Most Pure Feast of September 21 signs. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: signs and interesting facts about this divine holiday of the Orthodox calendar. Traditions of celebrating the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a great holiday for all Christians of all denominations. This is the day when miracles are possible, when illnesses recede and when warmth arises between people.

The birth of the Virgin Mary is an important event, without which the story of Christ's passion could have been different. Of course, the Messiah could have appeared thanks to another person, but it was this woman who was chosen, who was pure, innocent and had the kindest heart of all. Its role in the salvation of this world is very great, therefore this holiday is one of the 12 main holidays of Christianity.

History of Christmas

Naturally, the birth of the Mother of God began to be celebrated only after her death and departure to another world. There are rumors and legends about her death. There is no information about the exact place of her death, there are no remains of her. The disciples of Christ said that her body simply evaporated. Legend has it that Jesus Christ took her soul and her body with him to Heaven as a sign of gratitude for her kindness and big, sinless heart.

It is very difficult for a mother to part with her son, even if it is necessary to save the world, but she was able to accept and understand it. Her life was full of pain and suffering, which did not break her or deprive her of faith, but only strengthened her. Every person should try to be like the Mother of God with his love and attitude towards people.

Church teachings say that the birth of the Virgin Mary was by no means accidental. This was part of the divine plan to save human souls. Unfortunately, there is very little information about this and it is veiled. As for her earthly life, here, one might say, knowledge is close to zero. From the Proto-Gospel we know that the parents of the Virgin Mary were Joachim and Anna, who throughout their lives could not conceive and give birth to a child. By the blessing of God, an angel appeared to them when Joachim was praying in the desert and his wife was at home. He said that the Lord blesses them for the birth of a child and that everything will work out for them, for their child will have to serve the salvation of all people.

Nine months later, the pious Virgin Mary was born, who would be destined to give birth to the Savior of all people through the immaculate conception. This is why the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is so important. This is the beginning, this is the source of the entire biblical history of modern times. The holiday appeared around the 9th-10th century, but gained mass popularity only in the 12th-13th century, when the service acquired greater solemnity and weight.

How to celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin Mary on September 21, 2016

On September 21, or September 14 according to the old style, on this day the Church New Year is celebrated - a new church year, from which the chronological sequence of holidays begins. The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the first twelfth holiday that is celebrated after the New Year, for it was the beginning of the entire history of Christianity.

Thus, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary opens the cycle of holidays in 2016. On this day, it is advisable to read prayers in front of any icons of the Mother of God. Among the most suitable prayers, one should highlight the “symbol of faith”, “Mother of God, virgin, rejoice.” You can read the troparion: “Your Nativity, Virgin Mary, announced joy to the whole universe: for from You the Sun of righteousness, Christ our God, shone, and, having destroyed the curse, He gave a blessing, and, having destroyed death, He gave us eternal life. Amen".

You will also need to go to church for the liturgy. The service on this day will be extremely inspiring and joyful, but a note of sadness is still always present on September 21, because everyone knows that the Mother of God’s life path will not be easy.

Usually, by the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Christians in Rus' always finished field work, and also prayed that Mother Earth would give them more fruits next year. The image of the Virgin Mary and Mother Earth are similar, for there is a belief that it is the Mother of God who controls what the future harvest will be. She also controls the weather, so on this holiday people always prayed that there would be no bad weather and troubles generated by the forces of nature. Those who respect ancient traditions will also try to complete basic gardening work in 2016.

Since ancient times, people invited friends home to this holiday and set the table. This coming Saturday, many families visited cemeteries to honor the memory of their fallen relatives, but the church never officially allowed this to happen. In 2016, these traditions will once again gain strength.

On September 21, everyone will remember the biblical story, which is repeated year after year to remind us sinners that we need to repent of our sins and begin to live righteously, love every day of our existence and respect other people, their tastes, their traditions.

Be happy on this birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Read prayers for your family, so that Mother Intercessor does not leave you with her mercy, protecting you from troubles and bad weather throughout the next year.

Prayer to the Mother of God for family

You can say prayer words in church during a service, or say them at home in front of the corresponding icon and a lit church candle.

Most Holy Theotokos, hear me. Blessed are you in heaven and on earth. You, the mother of all things and the keeper of the hearth. I pray, protect my house and those living in it from all kinds of evil spirits. Hide the bad and the evil from my eyes and take away troubles and misfortunes from me and those I love. I bow before you and trust you completely, for you carried our Savior in your womb. Grant us love and bless us to do righteous deeds. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Thanks a lot! May the Most Holy Theotokos help everyone who turns to her! Amen!

Most Holy Theotokos, pray to God for us! I hope that she will hear all our prayers and requests.

On September 21, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Second Most Pure Mother of God). The holiday is traditionally considered women's day, when a woman should be revered as a continuator of the family.

It is believed that on this day you need to ask for the most secret things - and the Mother of God will definitely help. For those married couples who do not have children, it is especially important to pray for the birth of a child on this holiday.

I want to tell you about a miracle that happened to me on this day, 11 years ago. It was very difficult, I didn’t really believe then, I didn’t go to church.

My husband drank and went out, I found out that I was pregnant. There was no money. I was leaving the hospital, and there was despair in my soul... I accidentally went into the temple, prayed and burst into tears. Some woman came up and said: “Don’t cry, the Lord will help you”... My soul somehow felt better. And two months later I met a good man, I realized that I was falling in love... I told him that I was married and that I was pregnant from another man. He admitted that he loved him, asked me to marry him and said that he wanted to raise this child... Now we are together, I have an amazing husband who dotes on my daughter Mashenka...

history of the holiday

The holiday was established by the Church in the 4th century and is the first twelfth holiday of the church year, for according to the old style the church year begins on September 1. Tradition told us about the circumstances surrounding this event.

In the small Galilean city of Nazareth lived an elderly couple - Joachim and Anna. Both spouses were righteous and pious. The holy spouses Joachim and Anna were childless for a long time and cried that they had no children. One day, on a great holiday, Joachim brought gifts to the Lord God to the Jerusalem Temple. But the priest did not want to accept Joachim’s gifts, because he was childless, and children were considered a blessing from God.

Meanwhile, his wife, who was at home, also heard that the high priest in the temple refused to accept their gifts because they were childless. She also learned that her husband, grieving and crying, had gone into the desert, and she began to cry. Anna went into her garden, sat down under a laurel tree, sighed and, looking at the sky with eyes full of tears, noticed above, on a tree, a nest in which little chicks were squeaking. “Even birds have children, but we don’t have such consolation in old age,” thought Anna.

Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to her. He said, “You will conceive and bear a Daughter, blessed above all. Through Her, all earthly peoples will receive God's blessing. Through Her, Salvation will be given to all people. Her name will be Mary."

At the same time, an angel appeared in the desert to Joachim. He said: “Joachim! God has heard your prayer, and He is pleased to bestow His grace on you. Your wife Anna will conceive and bear you a Daughter who will be a joy to the whole world. Here is a sign for you that I am telling you the truth: go to the temple in Jerusalem, and there, at the Golden Gate, you will find your wife Anna, to whom I told the same thing.”

Surprised Joachim, thanking God with all his heart, joyfully and hastily went to Jerusalem, to the temple. There, as the angel told him, he saw Anna praying to God at the Golden Gate, and told her about the angel. She also told her husband everything she had seen and heard about the birth of her Daughter. After praying to the Lord and worshiping Him in the temple, the couple returned home.

Nine months later, Anna gave birth to a Daughter, the purest and most blessed. Above everything that has ever been created, the beginning of our salvation, our intercessor before God. Heaven and earth rejoiced at Her birth. On the occasion of Her birth, Joachim brought great gifts and sacrifices to God, and received the blessing of the high priest, priests and all the people for having been worthy of God’s blessing. Then he held a great feast in his house, and everyone rejoiced and praised God.

The Holy Church rightly calls Joachim and Anna Fathers of God, because Jesus Christ was born from their Most Holy Daughter, the Virgin Mary.

Traditions: what to do on this day

Mother of God, Mother of God, mother of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. She is considered a “prayer woman,” an intercessor for women before God.

This holiday was called the Harvest Festival. The more people harvested, the longer the holiday lasted. It could last from three days to two weeks. These days, it was customary to visit each other and treat each other to dishes that were prepared from what was collected. And the more hospitable the table, the better the harvest will be next year. In this way they tried to appease nature so that next year would be no worse than this one.

To visit young people - to teach intelligence. When all the cleaning work was completed, weddings began to take place among the people. So, if a wedding was recently celebrated in the village, then on that day all the old people living in the village went to the newlyweds. Of course, their parents and grandparents always came to visit the young people. The young housewife had to do her best on this day, set a rich table, greet her relatives and guards. People who had lived a long life treated themselves and taught the young people how to live, what and how to do correctly. By the way, it was at such gatherings that knowledge was passed on to young people in the form of folk superstitions. And if the young people did not shy away, but listened and were at their best, then their lives after that turned out just fine, both in family terms and in material terms.

In ancient times, women tried to go to the river early in the morning and meet this day by the water. It was believed that if a woman washed her face with water before sunrise on this day, she would be beautiful until old age. And if a girl washed her face before sunrise, she would be matched this year.

Renew the fire for a prosperous life. There was such a sign that from this day human life begins a new circle that will last one year. Such circles began every autumn on this day. This is a kind of New Year. Usually, in village houses, the so-called duty torch always burned, which was never extinguished, but a new one was lit from it. There were no matches then. But on this day it was customary to extinguish this torch and relight it. It was believed that if you do this on this day, then all illnesses and troubles will remain in the past. And in the new year you will take with you only the best, otherwise what you want to get rid of will remain in your old life.

The believer prays - the Mother of God smiles. On such a day, it was customary for the people to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for everything that troubled the soul. It was believed that not a single prayer said on this day would go unheeded. Although, it should be noted that no matter what day you turn to the Mother of God, she will always help if a person needs her help. But this sign does not mean turning to the Blessed Virgin with requests. This means that the Mother of God will rejoice if believers simply offer prayers of thanks to her.

What not to do:

One of the important points is that on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary You should not eat meat and non-lenten food, as well as alcohol. On this day, you need to fast, give up physical activity, homework, quarrels with loved ones, and condemnation. Relatives, relatives, and friends gather together for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

We have already talked about what they do on this day. But I would like to add that Orthodox people should not only pray and fast, but also maintain spiritual purity, do good deeds, help with words and warmth of soul.

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also called the Mother of God Feast, is celebrated by Ukrainians on September 21, 2017. This day is considered a joyful event, families go to church services together and do not take on hard work. We invite you to find out what you can do on this day and what you should abstain from.

The First Most Pure One came - she put a necklace on nature, the Second Most Pure One came - she took the unclean mosquito, the Third Most Pure One came - the oak grove became leafless. - The Most Pure One came - the tree was clean, but the Intercession came - the tree was bare. - Most pure - the potatoes are clean. - The Most Pure One came - the unclean one brought matchmakers. - The Dormition sows the rye, and the second one waters it with rain. - If the weather is sunny on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, then the autumn will be warm and clear, without heavy rains. If the sky is gloomy on this day, then the autumn cold will come with rain. - If a girl washes herself towards the east of the sun, then she will definitely be wooed this year. - To avoid “evil eyes”, slander and illness, burn old clothes and shoes on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Christians of the Eastern rite celebrate the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or “Second Most Pure Mother of God” or “autumn”, since on this day, according to the folk calendar, autumn begins . Christians have long turned to the Mother of God, who became the unifying principle between God and the human race, and asked her for protection and blessings.

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on September 21 The feasts of the Mother of God are celebrated magnificently in places where churches were consecrated in her honor. Temple (throne) holidays usually take place with a divine service and a meal following it. Dinners are always held where all relatives gather around a round table. Customs of the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - what can and should be done on this day 1. This holiday is also traditionally considered a women's holiday, when a woman should be honored as the continuer of the family. He obviously inherits the ancient Aryan holiday of Mothers in Birth, when our ancestors expressed gratitude to the guardians of the fields and the harvest, the grandfathers. 2. Women who do not have children arrange a dinner and invite the poor - “so that the Mother of God prays for their children.” Women also order services in the church, and after the service they invite people to their place for lunch. They say that prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary of expectant mothers for the health and happiness of the children they are expecting have special power on this day. 3. The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated as a holiday of true joy. Therefore, on these days they did not work, did not fast, and after prayers they gathered cheerful feasts in the temple. 4. Also, the holiday has long been the last date for preparing a “magic” potion. It was believed that love herbs collected between the First (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - August 28) and the Second Most Holy Feasts had the special property of attracting a guy to a girl (a man to a woman) and vice versa.

Women collect a "magic potion" for the feast of the Virgin Mary 5. From the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was possible to send matchmakers to girls. Also on this day it is good to have a wedding and visit families for a feast. 6. Since ancient times, also on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, women tried to go to the pond early in the morning. It was believed that if a woman washed her face with water before sunrise on this day, her beauty would remain until old age. And for good health, children were doused with water on the doorstep. 7. Also on this day, onion week began - housewives removed this vegetable from the beds. And by the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the owners tried to collect the entire harvest; at this time, beekeepers began to prepare the bees for wintering - cleaning the hives. 8. At this time it usually gets cold, so before the Second Most Pure Church the potatoes should have been completely dug up and the ground sown with rye. Signs and proverbs of the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Every year Christians celebrate one of the greatest church holidays - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Orthodox world invariably observes the traditions of this day, which is why even in modern consciousness the holiday of the Nativity of the Mother of God appears significant and symbolic.

Tradition of the Birth of the Virgin Mary

As Tradition says, the birth of the Mother of God took place in a small city, which was located just north of Jerusalem - in Nazareth. Nazareth was located on the slope of one of the mountains and was so insignificant and unnoticeable that no one could even think about the coming great miracle that would elevate this place. Meanwhile, it was in this city that the woman who gave humanity the Savior was born.

In Nazareth lived the family of Joachim and Anna, distinguished by their pious behavior, righteousness and mercy towards people. Joachim's ancestor was King David, while Anna came from a priestly family. The family was considered wealthy - Joachim had a large number of livestock - but material wealth did not affect the purity of the souls of the spouses. Residents of the city loved and respected the elderly couple very much for their God-fearing behavior and willingness to help their neighbors. The only pain darkened the existence of Joachim and Anna: gray hair had already touched their hair, but the Lord never sent them a child, despite the righteous life and incessant prayers of the spouses. But childlessness at that time was considered a punishment from God. The turning point for Joachim was an event that occurred during the ritual of offering gifts to God. The priest, seeing that Joachim wanted to offer a gift, denied him this right, cruelly reproaching him for being barren, and therefore unworthy to participate in the ritual. After this, the grieving Joachim withdrew into the desert, where he endured severe hardships, fasted and offered prayers to the Lord. Anna was left alone in great sadness. Day and night she fervently prayed that God would send them a child.

The Lord heard the requests of the spouses. When they were apart, both had a vision of an Angel, who announced that God would give the couple offspring, the fame of which would spread throughout the world. They ordered to name the daughter Maria, which translates as “hope.”
To prove the truth of these words, the Angel promised that the couple would see each other near the Golden Gate of Jerusalem. And indeed, the couple met, and joy reigned in their hearts. Anna conceived, and 9 months later the one who was destined to become the mother of Jesus Christ was born.

Traditions of celebrating the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In Rus', the Mother of God is one of the most revered saints, because she acts as the intercessor of the human race before God. The Heavenly Queen protects mothers and babies, the family hearth and fertility. It is not for nothing that the celebration of the Nativity of the Virgin coincides with the celebration of Osenin, dedicated to the harvest and family well-being.

On the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, it is customary to give thanks to her for the gifts that the earth has brought. On the morning of September 21, women traditionally went to the banks of reservoirs with oatmeal bread and jelly. The eldest of them turned to the Mother of God with gratitude for her mercy and a request to protect families from misfortune and illness, to fill homes with harmony, warmth and love.

Mothers on this day prayed to the Heavenly Queen, asking her for protection and protection for their children. They prayed to the Mother of God to protect the babies from the evil eye, illness and everyday adversity. The childless turned to the Mother of God with a prayer to send them a child. According to ancient custom, women who cannot conceive should set the table on this day and feed lunch to as many beggars as can fit at this table, asking them to pray for her child. Mercy towards one's neighbor and prayers to the Most Pure Virgin on this day will help a woman become a mother.

On this bright day, it is customary to have family feasts and visit loved ones. A special tradition is visiting newlyweds. Relatives come to visit to see how the newlyweds have arranged the family nest. The bride must certainly feed the guests a hearty dinner and show the decorations of the house, and the owner must take the relatives around the yard, showing every nook and cranny. Guests are obliged to praise the young people and give them useful advice based on what they saw.

The Mother of God certainly helps those who turn their prayers to her on this day. Honor traditions, take care of the people dear to you and don’t forget to push the buttons and

21.09.2015 00:40

There are many important holidays in Orthodoxy, one of which is the Presentation of the Lord. This day is filled...

The birth of the Virgin Mary is a holiday full of bright energy. It conceals many mysterious and important signs that are not always noticeable to Christian believers.

On September 21st, a Christian holiday is celebrated, which is of great importance - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This day is celebrated annually in the church with special services and chants, since the event is directly related to the salvation of humanity from sin and Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is very important on this day to read prayers on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, at least at home.

The Birth of the Virgin Mary: a story from the apocrypha

The Gospel includes very little information about the Virgin Mary, and literally nothing is said about her childhood. But there are apocryphal descriptions of these events, which became the basis of the holiday. It talks about two righteous people: Joachim and Saint Anna. The couple was already old and, unfortunately, had no children. Joachim was once denied acceptance of his sacrifice to God precisely because there were no children in the family.

Saint Anna prayed a lot, wanting to become a mother. Then an angel appeared to her, who announced that she would be able to conceive and all her offspring would be glorified. There is also a story about how, after this, happy Anna met her husband at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem and told him about what had happened, hugging him. After these events, Anna actually became pregnant. Exactly nine months after these events, the Virgin Mary was born.

The meaning of the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary

For Christian believers, in addition to the fact that the future Mother of God was born, her origin is also important. It combines two important family lines: on the father’s side – the royal line, since his family originates from the tribe of King David, and on the mother’s side, she continued the line of the high priests of Israel. For this reason, Jesus Christ is understood as the Heavenly King and Heavenly High Priest. It is also believed that from birth the Virgin Mary was freed from original sin. This can be seen in connection with the fact that her son, Jesus Christ, became our Savior, saving all people from sin.

Folk customs and traditions on September 21

The people have long celebrated the birth of the Virgin Mary in a special way. It was a very common custom to extinguish the old fire in the stove and light a new one. From that day on, traditional gatherings with fire were held. It has always been believed that fire has a special power that can rid your home of accumulated energy dirt. Try to get rid of negative energy with the help of candles on this day: today these rituals will be especially effective.

Of course, women were given special honor and many rituals were performed specifically for them. They welcomed autumn with ritual songs, and this was done, of course, also in order to call on higher powers for help before winter: now a lot depended on the supplies that the peasants had.

The Day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is also directly related to family ties. Ancient traditions bequeathed on this day to visit the newlyweds, with whom the parents shared the experience of living together. It was also customary to gather for feasts. It is always useful to support such a pleasant tradition, not even in honor of the holiday, but so that family ties are strong and contact between parents and children is always established. Therefore, try to visit your parents on this day, or even better, invite at least close relatives to visit.

To strengthen family ties and to keep your family and friends healthy, try to go to church and light a candle. Turn to the icon of the Mother of God with prayers for your family and soon you will feel their power. All the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.09.2016 04:07

There are many important holidays in Orthodoxy, one of which is the Presentation of the Lord. This day is filled...