contain a range of useful substances necessary to restore health and strengthen the body’s defense system will help treat the problem. In particularly severe cases, medications may be prescribed to stimulate the immune system.

3. For fungal diseases, medications will be prescribed for both internal use and various solutions for treatment. To successfully defeat the disease, you need to undergo special tests that will help determine which microorganism caused the appearance of yellow stripes on the nail plate, and select medications to destroy it.

In advanced stages of the disease, surgery and laser treatment are indicated. Only a doctor can determine their appropriateness. In the case of any established diagnosis, careful foot care, adherence to personal hygiene rules, rationing of diet and work and rest are required.

Folk remedies

You can return the plate of the big toe to a healthy color at home by using some popular folk recipes. They should be used carefully, choosing those that do not contain components that cause allergies:

1. To cure yellow nails, pure, fresh lemon juice is often used. With a cotton swab dipped in it or a piece of citrus, you need to wipe the affected nail plate daily. It is recommended to make compresses and leave them for several hours, having previously fixed them.

2. You can prepare a special ointment to treat thick yellow nails. You will need to mix one tablespoon of 70% vinegar and vegetable oil and a raw egg. The ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, the ointment should be applied to the affected nail overnight, the foot should be wrapped in a clean bandage and put on warm socks. The prepared composition is stored in the refrigerator for several days.

3. Finely chopped garlic is mixed with butter and the resulting paste is applied to the nail. You need to secure such a compress with a bandage or sterile napkin and wrap your finger in polyethylene for additional thermal effects. The mixture is left overnight.

4. The use of celandine or tea tree oils successfully helps treat yellowing of the thumbnail. You can use it for treatment at any time, but be sure to wear socks afterwards to maintain the positive effect.

If folk recipes do not help restore a healthy color within two weeks, then you should consult a specialist doctor for advice, diagnosis and treatment.

To avoid yellowing of the nail plate, you need to pay attention to health and personal hygiene. In public places, such as saunas, swimming pools and public showers, you need to wear shoes made of materials that can easily be treated with antiseptics. Use a separate towel to dry your feet. For everyday wear, give preference to comfortable shoes made from natural materials and under no circumstances wear someone else’s shoes. Carefully monitor the condition of your nails, especially on the big toe, trim them in a timely manner, file them and prevent them from growing into the skin. Don’t forget about treating calluses, chafing and cracks on your feet.