DIY bow tie from satin ribbon: several manufacturing options. How to make a men's bow tie or tie from fabric or satin ribbon with your own hands

When you need to quickly and cheaply make a stylish and elegant accessory for a men's suit with your own hands, a satin ribbon bow tie is the perfect solution. Gentlemen invented decorating themselves in this way back in the 19th century. Even then, a satin ribbon was tied around the neck in the likeness of a bow. Over time, the accessory has improved, but the prototype in the form of a classic bow is still relevant.

A simple version of a ribbon butterfly: how to make?

To make an original butterfly with your own hands, it is not necessary to buy a special fabric and spend time on patterns. The result can be achieved no worse using a regular satin ribbon.

To make a product in a simple version, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • satin ribbon (width 3-4 cm, length 1 m);
  • satin ribbon (width 1 cm, length 60 cm);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • threads;
  • a needle;
  • hooks;
  • matches.

The traditional even the simplest butterfly for a man consists of two parts - two bows. For the manufacture of the first, 20-25 cm of tape are cut, for the second - up to 40 cm of tape. The shorter segment is folded in half so that the ends overlap each other. A series of stitches are made along the core, the thread is tightened, several turns of the ribbon are twisted in the center to get a neat bow.

By analogy, a larger bow is also made, after which they proceed to create the basis for fixing the tie. For this, a thin tape is suitable, to which blanks are sewn. Why is it thin? For both a boy and a man, a thin ribbon is easier to disguise under a shirt collar.

For the base, measure the desired length of the tape, sew hooks for fasteners to the ends. So that the edges do not crumble, they are treated with matches. If there is no thin tape, you can work with a thick one, bending the edges inward.

Further, in order to finally sew the tie, two previously prepared blanks are glued together, the attachment point is closed with an additional piece of tape - the product is ready. Hooks for fasteners can be replaced with buttons or Velcro.

To make a bow tie according to the instructions above, you can use both a plain and printed ribbon, or two color options, creating interesting combinations. Additionally, ready-made accessories are allowed to decorate:

  • chain;
  • stones;
  • lace and other elements, depending on the features of the model.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that hand-sewn satin ribbon bow ties, by all the rules, are able to compete with branded products and deliver no less pleasure to the recipient.

Ties are a very ancient decoration. Its first prototypes are depicted on terracotta warriors, which one Chinese emperor wished for his afterlife in 220 BC. The statues depict scarves tied around the neck with a bow. Similar accessories were worn by warriors in ancient Rome. In those days, the tie served not as an ornament, but as a protection of the throat from winds and coolness.

The tie received its role of decoration around the 16th and 17th centuries. During the Thirty Years' War, King Louis XIV of France saw beautiful neckerchiefs on Croatian officers invited for negotiations. He liked this accessory so much that a royal decree was issued for the courtiers to wear La Cravat at all council meetings.

At the end of the 17th century, women began to wear the tie. And to this day, this elegant wardrobe detail adds a special chic to any matching outfit.

In this article, we suggest you make some kanzashi ties. An elegant frill made of ribbons for a charming lady or a strict black bow tie for a young gentleman.

We propose to make the first two tie brooches for girls. Such wonderful accessories are perfect for the first day of school or a special occasion.

So, jabot tie in kanzashi technique.

Materials for work:

  • Satin ribbons in black and white colors 5 cm and 2.5 cm wide;
  • A small piece of black lace;
  • Round decoration (an old brooch or a decorative large button will do);
  • Thread and needle;
  • Lighter or candle;
  • Glue gun;
  • Brooch pin.

It is necessary to cut off from a white tape 5 cm wide two pieces of 18 cm in length and 1 piece of 20 cm in length. From a black tape 5 cm wide, cut 1 piece 18 cm long. Melt the edges of the ribbons over the fire.

From a black tape 2.5 cm wide, cut 2 pieces 18 cm long and 1 piece 20 cm long. From a white ribbon 2.5 cm wide, cut a piece 20 cm long.

For beautiful frills that create a frill effect, you need to make 21 little things of round petals as follows: cut off a square of black ribbon 5x5 cm. Melt the edges over the fire. Fold it diagonally (the fold line is on top). Make sure the corners match exactly. Now take a needle with a black thread and thread it into the right corner. Now you need to walk with ordinary stitches in a semicircle to the left corner of the triangle. The semicircle bends to the lower corner of the triangle. Now it remains to tighten the thread and the triangle will gather into a beautiful petal. Fasten the thread. Trim the lower part of the petal evenly and melt.

Here's what happened.

Now you need to make a bow base. To do this, sew the pieces of ribbons prepared earlier on the front side, making a slight overlap. Do not cut the thread.

Now fold the blank in half, placing the seam in the center of the future bow.

The next step is winding the thread. Tie the bow tightly in the middle. Sew to secure several times, bring the thread to the wrong side of the bow. Pin.

Do the above manipulations with all blanks. Here's what happened.

Now you need to sew bows of the same size from different ribbons 2 together. Like this.

Now we sew a double bow from two blanks of 18 cm ribbons.

Now, on the resulting double bow, sew the largest black and white bow of 20 cm ribbons on top. If it is more convenient for you to work with glue, you can glue blanks.

Now let's start creating the frill. Here you will need a glue gun. Glue 3 petal blanks together.

Glue the resulting three between the top two layers of bows. (see picture).

Similarly, glue 4 more triplets one under the other.

Now we complement the triplets with the remaining petals. Here's what happened.

Attach a hairpin to the wrong side.

To mask the joints of the frill petals, glue a piece of lace on the wrong side.

It remains to attach the decoration on the front side and wait until all the glued parts are completely dry.

Next tie brooch from ribbons it is so easy and simple to make that even beginners can handle it.

Materials for work:

  • Ribbon 5 cm wide in white and grey. (You can, of course, choose any two you like);
  • Brooch pin;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Lighter or candle;
  • scissors;
  • White lace;
  • Half beads and beads of pearl color.

From a white tape you will need 2 pieces 20 cm long, from a gray one 18 cm and 28 cm long.

Now, from two white segments and a short gray segment, make bows in the same way as described in the previous master class. Here's what happened.

Now we will make a tie directly from a piece of tape 28 cm long.

Position the ribbon with the wrong side towards you and fold in half so that the ends of the ribbon are perpendicular to each other (see picture).

Fold in half and iron. It turned out a tie with a triangular end. Here's one.

All elements are ready, it remains to assemble and decorate.

Sew small pieces of lace to the gray bow. Fasten the white bows into one big one. Now you need to sew a gray blank on top of a white double bow.

From the wrong side, glue the tie itself with hot glue and mask the junction with lace.

Attach a hair clip.

It remains to decorate with beads. Here's how it happened. You can decorate to your liking.

These wonderful two options are suitable for fashionable ladies.

For young gentlemen, we propose to make such a wonderful bow tie.

Materials for work:

  • Satin ribbon 5 cm and 1 cm wide;
  • Organza ribbon 4 cm wide;
  • Threads and a needle;
  • pins;
  • Glue;
  • Decor elements and lock (if you want).

Make two pieces 26 cm long from wide ribbons of satin and organza.

On the satin ribbon face up, place the organza ribbon face up as well. Align the edges (if desired, fix with pins). Now you need to melt the edges of the ribbons folded together. Organza is very flammable. So you have to be careful when melting. It is important not to overexpose the blanks, especially if you are working with light materials. You can get darkened and "smoky" edges.

Turn the wrong side towards you and connect the melted edges in the middle. You can iron the workpiece with an iron. The sides should overlap slightly (maximum 1 cm).

Chop off the workpiece with a pin and sew in the middle (where the sides are overlapped) with large stitches.

Now you need to tighten the thread and fasten it. Here's what happened.

It remains to collect a bow tie.

In our master class, an option for any neck circumference is proposed, but if you know the parameters of the baby who is making the tie, then focus on them.

So, ties.

Cut off a piece of about 4 cm from a narrow satin ribbon. It will mask the seam in the center of the butterfly.

Measure the tape needed for the tie and smear it in the center with glue on the front side. Glue the wrong side of the bow to the glued front side of the tie.

Leave until the glue is completely dry.

Now put just a little glue on the center of the edge of the 4 cm ribbon and wrap around the center of the tie. It is enough to pull it tight, but so as not to deform the ribbon, and so that it does not wrinkle.

A bow tie made of ribbons is ready. At will, the center can be decorated with various fittings.

A bow tie is a stylish accessory that gives the image an aristocratic chic, looks appropriate at special occasions in combination with a tuxedo or tailcoat. Nowadays, not only men, but also women can wear a bow tie. The fair sex can break the rules and wear a bow tie not only with a shirt and tuxedo, but also on a bare neck under a dress, which allows you to create an extravagant retro look. Women's bow ties are more democratic, while for men it is preferable to choose a plain dark-colored tie, self-tying models, and not with an elastic band.

Bow ties for children are also popular, they give young gentlemen and ladies a solemn and elegant look, attract attention and create a festive atmosphere during a matinee or school event.

Photo bow tie from satin ribbons

There are several varieties of this fashion accessory. The classic version is a self-tying tie, which, when unfolded, resembles a neckerchief of a characteristic shape. The ends of the bow tie have different shapes, depending on the purpose of the accessory, which should be taken into account when building a pattern.

The scheme for tying such a tie is shown in the photo below, at first it may seem complicated, but with a little practice you can tie a bow tie even with your eyes closed.

You can adjust the size of a bow tie using an elastic band or elastic band on which it is attached. You can also purchase special fasteners for an accessory or use bra hooks that help you adjust a bow tie to any neck size.

The red satin bow tie is ideal for girls, while the men's one is made of material in more restrained colors. A tie for a boy can be sewn from a material with a pattern or a classic polka dot print. The reversible bow tie will appeal to children because of its versatility, as it looks like a completely different accessory when turned over to the other side.

Master class on creating a bow tie from a satin ribbon

One of the easiest ways to make a bow tie with your own hands, which does not require a pattern. You will need threads, needles, several satin ribbons of different widths made of plain material (you can use printed ribbons, but they must all be with the same pattern).

This method is good because you do not have to spend a lot of time cutting out parts from fabric, duplicating them with non-woven fabric. When creating a bow tie from satin ribbons, you can even do without a sewing machine. The master class contains a step-by-step description of the butterfly making process with photos of important steps.

  • Fold a 4 cm wide satin ribbon across so that its ends overlap. Sew the resulting rectangle in the center with a needle-forward seam, then pull it off until neat folds form and wrap the free end of the thread around the bow several times.
  • The second bow should be smaller, it needs to be sewn in the same way. The length of the ribbon for a small bow is 20 cm, for a large one - 30 cm.
  • The butterfly jumper is wrapped around the center of both bows and its edges are swept from the back by hand. The role of the jumper is played by a small piece of satin ribbon 1 cm wide. The same ribbon is used to create the base. An important point is that it is impossible to fix the jumper on the base, it must move freely along the tape so that the position can be adjusted manually.
  • A double butterfly made of satin ribbons is attached to the base - a ribbon of a smaller width, at the ends of which a fastener is sewn.

Step-by-step description of a bow tie fabric pattern

The pattern of a classic bow tie is shown in the photo below, the model is called Butterfly Oscar, slightly wider than the Butterfly Daily bow tie.

  • The lower part of the pattern (the length of the finished product) is built according to the formula: 6 + 13 + 1 / 2OSh + 3, where OSh is the girth of the neck.
  • The size of the wide part of the butterfly is 8 cm, half of this value is laid up from the point of the beginning of the length.
  • Further, at a distance of 6 cm from the beginning, 2.2 cm is laid upwards - this is the narrowest part of the tie, the isthmus.
  • 6.5 cm are marked from the isthmus point and 4 cm are again laid upwards from this point.
  • After 6.5 cm from the previous point on the lower straight line, 2.2 cm are laid upwards.
  • After 2 cm from the last point on the lower straight line, lay 1.1 cm upwards and draw a line parallel to the bottom line - this is the length of the base.

The finished pattern is outlined on a fabric folded in half (fabric fold line \u003d bottom line of the pattern) and cut out with seam allowances. You can start sewing a classic self-knitted butterfly.

Bow tie pattern options in the photo

The variety of possible options for butterflies is quite large, but almost all of them are made according to typical patterns. The most popular tie patterns are shown in the photo.

To dress up your young schoolgirl smartly for September 1 or the last call, make such a stylish ribbon tie. Also, such an ornament will be indispensable if the child studies at a music school, performs at concerts or dances. The product is made quite simply, from a black rep ribbon, and delicate lace in a contrasting white color adds sophistication and makes the product solemn. The tips given in the master class can also be transferred to a regular satin ribbon. Only rep fabric is denser and holds its shape better, so this material is considered more traditional for creating tie-type brooches.

Materials needed to create a black and white dressy tie

For the top of the product, prepare:

  • - black rep tape 4 cm wide. Cut 1 piece 30 cm long, 2 pieces - 28 cm each, 1 piece - 25 cm, 1 piece - 15 cm;
  • - white lace 2 cm wide. Cut 2 pieces 28 cm long, 1 piece - 25 cm;
  • - a button, a half-bead or a rhinestone with a diameter of 1 cm - 1 pc;
  • - a square of black felt with a side of 2 cm;
  • - a pin.

For the bottom of the product, prepare:

  • - the same black rep tape 4 cm wide. Cut 1 piece 26 cm long, 3 pieces - 15 cm each, 6 pieces - 13 cm each;
  • - the same white lace 2 cm wide. Cut 3 pieces 15 cm long.

Stages of modeling a tie from kanzashi ribbons

1. To create the initial part (the base of the lower part) of the tie, measure the longest piece of 26 cm from the black rep ribbon, cut it off.

2. Bend the long strip into a loop, matching both ends, and glue. Do not iron the fold, but leave it rounded.

3. Measure and cut 6 pieces of 13 cm from the same roll.

4. Also form small voluminous loops by gluing the edges.

5. Cut 3 pieces of ribbon 15 cm each and the same number of pieces of lace of the same length. Combine lace and black fabric along the entire length.

6. Bend black and white blanks into loops.

7. On the largest loop (at the fold), start attaching black and black and white loops. Glue the two parts at the bottom, spread them apart.

8. A little higher (between the original elements), glue the loop with lace.

10. To create the upper part in the form of a bow, prepare 3 long pieces of black ribbon and lace (2 pieces each 28 cm long and 1 piece each 25 cm long). Align the strips, bend both sides into loops, closing in the central part on the back side.

11. Collect a bow from the three blanks received. Cross two of them in the form of the letter X, and place the upper part horizontally.

12. Attach a similar double loop of 15 cm black segment horizontally in the center.

13. Turn the received bow with the reverse side towards you and glue the bottom of the tie.

14. Hide the attachment point behind the longest grosgrain tape (28 cm). First, also close the opposite ends of the segment into a bow.

15. Glue the pin to the back using a square of black felt. Be sure to leave the movable part of the pin free so that you can attach the brooch to your clothes.

16. Turn the tie to face you and glue the decor in the form of a button or a shiny rhinestone in the central part. You can frame with a hugger or immediately use the finished part.

Stylish and elegant ribbon decoration is ready. It can be worn not only by girl students, but also by adult ladies, wearing it under a strict business suit, because. such a tie perfectly complements trousers, a jacket and a white blouse.

Today, much attention is paid to the little things when creating an image. A rather popular accessory at the present time is a bow tie, both among men and women. It is worn by both business women and young students. This accessory is able to decorate any blouse or shirt and, depending on its type, give the image new shades. Making a bow tie with your own hands can be very easy and simple. We will bring to your attention a description of the manufacture of such a tie for a child and for girls.

DIY bow tie from satin ribbon: option number 1

Every mother wants her beloved son to look the best at any holiday. And of course, she is ready to make a lot of efforts to create an original costume for her child. Any, even the most ordinary suit, can be decorated with a hand-made bow tie.

The color scheme of this accessory can be any. You can make a tie in classic colors (black, white, chocolate), it is suitable for a solemn look. If you choose a material of light shades or with a funny pattern, then it is quite possible to wear it in the summer.

To make this tie, you will need: two types of satin ribbon (wide, 5 centimeters wide and narrow, about 1 centimeter wide); organza ribbon (4 centimeters wide); scissors; thread, needle, pin; glue; lighter; ruler.

We proceed to the manufacture of the accessory, for this we take an organza ribbon and a wide satin ribbon and measure each 26 centimeters, cut it off. If the tapes are wrinkled, then be sure to iron them with an iron. Organza is superimposed on top of the satin material and soldered to each other with a lighter.

But it should be remembered that you need to keep the material near the fire, but not bring it close to it, then everything will turn out neatly. Organza is a very combustible material, so it must be handled very carefully.

Then we fold both sides of our double tape to the middle with a slight overlap on each side. We fix the edges in this position with a pin. Now we sew with large stitches in the middle of the workpiece. We tighten the thread and get a bow. The thread must be fastened.

To give the tie a finished look, we take a thin satin ribbon, cut off two pieces: one small one to wrap around the middle of the butterfly; and the second - to secure the tie around the child's neck. On the strap, you can make clasps or choose a universal option in terms of size.

For a model with a clasp, it is necessary to measure the girth of the child's neck and cut off the tape of this size, attach the clasp. For the second option, you need to take a ribbon larger than the volume of the neck so that it can be tied. The ends of the tape must be melted. We wrap a small piece of ribbon around the middle of the butterfly and sew its ends together. A bow tie for a boy is ready.

DIY bow tie from satin ribbon: option number 2

It is very important for a woman to look not only beautiful, but also stylish. A very stylish little thing today, such as a bow tie, will help in creating such an image. You can choose both a more strict version that can be worn to the office, and a model for parties. And if you want it to be more original, then you should make it yourself.

To do this, you will need: a thin and wide satin ribbon, scissors, a needle, threads, glue, decor (for example, rhinestones), a special fastener.

To make the bow itself, we need to cut 2 pieces of a wide satin ribbon. One of them should be larger than the other by 4 fingers of your hand. Now we make a separate bow from each piece. To do this, we fold a wide tape in the same way as in the first version. Sew them in the middle and pull off.

You should end up with two bows, one larger and one smaller. We glue one bow to another, for reliability we sew the middle. It turns out a double butterfly. Rhinestones or decorative stones can be glued to the edges of a smaller bow.

Now it's the turn of a thin satin ribbon. From it we make the so-called strap. It is necessary to measure the volume of the neck and cut off the tape of the same length. We attach a special fastener to this piece. It remains only to put together the components of the tie.

The strap must be attached to the butterfly (you can use glue, thread and a needle). Now we make the middle. We close with a piece of satin ribbon all the rough work in the middle of the butterfly. You can also glue decor on it or leave it as it is.

The female version of the bow tie is ready. It looks more elegant than the classic male version. You can choose any color of this accessory, depending on what and where you put it on. Deep saturated colors are very popular. However, products of a delicate pastel shade also remain quite relevant.

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