Why when combing your hair with a plastic comb. Why does hair become electrified? Interaction of plastic objects with hair

Static electricity in hair

Dry hair stands on end, attracted to the comb. If you stroke a cat's fur with a blanket in a dark room, blue sparks will fall. During a summer thunderstorm, broken, bright streaks slip between the ground and the clouds.

These are all examples of static electricity. We talk about static electricity when ordinary objects around us - hair, fur, blankets, clouds, the ground - receive an electrical charge. And they get it for a while.

The nature of hair electrification

To understand the nature of this phenomenon, we need to understand the behavior of atoms. We know that every atom has a positively charged nucleus at the center. The nucleus contains positively charged protons and neutral neutrons. The nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. These electrons are attracted to positively charged protons. The force of this attraction prevents the destruction of the atom, that is, the separation of electrons from it. It must be said that this is a very powerful electromagnetic force. Without it, everything in the Universe would fall apart into a disordered pile of particles.

If the nucleus contains three protons, then the electron cloud must contain three electrons to balance the charge of the nucleus. Thus, the whole atom is electrically neutral; it carries no net electric charge. All physical bodies around us are made of atoms, and therefore are also electrically neutral, that is, they do not carry any electrical charge.

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The beauty of your hair depends not only on what shampoo you wash your hair with, but also what comb you use. Inexpensive and practical plastic combs have become popular lately. But how does using cheap accessories affect your hair and why does your hair stick to it when you comb your hair with a plastic comb? Which comb should you choose? This article will answer all these questions.

Interaction of plastic objects with hair

Very often, while combing their hair, women notice how their hair sticks to the comb and stands up in a column. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon that needs to be understood. It's all about electrification, which, in fact, is talked about in a school physics course using the example of an ebonite stick. In the process of combing, the hair and the plastic comb itself receive opposite charges, which tend to attract each other. As a result, the hair becomes charged with static electricity, which has a bad effect on its appearance and complicates care.

Static electricity occurs when hair comes into contact with any synthetic material. Therefore, it is important to use accessories made from natural materials, such as wood, when caring for your hair. Having thus replaced the equipment, you will no longer have to wonder why, when combing your hair with a plastic comb, the hair sticks to it. But this way out of the situation is not acceptable for everyone. In this case, you need to remember a number of tips that will help avoid excessive electrification.

How to get rid of electrified hair?

To reduce static electricity in your hair, use the following tips:

  1. Replace your plastic comb with one made of wood or natural bristles.
  2. Try to use the hair dryer as little as possible, as it dries your hair, which causes static electricity to accumulate even more.
  3. If you can't imagine life without a hair dryer, buy a hair dryer with an ionic function.
  4. Do not use curling irons or hair straighteners, they are very drying and cause electricity to build up.
  5. Don't wash your hair more than once a day; frequent washing dries it out and, again, makes it more prone to static electricity.
  6. Use antistatic wipes and sprays on your comb or hair.
  7. Use special hair gels when styling your hair.
  8. Buy a humidifier and run it periodically at home.
  9. Smooth your electrified hair with your palms wetted with plain water.

Electrification of hair: an unpleasant phenomenon that can be quickly eliminated by proper care and choosing a safe comb

Choosing a comb when electrifying hair

Before buying a new comb, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the materials used to make hair combs.

Plastic comb

Most women use plastic combs because they are inexpensive and lightweight and fit in a handbag to straighten their hair outside the home. But at the same time, you have to wonder why, when combing your hair with a plastic comb, the hair sticks to it? In order not to create electrification and make hair more brittle, you should give preference to more expensive but less dangerous materials.

Metal comb

Metal is a durable material. This kind of comb is practical and convenient. With their help, it is easy to backcomb or, conversely, comb through tangled curls. Metal combs electrify hair less. But this option is not suitable for dyed hair, since the metal, entering into a chemical reaction when it comes into contact with dyed hair, can contribute to a change in color.

Wooden comb

Such combs do not create static electricity. The scalp is not injured by sharp teeth. Another significant plus is that by choosing what kind of wood your wooden comb will be made of, you can get rid of dandruff (birch) or add aroma to your hair (juniper).

Brush with bristles made from natural materials

The safest and healthiest brush for hair. Depending on your hair type, you can choose a brush with hard or soft bristles. It is especially useful to use this combing option for oily hair.

Masks against electrification of hair

Even if you replace a plastic comb with a natural one and follow the tips to reduce electrification, it won’t hurt to make special masks once a week. They are able to discharge electrified hair, nourishing the scalp and moisturizing brittle and split ends.

Antistatic pumpkin mask

To prepare the mask, you will need to mix 150 grams of pumpkin pulp, 100 grams of cream and 50 grams of olive oil. Apply the finished mixture to your hair and leave for at least half an hour.

Antistatic mango mask

The exotic mango fruit will help cope with the problem of electrified hair. To do this, grind the pulp of one mango fruit, add one egg yolk and a teaspoon of kefir to it. Apply the finished mask to your hair, warm your head with a towel and leave on for about an hour.

Thus, all the recommendations given in the article will relieve you of the question of why, when combing your hair with a plastic comb, the hair sticks to it. A high-quality comb, useful masks and a couple of simple tips will help keep your hair beautiful and styled.

Plastic combs are the most affordable and common. However, they have a number of disadvantages. These include the ability to electrify hair. In the process of combing, they become very fluffy, reach for the comb, and become unruly. This not only makes installation difficult, but also provokes tangling and damage to the structure. Why, when combing your hair with a plastic comb, the hair sticks to it and how to deal with such a nuisance, you will learn from this article.

Plastic comb and static electricity

Why does hair become electrified when combing?

To understand the process of electrification of hair, you should refer to the school physics course. All substances and materials are made up of atoms. Each of them is neutral in nature, since it consists of a balanced amount of negative and positive particles - protons and neutrons. Thus, there is a balance.

This equilibrium is disrupted if the atom is charged. This requires the use of friction, which is what happens when combing. But this alone is not enough. You also need contact with already charged particles.

The plastic from which most combs are made can accumulate a static electric charge on its surface. This is the peculiarity of this material. Upon contact with hair, friction occurs and, as a result, an atomic charge occurs.

Under what conditions does electrification increase?

Electrification increases under certain conditions. In particular, dry air is the best conductor for electrical charge. This is why hair becomes more frizzy in winter, especially if you comb it in a warm room equipped with powerful radiators. This effect will increase even more if you wear a hat and clothes made of synthetic materials.

Factors that reduce hair electrification

The charge of static electricity is difficult to transmit in a humid environment, even if friction is present. This is why it is recommended to humidify the indoor air. Oily hair is also less susceptible to electrification. Sebum forms a kind of protective film on their surface, through which charged particles do not penetrate.

Hair sticking to the comb: The problem of static electricity in the hair can be solved with the correct selection of combs and accessories, intensive moisturizing and the use of sprays with an antistatic effect.

How to eliminate electrified hair?

Once you understand why hair sticks to it when you comb your hair with a plastic comb, you can take steps to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon. There are several simple ways to help you combat the problem of electrification.

Moisturizing hair

Humidify the indoor air and your hair. This advice is especially relevant in the winter season. You can simply keep a spray bottle filled with water, preferably mineral water, on your dressing table. Spray the liquid around you while combing. If your hair is very dry and thin, then moisturize it directly. But proceed with caution. Very little water is required. If your hair is too wet, it will be difficult to comb, it will become tangled and torn, and this will not have the best effect on its health and appearance. And if you go outside after that, you risk getting sick.

Moisturizing your hair should be done not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Use mild shampoos in winter; be sure to apply balm to the ends after each wash. If your hair is extremely dry and brittle, then turn to traditional medicine recipes or professional cosmetics with enhanced action. Regular care will help reduce electrification when using a plastic comb, and at the same time provide additional nutrition.

Choosing the right comb

Since plastic combs are the most affordable and are offered in a wide range, they are the ones most often chosen. They are durable and easy to wash. However, plastic almost always causes electrification of the hair. The exception is combs with special antistatic impregnation. As a rule, this feature is evidenced by the inscription on the packaging and a higher price. Therefore, if you want to buy a plastic comb and not suffer every time using it, choose these options.

If the material is not so important for you, then it is best to give preference to products made of wood or ebonite. Metal combs also remove static electricity, but they can damage the hair and scalp, and are often not suitable for constant use, but serve only for special manipulations.

Antistatic hair sprays

In cosmetic stores you can find special antistatic sprays for hair and combs. They do a great job with the problem. But they can be successfully replaced with home remedies. Take a bottle equipped with a spray bottle and pour mineral water, a weak aqueous solution of rose or lavender essential oil, or a lemon solution (1 teaspoon of lemon juice per glass of water) into it. You can also use diluted light beer against electrification, but in this case you may be bothered by an unpleasant odor.

So, now you know why hair sticks to it when combing your hair with a plastic comb, and how to deal with this problem. Use one or more of the suggested tips and take care of your hair in a timely manner. Then it will always look attractive, and combing will only bring you pleasure.