Professional burnout: how not to burn out at work. How to recover from burnout at work

Our expert - business coach Denis Pasko.

Life by inertia

Burnout syndrome has many manifestations. But its main sign is when an employee starts to work as if by inertia, under duress, from bell to bell. disappears creative attitude to work, the shine in the eyes is lost, the interest in improving qualifications, in achieving better results.

Professional burnout is usually spoken of in relation to professions associated with intensive communication with people. This phenomenon affects teachers, sales consultants, lawyers, social workers, officials. Such problems arise when an employee has to deal with numerous visitors every day, with new people, when the social circle is constantly changing.

Risk group

More often than others, doctors experience burnout. Especially employees of oncology departments of clinics, where, unfortunately, due to objective reasons diagnosed with the highest percentage of deaths. In addition, oncologists have to constantly interact with people who are depressed, depressed state. This applies not only to patients, but also to their relatives. Such communication cannot but affect psychological mood and the state of health of the physicians themselves.

Among ophthalmologists, professional burnout syndrome often affects specialists in conservative, laser and surgical treatment of glaucoma. The specificity of this disease is that the improvement of visual functions, with rare exceptions, cannot be achieved in such patients. All the efforts of doctors are focused solely on maintaining the patient's visual potential. But this also does not always work.

Blind patients often begin to blame doctors for their troubles, although in fact no mistakes were made in the treatment ... This situation in some doctors leads to a feeling of resentment, emptiness, disappointment with their profession.

Head's Heavy Cross

Another of the most vulnerable categories for professional burnout is managers of all ranks. Often they have to make unpopular decisions: fire employees, issue reprimands, deprive people of bonuses. Sometimes employees perceive their boss as an overseer, the evil Karabas-Barabas, who poisons their lives.

A person in a leadership chair begins to feel lonely, misunderstood. He gets the feeling that all his efforts aimed at the prosperity of the company and increasing its efficiency turn out to be useless.

Don't become a ballast

The problem of professional staff burnout for the companies in which he works is that, from a formal point of view, burnt out employees do not violate any instructions, usually observe labor discipline and generally correspond to their positions. But in fact, these people become ballast for their employers, they pull their own weight, without benefiting either themselves or others.

Find the way out

The way out of this situation can be different. In some cases, it is necessary to transfer an employee to another department, send him to advanced training courses, or provide him with unscheduled leave.

Maxim worked for several years in one of the St. Petersburg charitable organizations. His responsibilities included advising people in difficult life situation: homeless, AIDS patients, former prisoners. Some time ago, colleagues and superiors began to notice the typical symptoms of professional burnout in a 37-year-old employee: he became rude and irritable with colleagues and his wards, constantly looked haggard and tired, sometimes was late for work and tried to disappear from the office immediately after the end of the working day. .

The management of the organization was already busy looking for a plausible excuse to part with an inconvenient employee, but business coach Denis Pasko suggested unexpected decision: Maxim was relieved of his duties as a consultant and instructed to engage in interaction with potential philanthropists and search for new sources of funding.

This work pleased the man. And the result was not slow to affect: from an outsider, Maxim turned into one of the most valuable employees of the organization. Thanks to him, relationships were established with a number of generous benefactors.

new chance

After fifteen years of working in an Orenburg fitness club as an aerobics coach, Tatyana felt more and more devastated. She did not feel the return and gratitude from her wards. In addition, with age, intensive training was given to her more and more difficult. Tatyana's husband was making good money, and the lady began to think about quitting her job altogether and becoming a housewife.

When she informed the fitness club manager about her desire to quit, the boss offered an unexpected solution: “Tanyusha, you are an excellent athlete and an exemplary mother of two daughters! Why don't you master a new, promising direction - "Fitness for pregnant women"? It is necessary to take refresher courses, get a certificate. The fitness club is responsible for all training costs.

A new type of activity has become a new chance for Tatyana. There is no more talk of professional burnout. The coach enjoys every working day and is happy to help expectant mothers improve their health and prepare for themselves. important event in their lives.

Sometimes it's better to leave

The example of Maksim and Tatyana shows that professional burnout can often be overcome by changing the type of activity within one's own company. But such a development of events is not always possible. Sometimes the only way out for an employee and his employer is to part ways.

The best way out of this situation may be dismissal by agreement of the parties. It is often more profitable for an employer to pay a “burnt out” employee a solid financial compensation for his voluntary departure than to continue to involve him in the production process.

Personal opinion

Sergei Belogolovtsev:

Every person has a moment when it seems that a career and work is the most important thing in life. I had it. And now I incredibly regret, looking at my grandchildren, that I did not devote enough time to my children, did not see their new discoveries in life.

We are always in a hurry somewhere, we do not have time, we are late and we worry when something does not go according to plan. It would seem that the development of technology should have made life easier. However, this did not happen. Gadgets have made us lazier and less stress-resistant. And our efficiency is declining, despite their help.

Quite often there are situations when an employee receives a new task or work of his colleague without any prior explanation and preparation for fulfilling these obligations. In pursuit of a higher position, an increase in income, and out of fear of disappointing the authorities, a person does not dare to give up the extra load. And starts to work hard.

Working for 8-10, and sometimes for 12-14 hours does not lead to an increase in employee efficiency. In my practice I have met different types people: some slept for 5 hours and worked for 12, others - slept for 8 hours and worked for 6. Who do you think was more efficient? I can say with confidence that efficiency has nothing to do with the number of hours you work. It is directly related to how you work.

On the way home, you continue to check your mail and instant messengers, and at home you make plans for the next day, replay options for meetings, tasks and tasks in your head. possible solutions. And in the morning - again in battle. All this does not make you highly effective, but, on the contrary, leads to burnout.

Burnout and loss of performance is much more than just a physical condition.

At some point in the stream of thoughts, questions, desire to do everything and discrepancies in plans, you will want to let everything take its course. Yesterday a man was the best employee, and today, having reached the boiling point, he quit his job and excellent prospects. The company has lost a valuable asset. This situation is not uncommon.

Companies care about physical health employees, not realizing that burnout and loss of efficiency is much more than just a consequence of physical condition. Now some global corporations have begun to implement employee assistance programs - Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which are aimed at improving their mental health.

Such programs involve regular consultations, assistance in emergency situations and employee health audits. Depending on your preferences, you can consult in person, online, by phone or in a messenger. In addition, there are 24/7 support specialists on hotline. EAPs may vary depending on the groups of employees, for example, top managers, women, senior management.

Unfortunately, we do not have such practice yet. However, there are small steps that can be taken to prevent burnout and improve daily performance.

1. Develop healthy habits to start the day

How you start the day is how you spend it. Pay attention to how your morning is organized. The author of The Magic of the Morning, Ham Elord, said that the first hour determines success. Give yourself 5 minutes of silence to visualize, reflect, and prepare for a new day. Then - 5 minutes for affirmation. This positive statement to improve any area of ​​life. And do not forget to dedicate 15-20 minutes exercise or reading.

2. Organize your workspace wisely

There should be a minimum of items on your desktop that can distract you from the process and prevent you from making quick decisions. If you spend 5 minutes looking for something on a table or computer, it immediately lowers your efficiency and concentration. So it was with me until I took a break and put things in order. Now I can find any necessary information or document without hesitation. Interestingly, once a month I do the same at home. This helps not to be distracted by trifles, reduces the risk of nervous breakdowns and worries due to the inability to find something you need.

3. Try meditation

To many, meditation seems to be something useless. Sitting, doing nothing, not thinking. What a waste of time But in fact, our brain works at a crazy speed every day. There is so much to do, remember, and so on. At some point, he just needs peace. Meditation helps you control your thoughts so they don't control your life. If you're experiencing feelings of stress or dissatisfaction with accomplishments, meditation can be the first step to solving the problem.

The modern rhythm of city life leaves no chance morally weak people. Sometimes the career ladder is like survival in the jungle - so many nerves, tears, efforts are needed to advance in the service. Every day at the same time, the employee comes to his workplace. Even if there is a general friendly team there are always individuals who are ready to "sit out" from their homes. This situation is exhausting and contributes to the appearance of stress and chronic fatigue. This is called "a person burned out at work."

How to understand the definition of "burn out"

Many people do not know how to understand such a definition. Some of them will never experience a similar syndrome in real life. What does "burned out at work" mean? After all, this phrase is not used in the literal sense.

The definition of "burn out at work" means a combination of the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of migraine, chronic headache (which the patient had not suffered before);
  • psychosomatic manifestations of stress - these can be dizziness, pain in the back of the head or limbs, fainting, lack of air;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • psychical deviations;
  • unwillingness to go to work in the team that you liked before;
  • unwillingness to fulfill their duties even with an increase in material remuneration;
  • an attempt to escape from problems in alcohol abuse or drug addiction;
  • relations with relatives collapse;
  • a person is constantly in a state of irritation and dissatisfaction with his life.

Psychosomatic manifestations of the problem

These are the most serious consequences of the concept of "burning out at work." Alas, in our country one can still often observe a condescending attitude towards psychological problems. "He earns a lot - what else do you need?" - these are the condescending comments the employee listens to when trying to describe his condition.

In the last stages of the syndrome, manifestations appear at the level of psychosomatics. This is no joke here. The patient may suffocate, lose consciousness, suffer from severe headaches. Numerous examinations do not find the cause - after all, formally the person is healthy. The body reacts in a similar way to problems in the psyche. This is the essence of the psychosomatic side of the problem.

Stages of professional burnout syndrome

Psychology distinguishes three stages. on each of them are effective various methods therapy and patient care

  1. "Emotional Elevator" The employee ceases to be pleased with monetary motivation. There is a growing feeling of emotional emptiness, indifference, unmotivated anxiety.
  2. "Loneliness in the crowd." The employee becomes more and more isolated. Some try to "escape" into alcohol and drugs. There are bouts of anger, anxiety, aggression.
  3. "Illness of mind and body." Psychosomatic problems enter the scene. now the patient will not do without the help of a competent psychotherapist. In some cases, it is necessary to take psychoactive drugs. Even a job change will not have a noticeable effect on the patient's condition.

Who is most prone to burnout syndrome?

Everyone can theoretically burn out at work. Much depends on the original mental stability person. There is an opinion among psychologists that women are in no way inferior to men in terms of endurance. Moreover, among some professions, the percentage of burnout among male employees is higher.

Professions most commonly associated with burnout symptoms:

  • teachers and lecturers;
  • doctors in polyclinics who have to deal with the flow of visitors;
  • social workers;
  • investigators, pathologists, policemen.

Common mistakes employees make when trying to help themselves

Alas, in our country the concept of "burning out at work" refers to a series of shameful concepts. After all, how can you not be happy with a serious position and a high salary? More often than not, people with a background in psychology can understand exactly which avenues of therapy can help a patient.

Dangerous advice given by people around a person with the syndrome of "professional burnout":

  • fly to rest for a week in another country;
  • workout;
  • have sex;
  • change sexual partner;
  • buy yourself a new thing;
  • go to the salon and change your hairstyle;
  • get a tattoo
  • make repairs in the apartment.

These tips are not only useless, but harmful. If we are talking about a real psychological syndrome, then training in gym may lead to hospitalization. And flying to another country will not cause joy. and even more fatigue and irritation.

Methods of psychological assistance

Burned out at work? What to do? This question can arise even before the most successful employee. Tips from psychologists on what to do in such a situation:

  • give yourself a break: take a vacation of the maximum duration and do something that brings real relief (in some cases, this is just reading a book while lying on the couch);
  • you should not be ashamed of your desires, you must be honest with yourself - if you just want to watch TV shows, then you should do so;
  • with manifestations of psychosomatic problems - a series of consultations with a competent psychotherapist is needed;
  • in some cases, it may be necessary to take antidepressants and tranquilizers to stabilize the patient's condition with increased hysteria and psychoticism;
  • in no case should you try to "drown" problems in alcohol - the patient will only aggravate it.

How to improve physical condition

In order not to burn out at work, regular exercise stress. There is only one condition - it should not cause overwork. You should not carry a hated bar to prove to everyone around you your strength and endurance.

Most often, classes at a calm pace that do not cause a surge in hormones are effective. These are yoga, swimming, stretching, Pilates, callanetics. Effective breathing exercises according to the methods of yogic practice - the so-called pranayama. Regular exercise will not only affect physical state, but also significantly improve the psycho-emotional background. The patient will become less irritable and anxious.

The problem of how not to burn out at work will fade into the background if new hobbies appear. It can be a banal occupational therapy: modeling plasticine figurines with a child, embroidery, sewing, knitting, drawing in computer programs or on a real canvas.

Prevention of professional burnout: how not to burn out at work?

IN last years There are more and more psychiatric patients. And most often this contingent is educated and successful in their profession people. How not to burn out at work, when the boss and the team do not let you breathe, and the family is constantly sawing for various reasons? Here simple tips:

  • solve problems as they arise: minimize communication with people who cause negativity;
  • avoid starvation - normal level glucose supports brain function;
  • do not drink alcohol: it is a strong depressant;
  • try to be as attentive as possible and do the work efficiently, after which the emotional is completely removed.

Psychologists have an interesting technique: to imagine that for eight hours of being in the office, a person, as it were, rents himself out. This time should not bring pleasure or satisfy ambitions. It's just eight hours that you have to mechanically experience, emotionally detached.

The path that a person takes in the process of combustion is approximately the same for everyone: a person with deep-seated self-doubt. His opinion of himself depends on the situation: like he is talented, and like not. In the morning he seems attractive to himself, and in the evening - somehow not very. And in general, those around you probably know better. Therefore he…

10 Signs of Burnout Syndrome:

  1. severe fatigue and fatigue;
  2. decrease in initiative, loss of interest in what used to be important;
  3. dulling of the ability to enjoy and experience vivid emotions;
  4. sleep disturbance;
  5. headaches, pain in the back and chest area;
  6. weight gain;
  7. painful cravings for food (cigarettes, sex, shopping, gambling, alcohol);
  8. it is difficult to cope with things that used to work out well;
  9. depression, detachment, disappointment, irritability;
  10. a feeling of loneliness and, at the same time, any communication is a burden.

depends on someone else's opinion. For such a person, it is very important what not only the family and the school, but also Princess Marya Alekseevna will think and say about him. And more importantly, to think well of him. Therefore, he tends to fulfill the expectations of others. And because this person doesn't like something about himself, he...

… forms an image of the ideal self, which would please his environment, and in which he himself would be comfortable. Most often, this image is associated with a lack of some thing or some quality. A man wants to be a department head, buy a Land Cruiser, become a perfect wife and mother. For the period when the desired state is achieved, a person has high hopes and ...

takes effect under the motto "we brought this day closer as best we could." In the chosen business, he tries to be perfect, takes on mountains of work, suffers from perfectionism. And it is quite clear that...

the chosen activity becomes a super task for him. Our hero puts all his strength on the altar of victory. He does not have more time (and then desire) for friends, for hobbies, for entertainment. Yes, this is not necessary, he thinks. He diligently drills himself, does not allow himself to relax, limits his rest and treats his activities without a drop of humor. And then…

internal conflict arises. Swollen like a cancerous tumor, the priority area of ​​​​activity obscures the rest of the world. A twist occurs. The body begins to react to the lack of vital things - relaxation, disconnection from the annoying topic of work, live communication. Fatigue turns into disappointment, lethargy, depression. Successes are no longer encouraging, the goal that I strived so hard for before seems meaningless and stupid. Emotions disappear, both positive and negative. At this stage, connect...

health problems. Which one depends on specific person: it can be headaches, and back pain, insomnia, dizziness. Often “burnt out” complain about weight gain: with the help of overeating, they try to drown out the “voice of reality”. For the same reasons, they may give increased attention alcohol, smoking or shopping. And finally, the last chord - ...

complete emotional burnout: Loss of interest in life and work.

Burned down by choice

Burnout syndrome begins with the usual fatigue, irritability, anxiety. It's hard to catch him early stages You won't go to the doctor with such complaints. And in vain: after a while the situation worsens: priority activity causes disgust, a person engages in it through force, goes to work through force, becomes irritable, reacts inadequately, explodes, etc. Last stage- complete emotional exhaustion, when a person is busy with his activities on autopilot, detached. He no longer sees own work not the slightest sense.

“Of all the cases when patients are diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, only 1-2% of true CFS, everything else is an unrecognized burnout syndrome”

Safira Antaniosovna Naddour Director of the NEP Clinic (Neurology Aesthetics Psychotherapy)

Who is most likely to fall victim to burnout syndrome? Initially, it was believed that these were people whose work is connected with people: workers in helper professions, in the service sector. Then burnout became an attribute of office workers, it was even renamed the "manager's syndrome". But at the same time, people of creative professions and housewives who bear the cross of an “exemplary mother” are also subject to the burnout syndrome. All of them are people with inflated claims in relation to themselves, setting themselves high and complex tasks on which their self-respect depends, and eventually realizing that there is not enough resource for fulfillment.

So what should one do who has become a servant of his work?

  • Understand which life goals are personal and which ones are imposed by the environment. Separate the wheat from the chaff, and in the future focus only on your own goals.
  • Learn to respect your wants and needs. Love yourself the way you are now, not the way you are going to be in the future. Understand that you are valuable to others not only because of your achievements. To be sure that your friends will love you even in the absence of any success, otherwise what kind of friends are they? Stop depending on the approval of others.
  • Learn to rationally organize your time, combine work with rest, switch to other activities in time and realize yourself in several directions at the same time.
  • Do not elevate your task to the rank of a super task, do not put everything at stake for the sake of a single goal.

Keep in mind that advanced burnout syndrome often requires the intervention of a psychotherapist!

Svetlana Malevich

Professional activity plays important role in our life, while it requires a lot of time, physical, intellectual, and emotional. If in the performance of your professional duties you have to interact with a huge number of people, then you are at risk of emotional burnout.

What is emotional burnout?

Emotional burnout - This is the reaction of the human body to long-term stressful effects of medium intensity during professional activities. This condition negatively affects the physical and mental well-being of a person, reduces his working capacity and productivity. Degrades the scope interpersonal communication in the family, with friends and can ruin relationships with colleagues.

How can you tell if you're burnt out at work? To do this, you should pay attention to the presence of certain symptoms that may indicate emotional exhaustion. Like any long-term stress, emotional burnout develops gradually. First comes voltage (alarm), then resistance- a person tries to resist the negative emotions and feelings that have arisen. If this resistance is ineffective, then exhaustion and decreased emotional tone.

There is a large number symptoms of emotional burnout which can be combined into groups:

1) Psychophysiological symptoms; they include: chronic fatigue, feeling of physical and emotional exhaustion, decreased activity, sleepiness, headaches, stomach pains, sudden weight loss or weight gain. As well as problems with sleep (a person quickly falls asleep, but sleeps poorly, often wakes up; or he cannot fall asleep for a long time and it is difficult for him to wake up in the morning), problems with the heart, respiratory system.

2) psychological symptoms, such as: indifference, boredom, passivity, depressive mood, depression, increased irritability to minor events (" nervous breakdowns”, anger, aggression). This also includes experiencing negative emotions(blame, insecurity, resentment and shame), a decrease in interest in professional activities (unwillingness to go to work and fulfill their professional duties).

3) social symptoms include: decreased enthusiasm for work, disinterest in its results; at the same time, a person often takes work home, but does not do it. The working hours will change, there will be a lot of delays, or coming and going from work early. “Stuck” on details and spending a huge amount of time on solving secondary tasks, unwillingness to take responsibility. Social circle is limited to contacts at work; upon arrival home, one feels fatigue, unwillingness to communicate with relatives, lack of visible support from them.

If most of these symptoms are familiar to you, then you may be developing or have already developed a burnout syndrome (for more accurate information, additional diagnostics using special techniques are needed).

Prevent further formation of burnout You can do it yourself by following these simple rules:

- normalize your sleep (try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, and also sleep at least 7 - 8 hours a day);

- Eat more vitamins, try to eat regularly;

- start exercising morning work-out, if possible, the hall, water procedures, jogging on fresh air), this will help not only improve your physical form but also cheer up, cheer up;

– sign up for a massage, aromatherapy (the smells of orange, lemon, cinnamon, bergamot act on nervous system exciting, and the smells of lavender, anise, sage - on the contrary, soothing);

- communicate with friends and family, organize joint rest, walks (such communication should distract you from work-related problems);

- listen to music (classical music - promotes harmonization emotional state, and rock and jazz helps to get rid of negative emotions);

- think up some hobby for yourself (books, dancing, tourism, photography, weaving, embroidery, drawing - do not be afraid to express your creative nature);

– set aside time to communicate with nature or get yourself pet(who will meet you from work, which you will take care of).

And remember the main thing: you need to correctly calculate your internal and external resources, as well as be able to balance rest and work. After all, tired and exhausted, we are unlikely to be able to achieve significant results. Know, no matter how difficult and tortuous our path may be, it is sometimes necessary to take a break and, after recovering our breath, move forward with renewed vigor towards our goal.

Love and take care of yourself!