My sad story about dyeing my hair red from my old beauty blog. Who suits red hair?

Copper-haired, fiery-haired, with hair the color of chestnut or cognac... Reddish, reddish and fiery shades of hair have for some time now firmly established themselves on the world's catwalks, and on the pages of glossy magazines, and on city streets.

And no matter how changeable it is, bright colors are always “at the forefront”! Those who have at least once decided on a bold experiment with wild color claim that they immediately began to feel differently - more daring, relaxed, and self-confident. Whether the reason for this is flaming hair or simply “updating the image” is unknown, but the fact remains: more and more women prefer reddish-reddish hair tones.

Choosing paint to paint red

You have decided that you will dye your hair yourself. Of course, you have very solid arguments in favor: you do not depend on the availability of free time from the master in the salon, and the procedure will cost much less... Yes, yes, but only if you have coloring skills and are absolutely confident in the result ! But let’s imagine that this is not the first time you pick up a bottle of paint. Then it's just a matter of color choice! Be sure to ask the seller for a “palette” with multi-colored strands of hair. The lighter the original color of your hair, the more intense the dyeing result will be. And if the proposed new color is very different from the natural one, you should thoroughly weigh the Pros and Cons before deciding on such a “feat”!

Advice: if your hair is bleached or dyed a certain color, it is better to go to the salon.

Updating the shade

If you absolutely do not want to use dye, but are equally determined to update your “boring” hair color, there are tinting products at your service: balms, gels, mousses... Some are applied to wet, clean hair, others to dry (read the instructions carefully! ). On dark hair, tinting products will have a less noticeable effect than on light hair. And, of course, keep in mind that toning products are not dyes and after a while there will not be a trace left of them on your hair. But there is also an advantage to this: an unsuccessful color change will not cause significant damage to either your appearance or your mood! So you can try absolutely everything and risk nothing.

Tip: Tint may stain your arms, ears, neck and forehead. Therefore, wear gloves when painting and lubricate the skin with cream.

And the color will not “wash off”!

Modern hair dyes have a gentle effect, care for hair and do not damage it as much as previous generation products. And yet, any coloring is, without a doubt, stress for the hair. In order for colored hair to maintain a healthy appearance and shine, you need to use proven special hair care products. There are special lines that include shampoo, conditioner and hair mask - this is the usual “must-have” set. It may also include sprays and styling products. Moreover, there are separate lines for caring for hair colored in light and dark tones!

Red can rightfully be called the most insidious of the entire range of colors. Getting this fiery and very beautiful shade is incredibly difficult. This makes it much more difficult to maintain. It is red that fades and loses almost all its attractiveness much faster than other colors. When choosing this shade, first of all, always take into account your type of appearance, your own hairstyle and your skin tone. You should also be confident that you can touch up your hair color often enough if the color washes out.

If you are not yet firmly convinced that a fiery red color will probably suit you, then experiment with tinted shampoos. They allow you to color your hair without using ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. At the same time, you can wash off the paint after 7-14 days. As a rule, such balms are affordable. As soon as the intensity of the shade decreases, the hairstyle can be colored with other means. You should only wait until the color is completely removed if you don’t like the result at all.

Buy the most durable paint in the shade of red that suits you. When choosing, consider both the recommendations of professionals and user reviews. Always remember that no matter what color intensity you choose, the result will largely depend on the original shade and other characteristics of your hair. It is much easier for fair-haired and blondes to get the most saturated red, sunny and fiery colors. The color scheme on brunettes is neutralized by a dark color and, as a rule, appears as a pleasant burgundy or copper tint. Therefore, for dark hair, preliminary lightening is necessary, and for dyed brunettes, a washing procedure will be required.

When carrying out such a rather serious experiment as completely dyeing your hair red, you need the hands of a master. This is why you should go to a good salon. Carrying out this procedure at home can lead to a completely unexpected result: an uneven, doll-like or completely wild shade. It is worth seeking the help of specialists, especially in cases where the hair has already been dyed before. As an example, watch this video tutorial from the experts at L’Oreal Paris.

You can probably play around with natural dyes yourself at home. You can easily get a fiery color using orange or red henna. Following the instructions on the package will give you copper-red hair. But you are unlikely to achieve a deep burgundy or red tone. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that henna stays on the hair for quite a long time. It begins to fade only after 1-1.5 months. And it is also quite difficult for other permanent paint to “lay” on it.

If you still decide to get a fiery shade with henna, do not neglect the recommendations for improving the color:

  1. to obtain a fiery red glow, replace the boiling water required for diluting the powder with heated beet juice,
  2. You can also brew henna with a strong infusion of chamomile,
  3. You can also add one teaspoon of paprika and turmeric to the paste before applying.

Red and bright red fade and become discolored somewhat faster than other colors. Therefore, they require more frequent use, making their applications most suitable only for thick and very healthy hair. In addition, sunny shades are picky about many shampoos. You will have to purchase special masks and conditioners for colored hair.

Also note that many unnatural and aggressive shades of hair (fiery red, bright red, etc.) visually add age and even age. Only in rare cases are they suitable for women of Balzac age and older.

People with red hair experience increased attention. Natural color is usually accompanied by freckles, which often leads the owner to complexes.

Who suits red hair?

Recently, dyeing your hair red has become popular. It is a common belief that a person has fire not only on his head, but also in his heart, so men, anticipating an acquaintance with a passionate temperament, rush to win the attention of a fiery girl.

People with a strong character deliberately paint themselves red, so there are not as many of them as there are brunettes and blondes. They are not afraid to attract attention, be at the center of discussions and are ready to maintain the image of a medieval witch who was desired by the strong and feared by the weak.

Only 2–4% of the inhabitants of planet Earth have been endowed by nature with natural red hair color. However, many more people want to stand out from the crowd. The thirst for experimentation does not always lead to the expected results, and bringing out a bright color is not so easy. Who really suits red hair?

  • Dark-skinned girls are impressed by dark shades of red, caramel and honey tints.

Not all people can dye themselves such a bright color. It is contraindicated for older people whose hair has lost its own pigment and turned gray. Expression wrinkles are more clearly visible, and age-related folds are even more emphasized with bright shades. In combination with red hair, freckles and age spots begin to ripple, and the face merges into one spot with hair, which develops complexes about appearance.

Advice!Women with frequent blushing should refrain from wearing bright shades of red in their hair.

How to choose shades

To choose the right shade of red, first of all pay attention to your skin tone. Those with pinkish skin can safely dye their hair either light red or dark. Golden chestnut is perfect for a girl with an olive skin tone. Dark-skinned girls are better off giving preference to rich red-red flowers. Pale-skinned people are advised to pay attention to natural shades.

You should also pay special attention to cosmetics, they will preserve the color and protect the hair from the effects of external negative factors. Ombre on red hair needs regular correction. You should also pay special attention to cosmetics, they will preserve color and protect your hair from external negative factors. For haircuts, the ladder method, cascade and other multi-layer options are best suited.

Fair-skinned girls are recommended to play with honey shades; they look the most natural and calm. Blacks should look for colors like mocha, eggplant, mahogany and red. If you have an oriental appearance, you can complement the ombre technique with a chocolate or nut accent.

Advice! You should not perform the Ombre technique yourself at home. You can ruin not only the color, but also the structure of your hair. It's better to trust the professionals.

How to eliminate unnecessary redheads

Red color is the most durable color on hair. Its shimmer remains even after being completely painted over in a different dark color. Going into light colors is completely problematic. However, girls love to experiment with their appearance and the issue of eliminating red hair is also relevant in the world of the beauty industry.

At home, you can use proven folk remedies:

  • Hair mask of 2-3 lemons. Moisten the hair with citrus juice for several hours. It is washed off with warm water.
  • The crumb of rye bread is diluted with water and applied evenly over the entire length of the hair for an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  • In the morning, the hair is generously soaked in beer, and before going to bed, it is washed with laundry soap. You can add olive or castor oil to the drink to enhance the effect.

Unfortunately, home remedies are not always effective. It is better to go to a beauty salon, where specialists will remove the bright color with a special remover. But this procedure can ruin the hair structure and is not cheap. The professional product is applied to the hair for 15–20 minutes and lightens it by several tones at a time. Most likely, one procedure will not be enough and tinting will be required after it. Such a complex will harm the hair, so before eliminating the red color, you should think about hair treatment in advance.

Advice! The only way to get rid of red hair without harming your hair is with a stylish haircut. It will be short, but the hair will be completely renewed.

About the rules of dyeing red in the video

Finally: 5 interesting facts about redheads

  1. There is a strong opinion that Adam’s first wife Lilith, created by the Lord from clay just like Adam himself, had red hair. According to her husband, she had a bad character, since she claimed that she was no more stupid than him. As a result, God had to urgently create a second wife for the first man, less demanding and more obedient. According to another version, the first red-haired people began to be born from Lilith and Satan.
  2. In ancient Egypt, people with red hair were sacrificed to the sun god to obtain a good grain harvest. The reason for the association was the golden color of wheat ears.
  3. The Scots believe that underground fairies have fiery hair color, and people with hair of all shades of flame are their descendants and themselves have magical abilities.
  4. In Ancient Greece, the attitude towards people with such hair was twofold. On the one hand, fair-haired slaves, including red-haired ones, were especially valued on the slave market. On the other hand, it was believed that it was those with fiery hair who became vampires after death.
  5. There is a hypothesis that the word “Rus” itself was formed from the word “red,” since the Latin “russus,” which was the name for the Vikings, means “red.”

It’s an amazing thing: no matter how beautiful the hair color is, with rare exceptions, women are still unhappy with it. If your natural color is light brown, you want to dye your hair a burning brunette, while brown-haired women dream of light, soft hair. Hair color is a unique reflection of your soul and character, and the natural color does not always coincide with how you feel. But instead of giving in to despondency, you can bring the outside into line with the inside. How to change your hair from brunette to red at home?

Where to start changing your hair color?
Red is the color of bold, bright girls. You must have heard more than once such phrases as “a red-haired beast”, “red is not a hair color, red is a state of mind” and many others. Before you give your hair a fiery color, you need to decide on the sequence of actions. If you are a natural brunette, there will be practically no problems - you just need to buy a good dye a tone or two lighter than the desired color, and dye your hair. But if your hair has already been dyed, you will have to work hard: dyed hair does not accept dye, and the maximum you will get is a light shade, vaguely reminiscent of the one you are striving for. However, the problem can be solved: in order to change your hair color from brunette to red, you need to lighten your hair.

How to choose a lightening method?
There are two ways to bleach hair: bleaching and washing. Each method has its own individual pros and cons:

  1. Lightening is faster, but has a harsher effect on the hair, and turns it into a kind of “washcloth” - it becomes thin, “broken” and it is almost impossible to give it a healthy look if you do not use restorative balms and masks for a long time.
  2. The wash has a gentler effect on the hair, but it also has to be used up to ten times. Of course, it is best to carry out the washing in a salon - this way you will be sure that the product is of the best quality, however, at home, with due patience, you can do it no worse than the professionals. The most common washes - Estel "ColorOFF" or Vitalitys "ArtColorOff" - can help achieve the desired shade in 3-4 uses.
Of course, any hair lightening is entirely individual: for some, after using such products, the risk of losing hair increases, for others, on the contrary, their hair becomes better and softer. That is why it is recommended to lighten your hair in a salon for the first time, and switch to home lightening when you know exactly what your professional did and in what order.

How to lighten hair at home?
For classic hair lightening you will need:

  • 9% hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia;
  • Bowl;
  • a brush for stirring and applying the mixture (do not use metal tools - when oxidized, they can give your hair an absolutely unexpected shade!);
  • gloves;
  • towel.
Prepare a mixture of peroxide and ammonia and apply it to your hair with a brush. After this, wrap your head in a towel and do not remove it for 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the condition of your hair. If the color is natural or the painting was done once, it will take less time to lighten. And if you wear makeup for a long time, you need to keep the mixture on your head as much as possible. After lightening, you should rinse your hair thoroughly and use a restoring balm or hair mask. It is better to do the coloring after a few days so that the hair has time to recover a little.

To lighten with a remover, you will need everything the same, except that the peroxide and ammonia are replaced directly with the remover. It’s better to use a professional one - its price starts from 250 rubles, but you have a much better chance of maintaining the structure of your hair. There are several rules to follow:

  • the remover is applied exclusively to dry hair;
  • the product works within an hour;
  • after using the remover, do not dry your hair with a hairdryer;
  • It is not recommended to use the wash more than 2 times a month, however, if urgently necessary, this amount can be increased to 3;
  • You can dye your hair after it no earlier than 3-4 days later.
If you are afraid to use chemical compounds, you can resort to folk recipes. Of course, their effectiveness is somewhat lower, but the results may pleasantly surprise you. All washes made from natural ingredients must be thoroughly rinsed until the water runs clear.
  1. Kefir wash. Mix fatty kefir with a tablespoon of salt and vegetable oil and apply to hair for one hour.
  2. Egg wash. The basis of this composition is castor oil - one of the most effective means in the fight against color. 4 tbsp. This oil should be mixed with 3 beaten egg yolks, then applied to the hair for 45-50 minutes.
  3. Oil wash. Mix a glass of vegetable oil with 30g of margarine and heat over low heat to 30-35 degrees. This wash is considered the most gentle, since the use of oil helps restore the hair structure.
How to choose the right paint and repaint?
In order to correctly change your color from brunette to red, you need to choose the paint as accurately as possible. Of course, it is better to choose a product from well-known companies at an average price in order to protect yourself from purple or green hair - remover and cheap dye together can lead to unpredictable consequences. You also need to remember that the paint must be chosen a tone or two darker than the desired shade, so that instead of a fiery color, a clown color does not appear. And, of course, you should not abuse the frequent change of image with the help of improvised means - over time it may turn out that there is simply nothing to change. The story of a red-haired girl or how to ruin your hair in four years.

This post is a warning to all girls who will ever have the obsession of dyeing their hair red.

First, understand a few simple truths:

  • Henna for coloring dries the hair very much. You may not notice it after the first use, but if you use it constantly, your hair will become coarse and dry, like a washcloth. I am now talking about ordinary cheap Iranian henna in powder, without the addition of Basma and other evil spirits.
  • Hair dyes from the mass market are absorbed into the hair, gradually corroding your own pigment. If you just decide to stop dyeing your hair, your head will turn into an ordinary haystack.
  • The red color should NOT be COVERED with a dark color. Even after rinsing. At first they will stubbornly have a reddish tint, and then gradually wash out into red. If you wear makeup regularly, I don't mean tinting.
  • Red color does NOT suit girls with dark skin.
  • Cheap hair coloring tonic DOES NOT wash off completely. Never. Especially beware of girls with light hair color.
  • Never lighten your hair with Blondex to make the color “brighter”! The principle “I’ll apply it and immediately wash it off, just to lighten my hair a little” will certainly work, but after that, you can immediately say goodbye to your hair and get ready to cut it off after a while. For they will become like a washcloth.
  • If red really suits you, be prepared for the fact that even if you ever go back to your color, or change your color, you will DEFINITELY want to go back to red. It's like a drug if it really makes you happy.
  • If you want to get your color back after going red, no methods other than cutting your hair will help. The red color is unkillable.

Everything that was said above was tested on myself. My natural hair color is brown. Neither dark nor light.

Let's move on to my example - look and learn from my mistakes. Get ready, it will be long and tedious. Lots of photos and explanations.

The beginning of my "red story". Hair dyed with henna:

Everything here is very decent, but this is just the beginning... Unfortunately, there are no photos of henna-dried hair.

I apologize for the quality of the photo, but there are no others. Immediately after dyeing, the hair is dark, with a copper-reddish tint, but then the tint is washed off and you get the usual normal dark red color.

Same color after several washes:

I look at this photo with tears, well, WHAT didn’t suit me then???

When I entered my first year, I furiously cut off my length, on the advice of a crazy hairdresser, who said that my hair was splitting along its entire length. NOTHING helped. The hair split and continued to split, this is due to coloring, the length has nothing to do with it. And my hair only began to look worse, although I became considerably younger)

The photo shows the washable color Palette XXL Fiery Phoenix:

After that I decided not to wear makeup for a while. I also got a Dolbon haircut.


After some time, I painted Palett XXL Fire Phoenix and bangs again:

Color again with Palette:

You can observe that each time the color became more and more thermonuclear, and without any lightening. The hair was lightened by the dye itself. The quality of the hair became worse, but only when without dye. After each new dyeing, the hair became smooth and began to shine. This is due to the fact that the pigment completely disappeared from the hair and the dye filled the porous hair.

Afterwards, I got to Miss Yekaterinburg, where I was forbidden to dye my hair red, although before the casting I still managed to dye my hair, but this time Copper Titian from Londa, which was mentioned above.

After Miss Yekaterinburg, I put up with it for quite a long time and didn’t wear makeup, and then I decided to quit the red color. Naive Chukchi girl. I painted myself with paint Estel Love, color like Dark ash blonde:

As you can see, in the sun the hair turns red

At first everything looks very nice:

But then it seemed to me that my hair was too dark, and I wanted to become a “tangerine.” And then a “brilliant idea” came to my mind - to smear Blondex on my head and immediately wash it off. Like I won’t ruin my hair, and the color will become brighter.

Photo after lightening and painting from above with the Fire Phoenix:

through several washing procedures:

And here the quality of the hair deteriorated completely:

Beauty, isn't it?

And then I went to the south even before the heap and burned my bleached hair in the sun with improper care. I don’t have the most deplorable photo, because as soon as I returned from the south, I immediately dyed my hair, and again dark. But this time professionally Estel Essex paint, color like medium blond dark ash, something like that.

At first it was darker, without shine, but it washed off quickly enough.

That's all! From that moment on, I didn’t wear makeup anymore. But six months later my hair looked like this:

The top seems to be of decent quality, but the bottom is a sucky washcloth.

Why didn't I get my hair cut? I'm terrified of short hair. Because they are thin and like to curl and puff up in different directions. And in general, for me this is unfeminine and unacceptable... Well, you saw what my length was before the experiments began.

But at this length I am FINALLY! I decided to get my hair cut.

And now my head looks like this:

The photo shows just a clean head, washed with shampoo and conditioner, and blow-dried.

Of course, you still need to cut a lot to get your hair back to its original quality. Now the ends are dry, split and bleached. Compared to your own hair growing back:

So I will cut and cut and cut...

And the most annoying thing is that I had already absolutely decided that I would be tinted red again. Professional paint, and only from a good painter.

So, think before you dye your hair red and never lighten your hair with Blonde, especially before traveling to the South.

Beautiful hair to everyone! I hope my post was helpful!