What to cook for the anniversary of the relationship. How to celebrate your wedding anniversary. Theme party for those who love fun celebrations

The wedding day is one of the brightest and most memorable events in everyone's life. This day is especially appreciated by women. Years have passed since the wedding ring appeared on the ring finger. And if it is not just a decoration for you, but a stamp in your passport - not just a seal documenting the created union, then the wedding anniversary matters to you.

A wedding day is a union of two loving hearts, the creation of a new strong family, so you want to celebrate your wedding anniversary in a special way. How to celebrate a wedding anniversary so that the holiday is not a banal feast?

How to celebrate an anniversary

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Traditional option in the restaurant

Book a table in a cafe or restaurant, invite your closest friends. When choosing an establishment, look through the menu, having an idea of ​​the prices for food and drinks in advance. You can make a list of dishes that will be served to guests in advance, so you will accurately plan your budget for the holiday date. If the financial issue does not bother you, then let the guests choose their own dishes, and you pay the check at the end of the evening.

Even such a traditional way of celebrating a wedding anniversary can be made bright and unforgettable. Buy or rent an evening dress, make an appointment with the hairdresser in advance for a haircut or haircut. Your spouse needs to look good too. Book a photography service. Despite the abundance of digital cameras, a professional photographer will be indispensable on a wedding anniversary. Even if you have the latest photo equipment at home, without skillful use, the pictures will turn out to be less spectacular. Only a professional photographer will suggest an idea for a composition, be able to convey the desired color and shadow.

Secondly, take care of the musical accompaniment of the holiday. Choose a cafe or restaurant where there is live music. Be sure to specify the repertoire, because not everyone will be pleased to celebrate their wedding anniversary to the songs "Vladimirsky Central" or "Certificate in the blood, on the sides of the convoy."

Thirdly, provide comfortable "fees". Start packing early to get to the restaurant at the right time. Ask guests not to be late. It turns out a very awkward situation when all the invited guests are waiting for one person who is delayed for unknown reasons. By the way, as a married couple celebrating their anniversary, you can order a limousine. A trip in a luxury car will once again remind someone of the same atmosphere on the wedding day, and for someone, it may be the first. This is especially true for couples who have been together for more than 10-15 years. The fashion for wedding limousines began relatively recently, so many spouses do not know how it is: to take a ride in a soft comfortable chair of an expensive car.

If you have children, then decide whether they will be on your holiday? If a noisy company is going, and the child is still small, then it is best to ask the parents to watch the baby for one evening. The child needs the right mode, constant attention. But older children will be very interested in a well-organized wedding anniversary celebration. Such moments are priceless for them, because the family life of parents in many ways (if not all) serves as an example for children and a model for building their own families.

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Holiday for two

To celebrate a wedding anniversary, it is not necessary to gather friends. This day can only be spent together. Arrange a romantic dinner, with candles, pleasant music, fine wine.

While enjoying a pleasant evening, turn off your phones, naturally warning those who you can expect an important call from that you will be busy. At the end of the evening, create an intimate atmosphere, spend a great night. To pleasantly surprise your husband, buy sexy lingerie. By the way, such a purchase can be made together, let your spouse also take part in choosing a negligee or underwear. This helps the couple to become more open and understand each other's tastes.

You can go out into nature together, take a walk in the park, square, walk through the places where you used to walk. Sit on the same bench where they liked to kiss, go to the cafe where they met.

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Wedding anniversary in non-traditional style

If you don't want your wedding anniversary to feel like a traditional celebration where food and drink predominates, triple your second wedding ceremony! Many registry offices already have such a service. March of Mendelssohn, decorated hall, balls, flowers, witnesses - everything is repeated only for you. You seem to find yourself in the past, everything is the same as a few years ago. Everything except the stamp in the passport, because it already exists. The guests shout: "Bitter", you drink champagne, happy, after promises of love and an oath of allegiance. You can invite those who could not get to your wedding to such an event. This option is very popular with women, but for some reason it scares some men. If you are still fired up with just this idea, try to convince your husband that such a celebration is becoming more and more fashionable, allowing you to relive the day when you became a single family. But if the man is against it, there is no need to insist. It just so happened that the very atmosphere of the wedding is closer to women.

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Impressive love story

To make this day memorable for a long time, you can order the service of a videographer and make a film about a love story or an acquaintance story. Feel like real film actors, you don't even need to play, because you already felt and experienced everything. Tell the operator about where and how you met, and now repeat it. In which case the operator will tell you how to behave, what to say, how to move. If you have any memorable recordings on the video, tell about it, during editing, the operator will combine everything into one interesting film that you can then show even to your children. Shooting a story of love and dating is the creation of the most memorable moment. Imagine how nice it will be to watch in 20-30 and even 40 years.

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Cowboys and Pirates or Gods of Olympus

Another option is to celebrate the wedding anniversary in some style, which is also very fashionable now. Young people celebrate weddings in the Greek, medieval, cowboy, pirate style. Why not do the same on your wedding anniversary? For example, the groom (husband) is a fearless cowboy, a thunderstorm of the entire Wild West. The bride (wife) is the daughter of the leader of the Redskins. They fell in love and are getting married. Costumes, cowboy music, fun games and competitions - with good preparation, everything will be fun and unforgettable. Or the husband and wife will become the Greek gods descended from Olympus on the day of the wedding anniversary. You can prepare such a holiday on your own or (if the issue of finances is not worth it) entrust to a professional wedding agency.

Many couples get married on their wedding anniversary. But this step should not be a tribute to fashion, it must be done consciously. Go to church in advance, talk to the priest, and think again if you want to secure your union before God. Before the wedding, you need to perform the sacrament of communion, which must be preceded by confession.

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Consider the meaning of each anniversary

No matter how you decide to celebrate an anniversary, remember that each of them has its own name and meaning. For example, if your family is 1 year old, then this is a print wedding. On this day, spouses need to hold chintz handkerchiefs in their hands. It is believed that the best gift for 1 year is chintz tablecloths, napkins, towels.

2 years - paper wedding. In France, it is called leather. On this day, you need to have leather goods with you. It can be a wallet, bag, belt, leather gloves, jacket.

The third wedding year is called wheat. Put on clothes in warm light colors, straw souvenirs, bouquets of spikelets are welcome.

4 years - linen or wax wedding. Decorate the house with candles, put on light-colored clothes, lay linen napkins on the table.

5 years is called a wooden wedding. Let your family be strong, like a good tree, as a sign of this, give each other souvenirs made of wood, wooden utensils or caskets.

The next one is cast iron (6 years). Cast iron, despite being a metal, is very brittle. So your family is tempered, becomes stronger every year. In England and Germany, it is commonly called sugar.

7 years from the date of marriage is called a copper wedding. Copper is a valuable metal, your family becomes the same. Durable and strong.

The eighth anniversary (tin wedding) is also called poppy according to European standards. The symbol of the date is tin, durable metal, by this time the spouses are finally getting used to each other. If you want to make a small gift, you can give a bright flower or just decorate a room with it. It is believed that your love will be just as bright.

Nine years - faience wedding. Interestingly, the "strength of the metal" has decreased. What is the reason? Actually a very simple explanation. On the anniversary of 9 years of marriage, there are many critical moments that you just need to overcome. The marriage should not be allowed to crack. There is an opinion that after worthily experienced misunderstandings of quarrels, the family will live in abundance.

10 years is called a tin wedding. Tin is a flexible metal, and spouses should be able to give in and adapt to everything. For the first anniversary, it is customary to give cutlery and dishes, preferably made of metal.

11 years or a steel wedding is a symbol of a clean and strong family. Relationships between spouses become fully established.

Twelve and twelve and a half years - a nickel wedding. 13 - lace, 14 years - agate wedding (ivory). These are all symbols of strength.

15 years from the date of marriage symbolize pure, strong relationships, like crystal. Therefore, the wedding is called crystal.

Turquoise wedding (18 years old) - a new dawn in a relationship, especially if the 17th year had some kind of setbacks. In the "age" of the family, you can give each other turquoise souvenirs as a symbol of happiness.

Twenty years - porcelain wedding. Lightweight, sleek material that can be very brittle if not handled with care. On this day, it is customary to set the table with porcelain dishes.

25 years, a quarter of a century - a silver wedding. Noble metal, resistant to wear and tear. According to tradition, silver rings are put on the finger on this day, next to gold ones. Give each other gifts made of silver.

30 years - a pearl wedding. Pearls are considered a symbol of love, fertility and chastity. On this day, invite children, grandchildren, relatives and close friends. The date is recommended to be celebrated in the circle of people dear to you.

40 years - ruby ​​wedding. Ruby is a stone of love, symbolizes what the spouses were able to carry through all 40 years. 45 years - a sapphire wedding, which is a symbol of fidelity.

50 years, half a century - a golden wedding. One of the biggest anniversaries in family history. This is a great value and rarity, an example of trust, devotion and love. 55 years - emerald wedding. The Union has already crossed the line of half a century, the organization and celebration of the anniversary should be undertaken by children.

60 years is called a diamond or diamond wedding. The diamond is the most valuable of all stones, and such a long married life together is also rare and valuable. 65 years - iron wedding. Strong relationships, proven over the years.

70 years is a blessed wedding. It should be celebrated with children and grandchildren.

80 years - oak wedding. This is a rare date, the symbol of which is a tree that can stand for more than a century and is not afraid of storms. Oak is a symbol of eternity, a symbol of centenarians who were able to carry their love through the years.

How to celebrate a wedding anniversary is not always decided by the spouses themselves. Sometimes children or even grandchildren do it for them. It turns out a pleasant surprise. But in the process of its preparation it is necessary to take into account many nuances. The age of the "newlyweds", their characters, hobbies and lifestyle.

What is the best way to celebrate 10 years of marriage? How to celebrate this anniversary so that it remains in the memory of the spouses for many years? Moreover, this is the first round date since the wedding. 10 years of married life is called although in some sources it is also pink.

It is customary to invite all the same guests and witnesses that were at the wedding. This anniversary is traditionally celebrated in pink. Husband and wife give each other valuable gifts. The husband always presents his beloved wife with a bouquet of roses.

We celebrate the celebration in a cafe or restaurant

I want to celebrate this important event in an original and special way. And (10 years) to please relatives and friends?

The most popular way is to gather everyone in a cafe or restaurant. This option will free the spouses from additional hassle. You can pre-book a banquet hall or a table in a restaurant - it depends on the number of invited guests. You need to discuss the menu in advance with the administrator and make an advance payment.

You can turn on your imagination and organize an exciting celebration. A professional photographer will make a high-quality photo shoot. For her, you can rent beautiful evening dresses, order a makeup artist and a hairdresser to create a stunning image for your wife.

How to celebrate (10 years) to create a special holiday atmosphere? Choose a restaurant with live music, make a list of songs in advance that will be performed during the celebration.

Avoid clutter during the holiday. Prepare special fancy clothes in advance. To relive your wedding day one more time, book a limousine for a trip to a restaurant.

Consider in advance the question of whether children will be present at the anniversary. Since if only adults are present, then the child at the holiday will simply not be interested. Older children are even very curious to visit such a celebration. After all, they will see how people love and appreciate each other.

Celebrate at sea

But where else to celebrate 10 years of marriage besides the restaurant? You can take a short vacation at work and go to the sea, on a honeymoon trip. But it is unlikely that you will be able to take all the guests with you. So this option is suitable for a small company.

Celebrate on a hike or in nature

It will be very original to go camping on the anniversary if it falls on the warm season. But how to celebrate 10 years Outdoors, there are many options for celebrating. You just need to try to find out what the weather will be like on the day of the celebration. Otherwise, unexpected rain will spoil all the fun. You can go to the forest in advance and find a large beautiful clearing.

It will not be difficult to cook kebabs, various salads, sandwiches. This food, as well as spirits, fruit, cake or pastries, should be on the festive table. To make guests and spouses have fun, you can play football, volleyball, badminton.

winter celebration

If the anniversary is in winter, then it can be celebrated, for example, at a ski resort. Snowboarding, sledding, skiing or skating, and then having a party on the veranda with snacks and mulled wine will be a pleasure for you and your guests.

We celebrate together. Interesting idea for a celebration

Some spouses prefer to celebrate their anniversary in private. How to celebrate 10 years of marriage together and create the appropriate atmosphere?

Organize an evening of romance and passion. To enjoy being close to your other half, you do not need a restaurant, cafe, guests and festive clothes. An intimate evening at home, together, by candlelight and to a sensual melody is the most romantic option for celebrating a wedding anniversary for two truly loving people.

On the day of the celebration, tell everyone that you are busy and put aside all your affairs. Go out for a walk in places that are especially memorable to your heart, go to the park, feed the birds. After a walk, a delicious appetizing dinner will come in handy. A pleasant end to the day will be an unforgettable romantic and passionate night.

Prepare for the evening with the continuation of the need to thoroughly. Buy seductive underwear and a shirt, a see-through dressing gown, and do not forget about high-heeled shoes. Ask for help choosing an erotic outfit for your spouse, since he already knows exactly in what way he wants to see his wife.

Re-marriage is a great way to celebrate

A significant date in the life of your family is approaching soon - 10 years of marriage. How to celebrate a celebration so that it is unusual? Create a chic ritual similar to the day of a real marriage. There is already a name for such a ceremony - a second wedding. Some employees of the registry office make concessions to a couple in love and organize a wedding for them again.

The newlyweds in wedding attire stand in front of the receptionist and repeat the promises of love and devotion. The guests are shouting: "Bitter!" and congratulate the bride and groom. A small banquet with champagne, photographs for memory and the release of snow-white doves into the sky will provide an opportunity to immerse yourself in an exciting and heavenly atmosphere again.

You can invite guests to a second wedding who, for some reason, could not be there 10 years ago. You can organize an unusual fun program or an exciting walk around the city. It is already up to you to choose, depending on your preferences and, of course, finances.

Theme party for those who love fun celebrations

How to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the wedding, the photo of which will remain for a long time, so that it would be interesting and fun for everyone? You can arrange a themed party. For example, dress up in costumes of a specific style: monsters, vampires, cowboys, the Middle Ages. Such parties have recently gained great popularity. Husband and wife can dress up as Shrek and Fiona, and guests can dress up as other characters from this cartoon. And you can give out multi-colored wigs and big bright glasses to everyone at the entrance. Not only such outfits will support the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe celebration, but also well-chosen music and entertainment.


So, a significant event is coming - 10 years of marriage. How to celebrate it so that this day will be remembered forever? Many couples, having lived together for some time, want to strengthen their union by getting married in a church. This decision must be made thoughtfully. You need to go to the church in advance and talk with the priest. After a conversation with the priest, the seriousness will finally be clear. For the wedding, you need to especially prepare. Spouses need to take communion and, of course, confess.

In order to have a good mood and fun throughout the holiday, you do not need to invite guests whom the other half does not want to see.

Do not be upset if the gift that you expected was not received. And in no case should you remember the unpleasant moments of life together. After all, today is a significant celebration for both of you.

A small conclusion

Now you know how you can celebrate 10 years of marriage. How to celebrate the celebration of your couple, you can decide with your spouse. In family life, it is important to preserve all the sensuality of the first seconds of acquaintance, passion and love. The wedding day is a wonderful chance to confirm a sincere relationship with each other.

The most important thing that needs to be presented to the spouse in such an event is love and a positive attitude. By exchanging positive energy with your soulmate, everyone will look much happier.

Perhaps every man at some point meets a woman whose relationship lasts not for a couple of months, but for a year, two, or even a lifetime. You will live together weekdays, celebrate universal holidays, and at the same time you will have your own special days - anniversaries. Women, as a rule, are more sentimental and remember the date of acquaintance, first kiss and wedding better than men. But if your chosen one is dear to you, then some important dates should still be remembered (or written down) and please her with a surprise.

A sign of attention on a special day will only strengthen your relationship. To quickly come up with an interesting gift, you can use any of these ideas.

Recognition under the windows

This way of expressing your feelings is no longer original, however, if nothing else has been invented, then you can take note of it. It is more suitable for very young people, but they are also used to it. If you are in adulthood, then your other half is likely to be very surprised. Everything is very simple here: some kind of romantic confession is written with paints on the wall or on the road under the window of the beloved. In the morning she looks out the window, sees him and rejoices.

  • pros. Cheap, romantic and exciting. After all, you can easily be taken away by the police while you are writing your opus. Or your girlfriend's neighbors will throw eggs out of the windows. In general, if everything works out, know that you have accomplished a small feat.
  • Minuses: The walls of houses in our country are rarely painted, and the asphalt is updated even less often. Therefore, most likely, your confession will decorate the yard for a single year. And perhaps there will come a time when it becomes irrelevant. It won't be easy to get rid of him.

Flowers delivery

Probably, all the girls saw in American melodramas how the main character is brought a huge bouquet of flowers, and in it is a small card with the name of the sender and beautiful words. In real life, this occurs infrequently, so this gift can be taken into service. In some flower shops, bouquets are delivered by cute couriers in suits. Such a presentation will only enhance the impression. The bouquet itself, of course, should also be a work of art, so look for a florist with good taste.

  • pros. Any woman will appreciate such a gift, and a non-trivial presentation will be an occasion to remember it for a long time.
  • Minuses. A nice courier can become a hindrance to your relationship. So you better get an ugly girl. (Joke.)

The game of slavery

Please your beloved right in the morning with a delicious breakfast, and then say that today is the day of her wishes, which you will be happy to fulfill. If your girlfriend is modest, then you will get off easy. But if she is with imagination, then be strong - there are only 24 hours in a day.

  • pros. Perhaps a miracle will happen and your desires with your sweetheart will be the same. There is also a chance that you can afford them. Well, if you are asked to perform women's duties around the house all day, then don’t be upset either - finally, you will arrange everything in your own way.
  • Minuses. If you are very proud, then you are unlikely to enjoy fulfilling women's whims all day. But once you've made up your mind, you'll have to be patient.

city ​​quest

Recently, various kinds of games have become fashionable, in which participants, following the prompts and performing simple tasks, are looking for some kind of "treasure". On your anniversary, you can do something similar for your girlfriend. Think about where you will hide the gift, and then develop a thorny and interesting route to it. If your girlfriend loves puzzles, then she will definitely appreciate your work.

  • Pros. Mystery is always exciting.
  • Minuses. Remember that tasks should be solvable, and the route should not be very long. Otherwise, your girlfriend will get tired, angry or upset. In general, when organizing such games, it is better to immediately give the participant some phone number that you can call in case of difficulties.

romantic picnic

Did your wedding take place during the warm season? Great, then you can celebrate it in a romantic setting in nature. In other words, organize a picnic. Delicious food, fresh air and beautiful decoration will do their job - you will have a great rest. You can take a professional photographer with you for a couple of hours, who will capture you beautiful.

  • Pros. Romantic, healthy and relatively cheap (if without a photographer).
  • Minuses. The weather can spoil the fun. See the long-term forecast, but of course, the risk of sudden rain or wind is always there.

Dinner at the restaurant

Find a good restaurant and invite your sweetheart there. Let it be a place where you have never been before, or it should be somehow connected with the reason for the celebration. Give her something there, say beautiful words, and the anniversary will go off with a bang.

  • Pros. In a good restaurant, the staff will do everything for you, all that remains is to pay for the fun.
  • Minuses. The restaurant may not live up to expectations.

Photo session with a professional photographer

Today we are very active in sharing our photos on social networks, our friends look at them and evaluate the way we look and live. Therefore, it is not surprising that many girls dream of having their photo portraits taken by a professional photographer. So a certificate for a photo shoot can be a great gift. By the way, you can find a suitable photographer in the "Catalogue" section of our website.

  • Pros. You will have great portrait shots and joint photos, and the photo shoot itself, with imagination, can be turned into an exciting action.
  • Minuses. A professional photo session is not cheap. And it is possible that in front of her your girlfriend will want to buy some new clothes or go to the salon. It also happens that the result of a photo shoot is not happy. To prevent this from happening, carefully choose a photographer, and then, together with your beloved, decide what kind of photo shoot you want. After all, shooting in an interior photo studio is one thing, but in nature it is quite another.

Overnight at the hotel

One of the most interesting options to celebrate an anniversary. Firstly, the situation itself is conducive to a romantic mood - the two of you come to the hotel, rent a beautiful room, order drinks and food there, light candles. The situation is unfamiliar, domestic issues do not need to be resolved. Secondly, you will know for sure that no one will disturb you. Mobile phones should be turned off beforehand.

  • Pros. Unusualness, intimacy of the situation.
  • Minuses. The cost of such a holiday can be very high. But it all depends on the hotel, of course.

Big screen for two

Rent a cinema hall in a cinema for one session. Order the right movie. You can sit anywhere and be completely alone. Romantic atmosphere guaranteed.

  • Pros. It will be a very unusual date.
  • Minuses. The girl may not like the movie. Or vice versa - she will like it too much, and she will forget that you are sitting next to her.

secret party

Invite your best friends and organize a party. Of course, keep everything a secret until the appointed day. In the morning, pretend that you forgot about the anniversary. And in the evening, bring her to the place where the holiday will take place. Enter your girl into the hall with your eyes closed.

  • Pros. A holiday made in your honor, but without your participation in the preparation, is always a pleasure.
  • Minuses. Responsibly approach the compilation of the list of invitees, one "wrong" person can ruin everything. And buy your girlfriend an outfit suitable for the holiday.

Romantic trip

This is the most exciting anniversary gift option. A walk through the streets of Prague or a kiss on the Eiffel Tower in Paris, or a ride on a Venetian gondola - everything is wonderful, choose what you like best. You will have a great time.

  • Pros. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time, unless, of course, you fly to Paris every weekend.
  • Minuses: Pleasure is not cheap.

Of course, not all ways to celebrate an anniversary are listed here. You can come up with many more interesting things yourself. By the way, some of the described options can be combined. Happy Holidays and Happy Anniversary!

When a married couple reaches their first anniversary - 1 year of marriage, the question immediately arises, where and how to celebrate the wedding anniversary? There are actually a lot of ideas and everything will depend on preferences, interests, character, customs. You can create your own tradition, which will be celebrated for 2, 3, 4, 5 years and so on, and then passed on to children, you can bring the most fantastic ideas to life, or you can decide on an exotic trip or an extreme parachute jump. The most important thing is to spend this holiday together and get the maximum of wonderful emotions from it.

Holiday for two

Of course, this is a holiday for a young family that has gone through a rather difficult stage in life, learned more about their soul mate and now deserves a celebration. It doesn't have to be a party to which relatives and friends are invited. For many, this is exactly the event that allows you to once again experience those wonderful emotions that overwhelmed the newlyweds at the wedding. There are some of the most popular options for how to spend an anniversary.

Home comfort and romance

  • Do not think that at home is boring and uninteresting, because the couple creates the atmosphere and mood on their own.
  • It can be a cooked romantic dinner, a room decorated with candles, photos from a wedding. This environment is able to bring new emotions into the life of a married couple, they belong to each other and these are precisely the moments to which one should strive.
  • If you want to diversify the evening and change the situation, and there is no particular desire to cook dinner, you can dine in a restaurant. Then go for a walk around the night city. Then return with her husband to a quiet, comfortable apartment, dream, make plans for the future and return the first wedding night.


  • This is a great excuse to go on a romantic trip. This will not only bring a lot of unforgettable moments, but also be remembered by a young couple for many years.
  • Such trips can become a real family tradition. When the kids are born, such trips will bring pleasure to the whole family.
  • In addition, such a tradition will help the family to get even closer, because every year they will have a pleasant and romantic vacation in a variety of places, and this obliges them to make common plans and discussions.

Theme party

  • For people who like to experiment, change images and try themselves in a new role, the most correct option is a theme party.
  • A young couple can become the heroes of a famous film, go back to childhood and plunge into a fairy tale.
  • You can go out into nature and arrange a photo session with friends in different images.
  • Maybe your husband loves football? Why not create a party with your own football team then.
  • When choosing a topic, the most important thing is to listen to each other, it should be interesting for both, including guests.


  • I want to jump with a parachute, but there was no suitable opportunity? So an anniversary is the perfect time to make a dream come true.
  • It can be ski resorts, surfing, diving, hiking in the mountains. The main thing on this day is to do together what brings happiness and joy.

With family and friends

  • A thematic idea can also be used here. It is great to arrange a photo session on this day, which will be remembered by everyone for a long time.
  • You can use the idea of ​​memories. When the room is decorated with photographs of the newlyweds. The period of meetings, preparations for the wedding, the wedding itself, the first photos of family life. Such ideas are very close and fill the couple with the most tender emotions.
  • It will be very interesting and beautiful if a couple creates something with their own hands in a pair. It can be porcelain painting, painting a picture, planting a flower or even a tree.
  • If the birth of a child is expected in the family, this must be captured. And when the family is just planning this wonderful moment, you can create a photo with a child, after the time has passed, such photos will bring quivering and tender memories.


  • We must not forget that a young couple should congratulate each other on this wonderful holiday.
  • These may not be expensive gifts, but they must be meaningful. A wife can embroider a handkerchief for her husband with his initials, knit a scarf or a warm jacket. Such things will speak of care and love.
  • The husband is unlikely to be able to knit or embroider, but it is absolutely possible to order a thing according to individual parameters.
  • It will be wonderful to write letters to each other. Remember what was, how wonderful it is now and about your dreams. Here you can say the most tender and reverent words, thank each other. These letters must be kept.

On this day, you should try to please your soul mate, then you will definitely get an unforgettable and wonderful anniversary.

The wedding day, even if it was many years ago, is a special event. Ideas for wedding anniversary - 1, 5, 20 ... - and another date will help you emphasize the significance of what happened and your relationship.

How to celebrate a wedding anniversary? Thinking about this, we remember how we once solemnly swore an oath of allegiance for life. Regardless of which date we celebrate, each of them is valuable. After all, this is a great opportunity to remind ourselves why we are still with our loved one and how many moments of happiness we owe to him. And you have a wedding anniversary coming up? How to mark an event? We offer 10 ideas on how to spend this day in a special way, so that it remains in memory for many years.

1. How to celebrate your wedding anniversary: luxurious and romantic

A romantic dinner for two combined with an evening at the theater is the perfect wedding anniversary idea for couples who love luxury and art. A woman will always appreciate a gourmet dinner in a restaurant where her beloved husband invited her. Moreover, perhaps, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we forget about the joy of being. Dinner at a restaurant will distract you from reality, and you will again feel that thrill of surprise, uncertainty, surprise and butterflies in your stomach. However, a wedding anniversary dinner does not have to be a surprise: you can decide in advance which restaurant to choose and what dishes to order. An addition to the evening can be a small piece of jewelry as a gift or good chocolate.

2. How to celebrate your wedding anniversary: return to the past

Close your eyes and think back to what your dates looked like a few years ago. The time before the wedding is a cloudless time for many, when there were many ideas about how to have a wonderful time together. Perhaps you remember going to the movies together, when you ate popcorn and washed down your kisses with a sip of Coca-Cola? Or maybe pizza in your favorite bar comes to mind, which you consumed with great excitement? When looking for ideas on how to celebrate a wedding anniversary, you can be inspired by similar moments from the past.

3. How to celebrate your wedding anniversary: sentimentally

If you are both romantics and like to reminisce about old times, the sentimental anniversary scenario will be the most suitable for you. You can simply sit comfortably on the couch or lie down on the bed in the bedroom and watch videos or photo shoots from your wedding. This is the perfect time to reminisce, talk and laugh about funny incidents. Perhaps talking about the old days will remind you why you fell in love with each other.

4. How to celebrate your wedding anniversary: do something new together

The celebration of the wedding day does not necessarily have to be related to the past. Wedding anniversary ideas may involve betting on something completely different, something you've never done together before. As is usually the case in relationships, some things start to get boring and the partners suffer from routine. Therefore, the celebration of the wedding day is a good occasion to renew the connection, the image of being together. May this anniversary be the first day of your new life! You can, for example, try the taste of Thai cuisine or go to karaoke together.

5. How to celebrate your wedding anniversary: have a relaxing spa

The two of you… Sauna, jacuzzi, relaxing massage… Such a scenario of celebrating an event can become a real pleasure for the body and spirit. Spouses get tired of everyday life and often forget about common moments of relaxation. Get out on your anniversary in a real spa and pamper your partner with a set of pleasant treatments.


How to celebrate your wedding anniversary:

organize a field trip

If the wedding anniversary falls on a warm season, a good idea is to celebrate it outside the home, in the bosom of nature, to organize something like a picnic for two. Pick a nice spot, spread out the covers, and enjoy the treats you've stocked up in your baskets. For a little more romance, bring champagne and strawberries with you.

7. How to celebrate your wedding anniversary: start acquiring new experience

What do you think about making your anniversary an opportunity to learn new skills? Why not? Sign up for some interesting training courses together. Shared cooking, rock climbing or diving can be a great experience and an opportunity to find a great hobby at the same time.

8. How to celebrate your wedding anniversary: have fun together

A good idea for a wedding anniversary is a game of mutual fulfillment of desires or, for example, recording and solemnly voicing the 30 best qualities of your other half. This is a very simple, not requiring material costs, but a very interesting way to spend this day with pleasure, even if you are tired after a hard day's work, and there is neither time nor energy for anything else.

9. How to celebrate your wedding anniversary: go somewhere alone

If there is a wedding anniversary coming up, then, thinking about how to celebrate it, many will probably think about going away together. This is really a great idea. There are many beautiful places in our country where you can spend an unforgettable day or several. A romantic walk along the beach, a joint contemplation of the scenery - these are good ideas for a pleasant date. If possible, you can get out and abroad. Maybe even to Paris, one of the most romantic cities in Europe. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities.

10. How to celebrate your wedding anniversary: piquant

Such a day is an opportunity to indulge in a little follies and rekindle feelings. Remember that this event is also the anniversary of the first wedding night, and it might be worth going this route. Beautiful lingerie, rose petals and red wine almost guarantee incredible emotions. The wife might think about preparing the entourage, while the husband might prepare a relaxing romantic bath for the two.

No matter how many years have passed since the date of marriage, interesting and successfully embodied ideas for a wedding anniversary will help spouses carry warm, close relationships filled with joy and love through their lives.