Humidity in the apartment for a child. "Correct" temperature in the nursery: myths and reality. In winter time

As evidenced by the analysis of pediatric sources, the optimal temperature parameters for the room in which the newborn child is located are within 18 - 20 ° C. In this case, all biochemical processes in the child's body will proceed quite naturally, without any failures.

TV doctor E. O. Komarovsky is convinced that the higher the temperature in the nursery, the worse it is for the child. Overheating of children is no less, and even significantly more dangerous than hypothermia. This is very important for every parent to remember.

To control the air parameters in the room, the thermometer should be placed next to the cradle of the newborn, and the hygrometer (a device that determines what humidity is in the room) away from all heating devices.

Despite the available recommended air indicators in the apartment, parents should, first of all, focus on children's well-being. That is, the temperature in the room should “like” the baby, should correspond to the characteristics of his body.

If indoors temperature regime is within the normal range, but the child's lower and upper limbs become cold, you should wear socks and extra clothes. If the newborn sweats and blushes, it should be unwrapped.

For an infant who was born earlier deadlines, it is necessary to create special conditions due to insufficient thermoregulatory processes. Therefore, the temperature in a room with a premature newborn will be above 20°C.

Air humidity

Humidity in room air is another important indicator for a newborn. environment. The air exhaled by a child is characterized by 100% humidity and high temperature. If the environment is too dry, the child's body uses fluid to humidify the air, which leads to a rapid loss of moisture.

A comfortable indicator of humidity, which should be in a house with a newborn child, is 50 - 70%. Approximately this level is observed in the off-season at regular airing and turned off the central heating.

But since the body of each newborn is individual, to understand whether the humidity level corresponds to the optimal values, one should focus on the health of the baby, his well-being.

Favorable signs are:

  • good dream;
  • normal body temperature;
  • natural skin color;
  • absence of rash and other irritations;
  • dryness and warmth of the extremities;
  • even breathing.

It should be understood that in winter, during the period of increased battery operation, the air in the apartment is not humid enough. Measurements with a hygrometer show that the performance is reduced several times.

Danger of hypothermia and overheating

A newborn baby sleeps about 20 hours a day, the rest of the time he either eats or participates in organizational moments hosted by parents. Naturally, he is not capable of dressing or undressing on his own.

His metabolism takes place in more high mode than mom or dad. At the same time, thermoregulation has not yet been set up and adjusted, which is why it is so important to know what temperature should be in the children's room in order to avoid overheating and freezing of the child.

Knowing about the imperfection of thermoregulation, adults are afraid to “freeze” a newborn child. Hence the constant wrapping with warm clothes and the use of numerous diapers. At the same time, parents forget that a special danger for child's body represents overheating.

The metabolism of a newborn is quite active, accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat. The child's body needs to "dump" this heat. Implemented this process using two paths:

  • through the lungs
  • through skin(sweat evaporates).

In the first case, the air that is inhaled by the child, passing through the lungs, begins to heat up to body temperature. In this case, a certain amount of heat will be lost.

The cooler the room, the higher the heat loss. If the temperature regime is excessively above the norm, then the heat generation begins to decrease significantly. Consequently, overheating of an organism that is still imperfect may occur.

If the first method of temperature regulation is impossible, the newborn activates the second way - through the skin. That is, the child sweats, excess heat is released, but at the same time there is a loss of moisture and salts.

Thus, fever and humidity in the room can lead to dehydration of the child's body, which is fraught with deterioration general condition health.

The main signs of overheating are:

  • excessive moisture of the skin;
  • diaper rash;
  • insomnia;
  • sweatshirt;
  • pain in the abdomen, bloating;
  • thrush in the mouth;
  • loss of appetite;
  • complicated breathing through the nose;
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • retraction of the fontanel.

The most severe negative consequences that threaten the life of a child are considered to be a jump in children's temperature, bleeding from the nasal cavity, rolling pupils. With such symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance.

Overheating lies in wait for the baby not only at home, but also on the street. Try not to walk with a newborn in the heat, go for a walk only in the early morning and late evening. Also avoid direct rays of the sun, which often provoke sunstroke.

A child can overcool not only at low temperatures in the apartment, but also in case of overwork or malnutrition. The baby also freezes in cool water, or in wet clothes.

Signs of hypothermia in a newborn are:

  • pale skin;
  • cold extremities;
  • shiver;
  • hiccups;
  • cold perspiration;
  • slow movements of arms and legs;
  • rapid breathing.

IN extreme cases possible blue nasolabial triangle and even fainting. To avoid negative consequences, it is urgent to stabilize the body temperature of the child.

Otherwise, the development of such undesirable and even dangerous for child healthstates like:

  • general depletion of the child's body;
  • cold (in case of chronic hypothermia, pneumonia is possible);
  • brain damage;
  • changes in the cardiovascular system;
  • frostbite of hands or feet.

Parents should immediately begin to increase body temperature. First of all, it is worth checking whether the newborn child is wet or sweaty. If the suspicions are confirmed, the baby needs to be changed into dry clothes and wrapped up well.

Danger of low humidity

The reduced level of humidity in the room leads to a sharp dusting of the air, an increase in the number of pathogens and allergens. The most common results of dehydration are various negative conditions:

  • asthma. When the body is dehydrated, parts of the lungs can be damaged, resulting in chronic inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • allergic diseases. In case of lack of moisture in the body, the level of histamines in the circulatory system increases. An allergy occurs, which can manifest itself as a rash, rhinitis, itchy sensations;
  • dry skin. Dehydration damages the upper layers of the skin, resulting in dry patches on the child's body;
  • dryness in oral cavity and nose. Dry out due to low humidity Airways. Dry crusts form in the nasal cavity, the child begins to cough;
  • blood clotting. The volume of fluid decreases, the blood begins to thicken, which is extremely dangerous for the entire child's body.

Thus, it is extremely important for an infant to be in a room with an optimal level of humidity. This is not just a whim, but the most important condition for a normal child development. Be sure to remember this!

Ideal Temperature and Humidity: Creating Optimum Conditions

Comfortable humidity and air temperature in the room of a small newborn must be created correctly, focusing on the season. Yes, in summer period to regulate the air parameters, you can install an air conditioner. It is only important not to direct cold streams directly to the crib.

The temperature in both the children's room and the room for adults depends on the beginning of the heating season. If it has not yet arrived, and the house is cold, parents are advised to purchase a heater. IN winter period it is extremely difficult to comply with the norms, as the premises become excessively heated and “dry out”.

In order for the temperature standards to come in order, experts advise adhering to certain recommendations, which should be discussed in more detail.

Fresh air is extremely useful for any child, so it is necessary to ventilate the room every four hours.

Especially important optimal humidity and the temperature for sleep, otherwise the baby will not be able to rock normally and put to sleep.

When airing the nursery, the newborn must be taken to another room.

This helps not only optimize the temperature and humidity, but also saturate the room with oxygen. Another option is to take your child for a walk.

battery closure

If central heating radiators are too hot and it is impossible to reduce the heat level, it is recommended to cover them with special wooden or plastic shields. You can also hang a thick cloth on the batteries.

Getting rid of canopies

A canopy bed is a very cute and aesthetically pleasing structure. However, beautiful curtains can restrict the child's access to oxygen, which leads to an increase in body temperature. To ensure free flow of air, it is best to get rid of the canopy or remove it for the duration of the child's sleep.

Carpets are a well-known dust collector, it is also better to refuse them. In addition, it is worth getting rid of excess furniture, since clutter also disrupts the normal air circulation in the room.

Choosing the right clothes

Important for a child correct selection clothes and bed linen. It is important to refuse to wear synthetic products for newborns. In them, the skin does not breathe, therefore, there is a violation of the thermal regulation of the baby's body. It is better to refuse a hat in general.

In addition, you should not wrap up the baby if the room is hot, and expose him if the room is low. room temperature. Well, things made from natural fabrics will help create optimal conditions For restful sleep and active wakefulness.

If a newborn baby is too hot, shortening the intervals between meals can help.

It is known that mother's milk contains 80% water, which means that breastfeeding quenches thirst and optimizes the level of fluid in the body.

If the baby is eating artificial mixture, between meals you can supplement it with water using a bottle.

It is important to ensure that the liquid is at room temperature.


In summer, it is extremely difficult to provide optimal conditions, the child is hot and dry. In this case, you need to bathe the baby before three times per day, but not for the purpose of cleanliness, but to improve well-being. Naturally, use detergents not necessary.

Humidity increase

As already noted, humidified air is no less important for a newborn than the optimal temperature regime. Create comfortable conditions possible with the help of technical devices or improvised means.

Specialists advise:

  • install a special humidifier;
  • more often to carry out wet cleaning of the room;
  • place water containers, fountains next to the child or batteries;
  • spray water with "sprinklers";
  • cover radiators with wet towels or sheets.

The air temperature in the baby's room important condition wellness, health and emotional mood. Do not forget to monitor the state of the environment, and the baby will develop without any problems to the delight of parents.

Hello. I've already somehow created a topic about neighbor's dogs, how to scare them away. In the autumn, in September, a neighbor's dog bit our kitten, in the middle of the day, one might say, in front of a neighbor (the owner of the dog) and ours (I and my son saw it). They simply simply did not have time to do anything, how much does a 3-month-old kitten need. I then said a lot of things to the neighbors because of their dogs. They apologized, promised to look after them, but at the same time the phrase sounded: hunting dogs (ordinary mongrels at the same time) and cats will still be attacked, they called it happy (((
To be honest, I didn't want to more cats start, but in October, for her daughter's birthday, they brought her a gift-kitten .. There is a tray at home and the cat goes there, but only in a small way, but in a big one she got used to the street. They let her out, looked after her all the time. And that week, the neighbor's dog jumped over the snowdrifts to our yard and grabbed the cat right at the porch. At that time, I was hanging clothes to dry under a canopy, he did not see me, but I did not immediately see / did not hear him, he attacked without a sound. I jumped out at the squeal of a cat. I repulsed it, while he slashed his teeth on the sleeve of the jacket and tore my sleeve. When I calmed down and treated the cat a little and calmed down myself, I went to the neighbors and said I would complain. The weekend passed, they did not take any measures (the dog both ran down the street and continues to run). Today I wrote a complaint to the district police officer, but I was struck by his words, they say, we cannot take any measures in relation to the owner of the dog, there is no punishment or fine for this. Only if you go further and sue them for material and moral damage. But I don’t want to get involved with the court because of the cat and the torn sleeve. Are there really no laws so that the district police officer, relying on them, could somehow influence the owners of dogs who strangle cats on their own and in other people's yards? In general, I wrote a lot, just if you start a war with your neighbors, then relying on the laws ... Maybe someone will tell you something ...



She divorced her husband five years ago. From marriage, two children 9 and 11 years old. Tired of deciding and dragging everything on yourself family problems And besides, my husband started walking. She left him, as they say, "with one bundle" ... All this time I was equipping a house from scratch, paying off three loans, raising children, it was not easy. Thank God I was lucky and I changed jobs, began to earn more. More or less life began to improve. A year ago I met a man... And Oh God... This is the man I dreamed of. The complete opposite of mine ex-husband. And care and attention. One But ... He is a single father ... His wife left him with a child, went to his to the best friend. In principle, this situation did not frighten me and I thought, well, where are two children there and the third one will not be a hindrance ... But it turned out that everything is not so simple ... I like wise woman immediately began to look for an approach to the child, bought her toys, completely replaced her wardrobe, the poor child did not even have decent things, everything was washed out so much .... I bought her a bunch of beautiful rubber bands for the garden. I tried my best to please. The girl is 5 years old ... The child is problematic, does not understand anything, in the garden they complain about her that she does not obey, does not want to study .... At home she does whatever she wants, does not respond to comments. He says that he understood and immediately creates again !!!
Mom does not participate in the upbringing of the child in any way, she does not pay alimony, referring to the fact that she pays a joint loan ... Well, okay, God bless her ...
We all lived together for a year ... I thought that she would change and we would live happily ... But nothing changed ...
I was infuriated by her behavior and because of this I was constantly not in the mood, so we began to swear with Alexei. I couldn't tell him that his daughter pisses me off... I understand that he loves her more life... I thought about breaking up, but I love him and he loves me very much .... and he communicates well with my children, goes to chess with his son .... I don’t know what to do .. It seems to me that his daughter will never change and I will never be able to love her ....



Topic to chat. Do you think about the skills of your children? Will explain. A friend's son is a couple of months younger than mine, and now she proudly sends me a video where her baby crawls on the floor like a worm. She happily writes that he is starting to crawl. But for me, it's just a fuss on the carpet))) Or he kicks his ass back, and she thinks that he gets on all fours. I'm just either too critical of my son, or a realist. But until he specifically crawled at least 30 centimeters, I somehow didn’t say that he was starting to crawl. And if he sits with support on one arm - this is not yet sitting. Which camp do you belong to and why?



I got a job half a year ago. Child 3.5. He goes to the garden. Walked well in autumn. I went out for a full day. And now, for almost the whole of February and half of March, I have been sitting at home. I got a job through an acquaintance, no one said anything to me for the omissions, but last time they already hinted that something should be done with the sick leave. I found a nanny through an agency, but my mother panicked that a nanny was not needed (my mother has the same commander), she herself meets him from the garden, but the hospital says we will sit in turn, she will be 2 days, I will be three. But often she either flies away somewhere, then she has a theater, then she doesn’t want to at all and everything is unreliable. And nothing good came of it. The nanny eventually found some other shift work and now she can’t come at the click of a button, only on her own weekends. Mom also teases that I will give half of my salary to a nanny. I can't work normally. I don’t want to leave, because now my husband doesn’t earn enough for everything, I buy clothes for myself, for women’s necessities, plus I pay for vacation, I can save for a mortgage, we save up. Mom realized that we just couldn’t save up for an apartment, she stopped reproaching the purchased apartment, before that her husband was constantly baling, what was he thinking about when he created a family. The husband, although he considers himself a breadwinner, is not enough for everything. And I don't want to lose my job, experience, qualifications. And it’s also very difficult mentally to sit with a child for 2 weeks. I'm better at work, but I can't get there. Only goes to the garden for 5 days and again for 2 weeks at home. I am constantly nervous. How to work and look at the child at the same time. How do women do it?


A comfortable atmosphere in the nursery is essential for the health and well-being of every baby. It is not surprising that parents strive to maintain optimal air temperature and humidity at home.

However, fearing that the baby will freeze, some adults try to warm it by any means, allowing overheating by improper actions.

That is why it is so important to know what the temperature in the room for a newborn should be, and adjust its parameters for your baby.

One of the main features of the baby is the high rate of metabolic processes in his body, even during sleep. During metabolism, a certain amount of heat is released, requiring release into the environment.

In the human body, heat exchange is carried out in two ways - with the help of the respiratory system and through sweating:

1. In the first case, the child breathes air whose temperature is lower than body temperature.

The air masses, having passed through the "air duct" and the lungs, begin to heat up in order to carry away excess heat with exhalation. If the air temperature is significantly lower than the temperature of the child, then heat transfer increases.

2. The process of perspiration is also important for functioning human body. The increased temperature "blocks" the respiratory mechanism, which is why sweating is activated.

The excretory system of the baby produces fluids that enter the skin and remove necessary for the body salt.

As a result, the child begins to overheat, the symptoms of which are:

  • drying of saliva, which is fraught with the occurrence of candidiasis (thrush);
  • the appearance of crusts and scabs in the nasal passage, making it difficult to breathe normally;
  • problems with the tummy, since the lack of fluid does not allow the organs gastrointestinal tract digest milk (gastric juice thickens);
  • the occurrence of diaper rash - redness of the skin under the diaper and in the folds (this is how the baby's skin reacts to salty sweat secretions).

The increased sweating process is extremely dangerous for the child's body, because in special situations there is such a severe loss of fluid that emergency hospitalization is carried out to eliminate it and intravenous infusions are prescribed.

Hypothermia is just as dangerous for a child, since it increases the risk colds fraught with the most serious undesirable consequences.

Signs of hypothermia in a child's body are:

  • cold hands and feet;
  • bluish skin tone in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • pale skin.

To eliminate both of these conditions - overheating and hypothermia - parents need to support normal temperature air and humidity to make the baby feel as comfortable as possible.

You should not rely on the advice of experienced mothers or grandmothers when it comes to the health of the baby. Moreover, pediatricians and neonatologists have long determined the main physical parameters for a children's room.

So, according to their research, room temperature for healthy newborn should be between 18-22 degrees. You can control these indicators with the help of a thermometer near the baby's crib.

However, this is not all, since the optimal room temperature in the apartment depends on several conditions:

  • For normal sleep and rest in the summer it is necessary to keep the temperature within 18 degrees. To prevent overheating, most likely, you will have to purchase.
  • With the beginning of the heating season, the temperature in the room of a tiny newborn changes significantly, however, as does the humidity. If during the period of activity of children the temperature regime can be in the range of 23-24 degrees, then for sleep, you can use the air conditioner to bring the indicators up to 18-20 degrees (this is the norm).
  • In general, it is especially important to exclude overheating of the child during sleep. Normal room temperature at night should not exceed 22 degrees. In an excessively overheated room, the child will not sleep comfortably, stuffy, so babies will wake up and cry.

In addition, the personal characteristics of the baby should be taken into account: someone will be able to sleep at 19 degrees, while for other children this room temperature will seem too cold. That is why every mother should keep track of whether the legs of a baby are cold and whether it is wet during sleep.

You should also take into account the fact that the above temperature indicators are only suitable for children born on time.

A premature baby needs to create special conditions, since he has poorly developed thermoregulation. Therefore, the room temperature for premature newborn is 25 degrees.

It is important to observe the temperature regime not only for the room in which the child sleeps and rests, but also in the bathing room. Some parents are sure that a child up to five years old can and should be bathed in a heated room. However, they are wrong.

If you bathe the baby in a hot room, then after moving to a cool bedroom, the baby may get cold and catch a cold. Therefore, you should not specifically overheat the room for swimming.

If you want to temper the baby from birth, gradually accustoming to low temperatures, on the contrary, after bathing, do not rush to dress him in numerous clothes, but arrange an air bath for him.

To ensure that the temperature in the room for the newborn is appropriate optimal performance, you need to establish which "weather" is more suitable for your child. You can not worry about overheating and hypothermia if:

  • the child feels normal, behaves calmly during sleep;
  • the child's skin is dry, redness is not observed;
  • the limbs of the child are warm, he is not covered with goosebumps;
  • breathing and heartbeat are not too rapid.

When the air temperature differs significantly from the normative indicators, it is necessary to immediately begin to optimize the home microclimate.

Your actions will depend on how many degrees in the room - too much or too little.

If the house is hot and stuffy, then you can:

  • regularly ventilate the room (3-4 times a day), taking the child to another room at this time or going out with him for a walk;
  • install the air conditioner away from the child - in another room or at a distance from the baby (it should not fall under the directed air jets of the air conditioner);
  • batteries bursting with heat are covered with thick blankets, bedspreads, blankets that trap heat inside;
  • remove from baby extra clothes - you can leave the baby in one diaper;
  • constantly supplement the child with water to prevent overheating and reduce the risk of dehydration;
  • often bathe the baby in a little cool water;
  • get rid of various bedside canopies, which are not only a dust collector, but also disrupt heat transfer.

If the temperature regime is low, the child is cold, it is necessary to purchase a heater that cannot be placed next to the crib in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

If the room temperature exceeds 20 degrees, in addition to turning on the air conditioner, it is also necessary to monitor the “suit” of the baby. You don’t need to wear a hat and socks for him, an ordinary vest shirt will suffice, and a bodysuit is best.

Since a child wrapped in diapers cannot warm up with movement, it is necessary to dress him a little warmer to avoid hypothermia.

It is believed that swaddling somewhat violates the natural heat transfer, so the baby is definitely not threatened with overheating.

The child also practically does not move in a dream, which is why he is usually additionally covered, however, you first need to check the temperature regime. At rates above 18 degrees, wadded blankets are not recommended.

Remember that in a room where the air conditioner is on, and you are a little cool, the child, on the contrary, is warm and comfortable.

Before dressing him in numerous clothes, touch the limbs - if they are warm, then the baby is warm. If the skin is reddish, moist, then the child is hot.

Air humidity

Another the most important indicator normal microclimate - air humidity.

Most often, the apartment is rather dry, especially with the beginning of the heating season. That's why parents need to maintain ideal humidity - about 50-70 percent.

You can find out its indicators using a special device.

If the air is too dry, you can fix the situation by purchasing a quality humidifier. Unable to buy an automatic device? Raise your humidity levels with these grandma's methods:

  • place jars or basins of water around the crib;
  • install an open aquarium next to the child;
  • hang wet towels on the radiators.

So, optimum temperature in the room of a healthy newborn usually does not exceed 18-20 degrees. Ideal humidity levels are between 50 and 70 percent.

These parameters are important for well-being, mood and health. little man. It is in your power to create for him Better conditions For normal growth and development!

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

One of the most important tasks that are put before the family is to create the ideal air temperature for the newborn. The baby should not only not cool down, but also not overheat. The health of the skin depends on this, which in the first months after birth is extremely susceptible to various dermatitis. In addition to the skin, the lungs can also suffer from dry or too humid air.


When asked what the temperature should be, the answer is unambiguous - not very high. Usually mothers worry about how the child does not become cold. Horrors about how the mother did not see that the window was open in the room, or did not feel that the room was cool, and the child fell ill, are passed down from generation to generation.

The natural instinct of every parent is to try to protect their child. And the ideal air temperature in a newborn's room becomes an obsession.

It is not uncommon for parents to buy an additional heater in a room with a baby.

It is important to remember that the growing body of a newborn tries to work as actively as possible. The metabolism of an infant is several times faster than that of an adult. And because the body emits heat, which then tries to get rid of.

The generated heat can leave the body in several ways.

  • If the child will inhale the air, which will be slightly lower than the temperature of his body. At the same time, exhaling, the generated heat leaves.
  • Active sweating is the second option for getting rid of heat. It is worse than the first option, which is considered more natural. When sweating, perspiration with unnecessary heat appears on the skin. During this process, the baby wants to drink.

Negative effects of overheating

Forgetting that a small person can be as hot as anyone else, parents prefer to leave him in a very warm room. air in a newborn's room is harmful to his health.

Overheating for a child is as dangerous as frostbite. It not only removes nutrient moisture from the baby's body, but also:

  • crusts form in the child's nose that interfere with breathing;
  • due to a lack of saliva in the mouth, thrush may appear;
  • the child's intestines do not absorb food as they should, because it does not have enough moisture;
  • the child's tummy swells;
  • due to the active release of salty sweat on the baby's body, irritation and diaper rash may appear.

With an extreme degree of overheating, the newborn is hospitalized and fluid is artificially poured into the body.

Ideal Temperature

For the healthy development of an infant, the temperature in the room should not be high or low. The optimal temperature in a newborn's room, according to the best children's doctors, ranges from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the baby, and, consequently, the mother will feel great. The air inhaled by the baby during exhalation will begin to take away the generated heat.

To always keep the situation under control, you should buy a room thermometer in the store. It costs a little, besides it is sold in many stores. It is advisable to hang such a thermometer near the place where the baby spends the most time.

Individual requirements

Every person, and therefore every child, is unique. The body of one baby may react in a completely different way to a given temperature than the body of another.

The temperature in the room for the newborn should take into account individual characteristics. One baby will be happy falling asleep in a thin cotton vest and light sliders, and the second will immediately begin to freeze. It is better for a freezing child to wear a warmer blouse and socks.

Maintaining the optimal temperature

IN different time year the temperature in the room must be maintained the same. If the child was born in the summer, then the family should consider buying an air conditioner. The air conditioner should be installed in the newborn's room, but away from his crib so that direct air jets do not fall on him. So the temperature in the room of a newborn baby will be correct.

In winter you need to buy a heater. If there is not enough heat in the room from the centralized heating system, the room is heated with a heater up to 20 degrees maximum. You can often see the opposite situation. The batteries in the room give 25-26 degrees, which is not suitable for the healthy development of the child. Not everyone has the ability to independently regulate the temperature.

Parents can air the children's room several times a day for half an hour. During airing, the child is taken out of the room. You should wait until the temperature in the room for the newborn returns to normal. In addition, you can cover the batteries with a dense cloth, in the form of a blanket or blankets. They will keep you warm.

It is necessary to maintain one level of humidity. Very often, the temperature itself, as well as the well-being of the baby, depends on the humidity in the room. In a nursery, moisture levels can range from 50% to 70%. To determine it, you need to bring a hygrometer into the room. It must also be remembered that the air is usually drier in summer than in spring.

In winter, when the dryness of the air can reach its limits, it is advisable to put a humidifier in the room for the apartment. And, of course, parents should constantly carry out wet cleaning in the child's room.

Mom's actions in a hot room

As soon as the parents notice that the child is hot, it's time to act. After all, the temperature in the room for a newborn is not the main factor in his well-being.

To cool the child, you need:

  • remove all excess clothing from the child. This can only be done when the room is more than 24 degrees;
  • give your baby frequent water to keep him hydrated;
  • wash the baby several times a day. The room temperature at should be kept constant. And the water should be approximately 35-36 degrees, slightly lower than normal.

When the temperature in the room of a newborn child meets all standards, then the baby grows healthy and joyful.

The question of what should be the optimal temperature in the room of a newborn causes a lot of controversy. Two main points of view are represented, on the one hand, by orthodox pediatrics, which sets the temperature standards in the neonatal wards of maternity hospitals at 27 degrees, on the other hand, by Dr. Komarovsky and his followers, who believe that the temperature in the nursery should not exceed 22 degrees.

Often you can also read the recommendations to constantly keep the thermometer by the baby's crib and acquire devices that allow you to maintain a constant temperature in the newborn's room with an accuracy of one degree. Thus, the question is not only what is the ideal room temperature for an infant, but also how important it is to keep it constant.

Warm or cool: what to choose?

It is absolutely fair to note that the mechanisms of thermoregulation of the newborn are still imperfect. In the mother's womb, the baby did not need them - he was in a constant environment where the temperature did not change. Once in this world, the baby immediately experiences a sharp change in temperature. Still - it decreases from 36–37 degrees to 25–27 ideally. This is in a maternity hospital. And ... nothing terrible happens. This means that the baby is not so afraid of temperature changes, as is commonly believed. Do you want confirmation? B. Nikitin in his book “Reserves of the health of our children” writes about little Eskimos who are born in a yurt, where the temperature is slightly above 0 degrees, or even during a long transition to outdoors at temperatures down to minus 30. Little Africans are born in temperatures exceeding 35-40 degrees. At the same time, for thousands of years people did not have the slightest opportunity to maintain a constant temperature in their homes. Even with stove heating, the temperature in the house dropped noticeably by morning, and after the stove was heated, it became very high. And babies endured it all! So, by nature itself, a human cub has enormous possibilities for adaptation! The task of parents is just not to interfere with the child, not to turn him into a greenhouse plant, afraid of any breath of breeze. After all, the child very quickly adapts to the constant temperature in the room, which makes all his adaptation mechanisms completely redundant, which quickly fade away as unnecessary.

Dr. Komarovsky writes that the imperfect mechanisms of thermoregulation of an infant make it not hypothermia that is most dangerous for him, but overheating. The heat produced in the process of metabolism must be released into the surrounding atmosphere. And the child can do this only with the help of heat exchange during breathing, because his skin is still poorly adapted to perform this function. That's why heat indoor air often leads to backfire in the form of diaper rash, diaper dermatitis, overall decline immunity. In addition, if the child is cool, he begins to actively move, move his legs, arms - and thus develops physically. So the temperature in the room for the newborn should not exceed 20-22 degrees, but it is better to keep it at about 18 degrees. At the same time, for sleep, the baby can be dressed or wrapped, and he should be awake mostly naked.

There is also debate about whether air conditioning can be installed in a baby's room, which is especially true in hot climates. The air conditioner will, of course, allow you to maintain the air temperature close to optimal, but at the same time, you need to think about the fact that the air stream from it is not directed to the crib and play area, or turn it on when the child is taken out, for example, for a walk.

There is no special need for air conditioning in most of the territory of our country, hot summer days it is quite possible to survive by simply exposing the baby as much as possible and using games with water.

Is the draft really that bad?

Many parents are sure that a draft is dangerous not only for a newborn, but also for an older child. However, a draft is simply a movement of air, often cool. It is most unpleasant for parents who have grown up in greenhouse conditions. The child, until caring parents “spoiled” him, is quite adapted to temperature changes. And flow fresh air from the window he is not at all afraid. There is no need to keep the doors and windows of the nursery closed at all times. The only thing to be afraid of is abrupt change air temperature, if the child is damp or steamed after bathing in hot water. That is, when it is hot in your room and the child is sweating in a dream, you should not immediately open the window, especially if it is minus 30 outside.

Thus, whatever views you hold, whatever living conditions didn’t have in your home, just try to follow one simple rule: it’s hot - the baby has a minimum of clothes (optimally - naked), cool - dressed. Give your child more freedom to move. Do not be alarmed if the baby has cool hands and feet - these are normal thermoregulation mechanisms. But at the same time, there is no need to create extreme conditions. stick common sense- and the baby will be healthy and happy with life.

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