How to use and what does the blue warming lamp treat? Warming up the nose during pregnancy


Is it possible to warm the nose with a cold? This is a question of interest to many cold people suffering from nasal congestion. There are several methods of treating this ailment: someone uses nasal drops, some prefer folk remedies, while others try to warm their nose. The heating method is very popular today.

Treatment of a runny nose with warming procedures

There are few recommendations for using this method. The warming procedure has a number of contraindications, especially for children. As a rule, warming procedures and visiting baths are not the main methods of therapy, with (rhinitis) a doctor's consultation is necessary.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is desirable to warm up the nose only in the first days of the disease and with nasal mucus secretions without infection. Otherwise, this method of treatment may provoke infectious development. There may also be contraindications to the warming method if the patient has chronic sinusitis.

To avoid repeated and stronger colds after warming procedures, the patient is not recommended to go outside in cold or windy weather.

One of the most effective means for heating is buckwheat, heated in a pan. To do this, half a glass of cereal is heated, placed in a cloth bag and applied to the bridge of the nose in such a way as not to burn the skin. When using this method in initial stage diseases, blood circulation improves and a speedy recovery occurs.

Warming properties have honey compresses, propolis, freshly boiled egg, hot potatoes. To improve the condition and speed up recovery, the doctor may prescribe warming physiotherapy and inhalations at home.

The main ways to eliminate rhinitis with the help of folk remedies:

  • heating with rye cakes;
  • the use of camphor oil;
  • warming up with traditional products (sand, buckwheat, etc.);
  • heating with a hard-boiled egg;
  • warming, relieving swelling;
  • wiping the body and legs with coniferous oil;
  • face massage;
  • the use of warming ointments;
  • heating with a reflector lamp.

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Is it possible to warm the nose during pregnancy?

Warming up the nose with a runny nose - great way treatment of pregnant women. future mother tries to protect herself from colds, but during pregnancy, a runny nose often appears. Salt is often used to eliminate rhinitis. It is heated in a frying pan and laid out in a bag, after which the problem areas are heated with it.

Worried about their unborn child, some pregnant women doubt the safety of this type of procedure. The advice of doctors can dispel doubts about whether it is possible to warm the nose during pregnancy. When warmed up, the outflow of mucus improves, because of this, congestion is eliminated faster.

Salt solutions or oil drops eliminate a runny nose well. This method is absolutely safe. If there is no improvement in the initial stage of the disease, a specialist consultation is necessary to determine the cause.

Warming up the nose is not a provocateur severe consequences, to eliminate a runny nose, methods such as heating with a hard-boiled egg, hot cereals in a bag, or salt can be used.

After such thermal procedures, the vessels of the nasal mucosa expand. This contributes to a greater secretion of mucus, after which Airways the nose is released, the congestion disappears, breathing becomes much easier.

Heated objects are applied to the bridge of the nose and to the sides of it as long as the heat remains. In this case, the procedure is carried out in such a way as to exclude the possibility of burns, and a contraindication to this method is the presence of elevated body temperature.

The rest of the warming procedures during pregnancy must be treated with extreme caution, since this can provoke oxygen starvation fetus, exacerbation of varicose veins, premature birth or even a miscarriage. Therefore, visits to baths, saunas or hot baths should be excluded. It is better to dress warmer or steam your hands in water with a temperature of up to 40 ° C. You can also use oil drops, saline solutions. Vasoconstrictor drops can cause unwanted changes in vascular system pregnant women, so before using them, you need to consult a doctor.

A runny nose can be a symptom of an allergic reaction or a disorder. hormonal background during pregnancy. Therefore, if the warming procedures did not help for several days, an ENT doctor's consultation is necessary.

Very often, pregnant women complain of “disorders” in the work of the nose: their breathing is difficult, some have discharge or even bleeding. In addition, many women notice a thickening of the nasal mucosa and even, in some cases, a change in its shape. Let's note the most common complaints of pregnant women and see what causes these or those phenomena.


Hoc performs a variety of functions, of which the main ones are respiratory, protective, resonator and olfactory. Respiratory (or, as it is also called, respiratory) of them is the most important.

During pregnancy, the uninterrupted supply of oxygen is more important than ever, which is necessary not only for the mother, but also for the child. Because of this, during interesting position”, the need for oxygen increases significantly. Congested nasal passages, of course, do not fully cope with this task. On the one hand, for many during pregnancy, a stuffy nose is common occurrence, which disappears immediately after childbirth. On the other hand, you can help a pregnant woman. For example, try using an evaporator or humidifier - this will greatly alleviate the condition. In most cases, the signs that pregnant women describe with the phrase " clogged nose”, indicate the onset of sinusitis. This happens as a result of swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and nasal passages. At the same time, the secret does not flow out of the nasal sinuses, but stagnates and becomes excellent environment for the development and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. If, in addition to congestion, you feel the "fullness" of the sinuses, then follow these tips:

  • Rinse your nasal passages several times a day with a solution based on sea ​​salt. Such drops can be purchased at any pharmacy, or you can prepare yourself. To do this, take one teaspoon of sea salt (in last resort, cooking) and dilute in 0.5 liters of water.
  • Increase your fluid intake.
  • Avoid staying in smoky rooms.
  • Read also Treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy
  • Do acupressure: massage the wings of the nose, forehead, areas under the eyes and from the nose to the ears with your fingers.

But, keep in mind, you can take any measures only after a visit to the doctor, because only he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a competent treatment. As a rule, inflammatory processes in the sinuses are treated with decongestants and antihistamines (if the cause of sinusitis is a household allergy) drugs. For example, allergic reaction for dust or household chemicals may occur even if not previously observed.

Rhinitis (runny nose)

If a woman has a runny nose, then this is a signal that a virus is present in the body or an allergic reaction has occurred. Since, in the current state, the usual drugs for the treatment of the common cold are not available to the woman, it is necessary to know the following. First, again, go to the doctor. Second, drink plenty and take in vitamin C (but don't overdo it: a large number of this vitamin is dangerous).

How exactly to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon during pregnancy can be found in the material “Rhinitis on early dates pregnancy."

Should I take vasoconstrictor drugs?

Not worth it. They affect not only the vessels of the nose, but also the placenta, violating placental circulation And good nutrition fetus. In this case, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and impaired fetal development may develop. Vasoconstrictor drops from the common cold can be used only in case of urgent need. Buy drops meant for children or newborns. Bury them before going to bed, because it is in a horizontal position that this problem becomes more noticeable. Try raising the head of the bed at night or placing a second pillow under you - this will help relieve the condition. Be aware that vasoconstrictors can make nosebleeds worse.

When there's nothing to worry about

If the cause of congestion or runny nose is a consequence of hormonal changes in female body, then be calm: everything will stop after childbirth. Also, a completely understandable reaction of the body to pregnancy can be called bleeding from the nose. More often they occur in the middle of pregnancy (although, in some women - in the early stages) under the influence of large amounts of estrogen and progesterone.

Don't let the "potato nose" worry you either. As a rule, all this passes when the baby is born. But, anyway, see a doctor: you may have severe swelling and you need medical attention.

Especially for - Olga Pavlova

Nose drops: Aqua Maris, Pinosol

Undesirable Galazolin, Naphthyzin

Cough syrups Doctor Mom, Gedelix

Ambroxol, Ambrobene (contraindicated in the first trimester)

Decoction of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus

To expel the infection from the body, you need to drink a lot (fortunately, in the early stages of pregnancy, fluid restriction is not required in most cases). Best help green tea And cranberry juice. The drink must be warm. It is especially important to drink a lot when the temperature rises. In the third trimester of pregnancy, when edema of pregnant women often appears, the consumption of large amounts of liquid is undesirable.

If you haven't started taking prenatal vitamins yet, now is the time to start, as the need for vitamins increases with illness. At the first symptoms of a cold (general malaise, weakness), vitamin C will help to stop it in large enough doses (it can be taken as a dragee in addition to multivitamins, or as part of food - fruit drinks, lemon, orange).

A good folk remedy is warm woolen socks at night. But foot baths should not be used, as they can lead to the threat of interruption and even miscarriage.

Antibiotics in the treatment of SARS and influenza are not effective, as they act on bacteria, not viruses. In addition, most antibiotics during pregnancy are contraindicated or have restrictions on their use. The appointment of antibiotics may be required for angina or pneumonia, the drug and the duration of the course are determined by the doctor.

For coughs and sore throats, the main helper is warm milk with butter and honey. Inhalations with chamomile or with a simple saline solution are very useful. If there is no special inhaler at home, then you can “inhalate” over a pot of boiled potatoes. For gargling, you can use a decoction of chamomile or sage, sea water (or plain water with salt and iodine).

From medicines when coughing, you can use iodinol (it is diluted with a teaspoon in a glass of water and gargled). Bioparox is effective and safe (this is a topical antibiotic, available as a throat spray). You can take cough syrups: Gedelix, Dr. Mom.

With a cold, drops of Pinosol and Aqua Maris are allowed. It is better not to take the popular Naphthyzinum during pregnancy, since studies on its safety in pregnant women have not been conducted. If the nose is stuffed up, and nothing else helps, the use of Naphthyzinum is acceptable. It is better to use disposable handkerchiefs.

It is required to bring down the temperature only if it has risen above 38-38.5. During pregnancy, only antipyretics based on paracetamol (Panadol) are allowed. They can also be taken for headaches. Preparations containing aspirin are contraindicated. Teas with raspberries or linden can also serve as antipyretics.

Currently, there are a lot of medicines, and it is impossible to list all that can be used, and all that cannot be used. Therefore, before using the drug, be sure to read the instructions, and it is better to consult a doctor.

On later dates pregnancy, in addition to treating the common cold directly, the doctor may prescribe drugs to correct feto-placental insufficiency to prevent fetal hypoxia.


During the cold season, it is especially important to ensure that the body receives enough vitamins, so you need to take a course of vitamin therapy, that is, take multivitamins for pregnant women for 3-4 weeks.

Can lubricate the nose oxolinic ointment especially when you are going to visit public places (transport, women's consultation, shops, etc.).

If someone is sick at home, put finely chopped garlic on a plate in the room. The phytoncides contained in it (plant antimicrobial substances) will protect the house from infection.

Be sure to ventilate the room, even in the cold season (while leaving the ventilated room yourself).

You can use aromatic oils: fir, oil tea tree, orange or eucalyptus. They can be used both for indoor air disinfection (put a couple of drops on the aroma lamp), and to protect yourself in in public places(put a drop of oil in the nose if the smell does not irritate you).

It is important that the air is well hydrated. If you use heaters, it is advisable to purchase a humidifier, as heaters dry the air. You can also humidify the air in the room by placing a wet towel on the battery.

Although a cold is an unpleasant thing, it can and should be dealt with. There will be control over the nasty viruses that attacked a pregnant woman!

Boiled eggs really helped me. Such an immediate relief. I just wrapped two eggs in a towel and held for about 40 minutes. True, the red spot on the bridge of the nose remained, but everything cleared up right away.

Hey, the same thing happened to me too. here, too, all in thought what to do so that you can function without lying in bed - there is no time for this now 🙁

My friend advised me to put Viferon candles for 10 days and spray Bioporox in the throat and nose. It is nasty, but effective and is allowed for pregnant women.

Well, hot tea with raspberries or honey, hot milk. And other "charms". 🙂

Cold treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body's defenses are weakened, since the immune system is in a depressed state so that the antibodies produced do not work against the embryo, which is still for the body foreign body. This is how nature is arranged, and that is its great meaning and power. The body of the future mother is fully tuned to bear a child and is weakened by the action of viruses and bacteria, as a result of which the woman is prone to acute respiratory diseases, influenza, tonsillitis, pneumonia, and other colds. For the most part, these diseases are not transmitted to the fetus, but in the first trimester they can even cause a miscarriage, so be especially attentive to your body during this period.

Treating a cold during pregnancy at home

The influenza virus is especially dangerous, and although it is sometimes difficult to distinguish its course from the usual ARVI, influenza is usually a seasonal illness, and you should try to protect yourself as much as possible during the epidemic. To do this, try to be less in public places before you go to the store, go to public transport etc. lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment, a drop of tea tree oil, eucalyptus, wear an aroma pendant with these oils. If someone in the house gets sick, then try to isolate the sick person from yourself in another room, ventilate the apartment (house) more often, arrange plates with chopped garlic and onions around the apartment, their phytoncides kill viruses in the air, you can use an aroma lamp with tea tree oils, eucalyptus, fir, orange. Well helps ionization of air in the room, negative oxygen ions are detrimental to viruses.

What to do if, nevertheless, a cold or groups have not bypassed you? First of all, take sick leave, vacation, in order to comply with bed rest and not even think about the transfer of the disease on the legs. Even if you do not have a high temperature (which is often the case in pregnant women due to weakened immunity), the doctor is obliged to give you a sick leave in view of your situation. A high temperature (over 38-38.5) can be brought down with paracetamol, it is impossible to use analgin, aspirin, nurofen during pregnancy. You can also use water-vinegar compresses, drink tea with linden, raspberries, currants.

From the first day of the disease, homeopathic remedies can be used: aflubin, antigrippin, anaferon, fluferon, but only with prior consultation with the attending physician and strictly according to the instructions. It is impossible to drink immunostimulating drugs during pregnancy, especially in the form of alcoholic tinctures from herbs: Rhodiola rosea, lemongrass, echinacea, licorice, ginseng, zamaniha, leuzea, as they speed up the pulse, increase arterial pressure which is undesirable for the baby. Alcohol is also harmful to the child, therefore, in the treatment it is better to use herbal decoctions, rather than adjusting them to alcohol, read carefully the instructions for cough syrups, they may also contain alcohol. The use of some herbs, for example, the same calendula, should be limited during pregnancy, so be sure to consult your doctor before taking any remedy. Vitamins to avoid overdose, which can be harmful during pregnancy (an overdose of vitamin A can cause fetal malformations in the first trimester, vitamins C and D in last trimester can cause aging of the placenta), it is better to take in natural form, i.e. in the form of fresh fruits, vegetables and fresh juices. Be careful with bee products, you should not lean heavily on them, because they can cause allergies, and a large amount of honey can cause diabetes in pregnant women. Use honey no more than 1 tbsp. per day, propolis, pollen and royal jelly in recommended dosages.

During pregnancy, you need to be especially careful about thermal procedures. You can not take hot baths, soar legs! This can cause premature birth, swelling of the legs, exacerbation of varicose veins, fetal hypoxia. From thermal procedures, you can: warm your nose with a cold with a blue lamp, salt, boiled egg, put mustard plasters on your heels, wear woolen socks, put compresses on your neck with a sore throat. When starting a cold, if there is no temperature, instead of legs, you can hold your hands in warm (39-40 degrees) water, this also helps with a runny nose.

The treatment of a runny nose comes down to washing the nose with solutions of sea salt (Aquamaris, Humer, etc.), instillation of herbal drops, for example, Pinosol, sea ​​buckthorn oil. Vasoconstrictor drops can only be used in the acute period of the disease to alleviate the condition for no more than 3-5 days and at a dosage recommended by the instructions and the doctor. You can do soda inhalations with aromatic oils: add 1 tbsp per liter of boiling water. soda and a few (3-5) drops of eucalyptus or tea tree oil.

With a sore throat, you can rinse it with decoctions of herbs, water with salt and soda, treat the throat with chlorophyllipt. With angina, antibiotic treatment is indicated, only the doctor will determine the appointment and dosage. Of the antibiotics allowed during pregnancy, only bioparox can be used without fear, as it is a spray for the nose and throat, which is a local antibiotic. If the mucus from the nose and throat is clear White color, then the use of an antibiotic is meaningless, since it is a pure viral infection. If you experience purulent plugs in the throat, expectoration and discharge of yellow and green mucus from the nose, be sure to consult a doctor, this may be a symptom of a bacterial infection, the treatment of which should be prescribed by a doctor.

With a sore throat, cough, it is permissible to lubricate chest, throat, wings of the nose with herbal ointments "Doctor Tays", "Doctor MOM", "Pinosol", "Asterisk Balm", dissolve vegetable lozenges on herbs "Doctor MOM", Travesil. It is good to take radish juice with honey, chest collection for coughing, bronchitis.

Do not forget to drink as much liquid as possible during the illness: mineral water without gas, compotes, teas, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions. Milk with honey, butter or lamb, badger fat helps too. Of the ancient immunostimulating agents, horseradish helps well.

Remember that the main thing during a cold is to prevent the mucus from drying out on the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, etc., therefore, monitor the condition of the air in the room. The air should be cool (below degrees) and humid. Buy a humidifier (very useful thing in a house where there is a child) or hang wet towels on the radiators, irrigate the room with water.

Is it possible to warm the nose during pregnancy

No matter how you protect yourself from a cold future mom, most women suffer from a runny nose more than once during pregnancy. A popular method of treating it is heating the nose, for example, with salt heated on a stove. It is clear that this measure is not related to taking medication, so it should not affect the child. Still, wouldn't warming it up hurt it?

Do not doubt whether it is possible to warm the nose during pregnancy: this measure will help improve the outflow of mucus and relieve congestion faster. In addition to warming up, you can rinse your nose saline solution, use oil drops. It is better not to use vasoconstrictor drugs without the consent of the doctor. If nasal congestion does not improve within three days, see a doctor to find out the cause of the runny nose. Warming procedures during pregnancy Thermal procedures during pregnancy should be treated with extreme caution, even if you have a cold. You can not arrange hot foot baths and, moreover, you should not go to the sauna or steam room "to warm up properly." This can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth, exacerbation of varicose veins, swelling of the legs, oxygen starvation in the baby. To keep warm, you can wear woolen socks. If there is no temperature yet, and a runny nose is already beginning, hold your hands in warm water(about 40 degrees C). Fortunately, warming up the nose cannot lead to dangerous consequences, and if you feel that you are starting to runny nose, warm your nose with a blue lamp, a hot hard-boiled egg, heated salt or cereal in a soft bag. Warming up helps due to the fact that, in response to it, the vessels of the nasal mucosa expand, more fluid is released, and the mucus flows more easily along back wall throats. As a result, the feeling of nasal congestion disappears, and the airways are better cleared of infection. A hot object is held over the bridge of the nose and to the sides of it until it cools. Just be careful not to burn yourself! In addition, you need to remember that you can’t warm up your nose if you have a high temperature. How else can you treat a runny nose during pregnancy? If you still doubt whether it is worth warming your nose during pregnancy, you can rinse it with a physiological (saline) solution without any fear. Pharmacies sell special systems and sprays (Akvalor, Dolphin and others). Oil nasal drops (such as Pinosol) are safe to use unless you are allergic to essential oils that they contain. If you have dripped the drug and felt a burning sensation and increased congestion, this medicine is not suitable for you. Vasoconstrictor drops (for example, Galazolin and the like) are not at all harmless. They constrict blood vessels not only in the nasal mucosa, but also in other organs, and possibly in the placenta. They are easy to overdose, so you do not need to use such drugs without a doctor's prescription. A runny nose during pregnancy can be caused not only by a cold, but also, for example, by changes in hormonal levels or allergies. Therefore, if after three days you do not feel better, be sure to consult a general practitioner or ENT doctor.

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Is it possible to warm the nose during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a period of exciting expectation and difficult trials for a woman. At that time future mommy is responsible not only for his own health, but also for the well-being of his child. Unfortunately, a woman's body during gestation is subjected to high loads, which, in turn, often leads to a decrease in immunity.

A cold during pregnancy does not lead to complications. But it should be remembered that during this period it is necessary to carefully choose the methods of treatment. So, not all thermal procedures are safe. It is strictly forbidden to take hot baths, as well as to steam your feet. These manipulations can cause fetal hypoxia, edema, early birth, varicose exacerbation. Doctors do not prohibit treating a runny nose by heating with a boiled egg, a blue lamp and salt.

Is it permissible to warm up with egg and salt during pregnancy

Warming up - effective remedy from a runny nose. Salt is often used to treat rhinitis. It is calcined, placed in a linen bag, and then applied to the sinuses and forehead.

Many women are apprehensive about this procedure. Is it possible during pregnancy to warm the nose with an egg or salt in your case, the doctor will tell you. The specialist will assess the situation and prescribe the best therapy.

Important: rhinitis can be caused by hormonal imbalance, allergies. Therefore, if warming up does not work, you need to contact an otolaryngologist.

TO effective means from the common cold include:

  1. Normalization of respiratory function.
  2. Acceleration of reparation processes.
  3. Reducing swelling and reducing stagnant blood processes.
  4. Blood flow activation.
  5. Improvements in exchange processes.
  6. Vascular expansion.

Important: if during warming up strong pain in the nasal area, a migraine appears, the condition worsens, the temperature rises, you need to urgently visit a doctor.

Thermal impact on the nose with salt is necessary for:

After hypothermia, heating can be used as a prophylactic.

Benefits of the procedure

The effect is achieved through:

  1. Relieve congestion and ease breathing.
  2. Decrease in the amount of mucus produced.
  3. Acceleration of regeneration processes.
  4. Puffiness reduction.
  5. Elimination of stagnation in the vessels.
  6. Activation of blood flow in the nasal region.

Vapors from calcined salt have pronounced bactericidal properties, which helps not only to warm the nose area, but also to remove pathogenic microbes. The procedure is best done in the evening. It helps normalize sleep.

Despite the harmlessness of the procedure, it has a number of contraindications.

Heat can cause the opposite effect: excessive production of mucus and the rapid reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

With a significant accumulation of pus in the sinuses, a significant increase in discomfort and fever may occur.

If inflammatory process proceeds with a significant accumulation of purulent masses, elevated temperatures increase the risk of the pathogenic process spreading to surrounding healthy areas. In this case, abscesses in the brain tissue, the development of frontal sinusitis and otitis media are possible.

Warming up the nose with salt during pregnancy is prohibited when:

  • malignant or benign neoplasms;
  • acute inflammation of a bacterial nature;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • complicated rhinitis;
  • acute tonsillitis;
  • purulent runny nose;
  • severe diseases of the heart or blood vessels;
  • chronic sinusitis.

Warming up the nose during pregnancy

Experts recommend having a thermal effect on the sinuses only in the first days of the development of the disease, when the symptoms of the disease are not yet pronounced. It is also unacceptable to use heating with pronounced purulent discharge. Otherwise, therapy will cause the spread of infection.

Important: to prevent the development of the disease, after the procedures it is forbidden to be in a cold room.

The use of eggs during the treatment of the common cold has a number of features:

  1. Thoroughly clean before treatment nasal cavity from the accumulated mucus. Salt solutions of low concentration are well suited for this. You can either buy them at the pharmacy or cook them yourself. It is not difficult to make a solution at home: in half a liter of warm water you need to dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt.
  2. Boil an egg. After it is ready, wipe dry and wrap in cotton cloth. Then the egg is applied to the forehead between the eyebrows and near the nasal area.

When discomfort you need to wrap the egg in another layer of cloth. After warming up, redness will remain on the skin. It can be lubricated with baby cream.

Is it possible to warm the nose with salt during pregnancy? If there are no contraindications to the procedure, then it will only benefit the pregnant woman. Basic warm-up requirements:

  1. Take a small amount of salt, it is better if it is sea salt. Pour it into the pan and stir occasionally while heating. After the occurrence of cod, the salt is removed and poured into a bag. It is necessary to prepare it in advance from a dense natural fabric.
  2. First, the forehead area between the eyebrows warms up, then the left and Right side nose.
  3. If discomfort occurs, the bag can be wrapped with another layer of cloth or wrapped in a towel.
  4. Warming up is carried out for 16 minutes three times a day.

To increase the effect of the procedure, you can use some simple steps:

  1. After warming, you need to drink tea with rose hips or raspberries. This will enhance the effect on the area of ​​​​inflammation.
  2. Wear warm socks on your feet and lie down in bed. It is best to sleep for a while.
  3. In addition to warming up, honey or aloe juice can be used for instillation into the nose. However, before using them, consultation with a doctor is required.

Important: at a temperature, the use of warming procedures is strictly prohibited!


To avoid a cold and not resort to treatment later, you need to carefully monitor your health, adhere to the diet recommended by your doctor, walk more often, try to avoid stressful situations. To protect the body from the penetration of bacteria, you need to use oxolinic ointment.

Thermal procedures are effective only at the very beginning of the development of the disease. You also need to remember that they will not be able to help you fully recover. Therefore, when the first symptoms of a cold appear, you need to consult a doctor so that he prescribes adequate therapy.

Directory of major ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate. medical point vision. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating, you can harm yourself!


No matter how the expectant mother guards against a cold, most women suffer from a runny nose more than once during pregnancy. A popular method of treating it is to warm up the nose, for example, with salt heated on a stove. It is clear that this measure is not related to taking medication, so it should not affect the child. Still, wouldn't warming it up hurt it?

Do not doubt whether it is possible to warm the nose during pregnancy: this measure will help improve the outflow of mucus and relieve congestion faster.

In addition to warming up, you can rinse your nose with saline, use oil drops. It is better not to use vasoconstrictor drugs without the consent of the doctor.

If nasal congestion does not improve within three days, see a doctor to find out the cause of the runny nose.

Warming procedures during pregnancy

Thermal procedures during pregnancy should be treated with extreme caution, even if you have a cold. You can not arrange hot foot baths and, moreover, you should not go to the sauna or steam room "to warm up properly." This can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth, exacerbation of varicose veins, swelling of the legs, oxygen starvation in the baby.

To keep warm, you can wear woolen socks. If there is no temperature yet, and a runny nose is already beginning, hold your hands in warm water (about 40 degrees C).

Warming up the nose during pregnancy

Fortunately, warming up the nose cannot lead to dangerous consequences, and if you feel like you are getting a runny nose, warm your nose with a blue lamp, a hot hard-boiled egg, heated salt or cereal in a soft bag.

Warming up helps due to the fact that in response to it the vessels of the nasal mucosa expand, more fluid is released, and the mucus flows more easily down the back of the throat. As a result, the feeling of nasal congestion disappears, and the airways are better cleared of infection.

A hot object is held over the bridge of the nose and to the sides of it until it cools. Just be careful not to burn yourself! In addition, you need to remember that you can’t warm up your nose if you have a high temperature.

How else can you treat a runny nose during pregnancy?

If you still doubt whether it is worth warming your nose during pregnancy, you can rinse it with a physiological (saline) solution without any fear. Pharmacies sell special systems and sprays (Akvalor, Dolphin and others).

Oil nose drops (such as Pinosol) are safe to use unless you are allergic to the essential oils they contain. If you have dripped the drug and felt a burning sensation and increased congestion, this medicine is not suitable for you.

Vasoconstrictor drops (for example, Galazolin and the like) are not at all harmless. They constrict blood vessels not only in the nasal mucosa, but also in other organs, and possibly in the placenta. They are easy to overdose, so you do not need to use such drugs without a doctor's prescription.

A runny nose during pregnancy can be caused not only by a cold, but also, for example, by changes in hormonal levels or allergies. Therefore, if after three days you do not feel better, be sure to consult a general practitioner or ENT doctor.

Obstetrician - gynecologist, employee of the Perinatal Medical Center(Moscow). Completed advanced training courses ultrasound diagnostics(Peoples' Friendship University of Russia) and prevention and treatment of miscarriage ( Science Center Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. V. I. Kulakov).

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runny nose in pregnancy

It is not easy for expectant mothers to cope with such a seemingly simple problem as a runny nose. It is difficult to choose a medicine: some drugs are contraindicated, others are not recommended, the third says “If the expected benefit exceeds possible harm….". In such a situation, folk remedies will help. But even herbs must be handled correctly, not all of them are suitable for pregnant women - it is better not to use recipes with black radish, garlic and onions. Against the background of a cold with a fever, these vegetables can provoke a miscarriage. To combat the common cold, there is ...

Pregnancy is a period of exciting expectation and difficult trials for a woman. At this time, the future mother is responsible not only for her health, but also for the well-being of her child. Unfortunately, a woman's body during gestation is subjected to high loads, which, in turn, often leads to a decrease in immunity.

Does not lead to complications. But it should be remembered that during this period it is necessary to carefully choose the methods of treatment. So, not all thermal procedures are safe. It is strictly forbidden to take hot baths, as well as to steam your feet. These manipulations can cause fetal hypoxia, edema, early birth, and aggravation of varicose veins. Doctors do not prohibit treating a runny nose by heating with a boiled egg, a blue lamp and salt.

Is it permissible to warm up with egg and salt during pregnancy

Warming up is an effective remedy for a cold. Salt is often used to treat rhinitis. It is calcined, placed in a linen bag, after which it is applied to and to the forehead.

Many women are apprehensive about this procedure. Is it possible during pregnancy to warm the nose with an egg or salt in your case, the doctor will tell you. The specialist will assess the situation and prescribe the best therapy.

Important: rhinitis can be caused by hormonal imbalance, allergies. Therefore, if warming up does not work, you need to contact an otolaryngologist.

Effective cold remedies include:

  • jacket-boiled potatoes;
  • soft-boiled egg;
  • propolis;
  • salt;
  • buckwheat.
  1. Normalization of respiratory function.
  2. Acceleration of reparation processes.
  3. Reducing swelling and reducing stagnant blood processes.
  4. Blood flow activation.
  5. Improvements in exchange processes.
  6. Vascular expansion.

Important: if during warming up there are severe pain in the nasal region, a migraine appears, the condition worsens, the temperature rises, you need to urgently visit a doctor.

Thermal impact on the nose with salt is necessary for:

After hypothermia, heating can be used as a prophylactic.

Benefits of the procedure

The effect is achieved through:

  1. Relieve congestion and ease breathing.
  2. Decrease in the amount of mucus produced.
  3. Acceleration of regeneration processes.
  4. Puffiness reduction.
  5. Elimination of stagnation in the vessels.
  6. Activation of blood flow in the nasal region.

Vapors from calcined salt have pronounced bactericidal properties, which helps not only to warm the nose area, but also to remove pathogenic microbes. The procedure is best done in the evening. It helps normalize sleep.

Despite the harmlessness of the procedure, it has a number of contraindications.

Heat can cause the opposite effect: excessive production of mucus and the rapid reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

With a significant accumulation of pus in the sinuses, a significant increase in discomfort and fever may occur.

If the inflammatory process proceeds with a significant accumulation of purulent masses, elevated temperatures increase the risk of the pathogenic process spreading to surrounding healthy areas. In this case, abscesses in the brain tissue, the development of frontal sinusitis and otitis media are possible.

Warming up the nose with salt during pregnancy is prohibited when:

  • malignant or benign neoplasms;
  • acute inflammation of a bacterial nature;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • complicated rhinitis;
  • acute tonsillitis;
  • purulent runny nose;
  • severe diseases of the heart or blood vessels;
  • chronic sinusitis.

Warming up the nose during pregnancy

Experts recommend having a thermal effect on the sinuses only in the first days of the development of the disease, when the symptoms of the disease are not yet pronounced. T It is also unacceptable to apply heating with pronounced . Otherwise, therapy will cause the spread of infection.

Important: to prevent the development of the disease, after the procedures it is forbidden to be in a cold room.

The use of eggs during the treatment of the common cold has a number of features:

If discomfort occurs, you need to wrap the egg in another layer of tissue. After warming up, redness will remain on the skin. It can be lubricated with baby cream.

Is it possible to warm the nose with salt during pregnancy? If there are no contraindications to the procedure, then it will only benefit the pregnant woman. Basic warm-up requirements:

To increase the effect of the procedure, you can use some simple steps:

  1. After warming up, drink tea with rose hips or raspberries. This will enhance the effect on the area of ​​​​inflammation.
  2. Put on warm socks on your feet and lie down in bed. It is best to sleep for a while.
  3. In addition to heating can be used for instillation into the nose of honey or aloe juice. However, before using them, consultation with a doctor is required.

Important: at temperatures, the use of heating procedures is strictly prohibited!


To avoid a cold and not resort to treatment later, you need to carefully monitor your health, adhere to the diet recommended by your doctor, walk more often, try to avoid stressful situations. To protect the body from the penetration of bacteria, you need to use oxolinic ointment.

Thermal procedures are effective only at the very beginning of the development of the disease. You also need to remember that they will not be able to help you fully recover. Therefore, when the first symptoms of a cold appear, you need to consult a doctor so that he prescribes adequate therapy.

My son just turned 18 a week ago. He is in 11th grade. I hope to enter the budget, studies well. BM does not want to pay child support anymore. Paid 30-35k. It has long been agreed that he will not reduce payments, since in his second marriage he also had a child. And I will save my son for school from alimony. But a couple of years ago, I bought an apartment with a new husband on a mortgage and we pay part of the payments from alimony. I also have a child of kindergarten age. That's why I don't work, I get sick often. The son wants to go to enter the city where BM lives. And bm against. Did you manage and how to negotiate with bm so that they help with money after 18 years.



Topics about trips during pregnancy regularly pop up on the forum, in the discussion there are a lot of stories with good ending. Today in Vesti there was a story about a similar regular madam, who seemed to be doing well and well, you can’t deprive yourself of your favorite vacation in Thailand. As a result - a baby of 700 grams, health problems both now and in the long term, huge bills from the clinic, fundraising. One such story crosses out thousands with a happy ending. Take care of your babies


Irina Krasavina

Girls. Help my sick brain. I'm in the process of losing my brother parental rights. Appealed to guardianship, collected papers from the hospital, the police, testimonials from the school and kindergarten, which the younger niece used to go to, from the last place of work of his brother. There is evidence from neighbors and his friend that he drinks and does not work. The guardianship authorities have assessed living conditions us and my brother. He is against the deprivation of rights, he said that he would stop drinking and take the children for himself. But ... one nuance turned out. My brother now lives with one lady, I knew this for a long time, they drink together, both do not work. And this lady is now pregnant and, as I understand it, they want to sign.
Apart from my shock at the situation and the lack of brains of both, I am interested in the question. If suddenly he stops drinking (which I highly doubt), can I be denied deprivation of his rights? Will he be able to take the children?

P.s. and another question. Is it possible to do something about this madam? Well, I don’t know, it can be forcibly treated or something else. She is pregnant and drinks ((((well, how is that?
In short, I will be glad to any advice and examples from life.



Good morning, my inquisitive and insightful friends, Wangs and Sherlock Holmes! I present to your attention a guessing game for a poetic competition that is festive in all respects. I propose to brainstorm and bring to clean water our cunning cryptographers-authors.
The field for scattering brains is here:

List of authors:
To live well
Sucker Punch
Quokka Smilebakka
Lena Tokareva
Brother Organization
Anonymous 1
Anonymous 2
Anonymous 3
Anonymous 4

So let's go!


Daria S

Hello everybody. We have a bad day today. The child got sick on Monday coughing to vomiting and so Ra. I yesterday, very high temp Ra.
Grandmother came to help us and shouted to me from the kitchen that my head was spinning, then she fell. I called an ambulance. They told me to put it on the bed, measure the pressure, (it was 150) give a capoten. And they said the call would be diverted to 911. Okay, I'm waiting. Mom's blood pressure is rising, it's already 180, she's red, 40 minutes have passed, I'm calling again, and as I understand it, urgent Care, this is a doctor from half ki. I called the regiment, they said, wait for two hours. What is this? What needs to happen for the ambulance to arrive? As a result, they called me back from the ki regiment and said that after my call they transferred the call back to the ambulance. The team arrived in half an hour. They did an ECG, an injection, pills and said to wait for the doctor.
But. In the regiment they told me that the call to us was canceled. I asked if I should wait for the doctor, high temperature? They said they would come to me.
Question. Mom is lying, she can’t become dizzy, when will she be able to get to the doctor? Holidays ahead, will she be left without help? This is fine? The neurologist comes on Tuesdays. Delivered a crisis and a breach cerebral circulation. The neurologist treats us, they did an uzdg in January, they dripped cerepro, then they pricked picamelon and like this. The tablets would be prescribed.
Has anyone contacted a paid ambulance? Phone, if I can find one. Does it make sense?
What should we do?