How to bleach school blouses at home. How to bleach a white blouse at home: attention to the fabric. Toothpaste, vinegar and salt

“A white shirt and a T-shirt should definitely “settle” in the closet,” the stylists do not get tired of repeating. This is part of the basic wardrobe. But white means blindingly white. No dullness, dullness, and especially yellowish marks in the armpits! It is difficult to avoid such problems, but they are solvable. Shop bleach and folk remedies, tested by experienced housewives, will help.

Choosing a product in the store

Among the variety of options it is easy to get confused. Which remedy is better? Choose an oxygenated bleach and you can't go wrong. The only downside is the high price. But bleaches with oxygen do not destroy fabric fibers. A white summer dress will definitely last a couple of seasons, even if you bleach it often.

This type of bleach has many advantages. They:

  • effectively whiten, returning white brightness, eliminating stains;
  • suitable even for delicate materials, thanks to the composition without chlorine;
  • provide results even at low temperatures;
  • created specifically for washing machines;
  • rarely cause allergies.

Bleachers with oxygen can be used for colored clothes. From old age and frequent washing, printed things lose their brightness. Oxygen will return the colors, help get rid of the gray background.

Acting the old fashioned way: 2 ways

How did our grandmothers have to bleach white things at home? How to give an aesthetic appearance to white clothes and how to use non-sparing means? Is it possible to remove stains with ammonia? Boiling (digestion) and the good old whiteness helped to return the white color to grayed things. Both methods perfectly relieve dullness, yellowness. However, do not forget that whiteness contains chlorine and leads to thinning of the fabric, and boiling can reduce a thing prone to shrinkage by a couple of sizes. It is especially difficult to bleach a jacket and a knitted hat, a snow-white kimono also gets very dirty, it is easier to replace it with a new one. Not all tools will work in this case.


Peculiarities . The old method is often used when thinking about how to whiten children's things. When boiled, clothes are disinfected, plus many mothers do not trust store-bought products when it comes to children's clothes. To enhance the effect, you can prepare a soap-soda solution, add ammonia, peroxide.

We bleach

  1. If the clothes are heavily soiled, then soak first, only then proceed to boiling.
  2. Load into a ten-liter enameled container (galvanized can be used) clothes.
  3. Cover the bottom of the container with a white cloth.
  4. Pour in the soap solution (cold water and a grated bar of soap).
  5. Put the container on the stove and boil for about an hour.

Fashionistas have recently remembered about digestion. Dumpling jeans have returned to the city streets again. Trendy things are not cheap pleasure. But you can save money and breathe new life into old jeans by boiling them. Denim pants are rolled and boiled in water with the addition of bleach.


Peculiarities . Whiteness is only suitable for cotton. If you try to bleach knitwear or wool with it, the thing will become even yellower than it was. Remember the safety measures: protect your hands with gloves, the respiratory tract with a mask.

We bleach

  1. Prepare a soapy solution. You can use laundry soap or powder.
  2. Add bleach to the solution: 3 liters of liquid - a tablespoon of chlorine bleach.
  3. Soak items for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse things thoroughly.
  5. Wash by hand or send to the machine (place in the "washer" only after thorough rinsing: chlorine harms the technique).

Do you want fashionable dumplings, but you are not ready to inhale the vapors during digestion? You can bleach jeans white without boiling. Prepare a solution for soaking, twist your trousers and put them in a basin for three hours, or better, overnight.

How to bleach white things: 8 more recipes

To return whiteness to white things that have been lying for a long time, to get rid of annoying grayness, to remove yellow traces of sweat, the means available in every home will help. When choosing a bleaching method, be guided by the type of fabric. Ignore the rule - spoil the thing. Turn to proven methods, take into account the reviews of experienced housewives, and things will be whiter than white.


Peculiarities . The method will help remove old yellow spots from white things, return a dazzling white color. Suitable for cotton fabrics, linen material, synthetics. Feel free to use for bleaching printed models. Absolutely not suitable for silk, wool.

We bleach

  1. Dissolve baking soda in water. A liter is a tablespoon of a substance.
  2. Add ammonia. In terms of quantity, it is half that of sodium bicarbonate. Stir.
  3. Soak things and forget about them for three hours.
  4. Rinse, wash as usual.

The soda solution disinfects, removes odors, so you can safely call on an “assistant” when caring for children's things, but it is better not to add ammonia. To prepare a "baby" solution, observe the following proportions: two tablespoons of the substance per 10 liters of liquid.


Peculiarities . If you don’t know how to whiten white synthetic things from gray plaque, try adding table salt. The method is simple yet effective. A nice bonus is availability: table salt is always at hand.

We bleach

  1. Prepare a saline solution: a liter of liquid - two tablespoons of salt. Take warm water.
  2. Arrange a mini-soak - just for half an hour.
  3. Rinse.

Salt will not cope with dullness if the thing is stale. But if the clothes are gray from frequent washing, then the method will work. Salt soaking can be used for preventive purposes.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peculiarities . The method is useful for those who are looking for how to remove yellow spots on white. Peroxide relieves the fabric of yellowness, “pulls out” grayness from the fibers, removes traces of sweat and deodorant. A big plus of the method is its versatility. With its help, cotton sundresses, woolen sweaters are reanimated.

We bleach

  1. Dissolve hydrogen peroxide in water (three tablespoons per 10 liters).
  2. Leave things soaked in solution for half an hour.
  3. Rinse. Hang to dry.

Looking for a quick and economical way to whiten your medical gown? Peroxide will be the best helper. To enhance the effect, add ammonia (the same amount as the main component).

Potassium permanganate

Peculiarities . Manganese crystals will help whiten faded white things, get rid of yellowness, traces of sweat or deodorant. The method is gentle, therefore it can be used for all fabrics: manganese does not thin the fibers.

We bleach

  1. Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate: three to five crystals are enough.
  2. Dissolve soap shavings (half a piece) in 10 liters of water.
  3. Combine solutions.
  4. Set up an overnight soak.

If a small faded spot flaunts on white, you can act pointwise. A mixture of grated soap, starch, salt, citric acid will help whiten a stained white thing. You need to take each ingredient in a spoon and cook the gruel. It is applied to the stain, left overnight.


Peculiarities . Dry mustard whitens even delicate fabrics. Mustard powder makes white white, eliminating dullness, yellowness. The substance has disinfectant properties, removes grease, so housewives often choose it to care for kitchen textiles.

We bleach

  1. Add mustard powder to boiling water: a liter - a tablespoon.
  2. Let the solution sit for about three hours. Strain.
  3. Soak whites in filtered water. If the problem is minor - 20 minutes is enough. When it is necessary not only to bleach, but also to remove greasy stains, the soaking time is increased to two to three hours.

In mustard "bleach" you can soak things with a pattern. The print will become brighter.


Peculiarities . Helps to remove dullness from white woolen things, brightens natural fabrics, eliminates yellowness. The method should be noted by those who are looking for how to remove a yellow stain from white clothes. Thanks to salicylic acid, which is part of the drug, you can easily overcome old stains, stubborn traces of sweat: the acid penetrates deep into the tissue and “pushes out” all that is superfluous.

We bleach

  1. Add five aspirin tablets to a five-liter pot of water. It is better to crush them first.
  2. Soak clothes for about eight hours.
  3. Wash or just rinse.

Tablets can be added to the machine. It must first be crushed and diluted with a small amount of water. So you can remove yellow stains from the fabric, if they have not yet eaten. Adding tablets to the "washer" will prevent yellowness and dullness.

Lemon acid

Peculiarities . Acid can turn a cotton blouse dazzlingly white and ruin a wool sweater. Do not use on delicate fabrics. The method can be used to whiten underwear.

We bleach

  1. Dilute citric acid in boiling water: for each liter you need to take a tablespoon of acid.
  2. Soak things for five hours.
  3. Rinse.

Instead of acid, you can take the juice of two lemons. Natural bleach can remove small red stains from the iron.

Vegetable oil

Peculiarities . The recipe with vegetable oil is suitable if the clothes are heavily soiled. Things will become dazzling white, and greasy spots will disappear. The method impresses with its versatility.

We bleach

  1. Fill a five-liter saucepan with water, add grated soap, half a glass of powder.
  2. Pour in two and a half tablespoons of sunflower oil.
  3. Lower things and set aside in a saucepan for three hours.
  4. Wash.

In the soap-oil solution, add salt to the eye. This will enhance the whitening effect.

To prevent white clothes from fading, wash them properly. Follow five tips and white will stay white.

  1. Sort. Always wash whites separately from colored ones. This is an axiom. Even if the clothes do not shed, the printed fabric will “eat” the white color.
  2. Separate by type of fabric. Cotton and linen should not be combined with synthetics and wool. Neighborhood leads to the fact that the fabric turns gray.
  3. Read labels. Washing recommendations are indicated on the label, but often housewives forget to look there. But in vain! Failure to comply with the temperature regime leads to the loss of the original color.
  4. Don't delay. White things should not be "stored" in the laundry basket. The longer they stay dirty, the more likely they are to turn yellow or gray after washing. If traces of sweat remain on the white, the thing must be washed immediately, otherwise you will have to look for alternative methods to deal with yellow stains.
  5. Dry and store properly. It is advisable to dry white things in the sun, then they retain their brightness. Clothes are sent to storage after making sure that they are dry: moisture makes things gray. It is advisable to store white products separately from colored ones, to prevent them from caking.

To bleach yellowed white things at home, you have to put in a lot of effort. Therefore, the prevention of maintaining white color is so important. Add salt and baking soda directly to the machine every second wash and things will not turn yellow for a long time. Rinse white clothes thoroughly: powder and conditioner buildup makes things gray.

To paraphrase the famous phrase of the famous Coco Chanel about the little black dress, we can say that every woman in her wardrobe must have a charming white blouse, because it goes well with anything and looks aesthetically pleasing. True, such a thing requires careful attitude and proper care, as it quickly loses its attractiveness. But there are ways to bleach your blouse and bring your favorite item back to its original look.

Before starting the whitening process, it is necessary to clarify for what reasons it may turn yellow or gray:

  • for washing, a mode is selected that does not correspond to the type of matter;
  • low-quality perfumes are used;
  • the fabric is affected by negative environmental factors (bad water, air).

How to restore the whiteness of a blouse using folk remedies

In order to whiten a blouse at home, it is not necessary to buy expensive stain removers and other chemicals. To achieve a positive effect of fabric whitening, there are many proven folk methods available to every housewife.

But before bleaching a faded blouse at home, it is extremely important to determine what type of fabric you are dealing with. Wool sweaters need a completely different treatment than chiffon or silk items.

Synthetic items

Any synthetic fabric, for example, guipure or chiffon, is very capricious. For bleaching, only soaking in a saline solution (2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water) is suitable. But boiling or using aggressive stain removers will lead to irreversible damage to the product.

Silk white fabric

To bleach a white blouse from delicate silk, you can only use gentle methods. Try sea salt first. This tool perfectly absorbs pollution and does not destroy the structure of matter.

Just make a solution of water and salt and soak your clothes in it. To enhance the effect, you can add about 20 grams of peroxide, which is also safe for silk fibers.

You can bleach a silk blouse with saline, lemon and hydrogen peroxide.

If the whitening method described above did not help, try another good folk remedy - lemon juice. Squeeze it from one fruit into a liter of warm water and mix thoroughly. Soak the product in the resulting liquid for several hours, then rinse and let dry.

Wool clothing

Separately, it is worth discussing how to bleach a white woolen item. This material cannot be boiled, as under the influence of high temperatures it will simply sit down. Too aggressive substances are also not suitable here, because they will destroy the fibers.

A light wool blouse can be easily bleached with ordinary soda solution.

But a solution of water with baking soda for bleaching snow-white wool is quite appropriate and effective. You can even add it during washing in order to prevent yellowness or gray plaque.

Items made from other natural materials

Soak fabrics based on hemp, cotton or linen for about half an hour in a mixture of water and 200 grams of powdered milk. Next, wash the product in the usual way.

Bleach gray things

There are several ways to whiten a blouse if a gray coating has appeared on it. All of them involve soaking in a special solution, followed by rinsing and drying, are effective and quite affordable. Choose the most suitable whitening recipe for you.

  • A tube of toothpaste, which does not contain dyes, must be mixed with half a glass of baking powder and two tablespoons of table salt. Next, you need to pour 50 ml of vinegar and water into the resulting mass. Soaking time - 2 hours.
  • In a liter of water you need to dissolve 50 grams of salt. Soaking time - 20 minutes.
    Heat 4 liters of water, and then add a couple of tablespoons of boric acid to it, mix. Soaking time - 2 hours.
  • Dissolve a small amount of washing powder and potassium permanganate in warm water. The solution should not turn out bright, pale pink. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to cover the container with soaked clothes with a lid. Soaking time - from 20 to 60 minutes.
  • Add a couple of tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to 2 liters of water, mix. Soaking time - 20 minutes.

After watching the video, you will be able to visually evaluate the effectiveness of the three methods of whitening a white blouse and choose the appropriate method for yourself.

How to wash a blouse and remove various stains from it

Before bleaching a blouse, you must first remove all dirt and stains on it.

  • The trace of a ballpoint pen should be removed with alcohol-containing products. For example, you can saturate the problem area with cologne and leave for a few minutes. Rubbing is not recommended, as this will increase the area of ​​​​contamination. Next, you need to carefully treat the stain with laundry soap and rinse the item thoroughly.
  • Grease stains are much more difficult to deal with. For synthetic fabrics, prepare a solution consisting of one part ammonia and two parts water, and then treat the contaminated area on the clothing with it using a cotton pad. Rinse the thing after the procedure.
  • As for natural fabrics, they need to be bleached under the influence of a hot iron. To prevent damage to the material, it is protected on both sides with parchment. If a greasy stain appears on cotton, then in order to guarantee a positive bleaching result, it must first be treated with turpentine before ironing.

Cotton blouse must be treated with turpentine before bleaching

  • When drops of fruit juice or wine get on white clothes, you need to sprinkle the stains with salt as soon as possible. It will absorb some of the liquid along with the dye, respectively, it will be much easier to deal with the problem. Try to remove the remaining dirt with a normal wash in a soapy solution, adding a little baking soda. Another remedy will also be effective: a solution of 10 teaspoons of perhydrol, 5 drops of ammonia and 200 ml of water.

In the case when the pollution is old, you need to use hot milk to soak things. After using any of these products, clothing should be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

To remove chocolate stains, the product will contain the following ingredients: 100 ml of liquid soap, a tablespoon of flour and hot water. This solution should not be used to clean delicate fabrics that do not allow exposure to high temperatures.

How to bleach a faded white blouse

By running white things into the washing machine along with colored ones, you will most likely find that. Do not despair, because the faded material can be saved. The sooner you start solving this problem, the better.

You can bleach a faded white blouse using simple and affordable means.

Add a few crystals of potassium permanganate to the water and put the product in it. Next, prepare a solution consisting of water, ammonia, baking soda, salt and citric acid. Soak the painted item in it for about an hour, then rinse.

Yellow spots under the armpits

Having decided to save on high-quality deodorant, be prepared for the fact that you will soon have to puzzle over how to whiten the armpits on a white blouse, because unaesthetic yellow spots will appear in these places.

You can whiten a blouse in the armpit area using ordinary laundry soap. The higher the percentage of fatty acids, the better. Just lather the sweat-yellowed fabric well and leave it on for about 40 minutes. Next, wash the product by hand or in a typewriter, choosing the appropriate program.

With yellow spots on the armpits, ordinary remedies can help

Baking soda also works great for yellow underarm stains. Mix it with a little water (and preferably vinegar) to make a thick paste, and then apply liberally to the problem area. After a few hours, wash the item at 30 degrees.

Prevention measures

Agree that any problem is much easier to prevent than to solve. So, the prevention of color loss on the product consists of the following rules:

  • install a quality filter on the water supply;
  • store white things in ventilated areas;
  • use only high-quality powder for white fabrics;
  • after washing dark clothes, turn on the rinse mode of an empty machine with the addition of bleach, and only then put white items in the centrifuge;
  • store and wash whites separately from others.

In custody

White clothing needs special care, otherwise it will quickly lose its attractiveness. However, if the fabric of the thing turned yellow or gray, do not rush to throw it away. In addition to household chemicals, there are many effective folk methods for whitening. Just before using the selected recipe, make sure that it is suitable for your type of matter.

A white blouse will refresh and decorate any look, regardless of the age and physique of a person. One misfortune - such a thing does not retain its original whiteness for long, turns gray or turns yellow, and sometimes it is spoiled in an instant by a carelessly placed spot. But there are ways to revive a white blouse at home.

Whitening during washing

In order for the blouse to retain its whiteness for a long time, the following care rules must be observed:
  1. Wash whites separately from colours, even if they don't shed.
  2. Use laundry detergents specially designed for whites - as a rule, they contain effective bleaching ingredients.
  3. Strictly follow the clothing manufacturer's recommendations for washing and ironing temperatures. So, when washed in water with a temperature above 40 degrees, synthetic fabrics turn yellow or gray, after which it is almost impossible to return the original color. Cotton fabrics, on the contrary, require a temperature of 60 degrees for high-quality washing, and at 30-40 degrees they may not be fully washed regularly.
  4. Be sure to sort the laundry before washing, not only by color, but also by the composition of the fabrics. Read labels carefully - your cotton or linen blouse may actually be half synthetic.
  5. Before each wash, treat the collar and cuffs, as well as the armpit area. Many household cleaners offer pre-treatment sprays for stains or heavily soiled areas of clothing before washing. For example, SA8™ AMWAY Pretreatment Stain Remover Spray or FABERLIC HOUSE LIQUID SPRAY Stain Remover.
Following these simple rules will help keep the original color of your favorite things as long as possible.

Whitening white blouses with folk remedies

When you accidentally put a stain, people's recommendations will help restore whiteness, which require the use of simple, inexpensive components that can be bought at a pharmacy or hardware store.

Hydrogen peroxide - No. 1 for bleaching white things

A three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, which is sold in any pharmacy, is truly a universal substance for all occasions. It turns out that among the various "points of application" of it in the household - and whitening too:
  • To bleach a white blouse from any material, you need to prepare a solution of one teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 2 liters of water;
  • If the blouse is made of wool, silk, synthetic or mixed fabric, the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, for linen or cotton - better than 60-70 degrees;
  • If the thing is yellowed, you can add another 1 teaspoon of soda ash;
  • Soak things in this solution for 20 minutes at low temperatures and 10 if you use hot water;
  • Things in the process of processing must be periodically turned over so that the bleaching is uniform.

If there are a lot of white things in your wardrobe, it is more logical to use hydroperite: you will need 9 tablets per 10 liters of water. Further - the same procedure.

If you washed a white blouse and noticed that it is far from the ideal of cleanliness, try saving it as follows: dilute 1 tbsp in 5 liters of hot water. l. hydrogen peroxide and the same amount of ammonia. Soak the thing in the resulting solution for half an hour, turning it over periodically. It is important that the room is well ventilated.

Potassium permanganate - an unexpected solution

Who would have thought that it is possible to bleach a white blouse that has lost its brightness with a substance that can hopelessly ruin any thing? The most important thing is to be sure that all the crystals have dissolved, otherwise the effect will be the opposite of what was expected.

And the recipe is simple:
  1. In hot water, make a light pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  2. Add washing powder according to the norms given on its packaging;
  3. Mix well and soak the laundry;
  4. Stand under the lid until it cools completely, rinse white things.

Laundry soap or boiling

If your first aid kit does not have hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate, and you cannot stand the smell of ammonia, try to get by with laundry soap, best of all, 72%. Lather very strongly the stain on a white blouse or all of it, leave for half an hour, and then wash.

If the blouses (shirts) are cotton or linen, you can put them in a solution of washing powder for half an hour. It is important that the dishes are enamelled. Stir things several times during the boiling process. This method of bleaching is even more effective if you add a couple of tablespoons of any bleach to the powder and the same amount, oddly enough, of refined vegetable oil.

Recipes for synthetic and mixed fabrics

Naturally, boiling is not at all suitable for products made of synthetic and mixed fabrics. A white blouse made of guipure, acetate silk, chiffon or any other fabric entirely or largely consisting of synthetic fibers can be soaked for 20 minutes in a warm salt solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

Boric acid can help, which, in addition to bleaching, will protect you from fungal infections. So, for bleaching, soak a white blouse for 2 hours in a hot solution of boric acid (2 tablespoons per 4 liters of water). Then you need to thoroughly rinse the bleached thing.

Using the experience of previous generations, do not neglect the recommendations regarding the time of exposure to certain substances, their concentration and temperature. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting a shabby rag instead of a snow-white blouse - simple pharmaceutical preparations are very aggressive if used incorrectly.

Whitening with industrial products

Many modern housewives are not inclined to mess with folk recipes, they prefer industrial-made bleaches. Is it possible with their help to restore the dazzling whiteness of gray, yellowed or faded things? The range of modern detergents is so large that it is just right to get confused. Let's try to figure out what household chemicals offer:

How to bleach a faded blouse? (video)

If your favorite white blouse has faded, you can try to return it to its previous appearance. And although the video is not about a white, but only about a light thing, you can very well adopt this method:

So, bleaching a white blouse, no matter what material it is made of, is not so difficult. It is important to follow the clothing manufacturer's instructions regarding washing temperatures, follow the recommended bleaching times and doses of bleaching agents, and rinse the item thoroughly after treatment.

Time is merciless to light-colored clothes: they begin to turn gray and turn yellow. Frequent washing, bad water and the wrong detergent have a negative effect on white fabric.

Even the most caustic stains are not a sentence for white clothes if you know how to bleach a blouse. You need to choose the bleaching method carefully, guided by the type of fabric.


White is a classic. Blouses and shirts are worn by everyone, they look beautiful with school uniforms, and they are also the dress code of many companies.

It will help to make a white blouse clean at home and without resorting to washing with expensive powders or chemical bleaches.

The procedure is carried out only for things made of natural fabrics (cotton and linen). Synthetics cannot be boiled.

How to bleach a white blouse:

  1. Lay a light cloth on the bottom of the container (boiling is carried out in an enamel pan).
  2. Add washing powder, its quantity is determined in accordance with the instructions on the package.
  3. You can add ammonia to enhance the effect (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). You can also boil laundry with laundry soap and soda ash.
  4. Boil the blouse for 30 to 60 minutes, depending on how dirty the fabric is.
  5. Stir the cleaning solution with a smooth wooden stick every 10 minutes.

Then the clothes are rinsed under running water. Frequent boiling is not recommended, as it will lead to rapid deterioration of the fabric.

Home dry cleaning

To bleach a blouse at home will help folk remedies. This process is laborious and requires care.

There are many ways to help bring anything back to life. Knowing a few effective recipes, a woman's wardrobe will always look neat.

soda and salt

These funds are suitable for. Small particles will not damage the fabric.

How to bleach a white blouse if it has turned gray:

  1. Baking soda can be used on its own or in tandem with other substances. You can bleach a blouse in this way: 5 liters of water, 5 tbsp. l. baking soda, 2 tbsp. l. ammonia. The thing is soaked for 4 hours, then rinsed and washed in a typewriter.
  2. Stubborn stains will be removed with baking soda and vinegar. First, the contaminated place is moistened with soda, then poured with vinegar. In this form, the thing is left to dry completely, after which it is washed in the usual way.
  3. If the yellowness is persistent, the blouse can be boiled in a soda solution for 30 minutes. The output will be a snow-white fabric.
  4. If the jacket is gray, salt with hydrogen peroxide will help it. They are taken in equal quantities, add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and powder. The mixture is poured into a basin, filled with water and a blouse is placed in the solution. After 25 minutes, the clothes are washed in the machine.
  5. Mix soda and salt in equal proportions, add water. Wash your blouse in this solution. This mixture can be used with every wash of whites. This will protect the material from dullness and yellowing.

Soda and salt are added to. They are not only able to lighten the fabric, but also prevent the accumulation of scale in the machine.

ammonia + hydrogen peroxide

Ammonia and 3% hydrogen peroxide will help to wash white blouses from old stains, yellowness and grayness.

The second agent can be replaced with hydroperite. For 10 liters of water you need 9 tablets.

How to bleach a blouse at home:

  1. Pour 5 liters of water into a plastic basin. Its temperature should correspond to the fabric of the blouse. Typically, the temperature regime is indicated on the product label.
  2. Then add 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide, and after stirring the same amount of ammonia.
  3. Only washed items are soaked in this solution. The jacket is immersed in the product for 30 minutes.
  4. At the end, rinse in clean water to get rid of the smell of ammonia. Re-washing in the machine is not required.

If after the procedure the smell of ammonia is still present, the thing is hung out in the fresh air.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is an excellent remedy for yellowness and dullness. Washing a white blouse is easy for them.

200 g of washing powder and a few crystals of potassium permanganate are added to a bucket of hot water. The liquid should be light pink in color.

A blouse washed in a typewriter is lowered into a bucket, covered with plastic wrap and waiting for the water to cool. Then the product is thoroughly rinsed.

If a stain has formed on a non-white thing, and no home remedy helps, then the following recipe will definitely cope with this problem:

  1. 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate are diluted in 1 glass of vinegar.
  2. A cotton swab is dipped in the mixture, and the contaminated area is moistened.

This is an "emergency" tool. Perfectly removes stains, and at the same time whitens the blouse.

Boric acid

This tool is sold in a pharmacy, it costs a penny, but it whitens remarkably. Boric acid is rarely used, because the procedure with its help takes a lot of time.

How to wash a white blouse:

  1. In 4 liters of water, dilute 2 tbsp. l. acids.
  2. Soak the blouse in the resulting solution for 2 hours.
  3. Then they are washed in the usual way in compliance with the temperature regime.

This solution works no worse than factory bleach. Before the procedure, you can carefully rub the blouse with laundry soap and then soak in boric acid, so the effect will be better.

Laundry soap

Another good assistant in the fight against the yellowness of women's blouses is laundry soap. It is advisable to buy a brown bar that says 72%.

First, the blouse is soaked in cold water, then rubbed with laundry soap and poured with hot water. After an hour, things are washed by hand or poured into the machine together with the solution.

Instead of a basin, you can use a plastic bag. Experienced housewives recommend soaking gray blouses in this way. Just try to get as much air out of the bag as possible.

A solution of 3 tbsp will help remove yellowness. l. laundry soap, diluted in 2 liters of warm water and ⅓ cup of ammonia. Keep things in this tool for up to 1 hour. Then simply rinse under running water, and hang out to dry outside.

Toothpaste + salt + vinegar

This tool is one of the best. The prepared solution of toothpaste, salt and vinegar is very aggressive, so you must follow the dosage and do not keep the blouse in it for more than the allotted time.

This recipe will help wash stains and whiten a blouse:

  1. Mix 150 g of toothpaste, 50 g of salt, 100 g of baking powder for dough and 10 ml of 9% vinegar.
  2. Vinegar is added last. When the composition begins to hiss, add a little water, lower the blouse into the container with the solution.
  3. After two hours, the jacket is taken out of the solution, hung out to dry.
  4. Then it is washed in the machine in the usual way.

To remove yellowness from a blouse, add 1 tsp to the solution. soda ash. The water temperature should be 30-40 degrees. In a cool solution, white things are washed better.

Silk renewal

Silk is a delicate fabric, so you can’t use aggressive compounds, this also applies to bleaching products that you buy in a store. Otherwise, the blouse will be forever ruined.

Why a silk blouse? As bleaching agents, you can use sea salt (not table salt). She will need 5 tbsp. l., soak the product for 3 hours.

You can also use lemon juice or acid to bleach a silk blouse. You will need 2-3 fruits. Lemon juice is diluted in 1.5 liters of water. The blouse is left to soak in this solution for 8-12 hours.

Finish the procedure with a normal wash. Temperature regime - 30 degrees. Silk items should not be tumble dried or tumble dried.

To look well-groomed in white things, they need to be properly looked after. They acquire dullness and yellowness due to improper care.

For white things, you must use a special powder. Wash them separately from colored and black fabrics.

Not many people know, but white things cannot be kept in a closed closet for a long time. It is worth at least occasionally wearing blouses or airing them in the fresh air. Without access to oxygen, they begin to turn gray and turn yellow.

Blouses always indicate how to care for the product. The recommendations given by the manufacturers should be followed.

It is not recommended to give preference to purchased bleaches. They are best used as a last resort, because they destroy the structure of the fibers. Factory bleaches are recommended to be used 1 time for 3-4 washes.

You can always return a white blouse to its original appearance. The main condition is the observance of all the manufacturer's recommendations and the preparation of home remedies in accordance with the instructions, observing the indicated dosage.

From numerous washings, the white color loses its original brightness, becomes gray and dull. Even new blouses that have been lying for a long time cannot boast of snow-whiteness: from time to time the fabric turns yellow and can go streaked. Therefore, light things must be periodically sorted out and rewashed.

Choose a method according to the type of fabric

There are many methods for bleaching a white blouse if it has turned gray or yellowed. When choosing one of them, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the fabric and the maximum permissible washing temperature in each case:

  • cotton - unpretentious in care, withstands boiling;
  • linen - strong and durable, washable at 90-95°C;
  • silk - soft, cannot be boiled, can be washed up to 40°C;
  • synthetics - an artificial material, the optimum washing temperature is 20-40 ° C.

Cotton and linen

To bleach a yellowed cotton or linen white shirt, you can use the following methods.

  • Boiling. To do this, you need to load a shirt into a pan with an enameled surface or stainless steel, add a little washing powder and put it on the stove. Bring to a boil and “cook” the product for no more than 30 minutes. After - rinse thoroughly. This method is quite aggressive and has a destructive effect on tissues, so it is not recommended to use it often.
  • Baking soda . Baking soda is one of the safest stain removers. It is suitable even in cases where you need to tidy up children's clothes. It is enough to pour 100-150 g of the product into the powder compartment and wash the product in the washing machine.
  • Hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite. Two large spoons of peroxide or nine tablets of hydroperite dissolved in 10 liters of hot water (up to 70 ° C) will help get rid of yellowness. It is necessary to soak the blouse for 20 minutes, then wash it as usual. For greater effect, stir a large spoonful of soda.
  • Ammonium chloride. To get rid of gray plaque, it is advised to pour four large spoons of ammonia into a five-liter container. Soak the shirt for four hours. Moreover, in order to avoid the appearance of stains, it is necessary to ensure that the clothes are completely in the solution. Wash in a well-ventilated area due to the strong odor.
  • Chlorine. If you need to quickly wash a white shirt from yellow spots, you can use whiteness or Domestos. A couple of tablespoons of the product should be mixed in 6 liters of warm water. The exposure time should not exceed 20 minutes. After that, rinse thoroughly in plenty of water, and remember: frequent use of Domestos or whiteness is not recommended. The aggressive effect of chlorine is detrimental to fabrics, they wear out faster.
  • Oxygen. Oxygen bleaches are gentle on fabrics, preserving texture and giving them brightness. Can be added to the drum during washing or pre-soaked. Popular representatives are Vanish, Persol.

Silk and guipure

The following methods will help you wash a white silk blouse.

  • Laundry soap. The oldest bleaching method, safe for fabrics. You can grate soap and use instead of powder. Or you can lather the contaminated areas and leave for several hours. After just wash.
  • Salt . Regular table salt is safe for delicate fabrics and does not require high water temperature for bleaching. It is enough to dilute the product in hot water at the rate of two large spoons per liter, cool to the maximum permitted temperature and soak the clothes for half an hour.
  • Alcohol . To get rid of yellow spots, you need to rub them with a swab dipped in ethyl alcohol. Then wash in the washing machine.
  • Lemon acid. It penetrates the structure of the fabric and "eats" the stain. It is enough to add a couple of spoons to the washing powder during the washing process. For more effective bleaching, it is necessary to wet the contaminated areas, generously sprinkle with citric acid and leave to act for 15-20 minutes. After washing with washing powder for whites.

In addition, modern oxygen-containing bleaches can be used to clean white silk or guipure blouses.


You can remove a yellow stain from a white dress or blouse made of synthetic materials using the means already described:

  • hydroperite or peroxides;
  • brown soap;
  • table salt;
  • oxygen bleach.

So, for example, synthetic items are soaked in a concentrated saline solution (300 g per 5 liters) for a couple of hours. Also, before washing, you can rub the blouse with laundry soap and leave for an hour to act. Particularly contaminated places are sprinkled with talc or grated chalk and left overnight. After that, you need to wash the thing in the usual way.

Another remedy is acetylsalicylic acid. The substance penetrates the fibers and "pushes" the dirt out of them. In this connection, for example, aspirin can bleach a white synthetic dress without harm. To do this, soak the tablets (five to seven pieces) to the state of a liquid slurry, rub the contaminated areas and leave for several hours.

Wash white clothes with black inserts by hand in cool water with the addition of table salt.

How to bleach special areas of a white shirt: collar and cuffs

To wash the collar and cuffs of a white shirt, you need to try especially hard. After all, it is in these places that corrosive traces of perfume and cosmetics remain. Help here:

  • soda;
  • talc;
  • laundry soap;
  • lemon juice.

It is necessary to generously rub the contaminated places with any indicated substance. The exposure time is several hours. After - washing in the usual mode.

In the same way, you can wash the white non-removable collar on a black dress. Just be careful to apply the mixture, trying not to get on the fabric of a dark color.

In addition, milk will help to remove a yellow stain from a white blouse or get a snow-white collar. Just dip the contaminated area in a container with a warm natural drink for half an hour.

specific stains

In addition to the traditional traces of wear, specific stains can also remain on white things. According to reviews, most often you have to deal with such traces.

  • From sweat. A mixture of table salt, baking soda and liquid soap will help remove a yellow sweat stain from a white shirt. It is necessary to mix everything in equal proportions. The exposure time is 30 minutes.
  • From blue (ink). Ethyl alcohol or cologne applied to the contaminated area for five to ten minutes will help get rid of traces of a ballpoint pen.
  • From iron. Boric or citric acid will help to bring out the “burning”, which must be poured onto the trace and kept until brightened.
  • From fat. You can close the stain on both sides with parchment, and iron it with an iron heated to the highest possible temperature.
  • From molt. From faded spots, the hydrogen peroxide method described above will help. It is necessary to soak contaminated items for an hour. To achieve a greater effect, the container can be covered with a plastic bag.
  • From blood. Blood stains can only be washed in cold water. You can pre-rub them with laundry soap. Moreover, it is better to wash the blood immediately, old spots are difficult to remove. If the stain is already dry, soak it in a concentrated saline solution. Fresh ones are easy to remove with hydrogen peroxide - you just need to apply the drug pointwise to the area of ​​​​contamination.

The nuances of "white" washing

To make white shirts last longer, heed the advice of experienced housewives:

  • sort - white things are always washed separately;
  • handle collar- before washing, it must be brushed to get rid of the dust particles of the skin;
  • watch your cuffs- so as not to lose their shape, they are washed with a brush on both sides, pulled on a rigid base (shampoo bottle);
  • “Stir” - during bleaching, change the position of the shirt in the container with the composition, which is important for a uniform effect;
  • add salt - so that the shirt with colored inserts does not shed.

When thinking about how to bleach a white blouse and shirt, remember that it is easier to prevent stains than to remove them. Take care of your things and do not forget that light-colored products do not tolerate long-term wear - wash at the first sign of contamination.