Yellow mucus in the chest. Characteristics of excess mucus. One to three years

Both the strange color of feces and the stool with mucous inclusions in infants are a cause for concern for parents. If mucus is excreted with feces in scanty quantities, pediatricians consider this phenomenon to be the norm, since defecation products are formed from food masses and mucus of the large intestine. But if the blotches are visible to the naked eye, then there is a problem in the digestive system.

Characteristics of excess mucus

Mucus stools usually indicate an inflammatory process. Visual assessment of the color and amount of intestinal secretion allows you to pre-diagnose various abnormalities.

Experts are convinced that the body rejects a lot of mucus in an attempt to get rid of a negative factor. The intestinal glands work more intensively, so the secret is secreted abundantly.

Increased production occurs for various reasons:

  1. lactose deficiency;
  2. allergic reactions;
  3. taking medications;
  4. intestinal obstruction;
  5. growth of colonizations of lamblia and worms;
  6. transient state of the stomach in a newborn (dysbacteriosis);
  7. inability to spit out sputum and blow out mucus in case of respiratory diseases;
  8. violation of the rules of complementary feeding, when the baby is transferred too abruptly to the new food or the diet is made up of inappropriate products;
  9. errors in the nutrition of a child or a nursing mother - the use of fatty, fried, spicy foods or infected milk.

Here is what pediatrician Komarovsky says about abnormal feces. If the stool with an admixture of mucus in the baby came out once or several times, but the episodes did not repeat again, you don’t have to worry. But if the crumbs open fetid diarrhea and vomiting, he worries and gains weight poorly, it is necessary to take tests and identify the root of the problem.

Reasons for urgent medical attention

Increased attention of parents is required by situations where the baby does not just poop with mucous inclusions, but additionally has unhealthy symptoms:

  • diarrhea and vomiting;
  • temperature increase;
  • stool contains mucus and blood impurities;
  • underweight or weight loss;
  • bad breath from the mouth of the baby;
  • watery stool becomes more frequent up to 12 p. per day;
  • urine exudes an unpleasant odor and is excreted about 6 r. per day.

All similar cases require immediate contact with a pediatrician or an ambulance call at home.

How to treat a child for mucous defecation

With strong immunity, the baby's body is able to cope with many pathologies that change the nature of bowel movements. Therefore, any activities aimed at strengthening the immune system (hardening, balanced nutrition, proper daily routine) become important tasks for parents.

In the first weeks of life, when the intestinal microflora of an infant is just being formed, loose stools with mucus are considered a physiological phenomenon. In older children, problematic stools require the intervention of a competent specialist. Parents will not be able to eliminate the provoking factor by self-medication.

When asked why the stool of a small child contains a lot of mucus, the doctor will answer after receiving answers from various laboratory tests:

  1. coprogram;
  2. carbohydrate analysis;
  3. study of feces for dysbacteriosis;
  4. detection of helminthic invasions.

Based on the available data, the pediatrician prescribes complex treatment. The intestinal activity of the baby is adjusted with special preparations (Smecta, Linex, Bifidumbacterin). With artificial feeding, therapy begins with a change in the milk mixture. If the baby often has strange stools, it is better to transfer it to a special diet with prebiotics.

Stool problems are one of the most common concerns for parents. Often, infants have mucous stools. Such a phenomenon should at least alert the mother and be stricter about her diet and feeding the baby. If there are streaks of blood in the feces, it has a greenish color, it smells sharp, then you should visit a pediatrician for a consultation. It is also necessary to pay attention to the general condition of the child, his appetite, sleep and mood.

Causes of mucous stools in babies

The causes of mucous stools in an infant can be very diverse, from nutritional errors to all kinds of diseases. The most common of these are:

  1. Incorrect feeding regimen. If a lot of time passes between meals, and the child eats a large amount of food at a time, then fermentation processes can begin in the intestines and mucus can form.
  2. Runny nose. With viral infections in a child, mucus is actively produced in the nasal cavity, which enters the digestive system and is excreted along with feces. In this case, the amount of mucus is small.
  3. Too early or incorrect introduction of complementary foods. In case of violation of the mode of introduction of complementary foods, too early feeding, non-compliance with the order of introduction of products, mucus may appear in the feces. In such cases, it is better to refuse the introduced products for some time, you can resume their introduction after the normalization of the stool.
  4. Inappropriate mix.
  5. Errors in the nutrition of a nursing woman. Especially often, the appearance of a mucous stool leads to the use of foods that increase gas formation, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits in large quantities.
  6. Incorrect attachment of the baby to the breast. If the baby is at the breast for a short period of time, then he manages to suck out only the liquid front milk. Namely, hind milk contains the lactase enzyme necessary for the child, in addition, it is this milk that gives a feeling of fullness.
  7. Taking certain medications. Mucous stools may be a reaction to the use of certain drugs. So, for example, the body of babies often reacts to taking simethicone-based products, which are used to alleviate children's colic.
  8. Intestinal infections of various nature. It can be dysentery, amoebiasis, rotavirus, salmonellosis and others. In this case, in addition to mucus in the stool, there are other symptoms of the disease.
  9. Atopic dermatitis.
  10. Intestinal obstruction.
  11. Gluten deficiency.
  12. Dysbacteriosis. This reason is considered one of the most common factors causing the appearance of mucous stools in infants.

Type of mucous stool in infants

Greenish or yellow stools and a small amount of mucus in infants is considered a normal variant. However, in some cases, such coloring of feces indicates the presence of pathologies. So, when a green or yellow liquid mucous stool appears, parents should call a doctor, especially if the baby refuses to eat, becomes restless, has a fever or weight loss.

The appearance of green mucus in the stool may indicate irritation of the large intestine. In such cases, it is worth paying attention to the general condition of the child, if he is gaining weight well, his appetite is not disturbed, then there is no reason to worry. But liquid green mucous feces with a sharp unpleasant odor, accompanied by fever, lack of appetite, vomiting, lethargy, is most likely a symptom of an intestinal infection. Mucous stools that are yellow in color are considered normal. This coloring of the feces can take on when changing the mixture.

The causes of liquid mucous stools in infants can lie not only in infections, but also in malnutrition or dysbacteriosis. When it appears, it is better to visit a doctor and find out the reasons for this phenomenon. However, you should not panic, especially if the general condition of the child is good. In this case, it is worth reviewing his diet and the nutrition of the nursing mother. In case of dysbacteriosis, you should consult a specialist and, on his recommendation, start a course of bifido drugs.

Mucous stool in the baby, what to do?

The appearance of a mucous stool in a baby should be the reason to take a closer look at the baby, pay attention to the presence of other signs of pathology. It is advisable to visit a doctor and find out the reasons for this condition. If you suspect dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections and other diseases, you should undergo examinations and take tests.

Urgent medical attention should be sought in the following cases:

  • the child has vomiting and diarrhea;
  • elevated temperature;
  • there is an admixture of blood in the feces;
  • the baby's stool is watery, observed 10-12 times a day and more often;
  • the amount of urination decreases, and the urine acquires a sharp unpleasant odor.

After the birth of a child, all young mothers face various problems related to the health of the baby.

One of them is the appearance of mucus in the feces of a child: what does this problem mean? Often this leads to concern for parents, although the appearance of mucous inclusions does not always indicate serious pathologies.

Mucous discharge in the stool - the diagnosis depends on the color and consistency

The presence of mucus in the feces of a child, especially under the age of one year and a year, is a frequent phenomenon. Statistically, 80% of young mothers go to the pediatrician about the presence of pathogenic inclusions in the feces of the baby.

The very appearance of the mucous mass, its color and consistency indicate the nature of the disturbances in the intestine, suggesting a diagnosis.

Mucus is present in the feces of everyone - in children and adults, its function is to facilitate the movement of feces through the colon and rectum, plus a protective function for the large and small intestines. But normally there should be no mucous masses visible to the eye.

The mucus produced by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract is transparent and viscous, like jelly. It is a mixture of leukocytes and epithelial cells. Transparent visible inclusions in the children's stool often appear with malnutrition, increased stress on the gastrointestinal tract.

If the baby is breastfed, which means that mom ate forbidden food (fatty, salty, sweet, fast food).

If the child is older- it means that a difficult-to-digest product was introduced into his diet. With the normalization of the diet, the problem disappears.

Also, the threads of transparent mucous secretions in the feces are with. Mucus in this case protects the vulnerable inner lining of the rectum from damage.

In addition to clear mucus, there are other colors of discharge in the feces of a child.


The more mucous masses in the stool, the more irritated the intestines. A visit to a pediatrician, a gastroenterologist, followed by tests, can clarify the situation.

Scanty mucous impurities can signal constipation, malnutrition. If such impurities rarely appear, do not have blood inclusions, an unpleasant odor, the baby does not complain about anything, you need to adjust the diet by limiting dairy, flour, and sweets.

Thick or liquid

The consistency of the mucus in the feces of a child can be thick - in the form of a dense jelly or long threads, strands; liquid - similar to a watery, slightly stretchy mass, like snot.

In a child, loose stools with mucus appear with lactase intolerance, pancreatic insufficiency. If instead of feces, completely liquefied mucus with an atypical odor is released, this is a sign of acute.

What should be the chair, is the mucus in the feces normal in a child? Look at the video:

Causes of appearance in newborns, infants and older

Age features and the nature of mucus in children's feces are interrelated.

It is believed that in young children, the presence of impurities in the feces is not a pathology, but the norm. Older children should not have mucus.

In newborns, the presence of mucous masses in the stool is a common phenomenon.. Causes:

Mucus in the feces of a one-year-old and one and a half year old child occurs against the background of the development of food intolerance, ill-conceived complementary foods, the rapid introduction of adult food into the diet.

Intestinal infections, diseases (celiac disease, cystic fibrosis) provoke the appearance of pathological impurities.

For children over 2 years old the appearance of mucous impurities in the stool is not uncommon. Causes - chronic constipation, proctitis, malnutrition, polyvalent food allergies, unformed enzymatic system.

In a child who has reached 2 years of age, the regular presence of mucous impurities should alert parents. Seeing a doctor will help determine the cause.

Constipation or diarrhea

If the child has diarrhea- frequent watery stools more than 5-6 times a day with the inclusion of mucus, this is a sign of an intestinal infection caused by pathogenic microbes (E. coli, Klebsiella, Salmonella).

When eating a large amount of laxative foods - plums, grapes - mucous may occur, but once. It is better not to self-medicate, especially if diarrhea lasts longer than 2-3 days.

Normal, formed feces with a small admixture of mucus can occur when eating new foods, vegetables, fruits, berries. This is due to slight intestinal irritation. Taking certain medications can provoke the appearance of mucous masses in the stool.

hard stool, especially of the "sheep" type, in the form of hard rounded parts, accompanied by the release of mucus. The glands of the colon actively produce it so that the walls are not injured. In this situation, it is important to treat constipation, namely, the cause that causes it.

How to spot a problem

With a large volume, it is not difficult to recognize the presence of pathological inclusions in the child's stool.

If the chair is unformed, mucus can be determined by consistency - stool is not absorbed into the diaper, has a heterogeneous consistency with jelly-like lumps or threads of different colors, often with many air bubbles, has a viscous texture.

Decorated feces it is either evenly covered with a shiny sticky mass, or has mucous pieces on the surface, sometimes in the form of strips.

There are situations when the mucus is not visually visible, but according to the analysis - the coprogram - it is, and with a large number of leukocytes, which indicates inflammatory processes in the intestines.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The famous doctor Komarovsky claims that children's feces with mucus are caused by:

Evgeny Olegovich believes that if the baby eats well, is active, sleeps calmly, but at the same time the child has mucus with feces, there is no reason for concern - otherwise the child would make it clear that he has more pronounced problems or pains.

But if the child behaves restlessly, cries, refuses to eat, urinates little, while the stomach is tense and swollen, medical help is needed, and urgent.

Reason for visiting the doctor

If the episode of detection of pathological impurities is single, the baby is active and alert, there is no need to worry. Regular detection of impurities without other complaints is a reason to reconsider the children's diet.

    If, along with the appearance of mucous masses in the stool, a number of symptoms are present:
  • spasms and cramps, colic in the abdomen, rumbling;
  • restless sleep with crying;
  • the consistency of the stool changes - from solid to liquid, and vice versa;
  • loss of appetite;

you should contact your local pediatrician. He will write out referrals for tests - a coprogram, a scraping for an eggworm, an analysis for acute intestinal infections.

If necessary, you will need to consult a surgeon (to exclude polyps, cracks) and a gastroenterologist. If, along with the appearance of mucus, the general condition has deteriorated sharply, an ambulance should be called.

To avoid problems with the child's stool, including the formation of mucus, you need to follow simple recommendations:

Such rules are simple, but their implementation will ensure healthy digestion and adequate functioning of the digestive tract, help to avoid problems in this part. After all, predisposition to many pathologies can be laid down at an early age.

If mucous inclusions are found in the baby's stool, there is no need to panic.. The most common cause is a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, which, with reasonably prescribed therapy, can be quickly eliminated. The main thing is timely access to specialists, examination, competently prescribed treatment. And in most cases, this unpleasant phenomenon disappears with age.

In contact with

Mucus in the feces of a baby is a common occurrence, which does not always indicate a violation in the functioning of the body. If you see your baby have slimy stools, don't panic. Pay attention to the volume, color and frequency of bowel movements, as well as the general well-being of the baby. When a child is calm and gaining weight normally, there is no reason for alarm and concern.

Normal stool for a newborn

Interestingly, the stool of a child who is breastfed can be almost anything. Of great importance is what foods mom eats. The state of feces is affected by age, and the well-being of the baby, the first complementary foods and the organization of feeding.

For the first three days, the child has black or black-green odorless stools with a consistency of tar or thick sour cream. Then the stool becomes gray or gray-green in color and becomes semi-liquid. In the first week, the number of bowel movements is 3-6 times, but it can reach up to 10-12.

After a week of life, the stool gradually returns to normal. Bowel movements occur after each meal, but by the second month the frequency is reduced to one to three times a day. If the baby "does not go to the toilet" for two or three days, but feels good, the lack of stool is not constipation. This may be due to a lack of breast milk and because.

Constipation in a newborn is a delay in stool for more than two days, which is accompanied by difficult and uncomfortable emptying, severe crying and pain in the tummy. How to help a baby with constipation, read

A week after birth, the stool changes color and has shades from yellow to brown. Feces resemble liquid semolina and have a slight sour-milk odor. When the mother consumes colored vegetables and fruits, the stool acquires unusual shades and color blotches.

Be careful with foods of bright colors, as they contain a strong allergen and can cause negative consequences in the baby in the form of allergies, severe colic, flatulence and other digestive problems.

You can find out more about what a chair should be like for an infant at the link /. Please note that inclusions of white grains, impurities of greenery and mucus in the baby's stool are normal.

Causes of slimy stools

  • In small quantities, it appears with a load on the intestines of the baby. Such a load is especially strong in the first two months, when the newborn's digestion is just adapting to a new food. Mucus aids in the digestion of food;
  • often results in small amounts of mucus. Abundant mucus appears with early or improper feeding. On the advice of pediatricians, the first complementary foods for babies should be introduced no earlier than 5-6 months after birth;
  • Runny nose with flu or other colds. The child swallows a particle from the nasal cavity, which enters the intestines. The mucus in the stool will be clear;
  • Long intervals between feedings and large portions stimulate fermentation in the baby's body and form mucus. Feed your baby at least once every two hours and four times at night. Doctors recommend feeding a newborn on demand and not forcing him to eat if he does not want to. The baby releases the breast on its own when it is full. If the baby requires the breast more often, feed more often. In addition, frequent applications perfectly stimulate lactation;
  • With artificial or mixed feeding, the cause of mucus is often inappropriate milk formula. Doctors advise to breastfeed the newborn only, but sometimes the mother does not have such an opportunity. What mixture to choose for the baby, read the article "";
  • Improper nutrition of a nursing mother. Many foods strongly irritate the intestines of a newborn, lead to changes and disturbances in the stool. In addition, malnutrition leads to allergies and other negative consequences. To avoid problems, read the article “ ”;

  • Medications taken by a nursing mother. The components of the funds penetrate through breast milk and into the body of the baby. The compositions of most drugs adversely affect the condition of the baby and the course of lactation. Therefore, when breastfeeding, you need to be very careful when taking medications, carefully study the instructions and be sure to consult a doctor before use!;
  • Latching problems and improper latch on of the nipple result in the baby receiving only foremilk. Change breasts less frequently while feeding. The best option is to transition when the baby completely sucks one breast. In this way he will receive the necessary portion of hind milk, the lack of which often causes green stools with mucus;
  • Atopic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin caused by allergies. Sometimes irritation, redness and peeling accompanies the release of mucus in the stool;
  • Intestinal obstruction, which occurs due to squeezing of the intestine and causes severe abdominal pain, vomiting and in infants, watery stools often with blood impurities. In this case, the baby needs immediate hospitalization and specialist help;

  • Acute intestinal infections are the result of infection with fungi, bacteria and microbes. Newborns are difficult to tolerate such diseases. They are accompanied by frequent diarrhea and copious clots of mucus. In addition, intestinal infections are characterized by fever and vomiting, weakness and refusal of food, dehydration. In this case, medical assistance is also needed;
  • Gluten deficiency (celiac disease). Often, gluten causes allergies in young children, especially after complementary foods. Then a special diet is introduced and foods containing gluten are excluded from the diet. These are pasta and bread, semolina and barley porridge;
  • Dysbacteriosis or intestinal upset is a common disease among babies. In a mild form, the baby is tormented by bloating, constipation or diarrhea, colic. There is a small amount of mucus in the stool. What to do and how to help a baby with dysbacteriosis, read.

Mucus specificity

Mucus in small quantities is always present in the feces of both a child and an adult. With a disease or infection, the amount of mucus increases significantly. The color of the mucous secretions also indicates the presence of the disease.

If you find a large amount of mucus in a certain color of stool, see your doctor. Analyzes will help to identify and determine the disease. Only a specialist can prescribe treatment! Self-medication will only exacerbate the problem.

To the doctor!

Sometimes a baby needs medical attention. The following symptoms indicate serious deviations in the development of the baby:

  • with vomiting and mucus;
  • elevated temperature;
  • Blood impurities in the stool indicate serious disorders. It can be dermatitis, an allergy to protein, inflammation and intestinal fissures;
  • Defecation occurs more than 12 times a day;
  • The baby is not gaining or losing weight. How to calculate the correct weight of a child up to a year, you can find out;
  • Profuse slimy stools; bad breath;
  • Urination occurs more than 6 times per knock and is accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • White chair;
  • Green frothy stool with a strong sour smell. By the way, the usual, with normal well-being, the baby is not a deviation;
  • Brown, yellow or green stools with abundant mucus indicate a cold in the baby;
  • appears due to increased gas formation and severe colic. Abundant foam can be a sign of pathology and problems in the body. The stronger the foam, the more serious the problem.

A properly composed menu for a nursing mother will help to adjust the baby's chair. Dried fruits and sour-milk products, plentiful warm drink contribute to the normal functioning of digestion. The norm for a nursing mother is 2-3 liters of fluid per day! In addition, you can massage the baby's tummy before feeding with light strokes and circular movements. This will reduce colic and improve digestion.

The appearance of mucus in the feces of a baby for many young parents becomes a reason to go to the hospital and get tested. The stool changes that occur between 0 and 6-8 months of age are certainly important and require close attention, but in some cases parental concerns are completely unfounded.

It is important to understand that in the first half of the year, the intestines of the crumbs continue to develop, and its mucous membranes are inhabited by beneficial and conditionally pathogenic bacteria that make up the intestinal microflora.

It is for this reason that the stool in infants is unstable, often changing its consistency and color. If the feces contain mucus, do not panic ahead of time. Information savvy will help parents keep calm, so it is necessary to know the causes and symptoms of this phenomenon.

Mucus in the feces of infants is not a pathological sign, so its appearance must be evaluated in conjunction with other symptoms. If the child is active, he has an excellent appetite, sleep corresponds to age norms, nothing threatens the health of the crumbs.

Mucus in certain quantities is present in the intestines of all children, including newborns. It performs a protective function, preventing the aggressive effects of acids and alkaline elements that enter the child's body. Normally, mucus should be mixed with fecal matter before emptying. This means that even a small amount of mucous content should not be detected externally in the feces.

Mucous stool in a newborn

After the baby is born, the bladder and intestines empty. In the first 1-3 days, the baby's stool is a viscous and sticky mass of dark green color with a brownish tint.

This stool is called meconium. It consists of epithelial cells, mucus, amniotic fluid surrounding the baby throughout all 9 months of intrauterine life, bile and hair.

The amount of mucus in meconium is about 70-80% of the total mass of feces. This is considered normal. Already for 3-4, the transition period will pass, and the baby's stool will become thicker (in consistency, it resembles a yellow or yellowish-brown gruel).

How to determine the presence of mucus?

To understand whether children's feces contain mucus or not, and also to determine its amount, it is necessary to pass a fecal analysis, which is called a coprogram. With the help of a coprogram, one can detect not only mucus, but also fatty acids, soaps, starch, muscle fibers, leukocytes, etc. Based on the results obtained, one can judge the presence of a pathological process, as well as its stage.

slime of different colors: pink, transparent, white, yellow, green

Significance for the diagnosis of the disease is not only the amount of mucus, but also its color.

  • Transparent slime. It is a sign of catarrhal phenomena (inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes, for example, tonsillitis, otitis media, etc.).
  • Green or yellow mucus. This color means the growth of bacterial (pathogenic) flora, the attachment of infection and the development of a purulent focus.
  • White slime. May be a sign of vaginitis in girls.
  • Pink slime. Usually appears with hemorrhoids in the stage of inflammation and anal fissures, as well as various injuries of the anus.
  • Mucus with blood streaks. A dangerous phenomenon that speaks of internal bleeding, ruptures or the formation of ulcers on the intestinal mucosa. In severe cases, it can be a symptom of malignant diseases of the anus and intestines.

Why does mucus appear in the stool: reasons


Dysbacteriosis in most countries is not considered a disease. This is a condition in which the balance of beneficial and pathogenic flora is disturbed.

There can be many reasons for dysbacteriosis: from gross violations of personal hygiene to the use of potent medications (antibiotics).

Mucus with dysbacteriosis appears only with a mild form of pathology. In more serious cases, the stool will contain particles of curdled milk and even blood impurities.

In addition to mucus, dysbacteriosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • bloating and soreness of the abdomen;
  • constipation;
  • liquid stool;
  • frequent vomiting.

For the treatment of dysbacteriosis, prebiotics and probiotics are used, as well as preparations for improving the intestines and restoring normal microflora.

Taking medication

In some babies, the use of medications (called "antifoamers") can cause a small amount of mucus to pass in the stool.

Most often, a similar reaction is given by "Bobotik", "Espumizan", dill water ("Bebikalm") and other drugs used to treat and prevent intestinal colic in children during the first months of life.

In this case, you should not worry when mucus is detected - there is not much of it and it will completely disappear after the end of the medication. If this does not happen, and the baby's stool is still mucous, you should consult a doctor.

Runny nose

Small children do not know how to blow their nose, so the mucus that forms in the nasal cavity flows in a small amount into the oropharynx, from where it enters the stomach through the digestive tract and eventually enters the intestines.

It is important that the mucus be transparent, as signs of a cold, together with yellow or green mucus, are a sign of deep bacterial infections accompanied by the formation of pus.

A little about the introduction of complementary foods

The stomach of a baby who is accustomed to mother's milk or formula may not immediately accept new foods. This is especially true for vegetable and fruit purees. Zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, prunes - these products can cause dyspeptic disorders and mild indigestion.

At the same time, a change in the stool is observed not only in the presence of mucus, but also in color (feces can become lighter or darker - depending on the type of complementary foods), as well as consistency.

Most babies who have tried zucchini for the first time have loose, foamy stools mixed with a small amount of mucus. This is normal - after the body gets used to a new type of food, there will be no mucus in the stool.


Symptoms of atopic dermatitis (itching, peeling, crusting on the skin, weeping spots) appear in infants in response to contact with allergens.

Anything can cause an allergy: cosmetics, the composition of the absorbent layer of the diaper, foods eaten by the mother (in case the baby is breastfed).

Atopic phenomena can also affect the mucous membranes that line the surface of the intestine. In response to an irritating factor, an increased amount of mucus is secreted in the intestines, which enters the feces.

Important! In infants older than 5-6 months, an allergic reaction occurs mainly to food. If, after introducing a new product into the diet, the baby's cheeks and eyes turn red, and a red rash appears on the body, you should refuse to introduce complementary foods and show the child to an allergist.

What to do with intestinal obstruction in infants

An extremely dangerous pathology in which part of the colon is squeezed by another part of the intestine, resulting in partial intestinal obstruction.

Food that cannot leave the intestines naturally stagnates and putrefaction processes begin. If the child is not provided with timely medical care, the rapid development of sepsis and intestinal rupture is possible.

At the first sign of intestinal obstruction, it is necessary to call an emergency team or an ambulance. Pathology can be determined by the following signs:

  • soreness of the abdomen during feeding or immediately after it;
  • gushing vomiting;
  • diarrhea mixed with blood and mucus.

A day after the bend of the intestine, the stool ceases to resemble feces (since food does not enter the intestine). The stools of the child look like lumps of thick mucus containing blood clots. This is a critical condition! Assistance to the child should be provided within 15-60 minutes. Otherwise, the likelihood of death will be too high.

Feces for intestinal infections

Intestinal infections of bacterial or viral origin (salmonellosis, dysentery, etc.) are characterized by inflammatory processes on the intestinal mucosa, so the appearance of mucus in the feces is one of the signs of this group of diseases.

Sometimes mucus may be present in the form of dense lumps - this condition may indicate the development of dehydration in the baby.

Acute dehydration can lead to the death of an infant, so emergency care should be provided immediately (in an infectious diseases hospital).

Dr. Komarovsky answers questions about intestinal infections and explains why they are hard to avoid.

lactose intolerance in a child

A condition characterized by a deficiency of an enzyme (lactase) that digests milk sugar (lactose). With this pathology, the child is tormented by pain in the abdomen, accumulation of gases and other dyspeptic phenomena. The baby's stool becomes liquid, contains particles of undigested milk and small lumps of mucus.

If lactase deficiency is suspected, the child's feces are examined for carbohydrates. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the mother's diet will need to be adjusted if she is breastfeeding.

celiac disease

Another name for the pathology is gluten deficiency. It occurs as a result of damage to the intestinal villi (small intestine) by products containing gluten. These products include all types of cereals (rye, oats, wheat, etc.).

With this disease, the child's stool usually has a normal consistency, but the amount of mucus at the same time exceeds the allowable values ​​by 2-2.5 times. It has no color, looks like chicken protein.

When should you see a doctor?

It is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician if the appearance of mucus is accompanied by other symptoms of various diseases, including:

  • diarrhea with a fetid odor;
  • dark urine;
  • infrequent urination;
  • profuse and frequent regurgitation;
  • smell from the mouth;
  • heat;
  • weight loss;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sunken fontanel;
  • wrinkled and flabby skin.

If one or more of these symptoms are detected, the baby should be shown to the doctor and undergo the necessary examination to identify possible health problems.

When is emergency assistance needed?

An ambulance should be called at the first suspicion of intestinal obstruction, as well as signs of intestinal infections. If the child suddenly has a fever, vomits, stools are frequent and frothy or watery with an admixture of mucus, an examination by an infectious disease specialist is required.


The mucus in the stool itself does not require treatment, since this is just a symptom indicating a serious malfunction in the body or improper organization of nutrition and care for the baby.

To prescribe the necessary therapy, the infant should be examined, and based on the results obtained, a conclusion should be made about the diagnosis and associated complications.

Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe the following treatment for the baby.

  • Runny nose.

To eliminate mucosal edema, a child may be prescribed vasoconstrictor drops (for example, Nazivin). In addition, rinsing of the nasal cavity with saline solutions or ready-made pharmaceutical preparations (Aqualor, Aquamaris) is prescribed. If a runny nose appeared as a result of a viral disease, treatment with antiviral agents (Viferon) is necessary.

  • lactase deficiency.

With lactose intolerance, the baby is prescribed drugs containing lactase ("Lactase Baby"). Dairy and sour-milk products are excluded from the mother's diet.

If the baby is bottle-fed, the pediatrician will recommend a lactose-free milk formula adapted to the characteristics and needs of a particular child.

  • Intestinal infections.

All children under one year old with any intestinal infections are hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital.

The treatment regimen is compiled individually and may include:

  • droppers with glucose solution (to prevent dehydration);
  • preparations for restoring water balance ("Regidron");
  • remedies for diarrhea ("Enterol");
  • painkillers and antipyretic drugs ("Nurofen");
  • antibiotics.

After undergoing treatment, it is necessary to drink a course of prebiotics (to prevent dysbacteriosis).

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of mucus in the baby's stool. It is difficult for parents to determine what exactly caused this phenomenon, therefore, only a person with the necessary skills and knowledge should examine the child and draw a conclusion about his state of health. Self-medication, especially in the presence of signs of disease, can result in tragic consequences.