Fire and passion. Havana women. Selling love in Cuba

Today's Cuba is reminiscent of the Soviet Union in the late 80's - early 90's. Officially, prostitution is prohibited, but characteristically dressed girls flutter around all places where foreigners gather. So you can experience for yourself what the Americans or Europeans who came to us in those years felt when they saw so many beautiful affordable female body, ready to become yours just for imported gum and for the hope of escaping from the island of Freedom.

When you first come to Cuba, you may think that you are on the set of an erotic film. Sultry scantily clad babes with different color skin seems to be waiting for you to give it your attention. Here, the heirs of the planters who have preserved the aristocratic whiteness of the skin, and the Creoles, born from a mixture of white and native, Latin American blood, and mulattos, and pure black black women - a choice for every taste.
Dressing in these southern latitudes is customary so that the line between lung girls behavior and ordinary housewives is so inconspicuous that it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish a modest city dweller from a charmer who puts herself up for sale. But keep in mind that the outfit does not at all indicate the availability of ladies - it's just a tribute to tradition.

There are very few professional "call girls" in Cuba. Basically, there are those who work during the day for a penny in various offices, shops, and schools, ladies who want to earn some extra money at night. They can easily “play love” with a client they particularly like and provide a big discount. At the same time, there are many maidens on the island who consider themselves decent and enter into a relationship only after the applicant has completed a certain, albeit rather shortened, courtship and gift-giving ritual. They will create complete illusion Serious relationships and they will believe it. You may even be introduced to your parents, who will also welcome your connection in every possible way. The family is supposedly not interested in money, but presents are welcome in every possible way.

It is pointless to name any specific places, because beauties are everywhere. In Havana, the most crowded party gathers on the seven-kilometer Malecon promenade. But be prepared for the fact that you will find yourself in a dense ring not only of girls, but also of various dark-skinned natives selling cocaine, marijuana and other dubious pleasures of life, and the supply clearly exceeds the demand.
Another place of congestion of loyal and frivolous ladies is Santa Maria beach, 25 kilometers from the capital.

In the popular resort of Varadero, where all foreigners who arrive on the island of Liberty sooner or later end up, the main concentration of such mademoiselles is at the entrance. Varadero is a real reservation for a holiday, decent by our standards, and luxurious by Cuban standards. It’s impossible for local residents to go there just like that, so it’s impossible to communicate with ordinary people falls outside the "zone". Inside you can meet only greedy and expensive professionals. This is perhaps the only place where there are many of them.

And you can just get acquainted with any girls you like on the streets, in bars, at discos. It doesn’t matter that your knowledge of Spanish is limited to the words “ola!”, “Karamba!” and “but pasaran!”, and your interlocutors do not speak English at all. A few words are enough, you will be understood. Foreigners are loved already because they are foreigners, so the chances of being "rejected" are much less than in any other country in the civilized world. So you save money, and you will be accepted as a native. However, there is also flip side: amateurism reigns on the island - the girls clearly lack professionalism: you should not count on any special technical perfection, only on a hot Latin American temperament. Rumors that local women can make something "such" are greatly exaggerated. In fact, some sometimes do not even know how to properly put on a condom.

Meanwhile, not only men like to go to Cuba. The island, or rather, its slender and temperamental locals, liked the Europeans, and in Lately many elderly English women, Italians, Germans or Swedes come here. Young and beautiful girls, of course, do not have to spend money - they will easily choose the most trained and plastic bodies capable of giving them pleasure at any of the discos.

Local girls have their own ideas about the rules of communication. If you decide to start some kind of relationship with a decent girl, then be prepared: she will take this seriously and will consider you her property and wait for signs of attention in the form of gifts. In a severe shortage, your lady will be happy with any souvenir. Some tourists, going to Cuba, take half a suitcase of T-shirts for such “brides”, underwear, cosmetics. At the same time, there are quite a few "dynamists" who seek to cheat a foreigner for food and gifts, not intending to give anything in return.

The girls trying to work professionally on the Malecon and around the foreign crowds have the advantage of a prepared meeting place. Yes, let it be just a room in a densely populated apartment, with parents and children snoring in the neighborhood, without basic amenities, but after all, this is a roof over your head. The problem of housing in Cuba is very acute. And the girl with whom you will have a holiday romance, there will simply be nowhere to lead.

Don't rely on your hotel room to solve problems. Cuban hotels are almost regime establishments. Locals just can’t settle there, they must have a good reason and permission from the authorities, so it’s difficult to bring a lady to your room. Sometimes the problem can be solved with the help of a 10-20 dollar bill, slowly thrust into the guard's hand. But this does not always happen, more often for dates you have to rent rooms in residential areas. Discuss in advance the opportunity to meet with the ladies, otherwise at the most crucial moment the owner may change his mind and say that the price is set for one guest.

Another option is to rent a car and move the rendezvous to nature. And there according to the circumstances: either spread out the seats, or satisfy the instincts right on a deserted beach or in the sea. By the way, having sex in the water in these places is very popular.

Prostitutes in Cuba are among the cheapest in the world: one "meeting" with a girl working on the street will cost only 20-30 dollars, and for 100-150 "greens" you can agree on a whole week of "cooperation". Pretty women working in more reputable places - at clubs and restaurants - value themselves about twice as much. Elite options on Varadero ask for about $70 for your loved ones.

If a room is attached to a girl, then the price will increase by a couple of dozen "green". For men, the cost of similar services is approximately two to three times higher.

Cubans are very hospitable and open, but you need to keep your eyes open with them. They really do not like to work and keep promises, the word “manana”, adored by all Spanish-speaking nations, reigns everywhere. Therefore, if you are promised harems of beauties, and then they just start to lead you by the nose to bars and get drunk, immediately interrupt communication and look for another guide.

Of course, as in all countries of the world, taxi drivers can answer the questions “who, where and how much”. But they, too, often suffer from a universal "disease." So either look for a reliable escort with recommendations from your friends, or rely on yourself.

When negotiating a price, immediately find out in which currency the payments will be made. Otherwise, at the end you may be told that the default was not about local pesos, but about the ubiquitous dollars, although you, of course, expected otherwise.

Those who are going to actively get acquainted with local girls should take more condoms with them from Russia: in a country of developed socialism, this is a shortage.

Prostitution in Cuba is prohibited, but the authorities turn a blind eye to it, and the police from time to time conduct raids solely for show. Caught red-handed foreigners are not particularly threatened.

Cubans must carry an identity card. So that a minor does not inadvertently appear in your bed, you should check with the priestess of love her ID - a certificate replacing a passport. Cuban girls mature early and often look older than their years. By materials.

I don’t know if this is correct, in the context of the chosen topic, but I want to start this post with the words that some of the most beautiful girls in the world live in Cuba ...


For me, to be honest, it was a revelation. Going to Cuba, I did not even imagine that they are so beautiful. If we talk on a global scale, then, of course, I will say that the most beautiful girls live in Russia and Ukraine, therefore, they are certainly in the first place. But if they asked me who takes the second place, I would, without hesitation, give it to the Kubinkas.


In Cuba, I found three varieties of girls - African-American (with a bright black skin tone), mulattos, and girls with a European appearance (even blondes come across). The secret of such diversity is the mixing of blood. At one time, several nationalities lived in Cuba (mainly Spaniards, Africans and local Indians). As a result of their interaction, such diversity appeared.


Cuba is an amazing country, in the sense that here you can buy love for money every time you just want it. And to do this, perhaps, is easier than anywhere else. Moreover, in order to “remove”, for example, the most beautiful Creole, you will not need to go to some special place. You can meet the right girl for you anywhere. It could be a beach, a shop, a restaurant, a club, or even a bus stop. This is the specificity of Cuba.


The point is that Cubans are very poor people. The average salary in the country is about $20. This is partly why it is not considered shameful to provide sexual services for money. Moreover, you may encounter such a situation when you “took off” a girl, she took you to her home, where you met her parents, and then retired to her bedroom. For Cubans, this is normal.


But you must admit, it's a little strange when you come to the beach, catch the eye of a beautiful stranger, who only has to nod in response, and here you are lying on the same sunbed, and maybe under it, enjoying each other's company. The same scenario can be repeated on the street.

In fairness, it must be said that Cubans are very romantic nature and they love to be groomed. Therefore, in order for your intimacy to remain in your thoughts for a long time, you should devote a little more time to preparing it. Give the girl a gift. Take her to a restaurant. Treat yourself to champagne. And she will give you a bright love for a long memory.

Another revelation was European sex tourism for me. No, of course I knew that Europeans like to come for exotic various countries but I didn't realize there were so many. In Cuba, I noticed a huge number of strange couples. It usually looked like this.



A young curvy Cuban, accompanied by a young Cuban guy (pimp) and an elderly European with a happy look.

Today's Cuba is reminiscent of the Soviet Union in the late 80's - early 90's. Officially, prostitution is prohibited, but characteristically dressed girls flutter around all places where foreigners gather. So you can experience for yourself what the Americans or Europeans who came to us in those years felt at the sight of such a beautiful, accessible female body, ready to become yours just for imported chewing gum and for the hope of escaping from the island of Freedom.


When you first come to Cuba, you may think that you are on the set of an erotic film. Sultry scantily clad beauties of different skin colors seem to be waiting for you to give them your attention. Here, the heirs of the planters who have preserved the aristocratic whiteness of the skin, and the Creoles, born from a mixture of white and native, Latin American blood, and mulattos, and pure black black women - a choice for every taste.

It is customary to dress in these southern latitudes in such a way that the line between girls of easy virtue and ordinary housewives is so inconspicuous that it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish a modest city dweller from a charmer who puts herself up for sale. But keep in mind that the outfit does not at all indicate the availability of ladies - it's just a tribute to tradition.

There are very few professional "call girls" in Cuba. Basically, there are those who work during the day for a penny in various offices, shops, and schools, ladies who want to earn some extra money at night. They can easily “play love” with a client they particularly like and provide a big discount. At the same time, there are many maidens on the island who consider themselves decent and enter into a relationship only after the applicant has completed a certain, albeit rather shortened, courtship and gift-giving ritual. They will create a complete illusion of a serious relationship and believe in it themselves. You may even be introduced to your parents, who will also welcome your connection in every possible way. The family is supposedly not interested in money, but presents are welcome in every possible way.

It is pointless to name any specific places, because beauties are everywhere. In Havana, the most crowded party gathers on the seven-kilometer Malecon promenade. But be prepared for the fact that you will find yourself in a dense ring not only of girls, but also of various dark-skinned natives selling cocaine, marijuana and other dubious pleasures of life, and the supply clearly exceeds the demand.

Another place of congestion of loyal and frivolous ladies is Santa Maria beach, 25 kilometers from the capital.

In the popular resort of Varadero, where all foreigners who arrive on the island of Liberty sooner or later end up, the main concentration of such mademoiselles is at the entrance. Varadero is a real reservation for a holiday, decent by our standards, and luxurious by Cuban standards. Local residents can’t just go there, drive through, so you have to communicate with ordinary people outside the “zone”. Inside you can meet only greedy and expensive professionals. This is perhaps the only place where there are many of them.

And you can just get acquainted with any girls you like on the streets, in bars, at discos. It doesn’t matter that your knowledge of Spanish is limited to the words “ola!”, “Karamba!” and “but pasaran!”, and your interlocutors do not speak English at all. A few words are enough, you will be understood. Foreigners are loved already because they are foreigners, so the chances of being "rejected" are much less than in any other country in the civilized world. So you save money, and you will be accepted as a native. However, there is a downside: amateurism reigns on the island - the girls clearly lack professionalism: you should not count on any special technical perfection, only on a hot Latin American temperament. Rumors that local women can make something "such" are greatly exaggerated. In fact, some sometimes do not even know how to properly put on a condom.

Meanwhile, not only men like to go to Cuba. The island, or rather, its slender and temperamental locals, attracted Europeans, and recently many elderly English women, Italians, Germans or Swedes have come here. Young and beautiful girls, of course, do not have to spend money - they will easily choose the most trained and plastic bodies capable of giving them pleasure at any of the discos.


Local girls have their own ideas about the rules of communication. If you decide to start some kind of relationship with a decent girl, then be prepared: she will take this seriously and will consider you her property and wait for signs of attention in the form of gifts. In a severe shortage, your lady will be happy with any souvenir. Some tourists, going to Cuba, take half a suitcase of T-shirts, underwear, cosmetics for such “brides”. At the same time, there are quite a few "dynamists" who seek to cheat a foreigner for food and gifts, not intending to give anything in return.

The girls trying to work professionally on the Malecon and around the foreign crowds have the advantage of a prepared meeting place. Yes, let it be just a room in a densely populated apartment, with parents and children snoring in the neighborhood, without basic amenities, but after all, this is a roof over your head. The problem of housing in Cuba is very acute. And the girl with whom you have a holiday romance will simply have nowhere to bring.

Don't rely on your hotel room to solve problems. Cuban hotels are almost regime establishments. Locals just can’t settle there, they must have a good reason and permission from the authorities, so it’s difficult to bring a lady to your room. Sometimes the problem can be solved with the help of a 10-20 dollar bill, slowly thrust into the guard's hand. But this does not always happen, more often for dates you have to rent rooms in residential areas. Discuss in advance the opportunity to meet with the ladies, otherwise at the most crucial moment the owner may change his mind and say that the price is set for one guest.

Another option is to rent a car and move the rendezvous to nature. And there according to the circumstances: either spread out the seats, or satisfy the instincts right on a deserted beach or in the sea. By the way, having sex in the water in these places is very popular.

Prostitutes in Cuba are among the cheapest in the world: one "meeting" with a girl working on the street will cost only 20-30 dollars, and for 100-150 "greens" you can agree on a whole week of "cooperation". Pretty women working in more reputable places - at clubs and restaurants - value themselves about twice as much. Elite options on Varadero ask for about $70 for your loved ones.

If a room is attached to a girl, then the price will increase by a couple of dozen "green". For men, the cost of similar services is approximately two to three times higher.


Cubans are very hospitable and open, but you need to keep your eyes open with them. They really do not like to work and keep promises, the word “manana”, adored by all Spanish-speaking nations, reigns everywhere. Therefore, if you are promised harems of beauties, and then they just start to lead you by the nose to bars and get drunk, immediately interrupt communication and look for another guide.

Of course, as in all countries of the world, taxi drivers can answer the questions “who, where and how much”. But they, too, often suffer from a universal "disease." So either look for a reliable escort with recommendations from your friends, or rely on yourself.

When negotiating a price, immediately find out in which currency the payments will be made. Otherwise, at the end you may be told that the default was not about local pesos, but about the ubiquitous dollars, although you, of course, expected otherwise.

Those who are going to actively get acquainted with local girls should take more condoms with them from Russia: in a country of developed socialism, this is a shortage.

Prostitution in Cuba is prohibited, but the authorities turn a blind eye to it, and the police from time to time conduct raids solely for show. Caught red-handed foreigners are not particularly threatened.

Cubans must carry an identity card. So that a minor does not inadvertently appear in your bed, you should check with the priestess of love her ID - a certificate replacing a passport. Cuban girls mature early and often look older than their years.

Selling love. Cuba. May 28th, 2012

I don’t know if this is correct, in the context of the chosen topic, but I want to start this post with the words that Cuba is a country where some of the most beautiful girls in the world live.


For me, to be honest, it was a revelation. Going to Cuba, I did not even imagine that they are so beautiful. If we talk on a global scale, then, of course, I will say that the most beautiful girls live in Russia and Ukraine, therefore, they are certainly in the first place. But if they asked me who takes the second place, I would, without hesitation, give it to the Kubinkas.


In Cuba, I found three varieties of girls - African-American (with a bright black skin tone), mulattos, and girls with a European appearance (even blondes come across). The secret of such diversity is the mixing of blood. At one time, several nationalities lived on the island (mainly Spaniards, Africans and local Indians). As a result of their interaction, such diversity appeared.


Cuba is an amazing country, in the sense that here you can buy love for money every time you just want it. And to do this, perhaps, is easier than anywhere else. Moreover, in order to “remove”, for example, the most beautiful Creole, you will not need to go to some special place. You can meet the right girl for you anywhere. It could be a beach, a shop, a restaurant, a club, or even a bus stop. This is the specificity of the "island of freedom". Pay attention to the photo.


The point is that Cubans are very poor people. The average salary in the country is about $20. This is partly why it is not considered shameful to provide sexual services for money. Moreover, you may encounter such a situation when you “took off” a girl, she took you to her home, where you met her parents, and then retired to her bedroom. For Cubans, this is normal.


But you must admit, it's a little strange when you come to the beach, catch the eye of a beautiful stranger, who only has to nod in response, and here you are lying on the same sunbed, and maybe under it, enjoying each other's company. The same scenario can be repeated on the street.

In fairness, it must be said that Cubans are very romantic natures, and they love to be looked after. Therefore, in order for your intimacy to remain in your thoughts for a long time, you should devote a little more time to preparing it. Give the girl a gift. Take her to a restaurant. Treat yourself to champagne. And she will give you a bright love for a long memory.

Another revelation was European sex tourism for me. No, of course I knew that Europeans like to come to various countries for exotic things, but I did not suspect that there were so many of them. In Cuba, I noticed a huge number of strange couples. It usually looked like this.



A young curvy Cuban accompanied by a young Cuban guy (pimp) and an elderly European with a happy look.

Vacation in Cuba is a fairy tale.

You may also be interested.

people, stop

everything is allowed on the malecon (quay)

old houses - megaarchitectural masterpieces

old cars are pleasing to the eye

strict police officer, for 6 times in Cuba I have never seen a smiling policeman!

My dream is to live in such a house!

cycle rickshaw is an indispensable transport, one of the main ways to get around the city

dominoes in Cuba are more popular than anywhere else

just chicken

zebras and dogs

in the center they offer to ride on such old convertibles at a price of $ 30-40 per hour

two lemons

Chiki here is also pleasing to the eye, like old cars!

Cubans rarely take a taxi, the price is too high for them!

it is not good to force the hero of the revolution with garbage cans

the main occupation in Cuba is lounging

someone's broken head

carousel, read below about this infernal colossus

someone is throwing up right on the street

often the strength of the wave is such that it covers the malecon, and during the tsunami they say that the water reaches the baro chinos area!

the tree has started roots in the air

old man music is like a balm for the soul, ready to listen from morning to evening, attached to the restaurant

grand theater inside

in my opinion, Cuban palms are the most beautiful in the world, they are thick in the middle and thin at the edges!:O

it's amazing how many strange things you can see in Cuba!

another taxi

these taxis are designed for Cubans, they march along one line (they are called linia), and they collect people along the road, like our minibuses.

grand theater - megastructure

view from the balcony

colorful cars

the center, like any corner of this city, is unrealistically lively!

amazingly beautiful!

colorful grandfathers

entertain tourists

so many people on the streets, perhaps you will not meet anywhere else

who are you staring at?

there it is, Mikhalych! :) By the way, payphones work even in Cuba, unlike ours!

if there is a school nearby, watch the life at the school, you will be delighted! they sing, do PE together like this, and much more! very funny!

by the way, children at school wear pioneer ties and some adults too)

line for potatoes, yesterday there were 5 times more people!

air pollution in Havana exceeds all conceivable norms, there is simply nothing to breathe!

Cuban cigars are one of the best, but Cubanos sell dry or put cheaper cigars in a box of expensive cigars, be careful! you can buy it by hand for 20-30$

At the last moment we changed our plan and instead of Guatemala we flew from Costa Rica to Cuba.
A direct flight cost $300 with Laksa Airlines. Half an hour before landing, I saw a dozen beautiful Cuban islands from above, which I had never seen before, apparently because I usually flew from Moscow or Europe, and the plane this case flies the other way.
I didn’t have any money (cash) with me, because I spent Costa Rican colones in Costa Rica, and didn’t withdraw dollars from an ATM, I thought that I would immediately withdraw Cuban cookies in Cuba so as not to lose money twice when exchanging currencies.

At the airport in Havana, I put my mastercard into an ATM, he spits it out, I put it again and again, the same garbage, in the end, very reluctantly (because it’s a credit card), I put my visa, doesn’t spit it out, but doesn’t give money and so 10 times! I think I got it, not a penny of cash, and a taxi and a room together will pull about 50 cookies. Cuba is never without adventure for me! :) I guessed well at the exchange office to offer to withdraw from the card, and they turned out to have such a system. So nowhere else in Cuba do they accept a mastercard, keep in mind!
The door of the cash desk of a particular (a rented apartment) was opened by an elderly black woman in a nightgown, while she handed us the keys, she took out all the brains. Something chattered constantly, showing every little thing in the house: look - here are the spoons, look - and these are glasses, and this is a shower, it even works! And so for about an hour, until I started ringing the keys right in front of my face, hinting that it was time for her to leave us. In general, we practically kicked her out, otherwise she wouldn’t have left herself, because I want to get along with foreigners!? :)

In Cuba, they still steal, undersupply in stores, cheat, shit lies on the streets, but something is changing in better side, there was a little more freedom in Cuba with the arrival of Raul. Now all ordinary Cubans can have a small negocio (business), this is a nook in own house with a window to the street, through which they sell food (inedible for tourists) for mere pennies. In one of these negocios we bought cakes once, for 6 pieces we paid less than 1 dollar! :) True, the cakes tasted like the price! :) But more solid and larger negocios belong to Cubans close to Fidel. Cubans show this with such a gesture, scratching at the lower jaw, hinting at Fidel's beard.
Even now, old cars that run like minibuses and cycle rickshaws have the right to give tourists a ride, before it was not legal.

A miracle happened - some residents have the Internet (illegally)! :) But the trouble is that the Internet via a modem opens one site for about 10 minutes!: 0 Unofficially 3 cookies per hour, officially 6.

In Cuba, it’s better to give way to a motorist, otherwise he will pass you, because Cuban drivers are used to pedestrians giving way to them, they don’t slow down at the sight of a pedestrian.

The elevator in our house went up only 4 floors, and the house was 20 floors, but not because it was broken, but because it was originally set by the designers! :o A lot of strange things here.

Here it is customary to offer your services or sell / buy something, walking down the street and shouting at the top of your voice. Someone is constantly yelling or whistling outside the window, you listen, and there: I will buy gold or sell it at a price.

It was touching when my friend's grandmother, treating us to coffee, turned to us with the words - companeros (comrades)! :)

There are no windows in our understanding in Cuba; metal blinds are used here.

How many musicians I have seen in restaurants, I have never seen a soloist sing into a microphone, they use only their vocal cords.

In Cuba, often some dude on the street will joyfully shout - ola, amigo! to meet you, this is just the beginning, and this means that in the next few minutes he will load you, he will offer everything - from chicas to cigars, dinner at a restaurant, taxi search and other vague services, unlike the same Costa Rica, where nothing is hidden in the phrase "ola, amigo", it just means that the person is sincerely glad and welcomes you! :)

Once, in the midst of sex, the doorbell rang, I opened it: - do you want sausage? - asks a middle-aged woman! :) I think, what the hell is sausage? Here she, seeing my taken aback look, guessing what happened here, and, winking, adds: - Quieres otra cosa? (- Or maybe something else?) :0

We had old rusty and half-rotten merry-go-rounds in our yard, I thought that because of their unsuitability they were thrown here. But no, in the evening a crowd of children gathered, turned on the music from the cassette recorder, the carousels miraculously began to move, and everything began to spin, as in ordinary parks, but everything is at such an amateur level that it is incomprehensible to the mind how it does not fall apart ... They tightened the nuts, welded pieces of rusty iron with others, in general, the Cubans did some chemical work and it turned out something remotely resembling a carousel, and set this infernal machine in motion! I can’t even imagine how such old iron can rotate, but the children don’t care about the danger, they were happy to have at least some carousels! :)

Cuban entrepreneurial spirit knows no bounds, all disposable tableware lives in cafes much longer than you imagine, I would say up to old age:) In one cafe, where we often ate due to circumstances, we kindly threw away the dishes, then they made a remark to us, and then I caught them washing it and laying it out again!: oh Well, at least they wash it! :) If you think that straws in cocktails from which you drink mojitos and other drinks are new, then you are deeply mistaken! :) They have seen many mouths until they got into your mouth.

Cubans call each other on the street, like we cats - kitty kitty kitty, even foreigners are invited like that, they don’t consider it offensive, our girls’ ears wither from this :)

It is not customary to say "thank you" here, well, you gave something to someone, he thinks: - damn it, so little, I was counting on more. Or you hold the elevator door until your aunt runs, and after her entrance, instead of thank you, you hear: - I'm on the 14th floor! That is, you still have to press a button for it.
And the homeless here are the most awesome! You give the bum money and want to leave, he stops you and says with an indignant look: - Hey, dude, this is only enough for a refresco (drink), but what about the food ?! In life, you will not hear words of gratitude! Even my wife noticed it.

Plastic bags are generally not available in stores. I once bought cakes at a kiosk, they wanted to give me right into my hands!: 0 But when I became indignant, the seller, without thinking twice, broke off a piece of cardboard standing nearby from something there and put it on it. :) Or bread like- I bought it, then walked for half an hour with long loaves in my hands. No one will give you a package just like that, sometimes packages are also sold, but most often they are not available at all.

Some ordinary things in Cuba are in short supply or are simply expensive, so many people cannot afford to buy them, they begin to make their own, hence a lot of strange things. Our hostess had a dachshund dog, apparently biting, because she put on her muzzle when she went for a walk, and the muzzle was made from a plastic throat 1.5 liter bottle, which was put on the dog's muzzle and pulled with rubber bands :)

Here it immediately catches the eye that the girls have terrible figures, excess hangs from everywhere, behind, on the sides, the stomach sticks out for a meter, this is all the result of a nightmarish diet. Their diet is "pizza", which is 98% dough and 2% something unknown, they call it cheese, they also eat sandwiches, also solid dough and the thinnest slice of jamon (ham) strange color, a dozen cups of coffee with a ton of sugar (fortunately, Cuba knows no shortage of sugar, it exports itself), and occasionally pieces of chicken that are not available to everyone. Of course, there are also slender girls, these are mainly those to whom the oldest profession does not allow to have excess weight, or those that are really starving!
It is very difficult for a foreigner to eat on the street, if, let's say, the budget has cracked and you can no longer afford to eat at restaurants, tighten your belt, because you will live from hand to mouth (one plus, at least you will lose weight) and buy fruits, there are enough of them here, and they are for pennies!

In my earlier posts about Cuba, I wrote that Cubans (s) dress very colorfully, like Christmas trees, but only this time I noticed that their clothes are very unique and almost never repeat. This is because each of them begged / bargained clothes from tourists, and since tourists are all from different countries and everyone has their own unique clothes, hence the Cubans are dressed in such a variety of brands and styles.

In Cuba, renting a car does not make much sense! The most economy class costs $70 per day, but if you offer any local private trader with a more or less normal car $30 per day plus gasoline, they will jump into your arms with happiness, because their official salary per month (!) does not exceed $30, And here such money in day! Thus, a car will cost you about 40 per day with gasoline, and even with a driver, and you don’t need to take a steam bath. The only thing you need to be careful is that the driver is not a m ... com, and there is a 90% chance that he will be like that! :) If you want to slightly reduce this percentage, look for a white driver, and don’t give money in advance, no matter how he begged!

One of my acquaintances, a white Cuban, said: - Negocio con Negro Negro Negocio! Translated - business with black - black business!
I'm not a bit racist, but here I have to agree with the aphorism. It is preferable to deal with white people in Cuba. Perhaps that is why in cities like Cienfuegos, Trinidad, Santa Clara life is much better than in Havana, because whites make up the vast majority there!

If you have any agreements with one of the locals, in a couple of days, wait for attempts on his part to change the previously reached agreement in your favor.

The main thing that annoys the Cubans is the Cuban mentality and the exorbitant desire to cash in on you. There is a kind of game going on. You are friends with a Cuban and spend certain money on him, in addition to this, you know very well that he is robbing you, but you set a limit, a certain amount that you don’t mind parting with, in return you receive minor services from him! But more often than not, the Cuban becomes impudent over time, and begins to steal more than the "limit", and then you send him and find another! Such a fun life :)

In general, you will not feel all this that I am describing here if you go as an ordinary tourist to a hotel and go on organized tours there. This is for those who will live among the Cubans and do business with them. Another nuance, they are so in relation to tourists, they are quite kind and hospitable to their own! And yet, Cubans living outside of Cuba are completely different people than those I wrote about here!

We prepared for our stay in Cuba mainly on the basis of reports from Comrade Vinsky's forum. And since decisive and strong machos prevailed there (at least 10 years ago), the information I gleaned was somewhat one-sided.

For example, I knew for sure that in Cuba, awesome blowjobs. And that the legs of local women are extremely hairy, and these women shave them exactly to the knees and, accordingly, hairy hair starts from the knee and above. Actually, all the way I was looking for - who had shaved their legs as far as possible. Stop doing it - imposible.

However, I was with my husband and in general the woman was also suspected to be pregnant. So there will be no sexual adventures, I'm sorry. However, the fun happened to us.

The place is great, no doubt. All without exception women - in curlers (sometimes made of cardboard or some other garbage). So they walk the streets, nuacho, or something to sit at home until it starts spinning? Most of the tall muscular blacks (yes, those who steal cameras with bats) are in women's and / or translucent tops (on straps, white, green, with sparkles and Sexy inscriptions). All doors and windows are open, people sit on chairs for days and look out into the street. And they go in curlers for bread. The husband was also struck by the terribly hairy navels of the Cubans.

But let's start from the beginning.

And for starters, I had to ask the Cubans to put an entry stamp in their passport. Usually they don’t put them on, because Americans couldn’t (at least at that moment) have these seals, and therefore they weren’t put on anyone. And we need - for the collection. One of the American friends said that their government, having learned that an American had been to Cuba, had the right to take away any property as punishment. I don’t know if it’s true or for a red word.

The first thing I had to figure out was the currency. Convertible peso and local peso. One costs like a ruble, the other like a dollar. It sounds the same - a peso, but if you're not quite a brake, it's hard to confuse. A pineapple cannot cost 10 dollars, but 10 rubles can. The ATM gives those pesos that are dollars, local change is given in those pesos that are in rubles.

The second task is to get to the city. A taxi costs 20 pesos, which are dollars, and a local bus is 40 kopecks. It is kopecks, not pesos, which are the ruble. The only catch is that we don't have local money. And that local local transport cannot carry whites.

The bus came up. In appearance like Ecarus, as in something "pre-revolutionary", meaning Lenin, and not Che Guevara. Clusters of people hung from it. The man from the bus stop (we have already found out that he worked in Moscow in 1968, lived on Mira Avenue and Leningradka) paid at the front door for himself and for us. Then the bus grunted, and we - by the forces of a man and blacks - were squeezed into a pile of people. Each of us had a huge backpack over our shoulders and a small backpack in hand. Nothing, no one was against the fact that we were climbing, they had no Soviet upbringing.

On the way we passed native - five-story buildings, garbage, balconies hung with drying linen. That's just on the balconies blacks in shorts, and not our belly uncles. And here it is - Havana!

It seems that he ended up somewhere in Europe or America after a very good bombing. I love these places!!! Striking, huge houses, dilapidated in places: terrible, but very beautiful. And around - a whole exhibition of rare cars. Everything is on the go.

Getting into an apartment (they don’t rent hotels in Cuba, cash desks, apartments, the private sector rule the world here) looks like this: you ring the bell, I drop the key to the front door from above, you go in, return the key to the owner upstairs. Well, don't follow the guest down - too lazy!

Later, the hostess explained why there was no sign on the door about renting a room: she said that she did not want tourists to take girls to her. Because they start stealing and eating food from her refrigerator, and she doesn’t like it that much. The country of victorious sex tourism...

There are 4 state TV channels here, and they all show Fidel, Che Guevara, Raul. So instead of TV, people look at the street. They take chairs out of the doors, sit down and watch. This is a whole performance, in the evenings - generally ecstasy! These girls are walking themselves!

In general, the people (except for blacks who steal cameras) are extremely friendly. A council gathers on any issue, and the people decide how to help us. At the same time, no one asks for money. Once, when Sasha was walking with a paper pack of cigars, an elderly black man came up and handed him a plastic bag with the words - put cigars here, otherwise it will rain, it will get wet.

The only thing that causes panic fear, is the question "where does the bus stop". The fact is that at least 10 years ago, transport was separate - for locals and for whites. That is, it was no longer very clear, because we still went. But many were still terribly afraid to admit where a normal bus leaves from. Eyes are running, fear is all over the body, even hands are trembling - and they cannot admit that they know, but they cannot say. And most of the buses did not take tourists, they were afraid of fines, the police, and what else you can be so afraid of there.

Regarding the quality of water flowing from the tap, the locals do not agree. The man who paid for our fare from the airport confidently said that you can drink, the water is good. The hostess of the cash desk hesitated, muttered something uncertainly, but to my clarification: “well, we won’t die?” already confidently and with a smile answered: “no, you won’t die.” After that, we were happy to buy "refresca" everywhere (something like Jupi, 5 rubles per liter).

But we were immediately warned that if we decide to buy cigars, then we can’t talk about it on the phone. All the locals drag cigars from factories and sell them under the counter. But this is not discussed over the phone.

After Havana, our path lay in Cienfuegos, Trinidad, Santa Clara, Viñales and Varadero. Pretty classic route. The first three cities were driven by Artem, a Russian who regularly visits Cuba with his girlfriend. It was more fun with Viñales, on the way there we just got acquainted with the local hitchhiking and other realities of traveling on Cuban roads.

The girl of our comrade Artyom was called Leonor. In order for a Cuban to be able to travel around Cuba with a foreigner, you need to obtain permission from the mayor's office. Then the police will not consider her a prostitute. I don't know what exactly is signed in the mayor's office. A promise not to fuck on the road, not to pay money for it, or to definitely get married someday?

Trinidad is a picture. Bright houses, narrow streets, mojitos and dancing couples. And the music is from everywhere - sometimes groovy salsa, sometimes something like a local author's song.

Santa Clara is the locomotive on which Che Guevara made history.

Cienfuegos - we had a giant apartment there with a rocking chair on the balcony.

Vinales is nature and cigar adventure.

Varadero is just a beach.

In general, the Cubans all knew for sure that it was bad in Russia, that it was better in the Union. We were told more than once how they were all amazed when the Union collapsed. We were asked if we liked living in a big country. And when I said that one hell, she is the largest in the world, people were distrustful, believing that the largest now is the States. If you answer that it's better now, sadness appears in your eyes. Wild sadness and distrust. And the interlocutor begins to look for something to cling to in order to prove to himself that socialism is good.

Let this be the end of the first part. Cuba - perfect place. I won't rush)