Read conspiracies for rejuvenation on the growing moon. An effective conspiracy with the help of water. For a man to be good-looking and nice to women

Conspiracies for beauty and attractiveness

Beauty conspiracies

These 2 conspiracies should be read once a year before the old New Year. After that, all year around you will seem charming, attractive, and everyone will pay attention to you. Plot to read on the morning of January 13, immediately after you wake up.

Conspiracy - 1 for a young girl to seem beautiful to others

From a soft bed to a clean lake, with parental blessings,

I will draw water from the heavenly well.

That little water more expensive than rings golden,

Miles of stone chambers, silver cups.

And the water is beauty. I will wash my white face in it

And I will seem to young fellows, old old people,

Old men, decrepit old women, young girls,

Elderly widows are more beautiful than the red sun,

Clear moon, morning ray. It would seem my beauty

Everyone and everyone at any hour, at any minute and every day

She would fall on their hearts and eyes. Amen.

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Conspiracy - 2 for young guy to appear beautiful to others

I, the servant of God (name), born by the mother, baptized by the church,

Deprived of beauty, I call on spells to help,

So that everyone praises me, so that everyone loves me.

God bless. I'm going down the road, down the road

And there, along the way - along the road, there is a shop, and in this shop

Merchants trade in all sorts of goods: chintz, calico,

Silks, velvets. This is for me, a servant of God (name),

Loved it, looked it up, looked it up.

I closed myself with a clear moon, my face is a red sun,

Sprinkled with heavenly stars. And so I would be red

Beautiful, sweet and loving. And I would be nice

And old women, and young young women,

And old old men, and young men,

And well done, and red girls.

I would take a closer look, fall in love every day, every hour,

Every minute, every second.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Ritual for beauty

The rite is suitable for absolutely everyone - teenagers, girls and women, boys and men, old women and old men. As soon as you see a rainbow in the sky, then immediately start reading the plot, looking at it. Be sure to learn this plot by heart in order to apply it in right time. If you do this, you will noticeably get better.

I will walk on you barefoot, I will shine with beauty.

How about you, rainbow, everyone admires,

So everyone would admire me

And they confessed their love to me. Amen.

If there is no rainbow, then imagine a rainbow in the form of a bridge in front of you, and then imagine that you are walking barefoot on this “rainbow bridge”. After that, read the plot 3 times. Then imagine that the light and energy of the rainbow enters you.

Be sure to read this plot before a date, going to visit, or before meeting with someone you want to please.

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Conspiracy from acne, wrinkles, acne on the face

On the waning moon, say a conspiracy to water 3 times, and then wash your face 7 times. Do not wipe, let the water dry.

Water-water, take away all the wrinkles (blackheads, pimples) from my face. Amen.

The plot is also suitable for teenagers - from youthful acne. In this case, you need to wash yourself with charmed water daily, as long as there is a need for it.

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Conspiracies for beautiful face and body

The plot is suitable for absolutely everyone. Take holy water in the church. Wash her face and body while reading the plot:

Wash your soul, wash your body, I know my business. As you were born / born with clean skin, become like this now too. Amen.

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A conspiracy for women to look good and young. Taking a shower or bath, read this conspiracy. Also read it, looking at yourself in the mirror and admiring yourself:

God gave birth to me as a woman, God gave me a body.

So I will be a woman, and not a stump - a recumbent deck,

Not stagnant swamp water!

I will be a girl, beauty - young! Amen.

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Conspiracy for beautiful hair

The plot is suitable for absolutely everyone, because men also want to have beautiful hair. In order for the hair to always be thick, beautiful, grow well and not fall out, combing in the morning, always read the plot:

The field to the grain, the light to the sun, the crown to the comb, and the hair to the hair. Amen.

And this conspiracy works for two purposes - it makes hair thick and attracts money. Comb in the morning, reading the plot:

Hair-hair, grow thicker! Money is money, drive faster!

My hair is growing thick, money is coming to me quickly! Amen.

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A conspiracy to induce charm so that all people like

The plot is suitable for girls and women, as well as for boys and men. Before you go on a visit, on a date or where there will be people, wash yourself with charmed water, in which you first stir three pinches of salt.

How happy we are for the red sun! As people admire poppies, how sweet May honey is to them and need salt in their food, so would I be a slave / servant of God / God (name), like / like girls and young women, old men and old women, widowers and widows, rich and stingers, merchants and priests and the whole human race. Was/would I be pleasant/pleasant to the eye, reasonable/reasonable in speeches. I would have enchanted / charmed them with these charms. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Conspiracies to help attract the attention of guys and men

♦ Conspiracy - 1

They read the plot 3 times on the water, then they wash their face and pour over the body.

I will become a servant of God (name), blessed,

Crossed before the image of God,

I will not go out the door, but out the window,

It's not light outside, it's not dark.

I will go under the yellow banks, a fast river near the banks.

I will wash myself, I will wipe myself, I will cross myself three times three times:

Give, Lord, beauty, for loving hearts kits.

I would be the base of all my girlfriends,

Sweeter and more desirable for guys

Everyone would have matured at me, looked,

Wanted to hug and kiss

They sent matchmakers to me, they called me to marry them.

Be, my words, strong, sculpting.

All my words are the key

To all my words, the castle.

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♦ Conspiracy - 2

Stroke your head and at the same time read this conspiracy:

Lord, how people are waiting for spring, waiting,

How red the sun is touched,

So it would be for me, God's servant (name),

The men, young and old, rejoiced,

They looked, admired, followed me.

Old men, mature men,

Young fellows and beardless youths

Honorably received, honorably escorted,

Everyone got up on their feet in front of me, in conversations they gave a word,

They would climb to me to have mercy, they kept the dream to kiss.

All words are keys. All cases - locks.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

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Prayer of a girl for marriage

Oh, All-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on my loving You with all my soul and with all my heart and on fulfilling Your holy will in everything. Govern yourself, O my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and pride: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for industriousness and bless my labors. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Holy Father, to this title consecrated by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone - and, having created his wife as a helper, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth. Hear my humble prayer, from the depths of a girl's heart sent to You: give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

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A conspiracy to be desired

Thanks to this conspiracy, you will forever forget what loneliness is. Read it for a thing that you can always carry with you:

Treasure, you are my treasure, love pledge,

I put you not in the ground-dungeon,

I'm talking about you girl.

In the name of an angel, in the name of an archangel,

Pull the suitors to me, God's servant (name).

I would be like the dawn, blush,

Like drunken grass, dukhmyana,

Anyone male heart desired.

Would be sad for me, longing,

Not seeing me, they grieved

In the world, in the feast, on land and water - everywhere!

Be I like the sun, like a clear moon,

How light warm wave,

Among all her friends, pav is the only one.

My words do not score, do not whisper,

How people bow to the mother church,

So that the boys can love and respect me

Meet with a smile, see off with your eyes.

My first word, my strong deed.

What I didn't say, what I didn't say

What I didn’t think in my thoughts,

All my conspiracy will bring. Amen.

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A conspiracy for not very beautiful girls

Read the special conspiracy words over the water, which then wash your face:

I, the servant of God (name), was born,

Baptized in the holy church

splashed in white milk,

She wiped herself with a ruddy dawn.

Blackness on my eyebrow

There is scarlet blood on my cheeks, my body is white.

God blessed

The wind-father combed.

Grow, my braid, to the waist,

So that I, the servant of God (name), be white, slim.

Would look at me - did not look enough,

Would have looked at me - not seen enough.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

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A conspiracy to make the chest lush and beautiful

When bathing your teenage daughter, say this conspiracy:

Like an apple grows from a flower, a heifer has a bump,

From a seed - sunflowers, from a girl - a woman,

As the Lord commanded her to give birth to a child, breastfeed,

So that the servant of God (name) has a breast that is white, strong, magnificent. Amen.

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If a girl has small chest, let him put his hand on his chest while eating and say to himself:

Eat, eat, everything will be in the tits. The Lord will help me. Amen.

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A rite to make girls and women pay attention

Suitable for boys and men. You will need an assistant to perform the ceremony. Sit on a stool, after which the assistant should fumigate you with smoke from an aspen chip and read such a plot:

I smoke, I intoxicate

I lure brides to the servant of God (name).

Go great glory about the groom, God's servant (name).

Be it bright, conspicuous, comely,

Good and rich and married.

I think every woman wants to become beautiful and attractive, and this conspiracy for magical beauty can be used without fear of consequences - this is harmless white magic without any consequences other than magical beauty and attractiveness. A conspiracy for beauty must be read in the forest, and before the ceremony, you need not to eat lethal food for three days (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, caviar -

  • Conspiracy on big breasts you need to read if you want to enlarge your breasts with the help of magic, after a conspiracy for breast growth, the volume will not exceed 2 sizes, and the breasts will tighten up and become beautiful and elastic. If you have small breasts and there is a need to increase the size of your breasts without surgery by a couple of sizes, conspiracies will not tell the old magic

  • To accelerate hair growth will help a special and very vintage conspiracy designed for hair growth. In Rus', girls have always used the magic of beauty and performed different ceremonies, rituals and spells with the reading of conspiracies suggestive magical beauty and attraction. A conspiracy for hair growth was especially popular, because strong and long braid has always been in

  • Women and girls continue to read conspiracies to enhance their attractiveness to men and bring beauty and youth to themselves. And what kind of conspiracy will help bring beauty and youth to oneself, the conspiracies will now tell. Buy an inexpensive ring and wear it for three days without taking it off. ring finger left hand, and on the 4th day, going outside to a deserted place, remove the ring and

  • From spots and acne, it is customary for people to read a conspiracy on clean face which in a week will cleanse the face of blackheads, blackheads and red pimples, making the skin on the face clean, soft and beautiful without any traces of the former problematic skin. Most strong conspiracy on the beauty of the face, you should read on a specially prepared decoction that needs 7 days, 2 times a day, to wipe the skin on the face,

  • The strongest conspiracy on the beauty of the face and attractiveness that any woman can read on her own is read at home in a glass of water. The consequences of a conspiracy on beauty come instantly! As soon as you have performed a ritual for beauty and, having read the plot on a clean face, wash yourself with charmed water, irreversible processes will begin to occur in the skin of the face that affect the condition

  • A conspiracy on a cream against age spots is the best magical remedy that can quickly get rid of age spots on the skin of the face and body with the help of magic. This magical way information from the skin of age spots has existed for many centuries and is truly magical remedy for women on whose skin appeared dark spots. Previously, to get a conspiracy cream you need

  • This plot helps in the treatment of blackheads and acne on the skin of the face. acne, it is called a conspiracy on clean skin. Immediately after reading this conspiracy, the next morning, the skin on the face and body becomes clean and healthy. You need to read the plot on clean skin strictly at midnight Thursday 3 times in a row, pouring yourself from the bucket from head to toe clean water. Straightaway

  • Rituals and conspiracies for the beauty of the face and body that can enhance the effect of beauty and youth is very effective remedy. Preservation of beauty, youth and attractiveness with the help of moon magic witches and sorceresses knew, now beauty rituals are independently used by women all over the world. After reading a special conspiracy, you can instantly become inimitable and cute in

  • white magic can make a person beautiful and attractive to others, for this you only need to independently conduct the ceremony and read the plot suggestive beauty and attraction. Those who have ever done for themselves magical ritual and brought beauty constantly return to this rite again and again reading the words of the conspiracy by heart. It helps to bring beauty to the girl quickly

  • Who doesn't want to be beautiful? Who doesn't want to stay young as long as possible? For a young lady this question very important, and, hardly, is not the most basic and not the most important in life. Beauty and youth can be preserved. Nowadays, there are a lot of all kinds of masks, massages, “poultices” and procedures that help to stay young for a long time.

    Some prefer quick effect: go to the beautician and make a "beauty injection" (meso-schmeso-peptides). And sometimes - even go under the knife. The result is visible immediately, but it costs a lot, and the consequences of such procedures are not unambiguous, and sometimes short-lived. I did not have time to look back, as my face begins to "flow", demanding a new portion of chymosis or another braces.

    About how to cook living water, You can find out from our material by clicking on the link.

    Vodichka is prepared quickly and easily, and the results you get will please you very, very much. So do not be too lazy to do all this for yourself. So, this conspiracy must be read on the water, seven days in a row. It is read not just during the day, but in the morning. We remember that a conspiracy is being carried out on the growing moon.

    As soon as the plot is read, you need to take a few sips of this water, wash your face with the rest of the water and wash your body. Do not dry off, let the water dry.

    Here is the text of the spell itself:

    Newborn conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness

    This ritual is performed on your birthday. It is considered one of the most powerful and effective. Some even compare the effect of this conspiracy with the effect that can be obtained from cosmetic procedure. Perhaps the action of the conspiracy is so strong because it is created on the very day when a person was born, and this day is not easy and can be called sacred.

    To create a conspiracy, you need to get up early in the morning on your birthday and, stroking the dawn, read this conspiracy for Living Water three times (how to do it, see above).

    “I wash myself with living water,
    I wipe myself with the dawn of heaven,
    I stand on Mother Earth
    Hiding in the bright sky
    Heavenly powers! Eternal protectors!
    Bless my life!
    Give me health and long youth.
    Key. Lock. Language"!

    As soon as the plot is read, the water is drunk. You won't be able to eat until 12pm. But also, it is worth remembering that on this day, as well as on the next three, you cannot eat meat. Otherwise, this ritual is simple and does not require special investments.

    Conspiracy for youth and beauty on your birthday

    As mentioned above, conspiracies created on your birthday can be safely considered very strong and effective. This has never been proven. Therefore, we are pleased to offer you another very effective conspiracy that will help you maintain your beauty for a long time.

    On the eve of your birthday (it is best to do this in the evening, at the very moment when the sun is about to hide behind the horizon) you need to take:

    1. - if you were born in spring - take either buds or young leaves (odd number - three, five, seven);
    2. - if you were born in the summer - take either flowers or any other greenery (also an odd number);
    3. - if you were born in autumn - take any fruits (berries, apples or something else, also an odd number);
    4. - if you were born in winter - bring snow home (and put it in the freezer overnight), if it has already fallen, if there is no snow, then you can bring home three to five branches of any female tree (cherry, birch, mountain ash, etc. )

    The gizmos brought by you should spend the night in your house. And in the morning, on your birthday, you will need to take what was brought in the evening, take three candles and, placing burning candles around your objects, read the plot:

    "I have power over you,
    There is no power over time.
    Time has power
    But I have no power over me.
    As she said, so it is."

    As soon as the conspiracy is uttered, what was brought into the house in the evening must be taken away. If, for example, you brought berries or apples, then it is best to feed them to the birds. Snow is the easiest. Flowers, leaves or branches can simply be buried. Just can't throw it. Tiredly bending down to the ground, carefully put it down, with the words: “Accept with my gratitude.”

    To keep hair thick

    This conspiracy allows you to improve your hair, because our hair is like a frame that frames a picture. If the frame is beautiful, then the picture will seem beautiful to everyone; if the frame is poor, then we can pass by the picture and not notice it. This ritual is performed either on Friday or Saturday, it is important that the moon is growing at the same time. In order for the plot to work, you will need to take living water and, looking at the moon, make a reading on the water, the words are:

    “How the Month-Father is gaining strength every day,
    So my hair is getting stronger every day!
    As in the sky of all the stars no one will ever count,
    So on my head all the hair can not be counted by anyone.
    As the Month-Father grows, turning into the Moon,
    So my hair is getting thicker every day, filling with strength.

    This conspiracy must be carried out every time the moon begins to grow. During a year. It does not work very quickly, but it certainly does. Its effect is 100%. The water on which the slander was made must be drunk (several sips), the rest should be applied to the head. (You can either wash your hair with this water or just spray it).

    In order to perform this ritual, you will need three red candles, a mirror and Living Water (read above about how to prepare it). Ideally, you need to take a new mirror, in which no one has looked, even you.

    So, you need to put a mirror in such a way that you can see your reflection in it, and with it three burning candles. On Living Water, you need to read the plot, and then immediately wash your face with it, the words are as follows:

    You need to wash over a basin or a cup. The water with which the face was washed must be collected and poured away (you can at the crossroads, or you can just under some kind of bush where no one walks).

    Conspiracy for the beauty of hair

    It should be understood that a conspiracy for the beauty and density of hair can be performed not only by turning to Living Water, but also by slandering any cosmetic product: shampoo, conditioner or hair mask. It must, however, be remembered that once the slander has been made, the remedy must be kept closed. Any slander is done on the growing moon. Well, and, of course, no one has canceled the rule that says: “According to your faith, let it be to you”!

    So, in order to make this conspiracy, you need to take any hair care product and slander it. The words are:

    A conspiracy for beauty made on a cream

    This conspiracy, of course, can be done not only on a cream, but also on any other means with which you care for your face. It can be a tonic, and an ordinary herbal tincture, and a mask, and anything else.

    Suppose you decide to slander a face cream (or body, which is also possible). You need to open a jar of cream and read a plot over it three times. When you subsequently use this tool, it is worth remembering a number of things:

    1. - before applying the cream on the face, it must be thoroughly rubbed on the palms, and then applied to the face (just from the palms, and not immediately from the jar).
    2. - A jar or vial with a charmed mass must always be closed.
    3. - any conspiracy for beauty is done only on the growing moon, early in the morning, at dawn.

    So, the words of the conspiracy are:

    "As the rivers fill the sea,
    So I am filled with the energy of youth,
    I am filled with the energy of the Sun.
    Water saves the earth from drought,
    My skin does not know dryness and old age!
    Always! Always! Always"!

    Another important point: it's not worth the fact that you practice such things, tell everyone left and right. Done and keep quiet if you want the effect to be long. IN this case Silence is the first ally.

    Spell for beautiful skin

    Alas, today not every young lady can boast perfect skin faces. There are many reasons for that. This includes bad ecology, poor quality products, dead water flowing from the tap, and constant stress. But what to do? How to live? And how to preserve or perhaps even increase the beauty?

    Of course, take care of yourself, lead healthy lifestyle life, eat right, drink good (Living) water, meditate and go to bed at time. But still, you can resort to conspiracy practice, which also gives excellent results.

    This conspiracy you can do it on a herbal decoction, and then rinse your face with them. The words are:

    Girls, remember that we are plotting on Living Water. Read more about how to cook it. If we have already touched on the topic of decoctions, then it is worth adding that calendula, chamomile, raspberry leaves, viburnum leaves, linden, and celandine will be excellent helpers.

    Aging is an inevitable physiological process. When the first signs appear: wrinkles on the face, aging skin, gray hairs - you want to prolong youth for another ten years. This desire is irresistible, which is why you are reading an article on this topic. Well, there are several ways to prolong youth:

    • Healthy lifestyle, maintenance of skin tone with creams, hair coloring;
    • Intervention with medical side: plastic surgery, cryotherapy;
    • Conspiracy for youth and beauty.

    The latter method is considered by many to be very effective. And if you believe in such rejuvenation, we bring to your attention several practical conspiracies and rituals. Main principle rituals for rejuvenation - believe in them. When reading the texts of the conspiracy, it is important to feel, to be aware of the words with every cell of the body. Feel youth within yourself, within your body and brain. By taking each word so closely, you attract more of the effect of the ritual.

    To carry out this conspiracy for rejuvenation, you must:

    • Long shirt made of quality natural fabric. Perhaps cotton, linen;
    • Soap with which the deceased was washed;
    • A small piece of chalk;
    • Five church candles.

    Putting on the shirt back to front, draw a pentagram on the soapy floor ( five pointed star). After, light the candles, placing them at the five corners of the figure. Around, draw a large circle around the candles with chalk.

    “Go, sun, not from east to west, but from west to east, under the east side. Turn every minute, every second, every hour and half hour, against all will, according to my magical share. Against gray hair and against wrinkles, against nature, by the will of witchcraft. I release 12 forces, I call 12 forces. Oh, you, earthly and unearthly forces, come and take away from me all old age, all decrepitude, gray hair and yellowness, and flaccid skin, and dull eyes, and pain in my legs, and pain in my hands. Take away the old age and take it away, and bring me what the girl is proud of, the young woman boasts. My word is strong, my work is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

    With water

    As you know, water has a high energy absorption. Like a sponge, she takes on every word spoken and gives back when needed. Therefore, a conspiracy against wrinkles on the face is best done with water. It is better to take it in the spring, you can first consecrate it in the church.

    Here is one easy conspiracy that does not require preparations and attributes. Say the words 7 times: “Water, water, take all the wrinkles (blackheads, spots ...) from my face”- Rinse your face without wiping and go to bed.

    And this conspiracy is read when the first gray hairs begin to break through. Get enough water to wash your hair. You need to speak it with the words:

    “Two brothers are coming, two gray-haired elders. Your misfortune is not enough for you, gray hair, gray beard? Take my gray hair on your head. Amen"

    With a talisman to maintain youth and beauty

    To perform this rite, you will need holy water, three candles (preferably bright red), a small pocket mirror and the icon of "Seven Arrows". If you can’t buy one, perform the ritual in the church, so it will definitely be.

    With regards to candles: if possible, take simple church candles, having melted them, mix in cherry (beetroot) juice and build new ones. Purchased paraffin candles in this case are considered not very high quality and effective. Light the candles and begin to say three times, looking at the water:

    “The spell has been lifted, you are beautiful again, calm again, but you were arrogant. The spell was washed off the face with water, the ugliness was removed, like an old dress.

    Sprinkle the mirror with water, saying:

    “As the sun is reflected in the water, so the servant of God (her name) is reflected in me. As this mirror is pure and radiant, so would my beauty be pure. How holy this water is, so would I, the servant of God (name), be in full health and beauty. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

    Now the mirror has become your talisman, carry it with you all the time, look into it more often, remembering yourself a few years ago. Pour water onto the road of the nearest intersection.

    Setting for youth

    To prolong youth, you need to properly tune your brain. Once a week, in the evening, by candlelight and looking in the mirror, read the words of mood given below. When reading, you should feel good, imbued with every word and idea of ​​youth.

    You need to sit comfortably, not be distracted by absolutely anything. Close your eyes, sit before reading for 10 minutes and focus. Think about how your body is enveloped in a halo of youth, light and energy.

    So, the text of the mood is:

    “I am filled with the golden light of rejuvenation energy. I tune my wave to youth and longevity. My body and my skin are getting younger every minute. My inner world filled with the golden energy of youth and beauty. All my feelings and thoughts are filled with the breath of youth. I feel good and calm, I feel more and more how my body is filled with the indestructible energy of health. My eyes are filled with purity and light, all my skin is filled with good health and beauty. Every moment I become, younger, and younger in my body, stronger and stronger with a joyful spark, the power of youth and longevity grows. Every moment I am filled with fun and youth. A smile of youth sparkles on my face, the golden sunlight fills my inner world with the powerful energy of youth. It flows into my body, into my nerves, great power youth and longevity. Energy throughout my body sunlight increases the rejuvenation process. My mood is bright and clean, everything around me is changing, youth with an indestructible cosmic stream fills my body with cloudless youth. My eyes are filled with the delight of youth. The world around me is changing, filling me with the power of superiority, my face is getting younger, wrinkles are smoothing out, and the light of the greatness of youth and bliss will fill me, infusing a huge charge of youth and happiness. I am getting younger and getting stronger. Youth fills me with its powerful and inexhaustible flow. The energy of youth, the energy of life, the energy of strength and health fills me now and forever.

    Youth is always within you

    These are the conspiracies you can use to prolong youth. The most important thing is to be young at heart, it is much more important than external beauty. The fountain of youth is always inside, in your head. And with the use of rituals, you will become even more beautiful, younger and more attractive.