What to do if a pregnant woman has a runny nose. Washing the nasal cavity with saline solutions. Why pregnancy is accompanied by a runny nose

Runny nose in pregnant women: what to offer?

A runny nose, or rhinitis, is a very common phenomenon and most often does not entail serious consequences. Therefore, the attitude towards swelling and nasal congestion, permanent secretions and sneezing is usually quite frivolous with us - it will pass by itself ... And only when there is absolutely no strength to endure - people go to the pharmacy for various drops and sprays, since the assortment is quite effective means to combat the common cold is now wide enough.

However, there are times when these drugs are contraindicated, and one of the most common is pregnancy. In this difficult period of their lives, women are especially worried about the health of both their own and their unborn child, so they react quite nervously literally to every sneeze, and even more so to such a pronounced symptom. various diseases like a runny nose. Meanwhile, according to various sources, at least a third of expectant mothers face it, and many of them have rhinitis long time. What can be recommended to them and how best to do it? Let's try to figure it out.

Runny nose during pregnancy - normal or dangerous?

The most common cause of a runny nose during pregnancy is hormonal: a huge amount of the female sex hormone estrogen is produced in the placenta, which affects both the central nervous system and vascular system. Exposure to estrogen leads to vasodilation, an increase in the permeability of their walls to water and, as a result, to edema, not least of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which is supplied with blood due to a huge number of thin capillaries. The fluid accumulates in the intercellular space, the nose "swells" (and this is noticeable by the condition of the skin), breathing becomes difficult, a characteristic sniffing appears (increasing during physical exertion and while lying down, including at night). This condition does not always develop during pregnancy (the predisposition to it depends on the general level of hormones, and on the diseases transferred before pregnancy, including colds, and even on the characteristics nervous system, interconnected with hormonal regulation), but often, it has even been called "pregnancy rhinitis". It usually develops not earlier than the 6th week, as a rule, in the second half of the pregnancy, sometimes it disappears spontaneously (following further hormonal changes), and sometimes it continues until the first week after childbirth.

The immune system also changes during pregnancy. So even in those expectant mothers who were not previously familiar with allergies, certain reactions to allergens (most often household or food) with the corresponding backfire, including runny nose with copious discharge (most often clear and watery), sneezing, watery eyes, sometimes with skin itching and characteristic irritation of the nasal mucosa. In such cases, it is necessary first of all to identify and eliminate the allergen, and the treatment must be prescribed by a doctor: conventional antiallergic drugs during pregnancy are most often contraindicated or must be prescribed in special forms and dosages!

At the same time, one should not forget that even “normal” rhinitis of pregnant women is a condition, although common, but not so harmless: difficulty in breathing affects the health of both the mother and the child (up to the effect on intrauterine development), sneezing with a runny nose causes sharp contractions of the diaphragm, and the runny nose itself can ruin sleep, appetite, and mood. In addition, with constant and severe edema, sinusitis can develop, and mouth breathing (as well as a change in immune status) contributes to the development of respiratory diseases, one of the first symptoms of which may also be a runny nose - but this time infectious ...

nose infection

Infectious rhinitis occurs in pregnant women quite often, usually against the background of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, while the first signs infectious diseases may be masked by the presence of vasomotor or allergic rhinitis. Therefore, with any runny nose, the expectant mother should consult a doctor in order to accurately determine the cause and start treatment in a timely manner. Infectious rhinitis during pregnancy is usually accompanied by fever, mucus or purulent discharge (as opposed to watery in other cases), sore throat, cough, and other cold symptoms. In addition, the general weakening of the body contributes to the spread of infection to the sinuses and the transition of rhinitis to infectious sinusitis or frontal sinusitis, which is especially dangerous, since these diseases can not only become chronic, but also cause intrauterine infection of the child, premature birth or miscarriage. Therefore, treatment for infectious rhinitis should be started as early as possible - and first of all, it should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the disease, and identifying it (as well as prescribing appropriate antibiotics or antiviral drugs) should only the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's condition.

Wherein traditional means for the symptomatic treatment of the common cold - classic vasoconstrictor drugs - in most cases, pregnant women are contraindicated, and are used only when they can no longer be used: if the benefit from their use exceeds possible harm for the health of both mother and child. In this case, a possible reflex spasm of capillaries is of particular danger, not only in the nasal cavity, but also in the placenta, which can lead to oxygen starvation fetus and impaired development. Therefore, when dispensing such drugs, it will not be superfluous to warn about contraindications: for example, you can ask who it is intended for, and if it is taken for a woman of childbearing age, clarify whether she is pregnant: buyers are often inattentive to contraindications in instructions, especially if use in the order of self-treatment a medicine that has been repeatedly tested on themselves and loved ones.

In some sources, you can find recommendations on the use of certain relatively safe drugs for the self-treatment of a runny nose in pregnant women - however, the official instructions for these drugs either clearly indicate a contraindication during pregnancy, or require a mandatory appointment by the attending physician. No less dangerous can be "folk remedies", incl. and “tested” in other cases: for example, such a popular “home remedy” as aloe juice is safe in most cases, but in pregnant women it can provoke complications such as uterine hypertonicity and blood flow to the pelvic organs. In general, the safety of herbal remedies (in particular, essential oils) in this case is extremely relative - they can cause allergic reactions, so they must be used with extreme caution and in minimal dosages. Washing with juices (carrot, beetroot, etc.), herbal infusions and other products prepared without sterilization (at least by boiling) can serve as an additional source of infection - sometimes it is also worth warning buyers who are especially passionate about herbal remedies.

What to offer?

One of the safest and at the same time effective means for the treatment (and, no less important, prevention) of infectious rhinitis in pregnant women is washing saline solutions- physiological, sea water. Their action is based not only on the direct liquefaction and removal of the contents of the nasal cavity, but also on the difference in osmotic pressure, due to which the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases.

With caution (taking into account possible individual reactions and as prescribed by a doctor), herbal preparations can be used - both for injection into the nose and for application to the skin of the wings of the nose (ointments and roller pencils).

With the same precautions, inhalations using essential oils can be carried out, however, it should be warned that hot inhalations during pregnancy are not recommended, and a number of thermal and locally irritating procedures are contraindicated - for example, you can’t soar your legs, apply mustard plasters, etc. Therefore, it is better to use cold inhalations, incl. with help modern appliances- for example, nebulizers, for which you can use the same saline preparations as solutions.

And it is imperative to warn the expectant mother that if 2-3 days after using any remedy there is no relief, you should definitely consult a doctor to correct the treatment.

Women, even healthy and hardened, often catch colds during pregnancy. I got caught in the rain, sat in a draft, put on a coat that was too thin - and my nose was already blocked, my head was splitting, and my throat was red and itchy. Ordinary people can go to the pharmacy and buy any vasoconstrictor drops, but the expectant mother has to carefully choose the method of treatment and drugs that will not harm the baby.

Types of runny nose

First, the pregnant woman determines the cause of nasal discharge. Provoke congestion and swelling of the mucosa can:

  • infections;
  • hormonal changes;
  • viruses;
  • allergens;
  • common cold;
  • new chemicals or cosmetics.

Infectious and allergic rhinitis develops at any stage of pregnancy. An organism weakened by hormonal changes cannot resist viruses and bacteria. Sensitivity increases, so allergic rhinitis can provoke even cosmetical tools or household chemicals.

Vasomotor rhinitis appears in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, when the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood increases. Hormones cause the nasal mucosa to swell and secrete a clear secret. The well-being of the expectant mother will improve after childbirth, when the level of progesterone decreases.

Vasomotor runny nose is treated with saline solutions and herbal decoctions, which are used to wash the nasal passages. If it is difficult for a pregnant woman to breathe, the doctor prescribes vasoconstrictor drops, but the drugs are used with caution. When abused, they cause fetal hypoxia.

Allergic rhinitis is treated with antihistamines, plenty of fluids, and saline solutions. If a woman does not know which product caused the mucosal edema, she is examined. Having discovered the reason, she simply does not use this component and tries not to contact him.

Infectious rhinitis is the most dangerous. common cold without proper treatment quickly turns into sinusitis and causes complications. Viruses affect the child, provoking the development of defects.

A pregnant woman should contact a gynecologist or therapist at the first symptoms of rhinitis. The specialist will determine the cause of discharge and congestion, recommend remedies that are safe for the developing baby.

Rest and vitamins

Expectant mothers who have an infectious rhinitis are advised to forget about household chores and spend 2-3 days in bed. It doesn't matter what the temperature is. Pregnant women should not tolerate rhinitis and colds on the legs. A weakened body needs a soft bed, a warm blanket and plenty of rest. It is good to sleep, drink tea and eat a lot of apples and other seasonal fruits.

An organism that fights infection is supplied with vitamin C daily. Lemons and oranges are rich in ascorbic acid, but citrus fruits are contraindicated. There is an increased risk that a child with a tendency to allergies will be born.

Exotic fruits are replaced with apples, pears and a decoction of rose hips. Red berries contain a lot of ascorbic acid. They cope with colds, runny nose and do not harm the child. Rosehip water infusions are given even to babies if they are often sick.

Vitamin C is found in parsley and lettuce. Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system and the walls of blood vessels, removes swelling of the mucous membrane and facilitates breathing. A useful component should not be abused, so as not to provoke premature aging and placental rejection.

Helps with colds and rhinitis tocopherol and retinol. Vitamins are responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels, help the body fight viruses and inflammation. Contained in chicken yolk, carrots, beef liver, peaches, apricots, orange sweet peppers.

Useful for a runny nose viburnum. Berries are ground with sugar or honey, eaten twice a day. Recovery accelerates currant and raspberry jam, but you can’t get carried away with sweets. Consume 50–100 g delicious medicine daily until congestion and discharge disappear.

Tea and humidifier

A pregnant woman with a runny nose should drink 1.5–2 liters of any liquid. Non-carbonated water, berry fruit drinks and jelly, herbal decoctions and green tea are useful. If rhinitis is accompanied by headache and fever, honey and a pinch of ginger are added to the drink. The spice warms, removes inflammation and supports a weakened immune system.

Symptoms of rhinitis will disappear in a few days if you brew medicinal herbs:

  • St. John's wort;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • willow bark;
  • plantain;
  • chamomile;
  • oregano.

Pregnant women should not drink concentrated decoctions, so a pinch of the selected plant is taken in a glass of boiling water. Insist anti-inflammatory tea in a thermos or under a lid. Strain when the drink is warm. Pregnant women who do not like the taste of the medicine are advised to mix the infusion with a spoonful of honey or raspberry jam. Drink twice a day for 150-200 ml.

Important: If rashes, strange pains or other unpleasant symptoms, the plant is not suitable for a woman. You need to try another component or abandon this method.

A pregnant woman is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed. The product is heated in a water bath, combined with a pinch of soda and 30 g of honey. The drink relaxes, soothes, helps with elevated temperature and sore throat.

Water balance is restored with chicken or vegetable broth. Heavy soups made from pork, mushrooms or fatty fish are contraindicated. The body of a pregnant woman is weakened by a runny nose, so it is difficult for her to digest such food.

Decoctions and kissels thin the mucus. Excretions do not accumulate in maxillary sinuses ah, so the woman can breathe easier.

The mucous membrane of the nose swells due to overdried and stagnant air. The apartment must be aired at least 2 times a day. In autumn and spring, you can open windows and go for a walk in the park for 1–1.5 hours. During this time, the rooms will be filled with oxygen. In winter, open the windows for 15-20 minutes. Frosty air refreshes, constricts blood vessels and makes breathing easier for a few minutes.

In the bedroom and the room in which the pregnant woman spends a lot of time, bowls with onions or garlic are placed. The workpiece is crushed and filled with water. It releases phytoncides that disinfect the room and destroy bacteria. Humidifiers are recommended to be placed next to the bed and sofa. They regularly spray liquid, so the mucosa does not dry out and swell less.

Warmth from a cold

You can't float your legs. Blood circulation in the lower part of the body increases, the uterus begins to contract. On early dates miscarriage may occur due to this procedure. Pregnant women at 5–8 months have an increased risk of preterm birth.

Feet with a cold should be kept warm, so it is recommended to wear thick woolen or cotton socks. Feet should not be rubbed with vodka or mustard powder.

Congestion will be removed by baths for hands. Pour into a basin warm water add some sea salt. Immerse the palms in the solution for 15-20 minutes. Thanks to the procedure, blood circulation increases only in the upper body, so the child is not in danger.

Runny nose will be removed by steam inhalation. A hot solution is poured into a ceramic or porcelain teapot. Suitable:

  • chamomile decoction;
  • saline solution with or without iodine;
  • hot water with onion or garlic;
  • menthol essential oil or tea tree.

The container is half filled with liquid. It is not necessary to cover the kettle with a lid. The nose is inserted into one nostril, the second is pressed with a finger to the septum. Take a few deep breaths. Exhale also through the nose. Repeat twice a day.

Inhalations are easier to carry out if there is a nebulizer in the house. You can breathe over boiled potatoes, covered with a wide towel or bedspread. Thermal procedures last 5-15 minutes.

The maxillary sinuses are heated with fabric bags, into which they are poured:

  • rice or buckwheat;
  • salt;
  • sand.

Dry filler is heated in a pan. Boiled eggs are also suitable, which are wrapped in cloth napkins or small towels so as not to burn the skin. The sinuses are warmed up with a blue lamp in the hospital or at home. It helps with runny nose, sore throats and colds.

Folk recipes

Edema and purulent discharge remove onion drops. A natural medicine is prepared from finely chopped vegetables, which are mixed with linden honey. Combine 30-40 g of the components and insist until the workpiece begins to release juice. The liquid is poured into a glass vial. Bury the nose onion juice 3-4 times a day.

Runny nose is treated with gauze turundas soaked in special formulations. Tampons are impregnated with a mixture of essential oil and vegetable. Suitable corn, sunflower or olive. Pour a spoonful of the base into a glass plate or cup, heat in a water bath. Add 2 drops of essential oil, stir with a wooden stick. Soak tampons with the product, wring out the excess and insert into the nasal passages for 15-30 minutes.

A solution for turundas is prepared from butter and milk. Put a tablespoon of each product into a ceramic container, heat it up. Add 5 g of soda and 30 ml of honey to the warm mixture. Stir, moisten gauze swabs in the product.

The nose is instilled with natural juices:

  • carrot;
  • apple;
  • beet;
  • from Kalanchoe.

Aloe should not be used for a runny nose during pregnancy. The plant provokes miscarriages and premature births. Fruit or vegetable juice is diluted with water. Buried in each nostril 4-5 times a day.

Eucalyptus and menthol oil, which is mixed with sunflower or flaxseed, helps to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. The agent is applied to the bridge of the nose, maxillary sinuses, temples and wings of the nose. The liquid is rubbed with massage movements. Instead of essential oils, they use Asterisk or Doctor Mom.

Cleansing and moisturizing

The nose is regularly rinsed with a warm solution, which is prepared from sea or iodized salt. Take a teaspoon of dry product in a glass of heated water. Inject into each nostril with a syringe or small douche. After washing, gargle with saline solution so that the infection does not descend on the tonsils and bronchi.

Pharmacies sell ready-made drops:

  • Dolphin;
  • Salin;
  • Humer;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Marimer;
  • Otrivin.

Salt solution is replaced with decoctions of chamomile or calendula. Purulent discharge is well washed out with warm water, in which a crushed tablet of furacilin was dissolved. The drug disinfects the maxillary sinuses and destroys the infection.

After washing, the mucous membrane is lubricated with petroleum jelly or a greasy baby cream so that it does not dry out. Sea buckthorn or linseed oil will also work.

Pregnant women with a runny nose need to rest a lot, drink warm tea with lemon and warm the maxillary sinuses. Bury your nose fruit juices and rinse with saline. If the condition of the expectant mother worsens, and folk remedies do not help, the doctor prescribes vasoconstrictor drops, antibacterial drugs and antibiotics.

Video: how to treat colds and flu during pregnancy

In the article we discuss a runny nose during pregnancy - the causes of its occurrence and methods of treatment. You will learn how dangerous rhinitis is during pregnancy, what pharmaceutical preparations you can take and how to prevent its occurrence during the cold season.

If you have a runny nose during pregnancy, consult a doctor, do not pick up medicines on your own

Runny nose during pregnancy is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which often worries expectant mothers and is due to several reasons.

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • colds, SARS, flu;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • low air humidity;
  • nasopharyngeal polyps;
  • proliferation of adenoids;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • allergies to pollen, wool and other allergens

The traditional symptoms of a runny nose are swelling of the mucosa, sneezing, itching and copious discharge of liquid transparent mucus, which gradually thickens and crusts form. During pregnancy, nosebleeds or blood clots in nasal secretions may be added to these symptoms. A runny nose with blood during pregnancy is not dangerous and is explained by the fact that the amount of circulating blood in a woman's body increases. Blood stagnates in the vessels of the nasal mucosa, and when blowing out part small vessels damaged and broken.

If a runny nose does not go away during pregnancy within 3 days, make an appointment with your doctor. Allergies, colds and other pathologies can be dangerous for you and your baby.

Is a runny nose dangerous during pregnancy?

The answer to the question of whether a runny nose is dangerous during pregnancy depends on the cause of its occurrence. At mild form You don’t have to worry about hormonal runny nose - there is no risk for the woman and the fetus. Another question is if you have a cold, you have an allergy, sinusitis, or a hormonal runny nose has passed into a severe stage with edema.

Mucosal edema disrupts nasal breathing, and a state of hypoxia occurs, which is harmful to the child. Also, with a runny nose, a woman breathes through her mouth and can become infected with a more serious infection, since the air is not filtered through the nasal mucosa.

Pharmacy preparations for the common cold during pregnancy

Do not try to treat rhinitis on your own. Especially if you have a sore throat and a runny nose at the same time during pregnancy, headache and cough, it became painful to swallow, the body temperature increased to 37.5 ° C and above. See a doctor immediately to rule out pathologies that are dangerous for you and your baby.

After determining the cause of rhinitis, the specialist will prescribe the optimal course of therapy and select safe drugs than to treat a runny nose during pregnancy.

The basis of the treatment of the common cold is:

  • regular cleansing of the nasal cavity from mucus and crusts with the help of blowing your nose, pharmaceutical preparations, rinsing with saline solutions;
  • softening, moisturizing and reducing irritation of the nose;
  • relief of nasal breathing;
  • stimulation of the immune system and the fight against pathogens.

In addition to traditional drops, sprays, washing solutions and ointments, doctors recommend doing inhalations for a runny nose with a pregnant nebulizer. This is a special device that sprays a medicinal solution directly into the nose. You inhale the solution, hold your breath, and then exhale through your mouth. For inhalation, use infusions of calendula, chamomile flowers, plantain leaves, eucalyptus, sage, St. John's wort and thyme herb. Repeat the procedure 3 to 6 times a day.

Drops and sprays

To treat a runny nose, your doctor may prescribe drops, rinses, or ointments.

Depending on the stage of the common cold, treatment in pregnant women for colds, allergies, or hormonal changes involves taking various pharmaceutical preparations.

At severe congestion nose can prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs - Tizin, Farial, Sanorin and others. Vasoconstrictive sprays and nasal drops for pregnant women come into contact with the nasal mucosa, effectively relieve swelling and normalize breathing. However, they are partially absorbed into the blood, so they can have a narrowing effect on the arteries of the placenta, provoking fetal hypoxia.

The need for treatment with such drugs is determined only by a doctor. He will assess your well-being, the severity of the disease, potential harm for the fetus and decide whether pregnant women can use Tizin for the common cold and other decongestants.

If before conception a woman suffered from allergic rhinitis and escaped from it with Vibrocil, she has a question whether it is possible for pregnant women to have Vibrocil from a cold. In this case, it is also necessary to consult a doctor. The drug not only constricts blood vessels throughout the body, but also increases blood pressure. And many pregnant women are already prone to arterial hypertension.

Nasal drops and sprays Tizin and Vibrocil are most dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy and the least risky in the second trimester of pregnancy.

With a mild form of a runny nose or the presence of contraindications to vasoconstrictor drugs, homeopathic preparations are prescribed that are safe for the expectant mother and her baby. Their effect is not so fast, but it is.

What can pregnant women from a cold:

  • preparations with sterilized sea water in the composition - drops and sprays from the common cold for pregnant women Aqualor and AquaMaris; they flush out mucus from the oral cavity and reduce its secretion;
  • Pinosol oil drops - they help with a dry runny nose, as they moisturize the nasal mucosa and reduce swelling; however, these drops for a runny nose for pregnant women contain oils of pine, mint and fir, so check with your doctor if pregnant women can get Pinosol from an allergic runny nose;
  • drugs to stimulate local immunity- Grippferon drops; the medicine kills viruses and prevents the development of SARS and influenza.

More information about the action of Pinosol, Aqualor and Grippferon can be found in the table.

Name Action Instruction
Pinosol Drops have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, improve tissue regeneration of the nasal mucosa, reduce gland secretion and completely eliminate congestion. On the 1st day of illness, drip 1-2 drops into the nose. The interval between uses is 2 hours or more. On the 2nd day, drip Pinosol already 3-4 times a day.
Aqualor Salt solution softens and separates crusts from the nose, washes out harmful microorganisms, and reduces hyperemia of inflamed mucous membranes. Insert the spray tip into the nose and spray for 1-2 seconds. Blow your nose and repeat the procedure for the other nasal passage. Do injections 4-6 times a day.
Grippferon The drug blocks the reproduction of viruses and bacteria, reduces soreness in the nasopharynx, eliminates nasal congestion, swelling and causes relief immediately after administration. Enter Grippferon at the first signs of SARS every 3-4 hours, 3 drops for 5 days. After each instillation, massage the wings of the nose for 1-2 minutes.

Solutions for flushing

To cleanse the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus, use rinsing with saline solutions. To safe pharmaceutical products include:

  • preparations based on sea water - AquaMaris;
  • saline and physiological solutions;
  • complexes for washing the nose - Dolphin.

The AquaMaris nasal wash set includes a special teapot and sea salt powder. The Dolphin washing complex is also a device with an irrigator bottle, a nasal nozzle and a bag of dry powder. When using both devices, do not allow the solution to cool and do not use too hot liquid, so as not to cause increased secretion.

In some cases, doctors prescribe Miramistin for a runny nose during pregnancy - an antiseptic with an antimicrobial effect, which is used to wash the maxillary sinuses. Pre-cleanse the nasal cavity with any saline solution.

Detailed instructions for the use of drugs are presented in the table.

Name Action Instruction
AquaMaris The drug moisturizes the nasal mucosa, softens the crusts, liquefies the secret and removes puffiness.

Dilute the salt from the bag with boiled water and pour it into the device. Lean over a sink, turn your head to the side, press the tip of the device against your nostril and wait for the liquid to drain from the other nostril. Do the same with the second nasal passage.

Blot the rest of the water with a towel

Dolphin The solution has an antiseptic effect, promotes the separation of mucus, starts the work of mucociliary transport, flushes out the virus and increases the body's defenses. Dissolve the powder in a glass of boiled water and pour the liquid into the device. Bend over so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Hold the device at a right angle. Press the nozzle to the nasal opening, make deep breath and hold your breath. Squeeze the vial slowly. When fluid flows out of the opposite nasal opening, blow your nose. Repeat the procedure with the second nostril. Discard the rest of the liquid. Do washing 1-2 times a day for no longer than 7 days.
Miramistin The drug has an antiviral and antiseptic effect, accelerates the healing of mucous membranes and quickly returns the ability to breathe freely. Pour 10-15 ml of Miramistin into a bowl and dilute with saline in a 1:1 ratio. Fill the syringe with the solution, tilt your head over the sink, pour the liquid into the nostril and wait for it to flow out of the other nasal passage. Do the same with the second nostril. Blow your nose after each rinse. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.


To prevent drying of the mucous membranes and remove unpleasant feeling dryness, reduce swelling, stimulate the immune system, supplement the treatment with an ointment for the common cold - Asterisk, Evamenol and Fleming's ointment.

An asterisk during pregnancy from a runny nose has natural composition and is useful for any colds. However, it sometimes causes allergies in expectant mothers. Therefore, be sure to do an allergy test before using. Apply a drop of ointment to the crook of your elbow and wait 30 minutes. If no redness, swelling, or other signs of allergy occur, begin treatment.

Fleming's ointment during pregnancy from a runny nose is used with partial blockage of nasal breathing. It stimulates microcirculation in the blood and strengthens immune system. Although it can also cause allergies.

Evamenol is prescribed at any stage of pregnancy. It is completely safe for the mother and her baby, although it is effective only as aid therapy.

  • Do not apply ointment with a tissue, finger, or handkerchief. The product should not get on the mucous membrane of the eye or wound surfaces.
  • Do not put the drug deep into the nose, so as not to provoke a backlash - an increase in congestion of the nasal passages.

In the table below you can find out detailed diagram application of ointments from the common cold.

Name Action Instruction
Star The ointment stops the inflammation process, reduces the amount of secretion in the nasal passages. Apply a few drops on the outside of the sides of the nose, press lightly on the skin and rub for 1-3 minutes in a circular motion.
Fleming's ointment The tool effectively reduces swelling of the nose, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, anesthetizes and dries the mucous surface. Feeling better after 2 days of use. Squeeze some ointment out of the tube and dip into it cotton swab or a tampon. Put the swab in the nasal passage for 10-15 minutes. Do the procedure 2 times a day in the morning and evening.
Evamenol The medicine constricts blood vessels, restores nasal breathing and reduces burning sensation in the nasal passages. Dip a cotton swab into a pea sized amount of ointment and apply to inside nasal passages. The treatment regimen is 3 times a day for no longer than 10 days.

Folk remedies for the common cold during pregnancy

Parallel to drug therapy use folk remedies for the common cold during pregnancy after consultation with your doctor.

Popular folk ways rhinitis treatment:

  • warming up the nose with boiled eggs and cloth bags with salt;
  • infusion of plantain, leaves of St. John's wort or wild strawberries;
  • onion and garlic inhalations over a teapot;
  • massage of the wings of the nose with essential oils.

Also, with colds and hormonal rhinitis, “folk” drops help:

  • aloe juice with a runny nose during pregnancy;
  • onion juice diluted with water;
  • baking soda dissolved in a glass of hot black tea;
  • homemade carrot, apple and beet juice;
  • rosehip or sea buckthorn essential oil with vegetable oil.

Bury them 2 drops 2-3 times a day.

Kalanchoe juice has proven itself well for a runny nose during pregnancy. It provokes prolonged intense sneezing, due to which the nasal passages are cleared of mucus. However, the same sneezing causes contraction of the lower abdominal muscles, pain and spasms, so the medicine is contraindicated in uterine hypertonicity, malpresentation fetus and threatened miscarriage.

If the doctor allows the treatment of Kalanchoe, prepare homemade drops for a cold. Choose a plant at least 3 years old with the highest concentration of nutrients.


  1. Kalanchoe leaf - 1 pc.
  2. Boiled water - 1 tsp

How to cook: Cut a leaf from the branches of the plant, rinse and place in a ceramic or wooden plate. Crush with a masher or mash with a spoon, add warm water and mix. Strain and pour into a glass jar.

How to use: Instill juice into each nostril 1-3 drops 2 times a day.

Result: The plant constricts blood vessels, activates the formation of mucus and facilitates its removal from the sinuses, stops the spread of infection, eliminates irritation and gradually reduces nasal congestion.

Prevention of the common cold during pregnancy

Because the the best remedy from a runny nose - this is its prevention, follow the following recommendations during pregnancy:

  1. In season colds wear a medical mask every time you go outside. Rinse your nose when you get home soda solution or herbal decoctions.
  2. stick proper nutrition and if it is not possible to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, take vitamin supplements with the permission of a doctor.
  3. Ventilate the room every day and do wet cleaning more often.
  4. Make sure that the head, lower back and legs are always warm.
  5. Sleep at least 9 hours, avoid stress and negative situations.
  6. Go in for sports - yoga, therapeutic gymnastics or swimming.
  7. At the first sign of a cold, take inhalations and drip aloe juice into the nose during pregnancy from a runny nose, diluting it with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio.

For more information about the common cold during pregnancy, see the video:

What to remember

  1. A runny nose during pregnancy can be caused by hormonal changes in the body, allergies, colds or sinusitis.
  2. Safe drops and sprays from the common cold - Pinosol, Aqualor, Grippferon.
  3. You can rinse your nose with solutions of AquaMaris, Dolphin, Miramistin.
  4. Recommended ointments for rhinitis - Asterisk, Fleming's ointment, Evamenol.
  5. Traditional medicine advises dripping Kalanchoe juice into the nose.

Runny nose during pregnancy is quite common. And not even because the woman’s immunity is now weakened, and getting a cold or ORZ can be done in just a matter of minutes. There are some other factors that cause nasal congestion in a future mother. But regardless of the cause, a runny nose causes discomfort to both the mother and the baby, and therefore requires relief from the condition.

It happens that even before a woman found out about the pregnancy, her nose was blocked. And until the very end of the term, she passed, sniffing. It's about about a fairly common phenomenon - vasomotor rhinitis or the so-called runny nose pregnant. It is caused by hormonal changes in the body, causing swelling of the mucosa. Most often, such a runny nose appears in the second trimester. But in the vast majority of cases, it disappears only after childbirth. Hormonal runny nose does not require special treatment. But you definitely need to help yourself breathe. You can use any of the methods below. But you should always start from the safest.

Unexpected incessant sneezing and copious nasal discharge may be allergic rhinitis. Especially if spring is outside and flowering is in full swing. Such a diagnosis requires special measures, so you definitely need to go to a specialist. But if among the symptoms of the disease you still have a cough, headache, sore throat and temperature increase- almost one hundred percent that you picked up the virus. Treatment must begin immediately. Because infection can be very dangerous for the unborn baby, and for the pregnancy itself in principle, especially in its early stages.

In any case, for whatever reason your nose does not flow, it (this very reason) should ideally be established by a doctor. He will also tell you how you can and should treat a runny nose during pregnancy, what is undesirable and what is absolutely impossible. If the doctor is not very sociable, or for some reason you never get to him, Drops in your nose. It probably starts with them. Because no matter how good the method is, it’s easier and more familiar to drip drops. And no matter how pregnant women are scolded for vasoconstrictor drugs, many use just such. But we still urge you not to do this. Try to ease your breathing in the suggested ways, if necessary - try everything! And if none of them makes you feel any better, only then take vasoconstrictors. pharmacy drops: Nazivin, Vibrocil, /pharmacy/37807-nasic-spray, Farmazolin, Naphthyzin, Galazolin. But you can’t use them uncontrollably: only in the acute phase of a runny nose, only in a children’s dosage, only 1-2 times a day (preferably at bedtime) and only no more than three days. Indeed, together with the vessels, these drugs also narrow the capillaries of the placenta, which can lead to fetal hypoxia.In addition, they are able to raise arterial pressure and provoke spasms, which you are unlikely to be happy about. After a short-term relief, the mucosal edema intensifies even more, and you are forced to bury your nose literally all the time. Therefore, carefully read the instructions and do not exceed the prescribed dosage, and even better - drip less. It is important and proven: vasoconstrictor drops are addictive. But you just can't let that happen.

Much safer and more reliable nasal drops on natural basis, for example, Pinosol. Yes, it does not help many, but also many are satisfied. So why not give it a try? There are other homeopathic preparations: Euphorbium Compositum spray, Evamenol ointment and others.

Don't forget to rinse your nose. To do this, you can make or buy a saline solution, but it is better and more convenient to use ready-made preparations based on sea water and salt: Aquamaris, Dolphin, Salin, Humer. Can you rinse your nose? decoction of sage or chamomile.

Folk remedies for the common cold

Try carrot or apple juice as nasal drops, as well as herbal infusions. Simply pour 6-8 drops of juice into each nostril 3-4 times a day.

And the most dedicated moms can make themselves soda-tannin drops. Brew a teaspoon of tea in a glass of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes, then strain and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Instill this solution 1-2 pipettes into each nostril 2-3 times a day.

Drinking with a cold

It is necessary to drink a lot not only when coughing during pregnancy and when the temperature rises, but in the same way with a runny nose. After all, every day with mucus your body loses up to 2.5 liters of fluid, and these losses must be replenished. Among the suitable drinks are traditionally teas, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, milk with honey. And best of all - a fortified drink with ascorbic acid: rosehip broth, currant compote, tea with lemon. To properly prepare a rosehip decoction, it is necessary to boil the dried inflorescences for 3-5 minutes with the addition of a small amount of sugar. So it is possible to preserve and not destroy the healing vitamin C, which will fight the infection, preventing it from binding to the cells by prolonged exposure to temperature.

From a cold and sinusitis hot infusion of plantain, wild strawberry leaves or St. John's wort helps: pour 2 tablespoons of any herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink half a glass 2-3 times a day. The same decoction can be prepared from coltsfoot leaves, willow bark and oregano herb.

Procedures for the treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy

thermal procedures. Soar legs and put mustard plasters during pregnancy it is impossible, as well as to apply many other thermal procedures. But the local heat does not hurt. Put on warm wool socks and even sleep in socks. The sinuses can be warmed with boiled eggs, a bag of salt or sand. But be careful not to burn yourself. Generally good to have for such purposes blue lamp- and in the future for the baby, too, will come in handy.

Inhalations. Onion-garlic inhalations from the common cold have proven themselves very well. To do this, chop onion and garlic into the teapot, pour boiling water over them and breathe alternately through each nostril, putting them to the spout of the teapot. But be careful not to burn the mucosa.

Excellent for inhalation /pharmacy/36433-menthol_oil and herbal infusions. 3-4 daily procedures lasting 5 minutes will greatly ease your breathing.

Comfortable conditions. The first step is fresh circulating air. Ventilate the room as many times as possible (if we are not talking about seasonal allergic rhinitis, and you have a poplar tree under your window).

Take a pillow to sleep higher or put another one under yours. This will reduce swelling of the mucosa, make breathing easier and therefore improve the quality of sleep during illness.

Massage. A simple massage will help reduce nasal congestion: massage with tips index fingers points at the outer base of the nostrils. You can use Dr. Mom's ointment or the good old Asterisk balm. Apply the balm to the bridge of the nose, the outer corners of the nostrils, temples and those places on the face where you feel discomfort. You can do this several times a day.

Undoubtedly, a runny nose during pregnancy should be treated. After all, it becomes difficult to breathe not only for you, but also for your baby, too. However, no matter what caused nasal congestion, choose the safest methods to deal with this phenomenon. Know that this will not always be the case, you just have to wait a little, helping yourself and your unborn child to breathe more freely. So, picking up a bottle of pharmacy drops, think twice.

Update: October 2018

Every person has experienced a runny nose at least once in their life. This phenomenon is rather unpleasant, but easily tolerated. But what to do if rhinitis occurs in a pregnant woman? It is believed that for the entire period of gestation future mom will definitely encounter rhinitis to one degree or another. But during pregnancy, a runny nose should not be treated "disregard", as it threatens with complications not only for a woman, but also for her unborn baby. Moreover, it is impossible to uncontrollably use various drugs for the common cold, because many of the usual remedies are contraindicated and even dangerous during gestation.

Runny nose: its essence and types

A runny nose or rhinitis is a condition of the nasal mucosa when it becomes inflamed, and abundant mucus is released from the nasal cavity. As a result of this process, the nasal mucosa significantly increases (swells), which makes breathing difficult.

There are acute and chronic rhinitis. In its turn, chronic runny nose is divided into several types:

  • atrophic, when the nasal mucosa becomes thinner;
  • hypertrophic, with a thickening of the mucosa, which leads to a narrowing of the nasal passages;
  • allergic, the body responds to various stimuli with an inadequate reaction, that is, an allergic one.

There are also other types of rhinitis:

  • medication - with prolonged and uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictors for the nose;
  • traumatic - caused by any injury (burn, blow, etc.);
  • vasomotor - occurs after stress or due to hormonal changes, or after eating spicy food or external irritants (smoke).


In expectant mothers, a runny nose appears as a result of the following factors:


During gestation, the level of estrogen increases significantly, due to which the production of mucus increases, and the mucous membranes swell, which naturally affects the nasal mucosa. This runny nose is called vasomotor rhinitis.


An existing allergy to various external irritants, such as plant pollen or animal hair, provokes the development of an allergic rhinitis during pregnancy. Allergy may be absent before pregnancy and will appear with its onset, which is facilitated by a decrease in immunity in a pregnant woman.


Various infections, whether viruses or bacteria, affect expectant mothers much more easily than ordinary people. This is facilitated by the weakening of the protective forces during gestation.

In addition, the following circumstances can provoke the occurrence of rhinitis in pregnant women:

  • deviated septum of the nose;
  • predisposition to frequent colds;
  • reception birth control pills before pregnancy;
  • a number of diseases of endocrine origin;
  • disturbed ecology;
  • excessively dry climate;
  • emotionally labile women with frequent mood swings;
  • polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • spicy dishes;
  • stress and strong emotional experiences;
  • various tumors.

Common causes of rhinitis in humans

In "ordinary" people, the causes of a runny nose are as numerous and varied as in pregnant women. These include all the same factors:

  • bacterial and viral infection(various SARS);
  • hypothermia;
  • allergic reaction to various irritants;
  • nervous and endocrine pathology;
  • surgical interventions in the nasal cavity, trauma;
  • passion for vasoconstrictors;
  • atrophy of the nasal mucosa (chemical production and other harmful working conditions);
  • displacement of the nasal septum;
  • "special" climatic conditions(for example, increased dryness);
  • adenoids and polyps;
  • decrease in the body's defenses.

In its development, the disease goes through 3 stages. On the first, there are no reflex discharges from the nose, and upon examination, the mucous membrane is pale and dryish. On the second - catarrhal, rhinorrhea appears - an abundant discharge of watery-transparent mucus, and the nasal mucosa is bright red. On third - final stage, dense and thick discharge, the so-called "snot", which become yellow or green.

Bloody discharge, or even bleeding, is characteristic of atrophic rhinitis. What is associated with withering and damage to the nasal mucosa.


The manifestations of the disease, as well as the causes, are very diverse. The main signs of rhinitis include (it is not at all necessary that all will appear at once, a combination of two or three symptoms is possible, followed by the addition of the rest):

  • it is noted that the nose is blocked, the voice becomes deaf, as if speaking through cotton wool;
  • persistent sniffling associated with nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, especially aggravated during physical activity and in a horizontal position (usually typical for late dates pregnancy);
  • it becomes difficult to breathe, which only worsens the mood;
  • rhinorrhea (mucus or thick discharge from the nose);
  • sudden rise in temperature
  • feeling of constant headache (due to breathing difficulties);
  • decreased sense of smell, that is, loss of "scent";
  • permanent and frequent sneezing(irritation and swelling of the nasal mucosa);
  • decreased appetite due to impaired breathing;
  • feeling foreign body in the nose, the nose constantly itches;
  • disturbed sleep.

Bacterial rhinitis is usually associated with colds and begins with characteristic features SARS. Suddenly, in addition to a runny nose, the temperature rises, a cough appears, and headache and muscle pain are also possible. A runny nose is characterized by copious discharge from the nose. watery discharge which are transparent and slimy in consistency. Due to mucosal edema, shortness of breath joins, which disrupts sleep. At the final stage, the "snot" becomes viscous and yellowish-green.

In addition, rhinitis caused by bacteria or viruses is very dangerous for the unborn child. In the early stages of pregnancy, it can cause her "fading", and in the later stages lead to intrauterine fetal malformations. In the third trimester, an infectious rhinitis is fraught with intrauterine infection fetus.

In any case, rhinitis, no matter what origin, contributes to respiratory failure in a woman, which is fraught with the development of fetoplacental insufficiency and. In the future, these complications of pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortion either premature birth, or birth.

Treatment of rhinitis during gestation

Don't rely on " folk wisdom”, claiming that with treatment, a runny nose disappears in a week, and in the absence of treatment in just 7 days. A runny nose during pregnancy is not only possible, but also needs to be treated, since it does not cause any inconvenience to the woman, how much it is dangerous for the unborn baby. But in no case should you self-medicate, many of the usual drugs for rhinitis are contraindicated for pregnant women. Therefore, the solution to the problem should begin with a visit to the doctor, it is he who will determine the form of the common cold and recommend effective therapy.

Cold drops

When rhinitis appeared, many rush to the "magic wand", that is, special preparations - drops in the nose. Before starting the treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy, you need to consult with your doctor which drops you can and how to apply them. Drugs with a vasoconstrictive effect are strictly prohibited, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The most common ones are:

  • naphthyzine;
  • naphazoline;
  • galazolin;
  • oxymetazoline and others.

Undoubtedly, vasoconstrictor drops have good effect, and literally in a few minutes eliminate the "flood" from the nose. But pregnant women should not use them for several reasons:

  • vasoconstrictor effect extends to the placental vessels, which means that the spasm blood vessels in the placenta inhibits the delivery of oxygen to the fetus, which will cause its hypoxia;
  • these drops are quickly addictive, so they become ineffective after a short time, which requires an increase in the dosage of the drug, which means it exacerbates fetal hypoxia;
  • drops can increase blood pressure, especially in pregnant women, whose pressure is labile and prone to increase (usually in 2-3 trimesters);
  • vasoconstrictor drops due to vasospasm in the nose dry out the mucous membrane of both the nose and the nasopharynx, which makes it susceptible to infections.

With a significantly pronounced rhinorrhea, the doctor may prescribe drugs with a vasoconstrictive effect, but only for a short time (no more than 3 days), at night (if necessary, up to 2-3 times a day). These are children's drops Nazol Baby or Nazol Kids, which include phenylephrine, which is less dangerous during the gestation period than the above drugs.

It is allowed to drip into the nose the drug Pinosol, consisting of pine oils, and. This drug facilitates breathing, has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, accelerates the healing of the nasal mucosa and is absolutely safe during the period of gestation.

Nasal lavage

The procedure for washing the nasal passages has a very good effect. During this procedure, mucus, dust and other foreign particles, as well as microbial agents, are removed from the nose. For washing, you can use saline or drugs containing sea ​​salt(Humer and Dolphin, Aquamaris and, Salin and Marimer). Preparing saline solutions for washing at home is not recommended, as it is very difficult to comply with the dosage. But it is allowed to wash the nose (brew 1 tablespoon in a liter of boiling water and insist for an hour, strain and cool to room temperature).

Thermal treatments

Of the thermal procedures, warming up the nose has proven itself well. 2 boiled eggs wrapped in a cloth are applied to the wings of the nose on both sides, bags with heated pebbles, sand or salt. This method increases blood circulation in the nasal mucosa, which improves blood flow and thins the mucus. As a result, the nasal passages are cleared, and breathing becomes easier. But it is forbidden to warm the nose in case of elevated temperature.

You can also warm your feet, but in a “dry” way. That is, in case of a cold, a pregnant woman should walk in woolen socks.


No less effective are steam inhalations, which should also be performed against the background of normal temperature. 10-15 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint, or tea tree oil are added to boiling water. Covering your head with a towel, you need to breathe in steam for 5 to 7 minutes. You can use medicinal herbs (chamomile, wild rosemary, mint or sage) or breathe over boiled potatoes or potato peels.

But it is advisable to carry out the procedure using a nebulizer (the composition of the solution will be prescribed by the doctor).

Drinking regimen and nutrition

It is very important for the described disease to observe the drinking regimen. Copious discharge from the nose is the loss of fluid, which is very dangerous during pregnancy. The amount of fluid you drink should be at least two liters per day. Preference should be given to herbal teas and infusions (chamomile tea,), fruit drinks (cranberries, currants), still water and milk.

You also need to rethink your diet. It is necessary to exclude spicy dishes and seasonings, possible food allergens (honey, citrus fruits, nuts).

Folk remedies

Folk remedies that are safe during pregnancy and quite effective are widely used in the fight against the common cold:

Onion and garlic

You can simply chop an onion and a few cloves of garlic and inhale the vapors, which contain phytoncides that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. You can use these vegetables for steam inhalation (dip onions and garlic into boiling water), or squeeze out the juice, dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1 and instill a few drops into each nostril three times a day.

Carrots and beets

Squeeze finely grated carrots or beets through gauze or strain through a strainer, and dilute the resulting juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1. Prepared drops are instilled into the nose up to 4-5 times a day (up to 6-8 drops).

Soda-tannin drops

To prepare these drops, add 1 teaspoon of black tea to a glass of boiling water, and then evaporate the resulting infusion over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain the broth, add a teaspoon of soda. The resulting product is dripped into the nose a few drops three times a day.

horseradish root

On a fine grater, grate horseradish root and apple in a ratio of 1: 2, add a teaspoon of sugar and stir. The resulting vitamin mixture is taken 1 teaspoon twice a day. The mixture has a decongestant effect, which means it improves breathing. In addition, this mixture stimulates the immune system.

Self massage

It will help to cope with nasal congestion and self-massage of reflex zones. You should simultaneously massage (light circular pressure) the bridge of the nose and the area under the nose. It is also allowed to tap the nasal bone on both sides, massage the maxillary sinuses (infraorbital region) and the area above the eyebrows.

Vitamin infusion

To stimulate the immune system, prepare a vitamin infusion. Mix 2 tablespoons and pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. Strain and drink in several doses. The infusion is prepared several times, the general course is 5-7 days.

Viral rhinitis

In the treatment of viral rhinitis, all the methods described above are used. In addition, antiviral drugs should also be used:

  • oxolinic ointment (lubricate the nasal passages 2-3 times a day);
  • ointment Viferon (apply to the nasal mucosa three times a day);
  • dragee Derinat (consists of their extracts medicinal herbs, has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect), take 2 tablets three times a day.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

In the case of an allergic rhinitis, it is necessary, firstly, if possible, to eliminate allergens ( food products, flowering plants in the house, pets). Secondly, the methods described above are applied (rinsing the nose, inhaling with essential oils). With significant rhinorrhea, the doctor may prescribe drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect. The use of antihistamines during the period of gestation is contraindicated, but the use of third-generation antiallergic tablets, for example, Telfast, is allowed. Or non-aggressive drugs are prescribed, such as Nazalval spray (contains mint extract) or sodium cromoglycate in the form of a spray (contraindicated in the 1st trimester).

Other procedures

  • ventilation of the room;
  • wet cleaning of housing;
  • indoor use of aroma lamps with essential oils;
  • prevent overheating of the body (aggravates the course of rhinitis);
  • correct breathing (take shallow and long breaths and exhalations, breathe smoothly and evenly);
  • during sleep, put an extra pillow (sleep half-sitting), which relieves nasal congestion:
  • avoid nasal irritants ( cigarette smoke and exhaust gases)
  • apply “star” or “Doctor Mom” balms on the wings of the nose (they help relieve swelling and nasal congestion).

Question answer

Is it possible for a pregnant woman with a runny nose to warm her legs or put mustard plasters?

How is a nasal rinse performed?

Answer: In the first 2-3 days of the disease, washings are performed up to 5-6 times a day, then their number can be reduced to 3-4 times. You can rinse the nasal passages with a syringe, a small teapot, or special devices that are attached to the preparations for washing.

What are allergy tests and can they be done during pregnancy?

Answer: Allergy testing is an intradermal introduction of allergens. After that, the local reaction is evaluated and the allergen to which the subject is sensitive is established. During pregnancy, allergic tests should not be carried out, allergic rhinitis is diagnosed by a blood test (determination of specific immunoglobulins G to certain irritants).

The doctor says that my runny nose will disappear after childbirth. How soon after giving birth will it go away?

Answer: The doctor is right, the "runny nose of pregnant women" goes away after the birth of the baby, but, of course, this takes time. As a rule, rhinitis disappears on the 7th - 10th day of the postpartum period.

How can you prevent the occurrence of an infectious rhinitis?

Answer: First, avoid visiting crowded places, especially during epidemics of influenza and colds. Secondly, you should dress according to the weather, do not get cold and do not get your feet wet. If possible, avoid contact with allergens and irritants. You should also follow a balanced diet rich in vitamins. And of course, take walks on fresh air avoiding polluted places.