Card file on cognitive development in the preparatory group. "Is this true or not?" Game "Number houses"

Games for the development of logic in preschoolers of the preparatory group

The game "Flowers in the flower beds."


: colorful cardboard, scissors.

Description: the teacher cuts out of cardboard three flowers of red, orange, of blue color and three flower beds - round, square and rectangular shape. Invite the child to distribute the flowers in the flower beds in accordance with the story: “Red flowers did not grow on a round or square flower bed, orange ones did not grow on a round or rectangular one. Where did the flowers grow?

Logic tasks.

Target: develop attention, logical thinking.

Description: the teacher invites the children to play logical tasks, chips are given for each correct answer. Whoever has more chips wins.

1) There are objects in front of Chipollino: a bucket, a shovel, a watering can. How to make the shovel become extreme without moving it from its place? (You can put a watering can in front of a shovel or in front of a bucket.)

2) Winnie the Pooh, Tigger and Piglet cut out three flags different color: blue, green, red. The tiger was cut not by a red, but by Winnie the Pooh - not by a red and not by a blue flag. What color flag did each one cut out? (Winnie the Pooh cut out a green flag, Tigger - blue. Piglet - red.)

3) There are four apples on the table. One apple was cut and put back. How many apples are on the table? (4 apples.)

4) Arrange two chairs in the room so that there is a chair against each wall. (You need to put chairs in two opposite corners.)

5) Place a triangle of one stick and a square of two sticks on the table. (You need to put the chopsticks on the corner of the table.)

The game "I guessed ...".


Description: the teacher guesses an object. Invite the child to use clarifying questions to find out the name of the object.

Does this item fly? (Yes.)

Does he have wings? (Yes.)

Does he fly high? (Yes.)

Is he animated? (No.)

Is it made of plastic? (No.)

From iron? (Yes.)

Does it have a propeller? (Yes.)

Is it a helicopter? (Yes.)

The game "Choose the right one."

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: children are offered options in which there are extra positions, for example:

The boot always has: buckle, sole, straps, buttons.

In warm regions live: bear, deer, wolf, penguin, camel.

Winter months: September, October, December, May.

In a year: 24 months, 12 months, 4 months, 3 months.

A father is older than his son: often, always, rarely, never.

Time of day: year, month, week, day, Monday.

A tree always has: leaves, flowers, fruits, root, shade.

Seasons: August, autumn, Saturday, holidays.

Passenger transport: harvester, dump truck, bus, diesel locomotive.

This game can be continued.

The game "I take with me on the road."

Target: develop logical thinking.

pictures with images of single objects.

Description: Lay images face down. Invite your child to go sailing. But, in order for the trip to be successful, you need to thoroughly prepare for it, stock up on everything you need. Ask the child to take one picture and talk about how this item can be useful. The items in the pictures should be very different. For example, a child takes out a picture of a ball: “The ball can be played during rest, the ball can be used instead life buoy because it doesn't sink, etc." You can play different situations: on a desert island, on a train, in a village.

The game "How are they similar and how are they different?".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: the facilitator offers two subjects to the children, the children must compare them and indicate the similarities and differences. For example: plum and peach; little girl and doll; bird and plane; cat and squirrel; an orange and an orange ball of the same size; marker and chalk.

The game "Resettled the birds."

Target: develop logical thinking.

game material and visual aids : 20 cards with the image of birds: domestic, migratory, wintering, singing, predatory, etc.

Description: invite the child to settle the birds in nests: in one nest - migratory birds, in another - all those who have white plumage, in the third - all birds with long beaks. What birds were left without a nest? What kind of birds can be settled in several nests?

Association game.

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: children are divided into two groups. One group invites the other to talk about an object, using words denoting other objects in their story. For example, talk about carrots using the words: duck, orange, cube, Snow Maiden. (It is the same color as an orange. It can be cut into cubes. Ducks love its upper part. If you don’t eat it, you will be as pale as a Snow Maiden.) Then the groups change roles. The subject for description and words-characteristics are set by the leader.

Game "Come up with a proposal."

Goals: develop logical thinking speech activity; develop a sense of language.

Game material and visual aids: ping pong ball.

Description: the teacher with the children sits in a circle and explains the rules of the game. He says any words, and the children come up with a sentence with this word. For example: the teacher calls the word "close" and passes the ball to the child. He takes the ball and quickly answers: "I live close to the kindergarten." Then the child says his word and passes the ball to the person sitting next to him. So in turn the ball passes from one player to another.

Games for the development of speech in preschool children of the preparatory group

The game "Make an offer."

Target: develop the ability to make sentences from these words and use nouns in the plural.

Description: Invite the child to make a sentence out of words. In the first lessons, the number of words should not be more than three, for example: "shore, house, white." Sentences can be: “There is a house with a white roof on the river bank” or “In winter, the roofs of houses and rivers become white from snow”, etc. Explain to the child that the form of words can be changed, that is, use them in the plural, change ending.

Game of Opposites.

Target: to consolidate the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning.

Game material and visual aids: chips.

Description: invite the child to alternately come up with pairs of words-opposites. For each coined pair, a chip is issued. Whoever has the most chips at the end of the game wins. In the first part of the game, pairs are made - nouns; then - adjectives, verbs and adverbs (fire - water, smart - stupid, close - open, high - low).

Good and bad game.

Target: develop monologue speech.

Description: invite the child to identify the bad and good features of the heroes of fairy tales. For example: the fairy tale "Cat, rooster and fox." The rooster woke up the cat for work, cleaned the house, cooked dinner - that's good. But he did not obey the cat and looked out the window when the fox called him - this is bad. Or the fairy tale "Puss in Boots": helping your master is good, but for this he deceived everyone - this is bad.

Game "Contradictions".

Target: develop the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning.

Description: invite the child to find signs of one object that contradict each other. For example: a book is dark and white at the same time (cover and sheets), an iron is hot and cold, etc. Read the poem:

In front of passers-by

An apple hung in the garden.

Well, who cares?

Just an apple hanging.

Only the horse said that it was low,

And the mouse is high.

Sparrow said close

And the snail is far away.

And the calf is preoccupied

The fact that the apple is not enough.

And the chicken is that very

Big and hard.

And the kitten doesn't care

Sour, why is it?

"What do you! - the worm whispers. -

He has a sweet barrel."

G. Sapgir

Discuss the poem. Draw the child's attention to the fact that the same object, the same phenomenon can be characterized in different ways, depending on the point of view, both literally and figuratively.

Game "Who left?".

Target: teach to use proper names nouns in the nominative singular.

Game material and visual aids: chairs.

Description: children-spectators sit on chairs. In front of them, on the side, 4 chairs are placed for the participants in the game. The teacher tells the children that now they will guess who left. Summons four children. Three sit in a row, the fourth, opposite. The teacher invites him to carefully look at who is sitting opposite, say their names, and go to another room. One of the three is hiding. The guesser returns and takes his seat. The teacher says: “(Name of the child), look carefully and tell me who left?” If the child guesses correctly, the one hiding runs out. The children sit in their places, and the teacher calls the next four children, and the game resumes.

The game "How do we dress?".

Target: to teach the correct use of common nouns in the accusative case of the singular and plural.

Game material and visual aids: items of children's clothing.

Description: each child thinks of a piece of clothing, for example: a scarf, a skirt, a dress, gloves, panties, a T-shirt, etc. Then he quietly calls him to the teacher so that the rest of the children do not hear (the teacher makes sure that the children do not choose the same thing same). The teacher begins to talk about something, for example: "Vasya was going to sled and put on ..."

Interrupting the story, he points to one of the participants in the game. He names the piece of clothing he has in mind. The rest of the children must judge whether the boy dressed correctly. This game is very fun, because sometimes you get funny combinations.

The game "Who will carry the objects faster?".

Target: to fix in the speech of children the correct use of common nouns in the singular of the accusative case.

Game material and visual aids: children's dishes and furniture.

Description: playing children sit on chairs, opposite them are two chairs, on which 5-6 objects are placed different category, for example: children's dishes (cup, saucer, kettle), children's furniture (crib, chair, table). Two empty chairs are placed at a distance. Two children from different teams stand near the chairs and on command: "One, two, three - take the dishes!" - begin to transfer the necessary items to the empty chairs opposite. The winner is the one who is more correct and earlier than others will transfer all the items related to the category named by the teacher and name them. Then the next pairs of children compete.

Speech sample: "I moved the teapot (cup, saucer)."

One-one-one game.

Target: learn to distinguish the gender of nouns.

Game material and visual aids: mixed in the box small items(Pictures):



Neuter gender




Description: children take turns taking out objects from the box, calling them: "This is a pencil." The teacher asks the question: “How much?” The child answers: "One pencil." For the correct answer, the child receives a picture, at the end of the game counts the number of pictures for each child and determines the winner.

Game "Guess what it is?".

Target: learn to use adjectives in speech, correctly coordinate them with pronouns.

Game material and visual aids: natural fruits (models).

Description: the teacher shows the children fruits, then calls the children one at a time. The summoned person is blindfolded and offered to choose a fruit. The child must guess by touch what kind of fruit it is and what shape it is, or determine its hardness.

Children's speech pattern:"This Apple. It is round (solid)."

Game "What do you like?".

Target: learn to conjugate verbs.

Game material and visual aids: subject pictures on any topic.

Description: one child chooses a picture (for example, with a picture of cherries), shows it and, turning to another child, says: “I love cherries. What do you like?" In turn, the second child takes a picture (for example, depicting plums) and, turning to the third child, says: “I love plums. What do you like?"

When you play the game again, you can change the theme of the pictures.

Literacy games for children 6-7 years old in kindergarten

Game "Where is our home?".


Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures (com, ball, catfish, duck, fly, crane, doll, mouse, bag), three houses with pockets and a number on each (3, 4 or 5).

Description: the child takes a picture, names the object depicted on it, counts the number of sounds in the spoken word and inserts the picture into the pocket with a number corresponding to the number of sounds in the word. Representatives of the row come out in turn. If they are wrong, they are corrected by the children of the second row. A point is scored for each correct answer. The row with the most points is considered the winner.

Let's build a pyramid game.

Target: develop the ability to determine the number of sounds in a word.

Game material and visual aids: a pyramid is drawn on the board, the base of which consists of five squares, above - four squares, then - three; pictures of various items, in the name of which there are five, four, three sounds (respectively, five, four, three pictures - a bag, a scarf, shoes, a mouse, a pear, a duck, a vase, an elephant, a wolf, a poppy, a wasp, a nose).

Description: the teacher invites the children to fill in the pyramid. Among the pictures put on the typesetting canvas, you must first find those in the names of which there are five sounds, then four and three. Wrong answer is not counted. Proper execution tasks are encouraged with a chip.

Game "Lost and Found".

Target: learn to perform sound-letter analysis of words.

Game material and visual aids: subject pictures with pockets, cards with the names of the subject shown in the picture are inserted in them, but one consonant is missing in each word (for example: tig instead of tiger), a set of letters.

Description: the teacher shows the children pictures with captions and says that some letters in the words are lost. The correct entry needs to be restored. To do this, you need to contact the "lost and found", where all the lost things fall. The guys take turns going to the teacher and calling the picture, identifying the missing letter in the signature, taking it in the “lost and found table”, putting it in its place.

Game "What are their names?".

Target: to develop the ability to determine the first sound in a word, to compose words from letters.

Game material and visual aids: set of subject pictures (from initial letters their names will be the name of the boy or girl); plates with the image of a boy and a girl with pockets for inserting pictures and letters; letter cards.

Description: the teacher hangs out signs with images of a boy and a girl and says that he came up with names for them. Children can guess these names if they highlight the first sounds in the names of the pictures in the pockets and replace them with letters.

There are two teams - girls and boys. Representatives of the teams name the objects depicted on the cards and highlight the first sound in the word. Then they take the corresponding letter from the cut alphabet and replace the picture with it. One team guesses the name of the girl, the other - the name of the boy.

The first team to make a name wins.

Sample material: boat, donkey, crayfish, aster; ball, snail, gun, stork.

The game "Scattered letters".

Target: develop the ability to make words from these letters, perform sound-letter analysis.

Game material and visual aids: split alphabet by the number of children.

Description: the teacher calls the letters, the children type them from the alphabet and make up a word. For a correctly composed word, the child receives one point (chip). Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins.

Zoo game.

Target: develop the ability to select words with a given number of syllables.

Game material and visual aids: three pockets, each of which has a cage for animals, under the pockets - a graphic representation of the syllabic composition of words (the first pocket is one syllable, the second is two syllables, the third is three syllables); cards with pictures of animals and their names.

Description: the teacher says that they made new cages for the zoo. Offers to determine which animals can be placed in which cage. Children go to the teacher in order, take cards with the image of an animal, read its name by syllables and determine the number of syllables in a word. By the number of syllables, they find a cage for the named animal and put the card in the corresponding pocket.

Sample material: elephant, camel, tiger, lion, bear, crocodile, rhinoceros, wolf, fox, giraffe, elk, jackal, hare, badger.

Chain game.

Target: develop the ability to select words in one syllable.

Description: the teacher says: "Window." Children divide this word into syllables. Next, the children select a word that begins with the last syllable in the word “window” (no-ra). Then they come up with a new word that begins with the syllable ra (ra-ma), etc. The winner is the one who last completed the chain and named the most words.

The game "Encrypted alphabet".

Target: to consolidate knowledge of the alphabet and its practical application.

Description: the teacher selects several letters of the alphabet that are most common in words, each of them assigns a license plate. For example:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The teacher shows the child how to write down words, replacing them with numbers: 9 2 10 (house), 5 6 8 1 (strength), etc. Number all the letters of the alphabet. Invite the child to play "scouts" by sending encrypted letters to each other.

Game "Help Pinocchio".

Target: consolidate the ability to distinguish vowels and consonants.

Game material and visual aids: two boxes, cards with vowels and consonants.

Description: Pinocchio comes to visit the children. He entered the school and asks to check it homework: in one box Pinocchio folded cards with vowels, in another - with consonants. Check if all letters are spelled correctly. The child saves one card at a time and checks the correctness of the task. You can intentionally confuse letters, put several vowels in a box with consonants and vice versa. When all the mistakes are corrected, Pinocchio says goodbye and goes to school.

Scout game.

Target: develop phonemic awareness, logical thinking, speech skills.

Description: the teacher shows another way of the cipher - by the first letters of the lines:

The lizard lives in the desert.

Animals can be wild and domestic.

December is a winter month.

In the morning we have breakfast.

A dark cloud blocked the sun.

If the snow has melted, then spring has come.

A log is a sawn tree.

The raspberry ripens in summer.

From the first letters of each line it turned out: I'm waiting for you. It can be encrypted in various ways.

Math games for children 6-7 years old in kindergarten

The game "The mother hen and chickens."

Goals: to consolidate counting skills; develop auditory attention.

Game material and visual aids: cards with the image of chickens of different numbers.

Description: shown on cards different quantity chickens. Distribute roles: children - "chickens", one child - "hen". The mother hen is chosen using a counting rhyme:

They say at dawn

Gathered on the mountain

Pigeon, goose and jackdaw...

That's the whole count.

Each child receives a card and counts the number of chickens on it. The teacher addresses the children:

The chickens want to eat.

We must feed the chickens.

The mother hen begins her game actions: she knocks on the table several times - she calls the “chickens” to the grains. If the “hen” knocked 3 times, the child who has a card with the image of three chickens squeaks 3 times (pee-pee-pee) - his chickens are fed.

A game " number houses».

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the composition of the number of the first ten, basic mathematical signs, the ability to compose and solve examples.

Game material and visual aids: silhouettes of houses with inscriptions on the roof of one of the houses from 3 to 10; set of cards with numbers.

Description: houses are distributed to the players, the child examines cards with numbers. Ask the child to name the numbers and put them in order. Put a large card with a house in front of the child. A certain number lives in each of the houses. Invite the child to think and say what numbers it consists of. Let the child name their options. After that, he can show all the options for the composition of the number, laying out cards with numbers or dots in the windows.

Game "Guess the number".

Target: to consolidate the skills of addition and subtraction, the ability to compare numbers.

Description: Invite the child to guess what number they have in mind. The teacher says: “If you add 3 to this number, you get 5” or “The number that I thought of is more than five, but less than seven.” You can change roles with children, the child guesses the number, and the teacher guesses.

Game "Collect a flower".

Target: develop counting skills, imagination.

Game material and visual aids: the core of a flower and separately seven petals cut out of cardboard, on each of the petals an arithmetic expression for addition or subtraction up to 10.

Description: invite the child to collect a magical seven-color flower, but you can insert a petal into the core only if right decision example. After the child collects the flower, ask what wishes he would make for each petal.

The game "Spread the numbers."

Target: exercise children in forward and backward counting.

Game material and visual aids: cards with numbers from 1 to 15.

Description: lay out the prepared cards in random order. Invite the child to lay out the cards in ascending order of numbers, then in descending order. You can choose other layout options, for example: "Lay out the cards, skipping every second (third) number."

Number transformation game.

Target: to train children in the performance of addition and subtraction.

Game material and visual aids: counting sticks.

Description: invite the child to play wizards who turn several numbers into one: “What number do you think the numbers 3 and 2 can turn into?” Using counting sticks, add three to two, then remove two of three. Record the results obtained in the form of examples. Ask the child to become a wizard and with the help magic wands turn one number into another.

The game "Feast of the Number".

Target: reinforce addition and subtraction skills.

Description: declare each day a holiday of some date. On this day, the “birthday” number invites other numbers to visit, but with the condition that each number must pick up a friend who will help it turn into the number of the day. For example, the holiday of the number seven. Number 7 invites number 5 to visit and asks who will accompany her. The number 5 thinks and answers: "2 or 12" (5 + 2; 12 - 5).

The game "Entertaining squares".

Target: to consolidate addition skills, mathematical actions.

Game material and visual aids: drawn squares.

Description: in the drawn squares, it is necessary to arrange the numbers in the cells so that the same definite number is obtained along any horizontal and vertical rows, as well as along any diagonal.

Number 6

The game "Mathematical Kaleidoscope".

Target: develop ingenuity, ingenuity, the ability to use mathematical operations.


Three boys - Kolya, Andrey, Vova - went to the store. On the way they found three kopecks. How much money did one Vova find if he went to the store alone? (Three kopecks.)

Two fathers and two sons ate 3 eggs for breakfast, and each of them got a whole egg. How could this happen? (3 people were sitting at the table: grandfather, father and son.)

How many ends do 4 sticks have? What about 5 sticks? What about 5 and a half sticks? (4 sticks have 8 ends, 5 sticks have 10 ends, 5 and a half sticks have 12 ends.)

The field was plowed by 7 tractors. 2 tractors stopped. How many tractors are in the field? (7 tractors.)

How to bring water in a sieve? (Freeze it.)

At 10 o'clock the baby woke up. When did he go to bed if he slept for 2 hours? (At 8:00.)

There were three goats. One is in front of the two, one is between the two, and one is behind the two. How were the goats? (One by one.)

Sister is 4 years old, brother is 6 years old. How old will the brother be when the sister turns 6? (8 years.)

The goose weighs 2 kg. How much will he weigh when he stands on 1 leg? (2 kg.)

Burned 7 candles. Two extinguished. How many candles are left? (Two because the rest burned down.)

Shel Kondrat went to Leningrad,

And towards - twelve guys.

Each has three baskets.

In each basket - a cat.

Each cat has 12 kittens.

How many of them all went to Leningrad?

K. Chukovsky

(One Kondrat went to Leningrad, the rest went towards him.)

The game "Collect the scattered geometric shapes."

Goals: consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes; to teach according to a drawing (sample) to assemble geometric shapes in a certain sequence in space; encourage children to play.

Game material and visual aids: a set of color schemes depicting geometric shapes and colored geometric shapes for each child.

Description: children choose for themselves any geometric figure of a certain color, but first they choose a leader who will collect geometric shapes in certain order. To music or a tambourine, children run around group room or kindergarten area. As soon as the music stops, the children freeze in place. The facilitator arranges the guys according to the picture shown on the sheet.

Note. Geometric shapes can be in the form of hats.

Nina Trokhova
Collection didactic games aimed at developing cognitive activity older children preschool age

"A collection of didactic games aimed at developing cognitive activity in children of senior preschool age in the organization educational activities»/ comp. N. A. Trokhova, Kamyshlov, GBPOU SO , 2017.


Sharkova E. V. teacher

The collection contains a description of games aimed at the development of cognitive activity in children of senior preschool age.

Collection can be used by teachers preschool institutions , students in preparation for practice and implementation, parents interested in development of cognitive activity.

©GBPOU SO "Kamyshlov Pedagogical College", 2017.

Explanatory note

"Game is the way children to the knowledge of the world,

in which they live and which they are called to change”

M. Gorky.

IN preschool age play is essential in a child's life. The need for the game children persists and occupies a significant place in the first years of their schooling.

For guys preschool age the game has an exceptional meaning: the game for them is study, the game for them is work, the game for them is serious form education. game for preschoolers - a way of knowing the world around.

Leading the game, organizing life children at play, the educator affects all sides child's personality development: on feelings, consciousness, will and behavior in general. In the game, the child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities. Games that promote development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, development creativity, aimed at mental development preschooler in general.

a huge role in mental education and in development intelligence is played by mathematics. Mathematics teaching preschool children unthinkable without the use entertaining games, tasks, entertainment. At the same time, the role of simple entertaining mathematical material is determined taking into account children's age and comprehensive development and education; activate mental activity, to interest in mathematical material, to captivate and entertain children, develop the mind, expand, deepen mathematical concepts, consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills, exercise in applying them in other activities, in a new environment.

The children are very active in the perception of tasks - jokes, puzzles, logical exercises. They are persistently looking for a course of action that leads to a result. In that case when entertaining task available to the child, he develops a positive emotional attitude to it, which stimulates the mental activity. The child is interested in the final target: add, find desired shape, transform, which captivates him.

Of all the variety of entertaining mathematical material in preschool age find the greatest application didactic games. They have the opportunity to form new knowledge, acquaint children with ways of doing things. Each of the games solves a specific problem of improving mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) representations children.

Didactic a game - important tool mental education child. Educational games contribute mental development in children cognitive processes , mental operations. Importance didactic game is that she develops autonomy and activity of thinking and speech of children.

For example, many didactic formation games mathematical representations at children are aimed at developing children have logical thinking, with their help, children learn to compare and group objects, as in outward signs, and according to their purpose, they learn to analyze, synthesize, solve problems. Didactic games help adults to give preschoolers elementary scientific knowledge that is necessary for schooling, to consolidate them and teach children to apply them to practice all that what they were taught. The game teaches purposefully and consistently reproduce knowledge, implement it in game actions, in rules. And this means that using didactic games are being prepared preschoolers to school.

The game is valuable only when it contributes to a better understanding of the mathematical essence of the issue, clarification and formation of students' mathematical knowledge. Didactic games and game exercises stimulate communication, because in the process of conducting these games, the relationship between children, a child and a parent, a child and a teacher begins to be more relaxed and emotional.

Systematic work with children improves general mental capabilities: the logic of thought, reasoning and action, ingenuity and ingenuity, spatial representations.

Thus, didactic games matter a lot development of cognitive activity in children of senior preschool age, since all the acquired knowledge and skills are effectively consolidated, therefore didactic I include the game in the content of direct educational activities as one of the means of implementing program tasks.

Block 1. Didactic games, aimed at developing curiosity, cognitive interest and cognitive need.

Collect to cart

Target, curiosity, cognitive interest, familiarization with the ordinal score within 10, comparing two groups of objects, adding a missing object to a smaller group or removing an extra one from a larger group.

Material: planar images of vegetables and fruits, baskets.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to collect vegetables and fruits in a basket. Children arrange cucumbers and tomatoes in a row. Let's compare them by number. What more? (less). How many more cucumbers than tomatoes? What needs to be done to make the tomato as much as the cucumber? At the same time, we specify how it turned out 3 tomatoes? How did the number 3 come about?

Toy Exhibition

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, cognitive interest, matching a certain number of objects with numbers, drawing up a number from units and their two smaller ones.

Material: numbers, images of objects in different quantities (mushrooms, butterflies, apples, strawberries, leaves).

Game progress: host invites children to the toy exhibition, draws their attention to the numbers that are located on the shelves. To these figures it is necessary to arrange a certain number of toys. Then the children explain the correctness of their actions. Have the children make up the numbers 4, 5 from different toys. At the same time, we specify how many units a certain number consists of. On other shelves, children arrange two types of toys so that there are 3 in total on the shelf. (4, 5) toys. We clarify how the children made up the numbers of their two smaller ones.

Who will remember more

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, cognitive need, pinning at children the ability to visually recognize the color, shape, size of objects in the surrounding space, development visual attention, memory.

Game progress: The game is played by several children. They are invited to see around them as many objects of the same color, size, shape as possible within a few minutes. On a signal, one child begins to call, and the other completes.

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, cognitive need, familiarization with the ordinal count within 10 and learn to distinguish questions: "How many?", "Which?", "Which?" and answer them correctly.

Material: pictures with numbers and fish.

Game progress: Compare the number of fish that differ in the color of the body, in size, in the color of the tail and fins, in shape, in direction of travel. The composition of the number 10, what numbers can be composed of?

Say it right

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, cognitive need, familiarization with the ordinal score within 10, the ability to distinguish questions "How many?", "Which?", "Which?" and answer them correctly.

Material: box, numbers

Game progress: Open the boxes and lay out the number row from 1 to 10 on the left right. Everyone is ready to start work: show a number greater than 5 by 1 (6) ; small number (1) ; number less than 7 by 1 (6) ; number indicating the day of the week - Tuesday (2) ; the number following the number 4 (5) .

Kuizener's sticks "Passengers and Train"

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity. Fixing at children ability to find the next, previous number for each number from 0 to 9. The development of the comparison operation in children, analysis, synthesis, semantic relationship for development mental activity. Development of attention. Development ideas about number, the basics of counting, the ability to measure objects, memorizing the composition of a number, understanding the essence of arithmetic operations.

Material: Cusener sticks

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to build a small train of colored sticks. For example, from sticks of pink, blue, red and yellow color. Before putting passengers in the carriages, the children are asked to find out how many seats are in each carriage. Children find the answer practical way: take white sticks and put them on the wagons of each color. The white stick is one place. The white stick stands for a conditional measure. During the conversation children lead to the understanding that each stick has its own number. Let's put these sticks together. To do this, we put them side by side. Find a stick equal to the sum of two sticks. Arrange the sticks so that the white is between the blue and black, and the black is next to the yellow. The train consists of three cars. The yellow trailer is inside, and the pink one is not the first. What order are the cars in? How many passengers are in each carriage? How many passengers are on the train?

beautiful pattern

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, cognitive interest, to teach to select values ​​by the word-name of objects, develop attention; to form a positive attitude towards the result obtained - the rhythmic alternation of values.

Material: strips of clean thick paper by number children, geometric shapes of different sizes for laying out a pattern (circles, squares, rhombuses, hexagons, etc.); trays, typesetting cloth.

Game progress: the teacher distributes sheets of paper to the children and puts trays on the table with geometric shapes. Says that now they will spread beautiful pattern, shows a pattern actions: « big square. (Takes form and inserts into typesetting canvas). A small square, another small square. (Re-inserts into the canvas, etc.) then the teacher offers to lay out the forms under dictation. At first, he monitors not only the correct alternation of values, but also that the children act from the left. right and keep the same distance between the elements. When the task is repeated, other forms are given, and their alternation also changes. In conclusion, the teacher examines the resulting patterns, gives all the works a positive assessment.

Where is the figure?

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, cognitive need, teach correctly, name the figures and their spatial location: middle, top, bottom, left, right; memorize the position of the figures.

Game progress: teacher explains exercise: “Today we will learn to remember where which figure is. To do this, they must be named order: first, a figure located in the center (in the middle, then above, below, left, right. "Calls 1 child. He shows and names the figures in order, their location. Shows another child. Another child is offered to arrange the figures as he wants, name their location. Then the child stands with his back to the flannelograph, and the teacher changes the figures located on the left and right. The child turns and guesses what has changed. Then all the children name the figures and close their eyes. The teacher swaps the figures. Opening their eyes, the children guess what changed.

Block 2. Didactic games, aimed at developing independence, perseverance, initiative, arbitrariness of emotional manifestations.

Who will find the object faster?

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children knowledge and contemplation, initiative, arbitrariness of emotional manifestations; exercise in determining the shape of objects and in correlating the shape with a geometric pattern.

Material: models of geometric shapes, objects different shapes.

Game progress: the teacher puts 2-3 models of geometric shapes on the shelves - stands, places objects of various shapes on the table and addresses the children "Now we will play the game" Who will find the object of the specified shape faster "Who wants to name the figures that are on the shelves? Look what items are on my table! Now listen to how we play. A child comes out of each row, and I will say what shape the object needs to be found. The one who first finds the named object and places it next to the figure will receive a chip. Rules of the game, if you took an item, you cannot replace it. At the end of the game, the teacher asks: "What objects are next to the triangle (square, etc.). How are they all similar?

Road to school

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, striving for self-reliance knowledge and contemplation, initiative; development ability to navigate in open space, memory development, the ability to map the path.

Material: sheet of paper, pencil.

Game progress: The child remembers and tells where on the way to kindergarten he saw the school, what was near it, in which direction to go to it where to make a turn, etc. The child then maps out the way to school.

What are we doing?

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, striving for self-reliance knowledge and contemplation, initiative, arbitrariness of emotional manifestations; fix the name of the parts of the day - morning, afternoon, evening, night;

Material: not required.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. The teacher invites the children to show what they do in the morning. The players depict different actions, but do not name them. The leader's task is to guess what the players represent. The game then continues, but the question is asked about other parts of the day.

Complication: It is not an adult who guesses, but one of children.

Days of the week in order

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, striving for self-reliance knowledge and contemplation, initiative, arbitrariness of emotional manifestations to fix the name of the days of the week.

Material: ball.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to someone children and asks to say which day comes before or after the named one. The teacher alternates questions type: What days do we have drawing classes? What about musical ones? Where did we go on Wednesday?

live week

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, striving for self-reliance knowledge and contemplation, initiative, arbitrariness of emotional manifestations; to consolidate the ability to name the days of the week in order.

Material: cards with numbers from 1 to 7, cards with circles depicted on them corresponding to the day of the week.

Game progress:

First option. Numbers (from 1 to 7) shuffled and laid out face down on the table. The players choose any card, line up in order in accordance with the number. They have become the days of the week. The first child on the left takes a step forward and speaks: “I am Monday. What day is next? Etc.

Second option. Children are divided into teams of 7 people. Each team has its own table. How many teams, so many tables, on which there are cards with numbers facing down. Each table has cards of a certain color. Children run around the room. At the signal of the teacher, they run to their tables, take one card at a time, and line up in order in accordance with the number.

Third option. Instead of cards with numbers, cards with circles (from 1 to 7, differently arranged. The rules of the game are the same.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, striving for self-reliance knowledge and contemplation, initiative, arbitrariness of emotional manifestations; V game form exercise in active distinction of temporary concepts "yesterday", "Today", "Tomorrow".

Material: pictures of houses with an inscription "yesterday", "Today", "Tomorrow".

Instruction: at the corners game room mark three houses "yesterday", "Today", "Tomorrow".

Game progress: Children, walk in a circle, while reading a quatrain from a familiar poem. At the end they stop, and the teacher loudly speaks: “Yes, yes, yes, that was…yesterday!”

Children run to the house called "yesterday".

Then they return to the circle, the game continues.

Item Comparison

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, striving for self-reliance knowledge and contemplation, initiative, arbitrariness of emotional manifestations; development the ability to compare objects with each other, find four similarities and differences.

Material: geometric figures: triangle, square, circle, rectangle; 4 colors and 2 sizes. (16 geometric figures of large 4 types and 4 colors; 16 geometric figures of small 4 types and 4 colors).

Instruction: the teacher invites the children to pick up figures that differ in one sign; figures that differ in two features; three signs (pick the most dissimilar).

What are these figures called?

Choose figures that differ in one feature;

figures that differ in two features;

three signs.

Choose the most dissimilar.

Get in your place

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive activity in children, striving for self-reliance knowledge and contemplation, initiative, arbitrariness of emotional manifestations; exercise children in finding locations: in front, behind, left, right, front, behind.

Instruction: the teacher calls in turn children, indicates where they need to stand.

Game progress: “Seryozha come to me, Kolya, stand so that Serezha is behind you. Faith, stand before Ira ", etc. Calling 5-6 children, the teacher asks them to name who is in front and behind them.

Block 3. Didactic games, aimed at developing a cognitive position, interrogative - research activities.

Divide the apple equally

Target: creating conditions conducive to, striving for independent knowledge directed on the ability to correctly designate parts of the whole (half, one part of two (one second, two parts of four (two fourths) etc.); establish the ratio of the whole and the part, the size of the parts; find parts of the whole and the whole from known parts.

Material: apple.

Game progress: How to split one apple into two? (You need to cut the apple into two equal parts). (The teacher cuts the apple into two equal parts).

How many parts did it make? (Two parts.)

How can you name each part of an apple? (half or one

- That more: whole apple or half?

- Which is less: half or whole apple?

Say the opposite

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive position in children, striving for self-reliance knowledge and reflection through the solution of research tasks, initial measuring skills. Ability to measure the length, width, height of objects (straight line segments) using a conditional measure

Material: ball, objects different sizes and heights.

Game progress: the task is performed with the ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names one of the mathematical concepts, and the child throws the ball back and names the opposite of the named concept.

Long short;

Big small;

High Low;

Wide narrow;

Fat slim;

Far close;

Above - below;

Left - right;

Back and forth;

One is many;

Outside - inside;

Light heavy.

Then the children arrange the objects (or pictures) By size: from short to longest, from narrow to widest, from low to tallest

Find out by description

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive position in children knowledge and reflection through the solution of research tasks, aimed at the formation in children initial measurement skills.

Material: pictures with toys

Game progress: 1. Elephant less teddy bear, and the bear is smaller than the bunny. Which toy is the most?

2. A bear cub is lighter than an elephant cub, but heavier than a tiger cub. Who is the lightest?

3. A hedgehog is lower than a giraffe, but higher than a mouse. Who is the highest?

Compare and remember

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive position in children, curiosity, striving for independent knowledge and reflection through the solution of research tasks; to teach to carry out a visual-mental analysis of the method of arranging the figures; consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes.

Material: a set of geometric shapes.

Game progress: two play. Each of the players must carefully examine their plate with the image of geometric figures, find a pattern in their arrangement, then fill in the empty cells with signs 9, putting the desired figure in them. The winner is the one who correctly and quickly completes the task. The game can be repeated by arranging the pieces and question marks differently.

Who will call faster?

Target: creating conditions conducive to development of cognitive position in children, curiosity, striving for independent knowledge and contemplation; practice counting things.

Material: toys, chips.

Game progress: the teacher refers to children: "We'll play a game "Who will call faster". What kind of toys (of things) we have 2 each (3-10? Whoever finds and names the fastest wins and gets a chip. ”At the end of the game, the children count their chips.

Continuation. .

Didactic game "At the fair"


To consolidate the knowledge of geometric shapes among preschoolers. Develop attention, logical thinking, the ability to bring your opinion.


Plan-scheme of the road to the fair, where the sequence of movement is encrypted with the help of geometric figures.

Game actions.

The teacher invites the children to consider the diagram and find the path that leads to the fair. And a path leads to the fair, on which all the geometric figures depicted by the basket remain crossed out (after all, these are magical geometric figures: they are shaped like images of vegetables that Lena carries for sale).

In the course of the work, the educator encourages the children to explain why they chose this or that path; asks to explain by what signs they recognized this or that geometric figure.

Didactic game "I know the figure, I'll tell you everything about it"


To consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, to learn to distinguish them from geometric bodies. When compiling a story about a geometric figure, learn to use a reference diagram.


A reference scheme for compiling a story about a geometric figure, a “magic bag”, geometric figures, geometric bodies (cube, ball).

Game actions.

The teacher offers to remember everything that we know about geometric shapes. (Motivation: “To make it easier for us to find our way to the fair”, or “So that next time we don’t get lost on the way to the fair”, etc.). To do this, children are invited to recognize the figure by touch in a magic bag, tell about it according to the scheme, and then show it to all the kids in order to check together whether the figure is named correctly. The diagram is used to describe:

The name of the figure, flat or three-dimensional?

Does it have corners or not?

Can it roll? small or big?

What color can be?

What does it look like?

Where are objects (where you can find parts, etc.) of this shape used?

Children with high level development mathematical ability you can offer this scheme for comparing geometric bodies and geometric figures (square - cube, circle - ball). IN this case it is appropriate to draw the attention of kids, what do vegetables look like more: geometric shapes or bodies? (On geometric bodies, because they are three-dimensional). When can we use geometric shapes to compare them with vegetables? (“Only when we need to depict vegetables on paper”).

Didactic game "Vegetable grower at the fair"


Strengthen the skills of quantitative counting, correlate the number and figure. Develop the skills of classifying by belonging to a particular set.


Silhouette images of baskets with a number on each of them (from 1 to 6); silhouette images of groups of vegetables (sets - in an amount from 1 to 6), etc.

Game actions.

The teacher reports that the vegetable growers took their crops to the fair, and when almost everything was sold out, a certain amount of vegetables remained. Offers to help arrange vegetables in baskets. To find out which vegetables to put in which basket, you must first sort them out on a tray, then count how many vegetables, and only then put the vegetables in the basket on which their number is indicated by a number.

Didactic exercise "Guess which vegetable rolled up"

Development of a sense of symmetry, the ability to create in the imagination a whole image in part of the image.

The teacher reports that the harvest this year was so large that a lot of vegetables were brought to the fair. Some vegetables did not fit on the counter, fell, rolled under it. The teacher offers, in terms of the vegetable that “peeps out” from under the counter, to recognize which vegetable has rolled up, etc.

Didactic game "Why does the sun warm less?"

Target. Develop skills of orientation in space ("high-low", "higher-lower"). Learn to establish the relationship between the height of the solstice and phenomena in nature using the model of the movement of the sun over the horizon.

Equipment. A model of the movement of the sun over the horizon, created by pupils in the summer based on the results of observations. Marks on the model of the movement of the sun, made by children based on the results of long-term observation in the fall.

Game actions.

The teacher suggests considering a model of the movement of the sun over the horizon. Recall what interesting things the children noticed in the summer, when they determined the trajectory of the sun. Draws attention to the notes made as a result of observations of the sun in autumn. Together with the children, they create a line - “the route of the sun across the sky” - according to the marked marks. Compare results.

Homecoming time

High-rise buildings (or other objects in respect of which the location of the sun is observed at a certain period of time, red marks are the results of observations in the summer; yellow marks are the results of observations in the fall.

Based on the results of the work, the kids conclude that in summer the sun rises higher, shines brighter, warms more, because it stands high above their heads, its rays are direct.

In autumn, the day is shortened, the sun “wakes up” later, its path in the sky is shorter (shorter), it rises lower than in summer; The sun also “goes to bed” earlier; shines and heats less, its rays are oblique.

Didactic game "How many drops fell?"

Target. To consolidate knowledge about the composition of the number 7.


Demo: flannelgraph, cloud silhouette, seven droplets, numbers from 1 to 7.

Handout: numbers from 1 to 7.

Game actions.

The teacher reports that seven droplet daughters broke away from the cloud mother, several of them have already fallen to the ground. Offers to find out how many droplets fell, and show the number. Children count the number of droplets that remain (the teacher indicates this number with a number on the flannelgraph). Count down from seven and determine how many clouds have already fallen; this number is shown by children. Together with the teacher, they conclude that seven is 1 and 6, 2 and 5, 3 and 4, etc. (Children show a card with a number)

The teacher suggests filling in the empty cells in the examples according to the results of the calculations:

1 + 7 = 3+ P = 7 5+ P = 7 P + = 7

2 + 7 = 4+ P = 7 6+ 7 = 7 + 7 =

Problematic question: “Can you “tell” this story with the help of an example, using the “-” sign? »

After joint reflection, the children come to the conclusion that this can indeed be done:

7 (there were so many droplets) - 6 (so many droplets fell to the ground, the total amount decreased, therefore, the “-” sign is appropriate here) = 1 (so many droplets remained). Children write down possible options in the form of examples:

7-1 = 6 7-3 = 4 7-5 = 2 7-7 = 0

7-2 = 5 7-4 = 3 7-6 = 1 7-0 = 7

Didactic exercise "For which flower?"

Development of logical thinking skills.

The teacher tells the children that autumn rainwater is very useful for indoor flowers. We collected such water into the funnels for these two flowers (demonstrates big flower in a large pot and a small one in a small one). Invites children to choose from two identical funnels which funnel we will water which flower (the first funnel is filled with water to the brim, the second half). Children determine by comparing the weight of the funnels.

Didactic exercise "Guess the number"

Practicing the ability to mentally draw an image of the whole in its part, consolidating knowledge of numbers within 7.

The teacher offers to recognize the numbers that are hidden in the autumn fog, because they are only partially visible.

Didactic game "Live numbers"

Target. Develop ordinal counting skills; activate ordinal numbers in speech; coordinate them with nouns in gender, case.

Equipment. Emblem numbers from 1 to 7.

Game actions.

The children are given badges. Kids put them on themselves, become "live figures". When the host turns away, the "live numbers" change places (chaotically). The leader's task is to arrange the numbers in natural order (from 1 to 7). In the process of performing a game action, the host must give the “number” a command:

Masha should be the first;

The second is Seryozha;

I will place Oksana third... and so on.

Didactic game "Which leaf is lost?"

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge of adjacent numbers. Learn to choose among the three numbers the one that is missing.

Equipment. Flannelgraph, the image of the leaves of the trees of the native area with the numbers indicated on them.

Game actions.

The teacher reports that late autumn our maple (birch, etc.) was completely sad and began to lose the last leaves. Leaves flew off the tree and fell near him. And some leaves were picked up by the breeze and carried them away from the tree.

He offers to find out which leaves are lost if his neighbors with the numbers shown are known.

Children choose the "lost" leaves, put them in their place on the flannelgraph.

Didactic game "What cards did the birds lose?"

The game is played by analogy with the previous game. Children are offered a situation in which Queen Autumn taught birds to gather in flocks, birds studied neighboring numbers. Some cards are lost. Children are encouraged to find lost cards.


In the course of doing work in both games, the teacher finds out with the children which number is the previous one, which number is the next one.

It is proposed to determine the previous and subsequent number in a pair of numbers (1 and 2, 4 and 5, 6 and 7, etc.), name the previous and subsequent for specific numbers (1, 3, 5, 7). Find out that for each number (except 0), you can determine the previous and subsequent number.