What to give to Gemini men: ideas for an exclusive gift for a dual nature. Gifts for a Gemini man's birthday What can you give a Gemini man for his birthday?

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Greetings, dear friends! Knowing your zodiac sign, choosing a gift is sometimes much easier than relying only on your intuition, which is why the blog publishes a series of articles devoted to a person’s zodiac affiliation. Today we will discuss what to give a woman for her twin.

I have several close girlfriends and Gemini women, so this article is special for me. At the end of May-June, my mother and two of my friends were born. So I dedicate this article to them.

Characteristics of Gemini women

The most distinctive feature of this sign is unpredictability. Absolute unpredictability.

If you have encountered them, you definitely cannot argue with this) To the same event within an hour you can get a diametrically opposite reaction. This is one of the main difficulties that you may encounter when choosing a gift.

Also, do not forget that Geminis are very principled and never compromise their principles. They also rarely admit they are wrong and are very reluctant, which sometimes irritates those around them. But if you don’t get into arguments with Gemini and don’t touch on topics that are painful for them, then these are the most beautiful people with excellent character.

Oh yes, Geminis also successfully create unusual solutions for the most seemingly simple and obvious issues, like going to the store or cooking. This is where the inability to predict their actions is most evident.

And the twins love gifts such that they don’t suspect anything in advance, but get exactly what they wanted.

Gifts for Gemini

These airy creatures, born between the end of May and June, always want space, flight and a certain unfinished thought - so that there is always room for the continuation of the story, the completion of the design or the possibility of rearrangement. Based on this, you can choose:

  1. Rock Garden. Eternal changes that you control yourself are what will impress Gemini about this gift. In addition, with their changeable mood, they periodically have to calm down, which is difficult for them. Choose an option that will have a twist - sand of an unusual color, unusual figures and the like.
  2. Sand show. Lovers of magical performances, Gemini will never miss such a wonderful spectacle, when under the hands of the artist the paintings literally change their essence in some mystical way. The main thing is to try to choose a day for the show when the girl will definitely not get tired and will definitely be able to come - otherwise she will be very upset.
  3. Huge bunch of balloon flowers. A childish, bright and interesting gift that can be given even to an adult woman, provided that the atmosphere is not very formal. Such surprises with a dose of harmless humor are almost always received with a bang by this sign.
  4. Flight in a wind tunnel. An unforgettable experience for Gemini! Much safer and cheaper than the same parachute jump, which is very important for a woman. Believe me, she will later tell all her many friends and acquaintances about this event))
  5. Collection of poems by your favorite poet. Reading is one of those hobbies that are definitely present in the life of this sign. Everything else may not be there, but such a lady always has a book at hand. Often such a woman gravitates towards a certain genre or series of books, and finding out about her passion is not difficult - if this sign has chosen a certain genre for herself, she is unlikely to deviate from it. The only exception is poetry.

Mysticism and secrets

In addition to books, Geminis have another passion - mysticism, riddles and sometimes astrology. I can’t imagine a Gemini who wouldn’t believe in the afterlife or in some direction of the otherworldly part of the Universe. Here are the gifts you can give in this case:

  1. Decision Ball. An interesting thing that, unfortunately, sometimes collects dust on a shelf like an ordinary souvenir. But it can and should be applied in practice! Geminis know this firsthand and use it successfully in their lives.
  2. Tarot cards. When I read a manhwa with that title... But that’s not about that now. This deck is designed specifically for fortune telling, but you need to know how to use it, so immediately purchase a booklet with instructions for using such cards.
  3. Books to change reality and harmony with yourself. Give preference to proven and well-known authors so that Gemini understands that you understand this.
  4. Rain Staff. A beautiful musical instrument made from a single exotic plant and filled with its seeds. When these seeds are sprinkled, a beautiful murmuring melody is formed, strikingly similar to the sound of rainwater.

Gemini men love receiving gifts much more than representatives of any other signs. They like it most when a gift becomes an original and unusual surprise for them: they hate routine and always want to receive something fundamentally new as a gift.

Travel and adventure

You can find wonderful gifts for energetic Gemini men at travel agencies: after all, travel is an opportunity to visit a new place in an unfamiliar country, and Geminis will be incredibly happy about new emotions and pleasant impressions. Gemini will probably enjoy a tourist package, or even better, a tour.

If there is no opportunity to visit another country, you can find suitable impressions in announcements of cultural programs in your city. For example, great gift options for twins are:

  • ticket to a laser, air or air show;
  • going to the premiere of a play in a famous theater or a film in a new cinema;
  • invitation to a costume ball;
  • a romantic dinner in a much-touted new restaurant;
  • an evening at a club with a scandalous reputation;
  • a ticket to a concert of his favorite rock band (the ideal option is a trip to another country for such a concert);
  • go-karting;
  • paintball tournament with friends;
  • a subscription to the dolphinarium to swim with dolphins;
  • date on the roof of a high-rise building;
  • flying in a hot air balloon or motor paraglider;
  • a fun party on an ultra-modern boat.

You can give your twin some kind of sports gift for active recreation, but you should remember that twins get bored very quickly with all new hobbies, so it is better to choose a short-term training course rather than a long one. Sports gifts might look like this:

  • two-person tent;
  • exercise bike;
  • certificate for ski lessons (diving, rock climbing, etc.);
  • set of dishes for a picnic;
  • stylish backpack;
  • sports cap with an original design or inscription;
  • a ticket to a match of his favorite football team;
  • shoes for yoga, swimming or other sports.

Information gifts

The best gifts for curious Gemini men should contain some kind of information. You can give:

  • laptop with paid Internet access;
  • a flash drive of original shape (even better if his favorite movie is recorded on it);
  • wireless computer mouse;
  • a book on a topic that interests the twin or a safe book;
  • subscription to his favorite newspaper or magazine;
  • a paid course in Chinese, Spanish or German (or even better, an express course on shallow mastery of several languages ​​at once);
  • digital camera;
  • Mp3 player;
  • latest phone model;
  • eBook;
  • headphones with headset;
  • game console;
  • portable speaker for phone;
  • a collection of car or airplane models made with precise detail;
  • a collection of crosswords or puzzles;
  • disc of your favorite group or artist.

Symbolic souvenirs

Gemini men really like gifts with symbols of their zodiac sign. Such cute trinkets as:

  • a pendant with the image of twins, as well as snakes or masks, which in astrology are considered talismans of this sign;
  • pillow with a themed pattern;
  • jewelry with stones suitable for twins: garnet, jasper, rock crystal, aquamarine, carnelian, tiger's eye or agate;
  • a tie clip or lighter in the shape of a snake;
  • a large tea cup or glass holder with a picture of twins;
  • a blanket with sleeves in purple, bright yellow or gray (that is, suitable for twins);
  • keychain with appropriate symbols;
  • a box of twin fortune cookies for each month of the next year;
  • rosary beads made from natural materials recommended for twins by astrologers;
  • Chinese figurine made of auspicious stone;
  • comfortable house slippers with twins;
  • a leather belt or bracelet, the buckle of which is shaped like the zodiac sign Gemini;
  • for the New Year - a souvenir with the image of the symbol of the coming year.

We must not forget that any gifts for Gemini men who love original things should be unusual and bright. Geminis themselves are innate generators of original and sometimes truly brilliant ideas, so they do not tolerate gray banality.

In astrology, the ruler of the constellation Gemini is considered to be Mercury, which is traditionally associated in this science with human hands. Therefore, an image of Mercury applied to:

  • 3D or liquid crystal picture;
  • Night light;
  • gloves, bracelet, cufflinks, ring.

It’s also a good idea to purchase a model of this planet placed on a stylish stand.

Non-traditional gifts

For a man very close to you, you can find underwear decorated with a glow-in-the-dark image of twins as a gift - he will certainly like such a gift. And if you complement such a gift with bed linen, which also depicts twins, then the man’s delight will know no bounds.

Geminis are often sensitive to their careers. You won’t be able to give him a new position or a comfortable office, but you can buy an original trinket that a man can put in his workplace:

  • frames for certificates or diplomas (even if the man has not yet received them);
  • mobile or pendulum;
  • a diary with an extravagant cover, a business card holder, a notebook;
  • briefcase;
  • an expensive fountain pen or an exclusive set of writing instruments;
  • table lamp;
  • a credit holder with a money clip, decorated with a stone matching the horoscope;
  • watches whose hands move in the opposite direction (or which depict Mercury);
  • a glass ball with snowfall and a miniature world inside it;
  • a crystal with an image created by an electric current;
  • jade wish tree in a vase;
  • live cactus;
  • digital photo frame;
  • ergonomic modern chair.

Exotic souvenirs from a distant island or designer jewelry are perfect gifts for a Gemini man.

Rules for selection and donation

Geminis gravitate towards beautiful and original things. The material value of the gift is almost of no concern to them; the main thing is that the gift itself is interesting or that it is at least presented in an original way.

You can, for example, present a gift at night, at one minute past midnight, before the man himself even realizes that the holiday has already arrived, or hang it on the tree and force the man to look for it. A humorous quest would be perfect, during which a man will have to follow clues throughout the apartment to find his gift. The main thing is that the donation process takes place in a new way each time.

Psychologists sometimes joke that if a Gemini man is expecting the birth of his child, then the best gift for his birthday may be the unexpected birth of twins. And this statement contains only a small part of a joke - such a surprise will seem like a good sign to a Gemini man and will make him doubly happy.

Under no circumstances should you accompany a gift for a Gemini man with hackneyed phrases or a banal congratulatory text, as this can completely ruin the impression of a successful gift and plunge the man into despondency for the rest of the day. It is important to understand that an idea that was successfully used for a gift last year cannot be used again: the expected surprise will immediately cause boredom in the twin. If you decide to order his portrait for a twin man, then it should be made of stained glass, chocolates or other unusual material.

Gemini will appreciate:

  • poems composed in his honor;
  • a treatise dedicated to him (for example, on the influence of modern poetry on the way out of the military crisis);
  • a T-shirt with his photo;
  • an advertising billboard with congratulations, which he will see from the window as soon as he wakes up;
  • a well-drawn caricature;
  • mystical gifts (essential oil, aroma lamp, dream catcher, Tarot deck, healing ointment or unique Turkish perfume with miraculous properties);
  • exclusive decoration from an author's exhibition or sale or from an antique shop;
  • old mask

If you are not sure about the right choice of gift, you can try to get your twin to talk about the latest in perfumery or the book market. An enthusiastic twin will most likely praise some new scent or complain that he couldn't find a book that just came out of print. All you have to do is take note of everything he said and go shopping. However, questions should be asked very carefully: if the Gemini man guesses their meaning, then the gift will not bring them joy, since it will not be a surprise.

Unwanted gifts

Gemini men remain childlike until old age, so they like funny, cheerful and memorable gifts. Geminis are not very interested in gifts intended for long-term use: they gravitate more towards bright momentary impressions. You should not give them:

  • conservative household items;
  • bulky paintings or vases;
  • money and gift certificates;
  • household appliances;
  • classic watch models;
  • building materials and tools.

These men value uniqueness in everything, so they will most likely immediately throw away standard consumer goods, but they will keep an original handmade item for the rest of their lives.

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, born under the auspices of Mercury, are very bright and extraordinary personalities. They cannot live without surprises and are delighted with everything unusual, exotic, out of the ordinary! A trinket brought from overseas islands, a watch whose hands go in the opposite direction, a designer suit produced in a single copy - a charismatic person will like everything extravagant and original. To guess with a gift for Gemini men, you will have to use all your imagination and ingenuity.

Character traits

It should be borne in mind that the sign leaves a “double” imprint on the personality of Gemini men. Two contradictory natures coexist in one body, which are sometimes so strikingly different from each other that a gift will need to be given to each of them.

A small amount of romanticism and daydreaming coexists with an active, active position. Wherever they are, they immediately become the life of the party. Any, even a short period of loneliness turns out to be a difficult test. They love to argue and unrestrainedly prove that they are right, and the restless spirit of adventurism constantly pushes them to search for new sensations. This quality can be taken into account when thinking about the upcoming surprise. A gift in the form of an “experience” - be it a hot air balloon flight, diving or breaking dishes in a specially equipped closed room - will certainly remain in memory for a lifetime.

The cost of the gift does not matter to Gemini men. The main property that a gift should have is to emphasize the exclusivity of a man. The targeted nature of the surprise will make it exclusive in the eyes of Gemini. Forget about the stock versions, they will end up somewhere far away in the closet on the far shelf. They are unlikely to be surprised by a freshly baked gadget: in their eyes, an expensive toy turns into an everyday thing of no particular interest. But they will appreciate the gift into which you put a piece of your soul.

Stop list

Don't even think about giving money. In the hands of the birthday boy they will flow like sand through his fingers. Under no circumstances try to find out the direction in which to give a gift. The element of surprise will be lost, and the very fact of the presentation will lose its meaning. You can always easily find out the scope of their preferences, leading the conversation in the right direction. They value communication very much and during the conversation they themselves will tell you about their hobbies.

There is no need to spend a lot of effort on gift wrapping. If you suddenly decide to give a piece of furniture, give up this crazy idea. They don’t like to fill the apartment with anything bulky, and it’s quite problematic to guess with a small detail that will fit perfectly into the home. They will like a stylish accessory - a belt or lighter - much more to their taste. It can be easily flaunted in any company and be the center of attention.

A win-win

If you intend to defeat the passionate nature of Gemini outright, present it. Such a gift would be especially relevant for a birthday. Self-esteem will be gratified just by the thought that an exclusive item belongs only to him, and to no one else in the whole world!

Make sure the surprise is not too massive. Gemini belongs to the air element: they like everything light and weightless. Elegant masterpieces made of glass, steel or clay will be more than appropriate.


If you don’t have any time to study Gemini men, and New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day or a professional holiday is approaching, try choosing an option from the list:

  1. Book. Gemini men are born intellectuals and cannot imagine their existence without her. By plunging headlong into the wonderful world of books, they reboot their overly restless consciousness.
  2. Adventure. Whether it's a parachute jump or windsurfing lessons, those with an adventurous nature will be happy with any pastime with an element of risk.
  3. Jewelry. Vintage, limited edition, exclusive work - these are the main criteria when choosing a product. The quality of the metal does not matter; focus on the unusual shape and originality of the product.
  4. Perfumery. Choose a cologne that is not available in the mass market. The perfume should be light and fresh, like a breeze. And it must be long-lasting, able to stay on the skin throughout the day.
  5. You should not accompany a gift with flowers. Gemini will not understand the meaning of such a gift and will not appreciate it.

In fact, pleasing Gemini men is not that difficult. The main secret of success: try to emphasize their individuality and make them feel unique. If you cope with this task, you will surely see their shining and grateful eyes!

A Gemini woman is the dream of every man, because it is common knowledge that a man is polygamous by nature, and you will never get bored with such a lady. She is always different, unpredictable, and thus simply cannot get bored, because constantly changing is the main feature of the Gemini lady. Moreover, this trait of hers manifests itself in everything: in clothes, in demeanor, and in mood. The main task of those around her is to find out which foot she got up from today and behave with her accordingly. Gemini ladies are great actors, because Mercury, which rules them, patronizes actors. As they say, “she was an actress and even played a role behind the scenes.” So try to be a grateful spectator towards her. She is well informed, knows how to speak knowledgeably on any topic, even if she just picked up information from the top. If you need to introduce someone to someone, help someone, or just find out the latest news and even gossip, be sure to turn to Gemini for help. Not only will she not refuse, but she will also receive great pleasure from helping her neighbor.


The Gemini lady, like the Gemini man, is unlikely tolimited to only one hobby. Another question is whetherShe actually has it. The fact is that “twins” are rarelyhave hobbies precisely because they relate to lifephilosophically, believing that our life is a game. IfI still have a hobby, very often reading books. Shebibliophile. Recently among Gemini booksmore and more people are appearing who are not just chimelts everything, but prefers, for example, detective stories,historical novels or fantasy. Before leavingto buy a gift, carefully study the contents of her library or simply ask directly whatshe's been reading lately. Once you receive the answer, buya series of books on this topic or the latest of the new ones.Well, if you are lucky and manage to get the author’s autograph on a gift copy - your gift is an eyestands out of competition.


The twin treats her car like it’s an old onefighting friend. The only one, but a huge minesom this relationship can be called that it is out of handhe doesn't take good care of its technical condition. Maybebut to say that he sends it for repairs only whenThe car is no longer capable of driving on its own. That's itYes, the conclusion is: give her a tow rope, and pay special attention to what it is made of. INIdeally, it should be nylon, onIn extreme cases, a simple textile one will do, butmetal is undesirable... Only requiredwrap the gift beautifully and present it with styleyou about the fact that, perhaps, for an active woman hegood for towing someone.Time will tell how it turns out in reality. But according toTom will be grateful to you for the fact that the cable was on timestuck in the trunk.

Clothes and accessories

There is an old expression: “And in the feast, and in the world, and ingood people". When choosing clothes as a gift for Gemini,try to be guided by this wiserule. Energetic Gemini lady having funHe attends various parties and holidays. But also rashe also likes to botch, it often turns out that she is youneeds to go visit immediately after work. Bygive her a beautiful blouse made of wrinkle-resistant fabric,which can be worn with a business suit or withjeans or trousers. Let her be with a beautifulturn-down collar and slightly longer sleevesordinary ones that protrude from under the jacket. TaHow will the illusion of a festiveoutfit, and a formal jacket worn on her will allowlady to maintain the decorum of office style at work time.

As for accessories, Geminis like bracelets and rings (Mercury rules the hands); they strive to attract attention to the hands. Rings and bracelets can be made of leather or wood. The “twins” do not like very expensive accessories; they prefer a democratic style.

Perfumeryand cosmetics

Let's continue the theme of hands. All care products are suitable for gifts. This includes a special salt for nails, hand cream, and various varnishes of the most imaginable colors. If you are a relative of a twinki" or are quite closely acquainted, you can also pregive a set for extensions as a gift oracrylic nail boards, special toolsleniya for artistic drawing on nails.

From perfumery aromas (perfume, eau de toilette)the twins like oriental motifs, especially sakura (Japanese cherry) and green or white tea.


Some of the Gemini lady's favorite flowers are -yellow roses and tulips, especially double ones, a lotcolored. Jasmine and daisy will also please them. Ifthere is an opportunity, don’t give Twin another“big broom”, let there be only a few flowers,but in a composition, for example in a wicker basket.There may well be one big rose, but it is decoratedbows, ribbons or muslin.

Office gifts

With all his magnificent and brilliant mindGemini ladies are rarely organized at worknym. They are constantly distracted to chat with collegami, drink some tea or smoke and get down to basicsnew work when it would seem that all the deadlines have long passed. What is typical is that they do an excellent jobbut the fact that it is urgent only encourages them toexcellent execution. Make their life easier. Bygive special work reference books, computersComputer programs or new flash cards. And alsothey constantly lose pencils and pens. Beautifulbrushed metal desk setIt will come in very handy for them.

Household items and furniture

In the apartment, the “twins” love space, freedom and a lot of fresh air. Freshener or humidifierair will be a good gift for them. They also hate it when there is a lot of furniture. Delight them with a transformable table that takes up littleplace and looks like an ordinary coffee table,and when guests arrive it turns into a large dining roomny. Convenient hanger for kitchen utensilsIt will also come in handy if you put it on the working wall.


What Gemini ladies love is talking on the phone. An old joke when your husband askstells his wife that she hung up so quickly, that’s allI talked for fifteen minutes, and my wife answered:because the number on the other end of the line was wrong,just about the “twins”. The scope for choosing a gift is great: the phone itself (preferably the one that can withstandlasts many hours of talk time), a case for it,hands-free headset, replaceable panels orpersonal decorations for mobile.

The second option for a gift from “technology” can bebecome a manicure set, which includes not only a lota variety of battery-powered files and scissors, but alsoTomato drying of nail polish.

Holidays and travel

Geminis hate relaxing at homeThey don’t like rest either. But to learn new things for themVerylike. Subscription to the Museum of Applied Arts is artsor a trip to a hiking trip along the roads of Altaiwill give them vivid memories for many years to come. Whatconcerns gifts for the holidays, then the “head and brains” of“twins” never rest, and all becausedon't get tired. They like to solve difficult problems, sowhat a puzzle, be it a crystal or a magic kubik, which must be assembled in a special way, is veryamuse them during leisure hours. The collection of crossword puzzles will also not go unnoticed during their free hours.

Jewelry, stones, talismans

Rings, just rings, and nothing but rings. Theycan be either classically regular in shape orand a broken line, for several fingers at once and together with a bracelet (option of Asia or eastern and southern countries). Withstones, beads, leather and even newfangledrubber. In a word, for the Gemini lady of the ringsthere can never be too much. The stone of luck is chrysoprase.

When purchasing a gift for a person, not everyone thinks about the role of the zodiac sign in his life. Finding a gift for Gemini will not be difficult if you know the peculiarities of his nature. Gemini is a very energetic sign, constantly on the move. They love surprises and memorable original gifts. The element of this sign is air, so such people will like everything that will bring new emotions, lightness and spaciousness into their lives.

A gift for each Gemini

What to give to a Gemini: woman, man, child?

The Gemini man loves to be the center of attention and simply loves to receive gifts. He always strives to learn something new, drawing information from various sources. In this regard, all kinds of books, encyclopedias, a trip to personal growth training, or a certificate for a parachute jump would be an excellent gift.

At the same time, Gemini men are practical by nature, so you can give them something they need for work, for example, a stylish automatic pen, a leather diary or a bright document folder.

The Gemini woman is unpredictable, very sociable and romantic. She will definitely be pleased with some unusual romantic surprise. This could be an original bouquet of flowers, a candlelit dinner on the roof of a multi-story building, poetry read under the window, or a trip to an art gallery.

Also, gifts that touch their hands are perfect for women of this sign. This is due to the fact that the Gemini planet Mercury rules the hands. All kinds of rings, bracelets, skin care products, bright nail polishes, a certificate for a trip to the manicure salon - all this will undoubtedly please the Twin.

A Gemini child will appreciate an intellectual gift. A game console, an interesting board game, a good MP3 player, an exciting book or a new tablet will be win-win gift options for children born under this sign.

Top 13 gift ideas for Gemini

1. Certificate for attending personal development training

Both women and men born under the sign of Gemini will be happy to attend personal growth training. Women can be given something related to the theme of seducing men or proper housekeeping.

For men - trainings on effective business management or on developing self-motivation.

Geminis don't like to sit in one place. They strive to make many new acquaintances and never get tired of communication. They love to communicate both in person and on the phone. They can hang on the wire for hours.

Therefore, Gemini, like no one else, would like the latest model of a mobile phone as a gift. It is better to choose a company that the person has used before. The choice of technology is not limited to phones.

Geminis love to be always on trend, and this applies to all electronic devices without exception. Cameras, players, tablets - all this is also suitable for a gift.

3. Perfume with a light citrus aroma

Geminis really like to take care of themselves, so they also like to smell good. When choosing eau de toilette, it is better to choose a light, fresh, slightly citrus aroma.

The smell must be very persistent so that it lasts all day. This is due to the fact that, due to their energy, Geminis are rarely at home.

4. Skin care products

Any skin care product will undoubtedly please a Gemini, because he pays a lot of attention to his appearance.

It is better to purchase products made with natural, environmentally friendly ingredients. They are sold in special environmental goods stores.

Gemini is an intellectual sign. Since childhood, they cannot be torn away from books and educational magazines.

In adulthood, they do not change and are still eager to gain new information, so the book will be an excellent gift. This can be either non-fiction or fiction.

6. Tourist trip abroad

Gemini loves to travel like no other sign. This is also to some extent connected with their desire for new knowledge and sensations.
A tourist trip abroad will leave a mark on your memory for many years. It is better to choose unusual exotic countries, for example, Vietnam or Nepal.

A trip to Europe may not greatly impress a spoiled Gemini.

7. Certificate for swimming with dolphins

A certificate for swimming with dolphins will be an unusual and pleasant gift.

Although Geminis do not belong to the water element, despite this, they are very fond of various living creatures. Communication with dolphins will not only give you unforgettable emotions and fill you with positivity.

8. Certificate for mastering an extreme sport

Extreme sports are just what an energetic and courageous zodiac sign needs. You can give your twin a certificate for diving, parachute jumping, learning to ride a snowboard or skateboard.

Any new and interesting activity will not leave him indifferent.

9. Decorations

Both Gemini women and men love jewelry. When choosing, it is better to give preference to jewelry for your hands - all kinds of rings and bracelets.

It is advisable to buy jewelry with Gemini talisman stones - aquamarine, carnelian, jade, amethyst, or chrysoprase.

10. Board games

Such a gift will help Gemini not to get bored on a cold winter evening, or in any other weather. Intellectual board games promote the development of memory and logic.

In addition, this is another reason to gather close friends for a pleasant and useful time.

11. Unusual exotic things

Rare designer jewelry, souvenirs brought from distant exotic countries - all these original things will delight Gemini with his subtle mental organization.

Gemini is a true connoisseur of unusual things, so he will appreciate such gifts like no one else.

12. Branded items

Geminis are used to keeping up with the times and are very fond of not only stylish things, but also truly high-quality and branded ones.

It is important for them to have something to show others. You can buy some clothes or shoes from a famous designer as a gift for them.

13. Tickets to a fashion event

Tickets to attend a sensational famous performance or a concert of a popular musical group are another wonderful gift that can be given to a Gemini.

Geminis love to attend fashionable events, because this is a wonderful occasion to enrich themselves with new impressions and communicate with unfamiliar interesting people.

What not to give to Geminis

Under no circumstances should you give Gemini money. Many people think that this way it will be easier for him to choose something worthwhile, but this is not so.

Money slips through the fingers of Gemini and is often wasted on all sorts of nonsense. Also, do not give unnecessary figurines, vases, photo frames and the like.

People born under the sign of Gemini do not like to fill their home with unnecessary items. They like space and comfort.

How to give a gift

The most important point in the process of presenting a gift is originality and surprise. It’s better that Gemini doesn’t guess until the last second what exactly was prepared for him for the holiday.

The more mystery and mystery, the better. You also need to remember that for Gemini, the essence of the gift is important, and not its wrapping. They pay little attention to the beautiful packaging with large bows and lace ribbons.