Pills preventing pregnancy for 72. Use before sexual intercourse. Action of emergency contraceptives

Often there are situations when during sexual intercourse the condom is damaged, which entails the entry of sperm into the body of a woman. Even more often there are moments when, during sexual pleasure, you simply forget to use a contraceptive. And besides, having sex without a condom is much more pleasant. But such careless moments have one consequence - an unwanted pregnancy. How to be further?

The effects of unprotected intercourse can be corrected with medications called emergency pills. They are designed specifically to correct unprotected sexual intercourse, which entails the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy.

Such funds are used only when absolutely necessary, when a woman is sure that conception may occur. Just drinking them "just in case" is very dangerous for health and can cause irreparable harm to a woman's life.

Such pills are also called next-day remedies, which provide contraception for 72 hours. It is during this time after sexual intercourse that the effect of the drug is due.

Important! The high efficiency of not getting pregnant, after taking an emergency pill, is due to the first day. On the second and third days, the performance indicators are reduced by 15-20%, respectively.

If you are really afraid of getting pregnant, and in no way want to let this happen, then you need to take the pills on the first day. If the medication was taken on the third day, then its capacity is no more than 50%. In the case when, after the completion of unprotected intercourse, pregnancy nevertheless occurred, then there is no point in using pills.

Important! Pills are called emergency, as they provide a fast-acting effect that helps prevent the fertilization of the egg of the sperm that has entered the woman's body.

Types of emergency contraceptives

  1. Preparations of 24-hour action. The need to take such pills immediately after intercourse, as well as after the phenomenon during the above time.
  2. 72-hour action of medicines. If more than 24 hours have passed after the act of carnal pleasure, then it is the 72-hour remedy that will help here.
  3. There are also means to prevent pregnancy even after three days. These include a copper-containing spiral. The main advantage of such a spiral is the capacity even after 5 days after the act of intercourse.

In case of rape, the installation of a spiral is not allowed, as it can lead to infection of the body.

Pills that relate to 24- and 72-hour emergency medicines for pregnancy, we will consider in more detail.

Action of emergency drugs

The action of contraceptive medications after intercourse is determined by the following important responses:

  1. Fencing is carried out, which is characterized by the inadmissibility of the release of the ovaries from the egg.
  2. Limit the meeting of sperm and egg.
  3. If the egg has already been fertilized, then the drugs do not allow it to enter the uterus.

Thus, when a woman has taken a medication, the following action occurs in her body: thickening of the mucous secretion in the cervix. These clots form and are a barrier to the sperm. This is how emergency contraceptives work.

For your information! There are two types of emergency medications from conception: estrogen-containing and non-hormonal.

Preparations that contain estrogen are hormonal. When they are used, some types of side effects occur (headache, nausea, diarrhea, pain in the groin).

If, after taking the medication, there is a deterioration in health, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Why should you see a doctor? First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease, because a side effect may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. Often, after taking the drug, a woman may feel pain in the chest, arms, shoulders, legs or arms. Such symptoms indicate an incorrect dosage of the drug.

Let's take a closer look at the 72-hour and 24-hour tablets, as well as their names.

Tablet 72 hours

If the phenomenon of sexual contact was committed more than 24 hours ago, then in this situation, the medicine for pregnancy "72 hours" is suitable. Taking a pill in the interval of this time - you can stop the phenomenon of conception.

They are characterized by high hormonal activity, so it is allowed to take no more than four times a month. The most common of this series of tablets are the drugs: PostinorDuo and Escapelle, Genale.

Taking the drug often causes such complications:

  1. Severe pain in the abdomen. Appear 3-5 weeks after the use of the drug. Most often indicates an ectopic pregnancy. Requires immediate hospitalization.
  2. Difficulty breathing and blurred vision.
  3. Allergic rash and chest pain.

To avoid or reduce the effects of side effects, you should take the drug under the supervision of a physician.

It is used in the case when the means of protection were ineffective and allowed the entry of spermatozoa into the woman's body. The active ingredient of the drug is lovonorgestrel. The drug does not allow the fertilization of the egg, and in the event of a phenomenon, it is able to reject the embryo from the body. The effectiveness of the drug is determined by the time it is taken after intercourse, the sooner - the more likely it is not to become pregnant. Virtually no negative side effects.

A histamine-based drug, which is determined by its capacity for 72 hours, but no later. It belongs to potent components, as it contains synthetic substances in the basis. It helps to slow down the process of ovulation, as well as the rejection of a fertilized egg. The drug is characterized by such types of contraindications, manifested in the form of discharge of blood clots from the vagina, unbearable pain in the groin area, as well as pathological abnormalities.


The postinor tablet consists of the hormone levonorgestrel. This is a synthetic analogue of the hormone that does not allow the fertilization of the egg after sexual intercourse for 72 hours. Levonorgestrel is still used in the main contraceptives that are taken before carnal pleasure, only the dose of its content is much lower than in the postinor preparation.

The postinor package contains two tablets that are recommended for use:

The first - after intercourse of sexual intercourse (and the sooner the better).
The second - after 12 hours.

Important! It is necessary to repeat the drug if at least one of the tablets was excreted from the body through vomiting. Vomiting may occur if the tablet is not absorbed.

Postinor refers to drugs that are not able to save a woman from an already onset pregnancy. It is worth noting such a situation, if you took postinor after sexual intercourse, and after a couple of days you had sex again without using contraception, then in this case the drug will not save you from second fertilization.

If, after taking postinor, the phenomenon of unwanted pregnancy is detected, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This drug can increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. The doctor will examine and identify the location of the fetus.

Tablet 24 hours

24 hours - a pill that is characterized by its effectiveness during the day after sexual intercourse. Most commonly used:

  1. When carnal pleasures occurred without means of protection.
  2. When the protective equipment was damaged.
  3. In case of rape of a woman.

Until the moment the embryo appears, the tablet has an efficiency of 95%, and after that it is equal to zero. When taking the medication, you should be 100% aware that the embryo has not yet formed.

It has some side effects:

  • Vomiting, groin pain, diarrhea, cramps
  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Vaginal pain and irregular menstruation

vaginal tablets

You can get rid of unwanted pregnancy with vaginal pills. They are characterized by a not so large percentage of capacity, which is 80-85%, of absolute safety for a woman. The active substance of the drug after its use, contributes to the blocking of spermatozoa, thereby reducing the risk of fertilization of the egg.

Also, the main features include the absence of negative effects, which allows you to take the drug at any time of the menstrual cycle. Vaginal tablets include:

  • Pharmatex
  • Benatex
  • Ginakotex

These pills are non-hormonal substances, which makes them safe, but the effectiveness of such drugs is more when taken together with other contraceptives.

It often happens that sexual intercourse occurs unplanned, when neither the boy nor the girl has any contraceptives with them. Or, for example, the "barrier" method does not work, that is, the condom breaks. What to do in this situation? It is impossible to hope "for chance". Action must be taken immediately. It is best to go to the gynecologist the next morning after "unprotected" intercourse to resolve the issue of emergency contraception.

"Pills after the act" is primarily intended to prevent pregnancy as a result of unprotected intimacy and includes various methods and drugs. The essence of this contraception is to prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus and starting to develop.


* You did not use any contraceptives;
* Coitus interruptus;
* The condom broke;
* You did not make a contraceptive injection on time;
* missed taking one or more birth control pills or started a new pack late;
* You were forced to have sex.

Emergency contraception -
a chance to prevent unwanted pregnancy without abortion!

* For how long is it applicable?
Emergency contraceptive pills prevent pregnancy within the first 72-96 hours.

* What is their composition?
These drugs contain estrogen, a corpus luteum hormone, or a combination of both. However, due to the need for quick and successful help, these drugs contain a larger amount of the hormone compared to the daily dose of contraceptive pills used in recent years for regular use.

* How do they work?
Depending on when such a contraceptive drug is used, it affects the rupture of the follicles, prevents the conception and / or implantation of the egg. The drug does not affect the already implanted fertilized egg and, therefore, the development of intrauterine pregnancy.

* How effective are emergency birth control pills?
They are very effective in emergencies, although 100% protection cannot be achieved. After a single intercourse with the correct use of these drugs, pregnancy develops in 2 out of 100 women.

* Are there any contraindications to their use?
Due to the fact that they are used to prevent possible abortion or surgery, there are no absolute contraindications to their use. If you need to use them, you should always consult a doctor!

* How to use emergency contraceptive pills?
The drug should be started within the first 72 hours after intercourse. The drug is taken twice with an interval of 12 hours. It is advisable to take the first dose at such a time that the second dose is taken during the daytime hours. It is impossible to delay taking the pill, as this reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

* What side effects can occur?
Most often, nausea or vomiting occurs. Less common are headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, or a feeling of tension in the mammary glands; these phenomena usually resolve within 24 hours. In the days following the administration of the drug, bleeding may occur, in most cases of a spotting nature.

* Do they affect the timing of menstruation?
In most cases, menstruation appears at the expected time, sometimes a few days earlier or later. If the delay exceeds a week, pregnancy is suspected.

What are emergency contraceptives?

Disadvantages of pills after the act

Means of "fire" contraception are completely useless in the process of attaching an egg to the uterus. Therefore, effectiveness can be observed only if the drug is taken within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

Best emergency contraception

mifepristone. This drug is not hormonal. Its action is aimed at suppressing the female hormone at the level of receptors in the uterus and increasing the contraction of its muscles. Mifepristone (Ginepristone, Genale) is by far the best and most effective means of emergency contraception. It blocks the egg so that it cannot enter the uterine lining, and also stimulates its rejection. Mifepristone should only be used after consulting a doctor.

Birth control pills after intercourse do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. If you suspect that you have been exposed to an STI, you should contact your doctor immediately. "Pills after the act" do not affect an existing pregnancy and cannot cause its artificial interruption!

  • What is mifepristone-72 tablet used for emergency contraception?

Mifepristone - 72 - a drug with an experimentally selected dosage of the active substance, which helps prevent unwanted pregnancy. If tablets Mifepristone - 72 are used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse in accordance with the instructions, in most cases it is possible to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

Tablets contain mifepristone 10 mg. Mifepristone is a synthetic steroid antiprogestogenic agent (blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor level), does not have gestagenic activity. The effect of mifepristone is due to blocking the action of progesterone at the receptor level, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, it causes inhibition of ovulation, changes in the endometrium and prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg. Mifepristone - 72 at a dosage of 60 times more is successfully used for medical termination of pregnancy with the full preservation of the reproductive function of a woman in the future.

  • How long does it take to apply?

Mifepristone-72, used in emergency contraception, provides the ability to prevent unwanted pregnancy within 72-120 hours after "unprotected" intercourse. Therefore, in emergency situations, in cases of unprotected sexual intercourse or inappropriate use of the chosen method of contraception, a woman has 3-5 days at her disposal to contact a gynecologist and receive assistance. At the same time, it is undesirable to postpone a visit to the gynecologist and taking the pill for emergency contraception, as this may reduce its effectiveness.

  • Mifepristone-72 - how to use, price, cost?
  • How should it be applied?

One tablet of Mifepristone-72 is taken orally (by mouth) within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse. To maintain blood concentration, you should refrain from eating two hours before use and two hours after it. Mifepristone-72 can be used at any time during the menstrual cycle. In case of vomiting, you should consult a doctor. It is advisable to mark the date of the last menstruation, the date of taking the pill and the date of the next menstruation on the calendar, which will help evaluate the effectiveness of the drug.

  • How does the tablet work?

It competes with progesterone and blocks receptors. In women with a stable menstrual cycle, the effect of mifepristone depends on the time of administration in relation to the menstrual cycle. In the follicular phase, mifepristone delays ovulation (slows down the release of the egg or prevents the release of the egg) and delays the onset of menstruation by 2-3 days. When mifepristone is used in the first half of the luteal phase, it blocks progesterone receptors in the endometrium. This prevents the development of secretion in the endometrium, which leads to the creation of a fertilized egg unfavorable for implantation. The onset of menstruation occurs from the direct effect of mifepristone on progesterone receptors located on the endometrium, independent of luteolysis. The drug in this dosage does not affect the already implanted, fertilized egg.

  • How effective is the pill?

Mifepristone-72 provides very effective help in an emergency. Its effectiveness is higher than that of Postinor and is 80-90%, while all possible side effects of Postinor are absent (See - "Which is better - Postinor or Ginepristone (Mifepristone)?").

  • What adverse events may occur? .

Feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen, weakness, headache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, hyperthermia (extremely rare) Mifepristone-72 has been found to have fewer side effects than other methods of emergency contraception, such as Postinor. The low rate (about 10%) of side effects makes mifepristone-72 (gynepristone) an attractive choice over other available methods.

  • Does it have an effect on the time of the appearance of menstruation?

Most (80-85%) women have their next period on time or a few days earlier or later. If your period does not appear a week after the expected date, pregnancy is suspected, so you need to re-contact your doctor.

  • When should Mifepristone-72 not be taken?

Since the tablet used in emergency cases is intended to avoid the threat of abortion, only an established pregnancy is practically a contraindication, since this method does not have the effect of medical termination of pregnancy.

If, after using the Mifepristone-72 tablet, sexual intercourse occurs without contraceptive measures, then the protective effect of the tablet no longer applies to it. If you need to use an emergency contraceptive pill, you can contact our medical center to a gynecologist for a preliminary consultation and gynecological examination. because this will avoid possible side effects and complications.


Many women plan motherhood ahead of time and often deliberately try to delay the event. In the modern world, there are a number of contraceptives that help to avoid fertilization. But due to various circumstances, couples do not always use them during intimacy. Therefore, emergency contraception may be needed. In this case, anti-pregnancy pills, which must be taken within 72 hours, will help.

Experts warn that such funds are dangerous to use uncontrollably. Their use is allowed

In critical situations, when the risk of unwanted conception is high. Justified use in such cases:

  • after rape;

  • if oral contraceptives were missed;

  • in the case when the condom broke or slipped during intercourse.

  • with pathologies of the liver, kidneys;

  • if pregnancy has already occurred;

  • with lactation;

  • if there was a history of ectopic pregnancy;

  • have problems with blood clotting.

In addition, each type of pill for unwanted pregnancy, which is taken within 72 hours, additionally has other contraindications. Therefore, these remedies cannot be considered harmless and used every time when there is a possibility of conception.

Many women are interested in knowing what drugs exist that can be taken after sex and thus avoid fertilization. Such funds are divided into two groups.

  1. containing levonorgestrel. To prevent pregnancy, this progestogen works in this way:

    • under its influence, the cervical fluid becomes viscous, and this prevents the movement of spermatozoa;

    • does not allow the transition of the endometrium into the phase that is necessary for ovulation;

    • levonorgestrel reduces contractions of the fallopian tubes, as a result, the time for which the egg enters the uterus increases greatly;

    • if the drug is taken before ovulation, then the drug delays it or blocks it.

Pregnancy pills for taking within 72 hours include Postinor, Escapel. These are the most popular drugs. It is advisable to drink Postinor up to 2 days after intercourse, and 12 hours after the first dose, you need to take another one. Escapelle is used no later than 3 days after intimacy. If, after 3 hours after ingestion, there was an attack of vomiting, then another dose of the drug will be required. A less popular, but also effective levonorgestrel-based drug is Eskinor F. The drug is taken in the same way as Escapel.

  • containing mifepristone. Medicines that contain this antigestagen prevent gestation in the following ways:

    • lead to ovulation disorders;

    • increase the contractility of the uterus, which provokes the expulsion of the egg from the uterus, which is ready to be introduced into the walls;

    • lead to such changes in the endometrium that prevent implantation.

  • It is worth listing some names of pregnancy pills to be taken no later than 72 hours containing mifepristone. These include Mifolian, Genale. They should be drunk once, as soon as possible after coitus. Before taking it is necessary to refrain from eating for 2 hours.

    A woman should remember that all these remedies can harm her health. It is better to decide in advance for yourself the issue with safer contraception, so that you do not have to use emergency.

    Contraceptive pills after intercourse for 72 are the first thing that comes to mind when it is urgently necessary to take care of preventing pregnancy. This method of protection is popular very often among women who do not plan to have children, but due to life circumstances: a torn condom, rape, an incorrectly chosen method of protection before, pushes them to use a special pill. In most cases, emergency care in this way is better than a planned abortion.

    In our article you will find answers to such questions:

    • What are the pills to prevent unwanted pregnancy after intercourse?
    • How to apply them?
    • How much and where to buy?
    • Comparison of drugs with different active ingredients.
    • What are the contraindications?
    • How else to prevent conception?
    • Why is it dangerous to use "fire" pills?

    Today, pharmaceutical companies offer a variety of types of planned and urgent protection. These are all kinds of plasters, rings, candles, spirals, tablets. You need to know more about the tablet form, since they are in demand and are assigned to the fair sex.

    The tablet form is easy to use, does not require additional preparation before use. It is important to remember that the tablets in question are not suitable for continuous use and should only be used urgently. The recommended frequency is no more than 1 - 2 times per calendar year.

    Important: do not choose the tool yourself. Consultation with the supervising physician is necessary.


    How does it work?

    Levonorgestrel (a progestogen) works in three ways to help prevent egg fertilization:

    • After using the drug, ovulation is canceled or delayed by the action of the active substance on the ovaries. The egg does not leave its house, so it does not meet with the sperm. By the time ovulation occurs, male cells die;
    • Cervical mucus changes its properties and becomes viscous. Throughput is reduced to 0;
    • Reduced contraction of the fallopian tubes;
    • Changes in the structure of the endometrium. The walls of the uterus become loose and thin, due to which the fertilized cell cannot be implanted.

    Drug options

    Name Instructions for use Price, ₱ Vacation
    Postinor The recommended time for admission is 72 hours. The package contains 2 tablets. They drink the first one, then keep an interval of 12-14 hours and take the second one. 340-450 On prescription
    Escapelle Two tablets are drunk in turn with an interval of 12-14 hours. If vomiting occurs in the next 180 minutes, they resort to a second dose. 450-650 On prescription
    Exinor-F Similarly, two tablets are drunk, as above. The interval between them should be about 12 hours, but not more than 16 hours. It is possible to take two tablets at the same time for a high effect. from 300 On prescription
    MODEL 911 It is recommended to drink the tablet within 12 hours after the act, but no later than 72 hours. from 350 On prescription


    Taking the drug shows that pregnancy can be prevented in 95% of cases if the pills are taken quickly (up to 24 hours). The effectiveness decreases in the following hours, which increases the risk of pregnancy.


    Levonorgestrel is used for rapid contraception after intercourse. Indications for use: unreliable methods of contraception, unprotected intercourse, including rape.


    Ladies who decide to use the above described means should study the instructions well. Pay attention to contraindications. If there is at least one of the items, you should exclude taking pills:

    1. the age of the person taking the drug is not younger than 16 years. The use of EC (emergency contraceptives) from the age of 16 should be supervised by a doctor.
    2. acute or chronic problems with the liver, kidneys, pancreas. Since the elimination of the drug is a huge burden on the kidneys and liver, women with problems should consult a gynecologist for advice and choose another more gentle method of protection, including an urgent one.
    3. allergy to the main component of drugs - levonorgestrel, or lactose.
    4. presence of pregnancy. Before taking the pill, pregnancy should be excluded. The active substance adversely affects the condition of the fetus, and can also lead to an ectopic pregnancy.
    5. not recommended for breastfeeding, Crohn's disease.

    Side effects

    If the remedy is not suitable or an overdose occurs, then the following symptoms can be observed:

    • allergy, which is expressed by redness, swelling, itching, rash;
    • nausea, possible vomiting;
    • pain or dizziness in the head, tiredness, lethargy;
    • soreness of the bottom in the region of the ovaries and uterus;
    • swelling and pain syndrome of the mammary glands;
    • copious or scanty bleeding;
    • changing the calendar of menstruation by delaying up to 7 days.


    How does it work?

    Mifepristone in its pure form is used only in medical institutions. The acquisition of drugs with the same active substance is possible through pharmacies, but only by prescription.

    It aims to block the production of progesterone. Changes in the ability of the myometrium. Ovulation is inhibited or does not occur at all. In addition, the active substance reduces the possibility of implantation of a fertilized egg.

    Drug options

    Name Recommended time for taking Instructions for use Price, ₱ Vacation
    Mifepristone Use as rapid contraception after NPA, when 72 hours have not yet passed after ejaculation. The risk of getting pregnant is quite low if you follow the instructions and drink the drug as quickly as possible. The dosage is determined solely by the doctor. The drug is taken on an inpatient basis. It is not recommended to eat food on the eve (for 1-2 hours). Observation of a woman takes place for several more hours from the start of the procedure. from 5000 Through a medical institution
    Ginepriston It is recommended to eat, and then drink the drug after a couple of hours. One tablet is washed down with plain water. After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat food for 2 hours. 400-600 On prescription
    Mifegin The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. The drug must be taken in a hospital. from 3000 Through a medical institution
    Ginestril The 10 mg tablet must be ingested within 3 days of intimacy. Do not eat for a couple of hours before and after the procedure. from 4500 On prescription
    Jenale The procedure is carried out before or after meals for 2 hours. It is important to take the pill no later than 3 days after intercourse. from 300 On prescription
    Mifeprex from 1100 On prescription
    Agesta from 300 On prescription


    Taking into account that drugs with the active substance - mifepristone, should be drunk within the next 72 hours after intercourse with an unreliable method of protection, it is believed that a high probability of preventing pregnancy occurs within 12-24 hours. The effect decreases when taken after 25 hours after NPA.


    Application options are quite wide:

    • medical abortion at a gestational age of not more than 9 weeks;
    • emergency contraceptive when consulting a doctor. Often used after violent intimacy. The relevance of the method is 72 hours. Use in the following hours is impractical;
    • use during childbirth to stimulate labor. Reception is carried out in several stages within 3 days. An important feature - pregnancy should be considered full-term.

    The appointment of this or that remedy should be carried out by a doctor who will determine the necessary dosage, taking into account the elapsed time after intimacy, the duration of pregnancy.


    The list of diseases and conditions when the use of drugs based on mifepristone is inappropriate is quite wide. Namely:

    • problems with the adrenal glands;
    • kidney and liver diseases;
    • large and small fibroids;
    • anemia;
    • inflammatory processes;
    • smoking after 35 years;
    • pregnancy more than 9 weeks;
    • sensitivity to the main active substance;
    • heart problems;
    • chronic lung disease.

    Doubt about taking the drug? Contact your doctor for advice!

    Side effects

    When taking mifipristone in large quantities, as well as ignoring contraindications, you can get the following side effects:

    • head spinning;
    • headache;
    • nausea, often turning into vomiting;
    • stomach upset;
    • depression or lethargy;
    • fatigue;
    • allergic rashes (urticaria);
    • pain in the ovaries and uterus;
    • spotting or copious discharge of blood;
    • change in the menstrual calendar;
    • adrenal insufficiency.

    The use of combined contraceptives

    The Yuzpe method involves taking oral contraceptives, used on an ongoing basis, as a quick and temporary way to exclude an unplanned pregnancy immediately after intimacy. Not all drugs are suitable, but only combined OK. The effectiveness of taking pills in this way is determined by the time elapsed since the NPA. When using a high dose of hormones in the first 12-24 hours, the probability of fertilization is 75-95%.

    The drugs combine two different active ingredients: levonorgestrel, estrogen, progestogen, ethinyl estradiol, desogestrel. It is important to observe the number of tablets, which corresponds to the increased dosage, as well as the time of re-admission.

    How does the method work?

    After taking COC drugs (combined oral contraceptives) in a large dosage, the body responds to their effects:

    • changes in the endometrium;
    • blocking or inhibiting the release of the egg.

    Drug options

    Name Price, ₱ Recommended time for taking Instructions for use Vacation
    Rigevidon from 250 The relevance of the method is 72 hours from the NPA. It is recommended to use an increased dose in the first 12-24 hours. 4 tab. should be taken in a time interval of 0-72 hours. Then the interval is maintained and the same dosage is repeated. On prescription
    Microgynon from 350
    minisiston from 400
    Femodene from 800
    Regulon from 400
    Marvelon from 1400
    Novinet from 450 Similar indications in time, as in the above means 5 tab. should be taken in a time interval of 0-72 hours. Then the interval is maintained and the same dosage is repeated. On prescription
    Mercilon from 1500
    Logest from 800


    Reception justifies itself if "fire" contraception is necessary for:

    • wrong choice of a permanent method of protection;
    • torn condom;
    • unprotected sexual contact;
    • rape.


    The shock dose of hormones can greatly affect health. It is important to consider when taking pills and contraindications. The diseases included in the list can worsen, and the consequences become irreversible, up to death. Do not neglect the instructions, it is better to contact a specialist for advice.

    So, under what diseases is it better to forget about combined contraceptives in huge dosages:

    • the presence of inflammation of the genital organs;
    • bleeding;
    • problems with the kidneys, liver, pancreas;
    • problems with the mammary gland: the presence of neoplasms, both benign and malignant;
    • intolerance to the main or auxiliary components, and then it is an allergic reaction (Quincke's edema);
    • various problems with the heart, blood vessels;
    • pregnancy;
    • epilepsy;
    • thrombosis;
    • excess weight.

    Side effects

    Incorrect use of COCs can lead to side effects. Treatment is prescribed depending on the symptoms and drug withdrawal. What to expect:

    • the chest swells and begins to hurt, as before menstruation or worse;
    • profuse bleeding is observed;
    • changes in the nature of vaginal discharge;
    • pain in the lower abdomen;
    • there is nausea, which can turn into vomiting;
    • change in the sharpness of vision;
    • a tired, depressed state sets in;
    • the skin becomes oily, there are numerous rashes, redness, nodularity, itching;
    • a sharp increase in weight;
    • puffiness.
    Photo: Which birth control pills to choose after the act for 72, 24 hours

    Alternative to pills for emergency contraception

    If for some reason you cannot use the pill method of emergency contraception: the presence of contraindications, breastfeeding, you should resort to an immediate consultation with a specialist. The doctor often suggests an alternative method: the installation of an intrauterine device (IUD). Girls and women who are breastfeeding prefer this option. It is gentle and makes it possible to continue to feed the child. In addition, the effect remains for subsequent times (up to 5 years).

    It is important to contact the clinic as soon as possible. This must be done no later than 5 days after the NPA.

    How does it work?

    The spiral is made of plastic (first part) and copper (can be replaced by silver) / hormones (second part). The device itself is aimed at maintaining a small inflammatory process that prevents the cell from attaching after fertilization. At the same time, copper or a hormone creates conditions for the death of germ cells.

    When not to put the IUD?

    Intrauterine devices cannot be used:

    • girls under 18;
    • women who have not given birth;
    • in the presence of inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
    • with STIs and STDs;
    • with cancers;
    • if there was at least one ectopic pregnancy in the anamnesis;
    • with heavy blood loss;
    • with spontaneous displacement of the intrauterine device earlier;
    • irregular shape of the uterus;
    • with intolerance to a hormone or metal component.

    What drug to choose?

    First of all, the selection of funds should be carried out by a doctor. Many factors are taken into account: age, hormonal levels, diseases, the presence of pregnancies in the past and present. If we compare drugs with mifepristone and levonorgestrel in terms of sparing effect, we can get the following data:

    Mifepristone (usually 10 mg) Levonorgestrel (usually 1.5 mg)
    Pregnancy does not occur in 98-99%
    • in 95% when taking the pill on the first day (24 hours);
    • in 85% (24-48 hours);
    • in 58-60% in the last time period.
    Application time after NPA 72 hours 72 hours
    Risks of developing an ectopic pregnancy 0,8% 1,6%
    Changing the menstruation calendar 26% 43%
    The number of respondents who noted pain in the chest 8% 8%
    The number of respondents who noted pain in the uterus and ovaries 14% 15%
    Percentage of patients with bleeding 19% 31%
    Age restrictions May be used in adolescence Contraindicated under 16 years of age

    Danger of using EC

    Sometimes the harm is greater than the benefit. It is recommended to use such "fire" methods of preventing pregnancy as birth control pills after the act. no more than 1-2 times a year. What can happen if you neglect the instructions, contraindications and frequency of use:

    1. an increase in risk with each reception of the development of pregnancy outside the uterine cavity. In the future, the body's adjustment to the correct fertilization and attachment of the egg in the right place is disrupted;
    2. development of the diagnosis of infertility. Violation of the menstrual cycle, as well as the absence of menstruation, leads to the fact that women cannot become pregnant. Oocytes are not formed or are rejected until the moment of conception;
    3. the presence of uncontrolled bleeding. Women who have used EC incorrectly or frequently enough should be aware of the increased risk of heavy and prolonged bleeding. In most cases, hemostatic drugs and curettage of the uterine cavity are used;
    4. uncontrolled doses of hormones can develop diseases associated with thrombosis, which leads to strokes and thromboembolism;
    5. increased risk of developing Crohn's disease.

    Contraceptive pills after the act - reviews

    Anyone who writes about contraception, the first thing he advises is to visit a doctor who will help you choose the method that is right for you. But there are situations (and often they fall on weekends and holidays) when it is necessary to act immediately: an unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred, and a possible pregnancy must be urgently prevented. What drug should I take for emergency contraception and why should I not do it often?

    What is emergency contraception

    The name speaks for itself. Emergency contraception aims to prevent the implantation of an already fertilized egg. But you have no idea if your egg is fertilized or not. As up to a certain time, up to a certain time, with all the arsenal of means for early diagnosis of pregnancy, modern medicine has no idea about this either!

    And when the egg is already implanted - then forgive me, girls, mini or maxi - but this is already an abortion! So the goal of emergency contraception is from the “better safe than sorry” series. And it is used in the case of any unprotected sexual intercourse, with the ineffectiveness of the barrier method (torn condom), as well as in the case when the woman “oh, I forgot to take the pills!”.

    There are several types of emergency contraception:

    1. Combined oral contraceptives - COCs;
    2. "Purely progestin" - gestagenic preparations;
    3. "Antitropic" drugs - drugs that affect the secretion of hormones.

    Combined oral contraceptives - emergency

    Emergency contraception using COCs consists in the double application of 200 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 1 mg of levonorgestrel within seventy-two hours after sexual intercourse. Take the first dose right away. The second - in twelve hours.

    So that you don’t get confused with the names, I’ll put it simply: you should drink a good old COC like ovidone containing “horse” doses of these hormones. There are also drugs ovral (USA, Canada) and tetragynon (Germany, Sweden).

    In the relatively old, not too reproductively good Soviet times, the contraceptive combined non-ovlon oral contraceptive was used for these purposes. And I want to tell you a sad story about how one girl, a medical student, decided - on the advice of a friend - to take this same non-ovlon after unprotected intercourse.

    But the girl decided to despise her friend's recommendation: “One pill now, immediately! The second - in twelve hours. She thought: “Oh, well, what a serious effect can be from one tiny pill now, immediately, and from one of the same minutiae - in twelve hours?” And after such thoughts of hers, she took, and gasped under a glass of tea, the whole consignment with non-ovlon. After that, the girl, an excellent student, was taken away in an ambulance with uterine bleeding.

    Because the mechanism of action of emergency contraception with COCs is to prevent implantation due to endometrial rejection. Again: rejection of the endometrium. It's clear? From one or two tablets - rejection of the endometrium. From a handful of COCs taken at once - uterine bleeding. With all the ensuing consequences for the body. But thank the gods, the bleeding was stopped relatively conservatively: it was managed with curettage and intravenous infusions.

    This story still torments my conscience: it was I who advised my classmate the method of emergency (or, as it is also called, urgent postcoital) contraception. Since then, when explaining anything to women - at least in the mode of personal communication, face to face - I have been extremely thorough, meticulous and ask you to retell what has been stated.

    Emergency contraception using COCs is also possible with low-dose drugs (the very ones, for example, that you forgot to drink on time). The number of tablets in this case will vary depending on their composition and dosage of hormones - then I gave the standard dose of emergency contraception with COCs: 200 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 1 mg levonorgestrel. I hope everyone knows how to read instructions for tablets and count on calculators! And no one confuses micrograms with milligrams! If you don't know how, ask your mom and dad. Or an obstetrician-gynecologist.

    Side effects of emergency contraception with COCs include nausea and vomiting. Contraindications are the same as general. If you have diabetes or heart disease, this is not your method of emergency contraception. (Strictly speaking, emergency contraception is not contraception at all, but a way for fools who screw up. Once or twice - with whom it doesn’t happen ... But I don’t recommend using it often, oh, I don’t recommend it!)

    Gestagen preparations for emergency contraception

    "Pure progestin" emergency (emergency) contraception: a long time known Hungarian drug postinor. Contains 0.75 mg levonorgestrel. The most widely known regimen (recommended long ago by WHO): two doses within 48-72 hours after unprotected intercourse. One tablet! And I don't recommend it either.

    There is also the drug norkolut (known as “vacation pills”, because for the first time foreign students who left for a two-week vacation began to burst it with a contraceptive purpose) - if you plan to have unprotected sex no more than two weeks a year, but to the fullest, - Norcolut 5 mg per day. But no longer than two weeks! And this only protects against pregnancy, but not at all against infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

    "Antitropic" drugs used for emergency contraception

    1. Danazol is an antigonadotropic (that is, it prevents the production of tropic hormones - hormones that affect the production of sex hormones themselves) drug. Twice 400 mg with an interval of twelve hours (immediately after coitus). Or three times - in the same mode: 400 mg with an interval of twelve hours (if 48-72 hours have passed after sexual intercourse).

    So far, the method is exclusively empirical (that is, experimental, it was arrived at by experience). There are not enough statistically reliable studies on this topic.

    1. Mifepristone - which is being thrown at you from all over the Internet as a means of "medical abortion" (which is not entirely true), is a synthetic antiprogestin that is a derivative of norethisterone.

    For emergency contraception, it is much more effective than for "medical" abortion. In the event that it is taken at a dose of 600 mg once within seventy-two hours after unprotected intercourse. Or 200 mg from the 23rd to the 27th day of the menstrual cycle.

    Mifepristone is the most effective and most painless emergency contraceptive. Often, as you know, it should not be used. Mifepristone, in addition, can change / bring down the menstrual cycle. So if you used mifepristone as a means of emergency contraception, then now is the time after the onset of menstruation to start hormonal contraception with COCs on a permanent basis.

    All hormonal emergency contraception is not 100% effective. And not very helpful. Once again, loud and clear: emergency (urgent, postcoital) contraception is a single contraception. By no means should you use it all the time. There are no methods of this type of contraception that are safe for your body. After using emergency contraception, you should definitely choose another, permanent method of contraception that effectively prevents pregnancy and is safe for the body. For young and healthy women, I again and again recommend paying close attention to combined oral contraception - COCs - as the most physiological, thoughtful and reversible.

    Tatyana Solomatina

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    wonderful article, it's a pity that they forgot to mention the spiral

    06/08/2016 18:09:52, Zinaida

    Comment on the article "If the condom broke: 3 types of pills for unwanted pregnancy"

    Abortion. Women Health. Women's health issues - diagnosis, treatment, contraception 7ya.ru - an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, upbringing ...

    Medical interruption at 8 weeks! I can’t believe, I can’t accept that nothing else will happen! I think CONSTANTLY that what I felt a few days ago (even if ...


    Girls, thank you, I have a real breakdown: trembling all over my body, I can’t stop, I can’t work, tears are pouring, I’m ashamed in front of the employees. It was especially fun to work on the day of the miscarriage (there was no purge, medical interruption).
    How would now live up to the date of the expected birth: as much as July 14 !!! and don't beat yourself up! Lord help me endure!!!
    Ps: I'll try to at least get drunk today, maybe it will relieve the tension a little...

    12/06/2012 23:47:49, Frozen ber.

    Until the date of the PDR comes, he will not let go. You have to live and you will succeed. It’s hard for my husband too, but it’s much more for you, you wore it. Release your little angel. I often remember my two, they know that I was waiting for them very much and love them very much.

    medical interruption. Contraception. Things are intimate. 7ya.ru - an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, parenting, education and ...

    Abortion and its consequences. Termination of pregnancy, possible complications after an abortion. Medical abortion ("French pills") Specific receptors are blocked...

    The doctor suggested a medical abortion with mifepristone. Has anyone here done such an abortion with freezing? Were there any complications?


    my sister had two abortions after two children, and when she decided to get pregnant again, her husband fell ill with cancer when he was cured, you can’t think about any children because he takes medication for life

    12/18/2018 5:42:31 pm, ting 10/21/2018 10:19:43 AM, Kata19892306

    Afraid. that it’s too late to persuade, dissuade you ... I won’t condemn either - because I myself am not without sin ...
    I am a mother of five children - I have four abortions between the first - and the rest of the children ...
    understand that nothing happens by accident. especially if - you and your husband love each other, would like children, but ... it turned out, as it seems to you, at the wrong time. Children come when it is needed, and it is not for us to decide. when I became pregnant with the second - my new husband was in his 3rd year, we lived on an increased scholarship of 165 r, my maternity and a small salary of my mother - five of us. - then the apartment happened in a very strange way. When the third one turned out - the husband graduated from the institute ... Suddenly, work abroad fell on his head (there was enough money for another couple of years) ... etc.
    Perhaps - this is the best option, of course - it can be worse.
    but in general, psychologically - abortion is a very difficult thing. The first three - in the Council of Deputies - went unnoticed - just as a method of protection "after the fact" - like that was accepted by everyone. And after the last one, 2-3 years passed, the child dreamed, I know what is she, when was she supposed to be born .. etc. I. in general, I wanted a child, but the situation was completely "not for children." and I, as "smart and wise" - did it, although I felt that something was wrong ... Now I know why, but ...
    I don’t want to remember how much fate changed for the worse. How much I had to get out of this and collect myself in parts .... I can give another half a dozen examples of how everything collapsed after my girlfriends had abortions. and they also did it, referring to the fact that “not the time”, “work”, “I can’t”, “what will happen to the eldest”, etc. My close friend (a believer!!!), having two children, said that she would not give birth to a third - she needed to grow professionally and earn money ... result: The youngest then fell ill all winter (4 pneumonia in a row in a three-year-old child!, antibiotics, the teeth were all destroyed). I had to leave the kindergarten, they asked me to leave my job ... That's career growth ...
    Everything is given according to one's strength. Always. and we do not measure them.
    Good luck and peace to you. Decide for yourself what you would really like and what can happen to you, with your psyche and health in an unfavorable scenario. And yet - in infants - psychological trauma after abortion in the mother is described in the literature. This is all later - do not change!

    Everywhere I go they offer medical abortion. What to do, where to run? With a mini-abortion, and even more so with a medical one, there is a chance that tissue will remain ...

    Situations when you need to take pills in order not to get pregnant often happen in the lives of women. Unprotected sexual intercourse with an accidental relationship, rape, a broken condom can lead to an unwanted pregnancy. To prevent conception at home, there are emergency contraceptives that can be easily purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy. These drugs are highly effective and easy to use.

      Show all

      Action of emergency contraceptives

      Medications that inhibit ovulation and help prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex are called emergency contraceptives. Their name already suggests that they are intended for exceptional cases and cannot serve as a permanent contraceptive.

      The mechanism of action of such drugs is carried out in two directions:

      1. 1. The active substance in the composition of the product does not allow the egg to leave the ovary. Spermatozoa that are in the uterine cavity die after some time, and fertilization does not occur.
      2. 2. The drug makes the mucus in the cervix thicker, which prevents sperm from entering the organ.

      The dual action makes emergency oral contraceptives effective in preventing conception and allows them to be used in all cases where there is a risk of unwanted pregnancy.

      The active ingredient in these drugs is levonorgestrel or mifepristone.

      Admission deadlines

      To achieve maximum effectiveness, the drug with levonorgestrel or mifepristone should be used as soon as possible after unprotected sexual contact. If within three days it was not possible to take an emergency contraceptive, its further use is unjustified.

      In the case of attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, these medicines are useless - they do not have an abortive effect.

      The best result of the action of the contraceptive is possible when it enters the body during the first 24 hours after intercourse (95%). Over the next 48 hours, the efficiency decreases to 85%, during another 72 hours there is a decrease in efficiency to 60%. Drinkemergency contraceptive pills can be taken at any time of the day, regardless of meals.

      Emergency contraceptives are not considered safe drugs: their use more than 3 times during the year leads to hormonal imbalance in the body, menstrual irregularities, and infertility. For continuous use, women who have regular sex should use combined oral contraceptives or use barrier methods.

      Medicines based on levonorgestrel

      Drugs that are very popular among women are drugs based on levonorgestrel (synthetic progestogen) - Postinor and Escapel.


      Postinor is available in a package containing two tablets, one of which is taken no later than 3 days after unprotected contact, the second - 12 hours later. The medicine is suitable for preventing unplanned pregnancy in the following situations:

      • casual sexual contact;
      • rape;
      • skipping another pill of a combined contraceptive;
      • breaking or slipping of a condom;
      • displacement of the contraceptive cap or cervical diaphragm;
      • exit from the vagina of a spermicidal cream or suppository.

      Postinor can be used in any phase of the menstrual cycle. It is not recommended to use the remedy during repeated sexual contact without protection during one monthly cycle due to the risk of uterine bleeding.

      If pregnancy has already occurred, it is not advisable to take the drug.

      For adolescent girls, the drug is prohibited, its use is justified only in case of rape, after consulting a gynecologist and a thorough medical examination.


      Despite the high contraceptive efficacy, Postinor has many disadvantages. It should not be used frequently in order to avoid malfunction of the ovaries and disruption of the monthly cycle.

      One hundred percent effectiveness from taking is observed only in women with regular menstruation - with an unstable cycle, the effect decreases, and pregnancy becomes possible. The effect of the drug is weakened by diseases of the digestive system, Crohn's disease, the simultaneous use of tetracycline and ampicillin antibiotics, PPIs.

      Postinor should not be taken by women who have had hepatitis of any type, who have acute and chronic pathologies of the liver and gallbladder. During lactation, the feeding of the child for the duration of the drug is stopped for at least 12 hours.


      Escapel is a modern analogue of Postinor. Levonorgestrel, the content of which is twice as high in Escapel, reduces the risk of fertilization by taking just one tablet. It is necessary to drink it within 72 hours after sexual contact, the maximum result is guaranteed within the first day.

      If the drug has entered the body when conception has already occurred, you can not worry about the condition of the fetus: levonorgestrel in the dose contained in the drug does not cause negative consequences for the development of the child and does not have an abortive effect.

      To minimize the adverse effects of levonorgestrel, Escapel is acceptable for use no more than once every 3-6 months.

      Features of admission and side effects

      Escapel has the same contraindications as Postinor. The simultaneous use of both drugs is not allowed. If diarrhea or vomiting occurs within 3 hours after drinking the pill, the guarantee of the absence of fertilization is reduced, so an additional dose must be taken.

      Effects of levonorgestrel use may occur with both agents. They consist in:

      • the development of an ectopic pregnancy;
      • uterine bleeding;
      • the risk of infertility, especially if levonorgestrel is taken by a young nulliparous girl;
      • the risk of thrombosis.

      Side effects develop infrequently, manifested by headache, nausea, itchy skin rashes, breast swelling, pain in the lower abdomen.

      Mifepristone-based preparations

      Emergency contraceptives based on mifepristone (Ginepristone, Genale) are highly effective in preventing unplanned pregnancy. To the two directions of the mechanism of action of levonorgestrel, these drugs add one more - they do not allow the fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity, that is, they have a slight abortive effect.

      Taking the medicine is most effective in the first 72 hours after intimacy without the use of contraceptive methods. The required dose is one tablet.

      Mifepristone is prohibited during pregnancy due to a negative effect on the fetus, therefore, if the drug did not work and conception occurred, a medical abortion is indicated. Breastfeeding after taking Genale or Ginepriston is stopped for two weeks.

      The effectiveness of drugs decreases with alcohol. Within two hours before and after taking the pill, you must refrain from eating.

      Some women use mifepristone-based products - Agesta, Miropristone, Mifeprex - as emergency contraceptives, thereby putting their health at significant risk. These drugs cannot be recommended for self-administration, since they are intended for medical termination of an onset pregnancy and are allowed only in a hospital under medical supervision.

      Mifeprex is contraindicated in women over 35 years of age, especially those who smoke, have kidney and liver diseases, infections and inflammation of the genital area, anemia, uterine fibroids.