Gargling during pregnancy. Healing properties of green sage in the form of a decoction and tincture. Gargling during pregnancy - safe recipes

Good day!

I'll risk holding and promised women's competition beauty

A big request to wait first for the calculation of the list.
Vote as before with the message "+1" or "plus 1", all sorts of "plus stopizzot" do not count.

Small update: to avoid repeating names, add names as a reply to the first/second comment with a list. And the photo and the signature (!) Further, the usual unattached comment. (So ​​that the list of names is immediately in front of your eyes, and not look for people in the middle of the topic just by the photo and think if they are there.)

I thank the Marquis of no Angels and several other people for their support, participation and help in creating the lists.



Good day to all!

On October 12, 2016 at 09.51 Moscow time, forum member Kysya announced the opening of the First intra-forum poetry competition.
Since then, 2 years, 4 months, 22 days, 2 hours and 36 minutes have passed. During this time, you were able to enjoy 155 wonderful competitive poems and 8 wonderful out-of-competition works, cast more than one and a half thousand of your votes, chose 9 winners and said “thank you” to all our dear authors countless times.
I really hope that this wonderful tradition will not stop, that new and “old, but departed authors” will join us in the next anniversary competition we will sum up even more impressive results!!!
On this inspiring note, I declare the voting in the Tenth intra-forum poetry competition open!!!

Remind me of the task.
Subject - " Today is a girls day» (holiday any-any).
Complicating element - the presence of a flower (any-any and in any quantities).

I bring to your attention 17 competitive poems and 1 out-of-competition. Please read and rate each. If you can’t read all the works at once, then be sure to return to this topic later to finish reading and vote.

Let me remind you of the rules.
1. Do not comment until I have posted all the works for the judgment of critics. Wait for the poem to be posted to the end (just in case, at the end of each there will be a beacon in the form of the word END).
2. Authors of works cannot disclose their anonymity until the end of the voting.
3. Only users with a personal page on the forum can vote.
4. Only a comment in the form of +1 directly below the verse. If you do not have a plus on your keyboard, then put *1, but beacon about it to me. words plus one do not write!!!
Huge request!!! If you write a comment, then do something like this:
Text (Like/dislike something and for something...).
This is because it's very easy to miss a +1 if it's in the middle or at the end of a comment.
5. The authors ask for constructive criticism, so please feel free to express your opinion. Just do it politely, pointing out specific flaws.
6. You can vote for any number of works, but only once.
7. The votes of users who are seen in obvious trolling or insults will not be taken into account.
8. Voting will last until late Thursday evening (March 7). After the topic is closed.
9. The artwork with the most +1 will win, which will be announced in congratulatory theme on Friday March 8th.


Natalia Nikitina

Good afternoon! Tomorrow we have a holiday in the garden, or rather 2 in one (Shrovetide + March 8) First, a matinee, after tea with pancakes, which parents should bake at the request of educators, plus bring jam, etc. (who, what can) yesterday in the chat correspondence, at the suggestion of one of the parents, who is against the homemade treats brought production, including including baking, since it is not known by whom, from what and how it is made. Opinions are divided, most are for the holiday. But at the same time, if sealed Barneys and juice are not allowed in the garden during the celebration of the DR, it is not enough to open at home with parents whether what, and here products that have not been verified by anyone (the policy of double standards). Question: do you have such events in the DC? and would you agree to feed the child with food brought by someone from home?



Topics about trips during pregnancy regularly pop up on the forum, in the discussion there are a lot of stories with good ending. Today in Vesti there was a story about a similar regular madam, who seemed to be doing well and well, you can’t deprive yourself of your favorite vacation in Thailand. As a result - a baby of 700 grams, health problems both now and in the long term, huge bills from the clinic, fundraising. One such story crosses out thousands with a happy ending. Take care of your babies


Natasha Star

My son just turned 18 a week ago. He is in 11th grade. I hope to enter the budget, studies well. BM does not want to pay child support anymore. Paid 30-35k. It has long been agreed that he will not reduce payments, since in his second marriage he also had a child. And I will save my son for school from alimony. But a couple of years ago, I bought an apartment with a new husband on a mortgage and we pay part of the payments from alimony. I also have a child of kindergarten age. That's why I don't work, I get sick often. The son wants to go to enter the city where BM lives. And bm against. Did you manage and how to negotiate with bm so that they help with money after 18 years.


Horse Purple

I read an article that the debt load of Russians has reached record levels, and mortgage payments account for only 25% of debts, the rest is consumer loans.
The amount of debt per borrower also increased significantly. The average debt of borrowers with one open loan increased by 12% over the year, to 137 thousand rubles, with two - by 11%, to 284 thousand rubles.

The amount of debt of citizens who serve three and four loans added 14% each, reaching 403 and 514 thousand rubles, respectively. The load of citizens with five or more loans increased to 729 thousand rubles.

The total debt of households - including loans from IFIs - reached 15.9 trillion rubles. This is 27.84% of the monetary income of the population - an absolute historical record.

On average, borrowers give about a third of their income on mortgages and a quarter of their income on consumer loans.

Do you have consumer loans? And for what? What for? And why didn’t you manage to save up so as not to buy a thing on credit? If you do not take into account urgent and force majeure needs, such as for medical treatment, then WHY do people buy a thing on credit? I understand when this is housing, often without a loan. can't get by. And if it's a phone, TV, furniture? Please tell me what made you take consumer credit, if it's not difficult for you and if it's not a secret.


Sage - big genus plants, which includes up to 900 species - from wild little-known, to common ornamental, used in landscape design, and medicinal products used in the official and traditional medicine, subspecies.

With the help of sage officinalis, you can help relieve inflammation from a sore throat, so you need to know how to prepare an infusion for rinsing from it, in the treatment of which diseases it will help, whether it has contraindications, and whether it is allowed to gargle with sage during pregnancy.

properties of sage

Sage is a habitual inhabitant of vegetable gardens, fields, orchards, it grows as a cultivated and feral plant. Therefore, it is quite possible to grow or harvest it for medicinal raw materials on your own.

To do this, leaves are cut off from an annual plant in early autumn and dried for further storage, and from a two-year-old and older three times a year, starting from the beginning of flowering and ending in September, shoots with buds or flowers and young leaves are cut off.

Sage is harvested several times a season due to the fact that it grows quickly and, when cut, gives new shoots. The leaves and flowers of sage contain a number of valuable chemical substances that endow the plant with healing properties:

  • essential oils, in the composition with cineole - a natural antiseptic,
  • alkaloids,
  • vitamins,
  • tannins,
  • fatty acid glycerides,
  • flavonoids.

Thanks to these components, medicinal sage is endowed with the following properties: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, expectorant, bronchodilator, antitussive, tonic, mild analgesic, local irritant, astringent, hemostatic and diuretic.

The wide spectrum of action of sage determined such a wide popularity of this plant in medical practice.

Use in medicine

Leaves of medicinal sage and its flowers are used for gargling in the form of infusions, decoctions for inflammation in the pharynx, larynx. As an antiseptic with an astringent and mild analgesic effect, infusions are used in dentistry and ENT practice to help with bleeding gums, stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis.

Inhalations with sage essential oil help those with colds, viral infections respiratory tract, with unproductive cough.

They have anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. In folk medicine, it was used to treat tuberculosis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, using a decoction inside to strengthen the body.

Sage extract as part of a variety of dragees, tablets and lozenges for resorption in case of sore throat has a local anesthetic, antimicrobial and disinfecting effect.

Also this plant is included in ready-made herbal preparations for rinsing.

Sage-based preparations can normalize work nervous system- remove insomnia, reduce nervous excitability, irritability. In gastroenterology, this plant is assigned the role of reducing inflammation, stimulating appetite, tonic for complex therapy gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers, gallbladder problems.

Sage lotions are an effective external remedy in the presence of purulent skin lesions. In gynecology, sage infusion acts as an antiseptic for douching. Sage tea is taken by new mothers to suppress milk production when they decide to stop breastfeeding.

In cosmetology, sage essential oil is used as a flavoring agent, an additive to toothpastes, shampoos, anti-inflammatory drugs. acne, hair strengthening masks and more.

Rinse Recipes

To prepare an infusion that will gargle during SARS, sore throats, colds, you need to take 1 full teaspoon of dry sage per 200 ml of boiling water. Then let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. Rinse every 3 hours.

You should not immediately drink anything or have a snack immediately after rinsing, at least 20 minutes should pass after the procedure, but gargling at the end of the meal is a must.

To make a more concentrated infusion, you can brew a tablespoon of sage leaves and flowers in a glass of water, but then it will be enough to take half of the resulting volume of healing liquid for rinsing. This option is good for local help with sore throat, stomatitis. Rinse with warm water.

The use of sage during pregnancy and contraindications

During pregnancy, the permissibility of the use of sage becomes a big question. On the one hand, using it inside can harm both the woman and the child. For example, the properties of sage reduce the level of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, cause an increase in the tone of the uterus, which can negatively affect the course of pregnancy, up to its termination.

But on the other hand, gargling does not mean using infusion, its use is limited only local application. When rinsing, sage preparations do not have a general effect on the woman's body during pregnancy, their absorption through the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx will be insignificant and will not cause any side effects.

Therefore, it is possible to treat throat infections and rinse it with sage infusion during pregnancy, this is quite safe method therapy. But the use of sage inside in the form of decoctions, infusions and teas during pregnancy is categorically contraindicated.

If any complex drug contains sage extract, then if you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor about the appropriateness of its use.

In addition to caution in use in pregnant and lactating women, sage preparations are not recommended to be taken orally by people with:

  • hypertension,
  • Hypotension
  • thyroid pathology,
  • kidney disease,
  • Women with irregular menstruation.

Remember that the time of taking sage should not exceed three months. The fact that this plant can be gargled is recognized and supported by official medicine, but ingestion is for the most part folk remedies.

Getting sick during pregnancy is doubly unpleasant, and sometimes just dangerous. Medicinal synthetic preparations during this period, a woman is not recommended to take. Herbal remedies come to the rescue. One of them is sage.

Healing properties of green sage in the form of a decoction and tincture

The sage plant is popularly called salvia. Our ancestors considered it "a remedy for a hundred diseases." Healing properties sage are associated with the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, phytoncides and essential oils with bactericidal properties. In autumn, sage is rich in tannins, and during the period of active fruiting, the concentration of essential oils increases in it.

Sage is considered a cure for many diseases.

Today, sage is harvested as a wild plant, and is also specially cultivated for further use in pharmacology and cosmetology. The leaves are separated from the stem, dried and processed. The upper parts of the plant are also used.

On the basis of sage, preparations are made for disinfecting wounds, relieving inflammation of the mucous membranes, and stopping bleeding. Salvia is also used as a staphylococcal flora suppressant.

Indications for use:

  • gingivitis and stomatitis;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • diabetes;
  • stomach colic;
  • infertility;
  • angina;
  • catarrh of the upper respiratory tract;
  • radiculitis;
  • treatment of wounds and burns.

In folk medicine, sage is used in the form of decoctions, infusions. On the basis of the plant, preparations are prepared that can stop lactation or improve the quality of eggs. It is believed that sage contains phytohormones, similar in composition to female estrogen. Therefore, it is prescribed for the treatment of infertility, the removal of uncomfortable sensations during menopause or severe premenstrual syndrome.

Sage during pregnancy

Expectant mothers should only use sage as an external remedy. Any herbs during pregnancy are prescribed with caution. Sage is no exception. It belongs to those plants that affect muscle tone causing uterine contractions. This property is familiar to doctors of maternity hospitals, who sometimes prescribe sage teas to women who are “walking over” the birth of a baby.

Sage tea improves uterine tone

Table: is it possible to use lozenges, essential oil and tincture during pregnancy

During pregnancy, treatment with sage is not excluded. On its basis, infusions are prepared for rinsing mucous membranes or added to cool foot baths in order to relieve swelling. And also sage essential oil is used in aroma lamps for relaxation, getting rid of headaches, tension.

Steam inhalation during pregnancy, including with the use of medicinal herbs are not recommended.

Why You Shouldn't Use Salvia in Early and Late Pregnancy

Possible negative consequences when using the plant are associated with three main features:

  • phytoestrogen can reduce the level natural progesterone affecting the preservation of pregnancy;
  • the plant can increase blood pressure, which leads to vasospasm;
  • salvia stimulates uterine tone.

Another feature of the plant is its ability to influence blood clotting. This leads to the risk of thrombosis.

Sage affects blood clotting and can cause vein thrombosis

Appointment of sage for bleeding gums, toothache, varicose veins, thrush, sore throat and cough

While waiting for a baby the immune system women works with increased workload. Viruses, bacteria are serious threat for the body. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe expectant mother sage like remedy. It is most often recommended for the following problems:

  • increased bleeding gums or toothache- salvia has a disinfecting and astringent effect;
  • sore throat - relieved by rinsing with a decoction or infusion of the plant;
  • varicose veins and swelling of the legs - the condition improves with the use of local baths;
  • thrush - itching and other uncomfortable sensations are removed if washed with a decoction of sage.

For the treatment of cough, Sage is prescribed if the cause of the cough is irritation and inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Then the doctor may recommend gargling with a decoction or infusion of salvia.

Remember that taking Sage orally during pregnancy, no matter early or late term, it is forbidden. Therefore, lozenges and lozenges are strictly prohibited. But the external use of tinctures, decoctions, plant-based baths is not prohibited.

Gargling with sage infusion relieves discomfort

Other Safe Uses for Sage in Pregnant Women

It is important for a pregnant woman to feel beautiful. Unfortunately, while waiting for a child, there are often cases when, due to increased work sebaceous glands and hormonal changes in the body, the condition of the hair or skin worsens. In this case, simple cosmetical tools based on sage. For example, you can strengthen the bulbs, give strength and shine to your hair thanks to a decoction of sage: they need to rinse your head after each wash.

One of the recipes: take 2 tablespoons of sage, chamomile, burdock; pour the mixture with two liters of boiling water; insist two hours, strain and apply as directed.

It is possible to relieve irritation on the skin with the help of a sage-based lotion. It is recommended to freeze salvia decoction and wipe the skin with small therapeutic ice cubes after washing with water in the morning.

Sage is considered a completely harmless remedy that successfully copes with a sore throat. But is sage as safe during pregnancy as it is during other periods of life? You can answer this question by considering the methods of using this medicinal plant.

The positive and negative effects of sage on the human body

The advantages of medicines derived from sage are difficult to exaggerate. First of all, they help to cope with many colds and pathologies. oral cavity. Gargles based on sage are used for inflammation of the throat and tonsils, periodontal disease, ulcers on the gums and oral mucosa.

Teas from the plant are successfully used as an anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the renal pelvis and female infertility. Sitz baths are used for gynecological diseases. For elimination inflammatory processes in the bronchi and pharynx are prescribed inhalations. In addition, there are many drugs with which you can normalize the functioning of the gonads, heal poorly healing wounds and bedsores, improve the condition of hair and skin, relieve severe pain after insect bites.

All these beneficial features due to the presence in the plant valuable minerals and chemicals, including the natural antiseptic cineole and other essential oils, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and glycerides. And it is precisely because of their presence that sage during pregnancy should be used with great care, as some substances can be harmful. developing fetus. The main contraindication in this case is the use of drugs with sage inside.

In addition, it is known that teas and decoctions can reduce sweating and reduce the production of breast milk. Therefore, the use of sage is not recommended not only for pregnant women, but also for women who are breastfeeding.

Why is sage so dangerous during pregnancy? First of all, the threat of miscarriage and premature birth. Such a danger may arise due to the ability of sage to increase the amount of the hormone estradiol in the blood, the level of which in the body of a pregnant woman is already quite high. Additional magnification the amount of hormones is likely to lead to stimulation of uterine contractions and the most unpleasant consequences for the fetus.

Dangerous for pregnant women and increase blood pressure, which causes the use of drugs from sage. Considering possible consequences taking medicines from the plant inside, one cannot fail to mention the ability of sage to increase blood clotting. In this case, the normal functioning of the placenta is disturbed, oxygen starvation fetus, which can lead to developmental abnormalities.

Ways to use drugs based on sage during pregnancy

No matter how useful sage is, it is better not to use lozenges for pregnant women. But you can use decoctions and infusions for rinsing, baths and lotions. The use of drugs from the plant is not contraindicated externally.

In some cases, doctors even recommend the use of decoctions in the form of warm foot baths for signs of varicose veins, which often develops during pregnancy. They can also be used when washing inflammatory areas. skin, wounds and bedsores.

Very good result gives a gargle for sore throats, colds and chronic tonsillitis. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 1 tsp. dry sage and pour 1 cup boiling water. Then the broth is infused for 0.5 hours and filtered. The rinsing procedure is carried out every 3 hours during the day.

Immediately after the procedure, you can not eat or drink, at least 30 minutes must pass so that the chemicals from the decoction have time to act on sore throat. With stomatitis, you can use a more concentrated infusion. In this case, 1 tablespoon is added to 1 cup of boiling water. dry plant. For rinsing, it is enough to take ½ of the resulting liquid.

Many pregnant women are afraid to use sage preparations externally as well. It should be noted that baths and gargles are not dangerous for the baby: the absorption of chemicals through the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat is so insignificant that it will not affect the condition of the placenta and fetus. Proper use of sage during pregnancy will not only cure inflammatory diseases of the throat and skin, but also preserve the health of the unborn child.

Therapeutic measures for early stage diseases can prevent further development of the infection, whether it is viral or bacterial. The principle of treatment is not to harm yourself and the unborn child. For a pregnant woman, it is best to use a gargle various means. Consider what harmless medicines are in the pharmacy network for rinsing and how else you can treat your throat at home.

Causes of sore throat in a pregnant woman

It is known that the immune system in pregnant women is reduced. A weakened woman's body becomes sensitive to pathogens - viruses and bacteria. Any cold can cause the development of a sore throat or provoke an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. Sore throat in pregnant women is a manifestation of a disease, most often infectious. The most common diseases in pregnant women:

  • flu;
  • exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis of bacterial or viral origin;
  • Infectious mononucleosis.

Viral or bacterial intoxication along with elevated temperature can harm the baby, cause fetal hypoxia or placental abruption. Sometimes an infection in a pregnant woman causes a miscarriage.

General principles of therapeutic measures for sore throat in pregnant women

Treatment of sore throat is carried out according to 2 principles:

  1. local effect on the inflammatory process;
  2. decrease in intoxication and temperature.

To speed up recovery, both types of treatment should be used simultaneously.

Therapeutic measures to reduce intoxication and temperature:

  • wipe should be applied warm water or take a cool shower;
  • it is recommended to drink plenty of alkaline mineral water"Borjomi" without gas in small portions throughout the day;
  • drinking infusion of wild rose, fruit drink and tea with lemon at room temperature brings great benefits;
  • at a temperature, do not take hot drinks. Food should also be at room temperature.

Local effect on the inflammatory process:

  • at the very beginning of the disease, rinsing the mouth with chamomile and sage is effective, as well as weak saline solution. Rinses, which are done every 2 hours, free the mucous membranes of the mouth from pathogenic bacteria. Regular use of rinses stops the development of the disease also because herbal infusions have anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects;
  • sprays, lozenges (, Lizobakt, etc.) have a good local effect on the infection in the throat.

Treatment of angina in a pregnant woman

Propolis tincture for rinsing is used in a diluted form. To prepare the solution, pour 1 tbsp into 1 glass of water. l. pharmacy tincture of propolis. Rinse your mouth after 2-3 hours for 2 minutes. Propolis is valued as a strong antiseptic, but, like all bee products, it can cause allergies, especially in pregnant women. Not all ENT specialists agree with the use of propolis for rinsing during pregnancy. In fact, why put a pregnant woman at risk when alternative drugs are available.

In conclusion, we emphasize that for the treatment of throat pregnant women are offered a huge choice. medicines for rinsing or sucking tablets. However, any medicine can cause various reactions in people prone to allergies. Pregnant women should be especially careful when choosing a medicine. In the first trimester, licorice is not recommended, procedures with essential oils fir, rosemary. Do not use sage internally. Rinsing harmless herbal infusions and other solutions will help stop the disease at its very beginning.