How to do gypsy makeup at home: step by step tips. How to do gypsy makeup at home: step by step tips Gypsy style makeup

There are not only traditional costumes of a particular country, but outfits that embody the culture and history of an entire people. These include, of course, gypsy costumes - with their amazing combination and riot of colorful colors, freely flying fabrics and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorations.

If you or your daughter want to embody the image of a mysterious sultry beautiful gypsy at a carnival or costume party, you can sew a gypsy costume with your own hands.

The main components of the image

Women's gypsy national dance costume consists of a wide skirt (sun-flared) and a blouse with voluminous falling sleeves. It can also be a one-piece dress with floors that rise and swirl freely. Also, gypsies often add a beautiful fringed shawl to the costume (thrown over the shoulders or tied around the hips), massive shiny jewelry (beads, monista, earrings, bracelets), braid flowers into long flowing hair. A colorful scarf can be tied around the head (like a bandana worn by a pirate or chieftain).

Basically, a gypsy costume with an open stomach, shoulders and legs is only permissible as a carnival, because women of this people cannot dress like that. Even if they perform in the national theater, the most closed clothes are taken for the dance.

A gypsy costume for performances should shine and “make noise”: that is, be decorated with sequins, beads, sparkles, sometimes it is embroidered with hanging coins along the frills.

A carnival costume can be limited to only one sun skirt. Just sew a lot of frills on it to simulate a layered outfit. But for the dance you will need additional petticoats, flounces and frills in several layers.

As a rule, fabric for a gypsy costume needs bright saturated colors (red, blue, green, orange, yellow, purple) with floral prints or polka dots.

The male gypsy costume is no less colorful and beautiful than the female one. Gypsy men wear black trousers, colorful shirts with wide sleeves and beautiful collars for performances, and the image can also be complemented by a vest with applications or braids, a hat, a silk scarf, and a wide leather belt.

On the feet of men you can see luxurious boots, while women very often do not wear anything for dancing and perform barefoot.

Carmen, Carmelita or Esmeralda?

As you already understood, the most important thing for a gypsy in a suit is a skirt. To make a real sun skirt, you will need a pattern. By changing the sizes, you can sew both an outfit for adults and a children's costume.

Choose a light but dense fabric that will fall well and not wrinkle much. You can use rayon, satin, polyester, blended fabric. You will also need bias trim (colored and black) and chiffon.

  1. To sew a skirt that is suitable for both a carnival party and a dance, cut out two flared suns. To do this, take the measurements of the waist circumference and measure the length of the future skirt.
  2. Consider the length of the frills.
  3. Material blanks must be carefully stitched.
  4. The frills need to be cut and sewn into a large ring along the length of two circumferences of your skirts. Then edge them with an oblique trim, gather (lay on top of each other as they will be sewn to the skirt) and stitch.
  5. The frills should be evenly distributed along the bottom of the skirt, so you need to stitch them in small sections, constantly controlling and distributing the “gathering”.
  6. To sew a belt, you need to cut a piece of fabric slightly larger than the waist circumference in length, sew it to the skirt and insert an elastic band. Although according to the rules, the belt of a gypsy costume must be glued with interlining or doubler.

You can get by with little blood and assemble a gypsy costume from your existing wardrobe. Let's remember how colorful the representatives of this nationality look. Painted fluffy skirts, as if created for fun dances, colorful scarves, on which flowers of exotic colors gathered, bright, emphasizing the dignity of magical eyes, and jewelry.

Wear one, or preferably two, long, loose skirts (two to create a fuller shape). Tuck a white shirt into your belt, tie a scarf over your head, fasten the second one on your hips. Find large bright beads, monisto “under gold”, massive earrings, do not be afraid to overdo it, for the image of a gypsy, this is in your favor.

Advice. Try sewing some divination cards onto your skirt for added effect.

If there are no suitable skirts, you should sew them yourself. As a rule, gypsies wear long, wide, colorful skirts. Therefore, we need to make two patterns in the flared sun. You need to take two measurements: waist circumference and the estimated length of the skirt. For each flared sun, we consider the waist size to be half, since these parts will be sewn into one. Carefully cut out the pieces from the fabric and sew them together.

Advice. Use a bright, shiny fabric so that the product sparkles and shimmers with every step and movement, attracting attention.

Sew a belt into which you will tighten the elastic. Try to make the strip of fabric fit the width of your elastic band with a little overlap, so it will turn out more interesting. Use the rest of the fabric to sew the bodice. To do this, you need to cut out two rectangles, stitch them and pick them up with a special bobbin gum. Cut another rectangle under the frill holding the bodice on the shoulders.

Despite the fact that the gypsy skirt most often looks like a flared one, you can choose from several hem design options for the carnival:

  • in the manner of flamenco: with an imitation of the presence of a large number of wide and narrow frills sewn on top of each other;
  • the so-called "Kotlyar" hem, which means one wide and large frill;
  • flirtatious torn or hem of Esmeralda, which allows you to playfully demonstrate the leg to the knee.

But the skirt is only half the battle. Put on a wide white blouse with puffy sleeves, pick it up in a lace-up bodice. In this way, you can emphasize the chest and waist. Another version of the gypsy top is a blouse in the manner of the Spanish. It has sleeves that are narrow at the shoulder and flare at the elbow.

Blouse and accessories

Embroider the resulting costume with ruffles and braid in a contrasting color. You can decorate it with coins cut from special shawls for oriental dances. So your dress will be not only bright, but also ringing.

Tie your head with a scarf or weave in an ornament, leaving your hair loose. As a decoration, you can take a flower or twisted Christmas tree tinsel.

It is generally accepted that the image of a gypsy woman is relaxed and frivolous: it involves open shoulders and stomach, as well as bare feet. But, in fact, traditions strictly forbid women of this nationality from dressing like that. Although such an oversight is permissible for a carnival costume, we are not demonstrating knowledge of the history of the costume, but we want to give girls and women the opportunity to receive their portion of attention and have fun.

How to choose jewelry "gypsy"

Do not ignore the iconic accessories of gypsies that are able to “stretch” your image: a bright large scarf with a fringe or a beautiful shawl, jewelry in your hair, a catchy make-up. You will also need a deck of cards and a smoking pipe.

The most important thing in a gypsy costume is jewelry. Find (dig in the bins, borrow from friends) the maximum number of large beads and thin ringing bracelets. You should not dress up in gold and diamonds, unless you are, of course, relatives of the Vanderbilts, get by with jewelry. For a child, it’s the very thing, and an adult woman, even if she never wears jewelry in ordinary life, can make an exception and try herself in a new quality and image, because it’s just a game. If you can find real dangling shiny gypsy earrings, your girl will be reincarnated as the most real gypsy “Gild the Pen”.

Advice. In order to make a gypsy monisto yourself, you can use old coins. Drill two holes close to each other in each, thread a fishing line into the coins, make a clasp and use it.

The image of a gypsy as a carnival costume is relatively simple to sew with your own hands, not economically expensive, but always attracts attention with its variegated colors and unique national style. With our advice, you can shine even in a real camp.

Gypsy costume for a matinee: video

Do you want to stand out at a masquerade party, but you just can’t think of an image for yourself? Why not choose a gypsy costume? Such a beautiful and mysterious female role is best suited to a bright brunette at any age, however, ladies with hair of a different color can also afford to try on bright skirts and shawls. The image of a gypsy will be appropriate both at a children's party and at an adult costume party.

Gypsy costume from improvised materials

If you wish, you can get used to the image using your usual clothes.

You will need a long skirt, preferably a bright plain color or fabric with floral motifs. It is advisable to wear several skirts at once, but you can limit yourself to one, and tie a large shawl or scarf on top. The upper part of the suit is a loose blouse or shirt. It is desirable that she had flared sleeves.

A blouse can also be made of bright or shiny single-color material or variegated color. Irreplaceable gypsy accessories are shawls and scarves.

Another one - in the carnival costumes of this theme, many lovers add belts for oriental dances, decorated with jingling coins.

Of course, this accessory is conditionally related to the traditional gypsy costume, but it is quite suitable for its comic festive version.

It is difficult to imagine a gypsy carnival costume without proper jewelry and makeup. The best way to give the skin a dark tone is to use a strong self-tanner the day before the holiday. If you do not like this option, the darkest foundation and powder will do. Do not forget, in addition to the face, to make up the neck and décolleté so that there are no sharp transitions in skin tones. Eyes can be painted with bright shadows or draw large black arrows. Eyelashes thickly make up with mascara. For lips - pomegranate or bright red lipstick. Best of all, a gypsy costume is complemented by loose hair. To increase their volume, you can curl large curls. A great addition to the hairstyle - flowers or large hairpins. Do not forget about the massive jewelry - an abundance of ringing bracelets, large earrings, gold rings, several strings of beads of different lengths - after all, this is the pride of any gypsy.

Sewing a gypsy costume with your own hands

Even if you do not often hold a thread with a needle in your hands, you will surely succeed in making such a simple carnival outfit. Skirts are best sewn according to the “sun” or “semi-sun” pattern. If there are several of them in the suit - choose different lengths - so that they naturally “peep out” one from under the other. It is also not difficult to sew gypsy skirts from unnecessary oversized shawls. To do this, we fold a triangular or rectangular shawl diagonally and cut it into two parts. We put the parts together, cut off a thin corner so that the length of the resulting cut is equal to the half-circumference of the waist plus allowances for the seams. We sew long edges, we process the top - a belt and a clasp or an elastic band - to choose from. The bottom (former edge of the shawl) does not need to be processed.

Every mother wants her child to be the most beautiful at the carnival evening. The original outfit for the girl will be a bright and elegant gypsy costume that any mother can sew with her own hands.

How to sew a gypsy costume with your own hands?

The traditional gypsy costume implies a long and rather wide skirt, a bright blouse, a colorful shawl and massive beads.

To sew a gypsy carnival costume you will need:

  • brightly colored fabric
  • black chiffon;
  • black and colored oblique inlay;
  • wide (6 cm) elastic band for the belt;
  • elastic band for a frill on a decollete, 2 cm wide;
  • threads in tone;
  • scissors, sewing machine.


1. To sew a gypsy skirt, you need to cut out two flared suns. To do this, we take two measurements - the waist circumference and the estimated length of the skirt (do not forget that there will be another frill at the bottom of the skirt). We calculate the radius of the hole for the waist: R \u003d OT / 2P, where OT is the waist circumference, and P is a constant value equal to 3.14.

Example: 54 cm / (2x3.14) = 8.6 cm.

Since we need two flared suns, we divide the resulting radius by 2, i.e. 8.6 cm / 2 = 4.3 cm.

Example: 4.3 cm + 70 cm = 74.3 cm.

2. We make a skirt pattern for a gypsy costume and transfer it to the fabric.

3. Then, carefully, so that the fabric does not move, cut out the pattern. We should get two pieces of fabric 150 cm each. Next, we sew all parts of the skirt.


Passionate, burning gypsy dance does not allow you to take your eyes off yourself, not so much because of the complex movements, but thanks to the alluring bright skirt, repeating every step of its owner and at the same time dancing its own, separate dance.

How to sew a gypsy skirt with your own hands: a master class

A beautiful gypsy skirt seems very difficult to perform, but in fact it is very simple and quick to sew with your own hands. Of course, such a skirt requires a lot of fabric, especially for an adult girl.

A simple gypsy skirt is sewn like a normal long skirt. For sewing such a skirt, it is better to take not a plain fabric, but with, so that a simple cut is compensated by a variety of details.

We will need:

  • satin, silk or any other non-transparent fabric;
  • pin;
  • elastic for a belt;
  • sewing machine, safety pins;
  • iron, chalk or bar of soap.

The size of the main fabric should be 4 times the length of the skirt. And the length of the frill is 2 times the hem of the finished product.

Pattern for a gypsy skirt

Your gypsy skirt is ready! It remains only to think over the whole image, pick up or make with your own hands jewelry and obligatory attributes of a gypsy costume - bracelets, a large flower for hair and a sonorous belt of coins. Don't forget the famous gypsy shawl with large flowers.

How to sew a gypsy skirt for a girl

In the same way, you can sew a small gypsy skirt,. It will be much more convenient to sew it, and much less fabric will be required. Your baby will be the brightest, and if you learn a gypsy dance with her, she will definitely remember the holiday for a long time!

Complete collection of materials: "how to make a gypsy hairstyle" for you and your friends.

Women of this nationality are immediately visible in the crowd, even if they are dressed "in European style." Regardless of the color of their hair and skin - among them there are also fair-skinned brown-haired women, and even "almost" blondes - they stand out for their bright appearance.

Gypsies have a piercing look, bright lips that attract attention, rich thick hair and a lot of catchy jewelry. They cannot refuse them even if the girls have assimilated among the Slavic population.

So, in order to make a gypsy makeup, first of all, you should think about how to highlight the eyes and lips.

Purpose of makeup

What is the purpose of changing appearance? Are you going to a carnival or will there be a house party? Or maybe you want to appear before your chosen one in a new way?

Gypsy makeup from creating an image in a gypsy style is significantly different.

In the first case, you will have to seriously take care of your own appearance:

  • use self-tanning or darken the skin of the face;
  • carefully highlight the eyes;
  • give lips a defiantly plump shape.

In the second, it is enough to emphasize the eyes and cheekbones a little, and put on bright things. If a girl comes on a date, her beloved will definitely want at least light bodily contact: hug, kiss. If the "plaster" crumbles, the date will be disrupted.

Yes, and the continuation of a romantic meeting can develop into a comical situation. The girl will undress, and the dark skin of the face will contrast with the light skin of the rest of the body. It is unlikely that she will like it if the guy jokes about this.

When creating a make-up of a beautiful gypsy at home, you need to be sure that in the future it will not bring any inconvenience.

Bright make-up

It is worth starting to change the appearance with the selection of cosmetics. Let all of them be at hand, so that later you don’t run around the room with half-painted eyes and look for the necessary attribute.

A set of cosmetics for applying gypsy makeup and step-by-step instructions on how to create a gypsy look:

  • Makeup base: foundation, powder, concealer, bronzer - everything that will help give the skin a dark tone. These funds should be prepared even if a trip to the solarium was made in advance. Cosmetics on the base lies more evenly and lasts longer;
  • Base for shadows;
  • Pencil or black eyeliner. A kayal pencil is best suited for this purpose;
  • Black eyebrow paint;
  • Radical black mascara;
  • Eyeshadow palette, better with glitter. Color Set: Dark Blue, Dark Purple, Dark Brown, Deep Grey;
  • Lip gloss or lipstick in a bright red, burgundy, or similar shade.

And, of course, brushes, applicators, wipes and makeup removers. If it does not work out on the first try, you need to carefully remove the cosmetics so that the skin does not turn red, and you could repeat the manipulations immediately.

Black and burgundy shades are suitable for green eyes, dark brown, black, dark blue for brown, gray, dark shades for light.

Applying makeup for a gala event is performed as follows:

  • A foundation is applied to the entire area of ​​the face, a base for shadows on the eyelids. Shading the base on the eyelids is best done with fingertips;
  • Then the eyelids are shaded with shadows. It is best to draw stripes in different colors on the top and bottom. For example, on the top, start from the ciliary edge with raspberry and bring it to brown, shade the outer corner of the eye with dark blue. Generously draw the lower one from the inner eye corner with dark blue, and go to the outer one with dark gray;
  • Then the upper eyelid under the eyebrow line is shaded with mother-of-pearl white shadows for greater expressiveness;
  • Eyebrows are dyed black;
  • Eyeliner is applied to the eyelid line;
  • Eyelashes are painted in several layers with black mascara, pulled out. Curling is not required; gypsy eyelashes are usually thick and straight.

If it is possible to add thickness and length of eyelashes with the help of artificial ones, this is only welcome. But in this case, the eyelashes are glued on before the eye makeup is done.

The eyes are done. Some women start applying makeup with eyeliner. This method is more traditional, but if left for the “finishing touch”, the look will be more “burning”.

The eyes will appear dark due to the intense eyeliner. And choosing the color of the shadows, you should focus on the color of your own iris.

How to create eye-catching lips? Pretty simple.

The process is described step by step:

  • the contour is outlined with a pencil of natural color, indented beyond the border by 2-3 mm;
  • then you need to apply lipstick of a bright color, making the middle of the lower lip more saturated in color;
  • apply gloss over lipstick.

Inconspicuous fluff above the lip can be shaded with mascara. The antennae above the lips will add even more "gypsy" flavor.

Blush use a dark peach color or be content with a bronzer. Gypsies do not have a bright blush.

It’s not worth it for the sake of one party or a momentary whim to repaint your hair in a radical black color:

  • Not all gypsies are black-haired;
  • To complete the image, it is better to use a wig.

A bright scarf or a colorful ribbon is tied around the head.

So, how can you do gypsy makeup at home?

  • Give the skin a dark shade;
  • Select the eyes and lips at the same time.

But in order to look like a representative of a freedom-loving tribe, one make-up is not enough. You need to choose a suitable suit: a bright skirt, or rather a few, a blouse and many, many large shiny "golden" jewelry - rings, bracelets, chains and earrings.

If gypsy makeup is needed in order to surprise your young man, it is enough to limit yourself to a stylized suit and emphasize the look a little.

How to do gypsy makeup yourself

gypsy makeup

It's no secret that the image of a gypsy emphasizes brightly painted lips and a piercing look. All this together is closely intertwined with a wide variety of decorations that are very striking. In order to make a real gypsy makeup, you need to pay special attention to the eyes and lips.

To achieve a result and make a colorful make-up, you first need to decide on the purpose of this reincarnation. You will be preparing for some unusual carnival or it will be a simple gala party at home. It is necessary to constantly take into account the fact that the image of a gypsy is very different from her makeup. For the first case, you need to carefully consider the stages of changing your own appearance. It all depends on preferences and imagination. You can, for example, use self-tanning or simply darken the skin of the face, carefully highlighting the eyes. In the second case, it will be enough to emphasize the eyes and cheekbones, as well as put on an unusual and bright outfit. If a girl comes on a date, then a loved one will definitely want to hug or kiss her. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that makeup can simply “crumble”. You need to constantly monitor this. Otherwise, the date will be ruined, as will the romantic evening itself.

Gypsy makeup

gypsy makeup

You need to start a radical change in appearance with the selection of cosmetics. It is necessary that all the necessary components are at hand.

Gypsy Makeup Cosmetics Set

A foundation or powder is used as a base for makeup. In this case, any component that can give the skin a dark shade is suitable. It should be noted that all the described means must be prepared in advance, despite the possible trip to the solarium. Cosmetics under the foundation will look much smoother, and it will last several times longer.

Gypsy makeup photo

gypsy makeup

As a base for the shadows, an ordinary stroke or pencil is suitable. The best option, of course, would be a pencil.

In addition to all these components, you will also definitely need black eyebrow paint and mascara. Do not forget about brushes, various applicators and make-up removers.

For a solemn event, make-up is applied as follows: We cover the entire face with a base, for the eyelids you need to apply a base for shadows. It is worth noting that the procedure for shading the base on the eyelids is best done with your fingers, and not with a brush. After that, the eyelids need to be shaded with shadows. The best option would be to draw multi-colored stripes on the bottom and top. Here, for example, raspberry color is perfect for the upper eyelid with further development to brown. The outer corner of the eye should be darkened in dark blue. If we talk about the lower eyelid, then you need an eyeliner from the inner corner of the eye in dark blue to the outer one in dark gray.

After carrying out these procedures, you need to darken the upper eyelid under the eyebrow line. A good color in this case is a mother-of-pearl shade, which will make the eyes more expressive. The eyebrows themselves must be painted black, as this is the main attribute of gypsy makeup. That's it, the eye makeup is done.

Most women start applying cosmetics with eyeliner. This method is classic. Thus, a bright look can be achieved. This is all due to the fact that a rather intense eyeliner is used. When choosing the color shade of the shadows, you must first of all focus on the color of your own iris. This is the only way to achieve the desired effect.

Fashionable hairstyles-2017. Gypsy Waves and Gatsby Bob

Hairstyles with clear geometric cuts (this has the mood of the 20s of the last century) won a place on the fashion podium back in 2016. And this year, experts say, will become even more relevant.


Also in fashion is the Gatsby-style bob.


Fashion styling-2017, as in the previous few years, should not talk about complex manipulations with hairdressing equipment and products. Light negligence, naturalness (as if she came from the beach or just woke up) still in command of the parade.


But sometimes (preferably in the evening) the world can demonstrate a creative idea. And do it better with a gel to create the effect of wet hair. This technique is still included in the list of fashion trends.


The goal of one of the most fashionable styling of 2017 is perfectly straight, smooth, shiny hair. What is needed for this? The right straightener for perfectly healthy hair. Stylists emphasize that the main focus of current styling is a smooth root zone. That is, in order to be in trend, you need to open your forehead and ears, get rid of the volume at the roots.

This applies to everyday styling. A small volume will not hurt the evening version. Evening fashion 2017 recommends choosing an offset parting. With a clear line and with careless separation.


In the coming year, flat “gypsy” waves will come into fashion. They can be created with a curling iron. Stylists reveal another option. To create “gypsy” waves, you need to apply styling texturizer to damp hair, blow dry, braid and iron. Next, disassemble the braids and shape the styling, fixing the hair with a texturizing spray.

However, in 2017, small curls with a small volume will also be relevant.


Those with curly hair should use a texturizing spray to highlight each curl.

How to make a gypsy hairstyle

Try the gypsy haircut, one of the most popular graded gypsy haircuts for thick hair, which is suitable for any woman who wants to wear long hair that is deliberately messy.

After gaining popularity in the 1970s, the gypsy shag made its way into the fashion world as an easy-to-care cut for women who prefer loose, layered hairstyles. Find out if the gypsy hairstyle is right for you and look at the photos of gypsy haircuts to see which one you can choose for yourself.

Short, long or medium length - gypsy hair is a layered haircut with long layers that suits any face shape. Choose a bohemian gypsy hairstyle and look for a more sophisticated version that is chic and modern. Looking at the photos of gypsy hairstyles, you can certainly understand whether they suit your style.

Layered gypsy haircuts

The volume of "hair" in a gypsy haircut is determined by the number of layers. If you make a gypsy haircut with fewer layers, it will be easier to style, and more will look better, especially if you need a haircut for thick hair.

Try on an unusual and in your own way attractive image of a gypsy every woman can, even in the absence of the necessary natural data.

It is easy to create such an image with matching outfits and make-up, while it does not matter at all whether you are the owner of dark eyes and hair or proudly call yourself a natural blonde.

Basic principles

Reincarnating in any image is necessary take into account the characteristics of the character, in which it is necessary to turn at least for a while.

Speaking of gypsies, it is important to know that most of them - swarthy brunettes, although there are also fair-haired gypsies.

eye color for such women it can also be different, but regardless of this factor, each gypsy woman tries to make her eyes as visible and bright as possible, using special makeup techniques.

When applying "gypsy" makeup, you must adhere to several main principles- using them as a basis and adding your own elements, you can create a believable and spectacular image of a gypsy:

  1. Recommended, but not required emphasis on eyes and lips: using too much makeup for these areas is fine, but overdoing it with mascara and applying too much lipstick can come out too vulgar.
  2. For gypsy makeup base must be used: you will have to apply a fairly large amount of cosmetics, which should hold well, which is what such a base provides.
  3. It is equally important to give the appropriate color to the skin - usually gypsies are characterized by swarthyness, without which makeup will be defiant and inappropriate.

It should be borne in mind that gypsy makeup is basically a masquerade option that is suitable for matinees, carnivals, corporate parties, but not for everyday use, and even more so not for love dates.

What will be required?

To apply gypsy makeup, you can use cosmetics that are at hand, but if you do not use too bright means- you have to buy something.

Anyway, in your "arsenal" should be the following accessories and tools:

  • dark-colored foundation, concealer and bronzer (all this is necessary to give the skin a dark shade);
  • base for shadows;
  • kajal eyeliner pencil;
  • black mascara;
  • or burgundy lipstick in any shade of your choice.

All cosmetics should be dark colors: gray, blue, purple, deep brown and, of course, black.

You should also prepare brushes, sponges, applicators and napkins in advance.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Skin preparation

The first step in skin preparation is skin cleansing. It is better to use products that do not contain alcohol which irritates the skin. If you do not have such a tool, when buying it, first of all, focus not on spectacular advertising and cost, but on the composition.

Practice shows that the less in the composition of active substances, the safer it is. In other words, an effective and gentle facial cleanser should include a minimum of components.

After cleaning it is necessary work with skin tone, which is especially true for blondes and owners of a fair face.

Currently, this problem is quite easily solved with the help, although in some cases it is enough to apply a foundation of the appropriate shade.

In the presence of various defects (pimples, scars, blackheads), they can be correct with a masking pencil. At the same time, moles on the face do not always require such a “disguise”: being in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle or on the chin, they can successfully complement your new image.

You can learn how to do Maleficent's makeup at home from ours.

Step-by-step instruction

How to make a make-up with your own hands? Despite the apparent complexity of the result, applying gypsy makeup performed quickly and easily if you follow these instructions step by step:

In the event of an unsuccessful experiment you can always remove make-up, but you need to do it as gently as possible so that the skin does not irritate or redden.

Errors in image creation

The image of a gypsy is often reproduced solely from photographs, without taking into account some features. The most common the error is about applying blush at the final stage.

If suddenly such a need arises, there is no need to use bright colors: too intense blush is unusual for gypsies. It is better to choose a dark peach color which goes well with dark skin.

With regard to eyebrows, some people make desperate attempts to make them as big as possible and resort to perm. Having carefully looked at the faces of gypsies, you can see that their eyebrows do not curl: they can be made large and voluminous, but it is necessary leave straight.

Pay attention to such a delicate and not always pleasant detail as a female mustache. Perhaps the image of a gypsy is the only case when such a problem can play into your hands.

Antennae should not be removed or masked: on the contrary, they can be powdered a little so that they are noticeable. This detail looks natural on gypsies, but you should not pay too much attention to this moment.

It is impossible to create a believable image of a gypsy only by copying: you need to listen to the advice of makeup artists who will help refine non-obvious details:

  • it is not necessary to achieve ideal contours: slight negligence will give the image of a gypsy woman naturalness;
  • when applying shadows, the lower eyelid can be leave untouched so as not to "overload" the image;
  • owners of thick eyebrows should not waste time on putting them in order: in this case, thick eyebrows, like eyelashes, are successfully combined with the image. Moreover - eyebrows can even be visually enlarged by applying dark shadows on them;
  • it is not necessary to use a bronzer when preparing the skin - if you have time, you can visit the solarium;
  • And the most important- choose shadows for eye color, based on the following standards: black, dark brown and deep blue shadows are suitable for brown eyes, it is better to apply shades of gray shades for light eyes. Owners of green eyes are recommended to use black and burgundy cosmetics.

What clothes and hairstyle to combine?

In gypsy clothes you can see all the colors and their combination, so you can safely choose an outfit according to your preferences.

The only thing is to withstand such "canons" as the length of the dress to the floor and wide skirts. A large amount of jewelry and gold is also welcome. Gypsy makeup without such an outfit will look out of place.

Also for the hair no special requirements. Moreover, you should not believe in the stereotype that real gypsies have thick black hair. Many of them have blond hair, so the priority for you should not be the color, but the shape of the hairstyle.

It is better to curl your hair, give it volume, but do not lay, achieving a neat look. A slightly careless hairstyle creates associations with the wild willful disposition of a real gypsy.

The image of a gypsy for the New Year - photo:

You can learn about what makeup is used to create images of gypsy motifs from the video:

Christina Voronina

Women of this nationality are immediately visible in the crowd, even if they are dressed "in European style." Regardless of the color of hair and skin - among them there are also light-skinned brown-haired women, and even "almost" blondes - they stand out for their bright appearance.

Gypsies have a piercing look, bright lips that attract attention, rich thick hair and a lot of catchy jewelry. They cannot refuse them even if the girls have assimilated among the Slavic population.

So, in order to make a gypsy makeup, first of all, you should think about how to highlight the eyes and lips.

Purpose of makeup

What is the purpose of changing appearance? Are you going to a carnival or will there be a house party? Or maybe you want to appear before your chosen one in a new way?

Gypsy makeup from creating an image in a gypsy style is significantly different.

In the first case, you will have to seriously take care of your own appearance:

  • use self-tanning or darken the skin of the face;
  • carefully highlight the eyes;
  • give lips a defiantly plump shape.

In the second, it is enough to emphasize the eyes and cheekbones a little, and put on bright things. If a girl comes on a date, her beloved will definitely want at least light bodily contact: hug, kiss. If the "plaster" crumbles, the date will be disrupted.

Yes, and the continuation of a romantic meeting can develop into a comical situation. The girl will undress, and the dark skin of the face will contrast with the light skin of the rest of the body. It is unlikely that she will like it if the guy jokes about this.

When creating a make-up of a beautiful gypsy at home, you need to be sure that in the future it will not bring any inconvenience.

Bright make-up

It is worth starting to change the appearance with the selection of cosmetics. Let all of them be at hand, so that later you don’t run around the room with half-painted eyes and look for the necessary attribute.

A set of cosmetics for applying gypsy makeup and step-by-step instructions on how to create a gypsy look:

  • Makeup base: foundation, powder, concealer, bronzer - everything that will help give the skin a dark tone. These funds should be prepared even if a trip to the solarium was made in advance. Cosmetics on the base lies more evenly and lasts longer;
  • Base for shadows;
  • Pencil or black eyeliner. A kayal pencil is best suited for this purpose;
  • Black eyebrow paint;
  • Radical black mascara;
  • Eyeshadow palette, better with glitter. Color Set: Dark Blue, Dark Purple, Dark Brown, Deep Grey;
  • Lip gloss or lipstick in a bright red, burgundy, or similar shade.

And, of course, brushes, applicators, wipes and makeup removers. If it does not work out on the first try, you need to carefully remove the cosmetics so that the skin does not turn red, and you could repeat the manipulations immediately.

Black and burgundy shades are suitable for green eyes, dark brown, black, dark blue for brown, gray, dark shades for light.


Applying makeup for a gala event is performed as follows:

  • A foundation is applied to the entire area of ​​the face, a base for shadows on the eyelids. Shading the base on the eyelids is best done with fingertips;
  • Then the eyelids are shaded with shadows. It is best to draw stripes in different colors on the top and bottom. For example, on the top, start from the ciliary edge with raspberry and bring it to brown, shade the outer corner of the eye with dark blue. Generously draw the lower one from the inner eye corner with dark blue, and go to the outer one with dark gray;
  • Then the upper eyelid under the eyebrow line is shaded with mother-of-pearl white shadows for greater expressiveness;
  • Eyebrows are dyed black;
  • Eyeliner is applied to the eyelid line;
  • Eyelashes are painted in several layers with black mascara, pulled out. Curling is not required; gypsy eyelashes are usually thick and straight.

If it is possible to add thickness and length of eyelashes with the help of artificial ones, this is only welcome. But in this case, the eyelashes are glued on before the eye makeup is done.

The eyes are done. Some women start applying makeup with eyeliner. This method is more traditional, but if you leave it for the “finishing touch”, the look will be more “burning”.

The eyes will appear dark due to the intense eyeliner. And choosing the color of the shadows, you should focus on the color of your own iris.


How to create eye-catching lips? Pretty simple.

The process is described step by step:

  • the contour is outlined with a pencil of natural color, indented beyond the border by 2-3 mm;
  • then you need to apply lipstick of a bright color, making the middle of the lower lip more saturated in color;
  • apply gloss over lipstick.

Inconspicuous fluff above the lip can be shaded with mascara. The antennae above the lips will add even more "gypsy" flavor.

Blush use a dark peach color or be content with a bronzer. Gypsies do not have a bright blush.

It's no secret that the image of a gypsy emphasizes brightly painted lips and a piercing look. All this together is closely intertwined with a wide variety of decorations that are very striking. In order to make a real gypsy makeup, you need to pay special attention to the eyes and lips.

To achieve a result and make a colorful make-up, you first need to decide on the purpose of this reincarnation. You will be preparing for some unusual carnival or it will be a simple gala party at home. It is necessary to constantly take into account the fact that the image of a gypsy is very different from her makeup. For the first case, you need to carefully consider the stages of changing your own appearance. It all depends on preferences and imagination. You can, for example, use self-tanning or simply darken the skin of the face, carefully highlighting the eyes. In the second case, it will be enough to emphasize the eyes and cheekbones, as well as put on an unusual and bright outfit. If a girl comes on a date, then a loved one will definitely want to hug or kiss her. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that makeup can simply “crumble”. You need to constantly monitor this. Otherwise, the date will be ruined, as will the romantic evening itself.

Gypsy makeup

You need to start a radical change in appearance with the selection of cosmetics. It is necessary that all the necessary components are at hand.

Gypsy Makeup Cosmetics Set

A foundation or powder is used as a base for makeup. In this case, any component that can give the skin a dark shade is suitable. It should be noted that all the described means must be prepared in advance, despite the possible trip to the solarium. Cosmetics under the foundation will look much smoother, and it will last several times longer.

Gypsy makeup photo

As a base for the shadows, an ordinary stroke or pencil is suitable. The best option, of course, would be a pencil.

In addition to all these components, you will also definitely need black eyebrow paint and mascara. Do not forget about brushes, various applicators and make-up removers.

For a solemn event, make-up is applied as follows: We cover the entire face with a base, for the eyelids you need to apply a base for shadows. It is worth noting that the procedure for shading the base on the eyelids is best done with your fingers, and not with a brush. After that, the eyelids need to be shaded with shadows. The best option would be to draw multi-colored stripes on the bottom and top. Here, for example, raspberry color is perfect for the upper eyelid with further development to brown. The outer corner of the eye should be darkened in dark blue. If we talk about the lower eyelid, then you need an eyeliner from the inner corner of the eye in dark blue to the outer one in dark gray.

After carrying out these procedures, you need to darken the upper eyelid under the eyebrow line. A good color in this case is a mother-of-pearl shade, which will make the eyes more expressive. The eyebrows themselves must be painted black, as this is the main attribute of gypsy makeup. That's it, the eye makeup is done.