The first stage of medical abortion. Medical abortion at an early stage: how they do it, what drugs are used for abortion

Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages is the easiest and most painless method among those existing in modern medical practice. According to the standards of Russian legislation, a woman has the right to refuse pregnancy if the gestational age is not more than 12 weeks. However, medical interruption is carried out only in the very early stages, up to and including 6 weeks.

What is medical abortion

By definition, abortion is any interruption of a pregnancy through medical or surgical intervention. Termination of pregnancy with the help of medications is possible only in the early period of gestation, when the fetal egg is just beginning to take shape and look for a place of attachment and development.

Termination of pregnancy with medication is the easiest way, since in this case there is no surgical intervention in the female body. All the work is done by drugs - they destroy and reject the fetal egg. However, such a procedure is a serious malfunction of the whole organism, so a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist is necessary before it is carried out.

How does it happen

Termination of pregnancy with the help of medications can be one- or two-stage. To determine the tactics and method of carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist.

Ways of conducting:

  1. For one step. When deciding to interrupt in one stage, the woman takes a drug that blocks the activity of progesterones. Because of this, the endometrium stops growing, and the body begins to increase the production of oxytocin. This element leads to an increase in the contractility of the uterus, as a result of which the ovum is detached from the wall and comes out.
  2. For two stages. This method is necessary in case of prolonged attachment of the fetal egg to the uterine walls. The first stage takes place, as with a one-stage interruption - the same drugs are used. Two days after taking the first medication, you must take the second - with a high content of prostaglandins. Their action increases the activity of uterine contractions, compresses the myometrium and increases tone.

To properly and safely perform a medical abortion procedure, you must follow certain instructions:

  1. Contact a gynecologist. A specialist can be visited at a polyclinic at the place of residence, or you can choose the required specialist in a private center, according to reviews. If you choose a private specialist, you must make sure that the center and the doctor have the right to conduct a specialized appointment. This can be done by reviewing the licenses and certificates.
  2. The primary examination for planning medical abortion is an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. This procedure will show the location of the fetal egg in the uterus or appendages, the approximate timing of pregnancy and the condition of the organs in general.
  3. The next step is laboratory testing. It is necessary to pass clinical and biochemical blood and urine tests so that the doctor assesses the general condition of the body. In public clinics, the results are ready the next day, in private clinics it is possible to conduct an express analysis in a couple of hours.
  4. Followed by a consultation. The gynecologist will tell you how the medical termination of pregnancy will take place, how the drug works, possible symptoms and manifestations. It is necessary to fill out a special form - an informed consent that the entire procedure is carried out consciously, all the necessary recommendations and instructions are explained.
  5. After filling in all the necessary documents, the woman takes a special drug, which will be used to terminate the pregnancy. The first two hours will need to be spent under the supervision of medical staff, to exclude side effects and complications. After 2 hours it will be possible to go home, it is recommended to spend this day in a calm atmosphere, it is best to observe bed rest.
  6. With a two-stage interruption after two days, you need to take the drug again, for this you should again contact the selected clinic.
  7. The standard symptoms of medical termination of pregnancy are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, periodically intensifying. Bloody discharge should come out gradually, throughout the day, small clots are allowed.
  8. When the whole process of termination of pregnancy is completed, abundant menstrual-like discharge appears. The duration of such discharges should not exceed two weeks, on average they last 10 days. After their completion, it is necessary to undergo an examination again - ultrasound of the pelvic organs and clinical tests. With a low content of hemoglobin in the blood, it is necessary to prescribe iron supplements to restore it. With residual elements of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity, the woman is sent for a vacuum aspiration procedure.
  9. If the pain takes on a strong cramping character, you can take antispasmodic drugs to reduce them. The drugs of choice are no-shpa and drotaverine, since their action is the most acceptable in this situation. It is worth noting that taking certain medications slows down and worsens the effect of the drug for abortion, so you need to tell the gynecologist about the treatment being carried out.
  10. A completely normal course of the menstrual cycle is restored one month after the successful medical termination of pregnancy.

When contacting a polyclinic or a private center, you should find out about psychological support services. A preventive conversation with a psychologist is necessary in order to return to a full life.

In the event that on the day of the medical abortion, the pad fills up very quickly with blood secretions, you should immediately seek medical help to eliminate acute bleeding. Otherwise, there is an increased risk of a health hazard.

Benefits of medical interruption

Terms of medical termination of pregnancy limited to 6 weeks. However, this type of intervention has a number of advantages that distinguish it from other types of intervention.

  • early use;
  • Has minor effects on the female body;
  • Complications occur only in 5% of cases;
  • There is no need for a stationary stay;
  • A minimum of examinations before the procedure.

If you comply with the necessary requirements for health reasons, examinations and the implementation of the recommendations of the gynecologist, the risk of complications is reduced to zero.

How long can you do

The question is How long is medical abortion considered possible, defined by Russian law. The standard term for an abortion is up to 12 weeks inclusive. However, termination of pregnancy with the help of a drug is possible only at the very beginning - up to 8 weeks.

If the pregnancy is unwanted or, for some reason, it must be terminated, then, depending on the period, various types of abortion are performed:

  1. Abortion through the action of a drug. It is carried out at the earliest possible date, up to 8 weeks of the course of the gestation period. However, the more time passes from the moment of conception, the greater the likelihood of an unsuccessful outcome of the interruption.
  2. Interruption with vacuum aspiration. This method is the most acceptable in the conditions of modern medicine, since it practically does not affect the state of health and completely removes fragments of the fetal egg from the uterus.
  3. Abortion by surgery. The most unsafe way to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. For medical reasons, it is possible to carry out such an intervention until the end of the twentieth week. Such an intervention has a detrimental effect on the mental and physical health of a woman, therefore, this method is resorted to only when absolutely necessary.

There is a way to calculate the optimal time to terminate a pregnancy with a medication. To do this, determine the period from 42 to 49 days after the start of menstruation. This period, in terms of gestational age, will be 4 to 5 weeks. This is the ideal period for terminating a pregnancy, for two reasons:

  • It can be determined that the pregnancy does not flow according to the ectopic type;
  • The fertilized egg has not yet fixed on the uterine wall and can be easily brought out.

The possibilities of abortion with the help of a medical preparation are not unlimited, therefore, after the eighth week of pregnancy, it is better to resort to other methods of interruption.

The cost of medical abortion

Cost of medical abortion will directly depend on the place where this interruption is carried out.

In a private center, a comprehensive service is calculated depending on the range of tests and examinations that must be completed before starting the interruption process.

What are the contraindications

All contraindications, in which abortion becomes impossible, are conditionally divided into two groups - general and private.

General contraindications:

  • Acute infectious process or exacerbation of a chronic one;
  • The course or exacerbation of inflammation of any localization, especially the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed.

In order for the abortion to end successfully, all these conditions must be eliminated. As for an ectopic pregnancy, only surgical treatment is indicated in this case.

Particular contraindications apply only to the type of medical interruption:

  1. An allergic reaction to the substances that make up the selected drug for abortion. This contraindication can be eliminated by offering another drug with a safer composition.
  2. Renal or liver failure, in acute or chronic course.
  3. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Decreased level of hemoglobin in the blood. With medical abortion, a large amount of blood is lost, which, against the background of an already existing anemia, can lead to serious complications.
  5. Lactation - all drugs pass into breast milk.
  6. Against the background of improper intake of oral contraceptive pills.
  7. Exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system.
  8. Cicatricial changes on the walls of the uterus.

If such violations occur, other options should be considered.

Possible Complications

Any intervention in the natural course of the normal process in the body does not remain without consequences. You need to know that even with a low-traumatic medical termination of pregnancy, complications may occur:

  1. Continuation of the gestation period. There is a risk of high resistance of the woman's body to the drug, in which case the pregnancy continues.
  2. Sharp cramping pains in the lower abdomen.
  3. Acute bleeding from the uterus.
  4. Vomit. Such a symptom can negate the effect of the drug due to its early removal from the body.
  5. Failure of the hormonal system.
  6. Exacerbation of chronic processes or the occurrence of acute ones in the organs and systems of the body.
  7. Violation in the work of the organs of the genital area, improper work as a result of stress against the background of abortion.
  8. Prolonged recovery of the menstrual cycle.

If such complications occur, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and undergo additional examinations.

What to do after the procedure

Medical abortion method involves periodic monitoring by a gynecologist, taking care of your health and fulfilling all prescriptions.

A second visit to the gynecologist is necessary on the third and fifteenth day after the medical abortion. The purpose of these visits is to establish the normal course of the recovery process and conduct ultrasound of the pelvic organs for dynamic monitoring.

Medical termination of pregnancy (abortion) is the termination of pregnancy through the use of medications. It can be carried out only in the early stages. Of all the types of abortion, it has the least number of consequences. Today it is considered one of the safest for women's health.

The essence of the procedure

The medical abortion procedure is carried out for up to 42 - 63 days from the first day of the last menstruation (this depends on the drug prescribed by the specialist). For its implementation, it is necessary to diagnose uterine pregnancy. If the fetal egg is outside the uterus, taking the drug is considered inappropriate. In the case when pregnancy is diagnosed, and there are no contraindications for medical abortion, the patient takes the drugs prescribed by the specialist in the recommended dose. A few hours before, she should take a light meal.

Immediately after taking the drug in the body, the hormone progesterone is blocked, which has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy. Also, the active components of the tablets, entering the body, soften the cervix, increase its tone and cause contractions of the walls.

After the first stage of drug use, two days later, the woman drinks the second dose of drugs prescribed by a specialist. They provoke the discharge of the fetal egg and endometrium (the layer that lines the inner walls of the uterus). This process is accompanied by copious discharge with blood clots.

Like any other medical procedure, medical abortion has its contraindications. Medical abortion should not be performed if:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drugs used;
  • severe form of anemia;
  • the presence of scars on the uterus;
  • acute gastritis or exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • if pregnancy occurred immediately after long-term use of oral contraceptives or the use of local contraceptives, including doses of hormones;
  • serious diseases of blood vessels and heart;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • diseases of the female genital organs of an inflammatory nature;

The drugs may not be effective for women over the age of 35 who have bad habits, such as those who abuse tobacco.

If the drugs were taken during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped for two weeks, since the drugs are absorbed into the bloodstream and enter the child's body through breast milk.

Drugs prescribed for medical abortion can be used at different stages of pregnancy. The expediency of their use is determined only by a specialist. They are effective:

  • during pregnancy in the early stages for its complete interruption;
  • to expand the cervix in case of termination of pregnancy for up to 12 weeks by surgical intervention;
  • to block the hormone progesterone for up to 22 weeks in case of abortion for medical or social reasons;
  • to initiate the birth process in late pregnancy, in case of intrauterine death of the fetus.

How is a medical abortion performed?

After the first stage of taking the drugs prescribed by the doctor, a woman may experience slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen for several hours. In the next two days, they may be accompanied by:

  • minor spotting;
  • slight dizziness;
  • nausea.

After re-taking the pills at the time indicated by the doctor, the woman begins to reject the fetal egg. It is accompanied by:

  • profuse bleeding with blood clots;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region (sometimes they can be cramping);
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • headache;
  • general fatigue.

These symptoms usually resolve within a few days. In some cases, they may not differ from normal periods.

The main thing at this stage is to make sure that heavy bleeding does not begin.

Diagnosis in medical abortion

Primary diagnosis

Medical abortion is not carried out until a uterine pregnancy is diagnosed with one hundred percent probability. An obligatory stage in the diagnosis of pregnancy is ultrasound. On ultrasound, the specialist determines the location of the fetal egg, the exact gestational age and the possible presence of pathology of the female genital organs.


After the end of menstrual flow, after 10-14 days, a second ultrasound examination is performed, which allows you to find out the success of the procedure.

If the pregnancy continues or the abortion was incomplete, the doctor must send the patient for a classic vacuum aspiration or curettage for the final termination of the pregnancy.

If the abortion with the help of medications was not successful and the pregnancy continues to develop further, it is still necessary to terminate the pregnancy, since taking potent drugs causes serious pathologies in the embryo.

Assistance, which specialists may be additionally needed

When. if a patient who wants to have a medical abortion has serious diseases of the internal organs, a mandatory consultation with a specialized specialist is required for the procedure.

medical abortion

For medical termination of pregnancy, the following drugs are used:

  • "Mifegin";
  • "Mifepristone";
  • "Misoprostol";
  • "Pencrofton";
  • "Mytholian".

These are drugs with a similar principle of action, produced by different companies in different countries. Which pharmacological agents to choose, in what dosage to use them and how to combine them with each other, is determined exclusively by a gynecologist.

If everything is normal, a few hours after taking the first course of the drug, a woman, in agreement with her doctor, can leave the clinic.

After taking the second dose of drugs, the duration of observation is increased by a few more hours, and only if the process proceeds within the normal range, the patient can go home.

At the end of the medical abortion procedure, even if it is successful, it is necessary to undergo a second examination. At the discretion of the doctor, additional drugs can be prescribed that normalize the disturbed hormonal balance.

Taking into account the strength of the stress effect on the body, re-pregnancy is recommended no earlier than 3 months after medical abortion.

Consequences of medical abortion

The consequences of medical abortion, despite the relative safety of the procedure, can be very serious. The list of potential complications includes:

  • bleeding;
  • hormonal imbalance;

Also, a woman may subsequently be disturbed by:

  • insomnia;
  • a growing sense of anxiety;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • semi-conscious state.

Medical abortion is otherwise called non-surgical or pill abortion. This is a modern medical procedure that allows you to terminate a woman's pregnancy in the early stages. Surgical intervention in this case is not applied.

Intervention in the work of the body is carried out with the help of special preparations with an antiprogestogenic effect.

Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages can be called a relatively safe method.

The drug stimulates the process of exfoliation of the embryo in the uterine cavity. With abortive exposure, the embryo independently separates from the uterine mucosa and comes out. This is the so-called artificial miscarriage.

The effectiveness of the technique is approximately 95-98 percent.

How long can it be done?

If medical termination of pregnancy is planned, the timing is strictly defined. The procedure can be carried out only in the early stages, no later than 5-6 weeks (up to 49 days of delay from the first day of the last menstruation).

When asked how long it is possible to do medical termination of pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that the period in this case is set only according to the results of an ultrasound examination by the transvaginal method.


For the procedure, doctors use the following drugs:

  • Pencrofton (Russia);
  • Mifepristone (Russia);
  • Mifegin (France);
  • Mytholian (China).

All tablets have a similar principle of action. Active substances block the production of progesterone in a woman's body. It is this process that is involved in the development of pregnancy. Taking the drug provokes exfoliation of the membranes of the embryo from the walls of the uterus and its exit from the body.

When wondering how many weeks a medical abortion is done, it should be borne in mind that the above-mentioned drugs are not freely available in pharmacies.

How is the procedure carried out?

Carrying out a pharmacist requires a doctor to have a number of permits.

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Diagnosis of pregnancy and. A conventional and ultrasound scan is performed using a transvaginal probe. The embryo must be excluded.
  2. Signature by the patient of documents for consent to the procedure.
  3. In the absence of contraindications, the woman is allowed to take the drug in the doctor's office. Here she spends at least 2-3 hours under medical supervision. This is necessary so that in case of complications, the patient is provided with emergency assistance.
  4. After the required time, the woman can go home. During the period of stay in the doctor's office, the uterus usually contracts and bleeding begins.
  5. Three days after a medical abortion, you must visit the doctor again and undergo the procedure. This is mandatory and necessary in order to exclude the presence of remnants of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity.

The question of the pain of the procedure is often asked. As for the pain, it is more intense than with normal menstruation. After taking the drug procedure, a woman may feel a pulsation in the lower abdomen, as well as cramping pains. You can consult a doctor and take painkillers.


There are a number of contraindications for medical interruption. The absolute ones, when it is forbidden to do the procedure, include the following:

  • ectopic course of pregnancy;
  • gestational age more than 9 obstetric weeks;
  • the presence of scars on the uterus;
  • allergic reactions to the drugs used;
  • the presence of neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, liver.

There are also relative contraindications to pharmabort, in the presence of which the patient may be refused the procedure (the issue is decided by the doctor):

  • age less than 18 and more than 35 years;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • poor blood test (low hemoglobin, clotting problems);
  • smoking within the last five years;
  • epilepsy;
  • long-term use of drugs with antithrombotic action.

Consequences and complications

Normally, after a medical termination of pregnancy, a woman feels almost the same as with a spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

After the procedure, you may experience:

  • spasms, pain in the lower abdomen and painful uterine contractions;
  • vomiting and nausea, dizziness as a result of hormonal balance in the body;
  • bleeding that can last up to several weeks.

Hormonal imbalance after pharmacotherapy can cause consequences in the form of the development of a number of gynecological diseases, such as inflammation, cervical erosion, endometritis, endometriosis. All this can cause infertility in the future.

To exclude such consequences, it is necessary to undergo the prescribed examination before and after the interruption, compliance with hygiene rules and all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

The following complications are possible as a result of the procedure:

  • Bleeding. The most common complication after artificial interruption. Normally, there should be bleeding. But their abundance, intensity and too long duration lead to serious blood loss, anemia and death as a result. An alarming symptom when a woman has to use more than two pads (for 5 drops) in one hour.
  • incomplete abortion. Means the partial release of the uterus from the fetal egg. Danger in the development of purulent complications and sepsis. For this reason, an ultrasound examination after the procedure is mandatory. In the presence of residues, the uterus is cleaned or vacuum aspiration is performed.
  • Hematometer. This is the accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, which subsequently leads to purulent processes and sepsis. Alarming symptom: increasing pain in the lower abdomen after taking the pills and no bleeding.

The effectiveness of medical abortion, the likelihood of negative consequences and complications depend on a number of factors:

  • professionalism of the doctor;
  • woman's responsibility
  • implementation of recommendations after the procedure.

To minimize the risk of complications after interruption, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • To undergo the procedure only with a qualified doctor. It is dangerous to carry out an artificial interruption on your own.
  • Refuse the medabort if there are contraindications and choose another method.
  • In the recovery period, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, monitor your well-being. It is not recommended to use tampons, it is better to use pads.
  • Refrain from sexual activity for two to three weeks after the procedure. This can lead to bleeding and inflammation.
  • For two weeks, heavy physical exertion, physical activity, alcohol intake, thermal procedures (bath, sauna, etc.) are prohibited.
  • It is recommended to take hormonal contraceptives for at least 6 months after a pharmaceutical abortion. This will help restore the hormonal balance in the body and prevent subsequent unwanted pregnancies.
  • If you feel unwell after the procedure, the appearance of discharge with a smell, an increase in body temperature, you should immediately make a visit to the doctor.

No type of abortion can be called completely safe. Each of them can lead to serious complications. Despite the ease of carrying out the procedure of medical termination of pregnancy, it cannot be used as a method of emergency contraception.

Farmabort is a necessary measure, and if it cannot be avoided, it is better that it be a one-time in a woman's life.

In the video about interruption

Medical termination of pregnancy sometimes saves a woman from maintaining an unwanted pregnancy. Scientists have been looking for a way to have an abortion without instruments for many years. Ukrainian gynecologists have been using medical abortion since 2004.

Preparing for medical abortion

Preparation includes a smear on the flora and intravaginal ultrasound to determine the gestational age and the location of the fetal egg. It also clarifies whether a woman has chronic diseases that may become contraindications for drug interruption. Before the procedure, do not eat anything salty and fatty, smoked, after a medical abortion, you can not take a bath and go to the pool until everything is over. You can not eat 3 hours before the interruption and less than 2 hours after.

Effectiveness of medical abortion

Medical termination of pregnancy is manifested as more painful than usual, monthly. Interruption efficiency - 95%. The advantage of medical abortion is that it does not require general anesthesia. You just get a pill and drink it in front of a doctor. After 72 hours, you go back to the clinic, where you are given a pill to contract the uterus. A day later, heavy bleeding begins.

Terms of medical termination of pregnancy

Terms of medical termination of pregnancy: 5-6 weeks. Medical abortion is done after a complete gynecological examination. Side effects: nausea, headache. Contraindicated in heart disease with severe heart failure, tuberculosis, hypertension and myoma, obesity and diabetes.

How is a medical abortion performed?

Medical termination of pregnancy begins with a preliminary conversation between a woman and a doctor. She is informed about possible contraindications and complications and the very essence of the method. Next, they take blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, Rh factor and a swab for flora and do an ultrasound scan to clarify the time. The woman signs the consent.

As for pain, it all depends on the period: the longer the gestational age, the more intense the pain.

After a medical abortion, a woman is selected for contraception. Conception can occur immediately, so you need to start protecting yourself immediately.


In any case, a woman goes through the following stages of medical abortion:

  • A woman calls the clinic and makes an appointment with the doctor, indicating that she wishes to have an abortion with a drug. Food is not accepted for 3 hours.
  • At the reception, the doctor does an ultrasound.
  • You are warned about possible complications of the procedure and contraindications to it, conduct an introductory conversation.
  • Together with the gynecologist, you choose one of the drugs produced in France or Russia.
  • Tests may also be ordered if you did not do them shortly before the interruption. Results are ready in 1 day.
  • The drug is taken with a doctor.
  • Within 72 hours, pain and discharge similar to menstruation appear.
  • After the onset of pain and bleeding, prostaglandins are taken. Within 5 days, the fetal egg comes out entirely.
  • The next stage is the control ultrasound.

Remember that the vagina is a home for bacteria. That's why smears are done before medical abortion. When the cervix opens, bacteria can enter the uterus. Unfortunately, sometimes there is a toxic shock with a fatal outcome, but this is stubbornly silent.

Choose a clinic whose doctors have been performing the medical abortion procedure for a long time. This will help keep complications to a minimum.

Medical abortion pills

Tablets for medical termination of pregnancy: Mifepristone, Mifegin, Mifeprex, Mifolian, RU-486. The active substance of all these drugs is mifepristone. This is a complex molecule that has a complex effect on the female body, tuned to maintain pregnancy. If you had an irregular menstrual cycle before taking the pills, the problem may worsen.

Medical abortion is carried out with drugs that include Mifepristone: Mifegin, Mifeprex, Mifolian, RU-486. Specialists always carefully prepare a woman to take these drugs. The doctor discusses with the patient the anamnesis, all the diseases that she had or has.


Mifepristone blocks hormone receptors that support pregnancy.

Medical termination of pregnancy with mifepristone is better tolerated than surgery. Before the procedure, you confirm that you are aware that in the future, you may need a surgical abortion due to incomplete removal of the ovum. After taking mifepristone, on the 2nd day you come to the clinic again and take another drug that expels the embryo within 1 hour. Bleeding continues for 10 days, after which you come for a follow-up ultrasound. In rare cases, after taking the drug, diarrhea, dizziness and nausea are possible.

Mifepristone has the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy while using an intrauterine device.
  • Scar after caesarean section.
  • Leiomyoma.
  • Insufficiency of the kidneys, liver.
  • Violation of blood clotting.
  • Anemia.
  • Asthma.
  • Diseases of the female genital area.

After taking, severe pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness and vomiting may be observed. The temperature may rise greatly. Do not take any painkillers and antipyretics - they can stop the abortion. You can take analgin or no-shpu as a last resort. Better call the doctor who performed the abortion. You will be given emergency telephone numbers where you can get advice. If for some reason you cannot contact this doctor, with severe pain, constant vomiting and fever, call an ambulance.


Medical termination of pregnancy with mifegin is an alternative to curettage. An unsuccessful result, incomplete extraction of a fertilized egg is possible in 5% of cases.

Mifegin is a progesterone antagonist. The mucous membrane of the uterus under its influence begins to be rejected. Abortion with pills is a serious intervention in the body, it cannot be called completely harmless.

The first visit to the doctor includes an examination on the armchair, consultation of the patient, signing the appropriate paper - consent to the abortion, ultrasound to confirm the period and the first pill. The next visit is due in 72 hours. During this visit, the fetus is expelled from the uterus by taking a prostaglandin. In the clinic you need to be under observation for 1.5 hours. If the pain is very severe, you may be given a no-shpu. Short-term diarrhea is possible.

After 12-16 days, you need to do an ultrasound. If for some reason the pregnancy persists, a normal abortion is performed.

In the intervals between visits, you can not visit the sauna and drink alcohol.


Medical termination of pregnancy with pencrofton is an alternative to surgical abortion. Advantages of medical abortion with the Russian drug Pencrofton:

  • Early termination of pregnancy on the second day after conception (for example, if you have been a victim of violence).
  • No risk of contracting hepatitis, as happens with abortion, if the instruments are poorly sterilized.
  • Lower cost.
  • Curettage can cause uterine scarring or perforation, life-threatening bleeding. This is not the case with pencrofton.
  • Fertility is restored immediately.
  • No anesthesia needed.
  • You don't have to go to the hospital.
  • Reduced risk of depression after an abortion.

The drug was developed in 1990. It expels the embryo from the uterus, opening the cervix. Termination of pregnancy with pencrofton is possible up to 7 weeks. It can only be used in clinics. The patient is given 3 tablets once and is sent home. Then, after 72 hours, she is given a drug that expels the fetus, which has stopped developing during this time. After 16 days, ultrasound is performed and curettage if necessary (rarely).

When taking pancrofton, a minimum of side effects is observed, as a rule, it is only nausea and a feeling of weakness, a slight increase in body temperature within 4 hours.


Medical termination of pregnancy with misoprostol in Kyiv can be done in many specialized clinics. Misoprostol is the latest generation of abortion pills. As a result of the work of the uterine muscles under its action, the fetal egg is pushed out.

The method eliminates psychogenic trauma and is best suited for young nulliparous girls.

Abortion after 1-15 days occurs in 65-85% of cases. The introduction of a prostaglandin analogue after 1-3 days increases this figure to 88-98%. The same results were obtained using Pencrofton. Thus, the optimal scheme for the procedure of medical abortion for today is 600 mg of mifepristone with the introduction of prostaglandins 36-72 hours later.


Duphaston after medical termination of pregnancy is prescribed in the post-abortion period. On the 16th day, after the ultrasound, Dufaston is prescribed 10 mg twice a day for 10 days. Duphaston is an active progestogen. It is used in a number of gynecological diseases. When it is taken, there are no unwanted hormonal disorders. Duphaston does not affect liver cells and blood pressure.

Together with Duphaston, the gynecologist can prescribe you multivitamins or special vitamin complexes that are used in stressful situations. Abortion, whether surgical or medical, is stressful for a woman. As a result, not only the nervous system, but also the heart can suffer. Sometimes post-abortion psychosis develops. The first reaction is always relief. But then a woman often feels remorse, her self-esteem decreases, on this day every year she can cry. It helps to understand what happened. You can mourn your child. The support of loved ones is very important, but, unfortunately, the husband cannot always understand why the wife suddenly became cold with him. The process of finally getting rid of guilt is a long one. Medical termination of pregnancy is usually more easily tolerated by women, does not affect the state of mind so much.

Consequences of medical abortion

The consequences of medical abortion are reduced mainly to nausea, diarrhea and delayed menstruation up to 12 weeks, headache, chills, endometritis. Extremely rare side effects such as Quincke's edema, uterine rupture and toxic shock. Toxic shock can lead to death.

Pregnancy is not interrupted in 3% of cases. Then you have to do scraping. As a result, inflammatory diseases can worsen, adhesions and infertility develop - not immediately, it happens, a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth, but the inflammation worsens several times and leads to infertility.

During pregnancy, the nervous system is rebuilt. The body is set up to carry a pregnancy. Medical termination of pregnancy artificially stops this process. Therefore, neuroses are so frequent, the so-called. post-abortion syndrome. Rarely, thyroid diseases are associated with medical abortion, explaining everything by the Chernobyl accident. But in vain. The thyroid gland is involved in the regulation of hormones that support pregnancy, albeit not as clearly as the ovaries and pituitary gland. It is clear that they go for an abortion out of desperation, a sudden collapse of plans. But if you think about it, there are no safe abortions. Most of us have carious teeth, tonsillitis or rhinitis. These are infectious foci. After an abortion by any means, a woman's immune system weakens dramatically. Harmful bacteria from the vagina can enter the uterus. The risk of infection is especially high from the vagina, because it is located closest, but theoretically, the infection can enter the uterus through the bloodstream from any focus in the body, even a carious tooth.

Of course, the listed consequences most often occur during surgical abortion. But even with medical abortion, the cervix opens when the fetal egg is expelled. Through these gates, infection easily penetrates.

To minimize the consequences, medical abortion should end with a rest for your body. You can’t play sports for a month, no sexual intercourse, take a shower and don’t swim in open water, don’t go to the sauna, swimming pool, don’t take a bath earlier than 3 weeks after a medical abortion.


The harm of medical abortion is due to the blocking of progesterone receptors. There is no injury to the uterus, so complications are much less common than with traditional abortion. A frequent complication is incomplete expulsion of the fetus (about 10%). Prolonged uterine bleeding is possible. Cases of toxic shock after taking "pregnancy pills" are known.


It is rare, but still possible, to face serious complications after medical termination of pregnancy. First of all, this is the lack of effect of the drug or incomplete abortion. Menstruation may also become irregular or very heavy. Allergy is possible. If any warning signs appear, you should immediately seek advice from the clinic where the abortion was performed.


Discharge after medical termination of pregnancy is usually brownish, bloody and often disturbing even if heavy bleeding has already ended. To remove all suspicions, be sure to visit a gynecologist and do an ultrasound on the 14-16th day after the abortion. If a month and a half after a drug abortion, the discharge does not stop, this indicates that there has been a failure in the hormonal system. To correct this condition, the doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives (mini-pill or combined).

You should also pay attention to the yellow discharge. This may be a sign of purulent inflammation, which has developed due to the fact that you carried a dead child in you for some time. Yellow discharge after a medical abortion may be a sign of E. coli.


Medical termination of pregnancy is considered the safest method, but this does not mean that it is harmless. Sometimes it happens that after an abortion, profuse bleeding develops. It can lead to life-threatening blood loss. In this case, you need to lie down and call an ambulance, without hiding the fact that you had a medical abortion. Normal is considered a small, no more than menstrual, bleeding until the onset of menstruation after a medical abortion. If you have to change more than one night pad in an hour, seek medical attention.


Pain after medical termination of pregnancy in each woman is of varying intensity. They are caused by contraction of the uterine muscles. How severe the pain will be depends on the pain threshold and gestational age. Pain medications for unbearable pain should be prescribed by a doctor because many of these drugs can suppress abortion. Pain after a medical abortion lasts for two days. Pain that is slightly more intense than normal menstrual pain is considered normal. Several menstrual cycles can also be painful. A gynecologist may prescribe you a course of physiotherapy or gynecological massage if the pain and bleeding are very intense and prolonged. To avoid the development of an infection in the uterus, a control ultrasound on day 16 must be done, even if you do not have any complaints. Abdominal pain, fever, green and curdled discharge are all signs of an infection. Medical termination of pregnancy, done in accordance with all the rules, in three visits, rarely leads to such consequences. 98% of cases of complications during medical abortion are associated with ignoring medical recommendations.


The temperature after medical termination of pregnancy usually rises no higher than 37.5ºС and lasts no more than 4 hours. Temperature up to 37.2C can last about 10 days. It is associated with increased levels of progesterone. Delaying the treatment of a possible infectious process in the uterus leads to infertility. Blood clots and fever, too much bleeding should be the reason for an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs earlier than the period prescribed by the doctor (usually 14-16 days after the interruption). If fever and malaise appear after the abortion, call the doctor home.


Nausea after medical termination of pregnancy is not observed in all women and not for long. If you vomit within an hour after taking the drug, unfortunately, the pills will not work. You will be referred for a vacuum abortion.

If a woman is very worried about pain in the lower abdomen, she may be prescribed no-shpu. Aspirin should not be taken. For nausea, you can take Cerucal. It has an antiemetic effect by blocking receptors. The maximum concentration of the drug is reached after 30 minutes. The half-life is 5 hours. Adult dose - 10 mg 3 times a day. Side effects are possible: headache, fatigue, fear, tachycardia, pruritus. Contraindications: individual sensitivity, intestinal obstruction, epilepsy.

Recovery after medical abortion

Recovery after medical termination of pregnancy should include a number of activities. Abortion is a serious injury, no matter how it is carried out. After a medical abortion, pay special attention to yourself for 2-3 months. Don't lift weights. Ask your family members to help you clean up. The gynecologist can prescribe you procedures, gynecological massage. Be sure to visit the physiotherapy room if the doctor has advised you to do so. After an abortion, vegetative-vascular dystonia and nervous disorders can progress. Avoid stress and colds - medical abortion weakens the body's defenses. Of the water procedures, only showers are allowed for the first month and a half. Prevent constipation. Change your underwear regularly. For the first month, exclude significant power loads, sports. You can have sex after the first period after an abortion. Mifepristone is incompatible with alcohol intake. We also recommend a mammogram.


Medical termination of pregnancy, since 1999, was done by every second woman. Alas, these are statistics. A small number of women do not have abortions in their lifetime. Bloody discharge after that lasts another two weeks. At this time, of course, you need to abstain from sex. The risk of inflammation increases if this recommendation is not followed. The same goes for intimacy during menstruation.


It is advisable to plan pregnancy after medical termination of pregnancy no earlier than 3 months later. An earlier pregnancy has a higher risk of complications. Medical termination of pregnancy in 95% does not affect the further possibility of conception, you can become pregnant in the next cycle, so take care of contraception. After a medical abortion, immunity is often impaired, so if you do not restore the body, you can pick up some kind of infection during pregnancy. Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy is normally restored immediately. A delay of up to 20 days is considered normal. But in 70% of women they come on time. With severe cramping pains during menstruation after a medical abortion, you need to consult a doctor - this happens if the embryo is not all out.

You can also make a pharmacist by contacting the Kyiv clinic "Demetra" (Poznyaki district). It also performs colposcopy of the cervix and preventive examinations of women at affordable prices, treatment of STDs, menopause, menstrual disorders. Remember that with a latent course of diseases there are no pronounced symptoms, such as bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen. Regular check-ups help to avoid serious illnesses, incl. oncological. Cancer never develops on healthy tissue.

The center performs 300 types of tests. Here you can comfortably undergo rehabilitation after a medical abortion, get psychological help if necessary.

The Atlanta Medical Center is also located on the left bank of the Dnieper in Kiev. Here you can undergo a medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages (6-7 weeks). Also, the center treats sexual infections, gynecological and venereal diseases, conducts gynecological and general massage.

In the clinic "Klinitsi Doroslikh" on Lepse Boulevard in Kiev, you can make a medical abortion at an affordable price of 1200 UAH (ultrasound included). Here you will find understanding. Gynecologists of the center know that a woman of any age is not 100% safe from unwanted pregnancy, even if she takes contraceptive measures. A medical abortion performed by an experienced gynecologist will not affect your health in any way. The procedure will take place according to all the rules prescribed in the protocol of the pharmacist. The medical abortion clinic uses the long-established, reliable and effective drug Mifepristone. It is well tolerated by women. After the end of bleeding, you will definitely go through a control ultrasound again.

The medical center "Vemar" on the street has also proven itself well. N. Bazhana (Kyiv). Here, medical abortion is carried out at an early stage - up to 42 days from the 1st day of menstruation. The normal size of the uterus, the absence of an embryo on ultrasound and discomfort during the follow-up examination indicate a successful medical abortion. The doctors of the clinic do their best to minimize side effects. Gynecologists of the center also treat colpitis, vaginitis and inflammation of the uterine appendages, polyps and endometriosis. The urologist of the center provides assistance in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder, as well as inflammatory diseases of the prostate and sexual disorders in men.

As you can see, the choice of medical clinics that provide medical abortion is wide. The method of medical abortion is called by WHO as the most gentle for women's health.

Abortion pills or as it is also called medical abortion (pharmacy) is the termination of pregnancy with the help of special medicines, in particular mifegin tablets. Medical termination of pregnancy is an excellent alternative to the surgical method. Medical termination of pregnancy (abortion with mifegin tablets) has a high efficiency, it reaches 95-98% when abortion is carried out with tablets in the early stages (max. 63 days from the first day of the last menstruation or up to 8 weeks of pregnancy). Medical termination of pregnancy can be used at a later date, but its effectiveness will be lower.

Our article will tell you How does a drug interruption work?. Abortion or as it is also called medical abortion (pharmacy) is the termination of pregnancy with the help of special medicines, in particular mifegin tablets. Medical termination of pregnancy is an excellent alternative to the surgical method. With medical abortion with mifegin, the risk of various complications that are not uncommon during surgical intervention is significantly reduced, it has a milder effect on the body, and in the psychological sense, medical abortion with mifegin is much easier to tolerate. Abortion with mifegin tablets or medical termination of pregnancy with mifegin is widely used not only in Russia, but also abroad. Medical termination of pregnancy or abortion with mifegin tablets is a relatively new method, but it has already proven its effectiveness. And due to the fact that abortion with mifegin tablets has a very gentle effect on the female body, in some cases this method of medical termination of pregnancy is the only possible option.
Medical termination of pregnancy (abortion with mifegin tablets) has a high efficiency, it reaches 95-98% when abortion is carried out with tablets in the early stages (max. 63 days from the first day of the last menstruation or up to 8 days). Medical termination of pregnancy can be used at a later date, but its effectiveness will be lower. An unsuccessful result during abortion with pills, in this case, is possible in 2-5% and depends on many factors, mainly on the state of health of the woman, her health. Therefore, when carrying out a medical abortion, it is important to undergo a complete examination, to pass tests. Abortion with pills is completely safe for, unlike surgery, medical abortion does not injure the mucous membrane and does not adversely affect the reproductive function of a woman.

Abortion pills are carried out using the medication mifegin, the action of which is to reject the fetal egg. The fact that medical termination of pregnancy with mifegin is safe is evidenced by the fact that after an abortion with pills, the possibility of fertilization is restored in the first menstrual cycle.

Medical termination of pregnancy

Any termination of pregnancy, including medical termination of pregnancy, can give a complication. Therefore, you should not insist on medical abortion if the gynecologist recommends you another way, because there are indications and contraindications for medical abortion.

Why is abortion bad?

During an abortion, there are two types of effects on a woman's body: mechanical and hormonal. Mechanical impact during abortion (dilation of the cervix and curettage of the cavity) can always lead to damage, which is then very difficult to correct (and sometimes not subject to it at all). But the hormonal effect does not pass without a trace for the body - such violations are also difficult for a woman, despite the fact that enough drugs have now been developed to restore normal hormonal levels.

Medical termination of pregnancy: the benefits

medical termination of pregnancy allows you to terminate a pregnancy at very early stages of pregnancy, so hormonal stress for the body is minimal; the most effective medical abortion for periods up to 4 weeks, when the fetal egg is still weakly attached to the uterus and strong hormonal changes have not occurred in the woman's body,
can be used immediately after detection of pregnancy,
does not require anesthesia and rough surgical intervention,
eliminates the risk of complications, such as infection, adhesions, trauma to the uterine cavity, the development of endometritis,
the risk of anesthetic complications is excluded,
the risk of developing secondary infertility is excluded,
there is no possibility of contracting viral infections (hepatitis, HIV),
avoids the problem of Rh-conflict between mother and fetus in Rh-negative women,
practically does not differ from heavy menstruation and is psychologically perceived as a natural process,
does not require hospitalization,
psychologically easier to bear.

Medical abortion: what happens in a woman's body

As a result of blocking progesterone, the capillaries in the uterine mucosa are destroyed and it is rejected. In addition, as a result of exposure to mifepristone, there is an increase in the concentration of special substances - prostaglandins, which cause uterine contractions, contribute to the termination of pregnancy and the separation of the fetal egg, as well as softening and expulsion of the fetal egg. To enhance the action of mifepristone (increase the contractility of the uterus), prostaglandins are administered additionally 36-48 hours after taking mifepristone.

Medical termination of pregnancy: cost

The cost of medical abortion is higher than conventional abortion. This is due to the high price of drugs for medical termination of pregnancy. The cost also depends on which company you choose.
Medical termination of pregnancy: indications

medical termination of pregnancy up to 6 weeks;
emergency contraception as a prevention of unwanted pregnancy after "unprotected" intercourse.

Contraindications for medical abortion

Medical termination of pregnancy: contraindications

Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;

irregular menstrual cycle;

uterine fibroids, endometriosis;

Suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy;

The presence of scars on the uterus;

Anemia (anemia);

Severe diseases of internal organs (renal, liver and adrenal insufficiency, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, bronchial asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.);

Age under 18 and over 35 and smoking;

Long-term therapy with corticosteroid drugs and drugs that reduce blood clotting (anticoagulants).

Medical termination of pregnancy: preparation

First, a complete examination of the patient is carried out to exclude possible contraindications, which includes:

Gynecological examination;

Taking a smear on the degree of frequency;

For syphilis (RW) and HIV;


After the examination and the exclusion of contraindications, the essence of the method is explained to the woman, how it will be carried out and possible complications.

How is Medical Abortion Performed?

At a gynecological appointment, a woman takes mifepristone tablets and is observed for one to two hours, after which she goes home, and after a few hours she develops minor spotting.

After two days, the woman again comes to the appointment, she is given an ultrasound scan to determine whether the fetal egg has been removed. If not removed, then she takes prostaglandin tablets. This time she is under observation for about 4 hours, then she also goes home. After taking prostaglandin, spotting becomes more abundant, reminiscent of normal menstruation. They can continue for about 10-12 days.

After 12-14 days, an ultrasound examination is performed to check whether the fetal egg has been completely removed.

Medical termination of pregnancy: complications

After taking mifepristone, there may be a feeling of discomfort, weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, fever. All this usually goes away on its own.

During the separation of the egg, severe pain and bleeding may occur. If the bleeding is severe and started at home, then you need to call an ambulance.

Sometimes an incomplete abortion occurs, in which case instrumental removal of the remnants of the fetal egg (vacuum aspiration or curettage) is performed.

Medical termination of pregnancy excludes mechanical damage to the uterus, but does not exclude the possibility of developing functional disorders due to changes in hormonal levels.

Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages is a good tool, but you must always remember that there are no absolutely safe abortions.

Medical termination of pregnancy: effectiveness.
The effectiveness of medical abortion depends on the duration of pregnancy and is:

98% - within 2-3 weeks,
93% - in 5 weeks,
89% in 6 weeks.

Precautions after medical termination of pregnancy.

Be physically active for two weeks.
Beware of hypothermia and not jeopardize health, minimize the likelihood of contracting acute respiratory infections, eliminate stress.

Pay special attention to personal hygiene - frequent change of underwear is necessary, for intimate hygiene use a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

It is advisable not to have sex for at least 14 days after medical termination of pregnancy, and in the future, consult a doctor for an individual selection of contraceptives.

Violation of these rules can lead to serious complications.

Medical termination of pregnancy: adverse reactions

dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea),
weakness, dizziness, headache,
increase in body temperature,
pain in the abdomen,

Most patients (85%) do not present any complaints.

Rehabilitation after medical termination of pregnancy.

After medical termination of pregnancy, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor for at least 3 menstrual cycles to assess the restoration of menstrual function and the selection of a contraceptive method.

Medical abortion (medical termination of pregnancy)

Medical abortion has undergone numerous clinical trials in more than 20 countries.

An indication for medical termination of pregnancy is an early uterine pregnancy (up to 5 weeks inclusive), confirmed by ultrasound data.

Benefits of medical abortion:

high efficiency, safety and acceptability;
no risk associated with anesthesia (pain relief);
no risk associated with surgery;
reduced risk of ascending infection;
exclusion of the risk of transmission of HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, etc.;
the risk of anesthetic complications is excluded;
the absence of psycho-emotional trauma that occurs during surgical abortion (this is especially true when terminating the first pregnancy);
no adverse effects on reproductive function;
no need for hospitalization;
giving a woman the right to independently choose a method, high satisfaction with the method.

Medical abortion - mifegin

How does medical abortion work?

The action of mifepristone leads to the fact that there is a detachment of the fetal egg and its expulsion from the uterine cavity. According to world statistics, the effectiveness of medical abortion with mifepristone ranges from 95 to 98.21%. There are other drugs (Russian and Chinese) approved for use in Russia for the production of medical abortion, but mifepristone, produced in France, is considered the best.

Medical abortion - mifepristone Medical abortion - mifepristone (structure)
Of course, like any method or means, this method of abortion has its own contraindications:

Hypersensitivity to mifepristone
Chronic adrenal insufficiency
Long-term glucocorticosteroid therapy
Hemorrhagic disorders (increased bleeding) and treatment with anticoagulants
Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs
uterine fibroids
The presence of severe forms of extragenital pathology.

Suspicion of ectopic pregnancy
Pregnancy that occurred against the background of the use of intrauterine contraception or after the abolition of hormonal contraception
The presence of scars on the uterus.

Precautions after pharma. abortion

Beware of hypothermia and not jeopardize health, minimize the likelihood of contracting acute respiratory infections, eliminate stress.
Eliminate heavy physical activity for two weeks.
Check body temperature daily.
Prevent constipation, monitor the timely emptying of the bladder and intestines.
You can not take a bath, douche, swim in the pool, river, etc. in two weeks. Warm showers are allowed.
Use contraceptives during sexual intercourse before the onset of menstruation.
It is advisable not to have sex for at least 14 days after the interruption procedure, and in the future, consult a doctor for an individual selection of contraceptives.
You can take any medication only after consulting a doctor.

In case of fever or severe pain and profuse bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor
Violation of these rules can lead to serious complications.


When performing medical abortion, complications are very rare, much less than with any other methods of abortion. But the following side effects are possible:

Dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
weakness, dizziness, headache;
increase in body temperature;
pain in the abdomen;
profuse bleeding from the genital tract.

Let's dispel fears:

1) Women who smoke may not be afraid - smoking does not affect the possibility of medical abortion. But if you are over 35 years old and have problems of a cardiovascular nature, then it is better to abstain. To say more precisely whether it is possible or not to have a medical abortion, the doctor will tell you only after the examination.
2) Many are afraid of pain - it is no more than with normal menstruation.
3) Medical termination of pregnancy in no case leads to infertility.
4) It is not necessary to immobilize (bed rest), on the contrary, moderate movement or even light work is desirable in order to accelerate the expulsion of the fetus.

If you, nevertheless, decided to have an abortion at an early stage of pregnancy, and you have a question about the place of its implementation, do not waste precious time looking for the best (optimal) option - it is in front of your eyes. In our medical center you will be able to have an abortion (termination of pregnancy) with the highest possible efficiency for you.

Requirements and contraindications

For any woman who decides to have an abortion procedure, there is a good reason.

For some, pregnancy is unwanted, for some, there are medical indications for medical abortion.
There are many contraindications for medical abortion.
So, first of all, these can be diseases of various genital organs, which include fibroids, endometriosis, etc. There are also hormonal disorders and diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular, digestive, and respiratory systems. There are age restrictions - from eighteen to thirty-five years. The list, as you can see, is quite extensive.

“What will happen after a pharmaceutical abortion? Is it possible to get pregnant again? The chance of pregnancy after medical termination of pregnancy remains the same, as shown by most studies.

Pregnancy can also occur already during the 1st ovulation after a pharmaceutical abortion. The better a person understands what medical abortion really is, what are the contraindications and what complications are possible, the better everything will go. According to statistics, most women were satisfied with the medical abortion procedure, and would agree to it again if necessary.

Abortion procedure

How is a medical abortion performed?

First you need an examination by a gynecologist, pass all the required tests. At this stage, various contraindications to such an abortion can be identified.
If there are no contraindications, then the supervising doctor asks her to take a mifepristone tablet.

She can go home in a couple of hours. A few hours later, spotting appears.

After 2 days, you need to visit the gynecologist again, who will confirm the rejection of the embryo. In most cases, it is confirmed, and then the doctor asks the woman to take a prostaglandin pill, which will just help to bring the embryo out.
After a few weeks, you need to undergo an ultrasound in order to verify the success of the abortion.

Consequences after medical abortion

Tablet abortion should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Most often it is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, weakness, dizziness and nausea. All this is quite safe.

But there are more serious complications, such as bleeding or incomplete abortion, which require the intervention of a doctor. Abortion pills will be useless if, therefore, you should be examined before taking the drugs.