Chiffon scarf around the neck. Stylish images with light scarves and scarves. Simple scarf tying

A women's scarf is a multifunctional accessory that successfully combines two functions: decorative and, so to speak, warming. Today, an accessory is chosen based on the appearance, choosing a good quality material according to the weather, and also carefully studying techniques that suggest how to tie a women's scarf to look stylish. After all, it is important not only to learn how to combine colors and materials, but also to skillfully select the right version of the string for any occasion. And today we will look at ways to tie different scarves around the neck. After all, it is beautiful to tie a scarf - this is a real art. And we will try to teach it to you. 🙂

Types of scarves and how do they differ?

Before learning how to beautifully tie a women's scarf, you need to familiarize yourself with the names and types themselves. This will help you better navigate the material of the article and understand what is at stake.


This accessory is familiar to many, but often not very popular among young people. But in vain. This is a scarf, usually square or triangular. For more comfortable wearing, the square is usually folded diagonally. Shawls are knitted from wool yarn.


This is a more common version of the shawl among young people. As a rule, it is much smaller in size. Girls prefer to wear it with a “corner” in front - this allows you to protect your throat and chest from cold, wind and wet weather as much as possible.


In fact, this is not quite a scarf, but rather a fur cape. But it is often referred to as scarves. The boa gained popularity not so long ago, so now the accessory is just beginning to appear on store shelves.

Arafatka or Palestinian headscarf

Everyone has heard about this species at least once in their life. The checkered scarf, which gained popularity a few years ago, still does not go out of fashion. Initially, the scarf was created from cotton or linen fabric, and served as a protection against wind and sand. With the help of an accessory, they often create various images in a casual style. Well, besides this, a scarf is often used as a headband by people who are far from fashion. For example, fishermen and hunters who find this accessory more practical and necessary than stylish and elegant. 🙂


It is unlikely that at least one true fashionista does not know this look. This is a scarf in the usual sense, but it is quite wide (about 70 cm wide). A variety of materials are used for stoles: wool, cotton, silk, they can even be knitted. It is this accessory that can be stylishly tied up and beautifully worn not only on the neck, but also on the head.


This type is the most popular today. An interesting feature is that it has sewn tails, so that it is a single solid ring. Often used instead of a hat. To tie a snood scarf is very simple, but we will talk about this a little later.

How to tie a women's scarf around the neck?

Now let's talk about why we are all here. To the question - how to tie a women's scarf - the simplest answer will be - no way. And yes, we are serious. If we are talking only about aesthetics (and not about protection from cold and wind), then you can always just wrap the accessory around your neck, leaving the edges hanging down freely in front. But this option is only suitable if the length of the product allows. Or, for example, you can wrap a scarf around the neck in front so that the edges are at the back, where they need to be crossed. Loose tails, brought forward, also leave to hang out in front. Such options will add negligence, charm to the image with minimal time.

Let's move on to more complex tying options. To fully understand how to tie women's scarves around the neck, we have prepared for you a lot of photos and videos. In addition, in the article we will discuss how to tie a scarf or scarf on top of a jacket and coat. But first things first.

Advice! This season, voluminous knitted scarves are at the peak of fashion. Pair them with classic or sportswear. Only such a combination will create a complete harmonious image. For business style, such accessories are categorically contraindicated. An alternative would be the usual wide stole draped over the shoulders. It is also worth abandoning voluminous products for small fragile girls.

Stylish bow

This method is definitely suitable for a subtle romantic nature. An accessory tied with a bow goes well with any classic clothing, such as a coat. Below is a step-by-step instruction, photo, video that will tell you how to properly tie a women's scarf around your neck in such a cute girlish way:

  • Throw the scarf over your neck so that one end is longer than the other;
  • form a ring from the longer part, squeeze the center with your fingers;
  • with the short end from bottom to top we tie the ring in the place where it was gathered with fingers;
  • when the bow is assembled, hide the tail in a knot on the bow;
  • lift the bow a little closer to the throat.

Snood from improvised means

Remember how it was in that Soviet film: “With a slight movement of the hand, the trousers turn ... the trousers turn ... Into elegant shorts!” Here we have something like this. You can create a stylish snood from an ordinary wide stole in a matter of seconds. Only for this, your scarf should be made of soft, fairly thin material. Take the two ends of the tippet and simply tie them together. Further, it is important to know how to tie such a female scarf around the neck so that the junction is not visible. You simply throw the product in several turns around the neck and hide the knot under them. A very simple way to tie a scarf, but not many people know about it.


At first glance, it may seem that repeating this method of tying is simply impossible. In fact, to tie a scarf with such weaving, you only need a little skill and patience. The image with such an accessory looks fresh and at ease. Consider step-by-step instructions on how to tie a women's scarf around your neck, and photos will help us with this:

  1. Take a long loose scarf. Throw the edges back, cross and return to the front, leaving the center to sag freely on the chest.
  2. Twist the inside once.
  3. Pass the free left tail into the ring formed in the center on top (this is important).
  4. But the right ponytail is similarly passed into the ring, but from below.
  5. Slowly, gently pull the knots closer to the throat. You will get a very nice knot.

Another similar option with twisting the central loop.

On the gif below, you can also see a slightly different way of tying in a similar way to a knot on a scarf.

Knot in the form of infinity

Now let's talk a little about how to tie a snood scarf in style. And again, it is better to turn to step-by-step instructions:

  1. We throw the snood around the neck, twist it several times in front (do not pull it too close to the throat).
  2. Holding the twisted scarf so that it does not unravel, straighten the loops a little (you know how they do it when weaving openwork braids).
  3. Pass the loose front loop over your neck.
  4. Next, you just need to straighten the fabric a little to give volume.


Probably the most common option, but some still have not mastered a simple, uncomplicated technique:

  • tie a scarf around your neck, leaving one ponytail longer than the other;
  • lift the left corner of the long part to the throat and tuck it into the loop;
  • gently straighten the fabric to get the desired "corner".

For this method, light material is better, and the scarf itself should be wide enough. So you can beautifully tie a light scarf in spring or autumn, while it is still not very cold. This will add femininity and sophistication to your image.


Using this method, you can and should beautifully beat the bright colors of the accessory. It will look especially cool if there are several bright colors on the scarf, some kind of abstraction. Does anyone here still want to know how to tie a women's scarf in the form of a wreath? Then let's go:

  • throw a scarf so that the edges hang down at the back;
  • cross the ends on the back and return to the front;
  • both tails must be passed through the upper part of the loop formed, pulled out;
  • repeat the procedure several times;
  • straighten the loops carefully.

"A la tie"

Great very simple option. Let's see how it looks in practice:

  • throw the product over the neck so that the ends are in front;
  • tie one tail in a knot, but do not tighten it;
  • pass the other end into the loop, and pull the knot closer to the throat.

Advice! Such a rough tie knot will not look good on a thick knitted scarf. Choose some lightweight material for this method, such as silk. Or, in extreme cases, not a dense jacquard.

In conclusion, we have prepared a video for you that will tell you how to tie and wear a wide stole scarf under outerwear. By the way, these tips have been prepared for you by the fashion gurus of Cosmopolitan, so take a closer look at them 😉

How to combine a knitted scarf with a coat or jacket?

So, all the previous options would definitely look good with some kind of light vest or with a light unbuttoned jacket. But, how beautiful is it to tie a warm women's scarf so that it matches with outerwear? There are, of course, such nodes. They give femininity, playfulness, charm, attract the eye. In cold weather, tied accessories can be worn on and under a coat, perfectly combined with a jacket. And now we will tell you several options for how to tie a scarf on a women's coat with and without a hood, with and without a collar. Of course, photos and videos will help to understand this issue. In general, it's time to start.

Advice! For clothes of muted and dull colors (which it happens in the cold season), it is better to choose a bright scarf. It is he who will become a contrasting spot in your image, without overloading it.

For inclement weather

As mentioned above, there are several ways to beautifully tie a scarf on women's outerwear, and this method is especially practical, as it saves from cold and strong winds. A scarf with such a knot gives a special sophistication. Let's see how to achieve the desired result:

  • wrap the scarf around your neck 2 times;
  • tie the ends in a knot at the back of the neck;
  • one of the ends must be tightly rewound the lower loop;
  • we do the same with the other end, but we are already wrapping the upper loop with it;
  • tighten both skeins tightly to the throat and straighten the edges.

Another beautiful option for cold weather

Now we will tell you how to tie a scarf on a coat, probably in the most original way. The knot that we will learn to make is not very simple. To master the technique of tying, of course, you will have to practice, but the result is worth it.

  1. Choose a long scarf from a not very dense material.
  2. We wrap the scarf around the neck, and weave the ends on the chest. At the same time, make the loop more free, because when weaving a braid, its size will decrease significantly.
  3. Now start weaving an ordinary braid: you have two ends, and a loop around your neck will act as a third.
  4. Weave as long as the length allows. When the braid is completed, tie off the ends and tuck them neatly.
  5. Twist so that the braid was in front. You can straighten the loops of the braid to make the product more magnificent.

Advice! You may well perform the same manipulations and not on the body. Then, a braided scarf can simply be worn on top of a coat or jacket.

Bright option for gray days

By the way, this option is perfect for warm knitted scarves.

  1. Take a bright accessory (it should not be wide) and throw it around your neck.
  2. Now, all that is needed is to tie a few loose knots on the chest. Each next node must be passed through the previous loop.
  3. Straighten the knots of the scarf.

This option is good purely from an aesthetic point of view. It is he who shows how to properly tie a scarf on a woman's coat, so that it is beautiful, but not warm at all.

Practical option - knot

Now we need to mention how to tie a scarf under a woman's coat. There are many options, with a strong desire, you can even choose one of the methods described above. But we want to show you the most practical, in our opinion, technique:

  • fold the scarf in half;
  • it is in this form that you need to attach the product behind the neck;
  • we pass the edges of the scarf into the loop formed;
  • we draw the free ends under the formed knot from the bottom up;
  • then from the previous position from top to bottom, passing through a new loop.

And another similar option.

Scarf under the jacket

A separate topic is the question of how to tie a scarf under a women's jacket. A jacket is not outerwear, and it is unlikely that you will be able to go outside in extreme cold without putting on a jacket or coat on top. Therefore, the accessory must be very carefully selected in combination with this item of women's wardrobe. But on the other hand, if you choose a light material and know how to tie a women's silk scarf or stole, for example, then you can wear the accessory even indoors. Let's master the most common technique:

  • wrap the scarf around your neck so that you get a full turn, but the ends hang down on your chest;
  • we tie the ends into two tight knots;
  • move the knot to its side and straighten it.

This is actually the easiest decorative option to tie a scarf. This method of tying cannot be repeated with a dense fabric - it will look simply ridiculous. But with a light silk scarf, it will turn out very cool.

And now let's watch a few videos that will tell you how else you can tie a women's scarf around your neck:

How to tie a scarf so that the ends are not visible?

But sometimes you want to wear a scarf beautifully, hide the ends. But it seems to us that such a desire is not connected only with the aesthetic side. Sometimes the ends are also hidden so that, for example, the snake does not “chew” the beloved accessory, does not leave chains on it, or does not break it at all. We will also consider such ways to tie an accessory so that everyone is satisfied.

Advice! It is better for thin fragile girls to choose a product with a small dense pattern, but for dense girls, on the contrary, with a large print or pattern.

Node "Eight"

To repeat such a knot, you need to stock up on a snood made of thin, lightweight fabric. Or, you can make a snood yourself by tying the ends of any long scarf. Let's move on to the technique of tying without unnecessary preludes:

  • snud must be folded in half;
  • we throw it over the back of the neck so that the loop ends are in front, on the chest;
  • we thread one end-loop into the other loop formed;
  • further, we conditionally divide into two ends, and we stretch one into the same loop;
  • twist the loop, turning it out with your hands;
  • gently straighten the knot, fabric from all sides to add volume (although the volume can be adjusted as desired).

Knot "Madeleine"

Prepare for training a very wide long scarf, scarf or tippet (which will fit perfectly). A checkered print of a stole on a one-color down jacket will look very original. Let's figure out how to tie a women's checkered scarf with a madeleine knot so that it is warm and comfortable:

  • the tippet must be given a triangular shape and thrown over the shoulders so that the ends are on the chest;
  • wrap the scarf around the neck again, bringing the ends forward again;
  • tie them with a double knot and move the knot over the shoulder;
  • neatly fill the tips, hide inside the stole.


In this way, you can easily impose a voluminous warm square scarf. Let's learn the step by step technique:

  • as in the previous version, the product must be given a triangular shape and thrown over the back with a triangle, bringing the ends forward;
  • in front, weave the ends with each other, and throw them back;
  • make a knot at the back of the head and hide it under the triangle;
  • straighten the scarf, adding volume to it.

And what about men?

And, although our article should tell you how to tie a women's scarf, we cannot but pay at least a little attention to our beloved men. Let's not beat around the bush, but immediately consider several successful tying options for men:

  1. The easiest way is to fold the most ordinary long scarf in half, throw it around your neck and thread the loose ends into the resulting loop.
  2. You can also leave one end longer than the other. Wrap the long end around the neck again, tucking it in front under the same coil.

And here are a few more options for how to tie a scarf for a man.

As you can see, men bother much less about this issue, and even more so, they are little interested in the aesthetic side. It is important for a man to be warm, practical. What else to add here? Never mind. Just love the strong sex as they are. Fashion should not be the strong point of a real man. 😉


Dear ladies, remember that you are beautiful in any appearance, in any outfit, and your main decoration should be a smile. A scarf is just a stylish accessory that helps to emphasize the natural beauty and sophistication. It does not matter what it will be: a delicate silk scarf, a soft knitted snood or a slightly rough woolen shawl. It is important that you always feel comfortable and cozy in your chosen outfit.

A scarf is a multifunctional and extremely important part of a woman's wardrobe. The fair sex pays a lot of attention to such accessories. They do the right thing, because through the decor on the neck, you can change the image beyond recognition. This article is devoted to how to tie a scarf around your neck, refined options are considered here along with modest ones, so every girl can choose suitable ways to transform clothing sets.

Facts about women's scarves

In order to acquire a truly useful thing, you should decide on its purpose. Winter scarves serve exclusively for the purpose of warming, simultaneously realizing a decorative function. You can wear demi-season products with a dense texture throughout the spring and autumn months, and, if desired, use them as headwear. Summer scarves are a beautiful and weightless addition to the image, designed to hide flaws and highlight the advantages of appearance.

warm accessory realizes a decorative function

The skillful combination of ordinary or cowboy shawls, woolen products, scarves, arafats, kerchiefs, stoles and scarves with garments is an ability that can be easily trained through the active use of these things in all seasons of the year. Do not stop at standard models, consider a shawl, bactus, snood, boa, skate, as well as woolen, fur, cashmere, down and lace products. Pay attention to the ever-changing fashion trends, follow the example of the most stylish celebrities, devote a lot of time to studying style canons and master classes on creating harmonious ensembles of clothes, be sure of your own irresistibility - and you will undoubtedly acquire a subtle sense of style. Scarves and other similar items should not be excluded from the wardrobe, since with the help of such gizmos a unique image of a person is created. There is no need to miss a simple and affordable opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

knot of a light light scarf with polka dots

step by step instructions for creating a beautiful knot

white scarf with decor

step-by-step instruction

light neckerchief with a tourniquet

step-by-step instruction

white scarf with tassels and beads

step-by-step instruction

cozy cape

step by step instructions for tying a knot on the back

Effective ways to tie a scarf around your neck

classic knot

The ends of the scarf thrown over the shoulders should be in front, they must be tied at your discretion, when creating and tightening the knot, one must proceed from personal preferences. Many mistakenly underestimate this simple option for wearing neck accessories, considering it uninteresting. By adding a suitable accessory, you can transform into a passionate lady or a prude. This method is good because it is implemented quickly, does not require skills and is suitable for absolutely everyone.

complex composition of classical knots step-by-step instructions for forming a knot system

exquisite layered knot

step-by-step instruction

double composition

By introducing a double knot into a women's wardrobe, two needs can be covered at once. First, a decorative effect is achieved; secondly, such an accessory warms superbly. To form a double knot, the longest possible scarf is taken, which is wrapped around the neck twice. The ends hanging on the chest should be tied with any knot, then placed over the clothes or hidden under it.

an interesting knot on an accessory with a floral print

step-by-step instruction

famous ascot

Super feminine sophisticated looks are obtained when using the ascot knot. To create the right composition around the neck, you need a square scarf. The fabric must be folded diagonally and wrap the triangular piece around the perimeter of the neck so that the even angle is in front and the free ends are behind. Cross these ends and move forward. Tie them in a bow or knot. The scarf should fit snugly against the body.

elegant hidden knot, a variation of the famous tie knot

step-by-step instructions for creating and masking a node

Bandana for all occasions

Adherents of sports style can also find acceptable accessories. To create a semblance of a bandana, you need a square or triangular scarf in an attractive color. In this case, you do not have to think long about how to tie a scarf around your neck. Exquisite variants of knots can be obtained using silk items. The triangular accessory is already ready to be fastened around the neck, and the square one will have to be folded diagonally. Having spread the scarf on any surface, it is necessary to randomly wrap its wide part, reaching half of the product and leaving the triangular end intact. If you throw a scarf in this form over your shoulders, you will get characteristic relaxed folds. Two free ends must be tied with any knot in front, behind or on the side.

light summer scarf, one of the bandana variations

European unisex

The indisputable advantage of a recognizable European knot is the possibility of using any scarf and its relevance for people of both sexes, of any age. If you do not know how to tie a scarf for a child so that it does not untie, then this method will come in handy. Fold the product in half so that the ends are of different lengths. Now throw the accessory over your neck. As a result, on one side you will see free ends, and on the other, the opposite edge with a fold. A knot is created by threading the ends through a loop. Then you can do with the design in different ways: either tighten it so that the knot is located directly under the chin, or leave it in a free position below. The ends of the scarf can be tucked under clothing or lay on top of it.

voluminous leopard accessory

step-by-step instruction

versatile double design

step-by-step instructions for combining two scarves

exquisite and practical hinge

step by step instructions for creating a loop

beautiful way for all occasions

step-by-step instruction

huge dainty bow

step by step instructions for creating a bow

For strict clothing sets, use the well-known square knot. Tie scarves with a snake, create all kinds of bows, learn the virtuoso technique of knots, make harnesses, decorate neck accessories in any way. Wear scarves and handkerchiefs on your head or around your neck in the form of ties. After completing a simple practical course on the operation of neck accessories, you will accurately determine how to tie a scarf around your neck in any situation. Exquisite options for the use of scarves in women's wardrobe - can be found in the photographs attached to this article.

Many women of fashion always try to add a bright zest to their image, which will give originality and beauty. For these purposes, you can use bandages from a scarf or chiffon scarf. They can be tied under a collar or on a bare neck.

The main thing is to be able to properly tie these elements, then even the simplest image can be given an original and unique style. And this will help various ways of tying a scarf or scarf, of which there are a lot.

There are many ways to tie a scarf around your neck. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, then you can eventually get an original and beautiful knot even from a simple and inconspicuous canvas. In order to tie this element beautifully on your own, you can use several techniques for creating knots.

This type of node is universal. It goes with almost any outfit and neckline. The process of creating it is quite easy:

This type of knot goes well with a jacket that has a collar or a deep neckline. The scheme for tying it is quite easy:

Knot "Cowboy"

This knot is suitable when a blouse or jacket is not worn under the jacket. Due to this knot visually, it seems that there is this element of clothing. It is tied in the following way:

A knot of this type can be used for any clothing, but shirts with a high collar are considered an exception:

This type of knot is perfect for a boat neckline or collared blouse. You need to tie it like this:

The knot in the form of an accordion is suitable for calm outfits without the presence of bright and flashy elements. Its tying is carried out according to the following scheme:

How beautiful to tie a small scarf around your neck

This type of tying is performed according to the following scheme:

pioneer knot

This type of knot is considered universal, it can be used for almost any style of clothing, even for office. Tying is done like this:


This type of tying gives the image femininity, mystery, tenderness, fragility. Suitable for blouse. Tying is done like this:

  1. We take a small scarf and fold it diagonally in the form of a ribbon;
  2. After that, we take the edge of the finished tape, bend it back by about 10 cm and tie a knot on it to make a loop;
  3. We throw it around the neck, while the ends should be in front;
  4. We stretch the free end of the scarf through the loop;
  5. We pull the knot;
  6. We straighten the threaded end and give volume.

How beautiful to tie a square scarf around your neck

Knot "Harlequin"

This version of the knot is tied according to the following scheme:

How to tie "Ascot"

This option is suitable for giving femininity to a business style. Its tying is done like this:

Tying two scarves in the form of a tourniquet

For bandaging, it is recommended to use two scarves of different colors, this will create a certain contrast. You can use three canvases, then you can make the dressing not in the form of a tourniquet, but in the form of a pigtail. At the same time, the more scarves are used, the more beautiful it will turn out.

How beautiful to tie a large triangular scarf around your neck

In sports style

This tying option is performed according to the following scheme:

Double scarf

For this tying, you will need two scarves of different colors. It is done like this:

  1. We prepare two scarves with the same dimensions, if they are square, then we fold each canvas in the form of a triangle;
  2. Next, we put two scarves together one on top of the other;
  3. We throw it over the shoulders so that the right angle is behind;
  4. We tie the ends of both scarves in the form of a double knot;
  5. At the end, we straighten the corners and add volume.

gentle image

This type of tying is performed according to the following scheme:

Stylish Ideas

We tie a scarf under and on outerwear

A neckerchief with a fur coat, a coat looks beautiful. But in order for it to give style and complement the style, it should be tied correctly, the following recommendations will help with this:

With a ring

You can also tie a scarf with a ring. To do this, you can use several options.

We tie according to the following scheme:


This option is tied like this:

  1. The fabric is taken in the middle, while the edges should hang freely;
  2. Then we put on a small ring;
  3. We straighten the fabric over the knot so that it looks down;
  4. Pulls on both sides
  5. We hide the ends at the back;
  6. Gently straighten and add volume.

It is important to be able to properly tie a scarf around the neck so that it looks not just like a cape, but, on the contrary, gives the image a unique style. If you learn how to properly tie a neckerchief or scarf, then with the help of these elements you can diversify even a simple, unremarkable image.

And if you combine several canvases of different colors, then the result can be just a unique image that will attract the eyes of others.

And more ways to tie a scarf around your neck are shown step by step in the next video.


So, as we said, the main principle in using fan scarf ov - simplicity. Therefore, many come to the stadium, simply throwing it around the neck. True, ends scarf but should be neatly straightened so that it is clear who you are rooting for and whose game you are proud of.

The next common way scarf- or loop: scarf folds approximately in half, one end is left slightly longer. It is worn around the neck and both ends are pulled through the loop in front scarf but at the same time. By the way, so scarf We are not only fans, but also ourselves. Because this way of tying scarf and popular with the fans.

You can just toss scarf through the neck, carefully tie and straighten. This method is very convenient, and when a player of your favorite team sends the ball into the opponent's goal, pull off scarf in a fit of joy will not be difficult.

In the cold season, fans wrap up scarf om neck. You just need to wrap it around your neck one or more times (if scarf long). The ends in this case are also neatly straightened.

A warm scarf is vital in our climate, but your appearance depends on how you tie your scarf. After all, a scarf can be a charming decoration for your winter look.

You will need

  • Mirror
  • Brooch


The most common option for a long scarf is to fold the scarf in half, throw it over the neck, and insert the ends of the scarf into the resulting loop. This is how the "Paris knot" is tied.

This knot can be turned on its side, this knot can be turned so that the ends of the scarf are of different lengths. This method is suitable for jackets and those with a stand-up collar.

You can also throw a scarf around your neck or wrap it in such a way that the ends of the scarf are. After that, they need to be tied into a knot. Then one end is pulled through up around the neck, and the other forward. You should get a knot on the side. This way of tying is very elegant.

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If the scarf is thick, you need to take this into account when tying knots, they may turn out to be too thick.

Helpful advice

If the thing with which you plan to wear a scarf is plain, then the scarf can be decorated with an ornament.

A men's neckerchief is a great alternative to a tie. He is able to give a man sophistication and at the same time negligence.

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Silk is the best material.

Helpful advice

Choose the color of the neckerchief better with a pattern, but not monophonic.

The scarf has long ceased to be only protection from the cold. It is worn both in dank autumn and cold winter, and in hot summer. How to tie scarves?


Everyday option. A scarf can be matched with almost any outfit. If the main colors allow, you can scarf in bright contrasting colors. In addition, you can "dilute" the image with different knots with which you tie a scarf.1. The easiest way is suitable for long knitted or thin stoles. Wrap them around the neck, but do not tighten tightly at, but lower the resulting "loop" below, to the chest. By moving the ends, you can arrange them asymmetrically, adding zest to the image.2. Another simple option is suitable for tying a fairly large square scarf or. Fold or scarf so that you get a narrow straight strip. Wrap it once around the neck, make "". Take the bottom end of the scarf and tuck it under the collar. Pass the upper end of the scarf into the resulting "loop" and straighten the knot.

Don't tuck your scarf under your jacket. Use a variety of trendy knots. How you knit a scarf is how it will look.

The most popular way to tie a scarf today is the Parisian knot (it looks good with). Take a scarf in two and fold it in half lengthwise; wrap around the neck, thread the free ends through the loop and tighten slightly; the degree of tension can be adjusted - it also depends on the thickness of the scarf. If it is very cold outside, hide the ends of the scarf inside and zip up the zipper.

The jacket is usually worn in cold weather. In this case, you can tie a double knot. It looks like a Parisian knot and is easy to tie. Unlike the Parisian, the double knot does not need to be tucked into the jacket. It is large enough and warms well. You can even lower the collar of your jacket.

They tie it like this: throw a scarf around your neck, one end should be much longer than the other; wrap the long end around the neck twice, without tightening too much; the loose ends of the scarf can be tucked under the coat for extra warmth.


Scarves to be worn outdoors (“for warmth”) and indoors (or outdoors in summer) should be selected primarily based on the type, quality and texture of the material. And without prompting, it is clear that woolen (100% or partially) should be worn for walks, and light silk and polyester scarves are suitable as a fashion accessory to complete the look.

Helpful advice

The secret to wearing scarves is to be casual. Don't overdo it, just wrap around your neck and tie off the ends without looking in the mirror. A wide scarf can be worn by throwing one of its ends over the shoulder. The ideal to strive for is the indigenous people of Chile: in this case, the source of inspiration is their wide and warm poncho capes.


  • scarf for black jacket

The ability to use accessories allows you to radically change the image in a matter of seconds, remaining in the same outfit in the morning and evening. Learning to tie big scarves, you can look appropriate both in the office and at a party. No one will guess that you literally took a couple of minutes to prepare for the solemn event.


Use a large scarf as a bright belt or. To do this, fold it in half or four times (the width of the belt depends on your height and your taste) and wrap it around your waist. Secure with pins or tie a pretty knot. Remember that in this case you should avoid bright jackets or trousers, it is better if they are solid and dark colors. If you are using a non-colorful scarf, then you can add colors to the main outfit.

Turn your scarf into an elegant blouse. Pin (or sew) the center of the scarf, and place it on the chest, fastened with the part to the body. Throw the edges of the scarf back and tie them: the lower ones at the waist, the upper ones at the neck.

Create a skirt out of a large scarf. This creative outfit is done in just two steps: Fasten one end of the scarf at the hip and wrap it around the waist. If you are confused by the size of the cut, use the second scarf and wrap it, securing it on the opposite side.

Use different ones: simple pins can be replaced with original brooches or hairpins. If you have time, sew the ends of the scarf with bright threads. A perky and cheerful outfit will turn out if you fasten the scarf with a fun badge.

Wrap a large scarf around your shoulders and pin the ends to your chest. This is a real element of evening dress, appropriate even in the theater. In addition, it visually makes it more fragile, giving its image sophistication and sophistication.

Protect your head from the scorching heat by making a bandana or similar headdress out of a wide scarf. Fold the scarf into a triangle and cover your head so that the top of the triangle is at the base of the neck, and take the other two in your hands. Claim them over the third.

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Scarf ceased to be an accessory designed only to help protect against the cold. This is already an element of styling your appearance. Knowing how to tie a scarf correctly, depending on the weather and the situation, will help you create various combinations with clothes.

You will need

  • -scarf.


In the cold season, tying a scarf into simple and European knots, as well as "" is considered a classic. In the first case, wrap the scarf around the neck (if too long - twice), leaving the ends in front. Tie in a single simple knot and straighten beautifully. For the European knot, fold a long scarf in half, drape it around your neck, pull the loose ends through the loop created when you folded the scarf, and tighten. The tightening force and the location of such knots (strictly in the center of the face or with an offset) can vary to your taste and depending on the weather. If there is a large open neckline, the "under" option will be justified, for which you need to fold the scarf in half lengthwise (if wide - four times), wrap it around the neck, and insert the ends and evenly distribute them in front under outerwear.

For a more informal look, a simple solution is to drape the scarf so that one end is longer than the other and throw it over your shoulder. This option looks a little romantic and feminine: put on a scarf so that its ends are behind, straighten the scarf around your neck, twist the ends with a tourniquet and tie in front of you with a single knot. A variation of the described method may be to cross the ends not from the back, but from the side, as a result of which one of the ends of the scarf will turn out to be slightly longer. In especially severe frosts, additional warming will help to provide a scarf tied with a double knot, which looks good with a collar -. To do this, throw a scarf around your neck with the ends in front of you. One of them should be much longer than the other. Wrap it around your neck twice without tightening too much. The ends of the scarf can be left hanging naturally.

In the off-season, or use light silk, designed not only to warm, but to complement the outfit and emphasize your elegance. Among the most popular knots are the flirtatious "Ascot" and the everyday "Bandana". For the ascot knot, fold the square scarf diagonally into a triangle, wrap it around the neck with the ends back, make the circle again so that they are in front and tie a neat bow. For the "Bandana" knot, also fold the scarf into a triangle. In the future, fold its largest side to the middle in the direction of the opposite peak, and put the scarf folded in this way on your shoulders and tie it with a simple knot.

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A well-chosen accessory, such as, for example, will not only emphasize the individuality of your outfit, but also complete your look. However, it is important not only to choose the right texture and color scarf but also to tie it beautifully.


Tie up scarf a simple knot is the fastest and most versatile way. Wrap scarf around the neck so that its ends hang down in front. Tie the ends into a loose knot.

Give your look a little French romance. Fold up scarf double in length and wrap it around your neck. Pull both ends into the formed ring and tighten scarf. You can also stretch the two ends scarf and in a checkerboard pattern, and then straighten it to give the image a little carelessness.

Add some flair to your look with wool or cashmere scarf A. Fold up scarf double or quadruple if it is too wide. Wrap folded scarf around the neck. hide the ends scarf a, a himself scarf spread gently around the collar. This way of tying will help keep you warm if your coat has an open neckline.

Pair single color scarf with patterned and tie them in a bow. To do this, throw both scarf and around the neck and tie them. Make a loop from both bottom ends scarf A. Also fold the second loop and tie both loops horizontally. You can fold the rosette bow in the same way - tie another bow over one bow and straighten it.

Decorate your neck with silk scarf ik in the form of a snake. Make knots at the ends first scarf A. spin scarf cord around its axis. Wrap around the neck several times so that the ends remain in front. Tuck the loose ends under the top row of wound scarf A. In the same way, you can make a tourniquet by connecting two scarf ika of different colors.

Choose narrow scarf two meters long. Throw it around your neck so that one end is longer and lies under the short end. Throw the long end over the shorter end and pull it through the back through the loop. Or take three long scarf but matching in color and tie them together with a knot. Braid the pigtail and just throw it over your shoulders.

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Helpful advice

A scarf can not only be tied around the neck. Make an original headdress out of a wide scarf or wrap a silk scarf around your waist instead of a belt.

A stylish addition to any outfit will be scarf or a neckerchief. But it’s not enough to have a beautiful one in your wardrobe. scarf, it is important to learn how to tie it correctly and accurately. There are many variations of tying this accessory.


The most popular tying method scarf and is considered a simple knot. Thus, you can tie absolutely any scarf, starting from winter knitted, ending with light. Put scarf around the neck, throwing its ends forward, and tie in a loose knot at the height that you like best. If the weather is windy, then pull the knot to the chin, and if it is sunny, then lower the knot to the level of the collarbones.

The so-called knot came to us from Paris - the city of romantics and fashionistas. Fold up scarf double and wrap around the neck, threading the two free ends into the resulting loop. Tighten scarf. Very nice looking and colorful scarf s tied according to this principle.

A flirty ascot knot will give the image a strict and at the same time romantic. Though intricate, tie up scarf this way is simpler. Best to use square scarf or a light neckerchief. Fold the scarf diagonally into a triangle, then attach it to your neck, pulling the sharp corners back. Bring the ends of the scarf behind the neck and stretch forward, tying them into a bow.

A scarf tied with a tie knot will be a great addition to an office one, as it looks like a tie. Fold up scarf in a narrow strip and drape around the neck. Wrap the right end around the left, and then pull it through the loop formed. Align the knot in the center - and a stylish addition to your outfit is ready!

In the cold season scarf serves not only as a fashionable addition to the outfit, but also warms its owner. If you have an open-cut collar, then tie scarf in the following way. Wide scarf it is necessary to fold it in half horizontally, then attach it to the neck, directing the long ends back. Cross the ends behind your back scarf and, stretch them forward and tie in a knot. Put on, carefully distribute scarf along the collar, pulling only the knot out.

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Scarf has long been a necessary accessory. Square scarves perfectly complement the wardrobe, they can be tied in any way. Made of different materials, they perfectly complement the image and perform their protective functions at any time of the year.

You will need

  • Square scarf


Tie a French-style square scarf. Usually, thin square scarves or scarves are used for this purpose. Fold the scarf at the corner and roll it up to make a scarf. You can define the width yourself. Wrap the resulting scarf around your neck and tie in a regular knot in front or side.

Tie the scarf in a square knot. Scarf, tied in this way, perfectly covers a too open neck. Fold the square handkerchief into a corner and then roll it into a scarf. If you know how a pioneer tie was tied, then you can easily master this option for tying a scarf. Drape the scarf around your neck so that one end is slightly longer than the other in front. Cross the ends of the scarf. Wrap the one on top around the other and pull through the loop. Tighten to the desired height and lightly pull on the bottom end. Then repeat the manipulation of the upper end of the scarf again, tying a square knot. Hide the ends of the knot under your clothes.

Tie a square scarf at the front corner. For this option, square scarves and scarves are suitable. You can tie a scarf in this way in any season. Scarves can be made of light and airy materials, or vice versa, be voluminous and warm. Fold the scarf at the corner and tie it around the back of your neck. Leave the scarf ends there or tie them in front, over the scarf. This option will look great with outerwear.

Tie a scarf like this. Fold a square scarf at the corner and roll a narrow rectangular scarf out of it and tie knots at the corners. Pull the ends of the scarf back, wrap around the neck and tie in a knot in the side or front. Three knots should be visible on the scarf. Such a scarf, made of fabrics printed with original patterns, looks very interesting with shirts and light jackets on both men and women.

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The demand for accessories never goes away, although preferences change. Currently, the fashion for scarves and shawls has returned again. Moreover, this is not only a way to hide from the cold, but also a stylish detail, with the help of which your image becomes individual, which means that you will no longer get lost in the crowd. True, this is only possible if you know how to properly tie and wear a scarf.


If the scarf is worn with, then it can be tied with a double knot. This way of wearing it is especially relevant if the collar is stand-up. The double knot is made quite simply: the scarf is thrown around the neck so that one end falls lower than the other. Then the longer end is wrapped around the neck twice without much tightening. Loose ends can be left outside, or can be hidden under clothing.

It is even easier to tie a scarf with a single knot, although in this case it is less suitable for protection from the cold. From it is clear that the scarf is tied around the neck only once. With free ends, you can do the same as in the previous example. A single knot looks great on solid colors, whether it's a coat or a sweater, especially if the scarf is thin and matched.

The method of tying a scarf with the so-called Parisian knot is becoming increasingly popular. In this case, it is doubled, wrapped around the neck, and then the loose ends are threaded into the resulting loop when folded. Depending on the degree of tightening, the scarf will look different.

Consider summer options. In this case, the warming function is completely absent, therefore they are always made of fabrics such as silk, satin or chiffon. Color and texture are chosen in accordance with the main outfit. At the same time, the scarf can both contrast and harmoniously complement your outfit. The classic option for tying a summer scarf can be called, for example, a knot that is called pioneer. He is well known to the older generation.

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It should be noted that a scarf can be a fashion item both in the cold season and in the warm season. In the first case, it is worn with outerwear, and in the second - with light outfits.

A football scarf, or, as the fans call it, a "rose", is an indispensable attribute of all serious football events - both the derby between clubs in one city, and the team's game for the right to enter the World or European Championships.


Tie a football scarf around your neck in the easiest way - a regular knot. It is suitable if this knitted piece of fan gear is not too long. Remember with the drawings where the kids have neatly tied striped scarves. Throw the scarf around your neck so that one end is slightly longer than the other. Make sure it doesn't twist around your shoulders. Put the longer end of the scarf on the shorter one, bring it by the end into the loop from the inside, pull it to the end. Adjust this end of the scarf so that it lies completely on the other half and the club, embroidered on the edge, looks neatly forward. Remember that this tying option will not work when wearing a silk or satin scarf - they are slippery and will slide off.

Use a slightly more complicated tying method if the scarf is long enough. This option is also suitable for silk and satin football scarves. Fold it in half, place it in such a state on your shoulders so that the bent end is under the throat. Insert your hand into the loop created by folding, take the ends of the scarf, insert them into the loop and pull them up. Spread the tips, they should be one on top of the other, club emblem or flag / coat of arms

With the help of an ordinary scarf, you can add chic and mystery to the image, and for this it is enough to know how to tie a scarf beautifully. There are at least about 150 different ways, depending on the setting, face shape, neck length and the chosen look.


In different cultures, this accessory is called differently, and also significantly differs in shape and style:

  1. arafatka;
  2. stole;
  3. cowboy scarf;
  4. woolen;
  5. Muffler.

Depending on the model chosen, the ways to tie a scarf will vary.

Photo - All kinds of ways to use scarves

Video: 25 ways to tie a scarf and a scarf

What to choose for the winter

In winter, when you want warmth and comfort, there is nothing better than burying yourself in a warm scarf knitted by your grandmother and hiding from the cold. Best of all, such models look when twisted or tied with a tourniquet. Sometimes it is enough just to twist the scarf slightly and tie it around the neck a couple of times, leaving the ends free.

READ ALSO: More ways to how and look very feminine.

You can tie a scarf nicely tourniquet. Just put on the accessory and make a single knot, now relax it. If desired, wrap again around the neck or tie a second knot. This is convenient if you need to put a scarf on a jacket, but choosing such a dense main material of the accessory, do not make the bottom heavier, pick it up as light and light as possible in terms of cut. Most relevant fabrics:

  1. Cashmere;
  2. Lace;
  3. Wool (preferably light shades).

Photo - Winter scarves

Wool accessory

You can use french knot. It looks most advantageous on dense fabric, for example, wool, cotton. We fold the long accessory in half, put it on the neck. On the one hand, a loop is formed through which we need to pass the tails twice. After we fix it and leave it on top of the clothes.

Photo - Woolen scarves

square knot

You can beautifully tie a scarf for an official meeting with a square, this is one of the "business nodes"- stylish, original, but at the same time practical and not defiant. Fold it into a rectangle and align the ends. Throw them over the neck, but one end is long and the other is short. Lay the long ponytail over the short ponytail, and twist it through the newly formed loop. After that, pull the ponytail through it, which is shorter, making a knot, hide the ends under the suit.

Photo - Scarves for business meetings

Matching with clothes

Fur coat

Wearing a scarf with a fur coat is rightfully considered a classic. It looks especially beautiful from long wool (say, a fox or a raccoon), in combination with a silk scarf and a long skirt. Some stylists say that wool should not touch exposed skin, so it is better to wear a scarf under fur outerwear or under a tight blouse. We fold a long and wide scarf diagonally. We turn it so that the ends remain at the back. Now you can tie one or two knots in front, or a bow. A knitted scarf can also be tried in this look, but in this case, it gives age and heaviness.

Combine with a swimsuit

With the approach of summer and the beach, the question of how to tie a summer version of a scarf beautifully and stylishly becomes relevant. First, you need to choose a swimsuit. Depending on its size, color and cut, an accessory will be selected. You can use a pareo, or you can use a regular light scarf.

Voluminous lace can be simply thrown a couple of times over the neck, while slightly hiding and coquettishly showing the shoulders. You can take two scarves at once, connect them together and tie them on the body. It looks very original, especially if the scene is a beach party.

A short hip scarf will look good with a good figure, which can be given elegance and sophistication by tying it beautifully at the waist or hips. The same can be done with a square sample. We fold it in half, we get a triangle. It is better to choose a fringed or lace fabric, although a silk scarf looks good too, the only thing that can be hot in it on the beach. Now it remains to carefully tie it around the panties with a strong knot.

Photo - Pareo

How to tie over an evening dress

In any setting, you need to give preference to beautiful airy models. Light scarf will not distract attention from the main outfit, but, on the contrary, will complement and refresh it, give it femininity and mystery. The scheme is simple, it is often enough to wind it with a light tourniquet around the neck. Naturally, if the image allows, then you can use a thick attribute, but it will be much more difficult to carry out these manipulations with it.

Additions to scarves when tying to an evening dress:

Photo - Scarves with evening dresses
  1. The yellow model needs to be diluted with a small green brooch or hairpin.
  2. Red and black add drama to the image, use them when the occasion is right;
  3. Sometimes you can do without a hairstyle by putting a beautiful voluminous stole or shawl on your head and wrapping it around your neck.

For one option, try tying a scarf in a bohemian style - rich and sophisticated. We simply wrap the neck with a light knot, do not tighten it. It looks more than casual and stylish on the dress.


Photo - Scarf-arafatka

Square scarves that are around the neck tied back to front, are called arafatki and gained mass popularity just a couple of years ago. The technique of how to tie a scarf around your neck beautifully is quite simple. We fold the usual square into two triangles, wrap ourselves, make two knots and turn it over so that the lower part of the face closes. The main thing is not to pull the ends, otherwise the Arafatka will sit unnaturally. We advise you to complement this image with Arabic makeup - and the oriental beauty is ready!

A square scarf can be beautifully tied on the head. It is necessary to fold it in half and put it on the crown, visually determining the middle, lower and upper parts of the head. In the upper part, you need to fix and stretch the ends to the back of the head. Similar manipulations are easily done with rectangular models.

A warm scarf on your head is a real trend for the coming winter. It is not only very practical, but also stylish. We simply wrap the hair, you can also make a knot at the back of the head or at the bottom of the neck.

Photo - Head scarf