Gypsy style in clothes. Gypsy style in clothes

gypsy style came into fashion back in 1976. Then he first appeared in haute couture. Then the image of Carmen became very popular. Gypsy style has had a major impact on designers with their collections. These were, among other things, the collections of the brand from Italy Fisico. They were also models by Luisa Beccaria.

And now to practice. What should be in yours so that you can look like a gypsy? Read more about this.

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Gypsy-style (gypsy) does not accept clothing that restricts movement. Gypsies always wore loose-fitting clothes. Their most popular are colorful skirts.

At the same time, they have a length "in the floor." Such skirts flutter easily from gusts of wind. Often they are sewn from only one piece of fabric. Often these are skirts with flounces. They may have frills. They can also consist of several strips of fabric. In this case, they can be contrasting in color. And they can be placed both vertically and horizontally.

What is characteristic of the gypsy style?

The gypsy style is characterized by the presence of bright and fantasy drawings. This applies to blouses, scarves, skirts. Gypsy clothes are literally full of patterns.

As for the blouse, it should be with a triangular neckline. It is an essential attribute of gypsies. Well, if the blouse is trimmed with ruffles. This will make the image more romantic.

If you decide to give preference to the gypsy style of clothing, then you should definitely wear scarves. They are designed to emphasize belonging to the style of nomads. In this case, you do not have to choose a scarf with a fringe. It may well be also a stole thrown over the shoulders. It can also be tied at the hips or at the waist. In addition, it can be tied to a bag.

Gypsy shoes

As for shoes in the gypsy style, it is represented primarily by sandals. But it can be other shoes, for example, Gipsy-style.

In any case, the shoes should have a lot of straps, clasps, beads, etc. For example, you can wear sandals.

Stylish handbag

A modern girl always carries a handbag with her. Gypsy-style handbag in any case should be quite voluminous. For example, it can be a patchwork bag.

It can also be leather. waist bag small size. At the same time, any fabric of a neutral color can also be used as a material for it. In addition, you can also carry a backpack. It can be from shreds, a piece of plain leather, etc. If desired, you can sew fringe, beads, etc. to the bag.

Loose skirt and blouse light shoes, a large bag and a scarf draped over your shoulders will perfectly emphasize your gypsy style look.

Also be sure to wear jewelry. For example, wrist bracelets, etc. It is also advisable to wear rings with stones or small rings made of copper, silver, gold or other materials. Put earrings in your ears. You can wear a necklace around your neck. But at the same time, it is not at all necessary to put on everything at once. You can choose one for yourself first.

In any case, when choosing a gypsy outfit, one should not overdo it with flowers, despite the required variegation of style. In addition, you must constantly remember about the gait. It is very important that it be light and free enough.

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And recently I thought about why this type of costume - a fluffy skirt with frills, a blouse with wide sleeves, gold jewelry - is considered a standard? After all, we all know that gypsies should be dressed in colorful, very bouffant skirts, with the obligatory rose in her hair and lots of gold jewelry. Men - in red shirts, with a ring in their ear and always with a bear. Where did this show come from? I began to read, to be interested, and this is what information I found about the gypsy costume. It seems interesting to me. I hope you do too.

Gypsies are an ancient people, people from India. It is believed that in India they belonged to one of the lower castes, and this was one of the reasons for their exodus from there. Then the gypsies settled all over the world. From all the countries and places where they lived, they absorbed the culture of the local population. This also affected clothing. Gypsies have always been poor, so their clothes were obtained from the local population, or bought cheaply, or simply stolen.

All gypsies have common features and traditions that are inherent in all groups.

The first is the concept of "badness". It is believed that all Bottom part mature woman is unclean. Therefore, gypsies always cover their legs, although they can walk with a practically bare chest, without being embarrassed at all. Everything that comes into contact with the legs of women is unclean: skirt, shoes, floor, etc. By the way, interesting fact, some groups of gypsies believe that a woman will desecrate the whole house if she goes up to the second floor. Therefore, they either live in low houses, or do not allow adult women to go up to the second floor. But not all gypsy groups think so. Some believe that the overlap is a good protection against filth.

By the way, I heard this story. In one gypsy settlement, once in the morning, one gypsy saw in his car women's shoes. Whether someone played a joke, or decided to desecrate his car, is unknown. But, the car was sold the next day.

Returning to filth, I will say that some gypsies complement their costume with an apron so that the skirt does not defile things that other people will touch.

Also a noticeable feature of the gypsies can be called the fact that they carry their children on their backs. It became a necessity in their nomadic life, when the child had to be taken everywhere with him.

Also, we all know the great love of gypsies for jewelry, especially gold. But this is very easy to explain. If, for example, a European person has earned a lot of money, he will buy good house, earth. And the gypsies since ancient times permanent home there was no desire (or opportunity) to become settled. Therefore, with the money they earned, they bought jewelry and put everything on themselves so that they would not get lost.

It is also interesting that gypsies go barefoot. This habit originated in India.

Gypsy costume changes can be divided into periods

1. Byzantine period.

In the XII - XVII centuries. gypsies, first appearing in Europe, looked very unusual. They for a long time lived in Byzantium, and this left an imprint on their costume. They wore a long undershirt and a cloak.

The men wore long beards and earrings in their ears, which was unusual in Europe at the time. The women had turbans on their heads, they were dressed in long, spacious shirts, and on top they wore a veil in which babies were wrapped.

The colors of the clothes were quite dark, gray, brown. This can be explained both by the fact that colored beautiful fabrics in those days they were expensive, and the fact that the gypsies wore their clothes for a long time, it faded and got dirty, acquiring a gloomy shade.

2. Adapted costume period XVII - ser. 19th century

In the 17th century, anti-Gypsy laws were passed throughout Europe. Therefore, the gypsies began to try to dress in European dresses that were worn in the country where they were.

During this period, clothes and furnishings were borrowed from the inhabitants of the places where the gypsies were located. In Russia, for example, gypsies wore kokoshniks, sundresses, icons and samovars appeared in their homes. IN European countries the same thing happened. Gypsies boldly wore lace-up bodices, bonnets and corsages.

At this time, the Romanian and Hungarian gypsies begin to show signs of a costume that we now consider traditional.

I would especially like to single out such a group of gypsies as the Kalderars (or Kotlyars). This is a gypsy ethnic group that was formed on the territory of Romania. It was they who created the “real gypsy costume».

Their contribution to the emergence of the familiar gypsy costume can be distinguished in a separate period:

3. It is believed that the Kotlyars synthesized in the costume all the best that Western and Eastern Gypsies had.

A skirt, a scarf and an apron became obligatory attributes of a gypsy costume.

Ankle-length skirt was pleated at the waist. A cut was usually made in front so that a woman could wear a skirt not over her head, so as not to desecrate upper part body. The apron also served the same purpose. Also, the gypsy always wore a scarf, which she knew how to tie with many different ways. And under the apron, women wore small aprons with a pocket where they put money and toilet items.

The gypsy craving for gold and jewelry has now found its outlet. At this time, the gypsies had money, which was immediately reflected in the attire of the gypsies. They began to weave gold coins into their hair and decorate their necks with monists. Monists adorned themselves only married women, young girls could afford to wear only one coin around their necks.

By the way, the Calderari first saw the frill on the skirt of the Spanish gypsies and immediately introduced it into their costume. True, the Spanish gypsies preferred to make several thin frills, and the Kalderarki sewed on one wide one. A beautiful sleeve expanding downwards was also borrowed from Spanish gypsies.

The men's suit of kotlyars was also quite interesting. It can be seen that the Hungarian national costume had a great influence on him. Jacket with large silver buttons, waistcoat and pants are embellished beautiful applications, Wellingtons, headdress, leather belt. Also attached to the costume was a scarf attached to the jacket for beauty, a staff and a pipe.

4. Last period development of the gypsy costume. XX century almost completely destroyed everything National costumes leaving them a place on the stage, in museums and private collections.

Gypsy style is going around the world cheerfully and naturally.

Sheer lace and embroidered shawls with flowing fringes. Flying sleeves and skirts with floral motifs, up to the very feet, developing at the feet of women.

Run through the countryside in natural clothes natural colors – common topic spring-summer season recent years- the echo of gypsy stereotypes is spreading in the romantic movement that has swept Europe since the beginning of the 19th century.

Why are fashionistas so enthusiastic about gypsy style? Perhaps because the gypsies could always run away from a life that they did not like - with its laws and conventions. The life of a gypsy is a constant movement from one place to another in search of what is necessary. Fashion is not important to them. To create their own image, in their opinion, is a frivolous matter. Gypsies are a symbol of freedom. They wear anything and with anything. Ropes are mixed with gold. And it all "works".

The clothes of the small Roma tribe, which originated in the Indian subcontinent and migrated to Eastern Europe about 1000 years ago, changed and adapted to many styles during the process of numerous migrations. And if in the 14th - 15th centuries, the clothes of a gypsy consisted of simple dress draped almost like a sari and a turban adorned with costume jewelry, today's look, which we usually associate with gypsies, has its roots in the Renaissance, when lace waistcoats, breeches, flounced skirts and billowing blouses dominated.

Now in Europe, women pay a lot to dress in a gypsy style and have their own individual image. This style reflects the traditional gender gap. Roma women's clothes are distinguished by their femininity and bright decorative character.

Many designers prefer to work in this style, believing that the elements - piping, lace, embellishments and multiple colors in the pattern - open up great opportunities for creating a vibrant look.

Everyone knows gypsy colorful shirts, skirts and trousers. Unlike the peasants, who had only vegetable dyes available, the gypsies, thanks to their nomadic life, traveled to distant lands where bright dyes were abundant or at least cheaper.

For gypsy-style clothing, shades of blue, green, pink, dark shades red (eg burgundy), orange, yellow, brown and tan. Since in ancient times black paint was expensive everywhere, it did not enter the gypsy culture at all. Therefore, in the gypsy style, black is recommended to be used sparingly. Also avoid fluorescent or neon fabrics. And keep in mind that the gypsies did not wear fiery red, as it symbolizes blood and, according to legend, brings trouble. But other shades of red are quite acceptable.


Skirts are luxurious, comfortable, developing and concealing figure flaws. Multi-layered or multi-tiered, captivating with the play of colors. Long, bright, with frills, embroidery, beaded sewing.

Blouses - feminine, with open shoulders, with many frills. Wide sleeves, round neckline.

Vests, jackets - leather, tapestry, heavy embroidered fabric. Knitted and embellished.

Accessories such as amulets, beads, exotic earrings, rings and bracelets will greatly enrich your gypsy look. It is known that gypsies not only wore jewelry, but also wove them into their beautiful hair. Decorations of various cultures are suitable here - Eastern, Indian, Russian, Western. No restrictions.

Belts, scarves, homemade bags, jingling beads from bells or coins perfectly complement the image. Shoes decorated with beads, lacing, mirrored coins, beads. Remember that wild hair colors, makeup and manicures do not suit this style.

For a headdress, bandanas and scarves are widely used, as a hair band tied at the back of the head.

Unfortunately, the way of life of the gypsies, sung by popular culture and fashion, is, in fact, a fantasy. Famous designers create this romantic image in order to draw attention and bring the public closer to the problems of this small nation.

Eternally persecuted and despised, even today, the Roma tribe is under pressure in some European countries.

Gypsy style acquires from modern fashionistas increasing popularity. This style has been known since ancient times, the gypsy peoples especially contributed to its popularization. No wonder this quirky style of clothing is associated with freedom, as well as natural beauty and joy of life.

How to competently recreate the image of Esmeralda in everyday life?

Gypsy (Gipsy-style) is often confused with, however, there are significant differences in these two related styles.

Especially it concerns color combination and style individual elements wardrobe. For example, a floral loose dress with an unusual print can be quite attributed to the boho style, especially if it is knee-length. But a colorful floor-length skirt can be safely combined with a gypsy look.

Photo Source: Billabong Women's
Collection 2016 Roberto Cavalli

However, despite the freedom of this amazing style, there are certain guidelines for creating the perfect look.

  • 1. The combination of different styles of things in the gypsy style is considered quite normal practice. For example, gypsy bright colors in a skirt will help hide a solid bodysuit. pastel color and well-chosen accessories - a bag to match the bodysuit.

  • 2. Despite family ties, things from the gypsy style should in no case be combined with boho elements. Otherwise, you can overdo it and look like a Christmas tree.

Photo Source: Spell & the Gypsy Collective

  • 3. Gypsy free style is not bypassed and beach fashion. Designers of many eminent fashion houses have managed to include gypsy elements in original beach looks.
  • 4. Gypsy style implies comfort in everything, so it is better to choose shoes with flat soles, which will ensure a comfortable and confident gait. If there is no desire to confuse the gypsy style with, it is better not to wear heels. Sandals are more popular among gypsies brown shade, which will provide freedom of movement and will remain relevant with other styles of clothing.

Photo source:

  • 4. In the 2016 season, various, wrist and leg are very relevant. Moreover, you can choose as a decoration both a bracelet and any lacing that will emphasize the individuality of the image. Particular attention to fashion shows was chained to massive ornaments.

Photo source:

  • 5. Gypsy is the exact opposite of the minimalist style, so the more jewelry there is in the image, the more spectacular it will be. To create the image of a gypsy, it will not be superfluous to put on several rings or bracelets on one hand or choose special head jewelry in the form of a hoop (shawl) with individual jewelry.

Gypsy style will add freedom in the image and help to loosen up, feel more confident for any fashionista. Recommended: .

Dress up for a costume party for many people a big problem. Girls do not want to dress up as bunnies or cats, and the idea of ​​walking in a pirate costume seems too trivial for the representatives of the stronger sex. Is there a universal solution for men and women? Of course have. It is worth taking a closer look at the costume of a gypsy or a gypsy. How to make such a non-trivial outfit, read below.

Suit for a girl

Gathering your daughter to a friend's birthday party or a holiday in kindergarten, many mothers think about what to dress up their princess. You can dress her as a queen or a character from a Disney cartoon. But the problem is that many girls will be Cinderellas and Sleeping Beauties. And I want my daughter to stand out from the gray mass. One of the non-trivial solutions is to make a gypsy costume.

This ethnic minority is famous for the beauty of their girls and the flamboyance of their clothes. In this outfit, your daughter will definitely not go unnoticed. What do you need to make such a costume? Everything is pretty simple.

  • First, you will need long skirt. It is desirable that it be multi-colored. If there is no skirt with an ornament, a model with wide bright stripes is quite suitable.
  • Secondly, you need a white blouse. It can be a sleeveless jacket or with puffed sleeves. A black corset completes the top of the look.
  • Thirdly, a gypsy woman's obligatory headdress is a headscarf. This accessory should be bright. You need to tie it like a bandana.

Heeled shoes or black ballet flats can complete the look. As an accessory, you need to purchase or find a tambourine in the bins of the house.

Suit for a girl

Adult ladies, unlike girls, want to look not only catchy, but also sexy in the image of a gypsy. Therefore, their outfit will not differ much from baby costume, but in general, thanks to some changes, the image will turn out to be more liberated. How to assemble such a gypsy costume?

  • The skirt you need to choose is not easy bright, but with an ornament. The model should be fitted at the top and flared at the bottom.
  • Over the first skirt, you need to put on the second. And she should be contrasting color. A bright scarf tied at the waist will add spice to the image.
  • The blouse you need to choose is white, with long puffed sleeves and plunging neckline. A corset is a mandatory part of the image. It will accentuate the chest and make the waist thinner.
  • A bright bandana completes the look.

As shoes, you need to choose shoes or boots with stilettos, and as jewelry - large hoop earrings.

Hair and makeup

The national costume of the gypsies, the photo of which you can see above, is interesting in itself. But it is thanks to the makeup and hairstyle that you will get an image from which it will be impossible to take your eyes off. Gypsies by nature curly hair. Therefore, a girl who is not burdened with wavy hair will have to try a little. Curling iron or curlers to help you.

Thanks to black eyes, thick eyebrows and long eyelashes gypsy girls so charming. Our compatriots are not always endowed with these external data. Therefore, you need to take time to make up. We draw thick eyebrows, stick on false eyelashes and complement the image with arrows. They can be drawn with eyeliner or pencil, or use shadows. It remains to give the face freshness and make up the lips. We powder the face, creating a tan effect and add a little blush. The final touch - lipstick. It must be red.


Since the gypsies are nomadic people, the girls are used to putting on all the jewelry at once. Therefore, you should not be afraid to overdo it here. The national costume of the gypsies includes beads, bracelets, and large earrings. Of course, do not forget about the rings. There must be many. They may well decorate all fingers. Required attribute gypsies are a scarf. Moreover, girls wear not only standard woven models, but also with metal fittings. These can be decorative coins, iron stars decorating the edge of the product. There are even options with beaded and pearl decor. It is worth remembering that gypsy women do not carry bags; they have pockets for this purpose. And girls rarely wear high heels. They prefer low heels.

Suit for a photo shoot

To create a gypsy look, it is not necessary to wear several skirts and twist your hair. If you are going not to a costume party, but to a photo session, then you can quite afford to make the image more modern. How should this manifest itself? The gypsy costume, the photo of which can be seen above, shows us one of the ways how you can look non-trivial. We see that the girl's hair is not twisted, although there is a rather large volume. The dress is not a skirt and blouse, but a dress. And feathers are used as catchy accents. You can repeat this version of clothing or come up with your own based on this. The main thing is to keep some semblance of a gypsy style. A large number of jewelry, a catchy belt, a bright cape. Colorful clothes do not have to be, but they should look in contrast to the background, which will be the background for the photo shoot.

Men's Party Suit

It is much easier for the strong half of humanity to dress in the style of a gypsy than for a woman. The difficulty will consist only in finding suitable pants. It shouldn't just be black pants. Pants should be fairly wide, and in cut resemble the clothes of the Arabs.

For one evening, of course, it is not always profitable to buy new clothes, so you can get by with free black trousers. You need to gird your pants with a wide red belt, if there is no suitable one, then a scarf will do. You have to wear a shirt on top. bright color. A prerequisite: you need to wear it wide open. A red bandana and a black curly wig complete the look. And the highlight on the cake will be a clip in the ear. This image is quite suitable not only for an adult man, but also for a boy. The gypsy costume will look stylish and original.

Men's suit for a photo shoot

The image in which the representative of the stronger sex will pose in front of the camera may differ from what is described above. A gypsy costume can be assembled less authentic, but more stylish and harmonious. It will be based on a Russian-style canvas shirt and black pants. Jewelry will help complete the look. There must be many. You can choose beads with big stones or bulk pendant. rings in gypsy society worn not only by women, but also by men. And they should also be with volumetric stones. If there were no such at hand, you can replace them with massive ones. Jewelry. Instead of a bandana, it is quite possible to wear a bandage on your head. Moreover, it should be decorated with a large, catchy brooch.

Gypsy fashion at D&G

The Italian duet of two men was able to win the hearts of millions of women. Each of them new collection is another masterpiece. Men draw inspiration from folk images. They especially like national costumes. Gypsies, Italians, Spaniards, Russians and even Mexicans became Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana have a passion for everything bright. That is why more often than others in their collections you can see modernized folk gypsy costumes. This can manifest itself in everything: from the pattern on the fabric, to the choice of jewelry. Colorful outfits are not only swarthy brunettes. Golden-haired, pale-skinned beauties put on new clothes with great pleasure, which make them look like girls who have just escaped from the gypsy camp.