What bathe small children. Bathing water temperature. Herbs that are forbidden to use when bathing newborns

Reading time: 6 minutes

The birth of a child is a long-awaited event in every family, which brings great responsibility. It is important not only to feed and change diapers to the baby on time, but also to know how to properly conduct the first bath of a newborn. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, stick to a few simple rules and motherhood will bring you pleasure.

When is the first time to bathe a newborn?

Young mothers are interested in the answer to the question: “On what day after the maternity hospital is it allowed to bathe the baby?” This will depend on the condition of the umbilical wound of the newborn. Until recently, bathing a baby was allowed from the moment the umbilical wound completely healed - about the second week after birth. And to remove sweat from the child's body and food debris, it was recommended to use a towel or napkin dipped in boiled water. But now the bathing procedure is allowed to be carried out, starting from the second day the child is at home (day 5 after birth).

To get an accurate answer, you need to consult a pediatrician who will examine the child and give good advice. Bathing the baby is carried out only in boiled water - this rule is observed until the umbilical wound is completely healed. Preparing in advance the right amount water, then a clean bath is filled. To bathe a child, it is not necessary to purchase a special bath - wash an adult bath with plain baking soda.

Using an adult bath for a newborn, you need to hold it yourself, and bending over a large bath is not very convenient, besides this hygiene procedure will have to be done regularly. Therefore, it is best to spend a little and purchase a special bath for bathing newborns.

To fill an adult bath, you will have to boil a lot more water, which will take a lot of time. It is important that the water temperature is 36°C. If hot water is used, there is a risk of leaving burns on the delicate skin of the child. Check the water temperature before every swim. To do this, purchase a special thermometer.

What you need for bathing at home

The first bath of the baby will take a long time, so first you need to prepare bath accessories that may be needed:

  • Bath tub. For the first days of a baby's life, purchase a special baby bath. Before the procedure, rinse it thoroughly using cleaning products intended for children. It is not recommended to spend the first bath in large adult baths, otherwise the child will be frightened.
  • Thermometer for measuring water temperature. The first bathing of newborns must be carried out only when optimum temperature no more than 36°С. If the water is too hot, the baby may overheat.
  • Soft mitt or washcloth. As a washcloth, you must use a soft cloth, mitten, sponge, which gently rubs the baby's skin. It is strictly forbidden to use hard washcloths, because they can seriously damage delicate skin newborn.
  • Toys and soap. It is not necessary to take toys into the bath, but they can distract the baby, and bathing the newborn for the first time will be more peaceful.
  • Clean and soft towel, hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green to treat umbilical wound, diaper, cotton buds with a special limiter, clothing.

Water temperature

The most important thing is to know in what water it is allowed to bathe a newborn, and for this it is worth consulting with a pediatrician. The bathing bath must be filled with water by about 15 cm. The first bathing of a newborn baby is recommended to be carried out in boiled water, but if the tap water is well filtered, then it is not necessary to boil it again.

What to add to water - bath products

To bathe a newborn baby, use plain boiled water, it is recommended to add decoctions medicinal herbs that need to be insisted (string, chamomile and others) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Before using potassium permanganate, consult a pediatrician who will tell you the correct concentration of the solution so as not to harm the baby. There is one interesting sign- a silver jewelry (but not a cross) was placed in a bath of water in order to attract wealth and prosperity to the fate of the child.

Bathing a newborn in a diaper

The first bath of a newborn baby can be carried out in a diaper according to the following principle:

  • the child must be wrapped in a thin diaper or simply thrown over the baby’s shoulders and lowered into a clean bath;
  • you need to bathe the child together - one person holds the baby, opening the arms and legs, and after washing with warm water, he covers it again with a film, the other pours from the ladle;
  • first of all, the handles are washed, then the legs;
  • then the tummy is washed, then the back;
  • at the end bath procedures, the child is taken out of the bath and wrapped in a dry towel.
  • After drying, the baby is dressed in warm clothes.


Professional pediatricians advise newborns to bathe for no more than 10 minutes. If the first bath scared the newborn and even the gentle voice of the mother cannot calm him down, it is worth getting the baby out of the water much earlier. Provided that the child likes the water procedure, you can extend the process a little, but in this case it is important to constantly monitor the temperature of the water so that the baby does not freeze. To do this, prepare another pot of water to add while bathing.

How newborns are bathed

Provided that the child is completely healthy and the first bath caused only positive emotions, the water procedure is allowed to be carried out every day. Pediatricians recommend bathing your baby at about the same time every day. Most parents choose the evening time, before feeding the baby. It is best to monitor the mood of the child, if he feels good and likes daytime bathing, give up evening procedures. For some children, bathing does not have a calming, but an exciting effect, and here it is necessary to take into account the mood of the little one.

Rules for bathing newborns

Bathe the child according to the following instructions:

  • The bath is filled with water by about 15 cm. The chest, shoulders and head remain dry. Next to the bath is a ladle filled with warm water needed for rinsing.
  • A small child undresses and is taken in his arms, then very carefully, slowly lowers himself into the water. It is necessary to immerse the baby in water so that his head is on the elbow bend of the mother, and the back is supported by the left hand.
  • With a soapy cotton swab, the chest, arms, legs, and genitals are carefully washed. Then the baby turns over on the tummy, the chest and head are supported by the hand, the back is lathered. At the end, you need to lather your head (it is recommended to use a special baby shampoo).
  • Using warm water from a jug, the rinsing procedure is performed. It is important to wash off the soap foam from the head very carefully, avoiding contact with the eyes. To do this, a stream of water is directed from the forehead to the back of the head, but not vice versa. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the child so that there are no soapy traces left on the delicate skin, otherwise there is a risk of an allergic reaction.
  • Then the child is quickly removed from the bath and wrapped in a soft towel, placed on the changing table (hard bed) and the rest of the water is soaked with gentle movements. It is important to wipe the skin with gentle movements, but do not rub too hard, Special attention is given to the folds of the neck, groin and armpits. If the child has very dry skin, it is recommended to use baby oil or cream (it is advisable to consult a pediatrician).
  • The next step is the procedure for processing the navel. A small amount of hydrogen peroxide solution is drawn with a pipette (only a doctor can determine the correct consistency) and a couple of drops are dripped directly onto the navel area, then gently wiped with a clean cotton swab. It is possible to replace peroxide with a solution of potassium permanganate (strong) or a simple brilliant green.

Up to 6 months, the child should be bathed every day, provided that contact with water does not cause severe stress, and then water procedures can be carried out every other day. IN without fail The temperature of the water is constantly monitored. Gradually allowed to increase the duration of bathing.

Sooner or later, we all dream of returning to childhood, to a distant carefree life. Unfortunately, we have to state the fact that children, like adults, are subject to stress and nervous overload. Surely, many parents noticed that the child becomes capricious in the evening, and the reason for this is nervous overexcitation. How to act in this situation, how to calm the newborn?

Mother's milk

Many people remember the phrase: "Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy." And indeed it is. Milk is not only good for health, but also an effective sedative. Clinging to maternal breast, the baby feels psychological comfort. It is well known that milk contains calcium. This microelement strengthens bones, normalizes the functioning of the nervous and endocrine system. After eating, the child automatically calms down and falls asleep.

Soothing melody for babies

It is advisable to turn on classical music, a lullaby or the sounds of nature before going to bed. Such soothing music for newborns has a positive effect on the baby. The child intuitively feels calm, understands that nothing threatens him. It's good if mom sings a lullaby herself. A soothing melody is necessary for a strong healthy sleep just like mother's hugs, gentle kiss before bedtime. Baby lullabies are the best sleeping pills for a baby. A few centuries ago, with the help of these songs, mothers wished their children peace, happiness and well-being. A child will not listen to any other music as attentively as a lullaby or a murmur of a stream. Calming melody for newborns relaxes, lulls, strengthens the nervous system. Magic notes act on the baby, and he falls asleep.

bathing herbs

Many parents do not know how to calm crying newborn before bedtime. Bathing with the addition of a decoction of herbs favorably affects the baby. This procedure is a responsible and exciting process for inexperienced parents. Relatives, relatives, friends vying with each other give advice on how to properly bathe a child.

A calming herb for bathing newborns - a series - has a positive effect. It has been used for bathing babies since ancient times. Our ancestors and modern pediatricians agreed that the series - effective remedy For restful sleep child. In addition, the plant contributes rapid healing diaper rash on the skin of a newborn. Thanks to high level manganese, a string has an antimicrobial effect. Children's pediatricians recommend constantly bathing a child in it. However, you should be aware that this medicinal plant has some limitations, because it dries the skin a lot. It is worth noting that the sequence leaves dark spots on diapers, which are quite difficult to wash. Sometimes bathing in a row causes an allergic reaction, so before this procedure it is better to apply a decoction to small plot healthy skin and wait a while. If there is no redness or rash on examination, then this soothing herb for bathing newborns is completely safe.

How to brew a string

Parents should know how to soothe a newborn using medicinal herbs. The sequence must be brewed in advance so that it is infused by the time of bathing and becomes effective. To do this, you need to take an enamel pan, put a dry medicinal herb and pour boiled water. It is necessary to observe the proportions: 10 liters of water per 20 grams of a string. The broth is allowed to brew for some time in a warm place, filtered, and then poured into a bath for bathing. A series can be combined with chamomile, sage, lemon balm or other medicinal herb.

Soothing baths

Herbal baths for a baby are recommended from two weeks of age, after the umbilical wound has completely healed. For a soothing bath, hop cones, juniper branches, pine or spruce needles are perfect. It is better to start making herbal baths using one plant, gradually adding other components. Before bathing, the herbs are brewed, filtered, and then the decoction is added to the bathing water. In such medicinal bath the child can soak for 15 minutes 3 times a week at a water temperature of 37 0 .

How to help baby with colic?

When a baby cries, many parents get lost without understanding the reason. One of the causes of children's tears can be colic, which appear from birth and last up to a maximum of six months (more often - up to 3 months). Their appearance is associated with the still immature digestive system leading to painful cramps and bloating. Feeling pain, the child begins to cry a lot, knock his legs or clench his fists, trying to get rid of the discomfort.

Parents in this situation do not know how to calm a crying newborn. There are several ways in which you can save the child from pain.

First of all, a young mother, if she is breastfeeding, should monitor her diet. Some foods can cause gas in the intestines of the baby, which is the cause of pain. If parents do not know how to soothe a newborn with colic, they can use the recommendations of a pediatrician. But in most cases there are simple ways helping the baby.

Firstly, these are exercises on a fitball, laying out on the stomach or a light massage. Such actions massage the abdominal wall, due to which gas is released. Secondly, a warm mother's hand on the tummy helps relieve cramps. You can use a diaper: fold it four times, warm it up slightly and put it on your tummy, the pain will gradually go away. Thirdly, expensive artificial medications. According to many parents, these medicines do not have a long-term effect, but for some adults medicine- panacea. Today, plain dill water, used by our ancestors, is still a popular remedy for colic.

At proper nutrition mother during breastfeeding pain will pass unnoticed. In addition, bathing in warm water eliminates colic in newborns.


Today there are many children cosmetics for bathing babies before bed: different kind gels, oils, shampoos. It is good if they are developed on the basis of lavender, since the aroma of this herb is actively used in aromatherapy to relieve stress, excitability, neurasthenia, and insomnia. Also, this plant helps to cope with feelings of fear. One or two drops of lavender essential oil, dissolved in bath water, have a beneficial effect on baby's sleep.

A soothing herbal bath for newborns will help your baby sleep peacefully. To do this, brew fennel fruits, chamomile flowers, wheatgrass root, licorice and marshmallow. The mixture is poured with one glass of hot water, brought to a boil, insisted, and filtered after 20 minutes. It is recommended to give one teaspoon of warm decoction of these herbs before going to bed.

Aromatherapy, like any other treatment, requires a careful approach. Before calming the newborn, the mother needs to calm down herself, because the state of a loved one is transmitted to the child.

Peace of mind for children is in mother's hands

It should be remembered: when parents are upset, upset, depressed, stressed or afraid of something, the child cannot be calm. Before you calm the baby, you should take a closer look at yourself: in what tone is the dialogue being conducted, is it enough calm atmosphere in the house, is there enough patience to gently put the baby to sleep. Only if the parents themselves are not irritated, they will be able to quickly calm their child, allowing him to sleep peacefully. If they are excited, they should use mild, non-aggressive sedatives themselves.

Hiccups in a newborn

Few people know that hiccups irritate the child, as a result of which he can be capricious and cry. After all, at prolonged hiccups the baby may simply not have enough air. In this situation, parents may be frightened and confused, not understanding how to calm the hiccups in a newborn baby.

Alas, the methods that adults resort to are unacceptable for young children, but there are several methods that are effective for babies. First you need to eliminate the cause that caused the hiccups. In case of hypothermia, you need to warm the child, if he is thirsty - give him water, if he is overexcited - try to calm him down, distract him.

If the hiccups are due to overfeeding, no measures will help until the stomach absorbs what has been eaten. However, in the future it is better to prevent abundant nutrition. When breastfeeding, it is necessary to periodically tear off the child from the breast, and when artificial feeding- choose the right nipple: the hole should not be large so that the baby does not swallow air.

If the child nevertheless swallowed air, it must be positioned vertically and, pressing it to itself, stroke its back. A slight emotional effect helps to stop hiccups: bright light, strangers or a loud sound can calm the convulsive contractions of the diaphragm. Hiccups in newborns are not the only problem and not the worst, but you should not ignore it.

How to calm a newborn

By crying, the child tells the mother that he feels discomfort. There are many reasons for this. well-groomed, healthy and well-fed child will not cry, because for this he has no reason. Before calming a newborn, you need to find out the cause of the surge of violent emotions. If the child is well-fed, dry, he is not bothered by hiccups and colic, in this case, you should contact pediatrician: most likely, the baby is feeling unwell. Before the doctor arrives, it is necessary to measure the child's body temperature. Waiting for the doctor better baby hold on hands and often apply to the chest. Such measures improve the condition of the baby.

Among the rituals that are repeated every day, bathing is important. In addition to eliminating sweat and dirt, it helps the baby relax the muscles and calm the nervous system. He sleeps soundly and eats well. Adults need to try to properly organize a place for bathing a child and think through all the details.

It is important to know a few rules that will turn bathing into an enjoyable process.

Causes of inconvenience

Bathing often brings pleasure to the baby. If after that he cries, then something is done wrong. It is important to understand why whims appear.

  • Perhaps the room is cold, and after warm bath the baby feels uncomfortable.
  • Fright (the child took a sip of water, heard a sharp sound).
  • Hunger or thirst (a lot of time has passed since feeding).
  • If the baby is tired, wants to sleep, cries, do not wash it. Washing will be enough.
  • If the child cries not only after, but also during washing, he may have colic. While bathing, you can stroke his tummy.

It is necessary to take into account the rule: the baby can be bathed only 30-40 minutes after feeding. You can not start the procedure after eating, the child can burp everything eaten during motor activity in water. That is why it is better to keep the time interval after eating.

Parents are often frightened by the situation when the baby took a sip of water. You don't have to do anything. Water can also get into the ears. Then just blot it with cotton swabs.

In order to get the maximum benefit, babies are bathed in herbs: in chamomile or string. Useful and sea salt. The whole first month, until the wound on the navel heals, the water for taking a bath is boiled.

These conditions are difficult to comply with if the bath is large. Besides, in big bath all family members bathe, and this is unacceptable for a newborn child. After 1 month, you can bathe the baby in a large bath.

modern fixture

The limitation of space often causes the baby to cry. With a circle you can swim in a large bath. Parents do not have to keep the baby in one place. With the circle he feels safe.

IN rubber ring there are special fasteners with which it is attached to the child's neck. The front of the circle has a recess for the chin. The baby will not be able to bend his head down and take a sip of water. With a circle, the child’s muscles completely relax, spasms are relieved.

There are contraindications in which it is impossible to swim in a circle on the neck: increased intracranial pressure, viral infections, birth injury.

The main thing is to correctly position the child in a circle. Before bathing, you need to put the baby on his stomach. Move the halves of the circle apart and stick the child's head between them. You need to make sure that the chin falls into the recess, and the clasp is not pulled tight.

Bathing time in the circle is not limited, it is allowed to use it every day. You need to start with 5-10 minutes, so that the child gets used to being free in the water.

Do not leave children alone in the bathroom for a second!

Comfort and tranquility

Finding a baby in herbs will heal his body, relieve skin problems. Herbs such as nettle, chamomile, string will help. bath with sea ​​salt and decoctions of these herbs will enhance the healing effect.

The sequence manages to relieve inflammation on the skin, reduce the rash. Often you can not bathe in a row. You can add it once a week, as it dries out the skin.

Bathing in chamomile has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, disinfects water. Chamomile has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Bay leaf helps with allergic rashes, purulent wounds, eczema, diathesis. Bay leaf is a strong natural antibiotic, it helps to get rid of excessive sweating. Essential oils, which each leaf contains, help to calm the nervous system and cope with insomnia.

Bay leaf helps to get rid of inflammation on the skin. Its decoction is used as lotions or evening baths. To prepare a decoction, take a bay leaf (7-10 pieces) and boil in water for 20 minutes. After that, let it brew for an hour. Strained infusion is added to bathing water.

Bay leaf is considered safe means treatment of allergies, but in the case of children under one year old, caution should be exercised. Up to 3 months, the sheet is allowed to be used only externally, after - you can drink.

Bay leaf also has its own contraindications for use: stomach diseases, constipation, pancreatitis. Do not repeat the procedure daily. This will help prevent rashes and dry skin.

Soothing herbs that can be added to water: valerian, lavender, mint, oregano. Any herbs should be used with caution.

Security measures:

  • procedures with decoctions of several herbs are not allowed to be done in the first month of a child's life. This makes it difficult to identify an allergy to a particular plant;
  • if the herbs are in filter bags, then they are used 5 pieces per 1.5 liters of water;
  • before dipping a child in a bath with grass, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab with the decoction and apply it to the skin of the child. If after a few minutes there is no allergic reaction, you can bathe the baby.

Salty water

Sea salt includes important trace elements(potassium, iodine, magnesium). Salt baths will successfully replace swimming in the sea. Coniferous extracts will only enhance the effect of sea salt.

Bathe your baby in a sea salt bath no earlier than six months after birth. Up to three baths per week are allowed. Neuropathologists prescribe salt baths for birth trauma, hypertonicity. You can not add salt in the presence of open wounds, abrasions on the skin. Salt is also harmful for diseases nervous system. After water, where there is salt, be sure to rinse the child in the shower.

Coniferous-salt baths will help relieve excessive excitability and strengthen the immune system. Salt baths are done according to the testimony of a doctor.

Sea salt water should be properly prepared. Salt is diluted in a separate container, after which it is poured through a sieve into a bath of water. The time of taking such a bath is 5-10 minutes - up to 6 months, and 20 minutes - after 6 months. If coniferous-salt baths are made, then a few more drops of pine needles extract are added.

Water with sea salt will allow you to start metabolic processes and activate the body's defenses. But salt can have a negative effect on sensitive skin baby. Long bathing in water with sea salt leads to flaking and dryness skin.

Water procedures are good to turn into exciting game. You can take your favorite toys with you, massage and stroke the baby, tell him fairy tales. Parents are able to create all the conditions so that bathing for the child is useful and enjoyable.

Bathing a baby is a procedure that should bring joy and pleasure. When in contact with water, tactile stimulation occurs, physical performance improves.

But a prerequisite, of course, are hygienic manipulations and temperature conditions: both water and ambient air.

During intrauterine life everyone was kid surrounded amniotic fluid. After birth, he leaves this environment, goes through the processes of adaptation to new conditions. Therefore, bathing in water is for him a reminder of the "past" life in his mother's tummy.

If speak about temperature regime, then it is about 37 degrees. If this temperature level rises, the child may overheat or get burned. Conversely, swimming in cold water can even cause fear in baby and for a long time discourage the desire to swim.

The first bath of the baby lasts about 10 minutes, so you should not worry that the water will have time to cool.

Ways to measure water temperature:

  • thermometer;
  • "elbow method".

Pharmacies sell many thermometers for water in the form of fish that are immersed in the bath. You can also use own hands. Submerge your elbow in the water and estimate hot water, or cool.

It should be remembered that the umbilical wound in very small crumbs has not yet healed, and for bathing newborns in the first days of life, it is necessary to boil water. This must be done within the first two weeks. To do this, first we collect in the bath cold water, then add boiling water to the temperature we need - 36-37 degrees. Be sure to stir the water.

When the baby overheats, you will notice redness of the skin, lethargy. And, on the contrary, if the baby is cold, he will clench his fists, cry, and his lips and limbs will turn blue.

If during bathing the child cries, then the procedure should be stopped. Reconsider what you are doing wrong.

The air temperature in the bathroom should be around 23 degrees.

What do you need to prepare for swimming?

For water procedures the following items will be required:

  • bath;
  • swimming slide;
  • thermometer;
  • diaper;
  • soft terry towel;
  • bathing facilities for children.

Baby bath products

IN modern stores you can find a wide variety of baby shampoos, gels and bath foams. The most widely used line is the Johnsons Baby.

Bathing foam, especially with lavender oil, has hypoallergenic properties and a calming effect.

  1. Hypoallergenic - the absence of harmful dyes and fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Safety. After all, any child can try the foam “by the tooth”.

Of course, if it was not a drop of gel, but a whole sip or two, you need to call an ambulance.

Daria, Moscow, 25 years old:“Johnsons Baby bathing foam worked perfectly for us, or rather, for my six-month-old happiness. You can purchase a large pink bottle of 500 ml. The price is very democratic, and enough for a long time - about 4 months. But, depending on how much you pour it into the bath. For excitable children, also eat with lavender.

Baby soap « eared babysitter”, Hipp is also popular with new moms. It is convenient and the form of its use is liquid.

This soap should not contain fragrances. An obligatory component is glycerin to soften delicate skin. Always a big plus for soap is the presence of substances of plant origin and a special dispenser for easy use.

You can still bathe children in herbal preparations with thyme, chamomile, lemon balm. They have a good anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. They will provide all possible assistance with diaper rash and hyperexcitability of the baby.

Natalia, 28 years old:“I bought the Eared Nanny hair wash, I thought it would work as a bath foam, it wasn’t there. Foams mediocre. Great for babies, softens the skin well. Allergic reactions were not found. There is, however, a grape fragrance, so I would not recommend it for newborns. ”

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. I use for my son liquid soap"Eared nanny". It foams very well, so to speak "2 in 1" - both foam and soap. The smell is pleasant, it washes off quickly. I have never noticed allergies, it softens and soothes the skin very well with diaper rash, if any.

Also in high demand on the market is a line of bathing products from the German company Bübchen. But they are pricey.

Nowadays, you can find a lot of shampoos, bath foams, bathing gels for children. But even with such diversity, it is necessary individual approach and mandatory consideration of possible allergic reactions. In what to bathe the baby, it is up to the parents to decide.

Newborn's first bath

Here is the long-awaited moment of discharge from the hospital. You have arrived home, and after some time the question arises of how to bathe this small and very fragile bundle of happiness.

Bathing the child after the hospital should be carried out on next day to allow the newborn to adapt to his new room and a crib.

The child should be bathed in his own tub. The bath should be chosen in children's stores, as the product is certified there, and the plastic and other substances from which the bath is made will not harm the health of the baby when bathing.

With this procedure, for convenience, you can use a slide. There are plastic slides, fabric hammocks, slides with a metal frame covered with fabric. Special baths with already built-in slides are also sold.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. My husband and I enjoyed bathing our baby on a fabric slide with a metal frame. My husband even made it himself. The child is more comfortable and softer to lie on the fabric than on the plastic substrate.

Baby bath rules

  1. We are preparing a place in the bathroom where it is most convenient to place the bath. You can put it on a stool, or in a large bath.
  2. We prepare water. If the umbilical wound has not healed, then the water should be boiled.
  3. We check the presence of a mug or a small bucket to rinse the baby.
  4. We collect water, about a quarter of the bath. We check the temperature with a thermometer or an elbow. If desired, add foam or a decoction of herbs.
  5. We put up a hill.
  6. We close the bathroom.
  7. We are preparing a child.
  8. Undress the baby on the changing table. If the room is warm, then you can take a few minutes air baths. Then we swaddle with the head, but not tight.
  9. We carefully place the baby on the hill, monitor the well-being of the child, the color of his skin, and a large fontanel.
  10. First, gently wash the arms, legs, body, then the head of the child, trying to protect the eyes from water. At the end we rinse the baby clean water. Bathing a newborn should begin with five minutes, gradually increasing the amount of time to 15 minutes.

For more information about and up to what age a child should be wrapped in a diaper, read the article by a children's doctor.

How to wash a newborn?

You can wash the child simply with your hand, or with a special washcloth-mitt, which can be bought at a children's store. When choosing a mitten, evaluate the material from which it is made and the smell, so as not to cause allergies in the child.

After the child has bathed, it should be wrapped in dry terry towel and dry with blotting motions. Dress in a vest, sliders, or swaddle.

Bathe the baby for the first 4-5 months should be daily, but wash the hair no more than 2 times a week. In the second half of life, you can bathe every other day.

Bathing a baby is a very difficult task. While still in pregnant position it will be useful to study necessary materials how to properly bathe a newborn baby. Try to involve your husband in this process as well.

Helpers are never redundant. The baby will feel the care of both parents.

The appearance of a baby at home is always a joy, anxious expectations and ... stress for young parents. When the first emotions subside, parents begin to think that the baby should be washed, dressed and fed. However, in the absence of experience, even simple tasks can raise a lot of questions.

One of the situations that cause confusion in young mothers is the first bath of the child after the hospital. If there is a caring grandmother nearby or if you are lucky with the supervising nurse and doctor, then bathing will not be a big problem. But if not, moms need instructions. So now we will give detailed recommendations bathing a newborn baby.

Preparing the bathroom and water for a newborn's first bath

First of all, it is worth refuting the myth that you should not bathe a child before complete healing umbilical wound. You can bathe your baby from the first day of life, but you need to approach this issue very responsibly so as not to introduce infections.

Tray . The main thing to remember is safety. Therefore, take care of purchasing a baby bath in advance. There are many reasons not to bathe a child in an adult bath - the danger of positioning, a rough surface for the baby's skin, the remnants of aggressive detergents, the risk of injury and even accidental drowning.

The baby bath is safe for the baby in all respects. It is not worth saving when buying it. On sale there are anatomical baths, baths like " mother's belly”, conventional, built-in adult and inflatable models. The safest for newborns are "mother's tummy" baths. They are cup-shaped, non-slip, stable, comfortable for mothers and keep the temperature. In addition, they help with intestinal colic and support newborns who cannot hold their head in the correct physiological posture.

Water . Babies can only be bathed in boiled water and weak decoctions of herbs. The water temperature for the first bath of the baby at home should be 36.6 ° C, if the mother does not want to cause fear of water in the newborn for the next few months. The baby should not feel the temperature difference. In order to control this aspect, you need to buy a bath thermometer in advance. Or a bath with a thermostat that will maintain the desired temperature.

To avoid infection in the umbilical wound, a solution of potassium permanganate can be added to the water for the first bath. To do this, you need to make a strong bright purple solution, take a clean gauze folded in two or three layers, and pour the solution into the bath, filtering through the gauze. Pour until the water turns slightly pink color. You can also add strong solutions of herbs to the water - chamomile, linden, dill.

Bathing facilities. If possible, water and decoctions of herbs with potassium permanganate should be dispensed with, but if necessary, use detergents, antibacterial products and soaps should be avoided. Only special foams for babies can be used. The packaging must indicate that the use is permissible from birth (0+). The foam must be dissolved in a small amount in water in the bath.

The temperature in the bathroom is also very important. If the temperature of the water contrasts sharply with the temperature of the air, the least to be expected is tears and screams; more - inflammation of the lungs. The bathroom should be warm, as well as the room in which the baby gets after bathing.

The first bath of the child should be as less traumatic as possible. Try to follow all the recommendations so that it does not cause long-term fear.

How to bathe a child?

So, all the preparations are made, and it's time for a daily bath. First of all, you need to stock up on bathing attributes - a watering can with a spray, a soft towel, cotton balls and flagella (in no case with sticks), a solution of brilliant green, clean gauze, diapers and talc.

Let's go to swimming. It is necessary to undress the baby, wash it if necessary, and gently put / put it clean in the bath. To do this, you need to support the head (nape), neck, back with the left hand (if the mother is right-handed), and the legs and buttocks with the right hand. So the baby is lowered into a lying bath. In the baths of the "mother's tummy" type, the baby is planted supporting under the armpits and head, carefully leaning against the walls and making sure that the child is comfortable. It is necessary to lower it slowly and gradually, giving him the opportunity to get used to the water. If everything was done correctly, the baby will relax.

Then you need to take a watering can with water (temperature 36.6 ° C) and carefully pour the baby's body, but not the head. Water in the eyes will frighten the child and may cause fear of bathing. Watering the baby with water (or a decoction of herbs), you need to give him time to adapt, stroking and talking to him.

What to do after swimming?

After the washing procedure, you need to carefully remove the baby and immediately wrap it in a towel from the head to the feet. The towel should be soft, dry and warm. Until 6 months, pediatricians do not recommend using anything that is applied to the skin (creams, lotions, oils). The exception is Coconut oil, it is hypoallergenic and in a small amount (literally a couple of drops) will help retain moisture. Apply it before you dry your baby's skin.

You need to prepare in advance the room in which the baby will fall after bathing. Cover the changing table with a warm, clean and soft diaper, put diapers and talcum powder next to it. Be sure to close windows and check for drafts. In the first 10 minutes, do not put on a baby diaper and sliders. It is enough to cover the child with a terry blanket and let the skin breathe.