Taking care of yourself during pregnancy. Skin care of the face and body during pregnancy and after Pigmentation: expectant management

Shining eyes, elastic skin and shiny hair betray a woman's little secret to others. As for the choice of cosmetics, we can reassure you: most of them are suitable for pregnant women.

Cosmetic products such as creams, lotions, deodorants that do not contain alcohol, parabens and other preservatives have a particularly mild effect on the skin.

A woman is always worried about how she looks, but during pregnancy this issue is especially acute. The figure is changing rapidly, and the usual procedures, such as makeup or hair coloring, visiting a solarium or epilation, can lead to unusual consequences or are not recommended by a doctor...

daily shower

A warm jet of water (approximately 37 ° C) gives a lot of strength and energy, while sparingly affecting blood circulation. Under these conditions, you can take a shower as often as you like. But with soaps and gels, be sparing so as not to overdry the skin. Neutral ph shower products, formulated with emollient oils, stimulate the skin's natural defenses. After the water treatment It is recommended to apply a body cream that has emollient, moisturizing or protective properties.


Pregnant women can safely enjoy the relaxing effect of the bath, but do not continue the procedure. Hot, over 38 ° C, the bath helps to increase the internal temperature of the mother's body, and with it the temperature of the fetus. In order not to increase the risk of pathology, this rule must be observed especially carefully in the first three months of pregnancy.


Due to the increased level of estrogen, more fluid accumulates in the tissues. It becomes noticeable not only in your body, but also in your face. Wrinkles disappear, the skin looks smoother and rosier. However, the effect of estrogen is not always so beneficial. Expectant mothers may feel especially when this hormone causes an increased work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, thereby provoking the appearance of acne and blackheads. Most often, women who already have a tendency to acne complain about the deterioration of the skin condition.

But you should beware of cosmetics containing fruit acids, vitamin A or salicylic acid. There is a suspicion that these ingredients in high concentrations can harm the baby or cause premature birth.


Many women suffer from dry and flaky skin. If even before pregnancy you had mild neurodermatitis, now the condition may worsen. Relief will bring not only nourishing creams, lotions or body oils, but also drinking plenty of water. Therefore, throughout your pregnancy, you should drink at least 2.5 liters of mineral water or diluted juices daily.

Now your constantly growing belly also needs special care. After all, the skin in this place must withstand extreme stretching: by childbirth, the volume of the abdomen increases to an average of 100 cm.

Natural botanicals (such as apricot kernel or wheat germ oil, almond or sesame oil) protect overworked skin. Purposefully applied along with daily pinching massage, you can prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

The skin of the face during pregnancy, as a rule, also looks better than before: the tendency to oiliness decreases, acne practically does not appear.

However, if your skin is naturally dry, it may need extra hydration now. Choose gentle care products, do not use tonics and lotions that contain alcohol, and protect it from additional overdrying.


Often during pregnancy in women, especially brunettes, age spots appear on the face. Almost symmetrical areas of darkening, the formation of which is caused by the action of hormones, appear on the forehead, cheeks, temples and cheekbones in the form of a mask, which is called "chloasma".

Usually, there is no trace of these spots after 3-4 months after childbirth, but it is almost impossible to prevent their occurrence during pregnancy.

Try not to expose your face to direct sunlight and use special protective creams. In case of pigmentation, you can use whitening cosmetics recommended for expectant mothers.

Some home remedies can also help you - masks made from a mixture of grated apple, egg yolk, olive oil and honey, or juice from fresh calendula leaves.

Increased pigmentation will also affect some areas of your body - for example, the areola will become darker, scars may darken, and the vertical line on the abdomen will become more noticeable. You should not worry because of this - after childbirth everything will return to normal.

Stretch marks

Most expectant mothers are worried about the possibility of stretch marks on the skin - stretch marks that can turn into scars. From the occurrence is caused by the fact that in the process of an inevitable increase in the volume of some parts of the body, microdamage to the fibers of the connective tissue occurs. However, in most cases it is quite possible to prevent their formation.

Pay special attention to your body if your skin tends to develop these light pink or white lines - you may have developed them during adolescence, when body size increased rapidly, or with a rapid increase in body weight.

This tendency is often a family trait, so if your next of kin develop stretch marks during pregnancy or when gaining weight suddenly, you should now take all measures to prevent them in yourself.

First of all, watch your weight: a rapid increase in volume, both during pregnancy and in the normal state, can cause overstretching of the skin.

You can help your skin maintain its elasticity by using special cosmetics for pregnant women. Body care products containing elastin, almond milk, wheat germ oil or jojoba oil will help you with this. You can also make your own oil blend.

After pouring oil or squeezing cream into the palm of your hand, apply the product to clean (preferably slightly damp) skin of the abdomen, waist and thighs and rub gently. Gently massage the cream or oil mixture into your skin in a gentle circular motion.

If your uterus is in a normal state of tone, then you can rub your stomach and thighs with a terry towel or pinch your stomach until the skin turns pink.

Regular abdominal strengthening exercises, good support for a growing tummy, and contrast showers will help you keep your skin toned throughout your pregnancy.

Breast changes

As soon as its size becomes larger than usual, immediately pick up a more comfortable bra - good support will save the bust from sagging.

Exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles that support the breasts will help you maintain their shape, while contrast showers and rubbing special creams will maintain skin tone and prevent the formation of stretch marks.

If you are not allergic to aromatic oils, you can use them for daily care of your bust. Apply the product with the palm of your hand with outstretched fingers on the skin of the breast near the nipple. After that, rub the cream or oil with light movements in the direction from the nipple to the shoulder.


If you usually get rid of unwanted body hair with hot wax bioepilation, you should consider the fact that if you are prone to varicose veins, additional heating of the shins can only hurt you now. But the hair on the hands or face to remove in this way is quite acceptable during pregnancy.

Do not resort to electrolysis!

Doctors have an ambiguous attitude to the use of hair removal creams. Although their harmful effects on the child have not been proven, try not to use them too often, especially in the bikini area. But regular shaving is completely safe for you now, do not forget about good skin hydration.

Peeling: benefits for blood circulation

Women who take a special bath for peeling the whole body not only remove obsolete epidermal flakes, but also take care of good blood supply to the skin. After this wonderful beauty treatment, the skin responds especially well to caring lotions, creams and oils. It becomes more elastic and resistant, which protects you well from the harmful effects of the environment.

Excessive sweating is completely normal

With the onset of pregnancy, the activity of the sweat glands becomes more intense. This can lead to increased sweating and increased body odor. Along with a mild deodorant, it is recommended to use body powder, which absorbs sweat like a sponge.

Sunscreens and tanning products

Increased skin pigmentation during pregnancy is caused by the formation of a large amount of MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone), which activates skin pigment cells (melanocytes). Due to an excess of the hormone, you will get not only a more intense tan, but, sadly, ugly brown spots on the skin. They are especially bright on the face after you have been in the sun. Sunscreens with a high protection factor can be your assistants in solving this problem. Be careful: if you are sunbathing in your native climate zone, then a protection factor of at least 20 is quite suitable for you. But in the event that you decide to bask under the hot southern sun - at least 50. In any case, sunscreen will protect you from burns and will serve to prevent age spots. If the latter still appear, do not be discouraged: already in the first days after childbirth, the skin in problem areas will turn pale again. In most cases, when the baby is 4-6 weeks old, the age spots on the mother completely disappear.

The use of tanning creams does not cause any objections from doctors. And during pregnancy, you can get yourself a beautiful tan from a tube. After all, the active substances of such products act exclusively on the surface layer of the skin, deep penetration into the body does not occur. Just remember that tanning creams are not able to fight age spots, on the contrary, they further strengthen them.

Caution: Vitamin A

Stop taking vitamin A (retinol) supplements that “sun tan”. During pregnancy, an increased amount of this vitamin (over 10,000 IU 1 per day) can harm the baby and cause various defects in its development. With a balanced diet, the limit of the norm is not exceeded, therefore, additional vitamin A should not be taken.


Under the influence of hormones produced during pregnancy, in most expectant mothers, the hair begins to look just great. They fall out much less, acquire a strong shine, and the hairstyle becomes more magnificent. However, they will now require special attention.

If you have long hair with split ends, after a thorough shampooing, apply a special moisturizing balm to them.

Owners of dry hair for their additional strengthening can be advised to rub olive oil into the scalp an hour before taking a bath.

Try not to over-dry your hair.

As for shampoos, rinses, masks that nourish or strengthen hair, they are safe. You can continue to use your favorite products in peace. You need to proceed from the fact that if you tolerated them well before, then they will not cause you allergies or skin irritation now. However, sometimes there is a need to change the usual hair cosmetics. This is due to increased production during pregnancy of the hormone estrogen, which directly affects the hair. They can become either thicker, lush and shiny, or, conversely, lose their luster, thin out and look greasy. At the end of pregnancy, along with a decrease in estrogen levels, a short period of increased hair loss occurs - this will pass in a few weeks.

Coloring and permanent waving of hair is also given the green light. Only use chemicals that are considered safe for your child. But if you want to get one hundred percent guarantees, then it is better to refuse staining in the first three weeks of pregnancy. In the end, you can do without chemistry: it is quite capable of replacing tongs, curlers, vegetable paint or, in extreme cases, tonal shampoo.

Hair coloring

If you routinely dye your hair with chemical dyes, your doctor will advise you not to do so for the rest of your pregnancy.

Although no research has been conducted in this area, it is still better for the expectant mother to refrain from this, especially since now you have an increased risk of developing allergic reactions even to those substances that were calmly tolerated before pregnancy. The drying effect of the dye can also negatively affect the condition of your hair, which is already drier than before.

Many doctors these days advise women to abstain from coloring their hair altogether, or to use permanent dyes as little as possible.

Thus, American and Swedish researchers have found an increased risk of cancer, in particular bladder cancer, in women who regularly dye their hair for five years. And their British colleagues warn of an increased risk of cirrhosis of the liver.

Hairdressers who specialize in coloring and perming hair are also affected.

You can give your hair the desired shade using natural dyes - henna and basma, infusion of chamomile flowers, sage or red oak, as well as masks, which include strong coffee. These same tools will help hide gray hair.

Also, highlighting and coloring is not contraindicated for you, in which the hair will not be dyed from the very roots.

A haircut

One of the common folk beliefs forbids expectant mothers to have their hair cut.

Now you can not only get a haircut, but you also need it, because well-groomed hair always makes a woman feel at her best.

Moreover, after the birth of a child, many mothers refuse long hair that requires special care and complex hairstyles, preferring simple haircuts, so it might be worth starting the search for a new look now.


Caution should be exercised in the use of epilator creams: the individual components that make up their composition are able to penetrate through the skin and have a negative impact on the development of the child. Alternatively, use pure natural creams or wax, which can bruise your skin during pregnancy. There is basically no objection to shaving with sterile blades, as long as you don't hurt yourself. In this case, firstly, there will be a danger of infection, which may result in the need to take antibiotics, and secondly, the bleeding will be very profuse, since blood vessels dilate during pregnancy.

Since to date there is no scientific data on the effect of laser hair removal on the fetus, it is better to refuse it for preventive purposes. Any kind of electrolysis: electrolysis, thermolysis, diathermy, blend method, etc. - temporarily remains banned.

Nail polish and lipstick

Your lips and nails can retain their natural color: the use of nail polish and lipstick during pregnancy is not a concern. Although varnishes and varnish removers contain toxic substances, their quantity is so small that the possibility of their negative impact on health is assessed as unlikely. When you paint your nails or remove varnish, you just need to open the window and keep your hands away from your face to prevent inhaling high concentrations of fumes and odors. If you want to grow your nails, then go for it! Just pay attention to whether there is sufficient ventilation in your cabin? The room should be well ventilated so that you cannot breathe in harmful fumes there. There is one more nuance: there is a possibility that, due to the hormonal changes in your body, extended nails will not hold very well.

For childbirth - without varnish

Before childbirth, nail polish and artificial nails must be removed. This will protect you in case of complications. Doctors press on the nail plate. Within 2 seconds, the blood supply should be restored, and the skin under the nail should turn pink again. If this does not happen, doctors will recognize low blood pressure and related cardiovascular problems.

body decoration

Piercings and tattoos will not harm you if they were made before pregnancy. But by the end of pregnancy, the earring in the navel will stick out and just start to interfere with you, because the tummy will become very bulging. Therefore, the decoration from the navel will have to be removed in a timely manner, as well as from the nipples.

If there is a need for a caesarean section, then metal jewelry, wherever they are, must be removed. And it's not just a hygiene requirement. The fact is that with anesthesia using a breathing hose, you may be harmed by a piercing in your mouth. However, the danger is fraught with all other decorations. In the event that the cut of tissues or the sealing of vessels is carried out with the help of electricity, metal objects will clearly harm you. Your body is a good conductor. The electricity will easily reach the jewelry, which will burn the surrounding skin area.

You will say: “If you need to remove the piercing, you will have to say goodbye to it forever. After all, the punctures will overgrow!” Don't worry, it's not all catastrophic. Here's one tip for you: remove the earring and insert a plastic tube into the vacated hole. Cut it to the desired diameter and wear it until the moment when you can return your favorite jewelry to its usual place.

It is strictly forbidden to make a stylish tattoo or a new puncture during pregnancy. Through skin lesions, pathogens can enter the body, causing bacterial infections and infectious diseases (including hepatitis C or AIDS). When applying a tattoo, the possibility of allergic reactions to paints and inks cannot be ruled out. Often this is manifested in the development of circulatory disorders: the pulse and breathing become more frequent, the pressure drops, dizziness, nausea begin, and loss of consciousness is possible. All this will have an extremely negative effect on the child, since his oxygen supply will be disrupted.

In the event that your tattoo adorns your back at approximately the level of the hips, there may be problems with epidural anesthesia (PDA), which is now often done during childbirth to reduce pain. It is at this point that the anesthesiologist must insert a puncture needle between the vertebrae to ensure the flow of anesthetic. Allergenic or poisonous coloring pigments from a tattoo, together with a needle, can penetrate into the sensitive cavity of the spine. In such cases, toxic reactions and neurological complications are possible.

Out of caution, many anesthesiologists refuse to give PDA if there is a tattoo at the injection site.

Glasses are also decoration

Women who wear contact lenses should change their attitude towards them during pregnancy and remember the old proven remedy - glasses. Increased accumulation of fluid in the body often affects the thickness and shape of the cornea, which interferes with the correct fit of the lenses. And towards the end of pregnancy, dry eyes often appear, which can cause discomfort. You can get out of the situation with the help of glasses - you will not wear them for long, only until the birth. You can get more detailed information from the optometrist, who will have to check both your vision and the fit of the lenses. He will also check your glasses again. Wearing contact lenses until the very birth can lead to complications: for example, during strong attempts, vessels in the eyes may burst.

During pregnancy, all organs are subject to certain changes. This also applies to the skin. Skin problems during gestation occur on average in 90% of women and in most cases are of a physiological nature. However, they often cause a feeling of anxiety, discomfort and dissatisfaction with their appearance.

Skin condition

Some women experience excessive hair growth on the body, oily skin on the face and scalp, acne rashes, mainly in the area of ​​the forehead, wings of the nose, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, upper chest, which indicates a violation of the skin microflora and the function of the sebaceous glands. .

During pregnancy, reddening of the skin in the form of red spots (erythematosis of pregnancy), reddening of the palms and feet, the appearance of pigmented spots, the development of atrophic scars in the abdomen and lumbar region (pregnancy striae), and increased sweating are also possible. In other cases, on the contrary, women notice that their skin has become very dry and flaky, they are worried about the increased sensitivity of the skin and itching, sometimes painful, most pronounced on the arms, in the region of the anterior abdominal wall and mammary glands. The area of ​​the face and hands is especially flaky.

All these conditions are associated with a change in the body's general hormonal background, the concentration of hormones and their ratio - androgens, progesterone, estrogens, prolactin, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating, thyroid and adrenal hormones.

Especially common, causing significant discomfort and anxiety, is itching, which occurs in 19-20% of all pregnant women. It is considered as a mild pain stimulus of pain receptors. These stimuli are so weak that they are not identified by the nervous system. There are generalized (spread throughout the body) and localized (for example, in the anus, itching of the vulva) forms. Both can be due to various reasons.

Feeling itchy

The most common causes of itchy skin during pregnancy are:

  • Instability of the psycho-emotional sphere, neuropsychiatric disorders (psychogenic itching). In these cases, even ordinary minor irritants are perceived as itching. This especially happens in the evening and at night, at rest, when the cerebral cortex is not exposed to other significant stimuli. Itching occurs mainly on the inner surface of the arms and thighs, as well as in the axillary and groin areas.
  • The use of synthetic linen and woolen clothing, scented pads, alkaline antibacterial agents.
  • A rapid increase in body weight, multiple pregnancy, leading to ruptures of connective tissue fibers and the formation of stretch marks, fluid retention in tissues. Most often, these causes lead to itching in the area of ​​the mammary glands, abdomen, inner thighs, and lumbar region.
  • Excessive sweating and insufficient adherence to hygienic measures for the care of the skin.
  • Development or worsening of the course of already existing diabetes mellitus, biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis. So, for example, an increase in the concentration of estrogens in the blood can contribute to the stagnation of bile, which leads to an excess content of bile acids in the blood, causing itching. An increase in the uterus and an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity also disrupt the outflow of bile from the liver and gallbladder into the duodenum.
  • An alteration in the balance of sex hormones that can cause dry skin during pregnancy leading to itching. The same reason can slow down the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers, which leads to impaired extensibility and elasticity of the skin, to ruptures of connective tissue fibers with irritation of skin receptors, itching and the formation of striae. Dry skin during pregnancy can also be the result of insufficient fluid intake, especially with excessive sweating, or be a symptom of hypothyroidism or a latent diabetes mellitus.
  • Iron deficiency, allergic reactions and intolerance to drugs taken alone or prescribed by doctors during pregnancy (vitamins, for example, folic acid, antibiotics and antibacterial agents, and even antihistamines, etc.), as well as food that before pregnancy might not cause no allergic reactions.
  • Provoking by pregnancy a more severe course of some latent current autoimmune diseases. The most common such disease is dermatomyositis.
  • Development or recurrence of the course of existing ones.

Development of dermatosis during pregnancy

Physiological itching, that is, due only to the usual hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, is most often localized in the back, mammary glands, abdomen, palms and feet. It is very important to correctly carry out its differential diagnosis not only with that in various pathological conditions (diseases of the liver and kidneys, blood vessels, hematological pathology, HIV, reactions to beta-blockers and estrogens, general dermatoses, etc.), but also often occurring specific dermatosis of the period of pregnancy.

The most common and important pruriginous (itchy) dermatoses of pregnancy include:

Pregnancy itching

It is observed in the first trimester and is not caused by cholestasis, that is, not associated with the pathology of the synthesis, secretion and excretion of bile or its constituent components into the small intestine. The reason has not been established. The influence of prostaglandins, which lower the threshold of sensitivity to non-intense irritations, is assumed. The sensations are generalized in nature and are accompanied by an increased content of bile acids in the blood with normal indicators of liver function. This form does not pose a risk to the fetus.

Itching with cholestasis

It also has a generalized character, but is most pronounced in the area of ​​the hands and feet. Increases significantly at night. It is typical for the second and third trimesters and carries a threat to the fetus. The reason for its development is also unknown. A genetic predisposition is suggested, as well as changes in hepatocytes (liver cells) and in the bile ducts. In blood tests, there is an increased content of cholesterol and lipids, bile acids, transaminases and alkaline phosphatase.

Polymorphic exanthema

Celebrated in the third trimester. It is localized mainly in the abdomen and proximal parts of the upper and lower extremities. It does not pose a danger to the fetus. The reason has not been established. Often combined with increased body weight of the woman and the fetus and rapid development.

Pemphigoid (blistering dermatosis)

Pruriginous folliculitis

Occurs from the 4th to the 9th month of pregnancy. It looks like itchy acne. The cause is not exactly established, but it is believed that dermatosis does not pose a danger to the fetus and is due to hormonal disorders. Folliculitis is localized mainly in the upper chest and limbs.

1. Itchy dermatosis
2. Urticaria

Principles of skin care during pregnancy

Skin care and general hygiene routines are very helpful in both prevention and treatment of itching. Of great importance is the frequent use of hygienic baths and showers without the use of detergents containing fragrances. The water should not be too warm and not too cold. The duration of water procedures should not exceed 10-20 minutes.

The use of detergents (surface-active products), mild alkali-free soaps, cleansing moisturizing oils, and shower and bath products when washing or washing the body can avoid additional dehydration of the skin in these procedures. It is necessary to dry the skin with light patting movements without the use of vigorous rubbing.

In case of excessive dryness, the correct application of appropriate moisturizing preparations is especially important. Depending on the condition of the skin and the recommendations of the doctor (dryness, itching, redness, etc.), only an emollient is applied that forms a protective film and prevents loss of moisture from the skin surface, or a drug prescribed by the doctor first, followed by application of the emollient.

Facial skin care during pregnancy is based on the same principles. Cosmetics should not have deep penetration properties, as well as contain allergenic and aggressive components, have a pronounced odor and high density. In addition, it is necessary to use during periods of active solar radiation, to carry out light massages in order to improve blood microcirculation and the outflow of fluid from tissues. Regular moisturizing with thermal water, masks with a moisturizing cream containing appropriate selected components, the main of which are seaweed extract, aloe, vitamin “E”, hyaluronic acid, is very useful.

A significant number of women have excessive facial pigmentation in the forehead, cheeks and nose (, or pregnancy spots), in the areola, armpits, abdominal wall, an increase in birthmarks, and the number of freckles. Completely from these changes can be eliminated only after childbirth. Prior to this, no bleaching agents should be used. Their use is not only useless, but can be harmful. Avoiding sun exposure and using sunscreen is recommended to prevent more severe development of pigmentation.

Proper skin care also includes the rejection of synthetic and the use of cotton fabrics. It is recommended to avoid rooms with high temperature and dry environment. It is also desirable to use SPA and “soft” relaxing procedures, which not only improve overall well-being and reduce the feeling of itching, but also improve microcirculation and metabolism, oxygen delivery to tissues and removal of toxic products from them, and promote natural hydration.

The simplest procedures that improve the condition of the skin are gentle facial cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing masks, light general and lymphatic drainage massage and local wrapping.

A woman who has learned about her future motherhood intuitively understands that many changes will now take place in her daily life: she needs to become more careful in everything related to the physical impact on the body, including such a familiar component of hygiene as facial care.

The question arises - how not to harm yourself and the fetus that is forming inside at all stages of pregnancy, and at the same time try to preserve the beauty and well-groomed appearance as much as possible?

Why expectant mothers are giving up skin care?

It is unreasonable to completely abandon yourself while carrying a child, although this is exactly what women sometimes do. This decision comes to them because of the fear that all sorts of creams and tonics can penetrate directly to the fetus and harm it - affect intrauterine development, cause discomfort, discomfort.

Sometimes the expectant mother worries that in an altered state of the body, cosmetics will behave differently than usual - cause a rash or irritation, increase pigmentation, lead to the appearance of unattractive acne and blockage of pores. After all, it is no secret that during the gestational period, the skin somewhat changes its usual qualities - from dry it becomes oily and pimply, but it happens - on the contrary - from oily it becomes thin, translucent and overdried.

Such changes are frightening and make you think that the best solution is to do nothing at all, make do with water and maximum toilet soap until childbirth, and even until the end of breastfeeding.

And yet we repeat - such a decision is unreasonable from any point of view. If you refuse the usual cosmetic care, which was constant before pregnancy, you risk getting a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin.

Of course, mothers become mothers at different ages, and at 20-25 years old, deterioration will be more likely to be expressed in fat and acne against the background of hormonal changes. In addition to an untidy appearance, scars may remain in place of healed pimples; from pregnancy, the skin will become grayish and slightly rough. It will be possible to return it to its original state in 3-4 months of intensive care after childbirth or after feeding - depending on when you decide to do this.

At an older age, the consequences will be much worse - women after 30-35 are less likely to complain of inflammation and fat content, but the problem of dryness, peeling, thinning, dehydration comes. And this means that wrinkles on the face are inevitable. Do not forget that the fetus takes all the nutrients it needs from the mother's body. During pregnancy and lactation, the mother loses vitamins, minerals, antioxidant stores and gets a slightly disturbed metabolism and low hemoglobin production, which interferes with the supply of oxygen to cells.

And during pregnancy, many women suffer from swelling and are forced to reduce their water intake (although recently it is recommended to increase drinking, most gynecologists from the antenatal clinic continue to convince pregnant women to drink as little as possible). What is the result? The skin becomes flabby, dry, there is peeling and irritation, a dry rash, and wrinkles are added on the forehead, and around the lips and eyes.

Offensive changes are offset by the knowledge that you will soon become a mother, but did you know that these problems can be greatly reduced? If you continue to take care of yourself as before, only slightly adjusting the contents of your cosmetic bag, then it will be easier and faster for you to restore your appearance after pregnancy!

Hygienic and special facial care during pregnancy

Let's start with the fact that hygiene during the bearing of a baby cannot be neglected. There are not only aesthetic, but also practical reasons for this.

On poorly cleansed and treated skin, various problems can occur:

  • acne is a potential source of infection;
  • rash - a factor that provokes allergic processes in the body;
  • peeling and burning - a source of discomfort and irritation of the expectant mother.

And this is not to mention the fact that the loss of attractiveness spoils the mood, which also negatively affects the condition of the pregnant woman.

In order not to become neglected and unkempt, you need to clean your face and body in time - wash your face or wipe it with cotton pads with a cleanser.

Special care means that you give your skin what it needs extra. This is an auxiliary toning stage that you carry out after you have washed your face, and a nutrition stage - you can include it in your daily beauty ritual, or you can limit yourself to two times a week, making face masks that are useful for pregnant women. The main thing is that there is enough food.

So, you must understand that cleansing and moisturizing are indisputable rules for care, and tonics, scrubs, oils, serums and other nutritious special products are an excellent, but not absolutely necessary addition.

The benefits and harms of cosmetics during pregnancy

By continuing to take care of yourself, you provide yourself with a shorter recovery period after gestation and feeding, this is a fact. Every woman wants to look great, despite such a physical and psychological test as motherhood.

But is there any real harm from cosmetics for pregnant women?

The answer is yes, harm is possible, and it consists in the use of products that are too aggressive and strong, in traumatic and painful procedures, the application of allergens and the use of unwanted chemicals in cosmetics. In addition, some, even natural remedies from the home arsenal can, if not directly harm you, then start a chain of adverse reactions of the body - and if something went wrong from the caregiver, then it is much more difficult to eliminate the consequences for a pregnant woman than for a woman in a normal condition.

After all, you can’t take most medicines, and the very fact of having a focus of inflammation or allergies in the body is very, very harmful!

That is why you must constantly ask yourself: is this new remedy suitable for pregnant women or should I do without it? What can I substitute for cosmetics in order to reduce the likelihood of allergies and switch to more natural substances?

Ideal pregnancy care products

But of course, not everything is so scary and dangerous. Still, you can continue to use most of your cosmetics completely without fear. During the bearing of a child, the rule applies - if before pregnancy you safely used some kind of cream or tonic, then you can continue and become pregnant.

Which remedies are 100% good for you?

Take a look at the "safe" list:

  • all cosmetics from the children's line - baby soap, shampoos, creams, etc .;
  • creams and masks with glycerin, lanolin;
  • cosmetic waters - pink, rosemary, lemon;
  • thermal water;
  • cosmetic oils - coconut, shea, wheat germ, grape, etc .;
  • masks based on white and blue clay;
  • homemade masks and tonics on the juice of vegetables and plants (aloe, kalanchoe, cucumber);
  • washing and masks with bran, oatmeal;
  • decoctions of herbs externally (chamomile, sage, calendula);
  • talc;
  • alcohol containing boric or salicylic acid;
  • scrubs with sugar, ground coffee.

If you are used to using branded cosmetics, you can not refuse it, unless the composition includes potent and aggressive components - hyaluronic acid, AHA fruit acids, Dead Sea minerals, saturated essential oils (patchouli, bergamot, orange, juniper), exotic extracts and substances of animal origin, like cuttlefish ink.

You can not use chemical peeling, masks with a badyaga sponge, burning and irritating scrubs. All of them can cause too strong a skin reaction, and a pregnant woman cannot take even the simplest antihistamine to relieve irritation! Therefore, potent agents are best avoided.

Recipes for face masks during pregnancy

To nourish the skin, as we have already said, you need to regularly apply a cream or apply a nourishing agent 1-3 times a week. What recipe can you try now? Take a look at our recommendations and choose a pair for your skin type and purpose.

  • Winter mask with coconut oil for very dry skin

Warm a jar of coconut oil in hot water, either under the tap or in a bowl. Mix some melted butter with the contents of 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid, a pinch of baby talc, 3 drops of liquid glycerin and a spoonful of mineral water. The slurry should be kept on the face for a long time, at least an hour, when dried, sprayed with boiled water from a spray bottle.

  • Oatmeal mask for flaky dry skin

Finely ground flakes work best. Fold 8-10 layers of gauze and cut out an oval along the contour of the face with slits for the eyes and nose. Sweep the contour of the mask with a thread to make a cover, and between the layers put dry flakes, small pieces of cocoa butter (solid, grated) and a little baking soda. Pour hot boiled water into a wide bowl, preferably not from the tap, but mineral. Dip the mask with filler into it, count to 5 and take it out, squeeze out excess water on a towel and put the resulting wet and warm mask on your face. Rest, massaging from time to time with your fingers the flaky places through the gauze layers. When the mask becomes unpleasantly cold, remove it and throw it away, and grease your face with cocoa butter.

  • Clay blend for oily skin with enlarged pores

It happens that the pores are constantly clogged - yesterday you steamed and cleansed the skin, and today you already see that the pores are clogged with a sebaceous secret. This is especially unpleasant in the summer, in the heat. Do the following: mix ordinary white clay in pharmacy powder with a couple of pinches of soda. Lather baby soap in a bowl, moistened with plenty of water, do it with a blush brush, for example. Pour dry clay powder and soda into the foam and add a little water if necessary. The semi-liquid mixture should be kept massaging for several minutes, no more than 10, then rinse and wipe the face with rose water, mineral water with glycerin (3 drops per half a glass), cucumber juice or aloe. The effect is purity and freshness, with minimal impact on the pores.

  • Evening mask for pregnant women after 30 years

Use the best herbal ingredient for aging skin care - rose water. Rose essential oil is not recommended - when inhaled, it immediately enters the circulatory system and can excite fetal movements, like any other essential oil. Therefore, look specifically for rose water - a product with an extract for safe external use. In rose water (2 tablespoons), mix a teaspoon of pasteurized cream, a pinch of powdered sugar (if your face is flaky, do without powder), a few drops of wheat germ oil or peach pits. Keep the mask lying down, relaxing every muscle on the face, for about half an hour, then rinse with warm water and reapply rose water.

Do not use lemon slices, any citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes to wipe your face - acid,
contained in these products is good for the skin, but during pregnancy can cause irritation. You will be able to whiten age spots after the baby is born, but for now, focus on preventing dehydration and the formation of sagging.

The natural desire of every expectant mother is to do everything for the baby she is expecting. But you shouldn’t forget about yourself either, because motherhood does not cancel the fact that you are a woman and your innate need is to be attractive.

Try to find half an hour for yourself among the worries and worries of this wonderful period, and your face will not become a cause of grief after a joyful event - the birth of your beloved child!

The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determination of the diagnosis and choice of treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Changes in the condition of the skin during pregnancy are noticed by all women. For some, these changes occur to a greater extent, and for others, to a lesser extent.
The skin condition changes most noticeably in the second three months of pregnancy.

Why do skin changes occur during pregnancy?

This happens, of course, due to the activity of pregnancy hormones. The circulation also changes. It is the change in blood circulation that you owe to that amazing, luminous complexion that is characteristic of pregnant women. The sebaceous and sweat glands work differently during pregnancy. They are activated, which is why many women notice that they sweat more and their skin becomes oilier during pregnancy. The mechanism responsible for skin pigmentation also works more intensively. Moreover, if you are naturally dark-skinned, then there will be more surprises such as age spots, freckles, and they will be brighter. Girls with pale skin can practically not be afraid of age spots. Do not be afraid, as soon as your baby is born, the hormonal background will begin to return to normal and the skin color will even out again.

Pigment spots on the face

The greatest experience is delivered to women during pregnancy by age spots on the face. This is the so-called mask of pregnant women. The mask of pregnant women appears closer to the middle of pregnancy. It happens suddenly. One morning you suddenly find these brownish spots on your face. This is the reaction of skin cells to the action of progesterone and estrogen. Cells begin to intensively produce melanin, but this happens spontaneously, so the skin does not darken evenly. If you are a brunette or a brown-haired woman, try to expose your face to the sun's rays less. Then the mask of pregnant women, if it appears, will not be so bright.

Pimples on the face

During pregnancy, you may develop long-forgotten acne on your face. Acne skin care is no different from what you did when you were fifteen. Do not use scrubs and peeling creams. The maximum that you can clean your face with is a scrub based on oatmeal. Under no circumstances should you try to drink any acne medicines, they can harm the baby.

Other skin problems during pregnancy

During pregnancy, your hands and feet may become brighter in color and sometimes itchy. This is also due to the changed hormonal background. Unpleasant sensations will pass immediately after childbirth.

Spider veins may appear on the skin or even on the whites of the eyes. Especially often this happens already during childbirth. These defects sometimes go away on their own, and in some cases, to remove the vascular network from the skin of the face, you have to seek help from a specialist.

During pregnancy, you may be visited by such a skin attack as papillomas. These are very small elongated warts that most often appear under the armpits, under the breasts or on the neck. If papillomas appeared during pregnancy, then they will pass by themselves as soon as the baby is born.

And another strange sore that occurs in pregnant women is prickly heat. A little later, you will get acquainted with this problem in detail using the example of your baby, but now it's your turn. As mentioned above, sweat and sebaceous glands work more actively during pregnancy. The body sweats and in some places small red pimples appear under the influence of friction. They can cause itching. Itching sometimes appears in those places where the skin is subjected to strong stretching.

From all that has been said above, the medical board of the site can conclude that, no matter what the nature of the skin problems that appear during pregnancy, one thing is clear. The skin of a pregnant woman requires more careful care. Spend a few extra minutes a day rubbing in special beauty products or a face mask. Then pregnancy will only benefit your skin.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.


And my skin on my arms and legs, starting from 30 weeks, has become terribly dry, no cream helps ((I hope that it will pass after childbirth

And I have pimples all over my face and every day there are more and more of them and they are so reddeningly red I don’t know what to do with them

I was very pale during my pregnancy. I did not notice any unusual state of the face in myself, and in other girls too. None of my friends had age spots. A particularly beautiful color is also an invention of the people. There was no color. Skin like skin. Only now I say that she was pale. I used the same tools as always. Nothing special or new. They suit me well, why change then, because new ones may not fit.

My colleague gave birth to her first child with difficulty, she had a large one, and she gave birth for a long time. So all the whites of her eyes were covered with broken blood vessels. And on the neck, too, the vessels burst. Then, over time, everything went away. The skin became white and beautiful again. And my eyes didn't hurt at all. So there is no need to be afraid of such things. It all passes, everything is temporary. The main thing is that the child is born healthy, and that you also do not suffer seriously. And the skin will come back.

Pregnancy on the condition of the skin is not too affected. The skin is what it used to be. But during breastfeeding, my skin really aged. Wrinkles appeared near the corners of the eyes, and from the corner of the eye and immediately to the temple. It's impossible not to notice it up close. And I didn't notice any other changes. Although in general the body seemed to have matured. There are many new things. I wouldn't take much of this. But the body does not ask what we want.

It seems to me that all the talk about skin changes during pregnancy is too exaggerated. I didn't notice them at all. Skin like skin. I'm not dark, so I never had any problems with pigmentation. I did not use any special skin care products. The girls were all chasing expensive creams for stretch marks, and I used a simple body cream. Nothing expensive or special. The result is the same for me as for them. Stretch marks still appear.

I had papillomas a little before. But during pregnancy, a lot of them appeared in those places where they had not been before. I think that this virus lives in the blood, and when pregnant, the immune system falls. Here are all sorts of dirty tricks and bloom luxuriantly. I fight with papillomas very simply - I cut them off with nail clippers. Previously, of course, I disinfect the wire cutters and cut right under the root. Sometimes it bleeds a little. But it usually heals easily. Only this can be done with small papillomas.

My friend had freckles and spots all over her face during pregnancy. She didn't know what to do with it, poor thing. I suffered throughout my pregnancy, smeared my face with cucumbers. If only some kind person told her that as soon as she gives birth, it will all pass by itself. And then after all, she thought that for the rest of her life she would be so pockmarked. But in fact, everything went away in two months after the birth. The face became normal. So don't worry who gets these spots.

I sweat a lot more after giving birth. During pregnancy somehow it was not so noticeable. And the skin hasn't changed much either. But sweat during breastfeeding has become more caustic, it smells stronger. In terms of quantity, it seems to be the same amount, not more. But those deodorants that used to help, now they have become completely ineffective. Probably some hormonal changes.

I have had some rashes on my skin in the last trimesters. Type of hives. At first, everything was fine, toxicosis did not particularly torment me. And in the end, the skin deteriorated. Doctors said that this is such an individual reaction of the body. This is how it all ended. I did not take any drugs and, in the end, after giving birth, all the rashes went away by themselves. This is probably what the doctors were counting on, that it would go away on its own. Here it is gone.

Today, there are so many different skin care products that, for sure, manufacturers have taken care of clients in an interesting position. I from creams saw only from extensions. There are many such funds. I did not specifically buy a cream for stretch marks, but I used a baby cream. I read that it helps too. Stretch marks have formed on my stomach, but not very noticeable and not very large. Therefore, I do not worry. You can't heal anymore.

I didn’t have any spots on my face during pregnancy, they write that they can be, but my pregnancy took place in autumn-winter and a little bit in spring, so there was not much sun and there were no spots. I cannot say that there were any changes with the skin. Everything seems to be as usual. Used all the usual skin care products and nothing else. There was no allergy to anything either, she even dyed her hair with her usual preparation.

As for the condition of the skin during pregnancy, I can not say anything. Neither I nor any of my friends had any skin changes during pregnancy. What she was, such and has remained. But after giving birth, there are really significant changes. A year after the birth of the child, I noticed the appearance of crow's feet around the eyes, the same story happened to my girlfriend, who, by the way, will be younger than me. And the wrinkles are already there. In addition, my hair became oilier, and I sweat more. This was especially true during the period until menstruation was restored.

They say that a pregnant woman always looks prettier. Expectant mothers, like brides, are inevitably beautiful. But when spots appear on the face and, and the skin itches all over the body, the woman does not feel beautiful. Moreover, all these changes give her a certain discomfort and experience.

The processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman are inevitable. They are programmed by nature and genetics. Against the background of hormonal changes, everything changes, and the skin also pays its price. But it is still possible to correct the consequences of the work of hormones. Give yourself a little attention to your beloved during this wonderful period. And try to smooth out the imprint of pregnancy on your skin at least a little.

Dark spots

One of the first changes in the skin associated with the onset of a new condition is pigmentation. The median line on the abdomen and especially the areola of the chest may darken already in the very early stages. However, that's not all.

With the onset of pregnancy, melanin begins to be produced in the body intensively. It happens that the expectant mother evenly darkens, as if covered with a light tan. But more often, the release of pigment occurs unevenly, and the woman turns into a Dalmatian.

The so-called pregnancy mask delivers the most grief when they cover the face of the expectant mother: on the forehead, cheekbones, bridge of the nose, above the lip. Just one morning a woman can wake up and see a spotty face in the mirror. This happens towards the middle of the term.

It is noteworthy that in dark-skinned women, pigmentation is more pronounced. Also, the chances of becoming pockmarked are increased in dark-haired pregnant women. Therefore, try to hide your face from the sun's rays and, when leaving the house, never forget about sunscreen.

In general, don’t be too upset about the “war paint”: with the birth of a baby, your skin color will even out again.

Stretch marks

No less trouble for a pregnant woman - or, as they are scientifically called, striae. Their appearance is quite logical, because the skin for all 9 months is decently stretched: the tummy grows, the chest swells enviably, and weight gain sometimes turns out to be excessive or spasmodic. Therefore, ruptures occur in the connective tissues, and stripes appear on the surface of the skin: at first they are purple-red in color, and over time they scar and turn white. It is almost impossible to get rid of stretch marks (except by a special skin resurfacing procedure). In addition, they are quite noticeable, especially on tanned skin, since melanin is absent in these formations.

The most prone to stretching skin in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, chest. Light-skinned women develop stretch marks much more often than dark-skinned women. Moreover, 80% of this is due to heredity, and only 20% play a role, lifestyle, nutrition, and so on. But if you can influence at least these 20%, then this should be done.

The first thing you need is to get it set up. And no matter how prone you are to the appearance of stretch marks, you need to eat fully, varied, balanced. Focus on foods that promote the skin's natural production of elastin and collagen. Starting from the 12th week, intensively nourish the skin and lotions. Choose products intended for pregnant women from stretch marks. It can also be regular olive oil or natural cocoa butter, which do the job just fine. Be sure to moisturize the skin with at least something, this will significantly reduce the risk of stretching it. In addition, while applying the product to the skin, you make a massage, which improves blood circulation, enhances the supply of nutrients to the skin layers and increases its elasticity.

Control weight gain, do not go beyond the permissible limit: this is dangerous in many ways, including the threat of stretch marks.

Before tears in the tissues, the skin begins to itch and tingle - this is a bad sign. But you do not give up and smear. Even if stretch marks appear in this case, it is to a much lesser extent than without any preventive measures. Most often, stretch marks appear already at 6-7 months of pregnancy. It happens that mother notices them only after childbirth. But action must be taken early.


Such is the unfair law of nature, but in some cases the skin with the onset of pregnancy becomes the purest and most tender, in others it becomes oily and covered with acne. Everything is individual here, and if you are less fortunate, you will have to pay more attention to yourself.

The fact is that under the influence during pregnancy, the sebaceous glands begin to work intensively. The skin becomes oily, the pores become clogged with sebum, and acne appears. After childbirth, this unpleasant phenomenon will pass, but now you should remember the teenage period and start taking care of your face intensely. You don’t need to smear any nasty things on it, but daily hygiene care with a full range of mandatory procedures - in the morning and in the evening. Cleanse your skin regularly and use non-greasy moisturizers.

Increased sweating

In addition to the sebaceous glands, the sweat glands also begin to work in an enhanced mode - thanks to the same progesterone. Here is such a hormone: it works to preserve pregnancy, but along the way it gives us so many different troubles and troubles. But for the sake of happiness, motherhood can be endured.

So, pregnant women sweat in an enhanced mode. Often because of this, they develop prickly heat - a small rash in places of increased friction. Try to keep these places clean and dry, you can use talc or powder.

By the way, in other women, the skin is the opposite - it becomes very dry, thin and overly sensitive. Such skin should be intensively nourished and moisturized. So everything is individual.


Skin itching is a frequent companion of an interesting situation. First, due to increased sweating. Secondly, due to overstretching of skin tissues. Thirdly, the feet and palms of the hands often itch in pregnant women, and they can even change color to a brighter one. Do not worry - this is all the result of a change in hormonal levels, after childbirth, redness and itching will disappear by themselves.

Also, severe itching all over the body can be a sign of a deficiency in the body. Therefore, if you observe this in yourself, be sure to tell your leading doctor about it.

Do not forget also that the sensitivity of the body during pregnancy increases, the risk of developing allergic reactions increases. Be especially careful when choosing cosmetics, perfumes, soaps, shower gel, washing powder. The body can react to any of these remedies with severe irritation, redness and itching. Therefore, choose for yourself only the highest quality and most harmless. The same goes for clothes: no synthetics and squeezing styles.

If the skin itches for no apparent reason, as you think (which is quite normal during pregnancy), use creams that soothe itching.


Even formations on the skin can appear during this period, which is also the norm. But only if these are papillomas and if they formed in you exactly with the onset of pregnancy, and not earlier. In this case, it is necessary to wait: after childbirth, they will disappear.

Papillomas during pregnancy appear mainly under the armpits, under the breasts or on the neck.

Another possible nuisance is the appearance of a vascular network on the skin and even on the whites of the eyes. For many, it appears already during childbirth. It should be said that the mesh does not always go away with the birth of the baby. Often this drawing has to be “erased” by specialists.

As you can see, among the series of changes that occur with the onset of pregnancy, a considerable proportion of them falls on the condition of the skin. Most skin changes begin to appear intensively from the second trimester. Some of them may disappear after childbirth, while others will remain for life. But now you know what to expect and how to act.

Especially for- Elena Kichak