Severe runny nose in a pregnant woman. Chronic rhinitis - treatment. Softening of the nasal mucosa with a runny nose during pregnancy

Waiting for a meeting with a baby is a time filled not only with happiness, joy, but also with anxiety for a new life.
Runny nose during pregnancy: what to do if it appears, why does this condition haunt a huge percentage of expectant mothers and can it harm a child developing in the womb?

Determining the exact cause of a runny nose in a pregnant woman determines the tactics of treatment.

Runny nose during pregnancy - the influence of hormones

While waiting for the birth of a new life in the body future mother the hormone progesterone reigns. It is thanks to him that the pregnancy is preserved. The same hormone contributes to an increase in the volume of fluid accumulated by certain tissues, including those located in the nasal cavity. Because of this, swelling occurs.

The sex hormone estrogen, in addition to promoting the active development of the fetus and placenta, also increases the thickness of the nasal mucosa. All this results in a runny nose during pregnancy, called "rhinitis of pregnancy." This condition is always accompanied by shortness of breath. Optional symptoms include discharge from the nasal cavity of a transparent liquid mucus, sensation of dryness in the nose, itching, sneezing.
Rhinitis of pregnant women most often appears at 13 weeks of gestation or more and resolves after delivery.

Runny nose during pregnancy - increased susceptibility to diseases

Without exception, all expectant mothers have reduced immunity. This measure is necessary to maintain pregnancy, since the carrier's body considers the embryo as foreign body. But due to a decrease in immunity, the body becomes more vulnerable to infections of various origins.
An increase in temperature, a disturbing runny nose and sore throat during pregnancy are typical symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

Runny nose during pregnancy - an allergic reaction

Profuse, watery, colorless nasal discharge may well be caused by an allergy. Allergic rhinitis is usually accompanied by sneezing, watery eyes, itching, burning in the nasal cavity. Often seasonal.
Expectant mothers owe the tendency to develop allergies to hormonal changes. It is because of it that the body can react unpredictably even to familiar products and phenomena.

It is noteworthy that the condition of women who suffered from allergies even before conception usually improves during the gestation period due to the production of the hormone cortisol that suppresses the negative reactions of the body.

Runny nose during pregnancy - the appearance / presence of problems with the nasal cavity

The curvature of the nasal septum, the presence of tumors, polyps contribute to the appearance of a runny nose.

Severe runny nose during pregnancy: harm

  • Infectious processes, a symptom of which is often rhinitis, can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.
  • Runny nose and nasal congestion during pregnancy reduces the amount of oxygen supplied to the mother and fetus.
  • Medications for the treatment of the common cold may be unsafe for the fetus.

How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy

In the fight against any kind of runny nose, it is important that the air is humidified, wet cleaning is carried out daily. A future mother suffering from rhinitis will be more comfortable sleeping on a high pillow.

Sprays/ cold drops during pregnancy


  • Most nasal drops and sprays have a vasoconstrictive effect, which relieves swelling of the mucous membrane and restores nasal breathing. But it is very undesirable for expectant mothers to use the funds of this group, and some are completely prohibited. The reason is that with abundant use, the vasoconstrictor effect extends to the body as a whole. This includes narrowing blood vessels linking mother and unborn baby. And this is fraught with the development of hypoxia. Therefore, vasoconstrictors are used only in cases where other treatment has failed.
  • During pregnancy, medications based on xylometazoline are prohibited for use: Otrivin, Galazolin, Evkazolin Aqua, Farmazolin, Rhinorus, Dlyanos and others.
  • IN extreme cases funds based on oxymetazoline are allowed: Nazivin, Afrin, Nazol, Nesopin. It is better to give preference to the children's dosage: it will be much more difficult to overdo it with it. Frequency of use: 1-2 times a day. Doctors advise using vasoconstrictors for no longer than 3-7 days.

Saline solutions:

  • Salt solutions are hypertonic, isotonic, hypotonic.
  • The concentration of sodium chloride in hypertonic solutions is more than 1% ("Humer Hypertonic").
  • Isotonic solutions of sodium chloride 0.9% (saline, "Aquamaris") are called. Their Ph is close to natural for humans.
  • Hypotonic - solutions, the sodium concentration in which is less than 0.85% ("No-Salt", "Salin").
  • For the manufacture of these solutions, both sea and table salt can be used. Salt solution can be prepared with your own hands: for this, you need to dilute a teaspoon of salt in a liter of water.
  • Salt solutions moisturize the mucosa, liquefy nasal mucus, promote healing of damage in the nasal passages, have an antiseptic effect. runny nose early dates pregnancy is optimally treated saline solutions. They are guaranteed not to harm the unborn baby, they are not addictive.

Antiallergic drugs:

  • The range of antihistamines allowed for expectant mothers is small, since many medications in this group adversely affect the fetus. To select tactics for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, it is important to determine the allergen.
  • Allergens often enter the body through nasal cavity. In such cases, it is especially important to carry out daily wet cleaning of the room, to humidify the air and the nasal cavity, saline solutions do an excellent job with the latter. During the flowering period of plants, it is advisable to wear a gauze bandage.
  • "Nazaval" and "Prevalin Allergy" - sprays from the common cold during pregnancy. They are safe because they do not contain active ingredients, their purpose is to cover the inner mucous surface with a thin, impermeable film for allergens.

  • Conditionally safe antiallergic drugs include topical hormonal agents on the basis of mometasone ("Nasonex", "Nosefrin").
  • Preparations based on cromoglycic acid ("KromoGEKSAL", "Kromoglin") with caution can treat a runny nose during pregnancy from the 2nd trimester.
  • Azelastine-based medications (Allergodil) have been shown to have a negative effect on the fetus, so their use for the treatment of the common cold during pregnancy and in the 3rd trimester is contraindicated.

"Miramistin" from the common cold during pregnancy

  • "Miramistin" is a multifunctional antiseptic with antimicrobial action. It is used in surgery, traumatology, obstetrics and gynecology (only douching is not allowed during gestation), combustiology, dermatology, ophthalmology, dentistry and otolaryngology.
  • Animal studies have shown no negative impact drug for offspring. It is safe to treat a runny nose during pregnancy in the 1st trimester with Miramistin.
  • "Miramistin" can be dripped 1-2 drops into each nostril up to 8 times a day. The course of such treatment lasts up to 7-10 days.
  • You can wash your nose with it 2-3 times a day, for this it is better to purchase the drug in the form of a spray.
  • In the presence of a nebulizer, inhalations can be carried out during pregnancy from a runny nose: a single dosage of the drug is 4 ml, the frequency of procedures is up to 4 times per day.

Homeopathy for a runny nose during pregnancy

  • Homeopathy has no proven effect. Scientists put its effectiveness on par with the placebo effect. This is due to the meager content, and sometimes even the absence of an active substance, failed clinical studies. However, all this does not prevent homeopathy from being popular with a huge number of people.
  • A weighty argument in favor of homeopathic remedies for rhinitis is safety. Homeopathic medicines "Delufen", "Euphorbium Compositum", "Cinnabsin" - what can treat a runny nose during pregnancy at any time.

Phytotherapy for the common cold during pregnancy


  • A popular drug for rhinitis, sinusitis, component complex treatment sinusitis is "Sinupret" - a combined herbal medicine.
  • During pregnancy, preference is given to the tablet form.
  • "Sinupret" dilutes mucus, promotes its discharge, has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immunomodulatory effects.
  • Tablets are allowed at any gestational age. The drug, in general, is well tolerated, but due to the abundance of plant components of the composition, it can cause allergies. If the state of health worsens, the treatment is immediately stopped.


"Golden Star":

  • The famous "asterisk" during pregnancy from a cold is often advised. This is a natural multifunctional product. However, expectant mothers should use it with caution.
  • Menthol, camphor, mint, clove, eucalyptus and cinnamon essential oils contained in the asterisk are contraindicated for use by pregnant women.
  • abundance essential oils, beeswax can cause an allergy attack.
  • Before using the balm, it is worth doing an allergy test. To do this, apply a little balm with rubbing movements on the back of the arm, chest or leg. If after a day no red spots appear at the place of use, then the risk of having a negative reaction when using the ointment is minimal.
  • "Asterisk" can not be taken orally, applied to the mucous membranes.
  • To facilitate breathing, you can apply a tiny amount of the product to the wings of the nose or the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle.

Folk remedies for the common cold during pregnancy

ethnoscience replete with remedies for the common cold, while not all can be used during pregnancy. So, recipes using black radish, aloe can cause uterine tone.

Chamomile infusion for a runny nose during pregnancy

  • It is good for washing the nose and instilling the nose.
  • To prepare the infusion, 1 tablespoon of dried flowers of the plant is poured into 125 ml of boiling water and infused for half an hour, it is best to use a thermos. The resulting infusion is filtered and after cooling to comfortable temperature- ready to use.
  • For instillation, 4-6 drops of infusion are poured into each nasal passage, this can be done up to 6 times a day.
  • The shelf life of the product is 24 hours.

Steam inhalation from the common cold during pregnancy

  • For steam inhalations, calendula or chamomile flowers, eucalyptus leaves, thyme, large plantain leaves, coltsfoot (1-2 tablespoons of raw materials per glass of boiling water) are used.
  • You can use regular potatoes for inhalation. Unpeeled potatoes must be boiled, then remove the pan from the heat, cool the contents a little and inhale the resulting steam for 5 minutes. The procedure can be carried out several times a day.
  • To improve the effect, you should cover yourself with a thick towel.
  • Such inhalations are prohibited at elevated body temperature or purulent processes of the respiratory system.
  • Within half an hour after inhalation, you need to be in a warm room. It is strictly forbidden to go outside or into a well-ventilated room, eating, drinking, talking is not recommended.

Beetroot nasal drops for a runny nose during pregnancy

  • Nasal beet drops good at thick mucus. 1-2 drops of juice squeezed from a raw vegetable are instilled into the nose several times a day.
  • You can also make medicine from boiled beets, for this, dilute the squeezed juice with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Bury no more than 4 times a day, 3-5 drops in each nasal passage.

Carrot-oil drops for a runny nose during pregnancy

  • Drops made from equal parts do a good job with a runny nose. carrot juice and olive oil. A single dose of the drug is 4 drops in each nostril, you can instill up to 6 times a day.


In the treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy, there is general recommendations, but it is extremely important to find out the cause of its occurrence.

The range of drugs prescribed to expectant mothers for the treatment of rhinitis is significantly narrowed. It is important to know what is possible from a runny nose during pregnancy, because even among those safe recipes traditional medicine to get rid of the disease is a categorically forbidden to expectant mothers means.

The increased sensitivity of a pregnant woman to colds is due to a decrease in immune reactivity. This physiological feature given period allows you to save pregnancy and prevent spontaneous abortion. The consequence of a temporary immunodeficiency may be a frequent runny nose. In the article, we will consider how a runny nose affects the fetus during pregnancy, how to protect yourself from undesirable consequences.

Nasal congestion is not always the result of infectious rhinitis, because hormonal fluctuations predispose to the expansion of blood vessels and the appearance of swelling of the nasal mucosa. Usually develops from the second trimester.

To choose the right medications, you need to understand what caused the common cold. It can be:

  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • infectious diseases (viral, bacterial);
  • allergic reactions.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman becomes more susceptible not only to colds, but also to stress factors. Hypothermia, contact with a sick person, poor nutrition - all this in combination can lead to symptoms such as:

  1. rhinorrhea (nasal discharge may be watery, viscous, clear or yellowish);
  2. nasal congestion, which leads to difficulty in nasal breathing;
  3. hyperthermia (observed with an infectious origin of rhinitis);
  4. headache, dizziness, poor appetite and drowsiness can be the result of intoxication and hypoxia;
  5. pain in the paranasal region, which indicates the development of sinusitis;
  6. sneezing, coughing, itching, and signs of conjunctivitis can be troublesome in allergic rhinitis.

What is the danger for a pregnant woman?

The “pregnant” period for a woman is one of the most important in her life, but a common cold can overshadow its course. Against the background of the onset of symptoms of the disease, a woman feels constant fatigue, may rise arterial pressure and develop toxicity.

The formation of an inflammatory focus in the nasopharynx leads to an increased risk of complications associated with the spread of inflammation to surrounding organs. Thus it is possible:

  1. the development of laryngopathy, when swelling extends to the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Symptomatically given state manifested by sore throat, hoarseness and coughing;

Coughing during pregnancy is dangerous with the risk of premature birth or miscarriage, because increased intra-abdominal pressure leads to increased uterine tone.

  1. hearing loss - due to swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube and a violation of its airway function. A woman may notice how she "lays" her ears;
  2. development of angina, pharyngitis. Difficult nasal breathing forces a woman to breathe through her mouth, so cold, unpurified air comes into contact with the oropharyngeal mucosa and damages it;
  3. the occurrence of sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis). The risk of developing diseases increases if a woman had chronic sinusitis before pregnancy. The complication is due to the activation of bacterial microbes or the addition of new pathogenic pathogens;
  4. the appearance of an attack of bronchospasm, if the cause of the disease was an allergic factor.

Danger to the fetus

What is the danger of a runny nose during pregnancy for the embryo?

If the cause of nasal congestion in a pregnant woman is infection, there is a risk intrauterine infection embryo.

This is observed provided that the infection from the nasopharynx began to spread through the bloodstream throughout the body.

What else is dangerous rhinitis?

Thus, the combination of symptoms of the disease increases the risk of:

  1. spontaneous abortion;
  2. the appearance of malformations;
  3. intrauterine fading of the fetus;
  4. premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  5. intrauterine infection;
  6. development of fetoplacental insufficiency, due to which the placenta loses its ability to fully provide for the fetus nutrients and oxygen.

What medicines are allowed during pregnancy?

Complications of the common cold can be caused by improper treatment.

Today there are many medicines that help relieve the symptoms of a cold. Every woman needs to know that during pregnancy one should be extremely careful in choosing medications. Their therapeutic effect with rhinitis, it can be detrimental to the embryo.

Often, when rhinorrhea appears, we tend to drip the nose with vasoconstrictor drops. This helps to temporarily eliminate a runny nose and restore nasal breathing. The action of the drug is to reduce the secretion and swelling of the mucosa due to the narrowing of local blood vessels.

If you use large dosages, there is a possibility of developing systemic vasospasm, which is very dangerous during pregnancy. Why should vasoconstrictor drops be used with caution during pregnancy?

  1. drugs quickly penetrate the placenta into the body of the embryo, which is fraught with mutations and death;
  2. narrowing of blood vessels reduces the delivery of nutrition and oxygen to the embryo, which leads to its hypoxia;
  3. deterioration of blood supply is also observed due to contraction of the myometrium.

With the development of allergic rhinitis, you need to know which antihistamines are safe and which can harm the unborn child.

Drug group Preparations Note
Antihistamines Diphenhydramine Can lead to heart defects, increases the risk of spontaneous abortion by increasing uterine tone
Suprastin, Cromolyn sodium Prohibited, however later dates may be used in emergencies
Pipolfen, Tavegil Forbidden
Cetirizine, Claritin With the permission of the doctor
Saline solutions Aqua Maris, Dolphin, No-sol Allowed throughout pregnancy, indicated for therapy and prevention
Vasoconstrictors Tizin, Xymelin Allowed with caution
Nazivin, Nazol Forbidden
herbal remedy Pinosol Forbidden in case of allergy to essential oils
Homeopathic preparations Delufen Allowed. Has antimicrobial, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect
Antibacterial agents Bioparox, Isofra With the permission of the doctor after 14 weeks of pregnancy

Danger of use medicines increases if used in large dosages and for a long course. In addition to the negative effect on the embryo, vasoconstrictor drugs lead to dryness of the nasal mucosa in a pregnant woman, addiction and chronic atrophic rhinitis.

Do not forget that the duration of treatment can be reduced if you follow some recommendations:

  1. drinking regimen should be 1.5-2 liters per day. Its volume must be controlled by a doctor in order to avoid increased swelling. A pregnant woman needs to drink fruit drinks, warm milk, still water, compotes or tea;
  2. bed rest is necessary to restore the body's strength;
  3. aloe juice is useful for instillation of nasal passages;
  4. washing the oropharynx and nasal passages is carried out with herbal decoctions (sage, chamomile) or saline solutions;
  5. vitamin nutrition is shown;
  6. it is necessary to ventilate the room, wet cleaning and air humidification.


The frequency of colds can be reduced by avoiding hypothermia, prolonged contact with sick people, eating healthy foods and spending enough time on fresh air. In addition, sleep and protection from stress are important for a pregnant woman. Comprehensive prevention will not only strengthen the immune system, but also improve the mood of the expectant mother.

Is a runny nose dangerous during pregnancy? It all depends on its cause and treatment tactics. If you start washing the nose in time, increase the drinking regimen and take vitamins, the disease will quickly recede, without giving chances for complications. The main thing is to notice the symptoms in time and consult a doctor.

Runny nose during pregnancy can appear quite often. There are many factors that contribute to the development of rhinitis. What causes the appearance of a runny nose during pregnancy, what are its symptoms, complications, methods of treatment and prevention?

What is the essence of the problem

It often happens that a runny nose in a pregnant woman develops as soon as she finds out about her interesting position. This means that the woman's immune system is weakened. Regardless of the reason for the development of a runny nose in pregnant women, it delivers a huge number of problems.

Often during the bearing of a child, the so-called vasomotor rhinitis. It is caused by hormonal dysfunctions in the body. Rhinitis occurs as a result of mucosal edema caused by malfunctions in the concentration of biologically active substances. Often a severe runny nose during pregnancy occurs in the second trimester.

In some cases, such rhinitis disappears only after the birth of a child. Usually, the doctor does not prescribe special therapy in case of development of hormonal rhinitis. How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy if it has a vasomotor nature? In this case, it may be necessary to use special drops to moisturize the mucous membrane.

If the patient has a strong sneezing, then this may indicate that it is of an allergic origin. In this case, you can usually get rid of a runny nose during pregnancy with the help of antihistamines. However, not all medicines are indicated during the bearing of the baby. Only the doctor decides what is possible for a woman during this wonderful period, and prescribes allergy medications only when the harm from rhinitis is incomparably greater than the potential risk from introducing an antihistamine into the body.

  1. Vasoconstrictor drops or sprays are prescribed only in the most serious cases and at reduced dosages. These are Xylometazoline, Naphthyzinum. Safer - Rinazolin, Vibrocil, Nazivin. The doctor may prescribe children's drugs, they are less likely to cause side effects.
  2. Medicines based on plant extracts and salts. Pinosol, Evamenthol and other means are used.
  3. Preparations of natural essential oils (mint, eucalyptus).
  4. Sprays based on sea water: Aquamaris, Humer. They have a pronounced moisturizing effect. Aqualor sprays have the same effect.
  5. Homeopathic remedies can also be used in case of rhinitis during pregnancy. They have a firming effect, help to cope with the secretion of mucus and the formation of crusts in the nose. One of these homeopathic remedies is Delufen. It is significant that it also has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

Before using any medication, you should consult your doctor.

Features of allergic rhinitis during pregnancy

Allergic rhinitis during childbearing may occur spontaneously. However, drugs for the common cold during pregnancy are not allowed for everyone and not for everyone. After all, women undergo hormonal changes, especially in the first third, they are extremely vulnerable.

The main recommendation is that any allergy pills should be taken with extreme caution. If the first symptoms of rhinitis appear, then first of all we turn to a specialist. Only the attending physician will determine which remedy can be prescribed to a woman without harm to the child, how to minimize unpleasant symptoms runny nose.

In a pregnant woman, an allergic rhinitis can be caused by the following factors:

  • ticks (they are in pillows, carpets, furniture upholstery);
  • dust, including house dust;
  • pollen in the air in large quantities;
  • some insects;
  • wool from pets;
  • food (it is possible that during pregnancy an allergy appears on those fruits or berries, dishes for which it was not previously);
  • medicines.

When the first symptoms of allergy appear, a woman should consult a therapist in order to effectively and without side effects treat a runny nose during pregnancy. Vasoconstrictor drugs in such cases are not prescribed, because they can only complicate the course of the disease. The use of antihistamines is necessary only in the most extreme cases and only to a minimum. This rule is especially true if a woman has signs of allergic rhinitis in the first trimester.

Intranasal corticosteroid preparations have a much better effect. However, their appointment is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. What to do in such cases? To minimize the symptoms of rhinitis, you must first of all limit or completely protect yourself from contact with the allergen substance.

Some folk remedies for the treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy

Folk medicine for the common cold for pregnant women is an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical preparations. However, one must be especially careful: even seemingly harmless folk drops and ointments for a runny nose can be dangerous for some categories of women. To cure a runny nose and nasal congestion during pregnancy, you must first consult a therapist for advice. It will help you choose the most effective remedy from rhinitis.

Folk remedies that can be taken in case of a runny nose during pregnancy:

  1. Onion juice, diluted with water, should be instilled into each nostril.
  2. Aloe juice (it must also be pre-diluted with water).
  3. With rhinitis, rinsing tea- soda solution(soda for the preparation of such a solution should be taken quite a bit so as not to provoke irritation of the mucous membrane).
  4. Freshly squeezed juices (carrot, apple, beetroot) help. They must be buried in the nostrils. It is impossible to use store products for such purposes, they will not bring any result, because they contain various additives.
  5. In the pharmacy you can buy natural sea buckthorn, Peach oil. Such folk remedies for the common cold during pregnancy bring good effect. Before instillation, they are diluted with a base (any natural vegetable oil). It is strictly contraindicated to use such products undiluted.
  6. If you do not have an inhaler or nebulizer, you can do simple inhalations over hot potatoes. To do this, wrap yourself in a towel. Breathing steam during pregnancy is recommended for no more than 5 minutes, so as not to provoke complications.
  7. Infusions from chamomile flowers or marigolds, eucalyptus, thyme herb, sage perfectly fight the common cold, especially if you make inhalations based on such decoctions. They are allowed to be used several times a day.
  8. It is very useful to constantly moisturize the nasal mucosa. For such procedures, the usual baby cream. Today, the pharmaceutical industry uses with great success creams and sprays for moisturizing the mucous membranes, in which ordinary sea water is present. Using moisturizing sprays and drops is absolutely safe for health.

Features of the common cold in acute respiratory viral disease

The reason for this condition is viral infection. Due to the peculiarities of the immune system, pregnant women are extremely vulnerable to viruses that cause inflammation in the nasal mucosa. With a runny nose, a woman needs careful care and effective treatment because a viral infection is very dangerous for the unborn child.

Treatment options may vary depending on each specific case. Only a doctor can determine how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy. It is strictly forbidden to practice self-medication because of the danger of causing great harm to the body of the mother and child.

At first, the doctor will prescribe special solutions based on sea water. They perfectly moisturize the nasal mucosa and contribute to speedy recovery. The use of Pinosol is also shown. This medicine is made from the safest herbal ingredients for pregnant women.

Inhalations are an equally effective measure to combat rhinitis. In addition, such procedures can be applied in cases where it is complicated by a cough. After inhalation, the process of expectoration of mucus intensifies and recovery is accelerated.

Special antiviral drugs prescribed by a doctor only in cases where it will not harm the child. Based on the results of the blood test, the most effective and at the same time safe means. The reduction of high temperature must be carried out very carefully so as not to cause side effects. The modern pharmacological industry offers some safe remedies that can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Prevention of rhinitis during pregnancy

A runny nose can be easily prevented. This is much easier to do than to treat the disease. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • try to increase the humidity in the room, in which case the likelihood of irritation of the nasal mucosa will decrease;
  • avoid exposure to allergens, especially cigarette smoke;
  • avoid drinking drinks containing caffeine;
  • drink more fluids;
  • dress only for the season - this way you can avoid overheating or hypothermia;
  • temper;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • include more fresh berries and fruits in the diet;
  • sleep on a high pillow;
  • avoid contact with allergens.

Causes of runny nose in pregnant women

Pregnant women are not at all immune from the appearance of a runny nose. There are quite a few reasons for this. And you should not assume that all this is happening due to the fact that the woman’s immunity is weakening at this time, and therefore you can catch a cold or acute respiratory infections very quickly. There are other factors that affect the appearance of nasal congestion in a pregnant woman. True, despite any causes, a runny nose brings with it discomfort not only for the expectant mother, but also for the developing baby.

There are situations when a woman does not even know that she is pregnant, and her nasal congestion has already appeared. Moreover, until the end of pregnancy, her runny nose never goes away. This condition is called the runny nose of pregnant women or vasomotor rhinitis. The reason for its appearance lies in the hormonal restructuring of the whole organism, which provokes swelling of the nasopharynx. As a rule, a similar runny nose appears in a woman in the second trimester. And almost always completely disappears only after childbirth. It should be noted that it is not necessary to treat such a runny nose in a special way. But it is necessary to help breathe freely. Below are various ways to reduce mucosal swelling. But it must be emphasized that a pregnant woman should start only with the safest method for her.

You should not exclude such an option that a runny nose and endless sneezing are the result of an allergy. It is especially pronounced in the midst of spring flowering plants. If this is the case, then you need to contact a specialist immediately. And in the event that, in addition to a runny nose, a pregnant woman has a headache, a sore throat and heat, then we can say with certainty that this is a viral disease. And it is urgent to start treatment. After all, any infection can be very dangerous for both the expectant mother and her baby, especially if it develops in the early stages of pregnancy.

That is why, you should not wait until the nose starts to pour continuously. You should start to eliminate the cause as soon as possible. Of course, the most ideal option will be, if the reason is called by the doctor. It is the doctor who must correctly explain how to properly treat in similar condition. And what can and should be done, and what is absolutely forbidden for pregnant women to do. But in the event that it is not possible to get an appointment with a specialist, then you can use the recommendations and tips below.

Methods for treating a runny nose during pregnancy

Today there are quite a few various ways to cure runny nose.

1 Pregnant women can be perfectly helped by ordinary vasoconstrictor drops, which are sold for the treatment of the common cold. This is really the most effective option. But at the same time it is very dangerous. Many are well aware that human body rather quickly gets used to such drops and therefore it is recommended to change them often. But since such drops really act almost instantly, so many mothers completely forget about the harm that they can bring. But in vain, because now a woman should think not only about herself alone, but also about her future baby. And such drops can harm him. After all, it is known that even the most common drops like Naphthyzin or Galazolin affect not only the woman's body, but also the arteries that are in the formed placenta. And some of the drug can get into the esophagus of a woman, and from there - into the mother's blood, and then - into the blood of the placenta. And this means that there may be some kind of circulatory disorder in the placenta, and, as a result, the fetus. Moreover, pregnant women get used to such drops much faster than non-pregnant women. The reason for this is again hormonal changes in the female body.

But you can find an alternative treatment for the common cold. These are the so-called "People's" drops. But it should be noted right away that almost any treatment (including folk remedies) has certain contraindications. It follows that before using folk remedies, you should still consult a doctor. Some doctors give very practical advice about the use of certain herbs during pregnancy.

2 The simplest and most proven method of dealing with a runny nose is either onion juice diluted with water, or aloe juice (which must also be diluted). You can use this tool quite often - 2 or even 3 times a day, 2 drops in each nostril. You can significantly alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman suffering from a runny nose with simple tea and soda drops. You can even use a rinse. To prepare such a medicine, add one teaspoon of soda to a glass of warm black tea. You can bury this remedy two drops in each nostril no more than three times a day.

3 Folk remedies involve use as medicines freshly squeezed juices. With a runny nose, for example, apple, carrot, beet or any citrus juices are very effective. But before using this tool, it must be emphasized that freshly squeezed juices can cause an allergic reaction in a woman. And you can not instill juices purchased in stores into the nose, as they have various additives that will not be useful in the treatment. But in the event that the juice is prepared at home, then it can bring real relief to a pregnant woman. Juices also should not drip often. Traditional medicine recommends doing this three to four times a day, two to three drops in each nostril.

4 Can be used as nose drops special oils . Bring a noticeable effect of sea buckthorn, peach and rosehip oil. These oils have an excellent emollient effect. On bury them in pure form not: before use, such oils should be diluted, for example, with vegetable oil. The most effective base oil is olive oil. It is diluted in the following proportion: 1 part of the medicinal oil accounts for 20 parts of the base oil. Moreover, at home, you can cook such oil yourself. To do this, it is necessary to grind as much as possible the grass on which it will be cooked. medicinal oil, and mix it with olive oil in the proportion of two tablespoons of chopped herbs to one glass of oil. Previously, the oil is boiled over a very low heat for 10 minutes. After that, the oil is filtered. You can bury such a medicinal oil from three to five drops in each nostril.

5 With a cold, you can use a simple warming up. But you need to know that such warming procedures can only be taken if the woman does not have elevated temperature. After all, in the process of warming up, blood flows to the inflamed area. this moment mucous membrane. And as a result of this influx, the temperature can rise. At the same time, the mucus that is in the nose becomes noticeably thinner and, thanks to this, it is quickly removed from the nasal passages. And, as a result, nasal congestion is reduced. This is the simplest and most popular traditional medicine recipe for dealing with nasal congestion. The nose can be warmed up with a hard boiled egg. Or you can heat either salt or cereal, then pour them into a canvas bag and apply it to your nose. It is necessary to heat both nostrils. It is necessary to continue the procedure until the cereal or salt has cooled.

6 Very effective in the treatment of the common cold inhalation. They are recommended to be carried out using a special device called a nebulizer. But, nevertheless, many use the old proven method, which consists in the fact that the patient is covered with a thick towel over a bowl or pan of hot warming agent. And they breathe hot steam there. Pregnant women can breathe them for no more than five minutes. Immediately after the end of such a procedure, it is impossible to get into drafts or go outside for one hour.

What infusions for inhalation can be used by pregnant women? Traditional medicine offers a huge choice for these purposes. But still, pregnant women should still stop at the flowers of calendula and chamomile. You can also use the leaves of plantain, eucalyptus, as well as herbs of sage, St. John's wort or thyme. To prepare a medicinal tincture for inhalation, take one or two tablespoons of the desired herb and pour a glass of freshly boiled water. After that, it is necessary to bend over the container with the resulting infusion and begin to inhale the steam. You should breathe through your nose, because the treatment is done in order to reduce the congestion of the nome. Such inhalations can be carried out up to six times a day.

7 In the fight against the common cold, it is necessary rinse your nose and often moisturize the nasal mucosa. This method is also suitable for pregnant women. To moisturize, you can use an ordinary baby cream. If not, then Vaseline or any vegetable oil may also be suitable. Today in pharmacies you can find moisturizing sprays, which include sterile sea water. These are Aqualor, Aquamaris and other sprays. These drugs are really completely safe for a pregnant woman. And at the same time, they moisturize the mucous membrane of the nose and even the nasopharynx very well. Puffiness from this is noticeably reduced. Moreover, such sprays are not addictive and do not cause any allergic reactions. After all, by and large, it's just sea water.

8 In the event that there is a severe runny nose, then you can use for washing infusions from medicinal herbs and even medicines. There are such recipes: licorice, rhizomes of the mountaineer, plantain leaves, clover flowers, calendula, and sage grass are taken. Herbs are taken in equal parts. Pour them into a container and pour a glass of boiling water. After that, you should bring herbal infusion bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 2 hours. After this, the infusion should be filtered and used warm for washing. Moreover, you can perform such a procedure no more than five times a day. And to make it more convenient to rinse your nose, you should use an ordinary syringe for this. If it is not possible to prepare an infusion of their herbs, then you can rinse your nose with a simple brine with a drop of iodine added.

9 We must not forget about the maximum air humidification in the room where there is a pregnant woman with a runny nose. After all, it is too dry air in the room that can provoke not only nasal congestion, but even a runny nose. To make the air more humid, you can use special humidifiers. If they are not there, then you can simply arrange containers with clean water. And do not forget that indoor plants perfectly moisturize the air in the room.

10 There is another way to effectively deal with the common cold. It's about O acupressure . It should be carried out on the outer sides of each of the nostrils. And in order to enhance the effect obtained, it is necessary to anoint the bridge of the nose, well known to everyone, before the massage. modern man means - "Asterisk". But you need to apply a very thin layer.

11 Sometimes doctors in the fight against the common cold recommend pregnant women warm baths for hands or feet. But use this method necessary very careful. Indeed, as practice has shown, very hot baths are harmful to a pregnant woman, especially in the first trimester. It is they who provoke the termination of pregnancy, that is, miscarriages. And if the pregnant woman has varicose veins veins, then taking baths will be strictly contraindicated. And in order for the bath to bring a certain effect, it is necessary that the water in it does not exceed 40 degrees. Some pregnant women have a reasonable question: can such baths really help with a bad cold? Even if the runny nose does not completely go away, fatigue and heaviness in the legs will definitely pass. And in order for the effect to be noticeable, you should immediately put warm woolen socks on your feet after taking such a bath.

Prevention measures against the common cold during pregnancy

In order not to fall into unpleasant situation during pregnancy in a runny nose, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You shouldn't overcool.
  • During a trip to any public place(office, pharmacy, shop) should carefully lubricate the nostrils oxolinic ointment(it is necessary to smear from the inside). It is especially important to do this during a seasonal flu epidemic, for example.
  • In the event that a sick person appears in the family, a pregnant woman should try to limit communication with him as much as possible until the person recovers. A mask must be worn at all times in the home.
  • In the same case, if a cold still appears, it is necessary to start treating it as soon as possible.
  • It is necessary to constantly take care of strengthening the immunity of a pregnant woman. If the protective forces female body will be normal, he will not be afraid of any colds. You need to seriously reconsider your diet and lifestyle. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be on the table every day. ABOUT bad habits should be totally forgotten.

But the most main advice- You can not self-medicate. In the event that a pregnant woman does not have a runny nose after 3-4 days, you should definitely contact a specialist - a doctor, Laura.

In the article we discuss a runny nose during pregnancy - the causes of its occurrence and methods of treatment. You will learn how dangerous rhinitis is during pregnancy, what pharmaceutical preparations you can take and how to prevent its occurrence during the cold season.

If you have a runny nose during pregnancy, consult a doctor, do not pick up medicines on your own

Runny nose during pregnancy is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which often worries expectant mothers and is due to several reasons.

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • colds, SARS, flu;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • low air humidity;
  • nasopharyngeal polyps;
  • proliferation of adenoids;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • allergies to pollen, wool and other allergens

Traditional symptoms of the common cold are swelling of the mucous membranes, sneezing, itching and copious excretion liquid transparent mucus, which gradually thickens, and crusts form. During pregnancy, nosebleeds or blood clots in nasal secretions may be added to these symptoms. A runny nose with blood during pregnancy is not dangerous and is explained by the fact that the amount of circulating blood in a woman's body increases. Blood stagnates in the vessels of the nasal mucosa, and when blowing out part small vessels damaged and broken.

If a runny nose does not go away during pregnancy within 3 days, make an appointment with your doctor. Allergies, colds and other pathologies can be dangerous for you and your baby.

Is a runny nose dangerous during pregnancy?

The answer to the question of whether a runny nose is dangerous during pregnancy depends on the cause of its occurrence. At mild form You don’t have to worry about hormonal runny nose - there is no risk for the woman and the fetus. Another question is if you have a cold, you have an allergy, sinusitis, or a hormonal runny nose has passed into a severe stage with edema.

Mucosal edema disrupts nasal breathing, and a state of hypoxia occurs, which is harmful to the child. Also, with a runny nose, a woman breathes through her mouth and can become infected with a more serious infection, since the air is not filtered through the nasal mucosa.

Pharmacy preparations for the common cold during pregnancy

Do not try to treat rhinitis on your own. Especially if you have a sore throat and a runny nose at the same time during pregnancy, you have a headache and cough, it becomes painful to swallow, your body temperature has risen to 37.5 ° C and above. See a doctor immediately to rule out pathologies that are dangerous for you and your baby.

After determining the cause of rhinitis, the specialist will prescribe the optimal course of therapy and select safe drugs than to treat a runny nose during pregnancy.

The basis of the treatment of the common cold is:

  • regular cleansing of the nasal cavity from mucus and crusts with the help of blowing your nose, pharmaceutical preparations, rinsing with saline solutions;
  • softening, moisturizing and reducing irritation of the nose;
  • relief of nasal breathing;
  • stimulation of the immune system and the fight against pathogens.

In addition to traditional drops, sprays, washing solutions and ointments, doctors recommend doing inhalations for a runny nose with a pregnant nebulizer. This is a special device that sprays a medicinal solution directly into the nose. You inhale the solution, hold your breath, and then exhale through your mouth. For inhalation, use infusions of calendula, chamomile flowers, plantain leaves, eucalyptus, sage, St. John's wort and thyme herb. Repeat the procedure 3 to 6 times a day.

Drops and sprays

To treat a runny nose, your doctor may prescribe drops, rinses, or ointments.

Depending on the stage of the common cold, treatment in pregnant women for colds, allergies, or hormonal changes involves taking various pharmaceutical preparations.

At severe congestion nose can prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs - Tizin, Farial, Sanorin and others. Vasoconstrictive sprays and nasal drops for pregnant women come into contact with the nasal mucosa, effectively relieve swelling and normalize breathing. However, they are partially absorbed into the blood, so they can have a narrowing effect on the arteries of the placenta, provoking fetal hypoxia.

The need for treatment with such drugs is determined only by a doctor. He will assess your well-being, the severity of the disease, potential harm for the fetus and decide whether pregnant women can use Tizin for the common cold and other decongestants.

If a woman suffered before conception allergic rhinitis and was saved from him by Vibrocil, she has a question whether it is possible for pregnant women to have Vibrocil from a cold. In this case, it is also necessary to consult a doctor. The drug not only constricts blood vessels throughout the body, but also increases blood pressure. And many pregnant women are already prone to arterial hypertension.

Nasal drops and sprays Tizin and Vibrocil are most dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy and the least risky in the second trimester of pregnancy.

With a mild form of the common cold or the presence of contraindications to vasoconstrictor drugs, homeopathic preparations are prescribed that are safe for future mother and her baby. Their effect is not so fast, but it is.

What can pregnant women from a cold:

  • preparations with sterilized sea water in the composition - drops and sprays from the common cold for pregnant women Aqualor and AquaMaris; they flush out mucus from the oral cavity and reduce its secretion;
  • Pinosol oil drops - they help with a dry runny nose, as they moisturize the nasal mucosa and reduce swelling; however, these drops for a runny nose for pregnant women contain oils of pine, mint and fir, so check with your doctor if pregnant women can get Pinosol from an allergic runny nose;
  • drugs to stimulate local immunity - Grippferon drops; the medicine kills viruses and prevents the development of SARS and influenza.

More information about the action of Pinosol, Aqualor and Grippferon can be found in the table.

Name Action Instruction
Pinosol Drops have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, improve tissue regeneration of the nasal mucosa, reduce gland secretion and completely eliminate congestion. On the 1st day of illness, drip 1-2 drops into the nose. The interval between uses is 2 hours or more. On the 2nd day, drip Pinosol already 3-4 times a day.
Aqualor Salt solution softens and separates crusts from the nose, washes out harmful microorganisms, and reduces hyperemia of inflamed mucous membranes. Insert the spray tip into the nose and spray for 1-2 seconds. Blow your nose and repeat the procedure for the other nasal passage. Do injections 4-6 times a day.
Grippferon The drug blocks the reproduction of viruses and bacteria, reduces soreness in the nasopharynx, eliminates nasal congestion, swelling and causes relief immediately after administration. Enter Grippferon at the first signs of SARS every 3-4 hours, 3 drops for 5 days. After each instillation, massage the wings of the nose for 1-2 minutes.

Solutions for flushing

To cleanse the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus, use rinsing with saline solutions. To safe pharmaceutical products include:

  • preparations based on sea water - AquaMaris;
  • saline and physiological solutions;
  • complexes for washing the nose - Dolphin.

The AquaMaris nasal wash set includes a special teapot and powder sea ​​salt. The Dolphin washing complex is also a device with an irrigator bottle, a nasal nozzle and a bag of dry powder. When using both devices, do not allow the solution to cool and do not use too hot liquid, so as not to cause increased secretion.

In some cases, doctors prescribe Miramistin for a runny nose during pregnancy - an antiseptic with an antimicrobial effect, which is washed maxillary sinuses. Pre-cleanse the nasal cavity with any saline solution.

Detailed instructions for the use of drugs are presented in the table.

Name Action Instruction
AquaMaris The drug moisturizes the nasal mucosa, softens the crusts, liquefies the secret and removes puffiness.

Dilute the salt from the bag with boiled water and pour it into the device. Lean over a sink, turn your head to the side, press the tip of the device against your nostril and wait for the liquid to drain from the other nostril. Do the same with the second nasal passage.

Blot the rest of the water with a towel

Dolphin The solution has an antiseptic effect, promotes the separation of mucus, starts the work of mucociliary transport, flushes out the virus and increases the body's defenses. Dissolve the powder in a glass of boiled water and pour the liquid into the device. Bend over so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Hold the device at a right angle. Press the nozzle to the nasal opening, make deep breath and hold your breath. Squeeze the vial slowly. When fluid flows out of the opposite nasal opening, blow your nose. Repeat the procedure with the second nostril. Discard the rest of the liquid. Do washing 1-2 times a day for no longer than 7 days.
Miramistin The drug has an antiviral and antiseptic effect, accelerates the healing of mucous membranes and quickly returns the ability to breathe freely. Pour 10-15 ml of Miramistin into a bowl and dilute with saline in a 1:1 ratio. Fill the syringe with the solution, tilt your head over the sink, pour the liquid into the nostril and wait for it to flow out of the other nasal passage. Do the same with the second nostril. Blow your nose after each rinse. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.


To prevent drying of the mucous membranes and remove unpleasant feeling dryness, reduce swelling, stimulate the immune system, supplement the treatment with an ointment for the common cold - Asterisk, Evamenol and Fleming's ointment.

An asterisk during pregnancy from a runny nose has natural composition and is useful for any colds. However, it sometimes causes allergies in expectant mothers. Therefore, be sure to do an allergy test before using. Apply a drop of ointment to the crook of your elbow and wait 30 minutes. If no redness, swelling, or other signs of allergy occur, begin treatment.

Fleming's ointment during pregnancy from a runny nose is used with partial blockage of nasal breathing. It stimulates microcirculation in the blood and strengthens immune system. Although it can also cause allergies.

Evamenol is prescribed at any stage of pregnancy. It is completely safe for the mother and her baby, although it is effective only as aid therapy.

  • Do not apply ointment with a tissue, finger, or handkerchief. The product should not get on the mucous membrane of the eye or wound surfaces.
  • Do not put the drug deep into the nose, so as not to provoke a backlash - an increase in congestion of the nasal passages.

In the table below you can find out detailed diagram use of ointments from the common cold.

Name Action Instruction
Star The ointment stops the inflammation process, reduces the amount of secretion in the nasal passages. Apply a few drops on the outside of the sides of the nose, press lightly on the skin and rub for 1-3 minutes in a circular motion.
Fleming's ointment The tool effectively reduces swelling of the nose, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, anesthetizes and dries the mucous surface. Feeling better after 2 days of use. Squeeze some ointment out of the tube and dip into it cotton swab or a tampon. Put the swab in the nasal passage for 10-15 minutes. Do the procedure 2 times a day in the morning and evening.
Evamenol The medicine constricts blood vessels, restores nasal breathing and reduces burning sensation in the nasal passages. Dip a cotton swab into a pea sized amount of ointment and apply to inside nasal passages. The treatment regimen is 3 times a day for no longer than 10 days.

Folk remedies for the common cold during pregnancy

Parallel to drug therapy use folk remedies for the common cold during pregnancy after consultation with your doctor.

Popular folk ways rhinitis treatment:

  • warming up the nose with boiled eggs and cloth bags with salt;
  • infusion of plantain, leaves of St. John's wort or wild strawberries;
  • onion and garlic inhalations over a teapot;
  • massage of the wings of the nose with essential oils.

Also, with colds and hormonal rhinitis, “folk” drops help:

  • aloe juice with a runny nose during pregnancy;
  • onion juice diluted with water;
  • baking soda dissolved in a glass of hot black tea;
  • homemade carrot, apple and beet juice;
  • rosehip or sea buckthorn essential oil with vegetable oil.

Bury them 2 drops 2-3 times a day.

Kalanchoe juice has proven itself well for a runny nose during pregnancy. It provokes prolonged intense sneezing, due to which the nasal passages are cleared of mucus. However, the same sneezing causes contraction of the lower abdominal muscles, pain and spasms, so the medicine is contraindicated in uterine hypertonicity, malpresentation fetus and threatened miscarriage.

If the doctor allows the treatment of Kalanchoe, prepare homemade drops for a cold. Choose a plant at least 3 years old with the highest concentration of nutrients.


  1. Kalanchoe leaf - 1 pc.
  2. Boiled water - 1 tsp

How to cook: Cut a leaf from the branches of the plant, rinse and place in a ceramic or wooden plate. Crush with a crush or rub with a spoon, add warm water and stir. Strain and pour into a glass jar.

How to use: Instill juice into each nostril 1-3 drops 2 times a day.

Result: The plant constricts blood vessels, activates the formation of mucus and facilitates its removal from the sinuses, stops the spread of infection, eliminates irritation and gradually reduces nasal congestion.

Prevention of the common cold during pregnancy

Because the the best remedy from a runny nose - this is its prevention, follow the following recommendations during pregnancy:

  1. In season colds put on medical mask every time you go outside. Upon returning home, rinse your nose with a soda solution or herbal decoctions.
  2. stick proper nutrition and if it is not possible to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, take vitamin supplements with the permission of a doctor.
  3. Ventilate the room every day and do wet cleaning more often.
  4. Make sure that the head, lower back and legs are always warm.
  5. Sleep at least 9 hours, avoid stress and negative situations.
  6. Go in for sports - yoga, therapeutic gymnastics or swimming.
  7. At the first sign of a cold, take inhalations and drip aloe juice into the nose during pregnancy from a runny nose, diluting it with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio.

For more information about the common cold during pregnancy, see the video:

What to remember

  1. A runny nose during pregnancy can be caused by hormonal changes in the body, allergies, colds or sinusitis.
  2. Safe drops and sprays from the common cold - Pinosol, Aqualor, Grippferon.
  3. You can rinse your nose with solutions of AquaMaris, Dolphin, Miramistin.
  4. Recommended ointments for rhinitis - Asterisk, Fleming's ointment, Evamenol.
  5. Traditional medicine advises dripping Kalanchoe juice into the nose.