A colorful description of how I found my love. Describe love. Often people in love have a violation of appetite and sleep.

Many cannot understand themselves and are looking for a description of love. We bring to your attention several options that will show you how to distinguish true love from affection, falling in love and other similar feelings that can connect two people.

How are feelings of love manifested?

The main difference between love and all other feelings is the complete absence of selfishness in relation to the object of love. In other words, the happiness of a loved one will be more important to a person than the opportunity to be with him if it suddenly turns out that the feelings are not mutual.

When a person is in love, he is demanding - he needs time, the attention of a loved one. The lover is self-sufficient - he only wants to do something good for the most important person in his life, to bring him joy. The wish for happiness takes an altruistic form, as in the song: “I wish you happiness, if not with me, then with another ...”

Strong feelings of love

If we consider love as the highest human feeling, then it is worth noting that it is impossible to consider love as a feeling in which the acceptance of another person does not extend to all levels. In the case of true love, it will manifest itself in the form of a pull with all the senses and organs of perception:

  • vision - a loved one is pleasing in appearance, seems to be the best, even if he is not handsome by generally accepted standards;
  • hearing - the voice of a loved one is always incredibly pleasant;
  • sense of smell - the smell of the body of a loved one is pleasant;
  • touch - constantly pulls to touch him, stroke, etc .;
  • taste - a loved one will always be the best in the world, even if he is not perfect in terms of technology.

Only if there is complete attraction, complete acceptance of character along with shortcomings (and not just the positive side, as in falling in love), can the feeling be considered love. As a rule, it is formed in a few years, and at the beginning, when everyone swears to each other in love, we are talking about falling in love.

Feeling first love

An interesting study was once conducted, which proved that a teenager under the influence of a feeling of love in his mindset is incredibly similar to a person who has mental disorders. Such a person really becomes wonderful, he is only interested in his own personal life, he is sure that no one has loved like that, and no one has suffered like that, and moreover, that there will be no other such feeling besides this feeling.

However, later, when time passes, it often turns out that it was nothing more than falling in love - although, of course, everyone remembers it all their lives.

It is the most influential, powerful emotion that any of us has encountered or experienced during our lives. These emotions encompass and affect all layers of our actions, thoughts, inspirations and aspirations. The elements of love intertwine and depend on each other, and, in most cases, are carried out on reciprocity.

Here is a chain of 10 points that make up true and holistic love:

Target- This can be considered the most difficult element of love. You give another person the right to occupy your life, to hold your emotions in your hands. You do not question your intention, you are firmly convinced that this will not harm you, and even vice versa.

Honesty- There are not true relationships in love that occurs without honesty. While some truths may be painful to expose and yet you show a willingness to put truth above self-preservation, this is a testament to love.
Tolerance- We are all predisposed to the peculiarities and quirks inherent in our personality. Often, however, such features can go across to your chosen ones. Tolerance allows these differences in actions or thoughts to be ironed out and accepts them in a different composition, as part of who they are, and not as an insult to who they are.

Forgiveness It is impossible to accept another person so intimately without getting hurt at some point or in some way. Forgiveness is the power and strength of "sacrifice", which turns out to indicate to us that this connection is more important than the one that was made.

Kindness as simple as it may seem, however, it is the food that helps relationships grow. Kindness recognizes a unique understanding of another person. This indicates gratitude and sensitivity in a relationship.

Security, although often difficult to develop and maintain in a relationship, security is closely related to trust. When you are secure in a relationship, the chances of envy and jealousy are less likely. Security disproves the notion that a partner can have something or someone else.

Understanding/Kindness - It's important to achieve understanding of your partner's motivations and values. True understanding and compassion recognizes that both sides, both the strengths and weaknesses of the other, are equally part of one common whole.

Commitment, while some may see it as a form of personal sacrifice, is actually quite the opposite. To be dedicated to the needs, needs and aspirations of your partner, you need to be truly noble and selfless.

Respect, it is important to avoid anything that will interfere with the personal growth of a partner, and then the success of your relationship. This is achieved in one way - by showing respect for the partner and the relationship, at all times, at all stages ...
This turns out to be possible. Perhaps it is worth thinking a little about these criteria ... Love and be loved, my dears, and let the Arithmetic of Love become as clear to you as the multiplication table!

Your feelings are so strong that it is difficult to express them in words. You feel that no words can convey the depth of your love. It seems to you that your loved one will feel it and understand you without words. The way you take his hand. By the way you look at it. But alas! Beloved (or beloved) does not see this. How to be here?


The best way to describe your Love is inspiration. Sometimes a person is laconic or shy, but Love transforms it. Beautiful words about love appear from somewhere, and it is simply not recognizable. Even his shyness or timidity disappears somewhere, this is already a different person! Sometimes there comes a moment when it is very important to say about your love, to express your feelings, but nothing comes to mind. In this case, you need to find inspiration. How to do it? The most important thing is to start. Getting started is the hardest thing. When you start speaking, the right words will come to your mind. You will be surprised where the words come from? But they will flow like a stream, like music, by themselves. Just as I write these words, representing a loved one. No need to think, choose words. When you start talking, you kind of turn on the faucet with water, and it flows. That's all.

But maybe you want to describe your Love not alone, but in writing. Here you can do the same - just start writing, imagining your loved one. And inspiration will come by itself. You may even be able to write poetry, although you have never tried to do so. And this is not surprising, because Love at all times inspired poets, musicians, writers and artists. You might even be creative, who knows?

If the right words don't come to your mind, you can simply recite verses that reflect your feelings. Or at your meeting, put on romantic music that will appeal not only to you, but also to your loved one. Who said, that Love can only be expressed in words? It can also be expressed through music.

You can express your Love and in another way. For example, take a few photos of your beloved (beloved), choose the best one, print it out and write on it "To the most charming girl on the planet that I love!" (or, for example, "To the best man I adore!"). True, there is one "but" here: the photo must be of really high quality and show your chosen one (darling) in a favorable light. Sometimes the best photographer won't see the model the way a loving person sees her.

Or you can just write in different languages ​​\u200b\u200b"I love you." Sometimes you don't need any descriptions, just express your feelings. And feelings can be expressed in different ways. After all Love- a huge scope for creativity and some ideas. You can write a confession under the window of your girlfriend on the pavement. You can sing a romance with a guitar. If you can draw, you can depict the object of your love as you see it. Can you express your Love doing Love Yu. And your loved one will understand you without words. This is also the music of love, because Love is also art. Love and be loved.

Love is a wonderful feeling that does not need confirmation. However, some people do not believe in the sincerity of the other person's feelings and ask for proof.


You can express your love in many ways. Talk to your soulmate, explain to her that she is the very center of the universe for you, that you cannot live a day without thinking about her. If you constantly want to be close to a person, and you don’t want to let him go a single step away from you, this is not love, but selfishness. But if all your aspirations are directed not at what you want, but at what your soulmate wants - this is the brightest and most sincere feeling. Tell your lover or sweetheart that you want him to be happy. Words are indeed very powerful weapons. If you manage to find the right phrases and pronounce them very sincerely, you can convey your love to a loved one.

Another way to express love is creativity. Some people, feeling in love, begin to experience inspiration. In a fit of emotions, they can write beautiful poems dedicated to their loved one, compose chic musical compositions or draw. Do something nice for your significant other and give it to her as a token of your true love.

In addition, you can write a frank letter to your partner or partner in your life, in which you describe everything that is happening in your soul. A message on paper is a sure way to convey your love, since you will write it gradually, you will always have the opportunity to re-read and correct something, supplement something. Start from the moment you met or first saw your loved one, tell about the emotions that you experienced at that moment. Continue to write your whole story in a letter, not in a narrative manner, but in a reasonable one. Let each event described be accompanied by your frank thoughts and feelings.

Remember that in fact, love needs to be conveyed not so much with words as with your behavior. You can say a lot of warm phrases, but then take an act that will prove the opposite. Treat your loved one with warmth and respect. Try not to hide anything from him, be honest and sincere. Spend more time together, do not get hung up on problems and petty domestic quarrels that probably happen between you. Show concern for your lover or lover. Such behavior is better than any, even the most touching and beautiful words, can convey your sincere love.

Modern man is a realist who invented a separate word for each type of car, but only one word "Love" to express the most diverse emotional experiences.

Erich Fromm

Let's write a love story!

Come on.) I'm always ready for love!

It's not what you thought! It's about feelings! All-consuming and gentle to love to the grave.

To the grave - this is a dezfik. Although I agree, some girly love stories can kill. So that the reader does not die of boredom, let's write passion and erotica!

What are you, gentle romance with hints of erotica makes hearts flutter and dream. Romance has always been and will always be a favorite genre of readers.

But the reader should be allowed to enjoy the hero's love victories. If he is “dynamized” all the time, then the excitement will disappear.

Not necessary. Gentle fluff, although many deny it, is read by the majority. It warms and makes the reader a little happier.

But we are talking about love! And love without sex as unimpressive as sex without love.

Passion is also tender. And don't overdo it - it's important.

"Understand" too. As in life, the characters need not to mumble if the “right” moment has come.

It would seem - how much is written about love, how much is written, but the majority perceive the variety of genres and types of love lyrics, like love relationships themselves - somewhere they heard, saw, composed something ...

We all read about love, and some also wrote about it. They wrote about tender and quivering, about passionate and hot, about tiringly beautiful and exhausting ... Admit it! Did you write?

But how often have you thought about the fact that love in literature has its own genres and directions? Above we argued about writing a love story and it turned out that both implied completely different types. Therefore, if you determine what kind of love stories you are going to write even before you start writing, then this may help with the storyline, and certainly the details in the header will help you find your reader.

Agree. Equally annoying as "gentle" critics who are sick of reading PVP-episodes and commentators making fun of the romantic fluff calling him "snot". To each his own, IMHO.

Despite the fact that a great many books have been written about love, it is still shouted loudly, whispered gently and moaned passionately. And I don't think they will stop doing it in the future. But love is so many-sided that works about it cannot be the same, but they can be of the same type.

But it's really interesting. For a person, love is so natural and necessary that he gives these feelings even to intelligent lizards and cyborgs. The absolute number of plots of world literature, if not revolves around love, then at least includes a conflict tied to it.

Yes, and sex - after all, nothing really new was invented for a very long time, but the same, in principle, simple process, with the desire and talents, can become art, and its description can become a bestseller.

"Fi," someone will tell me. – If the work is typical in the description of feelings, if the characters behave according to a certain pattern, then is it really interesting?!”

“Of course it's interesting! I will answer with enthusiasm. “After all, every writer puts his feelings, a piece of dreams, experiences and hopes into the work. A talented writer will give a new color to the colors of feelings, make the characters reveal emotions, confess love in a new way, prove its existence in hundreds of maddening ways.

Isn't it interesting to find out in one story another? In the end, in literature, as in life, the process is almost more interesting than the result;)

And if love has become annoying, it means that you are used to a passive role - just to receive or observe. It's time to change position.

"Here you go! And they said that love can be classified! - the indignant exclamation of the reader is heard.

I don't back down from my words. All love works can be divided into types or attributed to genres. And it's not writer's laziness or lack of originality that is to blame, but human psychology. Often the type of personality of the author, his worldview, life experience dictates how the character will love, and even how he will make love.

Yes, this sounds dry in theory, you may get the feeling that they are trying to shove the adventure into the instructions. But in fact, there is no more dryness in plot planning than in deciding whether to buy champagne or cognac for a date and whether to visit a sex shop.

I am touched by authors who worry that readers will project the described love perversions onto them. If you remember yourself in the process of reading the book, did it ever occur to you that the author himself personally experienced the events described or even simply would like to experience them? It's not necessary.

Well, of course, the author does not always draw characters from himself. Although this also happens. But more often, certain patterns of perception work, and in the head of the writer some of the possible options for the development of love relationships are formed.

I often hear from the authors: “My hero cannot behave differently, if the story is rewritten, it will not be the same.” Apparently, this is true, and each of us creates in certain genres, writing out love difficulties or fluff joys for characters. But only until ... until we ourselves change: we absorb new experiences, grow up, become disappointed or find new love. And then the author will slide his pen across new genres, trying on new worlds, events and hopes for the characters.

That is, do you think that it is possible to change the line of behavior of the hero (I don’t mean fanfiction, where OOC is evil) only by changing yourself? Disagree. I have witnessed how they write in an unusual genre, for example, by application or for a competition. I saw how the author simply takes a goal - to learn - and goes to it, trying chips and personal finds along the way.

The fact that in fan fiction the characters should be "in character" and fandom logic is natural. And the "blunders" of behavior are a consequence of the hero's underdevelopment. By the way, we have a good article, how to create a character.

I have met people who are talented in writing different genres of love stories, but still, it seems to me that everyone has their own “trick”.

Let's still deal with such a complex phenomenon as the love genre.

Romance in one way or another, it is present in all works where it comes to love as a feeling. Romance- this is admiration, this is a love relationship - even if the characters are embarrassed to admit it. The lyrical part of love, in general. Contrary to some slipping information, romance is not necessarily a happy ending, it is unpretentious and gets along great with both angstom (Almond , « ”), as well as action(Serpens_Subtruncius, " In one breath”), and with fluff(Uphemia , « Not today?») . In principle, it can be observed even in dezfik and dark.

Fluff - not necessarily a love genre. This is rather information for the reader that the plot will be soft, not dynamic and cozy ( Li Nata, « Present») . Fluff "smooths" the peaks, so fluff erotica is hard to rank higher R , and angst or other moments that cause emotional unrest and discomfort are not compatible with life for fluff - as a rule, fluff dies.

Similarly, it is not fully a love genre.Hart/comfort , which means suffering/comfort. The fact is that not necessarily the Dragon in love saves the Princess from the Humpbacked Horse that torments her, but the mutual assistance of friends may well be described, although our fanfictioners can readily spot a love relationship even in this case. Suffering/comfort is one of the favorite genres in love stories ( Almond , « Maria Mirabella»).

There is also a rather rareER - Established Relationship - which means "established relationship" (Mad Count, " Family and other troubles. Minis "). Such a story is necessarily, if not a fanfiction, then at least a continuation of an already existing work. EP-ku is written when the author forgot to say the “last word” or if the readers see contradictions in the final pairing, and the author tries to show and prove that everything is fine (albeit sometimes strange), the relationship is settled, peace and love.

PWP - pornography. The author wants to write sex and he fucking writes it (RossomahaaR, " Sweet dreams"). Good or bad - it depends on the author himself, but that the plot will definitely revolve around the central bed scene - there is no doubt. PVP there are both independent experiments of originalists, and fans of fic-pairings or individual characters. Despite the decoding of the abbreviation "Plotless porn", you should not delude yourself - no one has canceled the laws of logic, physiology, anatomy, justify it should be at least dotted, and OOS kills the very target of the PVP-shki on the spot.

It would seem: everything is covered - you can safely navigate, choosing love to your liking ... And you immediately have to stop yourself, because a protest arises. Not so simple! Especially when it comes to sex. If there are bed scenes in an adventure-love novel, why not write “romance and pvp”? And if in this very erotic scene one partner eats the other, is it worth somehow marking for the impressionable reader that not everything is so joyful? Therefore, special notes were invented, if necessary, explaining the composition of the added "spices".

curtain story - a kind of EP-ki with game elements. The characters behave in an exaggeratedly everyday manner, participate in a routine activity, as if outside the active plot (Dragon Beishe, "Blizzard again"). The reader's attention is occupied by a possible or smoothly ongoing flirtation before this story. In "curtain stories" an important role is played by the element of surprise, chance, a destabilizing situation, due to which the peak tension of the story arises.

YUST - UST (Unrealized sexuality) - a story with such a mark must be written out, because the characters do not enter into erotic, and sometimes romantic relationships, despite the "sparks". Of course, in such stories, a considerable share is occupied by the experiences of the hero who wants, but for some reason cannot even confess to the object of love in feelings. Whether it's timidity, or a piece of toffee that stuck its teeth together, or a deadly incompatibility of characters - it doesn't matter (Nerea, "Out of the rules») .

Lemon - usually midi or maxi, in which, in addition to its own plot, the author pays enough attention to erotic rating scenes fromRand above (Darkflight, "")

If the author saturates the work with erotic scenes without describing them in detail, that is, he firmly adheres to the ratingPG-13, then such a novel can be marked with the mark "lime ". Like a lemon - but small and green (Alizeskis, "Nameless»).

Another "citrus" term - "grapefruit ". As you might guess, the fruit is "bitter" - that is, as in the case of the "lemon", there is quite a lot of rating sex, but often the sexual scenes described in the plot can be classified as violence.

Against this background, the termvanilla ' seems harmless.Some even confuse it with fluff.And indeed - "vanilla" stories, as a rule, describe mutual love with attributes of romance and tenderness. That's just the term "vanilla" itself is a warning for stories posted on the resources of BDSM communities or implying a canon dark or BDSM relationship.

Actually,bdsm (bandage-discipline-sado-maso). Everyone knows at least a little term, a kind of role-playing games in humiliation and submission. Itself has a very non-poor range of species. Most often it implies sexual games with the infliction of suffering by one partner to another, but it is necessary - either voluntarily or with forced consent. Usually the characters use tools for games, but there are times when the “top” goes around for torture with his own body (Aress, “ Daniel»).

Home discipline similar to BDSM, but not it. In works marked DD, one partner punishes the other for wrongdoing, usually with sexual elements of violence.

Kink - note,meaningthat the character's sexual tastes or behavior do not fit standard deviations. In other words, exotic perversions. A kink can be a description of sexual relations, for example, mutants, or characters whom the author endowed with the power of imagination with tentacles, a vagina in the palm of his hand, a half-meterlanguage and so on (Dragon Beishe, " Experiments»).

Wow, how many interesting things we remembered! By the way, in the examples given, it is clearly seen that the gender of the characters does not affect the genre or type of love work. And, of course, the absolute majority of authors and readers are well aware of the symbols for types of love interaction:

geth (from "heterosexual") - this term promises us a heterosexual type of love relationship between heroes. The reader can be sure that the lovers will be of different sexes.

Although the authors are now such entertainers - they can play gender reassignment,genderswitch ( gender switch) . The characters in the story change gender (not to be confused with the original character gender change in fanfic!)This plot twist often provokes comical situations and emotional experiences. If there is a gender change in your work, feel free to write a warning about it.

Yes-ah-ah ... I remember I wrote a gender switch, where two guys turned into girls at the same time. And he could not determine the type of relationship: psychologically - het, outwardly - femme, but in fact - slash.

slash - this type of fan fiction contains descriptions of sexual relations between characters of the same sex, male. If the author chose female characters for the love story, then the heading of the work should be decorated with the note “fe mslash ».

Slash is, after all, a sexual relationship. Even when they are not described, they are implied to have happened. For tender stories about suddenly flashed love people of the same sex while without erotic moments there is a mark “preslash” (regardless of whether women are characters or men).

Pre-slash , preslash - says that the romantic homosexual relationship between the characters is only in its infancy. There may be hints that in the future the relationship will cross the line of friendship.

Use terms: "yaoi ", if love overtook male characters, or "yuri ”, if passion and tenderness swallowed up female characters, it makes sense only in fan fiction based on works of Japanese animation.

Well, it seems that they covered everything ... Both boys and girls, and something in between. They even mentioned the kink - in case of sex with beautiful (or not so) aliens. Although you can get extreme, realizing that some use dogs and sheep as a beautiful alien.

The reader must be warned about unusual sexual relations between the characters.under "Warning":

Omegaverse - works about the heroes of universes invented by the author, where the population is divided into three sexes: "alpha", "beta" and "omega", and the base for all omegaverse sexes is an ordinary woman, or - more often - a man. The attitude of the hero to one of the sexes often predetermines the entire plot of fanfiction. Of course, understanding that the author forces the characters of the omegaverse universe to have sex with each other, one cannot help but notice that we have a special form of slash here. Omegaverse tells about the relationships of a same-sex society, in which the functions of women (bearing and raising children, and sometimes washing dishes) are shifted to omega men (an ersatz of a classic charmer with a penis). The storylines of the omegaverse are often tied to male pregnancy, orMPreg ( Dragon Beishe, flock» ).

incest – the author describes love relationships and sexual relations between close blood relatives (parents and children, brothers and sisters) (lolimilk, “ addiction war"). If in the work the relationship is tied between the twins, then there is a need for the label "Twincest » (contamination "Twin" - "twins" (eng) and "incest" - "incest" ) (Nerea, " Tea for... three»).

Chancelash - this mark is given to works that describe acts of a sexual nature in relation to minors, in other words, pedophilia. Work related to this type of work is prohibited for placement on the territory of the Russian Federation and on our portal.

bestiality - the term is interpreted as "a person's attraction to animals, or the recognition of animals as sexually attractive." However, this warning is often used in fantasy and science fiction fanfiction, where the character is endowed with the morphological features of an animal. The use of this technique allows the authors to consider love in a more primitive form or endow the characters with unusual properties, character, and appearance.

Hmm, I wonder where "animality" ends - for example, in the case of sex with a mermaid? Or, say, with a dragon that has two forms...

By the way, I would also like to mentionxenophilia - exactly the same case with a beautiful alien. Sexual relations with non-terrestrial organisms (Shinmaya aka Fred) . Xenophilia is often combined with kink - well, you know - the character upgrade composed by the author for comfort can be really shocking.

Necrophilia - the mark warns that the characters are attracted to and / or involved in sexual intercourse with corpses. The works of this group may consider necrophilia as a kind of fetishism, a disorder of sexual preference, or the glorification of love for a dead body. It is possible to attribute such relationships to love only conditionally.

Oh, while we were talking about labels and warnings placed by a caring author, we completely forgot about the fanfiction that we wanted to write. So what will the new work be like: soft-fluffy or viscous-passionate, with shades of mental suffering or flashes of pain? Or maybe you will invent something unusual, trying to convey in a new way such a many-sided, but such love inseparable from human nature?

I think we will have a "lemon" with fairy tales, erotica and action. Let it be beautiful, and the heroes feel good - after all, they deserve to be happy.

Now, having conceived a new adventure of heroes, I will not forget the described genres, types and warnings. I'm afraid that some of them can also knock in nightmares.

But still, I propose to write about love from the heart, turning feelings into the faces of characters dear to you, into plots of wandering through love labyrinths - into happy and sad endings of stories. After all, writers, like artists, received a wonderful ability as a gift - to revive words, thoughts and feelings, transferring a particle of themselves onto the canvases of works.