Voice messages personalized happy birthday. Voice greetings by name to phone

Not a single word sounds as sweet and melodious to a person as his own name. And if it is said by a famous person, congratulating you on your birthday, anniversary, New Year or other holiday, then it is doubly pleasant and exciting! Even the most correct and beautiful words are not perceived so well if the congratulations are impersonal. But once you use the name, the voice card turns into an exclusive gift for a specific person. It is very pleasant to receive such an audio congratulation by name, because it demonstrates attention, care and love.

If you are tired of words of wishes repeated year after year, voice congratulations by name to your phone are the best choice! Give unusual gifts that are easy to surprise and delight, especially since there is nothing complicated about it. Our catalog contains dozens of female and male names - all that remains is to make a choice, also deciding on the type of greeting and the delivery date. We have available musical cards, personalized congratulations from Putin and other famous personalities, warm words of wishes from Santa Claus for the New Year and much more! You will find options for audio congratulations by name for all your friends, having the opportunity to cheer them up and make each of them at least a little happier!

Audio happy birthday greetings by name

Just imagine this situation - a birthday, an evening, all your relatives and friends have already “shot back”, congratulating you in person or by calling you by phone. You are no longer expecting any calls, and then suddenly, say, the President calls and personally addresses you by name! And unexpected, and pleasant, and a little funny, but still - congratulations by name are an exceptionally successful way to congratulate a person, slightly surprising and at the same time pleasing him with all my heart. And it’s even better if such a congratulation comes early in the morning, when the birthday boy has just woken up. The more sleepy the recipient of the message, the more dazed the message will be. One can only imagine how much pleasure he will get from such a pleasant prank!

The variety of congratulatory texts and their broad focus makes it possible, without repetition, to regularly use this service, delighting your friends and relatives with interesting congratulations on various holidays. Here you can find many congratulatory messages to newlyweds, birthday people, and anniversaries. All of them were written by professionals in their field, cheerful, funny and amusing, sweet and touching, gentle and heartfelt. With such a choice, it is impossible to remain without congratulations - you can always find an option that suits all parties. In addition, our range is steadily expanding and replenished. Now it has even more of both the usual classic and quite rare names for choosing a voice gift.

Your friend is celebrating his birthday today, and you want to not only congratulate your loved one, but also give him a strong charge of positive emotions and surprise him with your uniqueness? Maybe you want to stand out among all the congratulators and be remembered as the most original congratulator? Well, then our musical birthday greetings by name to your phone will be of great help to you. This service has advanced so much in its development that now you can not only congratulate the birthday person, but also congratulate him by name!

We provide a huge range of such congratulations for every taste. With us you can find everything that your loved one likes and surprise him in a way that he will remember for a lifetime. But the coolest thing is that you can send your musical card in his name! We have tried and recorded a huge number of different greeting cards for all names, so you will have plenty to choose from. Be careful in your choice, there are a huge variety of congratulations. This could be a remade song that your loved one will enjoy, or an original, positive or funny holiday greeting addressed to the person. However, this can also be a harmless prank that the birthday boy will remember for a long time! The coolness and originality of your congratulations is limited only by your imagination.

Our original ones are a real breakthrough, making life easier for many and coloring more than one thousand holiday days with positive shades! Now you don’t need to think at all about an original congratulatory speech and wait for the right time for a positive congratulation - the service with musical congratulations will easily do all this for you. Such congratulations are an absolutely win-win option, and the opportunity to congratulate the hero of the occasion by name will make each such congratulation unique, positive and completely unforgettable! For each name, you can choose your own unique congratulation and congratulate all your friends in exactly the way that best suits their character and lifestyle. Believe me, after such a unique congratulation they will remember you for a long time!

We advise you not only to send musical birthday greetings by name to your phone, but also to choose these greetings well, and also calculate the time and place at which your wonderful birthday person will receive these greetings! However, there are a huge number of universal congratulations that everyone will remember. Believe me, when Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky unexpectedly congratulates you on your birthday, it is simply impossible not to be charged with positive emotions for the entire holiday.

Thousands of people have already appreciated the benefits of musical congratulations, you too will join this wonderful opportunity of original congratulations to your loved ones and appreciate this original and wonderful service for yourself.

Happy Birthday voice greetings by name- these are personalized congratulations to the birthday person in a voice that gives heartfelt audio wishes by name with an incoming phone call. And to congratulate by name from celebrities means to endow the recipient with an excellent mood that will remain with him throughout the entire festive event!

Also, congratulate women and men with musical Happy Birthday greetings by name. The audio gift has a large number of audio Happy Birthday greetings by name with a musical composition for a woman and a man, as well as from celebrities. All personalized messages are sent with guaranteed delivery to your phone in any country in the world. Order a personal farewell note for the celebration from the list of male and female names that is on this page.

Happy Birthday voice greetings by name

If the name of the birthday person is included in a festive birthday greeting, this makes it more pleasant and meaningful. It is much more interesting to receive personal parting words for the holiday. It’s easy to order a voice Happy Birthday greeting by name here.

The audio audio gift will be guaranteed to be delivered to the recipient on the date and time specified when sending. You can order them for mobile and regular telephone sets in any country in the world. If the subscriber is busy at the time of the call, we will call him back 10 times, increasing the time interval between calls.

Pre-listening to voice Happy Birthday greetings by name will help you choose the most suitable audio Happy Birthday message for anyone, even the most demanding recipient. Personalized gifts for phones are available for all categories of citizens - mother, father, daughter, which means that there are personalized wishes for all birthday people.

All audio happy birthday greetings by name deliver wonderful holiday wishes and great mood to the birthday person using your phone. After listening to the birthday boy’s address message, you will receive a report on its delivery in the form of an SMS message. You can pay for congratulations by card in the window below.

↓ Below are the most funny voice greetings and audio cards: personalized, musical, comic, in poetry. Friends, loved ones, relatives.

Send postcards from our website or from your phone!

  • - convenient to use the service from your phone (for iOS, Android)

Unusual Happy Birthday greetings for friends and family!

  • It's simple: surprise, congratulate in an unusual way and give a good mood!

Cool voice greetings for Happy Birthday by name

The person will receive it on their mobile phone a funny voice audio postcard from funny characters addressed specifically to him.

  • Enter the recipient's name and send a personalized gift
  • Original congratulations on mobile
  • to which mpossible add a signature when sending(specify about whom)

Psychologists have long noted that calling a person by name evokes positive emotions. What if the congratulations are made sincerely and with humor?

Audio postcard- this is a good option for congratulations among the many ways we are already accustomed to expressing our feelings.

  • Listen and choose the appropriate greeting or audio card

These are comic audio congratulations - surprise and give a good mood!

Cool audio congratulations on the phone - this is an original and accessible way for everyone to remind a friend (girlfriend), relative, loved one (beloved) that they are remembered and valued. This is a simple and quick way to congratulate someone in an unusual way.

  • Both a draw and a congratulation “in one bottle”

Why are these unusual congratulations?

Agree, it’s not every day that a person receives congratulations in this format. Remember the last time you received something original? After all, these are pleasant moments that are remembered.

Listen to interesting congratulations:

At any time, you can be original congratulate a loved one, and give him a good mood for the whole day.

Unusual birthday and anniversary greetings - instead of “rhymes”

Audio congratulations- This is an original gift for any holiday. On the site, you will find audio birthday and anniversary greetings for your phone, as well as voice jokes and pranks from celebrities.

We invite you to listen and send what you like to the birthday boy. The audio card will be delivered to the birthday person in the form of an incoming call to a mobile or landline phone.

Congratulate the hero of the day, woman and man, in an original way

Good wishes and voice congratulations on the anniversary for a man or a woman. Add a signature to the card and the person will know who it came from. The best way to congratulate the hero of the day from a distance and make a pleasant surprise.

  • Send something suitable from the cards below or see all the wishes at the top of this page (in the anniversary cards category).
  • Audio greeting to your phone - can be sent at a specified time
  • This is an unusual way to originally congratulate your loved one on the holiday and happy birthday.

Voice congratulations on the phone for relatives and friends

Any birthday person will be pleased if on their birthday they receive a voice congratulation on their phone from a friend, relative or colleague. Moreover, making such a gift is as easy as shelling pears - you just need to select a personalized voice card from the catalog of our service and indicate the date/time of departure.

Voice congratulations by name are an opportunity to make a personal gift. Only our catalog contains a complete list of female and male names, where you can certainly find the name of the hero of the occasion.

We offer the largest selection of new voice greetings with name indication:

  • cool ones, for example, voice greetings from Putin by name, as well as postcards voiced by pop and movie stars;
  • musical based on popular tunes, movie soundtracks and children's songs from cartoons;
  • congratulations for relatives with their names - grandparents, parents, sisters and brothers, spouse, aunt, nephews;
  • children's congratulations - funny poems, songs, voice cards in which the voice of cartoon characters sounds, as well as jokes and practical jokes designed for children;
  • voice, in poetry and prose and much more.
Voice congratulations on your birthday by name will come in handy if, for some reason, you cannot personally congratulate the hero of the day or the birthday boy. Determine the date and time when the hero of the occasion should receive a voice message on the phone with congratulatory words and wishes. Exactly at the specified time, an incoming call arrives on his phone, and after he picks up the phone, such important words will be heard.

Voice greetings to your phone by name will allow you to choose not just a universal greeting that suits all your friends and relatives, but also choose a unique voice card addressed to a specific person. For ease of searching, the list of names is compiled alphabetically and is also divided into female and male names. The list of names is constantly expanding, so on our website you can find both modern and rarer unique names.

To send personalized voice greetings, select a name from the list, listen to the postcard if desired, fill out the form and pay for the order. In the form you need to indicate the telephone number of the recipient of the wish and the time of delivery of your order. We offer instant payment - you can pay for selected musical birthday greetings by name directly from your phone account when you confirm your incoming free SMS message.

Unique voice greetings by name for a birthday are an audio present for all occasions. The hero of the day or birthday will certainly enjoy poetic or prose works, jokes and comic confessions, musical cards where the name will be heard. And to make your gift even more impressive, birthday greetings by phone by name can be voiced in the voice of a famous person, for example, a singer or actor.