Happy valentines day husband short. Happy valentine's day greetings to husband and wife on the phone. A couple of warm words in verse

Valentine's Day began to be celebrated around the beginning of the 90s. Today this holiday has not lost its popularity. According to statistics, about 80% of boys and girls from 18 to 25 years old celebrate it. On this day, you can confess your feelings anonymously, or you can remind your wife or husband, boyfriend or girlfriend of your love. Relax.by has selected for you congratulations on Valentine's Day in verse and prose for husbands and boyfriends. These words will melt the heart of every man!

congratulations for husband

I want to say a lot of quivering and tender words to you on Valentine's Day. Only the most important thing is what I consider heavenly grace that you became my husband. I am happy to feel loved next to you. I am infinitely glad that next to me is a man who supports and understands me! My dear, I love love! I wish you health and luck in life!!!

My beloved and caring husband! I am very grateful to you for the years spent together. All the time you were a reliable support in difficult times and sincerely rejoiced with me in moments of happiness! Thanks to you, I managed to feel like a real woman, and this is possible only when a real man is side by side with her. I hope that in our marriage and in the future everything will be just as harmonious! Love you! Happy Valentines Day!


My gentle and unique husband! I am ready to endlessly speak the best epithets for you! You are my best, sensitive and caring, strong and affectionate, devoted and reliable! And most importantly, my feelings for you are as strong as on the day of our marriage! I am extremely happy that one day we met each other. Dear, I wish that everything in our life always develops successfully! Love you!

My husband, my forever beloved and adored! We celebrate the next holiday of all lovers together, and it’s hard for me to put into words how happy I am about this. We have been married for more than a year, and I am happy that we have not lost the freshness and tenderness of feelings, romance and awe in the relationship. I want to wish that you and I will always be young at heart and in love with each other and celebrate Valentine's Day until old age in the atmosphere of a miracle and a love fairy tale!

My dear husband! On Valentine's Day, I want to thank you for your care, kindness and attentiveness to me. For me, you are the best of all men, your presence fills my life with meaning, you inspire me to new achievements and awaken the desire to live and love! Know, my dear, every beat of my heart, every breath is only for you!


May this Saint Valentine's Day
It will become a holiday in our house.
So that love in him forever bloomed
And warmed the hearts.
Congratulations my love
Happy Valentine's Day.

Beloved husband, today, on Valentine's Day,
I hasten to congratulate you, my dear!
Do you remember how two winged hearts
We swore in love to each other unearthly?
Trust me, nothing has changed since then
I love you today as I did then!
I want our happiness to last forever
And feelings with us went through the years!

When I look at a wedding ring
Your image is always before my eyes.
You are forever in my heart
We are bound by the same destiny.
I love you every day with the same strength,
Love me always!
And Valentine's Day, my dear husband,
Let's stretch it out for years!


My dear husband, today the sun is brighter,
And the sky is higher, and the earth is sweeter!
Valentine's Day knocked on the window
With him, we always become warmer!
When we are together, the earth is brighter,
And again our hearts beat to the beat ...
When you're around, it's just more fun...
I believe there is no end to happiness!

My husband, beloved and only,
We have a lot in common with you.
You are smart, charming and loyal,
Everything about you fascinates me!

And on Valentine's Day
I want to tell you a lot.
You are worth the looks of the coveted,
Able to charm everyone.

But you appreciate only my love,
Isn't that a sign of happiness!
Madly I love you, I adore you,
Burning in the fire of insane passion.

Congratulations for the guy

On Valentine's Day
Accept congratulations!
You are my beloved man
The best - so you know!
I want this holiday
You felt love
The one that keeps me warm!
The one that cares about blood!

On Valentine's Day
I must confess to you
You are my ideal man!
I won't stop admiring you!

You are smart, good-looking
And the figure is perfect!
I wish, I will not hide it,
To be with you forever!

My dreams are in the clouds
I catch myself again on a ridiculous thought ...
I want you to carry
I was alone and kissed a little audibly!
I wish you Happy Valentine's Day
And I will gently hug you with my hand ...
Now the hearts are beating so unitedly,
You know that I feel comfortable being with you ...


My boyfriend is the best! Definitely!
As a friend, lover and man!
Like the ocean, the eyes are transparent.
And on Valentine's Day
I give myself to Him forever.
And separation will not touch us,
After all, next to the best person
Must be best friend!


Darling, I love you with all my heart! I want to tell you that next to me I feel protected, I feel very calm and warm in my soul, and with you I clearly see the future, our future! On Valentine's Day, I want to wish you a prosperous and long life, good health, and all your wishes come true! I love you!

My dear! With your appearance, such a wonderful holiday as Valentine's Day came into my life, and love settled in my heart. You can talk endlessly about your best qualities and how beautiful, smart, sympathetic and understanding you are. I don't even know what feature in you attracts me more, and that's not the point. Only one thing matters: I love you and I hope my feelings are mutual.

This valentine is for the person who kindled love in my heart. The person who gave my life bright colors. The guy who showed the beauty of sunset and sunrise. The only one that I smile every day and for which I bloom! The man I fell passionately in love with. For you, my fiery Valentine! Happy Valentine's Day!

My dear half! I have been looking for you for so long, so I am happy that we met and now we are going through life together. I am sure that our strong feelings are able to withstand the test, and after many years you and I will love each other just as tenderly and strongly! Happy Valentine's Day!

Honey, I've been looking forward to Valentine's Day! On Valentine's Day, I want to confess to you my feelings: in love for you! For me, you are the closest and dearest person. I want to be next to you, enjoy your hugs and look into your bottomless eyes always. Your love inspires me, I feel it even from a distance. On this holiday, I would like to wish you that your guardian angel protects you from failures and troubles, and life gives only joy, smiles and kindness!

Nice to make a valentine
Me, my good, for you!
After all, we have long been two halves,
Two sultry sparks from the fire.

I wish you love
Love me even more!
Let the feelings kindle the flame
In your desperate soul!

Let the children be our reward
For loyalty, honesty and love.
No other happiness is needed!
Let's kiss again!

The only husband, beloved,
Close to the heart, dear to the heart,
I love you with my soul
My priceless dear!

Happy love day!
Catch my kiss
Let love whisper something to us
I'll hug you tighter

And snuggle up to my broad chest,
I'm not alone with you!
I'm with you like in paradise
I love you the most!

Happy Valentine's Day! I want to sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. How grateful I am to generous fate for giving me a reliable rear and support! Strong, understanding, kind, patient, affectionate... I can list your positive qualities endlessly. My love is a fire that will burn in our hearth forever.

We've been together for many years, my friend,
The road went straight through life.
You, my beloved husband,
Thank you for being with me.

I found you like a diamond
Among cheap jewelry.
I will not keep silent, I will say now:
You are the best! I repeat again:

Although we are no longer young,
Our marriage is a gift from Fortune!

How to surprise you, my love,
Me on this touching day?
My hero, my patient husband,
I'm not too lazy to stand in the kitchen.

And on Valentine's Day
I will create not dinner - relish!
To understand - only I love you
For the courage to absorb everything like that.

And we are not afraid of all adversity -
Let's pass them with dignity through the years!

For a long time you have dissolved in my soul, and I in yours! Our destinies pushed us towards each other, and we tied them with a tender union! Saint Valentine descended to earth to remind all lovers of the happiness of living for their soul mate! Live together and be one! This valentine is for you, my precious husband!

Valentine's Day- this is a kind of test for a guy and a girl, a husband and wife, a test of feelings and attention, a manifestation of a warm relationship to each other. That is why congratulations on this wonderful bright day are of particular importance. You can congratulate your soul mate with beautiful lines on a card or say words of love, looking eye to eye. Some prefer to give a wide variety of gifts, flowers, dates. In any case, the goal of each donor is to make this day unforgettable and, most importantly, unique for the partner.

A couple of warm words in verse

You can send your soul mate an SMS with a cool congratulations, a quatrain. Another great option is to write words of love on a card or read them in person.

  • “On this wonderful bright holiday, I would like to say that happiness does not lag behind, so that my husband does not sleep! So that we are always there, warming our hearts again with one word, one look. We were together to the end!
  • “My beloved, I want to say that you are now my destiny. And I could not know before, my love is so deep! Come on together, through the years?! What will happen - I do not know! But be there always! I congratulate you!”
  • “Minutes fly, years fly! You are my! Now, then, always! I want to be with you every moment, I dedicated a verse to you. Happy Valentine's Day, my dear! Let happiness flow like a river! Let joy fill your soul! Luck does not leave us!
  • “So much happiness when you are around! You will warm with a warm look, you will always hug me affectionately and take away the pain of my soul. You are there, as always! Everything else - no problem! Everything else is rubbish! You are the midnight star! My love for you is immeasurable, like yours for me, I guess! Like a ray in the darkness, like a flower! Like a breath of fresh air. Happy holiday!
  • “I will give a million smiles, I will be there for a billion minutes! If only you knew how much I love you! Let me know with just one look what's in your soul, my husband. My shoulder is next to yours. I will hide from the winter cold, because I am loved and you are loved. After all, you are dear, you are half! You, me... We are always together. I love you so, so much! I wish you lots and lots of happiness!”

Unusual congratulations for your beloved husband

You can congratulate your spouse in a cool and original way in many ways, for example, arrange an unexpected surprise for him.

  1. Romantic date. To do this, you will need a bottle of champagne and a couple of beautiful glasses, two candles, a couple of large pillows, sweets or chocolates, inflated balloons. Spread pillows on the floor, put a “snack” between them, light candles and scatter the balls around the room. The main thing is not to forget about a beautiful outfit.
  2. Erotic date. Take your husband out for half an hour, for example, to a store, during this time lay a lot of small candles along the floor with a path to another room from the entrance and sprinkle with rose petals, turn on light music. Lie down in beautiful underwear and spread your husband's favorite fruits, chocolate and other sweets over your body. Thus, you get a "live" dinner.

Diversifying relationships is a must, it is the key to a happy and strong marriage.

Valentine's Day, like any other revered holiday, has a rich history and many legends regarding its origin. People tend to believe all interesting, romantic and tragic stories. However, it is reliably known that this holiday has existed for a very long time. Each country celebrates it according to its own customs. On this day we celebrate our loved ones. But the most important thing for every woman is to prepare gentle, sincere congratulations on Valentine's Day to her husband. Our Internet resource offers the best congratulations on a similar topic, which contain sincere love confessions, emphasize devotion and fidelity.

In our difficult times, life sometimes disposes in such a way that married couples have to remain apart for some time. If this period fell just on this holiday, do not be discouraged. Mobile communications provide an opportunity for communication and unique congratulations to your only spouse on Valentine's Day. Visit our website and choose the most beautiful and gentle, romantic and kind SMS Happy Valentine's Day to your husband.

Usually, all women prepare a special surprise for their men on this day. Someone arranges a themed, romantic candlelight dinner in a cozy home environment, someone plans a small but very romantic trip together, picking up nice gifts, valentines and unique congratulations on February 14 to her husband. It is quite difficult to have time to organize everything and, in the pre-holiday bustle, choose the time to write wonderful congratulations. Use the services of our modern catalog of congratulations, with us you will definitely select the most beautiful and interesting SMS for your spouse.

What a wonderful Valentine's Day! How many beautiful and sincere words I want to say to my loved ones! In our life, especially family life, there is not always a place for confessions, sincere and desired. After all, everyday life, minor troubles, and just money problems usually push feelings into the background. But even men want to hear it: that they are also loved, as before. The unusual holiday of Valentine's Day provides such an opportunity. Every woman, wife should say the most sincere congratulations on Valentine's Day to her husband on this day.

This holiday will allow the couple to renew their feelings, to feel the same as a few years ago, when they were not yet married, and every day they confessed their love to each other. Men over time become more restrained in their feelings, confessions. Would you like to hear it again? Do you want to know how strong your man's feelings for you are? Do you want to understand if he has cooled off towards you? Start, as a wise woman, on this day for your man with whom you live a life together, declarations of love. Let your husband see how dear and caring he is to you. Congratulations to my husband on February 14 on this day sound so that he ascends, so that he would like to do some kind of response.

But where can you find words that could reflect the whole range of your feelings, which would tell about how much you love him? And you don’t need to look, because the most beautiful, expressive and correct words that sound like congratulations on Valentine’s Day to your husband have already been selected on our website. Remember that any attitude towards you depends on how correctly you treat such congratulations and on how you yourself congratulate your loved one. Strive for your loved ones, and you yourself will receive only positive emotions. On our site, you just have to read them, you can remember, you can send an SMS message, you can write on a postcard.