We glorify the woman whose name is mother. Class hour “We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother! The song "Mom, Mom, you are mine" sounds.

We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother!

literary and musical composition

MOU "Kamskoustinskaya secondary school"
Kamsko-Ustyinsky municipal district
Work completed and carried out
GUMEROVA Maysara Aisovna,
teacher of the first category,
VAFINA Khamira Nyaimovna,
teacher of the highest category
town Kamskoye Ustye, 2008

Theme: "We will forever glorify the woman whose name is Mother!"

I. Introduction

Part 1. Mom is the first word, the main word.

The song sounds from the movie "Mama" (script by Y. Entanin and V. Istrate, director - stage director E. Boston)

1 boy.
Who came to me in the morning?
Who said it's time to get up?
Who managed to cook the porridge?
Shall I pour a glass of tea?
Who picked flowers in the garden?
Who kissed me?
Who childish loves laughter?
Who is the best in the world?
(L. Doroshkova)

(Speech by a group of students in grade 5)

Our dear mothers,
We will sing ditties to you.
Congratulations on the holiday
And hello big helmet to you!
Here's to cleaning once a year
I decided the frying pan
And then four days
They couldn't wash me.
Burnt soup and porridge
Salt is poured into compote.
When mom came home from work
She had a lot of trouble.
I found a broom in the kitchen
And swept the whole apartment,
And left of him
Three straws in total.
Sasha rubbed the floor to a shine,
Made a vinaigrette.
Mom is looking for what to do:
There is no work.
Galya washed the floors,
Katya helped
It's just a pity - mom again
Washed everything.
Dad solved my problem
Helped with math
We then decided with my mother that
That he couldn't decide.
Mom in the morning our Mila
Gave me two candies
I barely had time to give
And then she ate them herself.
We sang to you as best we could
We are only children
But we know, our mothers -
The best in the world.
Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers.
We are for you, for everything, relatives,
We say: "Thank you!".

II. Main part. Part I. Bright image of the mother.

The work of the composer F. Schubert "Ave Maria" sounds, on the screen is Raphael's painting "The Sistine Madonna".

1 leader:
There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked through the centuries:

From any misfortune conjuring
(She’s not good at all!),
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud exalted mother.
The light of her love has been bequeathed since ancient times,
And so it stands for centuries:
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms.
2 leader. Everything in the world is measured by traces,
No matter how many paths you walk,
The apple tree is decorated with fruits,
A woman is the fate of her children.
May the sun applaud her forever,
So she will live for centuries,
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a baby in her arms! (S.Ostrovoy)

1 leader.

Good afternoon to everyone gathered in this hall, especially to the mothers who came here! Because it is mothers who are the culprits of our today's holiday dedicated to Mother's Day, which is celebrated in Russia on the fourth Sunday of November.

And it is doubly joyful and pleasant to celebrate this wonderful holiday this year in the Year of the Family.
Every person has a big and a small Motherland. Big is the country in which you were born, Small is the land on which you live, the house, the family in which you were born. The power of love for one's home and family illuminates a truly happy childhood with a special light.
In your young hearts, guys, a feeling that lies in the depths of everyone's soul is born from childhood and grows stronger over the years - this is love for home, one's family. The birth of this love is a great mystery. What could be more important than home, family, relatives, where you will always be understood, sympathized, supported?
And there is one thread connecting generations. This is... Mother.
All the most precious shrines are named and illuminated by this name, because the very concept of life is connected with this name.

2 leader.

Mother's Day is a holiday that unites adults and children, men and women, rural workers and workers, academicians and ministers around the bright image of a woman-mother.

1 leader.

Mom is the beginning of all beginnings, the support and hope of the family, the future of the people, support in grief and joy. As long as we have a mother, we remain young at any age. Therefore, you need to cherish, respect and love your mothers, not bitterness, but only joy and flowers to present to them.

2 leader.

Yes, indeed, for each of us, whether it is a small child or an already gray-haired adult, mother is the dearest, dearest person in the world.

From a pure heart, in simple words,
Come on, friends, congratulate mom,
We love her like a good friend
For the fact that we have everything together with her,
For the fact that when we have a hard time
We can cry at our native shoulder.
Reader. We love her because sometimes,
It becomes stricter in the wrinkles of the eye,
But it’s worth coming with a confession with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush off.
For always without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our heart
And just because she is our mother,
We love her deeply and dearly. (N. Sakonskaya)

Part 2. Mother's heart.

1 leader. The first word a person utters is "mom". It is addressed to the one that gave him life. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. The happiness of a mother is in the happiness of her children. There is nothing more selfless and holier than her love. The mother is the first teacher and friend of the child. She will always understand him, console him, help him in difficult times, protect him, protect him from trouble. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than a mother.

2 leader. Each of us has a feeling of security and peace when mom is around. But are we always aware of the price paid for our peace, happiness? Which? Self-sacrifice, self-forgetfulness of the mother. These ancient words, almost gone from colloquial speech, most accurately characterize maternal love. Self-forgetfulness, i.e. the ability to forget yourself for the sake of your child, and there is a real feat. Mother's heart is the most merciful judge, the most sympathetic friend, it is the sun of love, the light of which warms us all our lives.

Dramatization of D. Kedrin's poem "Mother's Heart".

The girl is being tortured by a Cossack at the wattle fence:
- When will you, Oksana, love me?
I'll get a saber to steal mine
And bright sequins, and sonorous rubles! -
The girl in response, braiding her braid:
- About that, the fortune teller told me in the forest.
She prophesies: I will love the one
Who will bring my mother's heart as a gift,
No need for sequins, no need for rubles,
Give me the heart of your old mother.
I will infuse his ashes with hops,
I’ll get drunk right now - and I’ll love you! -
The Cossack from that day fell silent, frowned,
I didn’t sip borscht, I didn’t eat salamata.
With a blade he cut his mother's chest
And with the treasured burden set off:
He is her heart on a colored towel
Kohane brings in a shaggy hand.
On the way, his eyes blurred,
Climbing onto the porch, the Cossack stumbled.
And mother's heart, falling on the threshold,
I asked him: “Are you hurt, son?”

1 leader.

Love for a mother is inherent in us by nature itself. This feeling lives in a person until the end of his days. Let us recall the words of Oleg Koshevoy, addressed to his mother and full of filial tenderness:

Mom mom! I remember your hands from the moment I became aware of myself in the world. During the summer, they were always covered with a tan, which did not go away in the winter either - it was so gentle, even, only a little bit darker on the veins. Or maybe they were even rougher than your hands - after all, they had so much work in life - but they always seemed so tender to me, and I loved kissing them right on their dark veins so much ...

Part 3

“The basis, the essence of all living things is the Mother.”

1 leader.

Woman is a great word. In her is the purity of a girl, the dedication of a friend, the feat of a mother. To each of us, from a lullaby to the last breath, the mother gives selfless love, care, affection.

I believe that all women are beautiful
And with his kindness, and with his mind.
More fun if there is a holiday in the house,
And fidelity when separation is in it.
Not their outfits and not the Roman profile -
We will be conquered by the female soul
And her youth, and motherhood,
And gray hair when it's time.
And we men bow low.
To all the women of my native country
No wonder on the soldiers' obelisks
Minting the memory of the faces of mothers
On the screen is a poster "Motherland is calling!"

The song “The Tale of Mamaev Kurgan” sounds (lyrics by V. Bokov, music by A. Pakhmutova)

2 leader.

A mother's love for her children is boundless. A mother always remembers her child, no matter where he is. Many mothers, having received notice of their son's death during the Great Patriotic War, did not believe in his death and for the rest of their lives hoped for a miracle, a miracle of return.

The poem is read against the background of the painting by K.S. Petrov - Vodkin "Petrograd Madonna".

All people are sleeping
But mother is not sleeping now.
And the mother of tired eyes does not close,
There was a war.
The son was killed in battle
He covered his homeland with his heart.
A hundred roads were open before him -
He could be a scientist
He could become a poet
But the mother believes and waits:
There will be a knock at the door
And the son will return suddenly.
All people are sleeping
But mother is awake now
And tears flow from tired eyes.
And many days and many years
She is waiting for her son
And there is no son. (N. Rublev)

Oh, why are you, the sun is red,
You're all leaving
don't say goodbye?
Oh, why from a joyless war,
not coming back?
I will save you from trouble
I will fly like an eagle quickly ...
answer me
my bloodline!
Small, the only...
White light is not nice.
I got sick.
come back, my hope!
my grain,
My dawn.
My goryushko
my gorushka -
where are you?
I can't find the path
to cry over the grave...
I do not want
nothing at all -
only son
see cute.
Behind the forests is my swallow!
Behind the mountains - behind the masses ...
If you cry
little eyes -
mothers cry with their hearts.
White light is not nice.
I got sick.
come back, my hope!
My grain.
My dawn.
My goryushko -
where are you? (R. Rozhdestvensky. "Requiem", chapter 5)
The first bullet in any war
Striking the mother's heart
Whoever wins the last fight
And the mother's heart suffers. (K.Kuliev)

Dramatization of M. Jalil's poem "Mother's Day":

- Like free birds over the steppe at dawn,
I let three sons fly.
As a mother, as a close one, answer me,
Like a woman who sheds tears:
Where are my sons? Anxiety in my heart
Mother wants to know, that's why she is a mother:
What path is destined for children?
Wait for victory or death?
A dove flies under the clouds from the south,
He sits on his mother's doorstep.
— Did you see them? I ask you as a friend
Give me a message, my dove!
Where is my senior? Where is the consolation of the heart;
Is he alive? Does he need help?
-O mother, be strong: your elder fell in battle,
Your eldest son died in the Crimea.
Mother froze, what pain in her eyes!
How can she shed her grief in tears!
And grief silvered my head
For a son who fell in battle.
I sent three children on a flight.
As a mother, as a close one, answer me, -
Exhausted, I await news.
My elder did not come, he met death,
He fell in battle, dear eyes light,
Perhaps the middle one is alive? Perhaps the wind
Did you send me his regards?
Noisy, the wind plays on the threshold,
What is he whispering to his gray-haired mother?
- Tell me, wind, on your way
My average met you?
- Oh mother, be strong, your middle one fell into battle,
I couldn't save myself for my mother.
Until the last blow is silent in the chest,
He held a diamond sword in his hand.
In unconsciousness, the gray-haired mother fell,
The heart could not stand it, but a tear
Rolling after a tear, not drying up,
Blinded old eyes.
- Like free birds over the steppe at dawn,
I let three sons fly.
As a woman, as a close one, answer me,
Otherwise, the mother will burn from grief.

Part 4. "... I love you, mom!"

We, like moorings, are waiting for native lands ...
And, burnt by the winds of the ways,
You, returning to your father's house, as for the first time,
You will see the hands of your mother ...
And remembering suddenly campaigns heat and slush,
Fields of fronts, where the skies were torn,
You will understand that these hands can cry,
How mother's eyes cry.
That they merged all the good, the holy,
And the light of the window, and the trembling of the ripe fields,
That they, sleepless, would have more peace,
And you do not give them all peace!

M. Plyatskovsky's song "Mom's eyes" sounds.

1 leader.

Everything that is sacred to us, dear, illuminated and named after the mother. The grain grower, turning to the land that has given birth to abundant bread, gratefully says: "Thank you, nurse - mother." A soldier in battle with the enemy is fighting for his motherland.

Part 5. "Woman - mother - the soul of the family."

2 leader.

Women have an important and responsible duty - to be the soul of the family, to bring light and warmth. The life of a mother is an everyday, sometimes imperceptible, everyday feat.

Noise and rush off any trouble,
Like spring sometimes thundering thunder,
If she is with you, if she is always near
Maybe she's 33 or 73 -
No matter how old she is, age has nothing to do with it.
In anxiety, in business from dawn to dusk,
The person who holds the house.
Her husband is a general, an astronaut or a poet
Maybe he is a minister, a miner, a doctor.
She is the most important of all, there is no doubt about that.
The person who holds the house.
Very rare, but still sick.
And then the weight around somersault, upside down,
Because she, because she
The person who holds the house.
We are somewhere carried away by a swift age,
In the hustle and bustle, we sometimes forget that
That she is not a foundation, she is a person,
The person who holds the house.
So that it is light in the heart and in the house
Repay her kindness with kindness!
May you always feel love and warmth,
The person who holds the house. (S.Ostrovoy)

1 leader.

We are forever indebted to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives.

O faith of our mothers,
Forever not knowing the measure,
Holy trembling faith
In us growing children.
Her, like a light in a birch forest,
Will not corrode anything in the world:
Not a single one in the diary
Nor the angry complaints of the neighbors
Mothers are such a people
They will sigh, killing us with a long look:
“Let them get carried away. It will pass,"
And again they believe, they believe, they believe.
So only mothers believe
Exactly and patiently.
And they are not loud
They don't think it's a miracle
And just nothing of the year
Their faith, quivering and tender,
But we are not always
We justify their hopes. (V. Korotaev)

2 leader.

Our mothers so often have a hard time with us! We upset them with bad deeds, laziness in studies. We do not always remember how many sleepless nights my mother spent at our bed when we were little, taking mother's care for granted, we forget to thank her.

Beautiful mothers - there are a lot of you in the world,
In the eyes you look openly and directly
No matter how far the road calls us
We are all accompanied by beautiful mothers.
We rarely bring bouquets to mom,
But everyone upsets her so often
A good mother forgives all this
A beautiful mother forgives all this
Under the weight of worries, without bending stubbornly,
She does her duty patiently...
Each mother is beautiful in her own way,
She is beautiful with her mother's love. (A. Tatyanicheva)

A group of high school students invite their mothers to the waltz. D.B.Kabalevsky's waltz "School Years" sounds.

How much did you dance
But remember for once!
Have you ever called
Your mother to waltz?
Let our mother's waltz circle us now.
And the years that have passed
Let the cranes call in the distance,
Let her return for an hour
20 years this waltz, mother's waltz.
Many waltzes, ringing,
It flew over her.
But she bowed
Above your bed.
As in the old years
The river whispers something.
And again, as then
The stars shine in the darkness.
The waltz floats over mom.
And all over the earth
No one is happier than her.

1 leader.

With respect and gratitude, we treat people who respectfully pronounce the name of the mother to gray hair, protect her old age, give her peace and joy.

In the town above the steepest
I know all of them.
There's no better place for me
My mom lives here!
I will come to her with failure -
We'll discuss everything until the morning,
And life will be different
In the light of her goodness.
I believe in mom like a miracle
There is no one dearer!
Whatever will be, wherever I will be,
Save the goodness!
My path does not go straight
Sometimes I don't do it...
Mom scolds daughter
Regret like no one else.
Not a holy mother
Mom's life is overshadowed
If anything I'm worth
Everything from mom, everything from her!
And when in the sea fog
The ships will blow the departure,
I'll wave my hand to my mother
Forgiveness at the gate.
I repeat like a spell
About myself a hundred times the words:
“Mom, mom… Goodbye!
Golden, be alive!
News from the limit
Putting aside all things...
If only my mother didn't get sick,
Long, long to live! (N. Rylenkov)

2 leader.

How much warmth is concealed by the word that is called the closest, dearest and only person!

I love you mom
For what, I don't know
Probably for that
I breathe and dream
And I rejoice in the sun
And bright day
For this you I
I love dear.
For the sky, for the wind
For the air around...
I love you mom
You are my best friend.
Knowing no fatigue
No rest, every hour
Day and night mother
Everyone is worried about us.
She cradled us, fed us,
By the bed she sang to us
She taught us first
Kind, happy words.
How many nights she did not sleep,
If we suddenly got sick.
How much did she cry
In a room in the middle of darkness.
How it spins when we
Saddened at times
How much joy mom has
If someone praises us.
How much torment she had with us,
And she doesn't need awards
Moms dream about one thing -
About the love of your children. (M. Sirenko)

1 leader.

Love for the motherland begins with love for the mother. People do not respect the one who offends the mother, who has forgotten about her.

At night, there is a hacking cough,
The old woman fell ill.
For many years she has been in our apartment
She lived alone in a room.
There were letters, but only very rarely.
And then, without noticing us,
Everyone walked and whispered:
“Children, you should come to me at least once
Your mother bent over, turned gray,
What to do - old age has come.
How good would we be
Next to this table.
You walked under this table,
Songs were sung until dawn.
And now they parted, swam away.
Come on, get them all."
Mother fell ill, and that very night
The telegraph did not get tired of shouting:
“Children, urgently, only very urgently,
Come, mother is ill!”
From Odessa, Tallinn, Igarka,
Putting things aside for the time being
Children gathered, but it's a pity
By the bed, not by the table.
Stroking wrinkled hands
Soft silver strand
Why did you give separation
So for a long time in front of her to become?
Mother waited for you in the rain and in the snow
Painful insomnia at night.
Is it necessary to wait for grief,
To visit your mother?
Is it just telegrams?
Did they take you to the fast trains?
Who has a mother
Come to her without telegrams! (A. Dementiev)

The song “Our mothers” sounds (lyrics by I. Shaferan, music by G. Kolmanovsky)

2 leader.

We are in eternal, unrequited debt to the mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives. Therefore, we must and must tenderly love, respect, protect her, not hurt her mother with our words and deeds. To thank her for her work and care for us, to be kind, sensitive, responsive to her. Mom expects constant care, attention, cordiality, sympathy, a kind word from us.

Part 6. "We are in eternal debt to the mother."

1 leader.

The rapid pace of our time must not break the circle of duties that bind youth to old age. Because side by side with the rapid flight of youth there are quiet times of old age with its loneliness, and often with pain and torment. And for us, young people, it will be of great benefit if we do not lose touch with the person who lived a hard life, there will be less callousness and selfishness in relations with people, including our mother.

Don't leave mothers alone
They grow old from loneliness.
Among worries, love and books
Remember to be kind to them.
Your tenderness is the whole world to them.
Try to intercept at least for a moment
You are in your youth your own old age,
When no letters from children, no meetings,
And your closest friend is the TV
To save my mother in this life,
Do you really need requests or visas?
No matter how the course of events beckons you,
No matter how you draw into your whirlpool,
Take care of your mother's eyes
From insults, from hardships and worries. (R. Gamzatov)

2 leader.

We bow to all women, mothers for your selfless love, kindness, for your hands that do good and justice on earth, decorate life, fill it with meaning, make it happy.

R. Gamzatov "Take care of mothers."
I sing of what is eternally new.
And although I don’t sing a hymn at all,
But in the soul the word born
Gets his own music.
And, not obeying my will,
Rushing to the stars, expanding around ...
Music of joy and pain
It thunders - the orchestra of my soul.
But when I say, as for the first time,
This word is Miracle. Word - Light, -
Get up people! Fallen, alive!
Arise, children of our stormy years!
Arise, pines of the age-old forest!
Arise, straighten up, grass stalks!
Arise, all the flowers! And rise, mountains,
Lifting the sky on your shoulders!
Everyone stand up and listen standing up
Preserved in all its glory
This word is ancient, holy!
Straighten up! Stand up! ... Stand up everyone!
As forests rise with a new dawn,
Like blades of grass rushing up to the sun,
Stand up everyone, having heard this word,
Because this word is life.
This word is a call and a spell,
In this word there is a soul.
This is the first spark of consciousness,
Baby's first smile.
Let this word always be
And, breaking through any traffic jam,
Even in the heart of stone will awaken
Silenced conscience reproach.
This word will never deceive,
There is a life being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything. He has no end.
Get up! I pronounce it:
"Mother!" (R. Gamzatov)

A downy scarf, the light of a familiar smile,
Eyes that can forgive and understand
What is always in anxiety:
- Well, where are we and what are we?
This is how my mother was remembered from childhood.
In trouble it will warm, close itself,
Sometimes he scolds and immediately forgets ...
Thank you, mom, thank you very much -
For all that you have done in life for us!
Thanks for your care and kindness,
For the good life that is given to the family,
For the first song, for the first fairy tale,
For years of anxiety, for nights without sleep.
We notice you late sometimes
Snow on the temples, cobwebs at the eyes ...
Thank you moms
Thanks a lot -
For all,
What have you done in your life for us! (I. Fink)

* 1. We bow to you, mothers, for your great maternal feat.
* 2. We bow to you, mothers, for your understanding, cordiality, patience, care.
* 3. We bow to you for bringing light and warmth to children and people around.
* 4. We bow to you for your great selfless work.
* 5. We bow to you - the soul of the family, the guardians of the family hearth.
* 6. We bow to you, standing guard over the peace and happiness of the human race. Peace to your home, your family, dear mothers.

All. We bow low to you, woman, whose name is Mother!

III. Conclusion.

1 leader.

And at the end of our evening, we say: What is a family? Mother? What can it be compared to?

It is the firmament in which the sun always shines. The rays of this sun are mutual understanding, respect, love, friendship, joint deeds. And let's remember that everyone: both adults and children, want to live in a world of beauty, fantasy and creativity. And also about what our family is like, our Mothers, our children are like that, our future will be like that, Russia will be like that.

2 leader.

And it is no coincidence that 2008 was declared the Year of the Family by President Vladimir Putin. Remember, the main law of the family is to take care of each member of the family, and each member takes care of the whole family. You must firmly know this law, then your family, home, will be a sheet where you are loved, expected, understood and accepted as you are, where it is warm and comfortable.

The song "May there always be a mother" sounds

extracurricular activity

"We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother"


  • Learn about the history of Mother's Day
  • Contribute to the improvement of family relations, strengthen friendship, love and mutual understanding.
  • Cultivate a sense of gratitude for such hard work as a mother.

Equipment: reproductions of paintings, sayings of great people (computer, multimedia projector)

“Let us glorify the Mother Woman, whose love knows no barriers, whose breast fed the world. Everything beautiful in a person - from the rays of the sun and from Mother's milk - this is what saturates us with love for life.

M. Gorky

"We will forever praise

That woman whose name is Mother"

M. Jalil

Event progress

"Song of Russia" is performed by students, guests take their places in the hall.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests and dear hosts! It was not in vain that we began our holiday with a song about Russia. Since Russia is our big common home, where we live as a big friendly family. Today, the most dear to us people came to visit us, these are our parents.

The song "Talk to me mom" sounds

I sing of what is eternally new,

And although I don’t sing a hymn at all,

But in the soul the word born

Gets his own music...

This word is a call and a spell,

In this word there is a soul.

This is the spark of the first consciousness,

Baby's first smile.

This word will never deceive,

There is a life being hidden in it,

It is the source of everything.

He has no end.

Get up!..

I pronounce it:

Our conversation will be about the ordinary and the eternal. Mother's love is inherent in us biologically by nature itself. But we are not always able to realize it.

Guys, there is a holiday in November. New holiday - Mother's Day. In 1998, by decree of President Yeltsin, this holiday was approved. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. Many countries have Mother's Day. It is impossible to argue with the fact that this holiday is a holiday of eternity. From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most important person in life. Becoming a mother, a woman discovers the best qualities in herself: kindness, love, care, patience and self-sacrifice.

It gradually enters Russian homes. And this is wonderful: no matter how many good, kind words we say to our mothers, no matter how many reasons we come up with for this, they will not be superfluous.

Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

Thank you family! And let your beloved children say warm words to each of you more often! Let a smile shine on their faces and joyful sparks sparkle in their eyes when you are together!

Song " The happiest" students perform.

The sun came out

Glittering in the meadow

I'm towards the sun

I run on the grass.

And white daisies

I vomit on the fly.

I will make a wreath -

I'll weave the sun.

The day sparkles with joy

In the distance beckons me

I need a rainbow

Ringing merrily.

By the stream under the willow

I hear the nightingale.

The happiest

This morning I.

I gathered my hands

Pure dew.

Rainbow and sun

I carry in my hands.

And I tease with a song

The wind is mischievous.

And dance merrily

All friends are with me.

The teacher reads a poem by S. Ostrovsky "Song of a Woman."
There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature
Brightly marked in centuries
The most beautiful of women
From any misfortune conjuring
She doesn't do well
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly
Proud, sublime mother.
The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times
And so it stands for centuries.
The most beautiful of women.
A woman with a child in her arms.

How many of you say kind words to your mothers? We remember them when we feel bad, we remember them when they have a birthday, and on other days?

The word "mom" is a special word. It is born, as it were, together with us, accompanies us in our mature years.


Oh, how beautiful the word "mother"!

Everything on earth is from mother's hands.

She us, disobedient and stubborn,

Good taught - the highest of sciences!

Who can be more precious than a mother?

Who brings light and joy to us?

When we are sick and stubborn,

Who will pity and save?

Who will blow the wind of adversity,

Dispel fears, sadness and shame?

Who will brighten up the dullness of bad weather,

Does the heavy burden of grievances suffocate?

Keeps track of home and budget

Comfort, fashion, cleanliness,

Dashing winter and hot summer

Easily coping with the hustle and bustle?

Who will cook a delicious dinner?

Set the table, water the flowers,

Who needs the most in the world?

Of course, mom, it's you!

Responsible for her work

Being a mom is a very hard job.

Everyday care

Everyone remembers her, loves her, waits.

Mom's life is full of thoughts -

Housewives and families.

And because all mothers are right!

And we are to blame everywhere!

Mothers forgive us a lot,

Not offended, not scolding,

Just patiently explain

Not judging, not blaming.

Where so much strength and patience

Take all mothers on earth

To hide the anxiety and excitement

And give happiness to you and me?

The first steps… They are different for everyone: someone filled himself with bruises and bumps, someone timidly, cautiously took one step - and this is where the knowledge of the world ended. But the feeling of complete security and peace will always be remembered, because my mother was nearby.

To remember what you were like, look at your family albums.

(excerpts from essays about mother are read)

(Staging of the fairy tale by V. Oseeva "Sons")

We are eternally indebted to our mother, so love tenderly, respect, take care of her, do not hurt her with words or deeds. Mom expects constant care, attention, sympathy, cordiality, a kind word from you. How nice to see children who help their mother. Don't trust your mom that she doesn't need your help. It is she who protects you from worries, so that you study more, read, relax - and takes care of everything. Therefore, as far as possible, make life easier for her, and she will be happy.

Many writers, poets, artists addressed this topic. Many artists depicted the Mother Woman in their paintings.

(showing reproductions of paintings by famous Russian and foreign artists dedicated to the Mother Woman)

Have you ever tried to describe your mother? It turns out it's very difficult. Not all of us know what color mom's eyes are, what voice. The portrait most often turns out to be approximate: we look all our lives, but we don’t see ... the closest person.

Competition 1. "Who will sing whom?"

Teams are invited to take turns singing songs about flowers. Whoever sings last will win.

Teacher. And now Marina will tell you about one not very pleasant news for her mother. Three very cute fairies

Sat on a bench

And, having eaten a bun with butter,

Managed to be so oily

What washed these fairies

From three garden watering cans.

Teacher. And one more message we have, unfortunately, joyless. Here's what Dasha found out about one poor pussy.

Crying pussy in the hallway -

She is in great grief.

Evil people poor pussy

Don't let them steal sausages!

Teacher. And now you will see a fragment of the program "You can do it." Dima will share his experience with you.

I save my mother's work -

I help as much as I can.

Today mom for lunch

Cooked cutlets

And she said, "Listen,

Help out, eat!"

I ate a little

Isn't that help?

Teacher. And here is how Andrei helped his mother.

Mom was making a cake

I helped her a little.

Put cinnamon in the dough

Poured a jar of mustard

He poured a spoonful of lentils -

In general, he did everything he could.

Teacher. Well, everyone helps as best they can, but your mothers are unlikely to be happy with such help.

The song "Merry Cap".
Teacher. And now we will play rhymes. I will begin the poems, and you finish them.

I love to work

I don't like being lazy.

I can do it myself, smoothly

Make your ... (crib).

Our little Irinka

I like to draw ... (pictures).

I will help my mother

With her I will wash ... (dishes).

Yura and Vova have updates.

They sewed pants for the boys.

And the pants have pockets.

Who sewed the pants? (Moms).

Competition 2. "Sports".

Teacher. Task for moms: who will scroll the hoop longer.

Task for girls: who will jump on the right leg through the rope longer.

Competition 3. "Erudites".

1. Lip paint.

2. Flower - a fortune teller.

3. Joyful event.

4. A substance that is added to jelly, jelly.

5. Clothing for the kitchen.

6.Permanent place for stuffing cones.

7. A strand of hair.

(1.Lipstick, 2.Chamomile, 3.Holiday, 4.Gelatin, 5.Apron, 6.Forehead, 7.Curl.)

Competition 4. "Culinary".

Teacher. Competition for moms: tell the recipe of your favorite dish.

The student reads the poem.



At dusk I returned from school,

He sat down by the window without turning on the light.

This evening will be gloomy,

Because mom is not at home.

Wish it was Sunday sooner!

We'll be with her all day,

Here we have both business and fun,

Let's sing together.

I sit quietly and dream

I'm waiting for her - my good one!

I drink her hot strong tea

Drink from your favorite cup.

Game "Guess the melody"

Student. We wish our mothers

Never lose heart

Every year to be more beautiful

And scold us less.

We wish you dear

Be healthy always!

So that you live a long, long time

Never get old!

May adversity and sorrow

Will bypass you

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you!

Dear parents, thank you for putting aside all your household chores, and some of you, having taken time off from work, came here to us with your children. May the warmth of your family hearth be preserved for many years. Love and understand each other. Thank you for your attention and participation in today's family holiday!

The whole hall sings a song.

"Song of a mammoth" Words by D. Nepomnyashchaya, music. V. Shainsky from m / f "Mom for mammoth."

Everyone is invited to tea.

Job title: We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother!

Description: Mother's Day is an international holiday in honor of mothers. There is such a holiday in almost all countries of the world. It has different traditions and a different history of formation, but it carries one common idea: gratitude to the mother for life, for all her efforts for the good of her children and just selfless love.

The scenario can be useful for practicing teachers: deputy directors of educational institutions for educational work, organizers of extracurricular activities, class teachers during class hours on Mother's Day or March 8 in grades 5-7. Elementary students may be involved.

Target: education in students of love, mercy, respect for the mother.


To acquaint students with the origins of the International Day in honor of mothers.

Form highly moral personal qualities;

To develop the artistic abilities of students;

Learn to be caring, kind, gentle, affectionate towards loved ones.

Equipment: Souvenirs for mothers, 2-3 balloons, A-4 sheets, felt-tip pens, pins, "crown".

Event progress.

Lead 1.

Everyone stand up and listen standing,
Preserved in all its glory.
The word is ancient, holy!
Straighten up! Get up! Stand up everyone!
Lead 2.

This word will never deceive,
There is a life being hidden in it.
It is the source of everything.
He has no end.

Get up! I pronounce it: ma m a! (R. Gamzatov)
Lead 1. Dear mothers! Today is your holiday - International Mother's Day. We heartily congratulate you. Good wishes and warm words of gratitude are addressed to you!

Lead 2. Mom, mother ... These words are called the dearest, closest, only person. This suggests that mothers around the world are revered and loved.

Reader 1.(5th grade student)

Mom ... There is no more word!
Whichever path you follow,
Mom's love shines over her,
To help you in difficult times.

Mom illuminates with a tender heart
Days, roads and your deeds.
Justify your mother's hopes -
Do good every day!
(A. Kostecki)
Lead 1. Honoring a woman - a mother has a long history. According to some sources, the origins of the celebration should be sought in the spring festival, which the inhabitants of ancient Greece dedicated to Gaia, the mother of all gods.

Lead 2. There is such a holiday in almost all countries of the world with their own traditions and symbols. For example, in Finland, the national flag is raised on this day, and the country's president awards mothers with the Order of the White Rose.

Lead 1. In Mexico, a festive dinner is arranged for all mothers.

Lead 2. In Japan, this holiday is accompanied by a red carnation - it is pinned to the chest. It symbolizes the love of a mother for her child.

Lead 1. For our country, this holiday is relatively young. It was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin in 1998 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

Lead 2. On this day, grateful children give their mothers flowers and gifts, arrange holidays to once again express their love, tenderness, attention and gratitude to them.

Lead 1. Dear mothers, accept gifts from your children that are handmade with love.

(Children give souvenirs to mothers)

"Song about Mom" ​​performed by students of grade 7.

Congratulations to 6th grade students

1. Mother…

In this word, the first cry,

The joy of a sunny smile

There is a moment in this word of happiness

Dear and very close!

2. Her work is responsible

Being a mom is hard work!

Daily care -

Everyone remembers her, loves her, waits.

3. Where so much strength and patience

Take all mothers on earth?!

To hide the anxieties and worries

And give happiness to you and me!

4. Thank you, mommy, for tenderness,

Your holy goodness!

Love universal immensity,

Patience, tact and warmth!

5. You are dear to me, you are priceless!
Understand, help and forgive.
Your smile is precious
You, smiling, heal!

6. Know, mom, you are needed,
I need every moment and hour!
You are adored, loved
Then, recently and now!

Girl: We are simple girls

Boy: We are simple boys

7. We declare to the whole world

What is more precious than mom

There is no man!

Dance to the song "Waltz for Mom" ​​performed by 7th grade students.

Lead 2. Guys, now listen to the forest story about mom.

The Owlet fell out of the nest in the morning and crawled far away, cannot find its native nest. The birds saw a chick - yellow-mouthed, big-eyed, eared, with a big head - and ask in surprise:

Who are you, where did you come from?

I am an Owlet, - the chick answers, - I fell out of the nest, I still don’t know how to fly, and during the day I see very badly. I'm looking for mom.

Who is your mother? Drozd asks.

My mother is an Owl, - Owlet proudly replies.

What is she? - asks Woodpecker.

The most beautiful. She has a head, ears and eyes like mine, - the owlet replies with pride.

Ha ha ha! - Woodpecker and Thrush laughed. - Yes, you are a freak. So your mother is the same.

Not true! cried the Owl.

Mom flew in - an owl to cry, picked up the owlet and carried it to its native nest.

The owlet snuggled up to his mother and lovingly said: “Mom, you are the most - the most beautiful!”

Reader 2.(student of the 7th grade) The poem "Beautiful mothers".

Beautiful mothers, there are many of you in the world,

You look into the eyes openly and directly ...

No matter how far the road calls you,

We are all accompanied by beautiful mothers.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,

But everyone so often upsets her ...

And a good mother forgives all this,

A beautiful mother forgives all this.

Under the weight of worries without bending stubbornly,

She does her duty patiently...

Each mother is beautiful in her own way,

She is beautiful with her motherly love.

Lead 1. Mom's love and care warm us like the sun. Guys, let's remember the proverbs about mom: (if the children find it difficult to name the proverbs, then the presenters come to the rescue)

When the sun is warm - when the mother is good.

Without a mother dear, the flowers bloom colorlessly.

There is no sweeter friend than a mother.

Mother's heart warms better than the sun.

The bird is happy for spring, and the baby is happy for its mother.

To live with your mother is neither sorrow nor boredom.

The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.

Mother dear - an inextinguishable candle.

Blind puppy and he crawls to his mother.

There are many relatives, and the mother is the dearest of all.

Lead 1. Folk wisdom put the word “mother” next to another great word “Motherland”: “A man has one mother, he has one Motherland”, “Native land is mother, the other side is stepmother” and others.

Reader 3:(student of the 6th grade)

Mom and Motherland are very similar:

Mom is beautiful, Motherland too!

You look closely: mom's eyes

the same color as the sky.

Mom's hair is like wheat

that sprouts in the endless fields.

Mom's hands are warm and tender,

they resemble a ray of sunshine.

If mom sings a song, then she

echoes a cheerful and sonorous stream ...

So it should be: what is dear to us, -

always reminds us of our mothers!

(A. Starikov)

The song "Mom's eyes" performed by students of grade 6

Lead 2. Quiz "My mother's favorite flower" (Conducted by students in grade 7.)

According to a brief description, you need to determine which flower mom loves.

1 . Are the flowers of this plant hunted in the jungle like wild animals are hunted? (Orchids.)

2. The Indians called this flower a “shooting star”, and the ancient Romans simply called it a “star”. The inflorescence of this flower really resembles a bright star. What is this flower called now? (Aster)

3. Not a single flower in the world cost so much. The bulb of this flower was paid for with gold and precious stones. What is my mother's favorite flower? (Tulip)
4. According to legend, Lakshmi, the most beautiful woman in the world, was born from the opening bud of this flower, which consisted of 100 large and 1000 small petals. The progenitor of the universe Vishnu woke the beauty with a kiss, and she became his wife. From that moment on, Lakshmi was proclaimed the goddess of beauty, and this flower is a symbol of the divine secret that the flower keeps under the protection of its sharp thorns. (Rose)

5. Translated from Latin, this flower means "sword." People call him "saber". Indeed, its leaves are shaped like a sharp sword. They surround the stems, on which there are several flowers with silk, velvet, double or shiny petals. Name this well-known flower. (Gladiolus)

6. The ancient Greeks named this flower after the rainbow goddess Irida. Among the people, he is affectionately called "Kasatik", "Pevnik", "Piskulnik", "Pigtails", "Rainbow". We call him "cockerel". (Iris)

7. In China, with the help of this flower, you can talk. This flower is considered the flower of "flaming love". It is given by grooms to their brides. If the girl agrees to marry, she accepts the flower. (Peony)

Lead 1. A Russian woman is a woman - a mother, strong, strong-willed, kind, gentle. Most Russian families have only one or two children. There are much fewer families in Russia in which three, four or more children are brought up. Such families are called large families. Our school is attended by children from a large family M…, whose parents are raising three sons. Today our mother is visiting us - A.P.

A.P., please tell me, three children - is it difficult?

How did your sons react to the birth of another boy?

Are older sons accepted in raising a younger brother?

Lead 2. Thank you, A.P., for an interesting story. We wish your family harmony in feelings, good luck, all the best. And now from the M family ... a musical number - ditties performed by a mother with twin sons (grade 5)

Son 1. Dear our guests,
We'll tell you from the bottom of our hearts

How do we help at home?

After all, we are no longer babies.
Son 2. We are mother's sons
She has no daughters
Here I will try
Why not help her.

Son 1. To put things in order

I took a broom half revenge.
But what's left of him
Three straws in total.

Son 2. Here's to cleaning once a year

I decided the frying pan

And then four days

They couldn't wash me.

Mother. What's the noise, what's the noise?
The walls are all shaking.
These are our sons
Cleaning up the house

Son 1. Brother Alyoshka washed the floors,
The cat helped.
It's a pity that then
Mother washed.

Son 2. I polished the floors

Made a vinaigrette

Mom is looking for: what to do?

There is no work.

Son 1. Mom in the morning our Alyoshka

Gave me two candies

I barely managed to give

How then he ate them himself.

Son 2. Though the expanses beckon us,

We are not a step away from mom.

We can move mountains with dad...

If mom says how!

Mother. I am the happiest of moms
Even though I don't have a daughter.
After all, they help us with dad,
Our two sons.
Together. We sang ditties to you,
To please you

So that you don't forget us
We've already tried.

Lead 2. Dear moms, guys, and now the competition program begins.

Contest: « Relay "compliments(competition for children).

Everyone can take part in the competition. The participants form a circle. The task of everyone is to compliment their mother with one phrase that begins with the words “You are my most ...” (for example, “You are my most beautiful”, “You are my most beautiful”, etc.)

A participant who did not find new pleasant words or repeated himself is eliminated from the game. The last remaining player is the winner.

The presenter thanks the participants of the competition and draws attention to the fact that mothers were pleased to hear affectionate words addressed to them, and children to say them.

Competition: "Queen"(competition for moms)

The "crowned" mother must walk a given distance. You need to go majestically, with a “royal” gait, straightening your shoulders, with your head held high.

The presenters thank all the mothers participating in the competition. The winner is awarded a "crown"

Lead 1. How is a person different from other people? (student answers)

Your task is to make your mother stand out from the crowd of people with some incredible inscription on a T-shirt.

Contest: "T-shirt with an inscription"

Children make an inscription on pieces of paper that expresses feelings, attitude towards their mother: for example,

and attached to mom's T-shirt.

(The presenter voices all the inscriptions on the T-shirts and thanks the children for the kind, beautiful words)

Our dear mothers!
We tell you without embellishment -
Honestly, sincerely and directly -
We love you very, very much!

Competition: "Charbol"(mothers with their children participate)

Before the start of the competition, a line is drawn (you can pull the rope), which you can not intercede. The team of children stands on one side, and the team of mothers stands on the other side of it. The leader throws up a balloon, which the players take turns hitting.

Cheerful music is playing at this time. From time to time, the host turns off the music and awards a point to the team that does not have a ball at that moment. If the ball lands on the floor of one of the teams, then a point is awarded to their opponents. The team with the most points wins.


Lead 2. So the holiday dedicated to you, dear mothers, has come to an end.

Lead 1.

We wish you health, joy,

Mental strength in reserve,

Thank you dear

For everything you've done for us.

Lead 2. For tireless worries

For the world of family warmth,

God grant that you are always in everything

And henceforth it was the same!

Lead 1. We hope you leave in a good mood. And we tell you again:

Together:"We love you very much!"

“We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother!”

Today, events dedicated to the warmest and kindest holiday - Mother's Day were held in the regional center.

A big celebratory concert took place in the Regional House of Culture.The art program was opened by small artists of exemplary choreographic ensembles "Neposedy" and "Ladushki". An important part of the event was the awarding of beautiful women, kind, affectionate, caring mothers of many children, mothers raising disabled children and mothers of the same age as the Krasnodar Territory.

Acting head of the Dinsky district Sergey Ponomarev and Assistant Dean for the Dinskoy District Father Pavel they were presented with certificates of honor and memorable gifts.

- Lovely women! We can appreciate the boundless maternal love and care only over the years. With age, I began to understand that I often, albeit not on purpose, upset my mother, did not always listen to her wise advice, did something in defiance. And today, speaking to you, I also turn to my mother! Thank you for your kindness and care, thank you for the warmth that you give to your children! Let them in return please you with their achievements, as often as possible be there, support and protect you! Happy holiday, our dear mothers! - Sergey Ponomarev, acting head of the district, addressed the women.

Among those awarded - Taisiya Fedorovna Bogomolova, the same age as the Krasnodar Territory. who gave birth to and raised eight children. At the same time, a woman of 25 years worked selflessly in the fruit and vegetable state farm of the village of Najdorf, she has the awards "Mother of Large" 1, 2 and 3 degrees.

Vera Markelovna Chepikova - the mother of eight children - many residents of the Dinskoy district know. She is the chairman of the Council of Soldiers' Mothers of the district, is engaged in social work. On this holiday, she also received a diploma and memorable gifts.

They also remembered the years of the Great Patriotic War. Hundreds of thousands of mothers lost their children in the war. How many tears were shed in those bloody years! Participants of the exemplary theater-studio "Zerkalo" dedicated a stage sketch to the grieving mother's hearts. The concert ended with warm congratulations to all the mothers of the Dinskoy district!

And in the Intersettlement Library, the state holiday - Mother's Day - was dedicated to an event called "We will forever glorify the woman whose name is Mother!".

Library staff, creative teams of the Children's Art School of the village of Dinskaya performed for the guests.

Warm words of congratulations were also said by Dinsk veteran poets - Lyubov Fyodorovna Nikiforova And Nikolai Petrovich Girsky. Of course, they could not but give mothers their best poems.

The materials were provided by the press service of the administration of the Moscow Region Dinskoy District and the Intersettlement Library.