The best time for matchmaking. Customs and rites of matchmaking: in ancient times and in the modern world

Funny competitions and songs for matchmaking from the groom.

Nowadays, not many people honor ancient rituals and traditions. Although it was previously believed that following all the rules would lead to a happy family life. A lot has changed since ancient times, but bright rituals have been preserved and are still popular.

Initially, in Rus', relatives of the groom were chosen as matchmakers. Often the matchmaker was the guy’s mother, that is, the future mother-in-law. The godparents or brother of the groom were chosen as matchmakers. Later in Rus', Matchmaker was the name of a woman who selected young brides at the request of the groom. She came to visit the bride’s parents and talked with them.

Subtleties of matchmaking:

  • Previously, this ritual was to clarify financial and property problems. That is, it became clear where the newlyweds would live and what the bride’s dowry would be.
  • Often it was a festive dinner. At the same time, the matchmakers came to the bride’s parents, and they met them.
  • Odd numbers were chosen for matchmaking. The 13th is considered unfavorable. It promises future spouses an unhappy life.
  • They enter the house after first touching the doorframe with their shoulder. Only after that they knock. They are baptized on icons.
  • It is believed that before the bride arrives at the house, matchmakers are not allowed to talk to anyone.

A modern cool scenario for the bride's matchmaking from the groom's side

A cool matchmaking scenario can be seen in the video.

VIDEO: Matchmaking scenario

Matchmaking on the part of the groom - what to say to the matchmakers: words for the groom, the groom's parents, matchmakers

In general, matchmakers initially knock on the door. They praise the groom, tell him how great he is, and describe his positive traits.

Words of the matchmakers: Here, they have brought you an excellent candidate for a husband for your daughter. You couldn't find a better one, young, daring, strong. She will carry her wife in her arms all her life if the bride wants to get married. Such a fine fellow needs a wife to match.

Groom: I came to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage. I promise to love and respect her. And also wash diapers and look after the kids. I am a guy no matter what, but I chose your daughter, I ask you to marry her to me.

Parents of the groom: we raised and cherished our son, now he wants to link his destiny with your daughter. We hope that this is his best choice, which he will not regret for the rest of his life. We hope that your daughter will cook delicious borscht, lay down a soft feather bed and please our son.

Matchmaking on the part of the groom - what to say to the matchmakers: words for the groom, the groom's parents, matchmakers

Toasts should be positive with wishes of all the best. Joking words are popular.

Dear young people, we are glad to gather here for matchmaking. We wish you pleasant wedding troubles and a happy family life.

Just recently you were still schoolchildren. But time flies very quickly. Now you are on the verge of starting a family. Let's drink to a happy family and prosperity in it.

A wife must obey her husband and submit to him. The husband must listen, but the final decision is his. We wish you success in building a new social unit and fewer quarrels. We raise our glasses to you.

Matchmaking competitions should be dynamic and fun. This is due to the fact that during such a feast they drink a lot. To prevent guests from getting drunk quickly, fun and interesting games and competitions are held. Below are interesting competitions.

Of course, not a single feast or holiday is complete without funny jokes, pranks and humor. It is necessary that jokes are not offensive, but funny. Below are options for unusual and funny jokes.

There are many options for games, these can be either fun competitions or intricate tasks with gifts. Nice little things and necessary gifts are suitable as gifts. Typically, games should be age appropriate. If these are parents, then less active games are chosen. Below are some game options.

Poems should be humorous and cheerful. If possible, they should make fun of the shortcomings and emphasize the bride's strengths. Just try not to offend the future bride.


We really need your product,
The merchant can’t do without him,
Without it, he often grieves,
Go to bed on an empty stomach!

Do you agree? Well, fine:
You became matchmakers for us,
Let's get the wedding done right
We cook here and there!

Chatushki are funny and unusual songs with humorous overtones. They often carry an ironic meaning. With the help of such songs you can cheer up your guests.


We got our friend Valya drunk.
They say it's cheap.
Nothing is cheap -
For Kolya for the good.
Like ours at the gate
The little sparrow is hovering,
The first girl from the village
Kolya gets it
It’s not the cuckoo that crows,
It is not the nightingale who sings.
A mother grieves for her daughter:
The quitter is going to get married

Usually these are humorous and comic songs. Below is a video with fun songs.

VIDEO: Songs for matchmaking

The main tradition is to present the loaf to the bride's parents. Matchmakers always come to visit with this delicious bread. Thus, they invite the bride to their house and want to see her next to the groom. In this case, the loaf is cut and eaten at the very end of the matchmaking. Matchmakers and parents are also tied with towels. Basically, items and various products are brought depending on the holiday scenario.

What does the groom need:

  • Loaf
  • Towels
  • Engagement ring

Since ancient times, it has been customary to give a ring not only to the bride, but also to bring gifts to her parents. This is a way to “appease” the parents and persuade them to give the bride away in marriage. Gifts can be discussed in advance with parents and the bride. It could be something from the dowry. But usually gifts are given personally for the mother and father of the bride.

Gift options:

  • Gadgets
  • Fishing gear
  • Robes
  • Expensive alcohol
  • Casket
  • Sweets in beautiful packaging

Matchmaking is preparation for a wedding and most often the introduction of parents to each other. Make a beautiful and interesting holiday.

VIDEO: Matchmaking

Today we all came together
To you and to the future bride,
To ask for her hand,
Marry our son!
Our groom is handsome, successful,
Loves your daughter, of course
Without any extra words he
I’m ready to give her happiness,
What remains is nonsense:
Just say “yes” to the bride!
Well, don’t delay:
Will you give your consent?

Meet the matchmakers
Open the gates
We want your girl
I'm eager to get married.

Our groom is handsome,
Which ones to look for
This is not possible
Let go of your hands.

For your beauty
Will move mountains
According to her
The rivers will turn back.

Let it be only “Yes!”
The bride will answer
The happiest
It will come into being.

We have a groom, you have a bride,
And we came to you to marry you,
It's great that our children
They took each other and found each other,
Let's discuss the wedding
And let's get to know each other soon
There is a lot of trouble ahead of us,
But life is more fun with them!

We have a wonderful guy!
He tried not in vain.
I was looking for a beautiful maiden.
He invited us to come with him.
We have to put a couple together
Happy that he will live.
We all know that the merchant is ours
Can give a girl
And care and love.
Let bread and salt await the matchmakers!

We came to you for a girl
Smart, kind and beautiful,
We have a good groom,
Life will make her happy.

We wish our couple
In the understanding, live together
And put a stamp in your passport
Be sure to hurry.

Let the decision be that today
Two families secured
It will be the start of a new life,
Joy, great love.

We really need your product,
The merchant can’t do without him,
Without it, he often grieves,
Go to bed on an empty stomach!

Do you agree? Well, fine:
You became matchmakers for us,
Let's get the wedding done right
We cook here and there!

Have you decided to take an important step?
And soon you will become a family!
We wish you only the best,
Mutual and great love!

May life be full of prosperity,
So that you don’t need anything!
We wish you everything in order,
May you have a bright wedding!

Our groom is a sight for sore eyes,
Kind, smart, hard-working,
The best, without a doubt
There is no more beautiful boy in the world.

You will live with him like a queen,
Only swim in gold,
Choose our prince
So as not to regret later.

Well, as they say, you have a product, we have a merchant. We have come today to conclude a peaceful union between the families of two loving children, in order to achieve your consent to their happy marriage. Give up your beauty, cleverness and craftswoman for our brave young man. Let the children begin their journey, let them become a wonderful married couple, a strong and friendly family.

We came for a reason, but as they say, you have a product, and we have a merchant. Our boy is brave, courageous, strong and smart, good-looking, will not be afraid in battle, and for his beloved he will at least get a star from the sky. So let's not interfere with this beautiful couple of lovers building their happiness, give our noble swan your beautiful winch, and let them be faithful to each other and immensely happy all their lives.

The matchmaking scenario on the part of the groom is rarely distinguished by great originality - it just so happens that such events take place according to established rules. By the very word “matchmaking” it is clear for what purpose the guests are coming. But if before the girl often did not see either the groom or his relatives before the matchmaking - only briefly, now things are exactly the opposite. Young people organize matchmaking themselves.

The purpose of this action is simple and clear - to introduce future relatives - matchmakers - to each other, to introduce new members into the family circle, and to get to know each other better. The modern scenario, the most interesting thing, has a lot of references to the traditional conduct. Very often there are jokes and jokes that have come from ancient times: “You have a product, we have a merchant, a good fellow,” and the like. Previously, it was believed that the more fun and funny the matchmaking was, the more successful the life of the newlyweds would be.

Now, a cool scenario is a guarantee that people who barely know each other will be able to relax, the atmosphere will become less tense, and all the acquaintance of parents and relatives will take place in the most friendly and warm atmosphere.

Of course, when the question of matchmaking arises in a family for the first time, people experience some confusion - who is assigned what role, who should say what, how to respond to tricky questions, and in general, who will carry out all this? First things first.

Who has the leading role?

Previously, everything was somewhat simpler - there were professional matchmakers who carried out the matchmaking, knew all the ins and outs of both sides, and took the leading role, but now you won’t find such a skill in the daytime. Therefore, from all the relatives on the groom’s side, the most energetic, positive and eloquent person with a sense of humor is selected. As a rule, such people do not refuse to take on such a role.


The purpose of matchmaking is not only to meet future relatives, but also to test the bride’s economic skills. How homely is she, does she know how to keep the house in order, cook, look after her household, how respectful she is to her relatives and her husband’s relatives. Therefore, the matchmaking scenario certainly contains tasks for the bride and trick questions.


It is not customary to come empty-handed to matchmaking. Previously, gifts were given to all members of the bride's household, especially if she had younger sisters. Now everything has been simplified to the minimum, but still, people rarely go on a visit empty-handed, and there’s nothing to say about matchmaking. This could be a symbolic gift, like a handmade money tree, or something more meaningful (a service, etc.). The female half may get beautiful scarves or stoles, the men - expensive alcohol, or hobby items, if any. If the matchmaking was successful, then the bride’s parents bless the newlyweds with the icon and give it to them as a gift. On a return visit, the bride's parents also come with gifts.

Now that we’ve sorted out the nuances, we can move on to the matchmaking scenario. The traditional scenario was that the matchmakers praised the bride in every possible way, but her parents refused and belittled her dignity. This was done to ward off a possible evil eye.


For it you will need the following props: a comb and a mirror, a bag of change and cereals, a loaf. On the bride's side, you need to have a broom with a dustpan, a knife and a salt shaker ready.

First part. Guests are greeted with bread and salt. The bride does not greet guests; she is hidden in the back room, or behind the backs of her relatives. The hostess is given flowers, the owner is given gifts.

Matchmaker: Dear owners, it’s not without reason that we came to you today! Do you know why?

Owners: We don’t know, we don’t know!

Matchmaker: Rumor has passed that your daughter has grown up - smart and beautiful, a hostess and a glory-seeker! You have goods - we have a merchant, good fellow! He doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, he’s handsome and handsome, he doesn’t play nice with girls! Hands are golden, but they grow from the right place! He says the world is not nice to him without your daughter!

Hosts: It can’t be, you probably came to the wrong place, dear guests!

Matchmakers: Why not go there, or don’t you have a daughter?

Owners: There is a daughter, but she is not a beauty - her face is white, her hair is not like a sheaf of gold, and her figure is not like a young birch tree!

Matchmaker, groom: Don’t drink water from your face, but a comb for your hair (they give you a comb and a mirror), and as soon as I hug you, I’ll hug you, I’ll make her sweeter than everyone else, you don’t need anything else, and birch is good for something else, not for grooming!

Owners: What a pushy merchant you have! We've come to the wrong place, you've been told! It's not economical for us! Hands are hooks, you won’t bend your back again!

Matchmaker: Now let’s check! (they take out a bag in which small money and cereals are mixed and scatter it on the floor). Come on, beautiful daughter-in-law, show me what kind of housewife you are!

(The bride carefully sweeps up the spilled debris.)

Matchmaker: She's so diligent, they slandered the girl again! Well, the last test, how are you with your family, are you friendly, do you respect them? (take out the loaf). Now cut it so as not to offend anyone!

(Correctly, it should be cut first into four parts, then according to the number of guests. Placed on plates, sprinkled with salt. The first pieces are presented simultaneously to the parents of the bride and groom, symbolizing that the bride will honor her husband’s parents as her own. Then according to seniority and matchmaker. The last pieces remain for the bride and groom themselves).

The bride and groom kneel, or simply bow deeply to their parents: Bless our union, parents!

Parents bless with the icon (or simply say: “We bless”)

The second part is the feast.

Hosts: You are welcome to the table, what God has sent, help yourself, dear guests!

Actually, this is where the “official” part ends, people continue to get acquainted, you can discuss the date of the return visit, the wedding date and other details of the future union.

Video materials

Modern people attach less and less importance to ancient traditions, rites and rituals, and sometimes this is completely unjustified. It was not at all accidental that the people compiled them for centuries and passed them on from generation to generation, because in addition to the hidden, sacred and mystical meaning, they contain the age-old wisdom of their ancestors, who wanted to make the family fertile, rich and happy. Many young couples don’t even imagine what it means to really get married, what words need to be said and what actions to perform, yet all this can turn out to be very important and useful knowledge. So let's understand thoroughly what matchmaking is and how it goes, in order to better know and understand our own ancestors, and, consequently, ourselves.

Proper matchmaking in Russia: traditions, customs and folk wisdom

Today, many adults ask, what is it like to get married? We are accustomed to the fact that in our age of computer technology it is easier to talk to someone on the phone than to come in person, and ancient rituals seem completely inapplicable to life. However, in fact, it would be very useful for anyone to know what it is to get married, since this is an old and beautiful rite that will not only allow the groom to ask the bride’s parents for her hand in marriage, but also to do it incredibly beautifully; he will be able to show respect not only to the bride herself. to the girl and her parents, but also to many generations of those who have not been with us for a long time.

What is matchmaking

In fact, the matchmaking ritual in the traditions and customs of different nations, and Russia is no exception, means bride ransom. In the old days, a man would marry a wife into his house, who would run the household, raise children and bake bread, and for this a certain ransom must be paid. In turn, the bride’s parents collected a dowry for their daughter, with which she went to a new place. Thus, everyone remained satisfied and happy, and the young could start a new life not from scratch, but with a certain push from their elders.

It is worth saying that Russian matchmaking customs, and not only that, necessarily required special words, which were most often spoken by matchmakers, people invited specifically to perform the ceremony, since young men were considered shy and simply could not speak directly with the relatives of their future spouse. All negotiations in the old days were conducted with the help of sentences, sayings and figurative phrases, veiled and secretly.

Initially, in the house where an unmarried young girl lived, no one even guessed that matchmakers would come, that is, older relatives of the groom or even just invited men who had a certain weight, respected and authoritative. Knowing in advance how to make a match correctly, they were ready to receive bread and salt, and sometimes even a pumpkin, which in many regions indicated a direct, and even somewhat insulting, refusal. Today, quite naturally, everything has changed, and superstitions have not made the weather for a long time. However, it definitely doesn’t hurt to find out how to conduct matchmaking in accordance with the times, but without abandoning ancient traditions.

Choosing a good period: how to get married correctly in our time

To choose the right time for matchmaking, it doesn’t hurt to get acquainted with the opinions of the same ancestors who knew exactly when such a holiday could be organized, as well as when to schedule the wedding itself. There are recommendations and advice here that are better to follow, because it is not at all difficult, and your soul will be much calmer.

  • It was a bad sign to go to court on a Friday, even late in the evening. This day was considered bad, and the thirteenth was not at all the best choice. Many modern couples consider this a superstition, but look at the statistics to discover that most couples created outside of these rules end up breaking up. Maybe they themselves program themselves for this, but the fact remains a fact.
  • Also, many are interested in whether it is possible to get married on Christmas Day on January 7, and the answer is yes. On this day the tiny son of God was born, how can he bring failure in such a good deed? That is, to the direct question of whether it is possible to get married at Christmas, you can confidently answer in the affirmative, and not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. On this day it is recommended to visit and receive guests, so matchmakers will definitely be appropriate.
  • In addition, folk signs and recommendations say that it is worth marrying on odd numbers, avoiding even ones. The fifth, seventh, third and ninth numbers are considered especially good and blessed.
  • The best time to start figuring out what they do in matchmaking is the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is celebrated on the fourteenth of October. Just from this moment, and until the seventh of April, when the Annunciation comes, the earth should rest, and people should think about marriage and offspring.

Also, the fundamental question is whether it is possible to get married during Lent, since there really is a rational grain in this. The thing is that Orthodox canons allow matchmaking during Lent, but the wedding will have to wait until it ends. In addition, problems may arise with treating the matchmakers, since only modest food can be placed on the table, which will significantly limit the possibilities, and you will have to completely forget about alcohol, unless, of course, families want to follow traditions and observe the laws of their ancestors.

What is the essence of the ritual and what exactly needs to be done: how matchmaking works in our time

If we compare the modern ritual with the traditions of the past, even just a couple of decades, then everything has changed a lot. Previously, after all the issues had been resolved, and the candidacy of the bride and groom was finally approved, everyone sat down at the table, ate the loaf they had brought, which had to be personally baked by the groom’s mother, and along with her another half of the village of young and strong women who had recently said goodbye with your freedom. In the meantime, the bride herself had to fuss around at the stove, shoveling out the ashes, and it didn’t hurt to smear her face, supposedly out of shame and embarrassment.

Today everything is much simpler, and in city apartments it will hardly be possible to find at least some semblance of a stove, perhaps an oven, but there is clearly no ash there, and there cannot be. Since matchmaking takes place in the modern world, how to do everything correctly, so as not to overwork, but also not to ignore traditions? Let's figure out together how to approach the issue correctly, and the memory of the people will help us in this.

Let's figure out how to properly get married in our time: simply and tastefully

The effect of surprise, so valued in the old days, is more than desirable today, because there are times around when it has become uncivilized to show up to your parents without calling. That is, most likely, the day and hour will be agreed upon in advance, and the groom should go to visit the bride not alone, but with his own parents and matchmakers, who can be selected from close and distant relatives, friends and simply respected people.

  • It wouldn’t hurt the groom to get the bride’s consent in advance so that her unexpected refusal doesn’t come as a real shock to everyone.
  • The groom also does not come to the bride’s house empty-handed today, although the mother may no longer bake a loaf of bread, you can limit yourself to a banal cake, a bottle of expensive wine, sweets and similar delicacies.
  • You should never forget about flowers, and there should be two bouquets, not one, for the bride, as well as her mother, which is mandatory.
  • If you know the outcome of the agreements in advance, you should take care of what is given to the bride for matchmaking, that is, the engagement ring, because it will be appropriate to announce the engagement. And this is truly symbolic. Accepting the ring will, of course, be consent, but non-acceptance will be regarded as a refusal.

Many people are also interested in what guests give for matchmaking, and whether it is even worth preparing any items or even money. During matchmaking, a wedding date is set, where you will definitely need to stock up on gifts. In fact, gifts are not very appropriate here, but bouquets of flowers for all the fair sex living in the house will not hurt at all, this applies to the bride herself, her mother, sisters, daughters-in-law, nieces and anyone else, regardless of the degree of relationship and age.

Another rather important aspect is the treat, because after the conspiracy everyone will inevitably sit down at the table to celebrate such a joyful event. So, not only the mother should worry about what to cook for her daughter’s wedding, but the bride herself must take part in this. Dishes prepared by her small, gentle hands will become a real pride, just as in ancient times they boasted about embroidered towels and tablecloths, so today a mother will praise her daughter’s culinary art.

Simple rules for the bride and groom: how to conduct matchmaking within the bounds of decency

It is worth remembering that our great-grandmothers, when they came to woo them, had no right to leave the room without an invitation, and grooms most often only managed to groan and lower their eyes to the floor while older relatives agreed on the upcoming wedding. It is clear that this will no longer happen today, but some rules for the bride and groom still need to be followed so that everything goes off without a hitch.

  • The groom buys a more expensive and larger bouquet for his future mother-in-law, and a simpler and cheaper one for the bride. In order not to be branded as a henpecked and sycophant, you should not give absolutely any gifts for matchmaking and engagement, except for a ring for your chosen one.
  • The bride should mostly remain silent the entire time until she is approached personally with a question or proposal. Moreover, at the table she should not show wild joy; toasts, anecdotes, funny stories from life and other “crap” would be inappropriate on her part.
  • A bride drinking alcohol at a matchmaking ceremony is not at all the best thing you can think of to create a positive image in the eyes of the groom’s parents and guests. Therefore, you will have to give up alcohol, but take care of the contents of the guests’ plates, this is exactly what you need.
  • The groom should also significantly limit his drinking, especially if the bride's father calls him for a personal conversation face to face.

Both future newlyweds must speak as respectfully as possible with their parents, as well as the parents of the opposite party. They should never be interrupted, or, moreover, pulled back, it looks completely ugly. It would also be inappropriate to boast or brag about anything, for example, work, talents, abilities, wealth, etc. By remaining friendly and calm, no matter what, you will definitely achieve what you really wanted - approval from your parents, as well as their blessing, which, in fact, is what the future husband and wife need.

In ancient times, most marriages took place by prior agreement of the parents. Matchmaking was an interesting and beautiful custom in which the groom was introduced to the bride, describing his virtues and best qualities. Nowadays, young people choose their own couple, but the tradition of wooing their betrothed to their parents remains. Study the bride's matchmaking ritual: a detailed script of fun games, competitions, rituals, this will help you have a fun holiday.

The groom notifies his parents of his desire to get married

Previously, the noisy matchmaking ceremony went like this: the matchmakers and the groom arrived at the gates of the bride’s house, the doors were opened for them and they were invited into the room where the girl’s parents and closest relatives (sister, brother, grandparents) were sitting. The matchmakers had the task of presenting the man in the best light. If he was rich, it was necessary to praise his merchantry and financial capabilities, and when the man was hard-working, he was “presented” with his golden hands. The ritual itself began with the words that the matchmakers said: “You have a product - we have a merchant.”

Afterwards the bride came out, dressed in her most beautiful dress, and the matchmakers asked the question: “Is the girl skillful?” The girl took a broom, pretended to sweep the floor, then gave the homemade item to her future husband. Everything was done in a half-joking manner. During the matchmaking, negotiations were also held about the dowry, and the wedding was discussed. Despite the attitude of the parents towards the betrothed, during the first matchmaking he, as a rule, was refused.

The modern rite of matchmaking involves the arrival of the betrothed to the bride's house with a bouquet of flowers for the future mother-in-law and expensive alcohol for the father-in-law. There he announces his desire to get married and asks for blessings to marry their daughter. As a rule, the visit is of an official nature, but nothing prevents you from making matchmaking a fun show where you can invite other relatives and friends.

Choosing a matchmaker or matchmaker

The matchmaker and matchmaker who will participate in the ceremony must be from the betrothed side, although this rule is often violated. If someone from the bride's relatives (for example, brother, uncle, sister) is well acquainted with the future son-in-law, they can represent the man themselves. It would be good if everyone wore similar costumes that corresponded to the concept of the script.

Details for the ceremony

The props depend on the matchmaking scenario. These can be musical instruments, various gifts to the mother and father of the bride, towels, balls of thread, feathers, trees, a hammer, pillows. Matchmakers, as a sign of the betrothed's generosity and financial wealth, may bring a barrel of overseas wine, which will be immediately opened for a feast.

Sending matchmakers

This is where the matchmaking ritual begins - “the first cup and the first stick to the matchmaker.” They bow before entering. Only after crossing the threshold, matchmakers should, with the help of hints and sayings, approach the main topic of conversation - the future engagement. Further, the matchmaking scenario includes songs, games, and praise of the betrothed. Then the hosts set the table, treat the guests to bread and salt, have dinner, and when a certain hour comes, they give their answer.

For a clear example of how the matchmaking ceremony is carried out, see the video:

Bargaining for the bride

Before a feast in Rus', a bargaining was always held. Usually the bride was not present at this stage of matchmaking in order to avoid delicate moments: discussion of the dowry, the groom's financial status, distribution of wedding expenses. They could briefly touch on the question of the possible date of the event. Only after the bargaining was the bride called. As part of a modern celebration, bargaining can also be held, but in a humorous way.


A feast is not only the consumption of food, drinking vodka, wine, but also a time when fun games, competitions, and rituals are held according to the script. During it, the mother and father of the bride, as a rule, give consent to the union, after which the groom puts a gold ring on the girl’s finger and the engagement is considered completed. Then relatives kiss the newlyweds, and guests open champagne to celebrate the beginning of a new family.

Bride's Trials

The tests for the bride are comic in nature. She needs to show her economic abilities. The groom's side asks the girl to let her taste the dish she has prepared, demonstrate her embroidery, and sweep the floor.

Cutting a loaf

According to the old Russian matchmaking scenario, the betrothed must bring a loaf of bread to the bride. By accepting this gift, she consents to the engagement. Then the future spouses take a knife and cut the product in half - if they manage to cut the loaf the first time without taking away the tool, this becomes a sign that their life together will be happy. Instead of a loaf, the modern version allows the use of a delicious cake. What a loaf looks like for a matchmaking ceremony, look at the photo below.

Groom's speech

The matchmaking script necessarily includes a speech from the groom. After friends or relatives have presented the man in the best light, it’s time for the betrothed to “cast” his vote. He must tell the bride’s parents about his love for their daughter, talk about how he will protect her, respect her, and appreciate her.

Giving gifts, what to give for matchmaking

Matchmaking gifts can be different: flowers, fruit baskets, chocolate cake, jewelry for the girl and her mother (the future mother-in-law can give the bride beads or a chain), alcohol, souvenirs. The main gift is an engagement ring.

Honey drinking

To prove his love for the bride, the following ritual is carried out according to the script: the betrothed must drink a glass of honey.

Marriage arrangement

Previously, this part of the script included a discussion of financial issues - the amount of dowry, expenses for the celebration, and the groom’s financial security in general. The modern ritual allows you to skip this stage.

Competitions for the ritual

Fun competitions will be a great addition to the noisy scenario of the matchmaking ritual. Here are some examples of competitions for the ritual.

Question answer

This game will show how well the future husband knows the bride. They prepare several questions for him that need to be answered correctly (the future wife’s favorite dish, color, date of birth, angel’s day).

For parents

To make matchmaking fun not only for the newlyweds, but also for the parents, a competitive scenario is used.

    The fathers of the lovers leave the room, and the host asks the mothers questions: how long their braid was during the wedding, how many guests were present, where they met.

    Then they call men who must answer the same questions.

The pair that matches all or most of their answers wins.

Wedding song

The scenario of this competition is as follows: guests sing excerpts of wedding songs. The winner is the participant who sings more songs than the rest.


The holiday was held after sunset so that evil spirits could not enter the house. It was believed that the marriage would be happy if all the sharp objects were connected after the groom left. After the guests left the house, the bride had to cry a lot in order to lead a tearless life after the wedding.

Matchmaking is an ancient tradition and a real theatrical performance. The ritual can be an interesting stage of preparation for the wedding, an opportunity for two families to get closer together.

Will you be celebrating your matchmaking? What ideas did you like? Tell us in the comments.