Low progesterone during early pregnancy. Add your comment. Increasing Progesterone Naturally

In the female body, the hormonal background determines general state health and fertility. Any deviations from the norm lead to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and become a reason for going to the doctor. low progesterone affects the menstrual cycle, pregnancy. But at timely treatment this condition is correctable.

In what cases does the concentration of the hormone decrease?

The concentration of the hormone is different on each day of the cycle. From the beginning of menstruation to ovulation, the lowest value of the indicators is noted. This is a physiologically low level of progesterone, which will rise after ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum. In the second phase of the cycle, an increase in concentration is noted. With a normally functioning corpus luteum, the endometrium sprouts abundantly with vessels, preparing for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

A physiological decrease in the level of the hormone occurs in postmenopause. After the last menstruation, the maturation of the eggs stops, the corpus luteum does not form, and the adrenal glands are not able to maintain concentration at the proper level.

If progesterone is low, then the reasons for this may be as follows:

  • insufficiency of the luteal phase of the cycle;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • disruption of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • (in pregnant women);
  • hypereprolactinemia;

Indirectly, the concentration of the hormone can be influenced by lifestyle, stress level, intensity of physical activity, nutrition.

luteal phase

Below normal progesterone levels may occur due to luteal phase deficiency. The functional factors of such a condition can be determined by the state of the ovaries themselves.

There are diseases that lead to such a hormonal background:

  1. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disease in which the follicle matures, but does not rupture, it remains in a cystic state. When examined in such women, the entire surface of the ovary is covered with unruptured follicles resembling honeycombs.
  2. - loss of sensitivity of the body to the effects of hypothalamic hormones, they do not respond to the action of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, while the egg does not mature.
  3. Ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome develops under the influence of adverse factors or medications that inhibit the influence of the pituitary gland.
  4. implies early attack menopause. It is considered normal to stop menstruation after 45 years, but sometimes in women after 40 or 35 years, under the influence of stress, radiation, chemotherapy, and taking medications, premature menopause occurs.

The organic causes of low progesterone in the luteal phase lie in the presence of endometriosis, cancer of the uterus or ovaries, uterine polyps, fibroids, endometritis. Intrauterine manipulations and operations (diagnostic curettage and abortion) have an impact on the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

Influence of the thyroid gland

Hypothyroidism negatively affects fertility and hormonal levels. Under the influence of thyroid hormones, a protein is synthesized in the liver that binds and removes testosterone and estradiol. If this protein is not enough, it appears in the blood increased amount active testosterone, which is able to suppress ovulation. This means that the corpus luteum does not mature, progesterone remains in a minimal amount.

Violation of estrogen inactivation under the influence of thyroid hormone deficiency leads to an increase in their concentration, which, according to the feedback law, affects the secretion of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, which aggravates menstruation disorders.

These women are characterized by infertility. Sometimes pregnancy occurs, but there is always a high risk of premature termination or congenital hypothyroidism in the child.

Influence of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland

The central glands that regulate the work of all the others are the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. A change in their function leads to the development of central types of hormonal secretion disorders. Tumors of these areas of the brain, lack of blood supply will reduce the secretion of tropic hormones, the work of all glands will be inhibited. Pituitary hypogonadism is one of the pathologies resulting from a lack of progesterone.

Hormonal function of the placenta

The placenta takes over the function of progesterone synthesis from the moment it is formed, usually after 16 weeks. If there are violations in the development of the placenta, its incorrect formation, calcifications and premature aging, then the content of progesterone will be violated.


An increase in the amount of androgens leads to the development. In this case, a dense capsule is formed on the ovaries, which prevents the release of a normal egg. The reason for the increase in the concentration of the hormone is a tumor of the adrenal glands or ovaries.


Prolactin is a hormone that promotes breast growth and increased milk production. Its increase occurs in vivo after childbirth. With tumors of the pituitary gland, impaired blood supply, the regulation of the function of the hypothalamus changes, which affects the levels of FSH and LH. Lack of ovarian-stimulating hormones leads to cycle failures.

In the postpartum period, ovulation is naturally inhibited due to the fact that high prolactin inhibits the maturation of the egg. This is a protective reaction, which is aimed at preserving the health of a woman: repeated pregnancy after a short period of time, it depletes the body and leads to serious complications for the mother and child.

Other factors of low progesterone are malnutrition, lack of protein in food, animal products. The same goes for vitamin deficiencies. Stressful situations, heavy physical activity, which are also perceived as stress, affect the secretion of neurotransmitters that suppress ovulation and hormone production.

When can you suspect a decrease in progesterone?

Symptoms of a lack of progesterone in women are manifested in menstrual irregularities and problems with conception. The severity of symptoms depends on individual features, the degree of decrease in the hormone and its ratio with .

In women of reproductive age, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular. Delays in menstruation can last up to several months. If menstruation occurs, then it is long and with profuse bleeding. Dyscirculatory uterine bleeding often occurs. This is the appearance of different intensities spotting at unusual cycle times. In this case, medical intervention is required.

Signs of a lack of progesterone are manifested in the form constant fatigue, rapid fatigue. Sodium is strongly retained in the body, which is why swelling is characteristic, which women take for gaining excess weight.

In older women who are on the verge of menopause, a decrease in progesterone and a simultaneous relative increase in estrogen increases the risk of developing endometrial hyperplasia, an oncology in the uterus.

Ways to confirm suspicions

If a woman is concerned about menstrual irregularities, miscarriage or the threat of termination, then it is necessary to undergo a progesterone test. For non-pregnant women, it is prescribed on the 22-23rd day of the cycle with a duration of 28 days, when the physiological value is maximum. For those whose cycle is different in duration, the day is determined by the attending physician. Pregnant women are tested regardless of the term.

If a woman has a large delay in menstruation, the study is carried out on any day, but it is not done in isolation, but in combination with other hormones:

  • estrogens;
  • prolactin;
  • testosterone;
  • cortisol;

Blood for hormones is taken from a vein strictly on an empty stomach. One day before the test, you can not use fatty foods, alcohol. On the day of the study, it is permissible to drink clean water.

Why progesterone levels are low, additional research will help determine:

  1. Biochemical analysis of blood reflects functional state organism, liver pathology. (With cirrhosis, liver failure, hormone utilization and protein synthesis are disrupted, so hormonal failure occurs).
  2. Thyroid hormones are needed to confirm or refute the state of hypothyroidism.
  3. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs will show the condition of the ovaries, the presence of a maturing dominant follicle in them or the resulting corpus luteum, and will also allow suspecting polycystic ovary syndrome. The examination reflects the state of the uterus, the presence of additional pathology in the form of fibroids, endometriosis, neoplasms.
  4. ultrasound abdominal cavity necessary to determine the state of the liver, adrenal glands. Be sure to conduct an echo study of the thyroid gland.
  5. X-ray examination of the Turkish saddle, CT or MRI of the brain is necessary to exclude central cause in a decrease in progesterone in the form of a pituitary tumor.
  6. Diagnostic is carried out in order to visually determine the condition of the ovaries. With polycystosis, it is also possible to carry out treatment - dissection of a dense capsule.

Examination for reduced progesterone may include other methods, the choice of which is within the competence of the attending physician.

Hormonal correction

Making an accurate diagnosis will tell you what to do in case of violation hormonal background. Treatment of pathology depends on the underlying cause of the decrease in progesterone production. Tumors of the pituitary gland require treatment by an oncologist. Women with thyroid disorders should be referred to an endocrinologist.

Hyperprolactinemia is treated with the appointment of Bromkriptine, Cabergoline, if the cause is functional disorders. Pituitary tumors are treated with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.

Treatment must begin with lifestyle and nutrition modifications. A woman should rest at least 8 hours, and night sleep should be from 22:00. limited stressful situations. Nutrition is normalized, it should be balanced in terms of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, contain animal products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Hormone therapy is given various types. With low progesterone in pregnant women with signs of a threatened abortion, Duphaston is used. The drug is available in tablets, which are taken daily every 8 hours. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually.

With endometriosis, Duphaston is used from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle or on a continuous basis. When planning pregnancy for patients with infertility caused by luteal phase deficiency, use medicine from the 14th to the 25th day for at least 6 months, and then continue the maintenance administration of the drug with the onset of pregnancy until the placenta is formed.

Duphaston is also used to treat the following conditions:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • to stop and prevent dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • in hormone replacement therapy in combination with estrogens.

Utrozhestan has a similar effect. The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral or intravaginal use. Indications for use coincide with those for Duphaston.

There is an oil solution of progesterone - Oxyprogesterone. It is used for intramuscular injection. The convenience of this form lies in the slow gradual release of the hormone into the blood. Therefore, the indication will be treatment and prevention. threatened miscarriage, amenorrhea. With the help of the solution, you can cause the onset of menstruation. For this, the drug is injected into the muscle every other day. Usually prescribed from 3 to 5 injections. 7-10 days after the last injection, sometimes earlier, the woman begins menstruation. From the first day of menstruation, a combined oral contraceptive, which will ask the ovaries normal rhythm work and help cure amenorrhea.

The consequences of hormonal deficiency are felt by women of any age. If there are severe symptoms premenstrual syndrome, difficulties with conception, then you should not try to solve them yourself or pretend that everything is fine. Delayed treatment is more difficult. And timely diagnosis will allow you to forget about unpleasant symptoms and live a fulfilling life.

Progesterone is a steroid hormone that is synthesized by the human endocrine system and affects the course of various processes in the human body. Progesterone is present in both female and male body. This hormone plays a special role in the process of conceiving and bearing an unborn child, its deficiency can provoke a violation of the normal course of pregnancy.

We will try to understand in more detail what role progesterone plays during pregnancy, find out what its norm is, and what should be done in case of a shortage of this hormone in the body of a pregnant woman.

"Pregnancy Hormone"

Progesterone is one of the most important pregnancy hormones. It is necessary for conception, plays important role at the time of attachment gestational sac to the wall of the uterus, affects nervous system a pregnant woman, prepares organs and systems for carrying a baby, childbirth and breastfeeding.

Low level of this hormone in the body of a future mother may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy, since it is progesterone that is responsible for stimulating the growth of the uterus, prevents its premature contraction, and prepares immune system women to prevent fetal rejection. Reduced level progesterone can cause early termination of pregnancy.

The ovaries and adrenal glands are responsible for the production of this hormone. In organism healthy woman progesterone levels fluctuate. However, in the event of pregnancy, fluctuations should not occur, the level of the hormone should be normal in accordance with the gestational age.

How to determine the rate of progesterone?

Hormone levels in the body future mother increases with weeks of pregnancy. For each period, physicians have established a certain norm. A specialist should decipher the result of the analysis, but we will give only an approximate table of progesterone levels at various stages of pregnancy:

gestational age in weeks Progesterone concentration nmol/l
5 – 6 18.57 +/- 2.00
7 – 8 32.98 +/- 3.56
9 – 10 37.91 +/- 4.10
11 – 12 42.80 +/- 4.61
13 – 14 44.77 +/- 5.15
15 – 16 46.75 +/- 5.06
17 – 18 59.28 +/- 6.42
19 – 20 71.80 +/- 7.76
21 – 22 75.35 +/- 8.36
23 – 24 79.15 +/- 8.55
25 – 26 83.89 +/- 9.63
27 – 28 91.52 +/- 9.89
29 – 30 101.38 +/- 10.97
31 – 32 127.10 +/- 7.82
33 – 34 112.45 +/- 6.68
35 – 36 112.48 +/- 12.27
37 – 38 219.58 +/- 23.75
39 – 40 273.32 +/- 27.77

Remember that, despite the above indicators of the norm, you should remember the individuality of the body of each particular woman. It should also be noted that indicators can be indicated in other units of measurement.

How and when is the analysis taken?

The level of progesterone in a woman's blood is determined using a blood test. If a woman does not need to determine progesterone at the beginning of pregnancy (no history of miscarriages, chronic diseases of the genital organs, etc.), then usually, this analysis is recommended to be taken in the second half of the term in order to diagnose the condition of the placenta and fetus, in addition, an analysis for progesterone is prescribed for women who are post-pregnancy.

The analysis is taken strictly on an empty stomach, two days before blood donation, you should stop taking hormonal drugs, it is not recommended to smoke 3-4 hours before the study, you should try not to overexert yourself and not be nervous a day before the analysis.

What can deviations from the norm indicate?

As mentioned above, a low level of the “pregnancy hormone” in the body of a future mother may indicate a threat of miscarriage, it may also indicate a delay in intrauterine development of the fetus, an undeveloped pregnancy. A low level of progesterone is also observed during a post-term pregnancy or in case of its complications (fetoplacental insufficiency, preeclampsia, etc.). A low level may also indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

A sharp increase in the amount of progesterone is no less dangerous, because it may indicate that not everything is in order in the body of the expectant mother. An excess of progesterone is observed in violation of the development of the placenta, kidney failure, problems with the functioning of the adrenal glands and other diseases. Often elevated level progesterone is observed in women with multiple pregnancies.

The use of certain drugs and hormonal agents can affect the result of the analysis, so you should consult with your gynecologist in advance.

An analysis for the determination of progesterone is an important study of a pregnant woman, which helps to identify various problems and prevent their development. That is why you should definitely donate blood for progesterone in the second and third trimesters. However, it is worth remembering that only a doctor can make any conclusions, and after additional research.

How to bring the level of progesterone back to normal?

Currently, in case of detection of abnormal levels of progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman, the attending physician prescribes treatment with hormonal drugs in the form of tablets or injections. In cases where the level of the hormone is critically low, it is indicated immediate hospitalization women to avoid abortion.

After the course of treatment, a woman can lead a normal life, but do not forget about the need for constant monitoring of progesterone levels until the moment of delivery.

Modern medicine can easily cope with many problems, including those that women face when carrying a baby. But still, any pregnant woman should remember that she is responsible not only for her life, but also for the life and health of the unborn child. Lead healthy lifestyle life and strictly follow all the recommendations of your gynecologist! Health to you and successful childbirth!

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The body, even in its infancy, is strong enough. And yet, conditions are necessary for its development. Progesterone during early pregnancy is designed to create them. In this position, the ratio and volume of hormones is generally very important. An imbalance in this area can create conditions for termination of pregnancy, increases the likelihood of the formation of unrecoverable ones, which is why it is so important to monitor it and, in case of deviation, correct it.

Read in this article

Why you need progesterone: details

Progesterone is a steroid hormone produced by the human endocrine system. It is present in both women and men, however, it plays the greatest role in the process of conception, during the period of bearing a child. The hormone is produced by the body outside of pregnancy. It participates in the cycle, contributing to the replacement of the obsolete layer of the internal cavity of the shell with a new one. Progesterone levels during early pregnancy are completely determined by the correct functioning of the ovaries. It is these organs that produce the hormone. Its task is to eliminate excessive activity of the uterus after the fetal egg has been fixed in it. When the organ contracts, it is rejected and brought out.

Progesterone is responsible for:

  • attachment to the walls of the uterus of a fertilized egg;
  • prevention of fetal rejection (prepares the woman's immunity to accept a protein with the genetic structure of the child's father);
  • preparing the organs and systems of the expectant mother for carrying a baby and for childbirth;
  • forms the endometrium in such a way that it becomes a reliable bed for fixing the fetal egg on for a long time, which is very important for initial stage pregnancy, when the fetus is still weak and undeveloped, and auxiliary organs have not formed;
  • breast growth and preparation for breastfeeding;
  • stimulation of the natural growth of the uterus;
  • relaxation of the muscles of the uterus, preventing its premature contraction;
  • the state of the nervous system of a pregnant woman;
  • the accumulation of subcutaneous fat in a pregnant woman to provide the fetus with the necessary nutrition.

If there is not enough progesterone in a woman's body, fertilization may not occur at all. Progesterone also helps maintain blood viscosity and glucose levels. The first circumstance is necessary to keep the pregnancy, and the second to ensure the nutrition of the fetus. The lack of this hormone can provoke various complications, therefore, if necessary, a woman is prescribed pills or injections of progesterone during pregnancy in the early stages. With critical levels of the hormone, hospitalization may be required.

How is the amount of progesterone determined?

The amount of "pregnancy hormone" is easy to determine through a blood test of the expectant mother. In the early stages, diagnosis is carried out only if there are indications (for example, there are chronic diseases genital organs, previously had miscarriages, etc.). At normal course pregnancy (in the absence of risks of its termination) progesterone test It is recommended to take in the second half of pregnancy. It is important to monitor the level of the hormone in the case.

Diagnosis is carried out on an empty stomach. There are certain recommendations regarding the preparation for the analysis:

  • stop taking hormonal drugs in two days;
  • for a day to eliminate stress and nervous strain;
  • do not smoke three to four hours before the diagnosis (of course, it is advisable not to smoke at all).

Before the diagnosis, you can drink clean non-carbonated water. As a last resort, it is allowed to take tests in the afternoon if the woman’s breakfast was not fatty and at least 6 hours have passed since the meal was taken.

How much progesterone should be normal

The level of progesterone during pregnancy in the early stages should adhere to certain values, but is not constant. On initial stage the hormone is produced by the ovaries. His co The quantity fluctuates in the body of a non-pregnant woman at different stages of the menstrual cycle.After fertilization, the amount of progesterone becomes more or less constant in proportion to the timing.

and closer to delivery is significantly different: it gradually changes in the direction of increase. The adrenal glands and ovaries are responsible for the production of the hormone. In the second, third trimester, it is produced by the placenta.

Its value during the first 2 weeks is 1-1.5 n/mol. The next 14 days, the organs increase its production to 2 n / mol, which stimulates the uterus to accept a fertilized egg. After its introduction, the body increases the volume of the hormone by 3-29 n / mol per day. Progesterone levels in early pregnancy ranges from 12 ng / ml, in the later it can reach 172 ng / ml.

Progesterone table during early pregnancy provides for a certain percentage of the error in the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the indicator (about 10%), since the body of each woman is special.

Table of progesterone values ​​for different terms pregnancy

The volumes of the hormone in the blood are also influenced by the unique features of the body, which can make them differ from the standard values. At the same time, for a particular woman, such progesterone values ​​​​will be normal. But only a specialist can draw conclusions about this.

Progesterone deficiency: what is it and why

Unfortunately, not all women are doing well with the production of the “pregnancy hormone” by the body. Before conception, this is expressed by a jumping, uneven cycle, frequent delays, meager periods. Low progesterone during pregnancy in the early stages creates a threat of its interruption, that is, the separation of the fetal egg from the uterine mucosa and its rejection. This is due to increased contractile activity of the smooth muscles of the organ. Such an indicator may also indicate an ectopic location of the fetal egg, which should be disposed of on early stage.

Low progesterone during early pregnancy can be the cause, so it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the woman and take timely action on the recommendation of the doctor.

Lack of progesterone it can also signal a fetal lag in development, a missed pregnancy, the presence of complications (for example, preeclampsia, fetoplacental insufficiency, etc.). Post-term pregnancy can also provoke decrease in progesterone . Therefore, if the expected date of birth has passed, the hormone analysis will tell you whether the overgrowth is true, or there is an error in the calculations. If the placenta is old and does not meet the needs of the child, a decision is made to stimulate delivery.

The lack of progesterone during pregnancy has clear, although not always pronounced symptoms:

  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • weak vaginal discharge with bloody impurities, having a character;
  • pulling pains in the region of the lower triangle of the abdomen, radiating to the lower back;
  • partial, noticeable by the results of ultrasound.

There are also external signs of low progesterone , among which are:

  • mood swings, aggressiveness, irritability, depression;
  • dryness in the vagina, provoking pain during sexual contact;
  • increased function of the sebaceous glands;
  • excessive body hair;
  • drops in blood pressure;
  • appearance and acne;
  • bloating, constipation, flatulence;
  • violation of thermoregulation of the body (increase or decrease in temperature).

Signs can also be observed in those who previously did not know problems with the volume of this hormone. But if a woman had difficulties with a cycle, conception, she will almost certainly have a difficult bearing. IN this case low progesterone during pregnancy, the symptoms of which are not obvious, should be detected by the results of a blood test for hormones.

A pregnant woman undergoes serious changes in the body, so the appearance of the described signs may not be related to the level of hormones. Therefore, the lack of progesterone during pregnancy in the early stages should be controlled by a doctor.

If the analysis confirms the concerns, the doctor will prescribe a therapy that replenishes the volume of the substance. Using medicines unmistakably selected by a specialist, many women managed to safely endure and give birth to healthy children.

High progesterone numbers: what are they talking about

Elevated progesterone during early pregnancy is much less common. IN best case This is evidence of multiple births. Naturally, two or three embryos require more effort from the body to develop than one. Hence the increase in the index of the substance.

Progesterone during pregnancy in the early stages above the norm can be a sign of kidney pathology in the mother, abnormalities in the formation of the placenta (cystic mole), disorders in the functioning of the adrenal glands. Therefore, you should not strive to accumulate this hormone “in reserve”, this indicator also requires adjustment.

Excess progesterone during pregnancy has the following symptoms:

  • increased fatigue;
  • bleeding and a disproportionately enlarged uterus, if the cause of the increased hormone values ​​​​is a problem in the development of the placenta. This sign does not always exist;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn, problems with digestion of food,;
  • constipation.

Most of the symptoms are ascertained in a normal pregnancy. That is why in her initial period it is so important to take tests for hormones and be examined in general. It should be remembered that the reception of individual medicines can change the results of the diagnosis, so before taking the analysis, it is important to consult a doctor.

How to correct deficiency and excess of progesterone

For the successful bearing of a child, low progesterone during pregnancy in the early stages must be raised. Often, experts prescribe a drug for this, which contains the necessary substance created artificially. It will help if the figures of the indicator are not very different from normal. Its analogue is Utrozhestan, which is of plant origin and is therefore sometimes the most preferred. Both agents can be taken either orally or vaginally.

To raise progesterone, injections during early pregnancy are more effective, especially when found high level threats to interrupt it. The drug quickly reaches the blood, removing dangerous symptoms. Already an hour after the injection into the muscle, the volume of the hormone returns to normal, and after 6 hours it is maximum. A specialist should prescribe injections, based not only on the existing need, but also on the possible negative consequences for the mother. Progesterone in ampoules can harm those who have high blood viscosity, diabetes, bronchial asthma, cardiovascular disease or chronic kidney failure. Otherwise, their treatment is safe, quite easily tolerated, and in order for the drug to dissolve faster, the ampoule is warmed in the hands for some time before injection.

Therapy for an increased hormone level should be focused on eliminating the cause that caused it.

Is it dangerous to take progesterone

Some women take drugs during the conception planning stage to help the body prepare for pregnancy and childbearing. It should be remembered that an increased content of this hormone can also provoke complications. For example, the likelihood of an onset increases due to a decrease in the motility of the fallopian tubes. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe treatment.

elevated the risk of taking progesterone noted in the first 4 months of pregnancy. This hormone, entering the body artificially, can provoke various malformations of the fetus. However, if this hormone in a woman is not enough, it should be compared possible risks and the expected effect of treatment. Not a single doctor will risk the possibility of a miscarriage if the hormone level in the expectant mother is significantly reduced.

If progesterone levels in the early stages pregnancies stabilized during treatment, it is still necessary to carefully monitor the level of the hormone until delivery.

If a woman does not want to keep the child, it is possible to use progesterone for early pregnancy termination . The procedure is called "" and is as follows: a pregnant woman takes a progesterone antagonist (mifepristone), which blocks the action of the "pregnancy hormone". Because of this, the nutrition of the fetal egg is disturbed and a miscarriage occurs.

How else is pregnancy regulated at the initial stage

You should not think that progesterone alone will make it possible to cope with the many months of work of the future mother. The activity of the organism in any period of life and position will not do without control of other substances. In anticipation of replenishment in the family, many of them change quantitatively. Hormones during early pregnancy are produced not only by the endocrine glands and reproductive organs. At the initial stage, the following changes are fixed:

  • The pituitary gland works harder, suppressing the production of FSH and LH. The entire period of pregnancy, a new germ cell does not mature, there is no menstruation. But the production of prolactin increases. The substance is responsible for the subsequent production breast milk, which contributes to changes in the mammary glands from the very beginning.
  • The hormones that ensure the work of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands also grow quantitatively in early pregnancy. And they determine the healthy gestation and development of the embryo.
  • The placenta adds to the blood free estriol and lactogen. The probability of developing chromosomal abnormalities in an infant, the blood supply to the tissues of the uterus, and the expansion of the ducts of the mammary glands depend on their level.
  • The amount of estradiol increases, which allows you to carry the child normally. It is now produced not only by the ovaries, but also by the placenta. Estradiol at the initial stage of pregnancy should be present in the body in required quantity, otherwise it will not be possible to convey it, despite the optimal amount of progesterone.

HCG and early pregnancy

As a result of the analysis, a new substance is detected - chorionic gonadotropin person. This hormone helps to determine pregnancy in the early stages accurately. It is produced by the fetal membrane immediately after implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. The volume of progesterone and estrogen largely depends on the amount of hCG. If there is a shortage of it, the probability of interruption becomes closer than ever.

The longer the duration of the pregnancy, the higher the hCG values ​​should become. Therefore, for all the time the analysis for the hormone has to be taken more than once. Thanks to this feature, a specialist can easily establish not only the fact of the existence of a new life, but also the term. HCG also makes you aware of the fatal malformations of the formation of the fetus, which will allow it to be interrupted in time. Its differences from normal values may be evidence of multiple pregnancies, diabetes in a woman, which happens to be manifested against a new condition, or an ectopic pregnancy.

Timely tracking of hubbub HCG and progesterone in early pregnancy help assess the general condition of the body, choose correct methods treatment if necessary. It is not worth prescribing therapy for yourself - you can aggravate the situation and provoke various kinds of complications (up to a miscarriage). Following the doctor's recommendations will help improve the well-being of the pregnant woman and prevent unwanted consequences.

More about estradiol

This substance, in fact, makes a woman such. It is involved in the formation of her reproductive system, figure outlines, regulates the menstrual cycle and sexual desire.

During early pregnancy, it is so necessary that the placenta also joins its production by the ovaries. The growth of the uterus, optimal blood circulation in its vessels to nourish the fetus depend on it. A feature of estradiol is that adipose tissue can also produce it. If a woman has excess weight, it is natural that its indicators will be noticeably higher than the norm. But this is not so terrible for pregnancy, although it worsens health due to fluid and salt retention in the tissues.

Much more dangerous is low estradiol in early pregnancy. It means trouble with fetal membrane, which is needed to protect and nourish the embryo. And this leads to a deficiency for him of the necessary compounds, oxygen. by the most negative consequence low estradiol is a miscarriage. The placenta, not receiving sufficient nutrition, exfoliates, the fetus is brought out.

All these reasons require maintaining the mandatory volume of estradiol during pregnancy, the norms of the table will help you know it exactly:

It is easy to see that with an increase in the term, the indicators of the substance become higher. Therefore, relatives should not be surprised that with the approach to childbirth, the nervous excitability of the pregnant woman also increases. This is a kind of manifestation of maternal instinct at an early stage, for which estradiol is also largely responsible.

What hormones need to be controlled

The leading doctor usually tells about which hormones to take in early pregnancy. But sometimes a gynecologist can be overly optimistic and not prescribe the right study. Then it is better for a woman to play it safe and, in addition to progesterone in the early stages of pregnancy, as well as the already mentioned hCG and estradiol, insist on determining the amount:

  • free estriol. He will talk about the process of formation of the placenta, its blood supply and the condition of the umbilical cord, which serves to deliver nutrition to the embryo. A low indicator means the danger of malfunctions in its development.
  • Prolactin. This substance not only stimulates the appearance of breast milk in the future, but its level can reveal the shortcomings of the feto-placental system.
  • Inhibina A. This is a product of the work of the placenta and ovaries. The hormone increases during the first 10 weeks, then decreases. By its overestimated value, it can be recognized in the fetus or an oxygen deficiency can be detected.
  • placental lactogen. Normally, it rises from week 5 to 34. Its low value indicates insufficient function of the placenta and the risk of rejection of the fetal egg.
  • insulin. A disorder in carbohydrate metabolism is main reason. In most cases, it is stated during multiple pregnancies and disappears after childbirth, but it is imperative to fight it from the first manifestations.
  • T3 and T4. These hormones are the result of the thyroid gland. The absence of the likelihood of miscarriage, stillbirth and mental abnormalities in a child depends on its quality. In the first weeks, his heart, blood vessels and brain are formed. The intelligence of the future baby is largely dependent on the amount of thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the mother's blood.
  • TSH. This substance, produced by the thyroid gland, maintains the function of the hypothalamus and the supply of nutrition to the fetus. Excess and deficiency are dangerous primarily for him, since at this stage the embryo does not have a formed endocrine system and does not receive iodine on its own. And its deficiency is a potential threat to mental development.
  • Testosterone. The male hormone in a certain amount is also in the female body. But exceeding its normal concentration during pregnancy is dangerous due to the probable interruption.

Checking the amount of the mentioned hormones is necessary for women who have had miscarriages in the past, problems with conception, premature birth. It does not hurt to find out the composition of hormones even before it, but it is also important to control this at the initial stage.

Progesterone during early pregnancy, as well as the values ​​of other hormones, are an indicator of its successful course. In the initial period, these indicators turn out to be decisive, since it is not too late to correct the mistakes of nature using modern medical capabilities.

The hormone progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman for the first three months produces a special gland called the corpus luteum. After 13-16 weeks from the date of conception, this function is transferred to the placenta. Poor hormone production can cause early pregnancy termination.

For a woman in position, progesterone is one of the key hormones helping her to successfully carry the baby, and her baby to develop correctly. It is produced by the corpus luteum - a gland that is formed after the maturation and release of the egg. Next, fertilization of the egg occurs. corpus luteum instantly ceases to exist if fertilization does not occur. If pregnancy has come, then the gland continues to actively produce progesterone.

About how it works on female body:

  1. Trains pelvic muscles and bones to diverge during attempts and pushing the crumbs into the light.
  2. Affects the growth of the breast, prepares it for lactation, provokes the production of colostrum during gestation. Colostrum can begin to stand out from the 30th week.
  3. Relieves increased uterine tone, which can lead to spontaneous abortion. Maintains pregnancy.
  4. Helps the uterus to grow, prepares it for an enlarged fetus.
  5. When planning, it has an effect on the internal cavity female organ, preparing a place for the attachment of a fertilized egg.
  6. Regulates metabolic processes in the mother's body.
  7. Affects the endocrine system.
  8. It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, improving sleep and appetite.
  9. Activates the protective forces of the woman's immunity.
  10. Affects the production of its subcutaneous fat.

For the fetus, progesterone is also an important element:

  • Promotes the development of the main organs and tissues of the child.
  • Thanks to progesterone, the female body does not perceive the embryo as a foreign body and does not reject it. Otherwise, the defense system would push the egg out like foreign body- a foreign protein.
  • Takes part in the production of steroid hormones in the baby.

What is the norm?

With each week of pregnancy, the level of progesterone in a woman's body rises. The concentration of this hormone shows the doctor clinical picture fetal development and placenta. The presence of progesterone depends on several factors, its amount may vary, but the averages are the same for all women who are expecting a baby. The first and second weeks are characterized by a minimum level of the hormone - 12-18 ng / ml, and on recent weeks the amount of progesterone can reach up to 172 ng-ml.

On later dates low rate this hormone may indicate a delayed pregnancy.

Table normal level progesterone by week of pregnancy

gestational age in weeksIndications of the level of progesterone in ng / ml, (norm)Indications of the level of progesterone in nmol / l, (normal)
1-2 weeks12-18,2 38,15-57,8
5-6 18,6-21,7 59,1-69
7-8 20,3-23,5 64,8-75
9-10 23-27,6 73,1-88,1
11-12 29-34,5 92,1-110
13-14 30,2-40 96-127,2
15-16 39-55,7 124-177,1
17-18 34,5-59,5 111-189
19-20 32,8-59,1 121,7-187,8
21-22 44,2-69,2 146-220
23-24 59,3-77,6 188,9-247,1
25-26 62-87,3 197,2-277,8
27-28 79-107,2 251,2-340,9
29-30 85-102,4 270,2-326
31-32 101,5-126,6 323,1-402,8
33-34 105,7-119,9 336,3-381,4
35-36 101,2-136,3 321,7-433,1
37-38 112-147,2 356,1-468,1
39-40 week132,6-172 421-546

With significant deviations, we should talk about a violation in the work of some systems of the expectant mother.

Causes of changes in progesterone concentration

A short-term change in the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood may be associated with taking certain drugs. Before donating blood to the laboratory for the content of this hormone, it is necessary to inform the laboratory assistant about the therapy. He will make a note on the card.

The reasons may be:

  • hormone therapy;
  • kidney failure;
  • violation of placental development;
  • chronic adrenal hyperplasia.

Deviations are detected by a routine blood test. Its peculiarity is the delivery on an empty stomach early in the morning. An analysis for progesterone is done for women who have crossed the threshold of the second trimester. Then the placenta begins to supply the body with a hormone.

If a pregnant woman drinks hormonal agents, then an emergency test for the content of progesterone can be carried out 3-4 days after their cancellation. If possible, wait three weeks. All stressful and emotional factors are excluded a day before the analysis. Nicotine should not enter the body of a pregnant woman at all, but if she smokes, then you need to wait two hours without a cigarette before going to the laboratory.

What threatens low or high progesterone

The consequences of a deficiency or excess of the hormone creates a risk dangerous states for mother and child. Progesterone deficiency can cause:

  • miscarriage in the early stages;
  • a noticeable delay in the development of organs and systems of the vital activity of the fetus;
  • "frozen" pregnancy, when the embryo stops developing;
  • an ectopic pregnancy, when the egg is attached in the tube or in the cervix, and not in its cavity. Such a pregnancy leads to a rupture of the tube, the embryo does not survive, there is a risk to the life of the woman;
  • violation of the functioning of the placenta as an organ that supplies the fetus with oxygen and nutrients;
  • the appearance of toxicosis in the early stages with dehydration;
  • development acute preeclampsia in the later stages in the form of edema;
  • infertility in the future.

Consequences of excess hormone:

  • a certain failure in the functioning of the placenta;
  • violations of the kidneys;
  • hyperplasia;
  • increases the likelihood of having twins;
  • need a systematic intake of hormonal drugs.

In case of violation of the production of progesterone, the district gynecologist prescribes hormonal preparations containing the desired hormone. Treatment is determined purely individually, the doctor focuses on the condition, test results and anamnesis of the pregnant woman. A course of injections or suppositories is prescribed. Candles are placed vaginally.

In case of emergency, the doctor decides on the urgent hospitalization of the woman. Doctors monitor the level of the hormone in the blood, carry out a set of measures necessary to normalize its concentration.

Progesterone injections are injections of a drug that has an oily structure, a weak smell, and a yellow to green color. Injections are given intramuscularly. The drug is instantly absorbed into the blood. The agent begins its action 40-50 minutes after the injection. The maximum concentration of the "pregnancy hormone" occurs 5-6 hours after the injection. Excreted from the body with urine.

The injections are absolutely painless, you should not be afraid of them. Preliminarily, the preparation must be heated to room temperature. A small, hard nodule or bruise may form at the injection site. Caution injecting progesterone in women who are prone to blood clots, suffering from bronchial asthma or other diseases of the pulmonary system, sick diabetes. It is also necessary to coordinate injections with a doctor for a woman in a position with impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In the last weeks of gestation, such therapy is contraindicated, since progesterone is designed to prevent abortion. During lactation, progesterone injections are also not practiced.

Even after discharge, until the end of the pregnancy, a woman controls the level of progesterone by constantly taking tests.

Each woman is able to independently minimize the risk of progesterone levels deviating from the specified parameters. To do this, follow the recommendations:

  1. Pregnancy should be long-awaited, its planning is medical examination, reception vitamin complexes, rejection bad habits, normalization of nutrition.
  2. The use of any medications during pregnancy must be approved by the attending physician.
  3. Eliminate stress factors, emotional jumps.

By following these simple rules, expectant mother take care of herself and her baby.