How to understand why a newborn is crying. Why does a one month old baby cry without rest

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The most common problem that new parents face is the constant crying of a newborn baby at the age of 1 or 2 months. The child is very small and he still cannot express his feelings and needs for anything in words. Maybe something hurts him? Or does he just want to eat? How to learn to determine why a newborn is crying? Why does a 1-2 month old baby cry in his sleep? How to calm him down, and is it worth it to see a doctor about this?

Reasons for crying

In fact, there are a lot of reasons why newborn babies cry a lot. The most common of them are:

  • hunger;
  • colic;
  • climatic conditions in which the child is located.

Basically, the baby cries because of the hunger he is experiencing. Today, most inexperienced young mothers adhere to a strict feeding schedule, which, as they think, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Perhaps they were told about this at and when they were discharged from the hospital. Yes, perhaps it is. But the problem is that the ventricle of a newborn is very small and, accordingly, he eats little. And sometimes he does not have enough of the amount of milk that he consumed during feeding in order to wait for the next “portion”.

Therefore, it is extremely important to feed the child not on time, but on demand. If a newborn baby cries, it is very easy to check whether he wants to eat or not. It is enough to attach a bent little finger to the corner of his mouth. If he starts to turn his head towards the finger and open his mouth as if he wants to grab onto it, then the baby is hungry. It's time to calm him down and attach him to the chest. A child of 1 month of life will eat, quickly fall asleep in his mother's arms, and hunger will not disturb him in his sleep for the next couple of hours.

Colic is the second reason why a baby cries. His digestive system has just begun to master its "new role". As a rule, colic bothers the baby for 1, 2 and 3 months of his life, in some cases they can last up to 6 months. If a baby who is 1 or 2 months old is constantly crying, know that this may be the whole problem.

Determining the crying of a child who is bothered by colic is just as easy. It is impossible to confuse it with any other. The child screams very strongly, jerks its legs and literally chokes from crying. The face becomes red, almost to blue. In this case, in order to calm the crying baby, it is necessary to give the baby a massage and give medicine (today there are a huge number of medications that help relieve the newborn from colic), or give him dill water.

Another reason why a baby cries is the climatic conditions in which it is located. Little babies sometimes cry because they can't stand extreme heat or cold. Each child is individual, so it is necessary to create exactly those climatic conditions under which your baby will feel comfortable.

Determine whether the baby is hot or cold, the following method will help:

  • take the child by the hand;
  • put your fingers on your wrist;
  • if the wrist is cold, then the baby is cold, it needs to be wrapped up more tightly, if it is hot or damp, it is hot, the child needs to be undressed.

Another reason why a baby cries is the negligence of parents who are simply too lazy to change the baby's diaper once again. An adult feels uncomfortable in wet clothes, and a baby whose diaper is full feels discomfort. Check frequently to see if the baby has a bowel movement. If an "accident" occurs, deal with it immediately to reassure your little one. By the way, for the same reason, the child may experience irritation in the inguinal region and in the folds, which can cause the baby not only discomfort, but severe pain and itching. If there is redness in the groin, try to minimize the use of diapers and treat the baby's skin with special creams more often.

Also, the cause of crying can be postpartum complications. Often, young mothers during childbirth cannot direct their forces in the right direction, that is, when they try, they begin to pout, but not there (in the face), due to which the time for the baby to pass through the birth canal has increased. As a rule, at this moment, in most cases, the child develops anemia (lack of oxygen), which negatively affects his nervous system. Because of this, a newborn can sleep poorly, shudder at every rustle in a dream, and constantly scream. In this case, it is necessary to contact a neurologist who will conduct a thorough examination of the baby and prescribe appropriate treatment. After completing the medication course, the baby's nervous system will improve, it will be easier to calm him down and crying will not disturb parents so often.

Very often, parents are faced with such a problem when a newborn baby cries with every urination and begins to sound the alarm. In fact, there is nothing terrible here, this is the usual fear of the child of what is happening. He cannot control the process itself, gets scared when he starts to write, as a result of which he starts crying. But still, you need to consult a doctor and take urine tests. Because sometimes there are cases when a baby cries due to pain during urination, which may be associated with:

  • with infectious diseases of the urinary system;
  • or with an incorrect location of the foreskin.

Pain during urination may also indicate a high concentration of urine, which, passing through the urinary canal, causes irritation and burning.

When a baby cries and has a frequent fever (the norm for a newborn is 37.2 C), you need to urgently go to the doctor. Perhaps the reason lies in an infectious disease that requires urgent treatment.

But our children do not always cry because of hunger or pain. Sometimes they just need the presence of their mother nearby. Before birth, the child was one with her, and now it is very difficult for him to get used to a new life. The baby needs the presence of a mother nearby and feel her warmth and care. Therefore, do not be afraid to spoil the child, take him more often in your arms, apply more often to your chest, put him to sleep in your arms to calm him down, talk to him. This will help the baby calm down and fall asleep quickly. Your care and warmth will definitely return to you in the future!

Why does a newborn cry in his sleep?

If the baby constantly cries in a dream, then it is worth first of all to inspect the baby's sleeping place. Perhaps something is preventing him from sleeping, for example, a sheet is curled under him or he lies on a nipple.

Also, the causes of crying in a dream can be night colic, which prevent the baby from sleeping, teething (in some children, teeth begin to erupt at 3.5 - 4 months), or the banal absence of a mother nearby.

If a child constantly cries in his sleep for 1-2 months, but nothing bothers him, maybe you should think about co-sleeping? The baby will feel calm next to his mother, especially since he can always eat without forcing you to get up if he is breastfeeding.

How to calm a crying baby?

First you need to find out why the baby is crying, and only after that begin to calm him down. If the reason for crying is hunger, feed him, even though it has not even been 2 hours since the last feeding.
If colic is the cause, give the child medicine and massage. And it is done like this:

  • put the child on the bed;
  • put your hand on his stomach, the palm should completely touch the stomach;
  • mentally draw a horseshoe on his stomach, the ends of which are directed downwards;
  • with smooth hand movements, follow the path of the horseshoe clockwise.

If this massage did not help your baby, then you can use another massage. However, it can be performed only from 1 month:

  • put the child on the bed;
  • bend both legs at the knees so that they touch the stomach;
  • With smooth movements, take the child's legs first to one side, then to the other. The legs should be tightly pressed to each other and to the stomach.

If these methods do not help, you can use the gas outlet tube. However, you should not abuse it, since the body can get used to the mechanical method of getting rid of gases and then it will be difficult to establish this process.

If a baby who is 1 or 2 months old is crying, and you have already tried everything possible, but nothing helps, it may not be colic. Try putting a heating pad on your baby's tummy, make sure it's not too hot! Give your child dill water or fennel tea.

Carry the child in your arms, press him with your stomach to you. Sometimes both gentle swaying and “dancing” can calm a crying baby. Some children find relief in waltzing movements, others in the style of a march. Try to hold the baby in various positions - vertically, horizontally, belly down. Perhaps you will find exactly the position in which the baby will feel relieved.

But remember that the reason for the crying of a child in a month can be not only in colic or climatic conditions. If the child is restless and cries often, it is best to take him to the doctor. At the appointment with a specialist, you can find out why your baby is crying and make sure that there are no or presence of any diseases.

Useful video about the reasons for crying a newborn

Your long-awaited and beloved baby was finally born, you seemed to be preparing for a meeting. But now you understand that you do not understand him a little. Why does a newborn cry all the time? How to calm a newborn? It seems that I do everything for him, you will say, and his diapers are clean and fed and they vilify him after eating, but he still cries very often ...

Don't worry too much, all children cry. It's just the only way for him to convey something to you.

A newborn baby cannot yet tell you what he wants or what worries him, so they try to convey their desire to you through crying. A newborn may cry for many reasons, but learning to understand what a newborn is asking for is not that difficult. But of course it’s difficult to figure it out right away, but after a while you will learn how to do it. The main thing to remember is that the child cries in different ways depending on the situation.

Here is some guidance on how to calm a newborn.

1. A newborn cries from hunger.
The child tells you with his long cry that he wants to eat. At the same time, he may blush and most often pulls his hands.

In this case, of course, the baby needs to be fed, despite the fact that it is still very early in time.

2. A newborn in wet diapers, in a wet diaper.
The baby wants to inform you that he has already peed in a diaper or diaper (even if it is reusable), and now he is wet and uncomfortable. They irritate the delicate skin of a newborn. And it doesn't matter for him whether it's day or night, it's uncomfortable in the wet anyway. In this case, he whimpers, as it were, now stronger, now weaker, and whimpers continuously. He may also have hiccups.

How to calm a newborn: Just change his diaper or diaper, and if he is cool, then cover with a blanket on top.

3. The child is uncomfortable in a diaper or clothes.
He may cry due to the fact that the folds of an incorrectly swaddled diaper are crushing him or some trifle (a button, a rope, a pebble, etc.) has got into the diaper or clothes. Or maybe he just got tired of lying in one position and wants to roll over. Such crying begins with whining, and then he starts screaming, waving his arms and legs, trying to change his position.

How to calm a newborn: Unroll the newborn and change the swaddle again, more carefully so that there are fewer wrinkles. Or try turning it to a different position first.

From the heat, the baby whimpers, the skin turns slightly red, and a rash (prickly heat) may also appear. He is trying to free himself from diapers or clothes. You can measure the temperature, it can rise to 37.5 degrees due to overheating.

How to calm a newborn: On hot days, try not to wear reusable diapers for your child, use thin diapers and caps (you can not wear a cap in the heat)

5. The newborn is cold.
If the baby is cold, he may cry piercingly, and then the crying becomes quieter and longer, and hiccups appear.

How to calm a newborn: The baby needs to be dressed a little warmer. The fact that the baby is cold, you will be prompted by his cool skin of the abdomen, chest and back.

6. Newborn cries while feeding
During feeding, he may cry due to the inflammatory process in his oral mucosa. Or because of inflammation of the middle ear. With otitis, the child hurts when swallowing, so even if he is hungry and greedily clutches your chest, after the first sip he will come off and start crying loudly. In this case, the crying of the child is very loud and shrill. He can tilt his head back a little. With otitis, crying can be not only during feeding, but at any time, even at night.
Even during feeding, he can cry when his nose is clogged, and it's just hard for him to breathe. Especially if the baby has a runny nose.

How to calm a newborn: For all three reasons, you should definitely call a doctor. And from a clogged spout, you can suck the nozzles and continue feeding.

7. Newborn cries after feeding.
It is possible that he got into the tummy and air with food, this often happens. And now his stomach hurts. In this case, the child bends his legs to his stomach, frowns his forehead and cries plaintively.

How to calm a newborn: First, check if you are properly attaching the baby to the breast. Does it capture the halo of the nipple? Or is it just the nipple? The baby should not smack too loudly when sucking. Secondly, after feeding, do not forget to wear it in a “column” (in an upright position) until it burps or just min. 15-20.

8. A newborn cries from intestinal colic.
You will immediately recognize this cry, it will be very shrill and there may be breaks between the cry. He seems to be asking you for help, saying that he is in pain. Boys suffer from colic more often than girls. And firstborns are more likely to experience colic than subsequent babies. Children of anxious mothers can also experience colic. There are many reasons for colic in the abdomen: these are still immature internal systems of the child, and allergies, or maybe mommy ate something inappropriate for the baby. And the child in the tummy accumulates gas bubbles in large quantities. These gaziki put pressure on the intestinal wall, and the baby gets hurt.

How to calm a newborn: First, try to warm the baby a little, put his tummy to your stomach, or you can warm the tummy with a heating pad folded several times and ironed with a hot iron. You can also give dill water or activated charcoal to drink after feeding. There are also special children's drugs that can be bought at a pharmacy, for example, "Espumesan"

9. The baby has diaper rash on the skin
This is a kind of skin irritation, due to a late diaper change or due to the fact that the diaper was put on wet skin. Deal with it simple enough. You need to take a closer look at the child.

10. Baby cries when pissing
If this happens systematically, then the baby may have an inflammatory process in the bladder. If accompanied by fever, better call a doctor.

11. Constipation in a newborn baby - or the baby cries when pooping.
To avoid constipation in a newborn, it is better for a mother to breastfeed her baby, and not with mixtures. If it is not possible to breastfeed, then let the child drink water during the day. Can deal with constipation slightly irritating the anus of the child. To do this, grease the sharp tip of the thermometer with sunflower oil and insert it into the anus by about 1 cm. And move it forward and back a little. After that, the baby may poop or poop. In any of the cases, it will become easier for him and he will calm down.
Crying during bowel movements occurs due to an irritated anus of the child. To avoid this, wash it more often, after each time you urinate and after poo.

12. The kid is tired.
Little kids get tired too. When tired, the baby not only whimpers, but also loses interest in the environment. He would like to rest, sleep for a while, but they cannot always fall asleep on their own. He needs a little help. Rock him in your arms, he can sing a song, or you can bathe him before going to bed, you can still take him out to sleep on the street.

13. The child is teething.
Some children are very sensitive to the appearance of teeth and cause discomfort. Look after the child. Does he salivate? Does he bite his fingers, or something else? maybe he refuses to breastfeed because of pain in the gums? Even the baby may not have an appetite and sleep patterns are disturbed.

How to calm a newborn: wash your hands well and massage your baby's gums gently. You can give to chew a cold ring. You can smear the gums with a special ointment. Sold in pharmacies.

14. The kid wants to talk.
A child, just like an adult, has a desire to communicate or not to communicate. To be alone or not to be alone. Therefore, if there are no obvious reasons for the crying of the child, and despite this, he cries, just try to pick it up and chat with him a little. sing a song or just talk or look at him.

15. The newborn does not want to sleep.
If the time has come to put the baby to bed, and he is naughty and, as it were, crawls out of the diaper, then he is not ready to go to bed yet. Unwrap him, let it take a little walk.

16. A newborn cries for no reason.
This does not necessarily indicate his illness, most likely he just has an easily excitable nervous system. With such kids, you need to walk more often, and do not turn on loud music or TV in the room. And put away bright lights and loud rattles.

Also very useful to see video by Dr. Harvey Karp on how to calm a crying baby in 2-5 minutes. He will teach you how to soothe your baby in just five steps. After all, newborn babies are not yet fully developed and they need to get used to the new world around them. In the first three months of a child's life, such an adaptation takes place. Harvey Karp called this period - "The fourth trimester of pregnancy." In general, be sure to look, it will help you a lot, because if your baby will cry less, then you will be able to relax more, and you will need a lot of strength. 🙂

From the moment of birth, the most key signal for a child, until he learns to speak and explain himself in words, is crying. At an early age, he belongs to the universal mechanism of communication, with which the baby expresses a whole palette of his feelings and emotions, demonstrates his desires and emotions. It often happens that a newborn often screams and cries, haunting himself and his parents. What can be associated with sleep problems and his cries? How to recognize the child's signals and eliminate their causes in a timely manner?

Table of contents:

Development of crying and sleep problems

For a newborn baby, crying is a way to signal any unpleasant, uncomfortable or painful sensations.

When a newborn is healthy and well fed, nothing bothers him, he spends most of his time in the first weeks of his life in a dream. Therefore, for the most part, due to crying, the child expresses his emotions, complains of feeling unwell, and parents should not ignore such signals.

But young parents often do not understand why the child screams, sobs inconsolably and cannot fall asleep. Gradually, over time, they already distinguish the source of problems by the intonation and strength of the cry, its tone and behavior. There are relatively simple and easily eliminated causes of lack of sleep and crying, although more serious, painful and dangerous conditions are quite possible.

The main causes of crying in newborns

There are quite physiological and obvious reasons for crying in children, because of which he cannot fall asleep. These include:

When applied to the breast or when the baby is given a bottle of formula, he calms down and calms down. Babies can also quench their thirst by applying to the chest, and for this, artificial people need to be given some water in a bottle. At first, until an approximate feeding rhythm has been established, the baby may often cry when he is hungry.


It is important not to ignore the requirements of the crumbs, waiting for a certain hour to feed, otherwise the crying will turn into hysteria, during which it will be extremely difficult to calm and feed the raging baby. If the baby was immediately understood and fed on time, he usually falls asleep.

Crying and sleep problems when overexcited

Most often, the child cannot fall asleep and screams, cries due to overexcitation. His nervous system is very vulnerable and immature, it often needs rest in order to restore its working capacity, control the work of all organs and systems and develop.

The depletion of nervous processes occurs the sooner, the younger the crumbs.


If at the same time with fatigue the child received too many new impressions and emotions, this will lead to even greater fatigue of his nervous system. As a result, the child cannot sleep, although he is very tired, because of which he screams, cries and cannot calm down. As a result, tantrums are formed with choking screams and cries, which greatly frightens parents.

It is important to avoid overwork and tantrums monitoring the condition and well-being of the crumbs. This can be achieved by observing a strict daily regimen, where there will be enough time for sleep, all the necessary hygiene procedures and all the conditions for a comfortable stay and falling asleep. It is a cozy and clean room, well ventilated, with comfortable temperature and humidity. It is not necessary to create crumbs of perfect silence from birth for sleep, he should sleep under normal family conditions, this will help make sleep not so sensitive and intermittent.

So that the child is not overexcited, doctors do not recommend his presence at noisy and mass events, concerts and on long trips. It is worth at least for the first time to protect it from a large number of guests and strangers. This will not only give the child peace of mind, but also protect against unnecessary encounters with infections, which can also disturb sleep and lead to crying.

If the child is tired after visiting the guests, did not sleep for a long time and screamed, you need to take him in your arms, put him on your chest, rock him in your arms and calm him down. Some babies are helped by tight swaddling or wrapping in a blanket, others - a warm bath, relaxing and soothing the baby.

Sleep problems and crying in natural function disorders

Often the child cannot sleep and constantly cries when there are problems with natural needs - defecation or urination. Many children may cry or whimper before emptying their bladder, even if there are no health problems, simply not understanding what is happening to them, and frightened by this fact. There is no need to worry in this case, usually these are light whimpers, followed by a wet diaper. However, sleep disturbances and constant crying, kicking and screaming when urinating, or straining hard before wetting your panties is an alarming sign. This may be a sign of anomalies in the structure of the urinary tract, inflammation in the bladder walls, and in boys - problems with the penis and its structure.

If the child is constantly restless, the process of urination leads to screams, while the body temperature also rises, you should immediately consult a doctor and take tests (at least general ones - and).

Often, problems with bowel movements also lead to sleep disorders and crying with screams. Especially against the background of artificial feeding, resulting in the wrong selection of the mixture, its inaccurate dilution, or with a lack of fluid in the body to. Defecation is especially unpleasant in the presence of cracks in the anus, due to straining and thick stools. In this case, the baby will toss and turn and grunt, wince and scream loudly, especially against the background of a long absence of stool. From screams and constant fruitless attempts, the baby does not sleep well, his tummy swells, and it is important to consult a doctor to identify and eliminate the causes of constipation.

Poor sleep and crying against the background of colic

In the period from about three weeks of age to three months, when the intestinal wall gradually matures and the formation of microflora occurs, many children suffer from which literally harass some children and deprive them of rest and sleep. Colic is not a disease, it is a temporary and transient phenomenon associated with the accumulation of gas in the intestines.. They stretch the intestinal loops and irritate pain receptors, which creates spasm and discomfort, especially in the late afternoon, when the nervous system is already tired and irritated. Against the background of colic, the child often does not sleep well, wakes up crying and screams, in the evening periods of crying can last up to several hours, until the spasms and pain recede.


Signs of colic will be sharp crying and screaming with tucking up of the legs and straining, reddening of the face, bulging of the fontanel, sometimes with transitions into tantrums. The cry is sharp and loud, painful, with arching of the arms, tension in the abdomen.

It is important that parents know how to help the baby in order to alleviate his condition. It is necessary to massage the tummy, bend the legs, helping the passage of gases, carry it in your arms down with your tummy, rock it and soothe it. If colic has become daily and severe, sometimes you can help with medicines that a doctor can advise, they are selected individually, they do not always help and not all children.

Violations of the temperature regime as a cause of crying

If adults, having a perfect system of thermoregulation and the ability to dress or undress according to the weather, do not suffer much from temperature fluctuations, then for newborns this is a serious problem. They are extremely uncomfortable both in conditions of freezing and overheating, but they themselves cannot untie themselves or dress warmer, and therefore they sleep poorly and cry. Hypothermia is dangerous at an early age, it was strong and prolonged, and for this it is necessary that the baby be undressed for at least half an hour in an extremely cool room, or even in the cold. In other cases, with slight freezing, children, due to awakening, screaming and crying, active movements of their legs and arms against this background, activate metabolism and warm up. This is a defense mechanism. After they calmed down and warmed up, sleep returned to normal.

But overheating for a child is much more dangerous than a slight freezing, since in this case the protective mechanisms do not work, especially if there is a tight swaddling or a large amount of clothes carefully put on by mothers and grandmothers.

Overheating leads to inhibition of metabolic processes, suppression of immunity and disruption of brain development.

During the neonatal period and the first about six months, the mechanisms of sweating are imperfect, the baby cannot fully cool the body. Then sleep suffers, the baby cannot fall asleep and screams, cries, blushes. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin folds, against the background of overheating, there may be diaper rash and prickly heat throughout the body, which only increases the discomfort and suffering of the crumbs. Itching and pain of the skin, redness and the risk of infection further disrupt sleep and constantly provoke crying. In this case, it will be constant and monotonous, on one note, with a transition to whining, or flow into hysterics.

Restless sleep and crying

Many parents are extremely worried about the poor sleep of children with constant awakenings and crying in their sleep, after which it is difficult for them to re-lay. This is due to several reasons, usually easily eliminated and not dangerous, but requiring the attention of mom and dad. This:

You should not wait for a complete awakening and screams of the crumbs, you need to immediately respond to his signals by picking up and calming him, putting him on his chest or giving him a bottle or a pacifier. This will help not to go into tantrums and calm down, calmly falling asleep.

External causes, discomfort and crying

If the baby is not hungry and not tired, while he cries and does not want to sleep, the reasons for this may be quite banal inconvenience from wet diapers, a leaking or overflowing diaper, rubbing the seams of clothes. It is important to timely select diapers by size, so that they do not press or rub delicate skin, and also change them in a timely manner so that stool and urine do not irritate the perineum and do not lead to pain.

Painful causes of sleep disorders and crying

They can cause poor restless sleep or difficulty falling asleep, as well as the causes of tantrums and crying, the presence of skin diseases, or. So, against the background of skin pathologies and allergic rashes, severe itching of the skin usually occurs, which simply does not allow you to fall asleep, the child screams, rubs against the crib, worries, you can alleviate his condition by contacting a doctor and determining the cause of the skin lesion, using local or systemic drugs against inflammation and itching, allergies.

In most children, teething begins after six months, but some may encounter this phenomenon earlier. Therefore, one of the leading problems in the second half of the year, which leads to tantrums, crying and sleep disorders, is discomfort in the gum area with itching, swelling and discomfort. Often the baby puts everything in his mouth, tries to gnaw toys and sucks his fists, he has a lot of saliva. Special cooling teethers, dryers, rubber toys, as well as the use of teething gels for severe anxiety can help in these cases.

What are the dangers of frequent crying and sleep disorders?

Many parents and the older generation do not see anything wrong with the crying of children, letting them “shout out” and not making attempts to calm them down. This is not a physiological method of dealing with crying, whatever its cause, especially if the child is also not sleeping well.

Crying loads and overexcites the nervous system, threatens the development of “rolling up” with periods of respiratory arrest and acute hypoxia of the brain. This will have an extremely negative impact on the development of the child, leading to his nervousness and anxiety, learning difficulties and disinhibition of excitation processes.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical columnist

A child's cry literally paralyzes the whole life around the little man. This is one of the worst experiences for a mother, especially if she does not know why the baby is crying. When a child screams without ceasing, she instinctively leans towards him, pulls him to her, presses him, shakes him, tries to calm him down and worries in earnest. But is it right?..

Why does a child cry for no reason?

Often, moms need to overcome the “comforter” instinct when it comes to babies. Because often a baby cries for no reason. Children's cry is a completely normal manifestation, natural for the crumbs, and besides, it is a kind of children's gymnastics. The baby, thus, expands its lungs, strengthens the cervical and pectoral muscles. It doesn’t matter at all if you let the baby scream for a minute or two. Then, of course, it is necessary to intervene, but certainly not to coddle with him, but to find out and eliminate the cause.

Why is the child screaming?

A reasonable mother always first tries to find out the true cause of crying. To begin with, she unwraps the baby to check if it's time to change diapers or wet diapers. Then he will look at the baby’s clothes, whether they are crushed, if the folds are rubbed. When all this is in order, mommy understands that the cause of the cry is probably thirst or hunger. Under normal conditions, the baby should not be disturbed by either thirst or hunger until the next feeding, since it provides him with just as much liquid and nutrients as his tiny body requires. But again, if feeding is adjusted correctly.

As for the “artificial” babies, there are no significant differences, the food of the babies who are artificially fed is also rationed so that the baby receives both the required amount of food and the right amount of nutrients.

Exceptions to these rules can only be in the summer, then it is quite possible that due to the heat there is a deterioration in appetite, and, accordingly, a decrease in the amount of food taken, can cause thirst in the crumbs. You can quench it with weak tea, which should be given with a teaspoon after eating.

How to stop baby crying? Why ? Causes of crying in babies

Why does the baby cry during feeding?

If your baby cries when feeding, it may well be that breastfeeding is not established correctly. If the baby cries during feeding, he may not latch on correctly and it is difficult for him to "get" milk.

If the baby cries when feeding, while bottle-fed, check the temperature of the food in the bottle - if it is too hot for the baby. It will also not be superfluous to check the size of the hole in the nipple. Perhaps it is small or, on the contrary, too big, and it is inconvenient for the baby to eat - it is difficult to suck out the mixture or the “flow” of milk chokes him, it is difficult for him to take large sips. Make sure that the baby's nose is not clogged, it can be difficult for him to breathe at the same time as eating, so the baby cries during feeding.

Why does the child cry incessantly?

If your baby is constantly crying, screaming for a long time, one to two hours or so, then the cause is probably digestive problems. You need to check if the baby's stool is in order. A small child still does not know how to get rid of gas in the intestines on its own, its body is not yet quite ready for this. The child is just learning to use his body, he does not know its capabilities, does not know what and how to use, what will happen if you do this and that. He simply does not know how, and does not know that if you use the abdominal press, then the tension of the abdominal muscles can push the gases that bother him so much through the anus. In adults, this happens automatically, instinctively - and this reaction, no doubt, developed in infancy. Therefore, the baby screams and arches, changes position, pulls the legs up to the tummy, and in the process learns to develop enough pressure in the abdomen to allow gases or feces to come out.

The reasons why a baby cries can actually be countless. However, there are also many ways to calm the baby. The main “trick” is to understand what exactly your baby needs, since each child needs an individual approach. You should not blindly hope that the "grandmother's" method will work, or that what your mother helped you with at his age will help him. Often, what can calm one baby, another can simply piss off. Therefore, the most important thing is, of course, to understand the reason why the child cries. And it will be already 50% success.


Almost all mothers in the first year of a baby's life are faced with the problem of colic in a baby. Then often the child screams after feeding, cries for no reason, for no reason, at first glance for no reason. The child screams without ceasing, for a long time and, as a rule, in the same period of time. It seems that he slept and was full, but mom still has no peace. The following tips may help resolve this situation:

  • 1. Try to breastfeed your baby on demand. This has a positive effect on the digestion of the crumbs, and for the comfort of his sensations is also good. After all, when feeding, the baby calms down and feels protected.
  • 2. Try to avoid in your diet products such as, for example, coffee, cabbage, all kinds of dairy products.
  • 3. When transferring the baby to artificial feeding, make single servings for feeding a little smaller, but feed the baby more often.
  • 4. It happens that the baby cries during feeding, being on artificial feeding. First, check the size of the hole in the nipple. Perhaps it is small or, on the contrary, too big, and it is inconvenient for the baby to eat.
  • 5. When bottle feeding your baby, experiment with different types of nipples and bottles themselves to see which one will reduce the chance of air entering the baby's stomach during feeding.
  • 6. Try to keep your baby upright during feeding (let him eat while standing or sitting), and for a while after feeding.
  • 7. Provide a calm, peaceful environment for your baby during feeding.
  • 8. If the baby likes the nipple, let him suck it.
  • 9. During the period of exacerbation of colic, when the baby cries after feeding, put on a sling, or take the baby in your arms and walk with him.
  • 10. If the child screams and arches, buy him in warm water.
  • 11. Bend the baby's legs and lightly press them against his tummy (you will provoke the release of gases, and at the same time show how to do it yourself in the future).
  • 12. Massage your baby's tummy.
  • 13. Put the baby on your knees with your tummy and stroke his back or give him a light massage, disperse the blood.
  • 14. Lie on your back, and put the baby on your stomach facing you, massage his back, you can sway a little from side to side. In most cases, children calm down and fall asleep.
  • 15. Consult a doctor, if necessary, he will advise which medications can be used and given to a child during exacerbations.

Tummy troubles are natural, but that doesn't mean you and your baby have to suffer from them. For some children, it helps if you insert a rubber tube into the anus. However, you can use it only on the recommendation of a doctor. Such a tube can be bought at a pharmacy, before use it must be boiled, then lubricated with petroleum jelly and only then inserted into the baby's anus. After a minute, the gaziki will begin to come out, sometimes along with feces.

If you were forced to use a straw, then try to do this occasionally so that your baby does not get used to it. Otherwise, he will “get lazy”, or rather, he will not be able to train, adjust the body in the right way, and will not try to push out gases or feces on his own. In such cases, the child constantly cries, waiting for his mother to help him. With a long delay in gas and feces, you should consult a doctor. Because some kind of disease or deficiency in the structure of the body may be detected. Take with you to the doctor, the baby's bowel movements, and the baby's weight plate. The latter will tell the doctor a lot and will be able to facilitate the treatment process.

Indeed, the problem of colic is very unpleasant, but you can’t get away from them. However, frequent colic in a child, according to doctors, stops by itself by 5-6 months of age. But the crying of the child goes on and on...

Why else is the baby crying?

Babies are very cunning, despite the fact that they are very small. The nervous system of the baby is at that stage of development, which is based on perception and emotions, he fixes unpleasant and pleasant sensations in his memory and requires that the latter, pleasant ones, be repeated. Staying crumbs in a wet diaper or diaper is an unpleasant feeling, as well as hunger. Then the child screams incessantly. It would be right in this situation to change diapers, but feeding a child or calming him down with cradle at every cry is fundamentally wrong.

Such an approach can lead to the fact that the baby develops a bad conditioned reflex. And this not only harms his health, but also spoils the character of the child, because he understands that he will definitely get what he wants, it is enough just to scream, although this is unreasonable. Later, it will be very difficult to correct this negative character trait.

The older he gets, the more often the child cries for no reason, which can be considered objective, the causes of crying are increasingly becoming purely psychological. The kid wants to see care, support and participation, and therefore begins to demand them. He gets upset if you are unhappy with him, if something does not work out for him, if he is simply bored.

  • 1. Take the baby in your arms. No matter what the true reason for the cry is, when the baby feels your comfort and support, it will give the baby a sense of security, and he will certainly calm down.
  • 2. Breastfeed your baby. In fact, up to a certain age, this is the most effective way to calm the baby. When he grows up a little, this "weapon" will lose its power, unfortunately.
  • 3. Rock the baby. Children love rhythmic movements. If you have a rocking chair, then the baby can be picked up and rocked with him. When the baby is very small, then rock him in the crib.
  • 4. Distract the baby with something. Try to bring it to the window, tell what is happening there: “Look, what a green tree, the sun is shining, but the car has gone.” You can give a toy to the baby, show something new. In general, to distract, most importantly, to react calmly to his cries and screams - children can switch very quickly.
  • 5. Try giving your baby a pacifier or bottle. Of course, the mother's breast is a natural nipple for a baby, but when this is not possible, her "substitutes" will do.
  • 6. You can sing a lullaby or some calm song to your baby. Your voice for the little man is the most pleasant and soothing, no matter what kind of singer you are.
  • 7. Try turning on something that makes a continuous and uniform noise. Equally, it can be the beating of rain or just the sound of running water, the sound of a vacuum cleaner, homogeneous, the so-called "white noise" between radio stations. Studies show that the uterus is a very noisy place. And given that recently your baby listened to such a uniform and continuous noise 24 hours a day, this can give him a sense of security and he will calm down.
  • 8. Massage your baby. Some babies love the sensation of being massaged on their heels, while others love the even and calm stroking of their entire body. Here everything is individual. Try dipping your hands in baby oil containing soothing herbal extracts and giving your baby a gentle massage.
  • 9. Bathe the baby. Of course, if he likes water. Playing in the water can distract and calm your baby.
  • 10. Bring the baby to the mirror. Children tend to love their own reflection in the mirror. It can distract the child from negative emotions.

But the most important thing that will help is to support the baby. A child's cry is his call for help, so expected from you. Be patient, mommy.

Does your baby cry a lot?

A healthy baby either sleeps peacefully or is awake. How do you know if your child is crying a lot? Maybe you just imagine it. Look at your watch, note the time, and remember exactly how much he cried. Perhaps only your maternal (or paternal) bias tells you that the baby is constantly crying.

When everything is in order and the doctor has convinced you that the baby is healthy, and you have made sure that you are taking care of him correctly, it is quite acceptable for the baby to cry a little before each feeding. This is an exercise for children's respiratory muscles. Do not worry too much about this, because the fact that the child screams before feeding is normal, he will be naughty, even when you babysit him, carry him or rock him. Therefore, it is better if you do not calm the baby down every time with these means. Better to refrain!

This will not last long, and the baby will grow out of crying. His unpleasant "wow" will gradually turn into a calm cry, by which mommy will soon learn to determine that it is hunger, pain, or a simple desire to play or be in society.

A little more about why the baby cries and screams:

Most often, the baby whimpers when he wants to eat, feels discomfort. Screaming trying to get attention. You should not assume that the child is crying for no apparent reason, you must learn to understand him. After all, the baby is absolutely helpless. The further development of the personality depends on how the adaptation goes. A newborn learns to trust family and friends. In this way, the baby pays attention to their needs. By facial expressions, intonations, you can understand what worries the little one.

Types of crying

A newborn expresses his demands in different ways: whimpering, naughty, loudly, demandingly screaming. But it can sob excitedly, yell, blush, choke. It is better not to bring to such a state. This negatively affects the health of the crumbs, leads to serious psychological problems. It is difficult to soothe the baby in this case. This condition can lead to restless sleep and serious developmental disorders.

Although the child is still small, he cannot even speak, but he already knows how to be offended. Especially if they do not comply with his requirements. After all, young children have few needs. It is necessary to feed, change clothes and communicate with him in time. Crying for help from adults. At first, he just makes sounds, if they didn’t pay attention to him, he starts to whimper, then screaming demandingly. If they continue to ignore him, he is offended, and the worst thing is that he ceases to trust. And if he is capricious at night, and no one responds to his call, he develops fear. First of all, it is the fear of loneliness.

If the baby began to whimper, you should immediately pay attention to him. Listen to intonation, look at gestures, facial expressions, find out why the baby is crying.

  1. If he whines, groans, frowns, presses his legs to his stomach, while the cry intensifies, then he is worried about pain. Most often it is the tummy, but it is best to consult a pediatrician.
  2. The baby whimpers, stretching his lips into a tube, while looking for something intensified - he is hungry. The baby should be fed on demand. Later, mom should learn to determine whether she really wants to eat, or indulges. It is not difficult. If he is not hungry, he will smile, look slyly.
  3. Whimpers, yawns, rubs his eyes - it's time to go to bed. To avoid problems with falling asleep, from the first days of life, it is recommended to carry out a special ritual of going to bed. First, the newborn is fed, then they rock it in the crib, sing a lullaby or quietly, monotonously tell a fairy tale.

Sometimes the cause is more difficult to determine. The baby may worry when it is cold or hot, wearing uncomfortable clothes. If there is no apparent reason why the baby often cries, you need to pay attention to his psycho-emotional state.

It is possible that his needs for protection or knowledge of the world around him are not satisfied. It expresses dissatisfaction with one's surroundings.

Important to remember! As soon as the baby began to cry, you must immediately approach him. Especially in the first year of life, when a newborn learns to trust, therefore, he must know what his parents need, he is under protection.

What does crying for no apparent reason mean?

If the baby is constantly naughty, but at the same time is absolutely healthy, his teeth are not cut, dry, not hungry, then the problem is in the psycho-emotional state. Something could scare him, or just the day was full of new impressions. A newborn may cry because:

  • scary;
  • dissatisfied with their surroundings;
  • postpartum stress, especially if the birth was difficult.

Especially often children are capricious, sleep restlessly at night after the guests leave. All day long, unfamiliar, unusual people picked up, squeezed, or simply lisped with the baby. Naturally, the child will be nervous. Moreover, at this age, the nervous system is not yet mature, the baby reacts with a whimper. Even older children, after a busy day, can start crying just like that.

Children between the ages of 4 months and six months are often mischievous because they want to explore the environment. Parents during this period need to be patient and carry the baby wherever they want. That is how the world is known. Children are curious, they have a developed need for knowledge of the environment.

If the baby walks at night and sleeps during the day, it is necessary to change his regimen.

It is important to know! If the baby is worried for no reason, and the parents themselves cannot cope, it is advisable to contact a perinatologist psychologist. The specialist will tell you why and how to calm him down in order to grow a full-fledged personality.

Why does the baby cry at night

There is an absolutely healthy baby, whose teeth are not cut, sobs in a dream. Wakes up suddenly at night screaming. Why is this happening?

The child is scared. I had an incomprehensible dream that scared me. Something woke me up, but no one was around. Young children are most afraid of being alone.

  • Checks if there is someone nearby.
  • Went to bed too late.
  • He had a busy day. Many impressions, even pleasant ones, cause such a reaction due to the imperfection of the nervous system. This is a normal reaction for children.
  • Before going to bed, he was capricious or actively played.

If a child begins to whimper at night for no apparent reason, soothe him in this way. First, say something soothing. Sometimes it's enough to say h-h-h or sh-sh-sh. The baby hears that there is a close and dear person nearby, calms down and falls asleep.

If the whimpering is replaced by a persistent, demanding cry, approach the child. You can even pick up. When he calms down, he should be put in the crib. In this case, you need to talk quietly, or sing a lullaby. You can move the bed. Otherwise, the baby will get used to being in his arms all the time, and will not sleep on his own.

Why do babies cry over a year

Not only babies are naughty, but older children can also start to sob for no apparent reason. If you start asking questions, it turns out that nothing hurts, and why the tears appeared is not clear.

Adult children may cry at night because they had a nightmare. Or just afraid to sleep in the dark. Such fears and anxieties should be paid attention to, otherwise a nervous, emotionally unstable personality will grow up. And that's bad for mental and physical health.

Children cry for no reason, not only at night. Such a reaction is observed after matinees, a long walk. It would seem that everything is fine. Why were there tears?

  1. This is an emotional reaction to a busy day. There were too many impressions.
  2. Tired, not comfortable.
  3. Expectations were not justified. The event was long awaited, but it all ended so quickly.
  4. Something doesn't work for him.

If an older child is naughty, you should be patient, give the opportunity to cry. This will relieve nervous tension, remove toxins from the body and the child will begin new achievements.

What to do if the baby is crying for no apparent reason

Many people think that if a newborn whimpers supposedly just like that, one should not pay attention to whims, otherwise it will not be possible to leave oneself later. This approach is not correct. When the baby is worried, it means that he needs something, so help is required. Otherwise, the baby will be offended, stop trusting.

It is not worth taking the baby in your arms right away. It is desirable to respond immediately. Often a child, having heard the voice of his relatives, calms down. It is important for him that someone from his family is nearby. If the whimpering continues, it is necessary to approach the baby, smile, talk, play. If after that the baby continues to scream, then you need to pick him up. To vilify, shake, quietly talk to him or hum.

When the baby demands that he be given such a thing in his hands that cannot be played, it is advisable to switch his attention. Show the toy, start telling how animals speak (a dog barks - woof-woof, a cat meow-meow, etc.). This will help not only distract the child, but also contribute to the development of speech.

If you want to raise a hysterical, trusting, selfish, naughty child, be sure to follow the following rules:

  1. As soon as the baby whined, scream. After all, it interferes with sleep or doing something. When he grows up, he will become nervous, he will not talk calmly. At every word he says, he starts to snap.
  2. In no case do not approach the child until he turns blue from screaming. Otherwise, when he grows up, he will share his problems, believe that his parents need him, they will always help him.
  3. Allow him everything that requires, so long as he does not cry. In the future, you will indulge all whims, resent that no one is friends with him, does not play. In stores, the child will throw demanding tantrums.
  4. As soon as the baby whimpers, immediately grab it in your arms and wear it constantly. In the future, you will have to carry him all the time, he will not let go anywhere from himself.
  5. Do not try to find the reason why the tears appeared. Show complete indifference to the life of your child.

The attitude of adults to children's whims affects the further development of the individual. If you indulge him all the time, fulfill the requirements, if only he doesn’t yell, then in the future he will throw tantrums in order to achieve his goal. Ignoring crying is also impossible. Then a closed, distrusting personality will grow up, and a hidden resentment towards parents will affect further psychological development.

Emotional children are a special case. Tears appear in their eyes with or without reason. This can only be temporarily reconciled. With age, gradually accustom to keep emotions under control.

Each child needs a special approach to understand why he is naughty, what to do with these. Parents who are attentive to their child will be able to determine the fine line when to pamper the baby or vice versa.