Folk remedy - vaseline. What do you know about him? Technical vaseline: what is the difference from medical

Composition of medical vaseline

Vaseline medical, Petrolatum (USP), Vaselinum flavum (Ph Eur), Yellow soft paraffin (BP), Yellow petrolatum (JP) - a purified mixture of semi-solid, solid and liquid hydrocarbons having the general formula СnH2n +2. The composition of vaseline medical - a mixture of hydrocarbons consists mainly of branched and unbranched chains, it may contain some cyclic alkanes and aromatic molecules with paraffin side chains. According to the European Pharmacopoeia (EP) 2005 and US Pharmacopeia (F) 28. Medical petrolatum may contain a certain stabilizer (antioxidant, eg butyl hydroxytoluene, butyl hydroxyanisole or α-tocopherol), which is noted on the label. Introduced into pharmacy in 1876.

V. is obtained during the processing of oil from a semi-solid residue, after steam or vacuum distillation. V.'s purification is carried out by high-pressure hydrogenation or by treatment with sulfuric acid after filtration through adsorbents. A specific antioxidant may be added to the finished product.

Vaseline medical - a homogeneous greasy mass, stretches with threads, odorless, white or yellow, slightly fluoresces in daylight. White vaseline in composition and properties corresponds to yellow, only it is more completely freed from coloring substances (by bleaching). Due to the composition of medical vaseline, the applied substance on a glass plate forms an even film that does not slip or crack. Drop point - 40-60°C (EF), melting point - 38-60°C, density at 60°C - 0.815-0.880 (US F), refractive index = 1.460-1.474; practically insoluble in acetone, ethanol, hot and cold 95% ethanol, glycerin and water; soluble in gasoline, chloroform, ether, hexane and most volatile and fixed oils. Dynamic viscosity not lower than 2.5 at 60 ° C (according to Engler) rheological properties are determined by the ratio of unbranched chains to branched and cyclic components of the mixture. V. contains a relatively large amount of branched and cyclic hydrocarbons compared to paraffin, which makes it an ideal ointment base.

Due to its composition, medical vaseline is saponified by alkali solutions, does not change under the action of concentrated acids, does not oxidize and does not taste bitter in air. Mixes in all proportions with fatty oils (except castor) and fats. When kindled, it forms a homogeneous transparent, slightly fluorescent liquid. Vaseline medical is a stable product due to the non-reactive nature of its components; Stability problems arise from the presence of impurities that oxidize when exposed to light and cause an undesirable odor. The degree of oxidation of petroleum jelly varies according to its purity and the presence or absence of an antioxidant stabilizer. Therefore, it is recommended to heat it very much (not > 70 ° C until fluidity is achieved). Vaseline medical practically does not react with active ingredients applied to it.

Vaseline medical application

Vaseline medical is used as an ointment base and emollient, which is poorly absorbed by the skin; in emollient creams for topical use, they are used at a concentration of 10-30%, in emulsions - 4-25%, ointments - up to 100%. Included in non-adherent gauze therapeutic dressings containing APIs. Widely used medical vaseline in the manufacture of cosmetics and some food products.


  1. Zhoglo F., Wozniak V., Popovich V. et al. Excipients and their application in the technology of dosage forms: a reference guide. - Lvov, 1996;
  2. Sarafanova L.A. Food Additives: Encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg, 2004;
  3. Rowe P.C., Sheskey P.J., Owen S.C. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients. - London-Chicago, 2006.

The content of the article:

Vaseline is a relatively recent cosmetic product. In the middle of the 19th century, it was invented by the Englishman Robert Chesbrough. While personally testing his development, Mr. discovered an amazing property in oil jelly - to heal, moisturize and soften the skin. And he patented under the already familiar name “vaseline” (from “wasser” + “elaion”, that is, “water”, German, “olive oil”, Greek).

Properties of vaseline for the skin

The use of Vaseline for cosmetic purposes is very effective. Without healing properties, this remedy perfectly heals small injuries and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. But it should be applied with caution.

Benefits of Vaseline for the face and body

The use of high-quality petroleum jelly is justified by the effectiveness, safety, simplicity and low cost of this remedy. It does not cure, but has useful properties, thanks to which it has become so popular:

  • Formation of a protective barrier. When applied to the skin, petroleum jelly forms a thin film that is impervious to water. Thanks to this, the dermis does not lose its moisture. Note that it does not share water with the epidermis, but simply does not allow it to lose it. This protective property of the substance makes it an effective remedy for the appearance of wrinkles, as well as inflammation, because the protective film, without releasing water, does not allow infections to pass to the skin. After dermabrasion or peeling, when the epidermis is very sensitive and prone to injury, the use of petroleum jelly or a product based on it is just a salvation.
  • Safety for the body. This cosmetic substance has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance, but allergic reactions to it are extremely rare. Vaseline is not absorbed into the blood, is not destroyed and does not interact with the components of cosmetics in any way, that is, it cannot form any compound that is potentially dangerous for the human body. By the way, women use this with might and main, lubricating the cuticle around the nail or the skin around the hair during their painting in order to avoid unnecessary staining.
The use of petroleum jelly is especially relevant for residents of those places where the weather is very severe: frosty, windy. In the Far North, the Eskimos, in order to protect themselves from frostbite, smear their faces and hands with fish oil, exuding an indescribable aroma. The use of petroleum jelly in the absence of a disgusting smell, just like fish oil, saves the skin from chapping and cracking.

Modern creams, those that do not contain this substance, cannot give the same effect, because due to the large amount of water in their composition they simply freeze in severe frost, which, by the way, even increase skin damage.

There are two types of Vaseline: natural, which is obtained from the paraffin resins of plants, cleaning and bleaching, and artificial, which is made from solid paraffins and oil. Natural - viscous to stickiness, transparent, colorless and odorless, but characterized by antimicrobial properties and attracts moisture. Artificial Vaseline is a less sticky substance without taste and aroma, yellowish or cloudy white, it is more often used in cosmetics than natural, precisely because of its less sticky consistency.

The harmful effect of Vaseline on the skin

Vaseline is not harmful to the skin, its improper use is harmful. The protective film that it forms on the body retains moisture, preventing it from evaporating, but the same property of the substance can lead to edema if used excessively often and without special need, because the evaporation of water from the surface of the epidermis is impaired.

Vaseline helps to heal microtraumas, preventing infection from entering them, but at the same time, it clogs pores, preventing the skin from breathing. It retains not only water, but also toxins and the resulting sebaceous fat, thereby increasing the contamination and fat content of the dermis and causing increased formation of comedones and blackheads (however, this has not yet been 100% proven).

From all of the above, we can conclude that the measure is good in everything. If, adhering to common sense, apply Vaseline in a thin layer and use it taking into account climatic conditions, your skin type and condition, take into account your individual reaction, monitor the expiration date and choose a good manufacturer, then there will be no problems.

How to use Vaseline correctly

Any cosmetic used incorrectly can be harmful. This also applies to Vaseline. It is safe with proper use: for one month, no more, and in the cold season (autumn, winter or early spring).

How to use Vaseline to moisturize your face

At home, you can apply petroleum jelly to the skin of the face in order to moisturize it: either smear it with a pure substance, or mix it with chamomile infusion and castor oil (1:10:10). And if you combine it with other ingredients, then, in addition to retaining moisture in the epidermis, you get an additional effect:
  • Rejuvenation. Beat half the yolk, combine with 0.25 cups of chamomile infusion and 0.25 cups of almond oil. Add 0.5 tsp. honey and salt. Beat the resulting composition thoroughly and combine with 2 tsp. vaseline (pre-melt it in a water bath). Place the vaseline mixture in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Before going to bed, apply a rejuvenating mass on a previously cleansed face and neck, in the morning remove the remnants with a napkin.
  • Fight against wrinkles. Squeeze 3 tsp from aloe leaves. juice (immediately before cooking) and mix, rubbing thoroughly, with 1 tsp. vaseline. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator, but not longer than 1 month. This amount is enough for you for several times. Use it like this: apply on the face and neck for 20 minutes, and then blot the residue with a tissue and wash with cool water.
  • Lightening. Mix 1 tsp. sour cream, 1 tsp lemon juice and 3 g of petroleum jelly, apply the mixture on your face for 1 hour, and then, removing the residue with a napkin, wash with warm water.
  • Fight against inflammation. Mix 1 tsp. vaseline with 1 tsp. your night cream and 2 drops of iodine. Apply a homogeneous mass on the face for 20 minutes, remove excess using a napkin, and wash with warm water.
Vaseline will help sponges if the skin is weathered and cracked. Use it neat or mixed with chocolate by melting in the microwave and blending. It is also used for traces of acne: as soon as a scar has formed, without waiting for the moment of its coarsening, lubricate the affected area on the skin with petroleum jelly. And they can also remove makeup, even waterproof.

How to use Vaseline to soften the skin of the body

The use of Vaseline has a good effect on the condition of the skin of the body, it softens, becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch, moreover, the areas of its use are very different:
  1. For heels. Lubricate your heels with Vaseline and put on your socks. Already in the morning you will notice a positive effect - the skin will soften. And if you do this for 30 days, then the cracks that have arisen from dry feet will heal, and the heels will become even softer.
  2. For knees and elbows. Vaseline has a similar softening and wound-healing effect on the flaky rough skin of the elbows and knees. Just grease them. In the summer, do this at night, and in the winter, when you wear warm clothes, also during the day: apply the product on your elbows under a sweater and on your knees under warm tights.
  3. For cuticles. Lubricate them in the morning, afternoon and evening on the thin skin of the cuticle. So it will soften, and the fingers will look neater.
  4. For body peeling. To make the skin velvety, supple and smooth, mix sea salt (or just finely ground iodized salt) with petroleum jelly (1: 1) and massage the resulting scrub into the body, then rinse with water.
  5. After epilation. Vaseline has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect, so applying it in a thin layer is useful after epilation (shaving or plucking, it doesn’t matter), and men can use it as an aftershave lotion. The same properties make the substance useful for those who have undergone surgery and those who have made themselves a tattoo: it prevents the appearance of crusts, wounds heal faster, and the seams are tightened without forming scars.
  6. For head and hair. Dry skin is a common cause of dandruff. And applying Vaseline to the scalp prevents its occurrence, and can also eliminate the unpleasant itching caused by it. The split ends of the hair lubricated with this remedy look healthy - it seems to seal them. True, remember that it is quite difficult to wash off Vaseline from curls. You can use it as a base for mascara (it separates the cilia well, makes them shiny) and make an eyebrow tinting agent out of it, mixing it with brown shadows, fixing the hairs in the right position.
  7. For treatment. Vaseline can be used to treat some dry skin problems. They are lubricated with various cracks and inflammations, dry nasal mucosa, atopic eczema, and even poisonous sumac lesions.
To save on expensive perfume, lubricate the skin on your wrists and neck with a thin layer of petroleum jelly, and only then sprinkle with perfume, so their scent will last longer. And if you apply it on the area above the eyebrows and on the eyebrows themselves, then when washing your hair, the soapy solution will drain without getting into your eyes, this is especially true for babies.

Got a pair of earrings that are hard to fit into your earlobe? Lubricate the skin with Vaseline, and the procedure will be easier and more painless.

Vaseline for the skin around the eyes

The area around the eyes is practically devoid of sebaceous glands and therefore dry, aging in the first place. Vaseline, covering it with a fairly dense layer and not being absorbed into it, thereby blocks the loss of moisture. This is a wonderful prophylactic against the appearance of wrinkles.

Proof of this is the appearance of the famous American actress Jennifer Aniston, who often uses ordinary inexpensive petroleum jelly to care for the skin around her eyes, applying it at night and washing herself with ice water in the morning to avoid swelling. And this despite the fact that a month the movie star does not regret spending up to $ 8,000 on caring for his body and face.

Of course, using Vaseline to protect the skin around the eyes is not always recommended, as you can disrupt the metabolism and get swelling instead of additional protection. Therefore, the best option is to use it periodically, especially in the cold season and windy weather.

You can do like Jennifer Aniston, but in our harsh climatic conditions, Vaseline is most conveniently applied in the morning, before going out, so you protect your skin from negative interaction with an unfavorable environment. Gently, with soft patting movements, rub it under the eyes. By the way, do not forget about your lips, they also need protection from wind and cold.

For eyelids, you can make special cream shadows based on petroleum jelly. To do this, in a small container with a lid, crumble and grind dry shadows to a powdery state and mix them with a small amount of the substance (add it gradually, trying not to overdo it) to get a substance similar in consistency to a cream.

And further! Applying Vaseline carefully, so as not to touch the mucous membrane, with a mascara brush on the eyelashes, you thereby enhance their growth. But this is only temporary, use it no more than once every six months for a month, you can’t do this all the time.

How to use Vaseline for skin - look at the video:

Vaseline is a time-tested inexpensive cosmetic product that protects against bad weather, eliminates irritation and copes with increased peeling on the body and face. True, they must be used wisely, in moderation. Proper use of the substance will save your skin from problems, and your budget from financial shocks, and also keep it turgor and smoothness.

Many of us would like to have an inexpensive and effective tool that can be used in personal care. We offer to find out the beneficial properties of petroleum jelly and how to use it not only for cosmetic purposes. Read and take advantage.

Proven Methods!

Vaseline oil is a mixture of paraffin, microcrystalline wax and mineral oil. It prevents moisture from evaporating through the skin, clogging the pores and preventing the skin from breathing, which prevents it from drying out.


Vaseline is an occlusive moisturizer. Occlusives form a sealant that locks water into the skin, thereby preventing dryness. Vaseline can eliminate dryness by preventing further water loss from the skin, allowing the skin to repair itself from within. Due to this property, vaseline oil is used to eliminate the drying of the upper layers of the skin.


Healing cuts, abrasions and chapped lips

Petroleum jelly was originally developed for use on cuts and scrapes on the skin. Due to the occlusive properties of petroleum jelly, it simply seals a minor wound on the skin, which prevents bacteria and various contaminants from entering there, allowing the body to easily restore damaged tissues.

When Vaseline is applied to chapped lips, it works like a balm, soothing the surface and preventing moisture from evaporating.

Lubricate the thermometer

Vaseline oil is used as a lubricant. Experts recommend using Vaseline when measuring a child's temperature rectally. After cleaning the thermometer, lubricate its tip with petroleum jelly before inserting it into the baby's anus.

vaseline oil for constipation

If you suffer from constipation, you can use Vaseline orally, among other natural remedies. The main advantage of vaseline oil over other vegetable oils is that it is absolutely not absorbed in the intestines, which makes it possible to effectively lubricate both the colon itself and its contents. Thus, it stimulates intestinal peristalsis and facilitates the passage of feces.

Other Uses for Vaseline Oil

In addition to the above uses for petroleum jelly, it can also be used as a treatment applied to the pulse points on the neck and forearm to prolong the scent of a perfume. Also, vaseline oil can seal the split ends of the hair.

Vaseline is well known to many since childhood. This accessible and still not lost popularity the product consists of a mixture of liquid and solid carbohydrates, has a thick consistency and color from transparent to caramel.

Vaseline is of artificial and natural origin, depending on the purpose of use, it is divided into technical, medical and cosmetic.


Vaseline, when applied to the skin, forms the thinnest film that helps to avoid loss of moisture from the skin. This property is indispensable in frosty or windy weather, when, under the influence of adverse conditions, the skin quickly dry and rough.

The use of petroleum jelly prevents weathering and cracking of the epidermis.

Most creams cannot cope with this task - the high water content in cosmetics leads to the fact that in severe frosts they just freeze thus exacerbating skin damage.

It is known that the inhabitants of the Far North lubricate their faces fish oil before going outside in the cold season.

But since this remedy has a strong odor and an unpleasant consistency, in the middle lane they prefer to replace it with inexpensive and no less effective petroleum jelly.

The film formed by this popular remedy protects the face well from external pollution. Without penetrating deep into the dermis, Vaseline prevents it from entering the pores infections and formation of inflammatory processes.

Protection of the epidermis is especially necessary after peeling or dermabrasion, when the young layers of the skin are characterized by increased sensitivity and trauma.


Contrary to popular belief, petroleum jelly cannot effectively moisturize the skin. He does not penetrate through pores and serves only as protection against moisture loss.

A layer of Vaseline on the face does not allow the skin to "breathe", pores get clogged and the output of products of metabolic processes is disturbed.

A dense film of the product retains sebum on the face, thereby aggravating oily skin. The evaporation of water from the surface of the epidermis is disrupted, which can lead to slight swelling.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


Despite the controversial properties of the product, vaseline widely applied in cosmetics (both industrial and home-made):

In addition, Vaseline makes an excellent home scrub for face.

It is enough just to mix the product with sea or ordinary coarse salt and apply on the face, gently rubbing into problem areas.

prevent dehydration sensitive skin around the eyes in rooms with low humidity will help applying the product at night in a small amount. In the morning, it is recommended to wash your face with cold water or wipe your face with ice cubes.

This method will keep the skin moist and prevent the formation of new wrinkles.

Mask Recipes

Based on petroleum jelly, there are a large number of recipes for skin care, they efficiency repeatedly tested by time. The composition of the masks includes inexpensive components that can be easily bought at any pharmacy or supermarket.

Rejuvenating mask: combine a tablespoon of honey with a spoon, add five drops of pharmacy. Mix one teaspoon of cosmetic vaseline with the resulting mass.

Mix and apply on the face after steaming.

After 15 minutes, wash with cool water. We store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Moisturizing mask: rub finely a quarter, add a spoonful of petroleum jelly and a spoonful of ground oatmeal. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Repeat every evening for two weeks.

Mask for chapped lips: mix a spoonful of thick sour cream with an equal amount of vaseline. Lubricate the lips with a mixture every evening in the cold season. Such a mask will cope with cracks and peeling in a few days.

Effect of use

Protective properties vaseline as part of homemade masks will most favorably affect the condition of the skin:

  1. At low temperatures, the skin will remain smooth and velvety.
  2. Small wrinkles will become less noticeable.
  3. Damage and cracks in the epidermis will heal quickly.

The film formed by petroleum jelly when applied to the face as part of masks will allow the rest of the therapeutic components penetrate deeply into the pores.

Since Vaseline does not allow oxygen to enter the skin cells, too frequent use masks can clog pores and lead to acne.

Application a large number means for the night will cause the formation of edema and bags under the eyes. Therefore, it is recommended to use masks no more than twice a week.

In case of visible damage to the skin under the influence of weather conditions, it is allowed daily application therapeutic masks until full recovery.


Vaseline rarely causes allergic manifestations.

Only individual intolerance to the drug can serve as a contraindication.

Don't forget to check before buying. best before date indicated on the back of the jar.

Vaseline is not a skin remedy, but its use will help to resist aggressive environmental influences. Its competent use will quickly relieve the skin of damage and keep it smooth and elastic.

Recipe lip balm based on homemade vaseline in this video:

Today, against the background of more modern and efficient (?) "colleagues", such a product is somewhat lost. But, despite this, cosmetic Vaseline can still find the widest application. This very cheap, affordable and underestimated by modern beauties means has a lot of properties that can render the appearance a great service.

Cosmetic and technical - what's the difference?

All types of products are a by-product of oil distillation, but the variety used in medicine and cosmetology is made on the basis of white petroleum jelly, which is thoroughly cleaned. The simple composition of cosmetic petroleum jelly (liquid and solid carbohydrates and optional substances for aroma and taste) ensures the safety and effectiveness of this product, which has been used as a universal care product for several decades.

The "services" of Vaseline should be abandoned for people with oily and combination skin, as it can clog its pores and turn it into excessively oily.

  • Suitable for sensitive skin, even with acne - perfectly moisturizes it, returns a healthy look.
  • Works as a protective cream, protecting the skin from external factors.
  • Apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly to dry and cracked heels before going to bed and wear cotton socks. In the morning, the legs will be smooth and tender.

You can add a drop of essential oil to a fragrance-free product - your feet will be fragrant and fresh all day long.

  • The tool restores, softens and nourishes the skin of the hands - just massage it into the skin before going to bed and put on protective gloves.
  • Permanent painting of eyelashes with mascara and the use of tweezers weaken delicate hairs. If you apply petroleum jelly to your eyelashes before going to bed, they will recover, strengthen and shine beautifully, and the applied mascara will acquire a deep color. You can also use it as an eyebrow conditioner.
  • If you use too much glue when applying artificial eyelashes, Vaseline will help to remove them painlessly - just lubricate the hairs with it.
  • The product restores comfort and soothes chapped lips.

  • Vaseline can be used to remove waterproof makeup.
  • Thanks to its consistency, Vaseline is an excellent base for home cosmetics. Add sea salt or brown sugar to it, massage the body for a few minutes - the skin will be smooth and moisturized.
  • The use of Vaseline for cosmetic purposes is also appropriate in the case of hair. The product rubbed into the scalp nourishes the strands, making them stronger and shinier. It also helps to nourish split ends: after washing your hair, you need to rub a little product into them.
  • Vaseline is an ally of a uniform artificial tan. Apply it to the protruding parts (elbows, knees) and rub it before applying the dye.
  • At night, lubricate the hangnails, dry skin around the nails - in the morning the skin will be tender and soft.
  • Before spraying behind the ears, wrists, etc. with your favorite scent, rub your skin with a small amount of Vaseline - the fragrance of the perfume will linger longer.
  • If a tattoo or piercing has been made, petroleum jelly will help regenerate the skin and prevent it from drying out.
  • After depilation, the product softens irritation and cuts.