Makeup for swarthy brunettes. Makeup for brunettes with brown eyes for light, dark skin, to enlarge the eyes, for every day, photo shoots, smokey ice, nude

Most likely, the expression "to drown in the eyes" was born at the very moment when the poet saw those beautiful eyes. They fascinate, you want to look at them for a long, long time ... Brown-eyed girls are well aware of this and strive in every possible way to emphasize the beauty bestowed on them by nature. The best way to do this is with natural decorative cosmetics. The main thing is to be aware of what shades of colors are suitable for brown eyes.

What eyeshadow color suits brown eyes

Makeup is an integral part of the image of every woman. Therefore, correctly selected shadows are already half the battle. Brown-eyed women are real lucky ones - after all, many shades suit them. They can afford to create a new image every time, simply emphasizing their natural beauty.

There are two main rules to be aware of. First, almost the only color you should avoid is orange. It gives the face a tired and sickly look. Secondly, give up cosmetics that exactly repeat the shade of the iris. Otherwise, the colors will merge and you will get a “panda effect”.

When choosing shadows, it is important to consider a number of factors: eye shade, hair and skin color, as well as what kind of makeup (everyday, evening, etc.) you plan to use.

The base colors are:



To create a bright image, you can use black. But gray should be used with caution. If the shade is chosen incorrectly, then fair skin will look faded, and bright eyes can take on a painful look. Therefore, it is important to know about the correct combination of shades of shadows with brown eyes.

What shades of shadows are suitable for brown eyes

Not everyone knows that brown-eyed girls are shades of any brown tones. They give the look softness and expressiveness. The main thing is to avoid shades that blend with your skin. Texture also plays an important role. The combination of this color with a matte texture will make the look tired. It is better to use satin or shimmery.

Brown eyes come in a variety of shades:

    light (tea);

    green (nut);

    yellow (honey);


You can make tea eyes brighter with blue and purple. And again, good news for brown-eyed girls: you can safely use absolutely any shades, even the brightest and most saturated ones. Your eyes will become brighter, while the owners of eyes of other colors should choose the shade more carefully.


Shades of green shades will help to add expressiveness: herbal, olive, dark green, etc. Do you want to make your look brighter? Use turquoise. For everyday makeup, a combination of beige and dark brown is suitable, and for a festive one, choose golden ones.


These eyes are like honey or dark amber. Contrasting makeup can be done with purple tones, and for everyday use, dark green, light brown and chocolate are suitable.


Bright natural color is a lot of opportunities for experimentation. Light will add contrast, saturated - brightness. Most pinks. Therefore, you can safely choose purple and plum.


Delicate shades will add brightness: blue, pink, beige, peach, sand, silver gray ... Bright colors, shimmering textures, and sparkles are all best used for evening or holiday makeup.

When creating makeup, you need to focus on either the eyes or the lips. Therefore, if you are not going to a costume party or a carnival, it is better to refrain from combining bright lipstick and rich shadows. If you follow this simple rule, then all colors and shades of shadows can be used even for everyday makeup.

A combination of light and bright colors would be a great idea. This technique has long been adopted by many girls. The use of several tones not only makes the look more expressive, but also allows you to visually adjust the shape of the eyes. The main thing is to choose the right shades within the same gamut.


As the main one, you can use light sand, beige, cream tones. Chocolate, bronze, dark sand will help to highlight the outer corners of the eyes.

The colors of this range will suit the eyes of any shade. They are best used in everyday and business makeup.


Here are some shadows suitable for brunettes with brown eyes. You can use all tones, regardless of skin tone and eyes. Lilac, blueberry, eggplant - choose any and feel free to create an evening make-up.

For a gentle and romantic look, choose soft pink, lilac, purple-gray. Light colors will make the look softer. You can focus on the lips by painting them with a more saturated color of this range.


The colors of this range are the best answer to the question “what shadows suit blondes with brown eyes?”. But girls with a different hair color should choose shades more carefully: if the skin is light, then some tones can make it pale.

Dark-skinned girls are not threatened. Blue, blue, turquoise, heavenly - choose any of them and feel free to use them in your makeup. And, of course, gray-blue will suit almost everyone. Light or dark, it can be basic or optional.


Nothing will make your eyes shine like shades of green tones. Bright emeralds are best left for a New Year's party, but olive, khaki or herbal ones are suitable for any exit.

In order not to overdo it with the colors of this range, use a simple rule: the brighter and richer the shade, the less it should be on the eyelids. Dark tones are suitable for creating smoky eyes - a great alternative to classic black and brown.

Separately, it must be said about black. It is not included in the list of those shadows that are suitable for light brown eyes. And it is advisable for owners of dark eyes to use it sparingly. To prevent black from aging, replace it with dark gray (in the case of the base color).

What shadows go under brown eyes: about useful cosmetics

Every girl wants them to emphasize the beauty of her eyes. But for this it is not enough just to choose the right color. It is necessary that decorative cosmetics have a number of other properties.

To keep the makeup for a long time, it is better to use mineral shadows. They are made from natural ingredients and have a number of advantages over traditional cosmetics.


    do not roll and do not crumble;

    do not cause allergies and irritation;

    allow the skin to breathe;

    absorb excess moisture and fat;

    can be combined with ordinary cosmetics.

The shelf life of such cosmetics is not limited: after all, it does not contain fragrances and parabens, which deteriorate over time.

Now you know what color of shadows suits brown eyes. Choose mineral cosmetics for everyday and festive make-up: after all, long-lasting makeup and healthy skin suit girls the most.



Know that if you are a brunette, then you are incredibly lucky. Dark-haired girls, naturally possessing a very bright and expressive appearance, can freely show their imagination when creating makeup. Brunette girls belong to the “winter” color type, and this is perhaps the only type of appearance that suits such a huge number of different colors and shades. But, despite this, dark-haired girls need to know a few nuances of doing makeup that will help them become even more spectacular and attractive. Today I will tell you how to make beautiful makeup for brunettes.

When creating a competent make-up, it is necessary to take into account all the features of your appearance, and first of all, pay attention to the combination of hair color and eye shade.

Makeup for brunettes with brown eyes

Usually brunettes with brown eyes have dark skin, so both foundation and powder should be quite dark. The choice of tonal framework is best done in favor of a bronze or peach shade. Powder with a touch of tan will give a dark-skinned brunette a special freshness and playfulness. Blush with this appearance should not be pink, it is better to give preference to beige-brown or copper-coral tones.

When creating makeup, it is very important to choose the right shade of eye shadow and lipstick. One wrong choice and your face can change for the worse. Brunettes with brown eyes are ideal for shades of the following colors: all shades of brown (from light brown to dark chocolate), blue, silver, pale green, white, jet black, all shades of gray, gold, blue, aqua, lilac, purple, pale pink. Lipstick shades that are suitable for this type of appearance also have a fairly rich assortment. Among them are rich pink, rich red, light pink, caramel, scarlet, ruby, cherry, coral, beige, peach, plum tones.

There are a lot of brunettes with brown eyes among Hollywood celebrities. What makeup do they prefer?

Selena Gomez. Despite her young age, Selena has already achieved a lot. She certainly can be included in the list of not only the most successful, but also the most stylish stars. The singer's makeup always has an impeccable look, which is impossible to find fault with.

Day Selena Gomez makeup During the day, Selena prefers to use natural shades of shadows, focusing on long, thick eyelashes. A little secret: the singer emphasizes the lower eyelid with a white eyeliner, this technique helps to make the eyes bigger and more expressive. Such a simple eye makeup is complemented by a beautiful caramel lipstick. To make lips look fuller and more seductive, Selena applies a transparent gloss over lipstick.

Evening makeup Selena Gomez. In the evening, Selena's eye makeup is more intense. To perform such a make-up, you need to apply silver shadows to the upper eyelid, emphasize the lower eyelid with a black eyeliner, and draw a very thin line with black eyeliner along the lash line on the upper eyelid, now it remains only to apply lengthening mascara to the eyelashes. A pale berry lip gloss helps to complete the make-up.

Leighton Meester. Few people know, but for the sake of filming in the series Gossip Girl, Leighton had to dye her hair from a natural blonde to a brunette. In my opinion, she only benefited from this.

Day Makeup Leighton Meester. This makeup option is my daily salvation. Makeup, which is done in five minutes, was apparently appreciated by this famous actress. Timeless eyeliner, a light layer of mascara and lip balm - everything you need for your attractiveness.

Evening make-up Leighton Meester. Blue smoky shadows and light pink lipstick are the perfect option for a brown-eyed brunette.

Nina Dobrev. In my opinion, the star of the series "The Vampire Diaries" has an incredible attractive beauty. She looks good with absolutely any make-up option.

Nina Dobrev day makeup. For the choice of pale green shadows, I can only give Nina a five-plus rating.

Evening make-up by Nina Dobrev. In this version, Nina chose smoky eyes in jet black. If you have chosen the same makeup, then you should know that the lips should remain as natural as possible.

Photo of beautiful makeup for brunettes with brown eyes

Makeup for brunettes with green eyes

If you have fair skin, then when choosing a blush, give preference to light pink, and if you are dark-skinned, then peach tones. Brunettes with green eyes are best suited with purple, lilac, brown, silver, golden and sand shades. It is better for you to completely refuse blue and green shadows, they will not emphasize your appearance at all. Ideal for lips are all shades of red lipstick, as well as light pink, beige, coral and caramel lipstick.

Let's see what makeup techniques famous brunettes with green eyes use in makeup.

Mila Kunis. It should be noted that Mila has heterochromia, i.e. One of her eyes is green and the other is hazel. But with proper makeup, such a defect goes unnoticed.

Mila Kunis day makeup. Brown shadows are the best option for brunettes with any eye color.

Evening makeup Mila Kunis. Mila is well aware that green eyes are best emphasized by purple shadows, for this reason she chose smoky eyes in these tones.

Rihanna. This young singer loves experimenting with make-up. She looks different every day.

Rihanna day makeup. In the daytime, the singer emphasizes her brown-green eyes with pastel shades.

Rihanna evening makeup. A win-win option for a brunette is an emphasis on the lips with red lipstick.

Evangeline Lilly. This actress has perky freckles, which are usually unusual for dark-haired girls. In my opinion, they do not spoil her at all, but, on the contrary, give her a cute look.

Evangeline Lilly day makeup. During the day, Evangeline is limited to nude makeup.

Evening make-up Evangeline Lilly. Since this actress prefers to apply a minimum amount of makeup, even in the evening you can find only light and delicate tones in her makeup.

Photo of beautiful makeup for brunettes with green eyes

Makeup for brunettes with blue eyes

Incredibly beautiful, angelic combination of dark hair and blue eyes requires a special approach to choosing makeup. For brunettes with blue eyes, brown, gray, pale pink, golden, purple, pale green and pale blue shadows are ideal. When doing lip makeup, blue-eyed brunettes can afford quite a lot. Peach and light pink lipstick is suitable for the daytime version, and red, plum or rich pink shade can be applied in the evening.

Let's see what makeup tricks Hollywood's blue-eyed brunettes use.

Megan Fox. Megan is one of the most striking and memorable examples of brunettes with blue eyes. This girl has been leading the lists of the most beautiful and sexy actresses for several years in a row.

Day Makeup Megan Fox. Golden shadows look win-win on the blue eyes of brunettes.

Evening makeup Megan Fox. In this version, the actress focuses on her lips with dark plum lipstick. Quite a risky choice, but it looks flawless on her face.

Jessica Szohr. A beautiful brunette with dark skin knows a lot about good makeup.

Day makeup Jessica Szohr. The blue shade of the shadows requires special care when applied to blue eyes. In most cases, blue shadows do not suit blue-eyed girls, but a shade like Jessica's looks quite harmonious on her face.

Evening makeup Jessica Szohr. Here, the actress opted for rich pink lipstick, dark brown shadows and neat arrows.

Katy Perry. The extraordinary singer chooses an interesting and memorable make-up to match.

Katy Perry day makeup. Silver shadows and retro arrows are one of Katy's most calm makeup looks.

Evening makeup Katy Perry. Not every girl will decide on such eye makeup. The combination of purple shadows on the upper eyelid and green on the lower one looks very bright and original.

Photo of beautiful makeup for brunettes with blue eyes

I hope you have found some useful tips in this article. Good mood and good makeup!

Brown hair has many shades, from light coffee to caramel, and burning brunettes are rich dark, from dark chocolate to blue-black.

With this hair color, you need to choose the right makeup to show all your beauty. It should be combined with hair color, look harmonious, complementing it.

Makeup for brunettes - which foundation to choose

Dark hair itself is bright, so for beautiful makeup, the face must have a perfect, natural, even tone. The tonal foundation should be evenly applied to the skin so that the face does not take on an artificial look.

Now there are many branded tonal bases and mousses to create a natural tone. A good foundation evenly covers the skin. Also, with the help of the foundation, you can hide imperfections or blemishes on the skin.

If pink is present in the masking cream, then the cream gives the face freshness, hides fatigue, yellow hides all spots, bumps, redness. Neutral tones suit brunettes.

Eye makeup for brunettes

Girls with dark hair are well impressed with shades of grayish, brown. Coffee or bright colors on the eyes also create a harmonious contrast in the make-up of dark ladies. Plays a role and eye color.

  1. Brown eyes. Brunettes without makeup look bright, have a piercing look. In this case, use only mascara, for greater effect, you can draw a neat arrow.
  2. Blue eyes. Brunettes fit gray, light lilac, mother-of-pearl eye shadow.
  3. Green eyes. Flesh, beige shadows are superbly emphasized. You can also use green or yellow shades.
  4. . Dark-haired girls are recommended to use combined shadows, mixing greenish with brown or brown with pink.

There are a few important points to remember, if your eyes are prone to redness from fatigue, then you need to avoid tones that only emphasize this, such as pink and purple. To hide the effect of tired eyes, it is better for brunettes to use brown or gray.

Eyebrows are also an important aspect of eye makeup. Choose the perfect eyebrow shape for your face. They are given no less attention, because the eyebrows are the frame of the face, they complete the whole image.

For eyebrows, use dark brown or gray graphite, do not turn to jet black, it does not look pretty.

Blush for brunettes

To make the cheekbones expressive and the face fresh, you can use blush, they create soft accents.

  1. Brunettes fit pink, they refresh makeup.
  2. Avoid blush with peach, carrot shades, they make the face gloomy, add age.
  3. Red tones also need to be thrown aside, they will emphasize all skin defects, but red will suit dark-haired people perfectly.
  4. In addition to blush, you can highlight the cheekbones with the help of bronzers, they shimmer create a harmonious contrast with dark hair.

Lipstick for dark-haired ladies

If anyone really wears flashy red lipstick, it's women with dark hair. Bright red color is perfect for them, like other rich and dark shades of lipsticks.

And pale pink or beige, on the contrary, will make the makeup faded and the lips gloomy. For lovers of neutral tones, it is better to use lipsticks that are close in color to their natural lip color, but not paler in any way.

Now you know what makeup for brunettes should be like and I hope you will always be on top.

Brown-eyed brunettes have a spectacular appearance, they do not need a lot of makeup to emphasize natural beauty. Girls with dark hair and brown eyes use all sorts of makeup techniques, experimenting with non-standard color schemes. The right make-up, suitable for any event, is created using simple manipulations.

Makeup for brunettes with brown eyes: stages of creation

1. The initial stage - covering the face with a makeup base. No details can divert attention from black dots, redness, etc. An ideal image cannot be created without an appropriate surface. Charming brown eyes fade against the background of unattractive flaws. To create an even and healthy tone of the face, you can use foundation, powder or foundation.

For makeup, use a small amount of cosmetics, evenly applying the product with light patting movements. It is important that the tool creates an even tone, without obvious borders and spots. Flaws are hidden with a corrector. The product easily copes with circles and bruises under the eyes, masks redness and invigorates the face. In addition to cosmetics, they use masks, scrubs, tonics and creams that help heal the skin. The preparatory stage also includes applying the base for the shadows. This action has a positive effect on the wearing of makeup.

2. Properly selected shadows and eyeliner can give brown eyes depth and expressiveness.. Brunettes with light eyes should choose brown or golden shades. Favorably emphasize the color of brown eyes shadow with green pigment. It is not recommended to use saturated options in order to preserve the natural appeal. When creating makeup with several shades of shadows, carefully shade the transitions. For light shades of eyes, makeup artists recommend choosing shades of champagne or bronze, experimenting with light purple accents.

3. Eyeliner for brown eyes serves to create an additional accent. Neat and graceful arrows are present in both daytime and evening make-up. With the help of spectacular strokes, they create a bright make-up in an oriental style that will suit dark-eyed brunettes. For light brown eyes, brown shades of eyeliner are used, for dark brown eyes, classic black is chosen, as well as purple, green and brown chords.

Apply eyeliner along the lash line, trying to make the stroke thin and elegant. For evening make-up, the line is expanded and lengthened. A similar option turns brown eyes into almond-shaped lights.

The color of the eyeliner can match the shade of the shadows, or harmoniously complement the look. For lovers of bright and non-standard solutions, you can choose purple, purple and pink colors.

4. Brunettes with brown eyes are naturally endowed with dark eyelashes that do not need excessive amounts of mascara. Using the attribute add color, lengthen the cilia and give them volume. Brown-eyed ladies are advised to choose black mascara. For daytime events, apply one layer of the product, for evening celebrations, cilia are dyed in several layers. You can create additional volume with the help of powder.

Non-standard and creative brunettes with brown eyes, who are not afraid to change their usual image, use rich blue or green mascaras.

Makeup for brunettes with brown eyes: step by step photos

evening make-up

1. Apply a base shade to the eyelid.

2. We cover the outer corner of the eye with dark gray or black shadows.

3. We complement the inner corner with a light gray accent, creating a smooth transition between the two colors.

4. The area above the moving eyelid is covered with a delicate purple color.

5. Using a thin brush, gently bring gray shadows to the lower eyelid.

6. We lighten the inner corner with white chords.

7. Draw an expressive arrow.

8. We color the eyelashes.

In 8 steps, they create a beautiful make-up for brunettes that will make you draw attention to yourself.

Wedding makeup for brunettes with brown eyes

1. We cover the upper eyelid with a base agent.

2. Paint the surface with the selected shade of brown.

3. To create a makeup that will sparkle charmingly in the sun and under the light of lamps, use sparkles. We cover the inner part of the eyelid with a shade similar to the main color, we apply darker sparkles to the outer area.

4. We emphasize the eyelash growth line with a thin black eyeliner, we bring down the lower eyelid with gray or silver shadows.

5. Apply 2-3 layers of mascara to the eyelashes.

The presented makeup for brunettes for a wedding does not require time, it can be done independently.

Day makeup for brunettes with brown eyes

1. Before starting makeup, cover the eyelid with a base that will ensure long-term wear.

2. We apply the selected shadows to the surface. For a daily look, we select a beige, sand or peach option.

3. We lighten the area above the eyebrow and the inner corner of the brown eye.

4. Cover the outer corner with dark brown or black shadows, blend the borders.

5. You can complement the presented version of makeup for brown eyes with one layer of mascara.

With the help of a minimum amount of cosmetics and a small margin of time, a natural make-up for every day is obtained.

Casual make-up for brunettes with brown eyes

1. We cover the eyelid with a base shade.

2. We apply the main color. Pale pink or peach shades can be used as the main component.

3. We cover the outer part of the upper eyelid with shadows a tone darker.

4. Neat lines along the edges of the lower and upper eyelids will help to add expressiveness to the eyes.

  • You need to select a make-up taking into account the color of the skin. Brunettes with fair skin should look at warm, calm shades. Bright colors can turn a natural picture into an unnatural image. Decorative cosmetics with yellow pigment give aristocratic personalities a sickly look.

  • When choosing a foundation, brunettes are repelled by the tone of their skin. The main task of the tool is to look natural and match the color of the covers. Girls with dark skin and brown eyes choose bronze or peach tones; for special events, you can apply powder with a tan effect. Such a tool adds fresh notes to the image, transforms the girl into a playful coquette. When choosing a blush, you should pay attention to shades with brown pigment.

  • When choosing cosmetics, the girl's hair color is taken into account. Owners of black curls, as a rule, are endowed with dark eyebrows and eyelashes, so the focus is on the lips. Rich red lipstick will help create a spectacular look. For special occasions choose lip cosmetics with sparkling sparkles. Girls with brown hair should choose pink pigments, playing with saturation and tones. Evening make-up is complemented by a beautiful ruby ​​lipstick. Light brown hair in tandem with a lovely coral lipstick look gentle and carefree. Also pick up pink or muted red tones.

Often, brunettes are strong and strong-willed women with a strong character, a sharp mind and a bright appearance. They are always in the spotlight, and for this you need to look perfect. The advice of makeup artists will help you emphasize all the advantages of your unique appearance, make your eyes even more expressive, and make your appearance bewitching. Hurry up to find out the 7 main secrets that will make you a dazzling beauty!

Highlight lips!

Lipstick is a very important part of makeup. Take this matter seriously. Think carefully about your choice when buying lipsticks. Darker tones are more suitable for brunettes, but do not overdo it so as not to get an intimidating gothic look. Refuse to experiment with brown, maroon and blue-violet lipstick.

Rich red or cherry shades are perfect for you. Lips with such scarlet lipstick are seductively combined with hair of all dark shades. This option is 100% and time-tested.

Mmm, cinnamon! Yes, these shades also suit you. All warm colors - milk chocolate, caramel, golden brown, etc. An important rule: highlighting the eyes brightly, try to use lipstick in more muted shades. Brunettes with beautiful bright eyes are very suitable for natural shades of lipsticks.

In fact, brunettes fit a lot of shades. Exceptions are perhaps too faded colors, such as peach, yellowish, light pink and others. But even here a lot will depend on skin tone.

On brunettes, make-up in the style of a la naturel looks very beautiful and gentle, when preference is given to the most natural tones and combinations.

Ah, those eyes...

Eyes are a part of the body that is often paid attention to. With the help of a glance, we indicate our mood and silently talk about our thoughts. Properly emphasized eyes can make your look unforgettable.

For brunettes with dark eyes. For natural brunettes with brown eyes, you definitely need to select only brown or black mascara. As for the shadows, the best option for you is beige-brown, golden or lilac shades. This is a win-win. But there is a little trick in this option - take the shadows lighter and apply them to the corners of the eyes. This touch will give your eyes even more expressiveness. But for evening makeup, darker shadows can be applied to the corners of the eyes.

For a brunette with light eyes. With a light eye color - blue or green - it is worth using bright colored shadows. Suitable green, blue and gray, sand shadows. You can do the same trick with the corners of the eyes, making them lighter or darker on occasion.

Eyeliner is also very relevant. Feel free to use black or brown, depending on the shadows that you use. The main thing is that everything looks harmonious.

Don't forget the eyeliner. Use black, brown, blue, or any other color in combination with shadows.

Smooth tone!

Let's talk about powder, foundation and blush. The only rule of shades is that light pink tones do not fit. They make brunettes pale and lifeless. The best option for you is light bronze tones if you are a dark-skinned woman or a yellowish ivory shade if you are a Snow Maiden. The tone, perfectly matched in color to the skin, perfectly emphasizes all your advantages and hides flaws.

Peach and beige tones look very good on brunettes. They will fill your face with naturalness and beauty.

Makeup Tips:

1. Makeup of brunettes should be bright and rich. To get rid of their inherent greyness. But you shouldn't overdo it.

2. Pay special attention to the eyes. Greater expressiveness of the eyes of brunettes is only good.

3. For daytime wear, use a muted ruby ​​or brownish gold lipstick. And for the evening - scarlet and dark red.

4. Eye color greatly affects the selection of shadows. But absolutely all brunettes will suit shades of brown tones, purple and sand.

5.Powder should look natural, and blush is best to choose a peach shade. Avoid light pinks.

6. In no case do not use light lipsticks. They will make you pale and lifeless.

7. For eyebrows, dark tones of brown are suitable. Underline and highlight them. This will make your look even brighter and clearer.