The most popular dog names for girls. Beautiful and rare names for bitches: how can you call a dog a girl

The names invented by the owners for small dogs are not an empty phrase, they encode information that can greatly influence the behavior and fate of faithful pets. The nickname is given to animals for years, leaving a huge imprint on how a person's relationship with an intelligent four-legged friend will develop.

Names for little girls dogs

The industriousness and diligence of the owner decide a lot, but it has been noticed that small female individuals are more obedient, more devoted and complaisant than independent males. Even in the days of estrus, well-bred pets normally obey commands, following all the instructions of the trainer. In the question of how to name a dog for a girl of a small breed, it is advisable to use nicknames that are pleasant to the ear, but short, not consisting of several words. Frequently repeated popular names should be avoided; in a crowded place or at exhibitions, it will be difficult for you to call your pet from the crowd.

It is advisable to always take into account the size of the dog when choosing a nickname. For fun, playing on contrasts, people sometimes come up with a big and formidable name for a gentle little dog, which is more appropriate to give to shepherd dogs, great danes or dobermans. After a while, the joke gets boring, it sounds ridiculous, and it is extremely difficult to retrain the animal. A bad option is to repeat the name of a dead dog for a new pet, by doing this you prolong the sad memories of the loss. It is better to focus on the appearance of a small puppy, his habits, reflecting in the nickname the individual features of a shaggy beauty.

Representatives of this dwarf breed, whose ancestors lived with the ancient Mayans and Toltecs, are the tiniest dogs in the world. Some people like to link nicknames on a national basis, therefore, in solving the task, how to name a dog a girl of a small breed, you can use funny and original Mexican roots. Connoisseurs of Latin American TV series, this prospect will certainly attract.

Examples of some Mexican names for small dogs:

  • salsa,
  • Consuela
  • Chacha,
  • juanita,
  • enchilada,
  • Bonita.

The names for small dogs Bullet, Shumka, Plyushka, Cleo, Gamma, Knopa, Mimi look beautiful and cool. Some sonorous and interesting nicknames are of German origin. For example, you can call nimble and funny little chihuahua girls Hella, Subby, Ricky, Moni, Nicky, Zuzi. Japanese words are short and perfect for a dog. They will appeal to intellectuals who like to call animals clever names.

Examples of Eastern names:

  • Hikari (snow)
  • Hotaru (firefly)
  • Kokoro (soul)
  • Aiko (favorite)
  • Asa (morning)
  • Hoshi (star).

It is extremely easy to find a common language with these room-decorative babies. They are like funny animated toys sowing fun and warmth around. In the case of how to name a dog a girl of a small York breed, one can mention the curiosity of animals, the sharpest hearing and the excellent watchdog qualities of babies. They will not miss a stranger, fearlessly rushing at anyone, regardless of their dwarf size.

The English roots of the breed are easy to highlight with appropriate names for small dogs:

  • Bentley
  • Macbeth
  • Margaret,
  • Thatcher,
  • Chelsea
  • Adele
  • Lola,
  • chloe,
  • Sadie.

A good option is to give names for small dogs, emphasizing the yellow-brown color of the breed:

  • Yolk,
  • Zloti
  • chestnut,
  • Choco,
  • Sun,
  • African,
  • Cinnamon.

It is not necessary to call small outbred animals with primitive nicknames. Many home smart girls understand commands better than animals with passports and awards, so they deserve to have a beautiful and gentle name. When solving the problem of how to name a dog of a small breed, it is convenient to start from the color of your pets, their habits, interesting manners. In the hope of getting a good and funny little four-legged friend from this puppy over time, we call her the names of our favorite characters.

Long pretentious nicknames with an aristocratic bias are not suitable for a little mongrel, it is better to choose light and playful options for her:

  • Aster,
  • Basya,
  • Jackdaw,
  • Dawn,
  • Bully,
  • Comet,
  • Rocket,
  • Arrow,
  • Berry.

Representatives of this medium-sized breed are divided into Russians and. The first grow up to 3 kg and can have different lengths of hair. Britons are all exceptionally shorthaired and 600 grams larger. Names for girls of dogs of small breeds are suitable for English and Russian origin, you can choose them depending on the pet's passport. Use the opportunity to express in nicknames the energetic disposition of the girls, their groovy character, affection for the owners.

Names for little girls toy terrier dogs:

  • Bark,
  • Nancy,
  • darcy,
  • Magi,
  • Carmen
  • pixie,
  • Christie,
  • Lola,
  • belle,
  • Mary.

Good nicknames for that terrier in the Russian version:

  • Fun,
  • Bully,
  • Aurora,
  • Arrow,
  • Lightning,
  • Elektra,
  • Magic,
  • Bestia.

This breed has several varieties, but miniature ones are dwarf or. Fluffy lumps with an affectionate, friendly, but proud disposition weigh up to 3 kg and have a sonorous voice. Their color is varied, it can be chocolate, white, cream or sand. Pomeranians have a brave character, they received it from distant sledding ancestors, so they bark at strangers bravely, like formidable sheep dogs. How to name a small dog with a funny bear or fox face is an interesting question, the most original options are accepted here.

Examples of nicknames for miniature Spitz girls:

  • Bulya,
  • Haze,
  • Bunny,
  • Lyalka,
  • Note,
  • Elbe,
  • Barbara,
  • Carla
  • Elka,
  • Sophie,
  • Gerda,
  • Dora.

Name for a small breed boy dog

Even a tiny, newly acquired puppy should get its own proud name. It helps to establish communication with the animal easier, train it, teach it to respond to commands on demand. Beautiful nicknames for small boys' dogs are easy to find in numerous lists, but not always unusual or catchy names take root normally in everyday life. It is undesirable to opt for common human names, in a public place this leads to unwanted scandals, a bad attitude towards your dog around.

A hard-to-pronounce name sounds unusual, but in moments of danger it makes it difficult to call a pet. If you really liked a sonorous multi-compound word, then try to shorten it. For example, it is better to call Maximus short Max or Maksik. It is wrong to come up with funny or foreign nicknames for small dogs, reminiscent of training commands. In stressful moments, your dog or neighbor's dog may confuse "Face" with "Farse" or "Apport" with "Chord".

Compact and cheerful Yorkies have a confident character, they instantly try to put in their place the neighbor's dogs, who do not express due respect to these kids. Ugly, unpretentious or funny names are not suitable for our handsome men. The nicknames for dogs of small breeds Yorkshire Terrier boys should correspond to the disposition of these tiny gentlemen, mischievous naughty and born friends of man.

Examples of names for a York boy:

  • Gait,
  • Alf,
  • bugs,
  • willy,
  • Lucky,
  • Tapsy,
  • hopper,
  • Oddy,
  • smokey,
  • shelby,
  • Ernie.

These dogs have an inexhaustible supply of energy, they need constant walks where they can be naughty, play, bark loudly and do incredible fun tricks. This breed is not suitable for lazy people and lovers of a quiet measured life. It is advisable to choose names for small dogs of toy terrier boys that are concise, sonorous, as suitable as possible for cheerful animals.

Russian and English names for funny little dogs boys toy terriers:

  • Alto,
  • buddy,
  • Golf,
  • Casper,
  • Zorro,
  • camelot,
  • Casper,
  • king,
  • Mac,
  • norton,
  • hopper,
  • Tapsy,
  • Wind,
  • talker,
  • catch up
  • Signal,
  • Source.

Dwarf Pomeranians are active creatures, constantly looking for adventure. Beautiful babies are sometimes able to feel like a much larger animal in front of a stranger than they really are. These fox-faced toy creatures can pounce on an unknown alien like Spartans, trying to bite them with their sharp teeth-needles. It is better to look for nicknames for restless dogs of little Spitz boys to match their groovy temperament.

Beautiful names for a little Spitz boy:

  • Lucas,
  • pancho,
  • Hugo,
  • Sancho
  • merlin,
  • Volchek,
  • Oscar,
  • rocky,
  • Elvis,
  • Bumblebee.

Tiny and intelligent Pekingese dogs are always individual and unique. These babies are often characterized by regal manners, they are even able to try to dominate weak-willed owners. In order to better figure out how to name a small dog of a Pekingese boy, you need to see in your pet a personality, a small four-legged aristocrat.

Name for the little Pekingese:

  • Arthur,
  • Boss,
  • August,
  • Volt,
  • gold,
  • Cross,
  • spike,
  • Sapphire,
  • Charlie.

Miniature boys of this breed are in many ways similar to terriers, they are distinguished by attentiveness, courage, they can be impudent with strangers, they try to keep up with the owner. Without proper attention, the crumbs suffer, and their jealousy can be a problem. A well-chosen nickname for a small Chihuahua dog conveys their devoted and sensitive nature, the groovy nature of the pet.

Choosing a name for a cheerful chihuahua:

  • amigo,
  • amor,
  • Gangster,
  • Lancelot,
  • Narcissus,
  • Gaspar,
  • Signor

Nicknames for small dogs boys mongrels

Outbred creatures sometimes look unusual, in their blood the genes of all representatives of the canine world are mixed. Cool nicknames for small dogs, aristocratic names, serious formidable nicknames are equally suitable for mutts. It all depends on the size of the pet, the hidden goals pursued by its owner. Animals without a pedigree often have valuable qualities that are not always found in a pet with medals.

If a decision is made to take a girl puppy into the house, you should think about what dog names for girls will be suitable for the pet, because when choosing a name, character traits are also assigned at the same time.

However, you should not come up with very complex nicknames for your pet, as she simply will not respond to them. When choosing a name for a girl puppy, there are a few more simple rules, adhering to which you can easily choose a suitable and euphonious nickname.

You can create a small family council, during which each of the family members will express their wishes about the nickname of the girl puppy.

Here you can offer any nicknames, be it the name of a foreign artist, the name of a musical group, a brand, the name of a neighbor. The main task is to come to a common solution.

You can use a special brochure from the pet store, which spells out popular girlish dog names. Or you can just ask for advice from a local organization of cynologists who are able to suggest several options for nicknames.

There are rules for choosing a nickname for girl puppies:

  1. One of the main principles for choosing a name is its correspondence to the gender of the pet.
  2. You should try to choose a simple and memorable nickname.
  3. The name of the girl should be a nickname that has a good meaning, otherwise the puppy from an early age may acquire a bad temper.
  4. It is necessary to refrain from assigning a pet a human name, as this is simply not aesthetically pleasing. There are also studies proving that dogs with such names have a naughty character.
  5. You should pay attention to dog names corresponding to a particular breed.
  6. Dogs are very good at capturing the letter er, so names containing this letter will be the best nicknames.

Nicknames characterizing the breed

How can you name a girl of the Chihuahua breed:

  1. If your girl often has a playful mood and graceful harmony, she can be called Gloria.
  2. With the discipline of a dog who is constantly on guard of his home, names such as Laima and Silva will do.
  3. With the puppy's love for all guests and relatives, perhaps her character will be complemented by the nickname Elsa.
  4. Also a wonderful name for puppies is Mimosa, which can be abbreviated as Mi-Mi.

Dog names for the Yorkshire Terrier breed:

  1. If your pet shows excellent watchdog abilities, the name Desi is suitable for her, however, by naming the dog like that, at the same time you assign her a difficult character that requires constant supervision of the puppy.
  2. Many Yorkies are very sensitive to emotional mood swings, so such an understanding girl can be called Tina.
  3. Currently, popular names that have been forgotten for many years have begun to reappear. One of these names is Ada. If you still want to give your dog a human name, Ada is the best fit for larger Yorkies. It has been proven that puppies with this name are well trained, but they are neutral towards children and can have a capricious character.

Nicknames for other breeds:

  1. The Maltese responds well to the name Adela. Bitches with this nickname are distinguished by devotion to the owner.
  2. A popular nickname for setters and spaniels is Albina. Dogs with this nickname are very attached to children, love to walk in nature and are well trained.
  3. Dachshunds, pugs, poodles and spitzes are great at learning the name Babette, being kind and easy to train animals.
  4. Girls of the breed Boxer, Bulldog and Rottweiler can be called Lada. This name will bring courage and ingenuity to the character of a pet.
  5. For mongrels, the nicknames Zhulka, Knopa, Sonya are suitable, which determine the character of the dog. For Borzoi, names are usually chosen that reveal their abilities and characteristics: Light, Free.
  6. Dogs of northern breeds are usually awarded names such as Anouk, Tundra, Kayuh. Puppies of small breeds are often called Rita, Prissy, Leska, and large ones - Elba, Bagheera.
  7. If you call a little dog girl Batty, she will have kindness to people, and if she is big, she will try to scare strangers.
  8. Some owners often give their pet a nickname that conflicts with its appearance. For example, when a small puppy is called a Thug.

Names leading to the development of bad behavior:

  1. Often shepherds and huskies are called Alma. If you keep a pet with this name at home, he will have distrust and anger. This nickname is perfect for dogs in the service.
  2. Girls named Alma are very difficult to train. The nickname Vlad will add resentment to your pet's character.

Nicknames related to human life

Classic nicknames.

If you want your girl to have a harmonious name, you should stick to the classic style.

Pursuing such goals, the dog can be called Augustine, Anabel, Barbara, Bianca, Valencia, Hermione, Dora, Eva, Geneva, Ilsa, Lyra, Monica, Ruby, Sonata, Frida, Estelle.

Names of ancient heroes and gods

Here you can turn to Greek and Roman mythology to choose the best names for your dog.

These may be Athena, Vesta, Demeter, Flora, Clio, Eris or Juventa.

Nicknames borrowed from cartoons

Very often it is children who come up with names for their new friends, so why not name a puppy after your favorite cartoon character?

Examples of such names are Assol, Coco, Mia, Audrey, Umka, Gerda.

Popular nicknames for bitches

Simply beautiful names for girls are Astra, Turquoise, Vienna, Winter, Lovely, Olivia, Rusana, Chloe, Choco, Stela, Smokey, Bounty, Lucy, Luna.

When choosing a nickname for your pet, it will be interesting to know a few facts. If you bought a purebred dog that already has a name in the documents, you can choose any other nickname. To avoid the complete theft of a pet, you should call the dog in public only with a made-up nickname.

If your girl has given birth to puppies, there is a tendency to give all of them a name that begins with the first letter of their mother.

If the muse doesn’t visit you for a long time in coming up with a nickname for a puppy, you can consider some celebrity dog ​​names that will definitely not leave anyone indifferent:

  1. Jessica Alba's dogs are named Sid and Nancy.
  2. The girl Lucille Ball has the nickname Wooley, and the mongrel Drew Barrymore is called Flossie.
  3. Orlando Bloom's pets are called by the nicknames Essa and Sidi.
  4. Adam Brody named his pet Penny Lane, and Sandra Bullock simply Puppy.
  5. Barbara Bush's spaniel is named Millie and Courteney Cox is named Hurley.
  6. Kevin Costner's baby girl is called Rosalita.
  7. Hilary Duff gave the nickname to the puppies Chiquita and Lola.
  8. And boxer Jodie Foster is funny called Lucy.
  9. Kate Hudson named her Pomeranian dog Clara Bo.
  10. Star Jones used the simple and sonorous name Pinky for his dog's nickname.
  11. Eva Longoria's Maltese is called Jinksy, and Courtney Love's mongrel is Ronnie.
  12. Girl Matthew McConaughey has the nickname Miss Hud, and Oprah Winfrey - Arizona.
  13. Anna Nicole gave the cute nickname Mammy, And Nicole Richie - the sublime Cleopatra.
  14. Reese Witherspoon's French Bulldog's name is Coco Chanel.
  15. Madonna named her Chihuahua Chiquita.

When choosing a nickname for your pet, you should show ingenuity and imagination so that it differs from other representatives of the canine society with its beautiful, sonorous and sweet sound.

A dog is man's best friend, beloved pet and companion. Since ancient times, the dog has been the most devoted animal and friend of man. Its function was to protect the owner and hunt with him, get food. Nowadays, a dog is bred mainly in order to acquire a beloved pet, friend, and even a new family member.

If you have a dog in your house, then the first thing you have to do is give it a nickname. How to name a dog - a girl? It would seem that there are a lot of different nicknames for dogs, but nothing suits you. So, how can you call a dog - a girl, we will consider below.

Name for the pet you need to choose not long to be well received. In general, choosing a nickname for girl dogs is a bit of a challenge. Since, it should be not only easy to remember, but also beautiful at the same time. It should not only please your dog, but also you. If the name contains the letter "r", which is easily perceived by dogs, then you only benefit from this. The brevity of the nickname also matters. If you have chosen a long nickname, then it will be difficult for you to call her.

The name should reflect her character. If she is a mongrel and without a breed, then Masya, Busya may come up, but if you have a purebred dog, then more noble names like Adriana or Anabel are suitable. As a rule, diminutive names are suitable for small breed dogs, such as Luska, Prissy, and for large and formidable, more sonorous ones, such as Zord or Tundra.

Types of nicknames for dog girls

To begin, let's bring classic examples, which are suitable for your purebred pets, as they are noble and beautiful in the same way. They are also easy to remember and pronounce due to their brevity.

Ariel, Aurora, Agnetha, Adele, Angelina, Bella, Beatrice, Bertha, Bagheera, Bianca, Valencia, Valeria, Vivienne, Vanessa, Venus, Grace, Greta, Gloria, Julia, Deifa, Daisy, Ginger, Jasmine, Geneva, Jacqueline, Zorda, Star, Zurna, Zulka, Ingrid, Irma, Intella, Infiniti, Kelly, Comet, Capri, Camella, Christie, Krona, Katarina, Lara, Laima, Linda, Lavender, Madonna, Monica, Marie, Margot, Margarita, Nora, Norma, Nelli, Naida, Omega, Panther, Prima, Paloma, Regina, Roxana, Rosarita, Susie, Samphira, Sofia, Tasha, Tequila, Tiara, Urzel, Whitney, Frans, Freya, Frida, Juanita, Tsvetana, Zilli, Circe, Chelsea, Chiquita, Chilita, Rogue, Sherry, Evelina, Elsa, Emilia, Erika, Juno, Yuzetta, Yaroslava, Yagodka.

Each of us has a foreign, cartoon characters and idols. Basically, these are very euphonious names. You can borrow a nickname from them for your dog. But you also need to remember that dogs are very difficult to perceive long nicknames. Nicknames that have more than two syllables are very difficult for dogs to perceive. But you can call, for example, Adeline and call Hell or Veronica - Nick for short.

Avatar, Agusha, Aisha, Isadora, Barbara, Britney, Barbie, Bardot, Winona, Wanda, Vivienne, Viola, Versace, Hermione, Greta, Gwen, Gabrielle, Grace, Jane Eyre, Dalida, Jessica Alba, Eva Goldman, Ekaterina, Yolka , Jeanne, Jasmine, Josephine, Ingrid, Iliad, Isolde, Irma, Cleopatra, Coco Chanel, Cuba, Kimberly, Lacoste, Liza, Langoria, Maria Tsvetaeva, Marilyn, Maybach, Mercedes, Monica, Marlene, Mia, Marika, Mata Hari.

Nifertiti, Nancy, Audrey Hepburn, Oprah Winfrey, Odette, Ormella, Piper, Plisetskaya, Paris Hilton, Rosa Maria, Rosalina, Rapunzel, Sofia, Susie, Stacy, Silva, Twiggy, Troy, Trinity, Tesla, Umka, Umma Thurman, Whitney , Flora, Freya, Fani, Franca, Queen, Chelsea, Tea Rose, Shreya, Sherry, Chanel, Shakira, Esmeralda, Ermina, Utah, Julianna, Jasper.

It is equally important that the name of your pet was unique, or at least rare. Imagine a situation when you are walking your pet and 3-4 dogs immediately come running to your Alpha response. So the uniqueness of the nickname is also important when choosing a nickname for your pet.

Below are the most common nicknames for dogs - girls

Bonya, Mickey, Minnie, Lisa, Naida, Rex, Gerda, Maggie, Sandy, Alpha, Alma, Dina, Daisy, Lime, Zara, Taffa, Molly, etc.

Choosing a name for a shepherd dog

Because nowadays the most common breed- these are shepherds, I would like to dwell a little more on the choice of names for this breed. Sheepdogs, in turn, are different (about 40 breeds). Can be distinguished:

  1. Caucasian (wolfhound),
  2. East European (erroneously called by us German Shepherd),
  3. Scottish (collie),
  4. Central Asian (alabay), which is distinguished by its huge size,
  5. Shetland (sheltie).

So, how to name a dog a girl of a shepherd breed?

When choosing names, you can proceed from the fact that shepherd dogs are very friendly, loyal and accommodating breed. This is the main feature of their character. Names should be chosen of a noble character. You should not call Byasha, Busya, Nyusya or something like that. You can borrow names from Greek characters. They are well perceived by dogs and are very easy to pronounce. Athena, Circe, Demeter, Juno are perfect for this breed.

You can also choose depending on the color of the breed, since shepherd dogs are especially distinguished by the diversity of color. If your pet is black in color, you can name Coal, Bagheera or Blackie.

I would like to add that each breed of dog has its own character and each owner has his own taste. Therefore, each nickname is individual in itself.

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As soon as a puppy appears in the house, conversations immediately begin on one of the important questions - what to name this baby? The faster you choose a nickname, the faster the pet will get used to it and begin to respond to the call. It is important to choose a name that both sounds nice and is easy to pronounce.

Most of the existing names are equally suitable for both small and large breed dogs. On this page we have collected only those that are well suited for small dogs. Beautiful names, names with meaning, cool nicknames for dogs of boys of small breeds - look in the selection below.

Beautiful names and nicknames

#1: Arnie, Aster, Achilles, Arthur, Albert, Ike, Archie, Apollo, Asterix, Avalon, Adam, August, Hades, Bruce, Brian, Brandon, Blake, Bonjour, Brutus, Ben, Boots, Bing, Bart, Bruno , Bernie, Blue, Barnaby, Watson, Vivaldi, Voltaire, Vincent, Gustav, Hamlet, Gandalf, Garfield, Harry, Hector, Douglas, Jack, Dante, Dominic, Jasper, Dylan, Dale, Derek, Dusty.

#2: Georges, Jerome, Zach, Icarus, Clyde, Kai, Conan, Clarence, Kevin, Calvin, Liam, Lucas, Leo (Leonardo), Lucky, Monty, Mickey, Morgan, Merlin, Mozart, Marcel, Neil, Nelson, Nolan, Neo, Nathan, Nemo, Oliver (Ollie), Oswald, Oscar, Patrick, Pierre, Polo, Peter, Russell, Ralph, Ramses, Randy, Rembrandt, Ronan, Roy, Robin, Robbie, Rocky, Rodney.

#3: Simon, Cyrus, Simba, Silver, Stevie, Stephen, Trevor, Thorin, Wilfred, Felix, Phoenix, Fidel, Frank, Franklin, Flynn, Hunter, Holmes, Hank, Caesar, Cesius, Shah, Shannon, Sherlock, Shane , Edgar, Ashton, Eric, Emil, Evan, Edward, Elvis, Eliot, Eustace, Julius, Eugene.

Miniature Schnauzer named Bonzo.

Cool nicknames for small dogs boys

#1: Iceberg, Buffer, Byte, Volt, Hyde, Giant, Harvard, Dandy, Joker, Jazz, Euclid, Zeus, Yoda, Cactus, Klondike, Quantum, Carbon, Cosmos, Laser, Limit, Loki, Mars, Mod, Nitro , Neutron, Ozone, One, Paladin, Pluto, Rambo, Radar, Sapphire, Satellite, Strike, Topaz, Fax, Phantom, Focus, Chance.

#2: Scooter, Espresso, Cactus, Tiktak, Forex, Latte, Noah, Rembrandt, Twister, Rolex, Ramses, Bumblebee, Lucky, Shustrik, Pudding, Elvis, Oxford, Rogue, Conan, Chaplin, Ninja, Ozzy, Ripley, Hobbit , Fruit, Shaman, Mickey, Scout, Scotch, Muscat, Confucius, Tomahawk, Pancho, T-rex, Hippie, Cupcake, Pegasus, Casper.

In addition to cool ones, Russian nicknames for dogs of small breed boys are also popular. Below we have collected the names that used to be most often called dogs.

Russian nicknames for little boys dogs

# 1: Druzhok, Sharik, Barsik, Duchess, Pepper, Tuzik, Boysoy (suitable for dogs with white hair on paws) Pavlusha, Druzhok, Vityaz, Apricot, Woof, Ryzhik (for red dogs) Galkin, Yogurt, Consul, Rex, Fog, Swag, Yashka, Fluff (for).

Small Breed Boy Dog Names with Meaning

For those who want to choose a nickname for their little dog with meaning, we have collected interesting Japanese names and more. On the left is the nickname, through the dash - its meaning.

  • Ren - lotus;
  • Cupid is the god of love;
  • Nari - thunder;
  • Dominic - dominant;
  • Izumi - stream;
  • Morgan - great, bright;
  • Hayato - falcon;
  • Noua - calm, peace;
  • Hosiko is a star child;
  • Timothy - reverent;
  • Aiko - beloved;
  • Ralph is a wise wolf;
  • Michiko is the child of beauty;
  • Falbert - very bright;
  • Hiro - generous;
  • Henrik - home ruler;
  • Akito - autumn;
  • Erdmuth is brave and bold.

Small dog breed Maltese, nickname Maya.

Although male puppies are more popular, females are also kept as pets. Therefore, we have also collected nicknames for dogs of girls of small breeds, such as Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Toy Terriers. We look and choose.

Beautiful names and nicknames

#1: Athena, Iris, Annabelle, Alice, Agnes, Aurora, Ariel, Brandy, Bianca, Beatrice, Bridget, Bella, Wendy, Gaby, Grace, Jess, Donna, Daisy, Jesse, Doris, Dinah, Jackie, Geneva, Zlata , Jasmine, Juliette, Cleo, Kathleen, Laurel, Lola, Lilu, Lizbeth, Leslie, Leila, Megan, Molly, Mia, Mitsi, Mystic, Blizzard, Maggie, Maya, Madeleine, Miranda.

#2: Nancy, Nikki, Nolly, Nelly, Roxana (Roxy), Rihanna, Rune, Dewdrop, Rebecca, Susannah, Sabrina, Sonya, Serena, Cindy, Salsa, Spicy, Stella, Tootsie, Trinity, Tracey, Tasha, Trixie, Trisha, Tiffany, Halle, Hannah, Fanny, Hilda, Chloe, Helen, Phoebe, Uriel, Foxy, Sharon, Charlotte, Sheila, Elsa, Yuki.

#1: Toffee, Juno, Bullet, Julie, Gamma, Sophie, Sabrina, Kitty, Cleo, Britney, Gavka, Alice, Donna, Bridget, Snowball, Bella, Mira, Stripe, Shumka, Plush, Sima, Margot, Chita, Sparta , Totti, Umka, Wendy, Penelope, Nezhka, Lada, Puma, Bagheera, Kunya, Gioconda, Linden, Sonya, Fifa, Fox, Sprat.

When choosing a nickname for a small dog, keep in mind that it should not be consonant with the names of your family members. Also, the name should not be taken if one of the family members cannot pronounce it clearly.

Miniature Pinscher, photo by Anthony Lima Mok.

Russian nicknames for little girls dogs

Here are some popular Russian nicknames for girls' dogs: Busya, Butterfly, Asya, Zabava, Zhulya, Berry, Zhuchka, Weasel, Lusya, Bulka, Button, Zlata, Belka, Kashtanka, Snezhinka, Lada, Mila, Toffee.

Names of dogs of girls of small breeds with meaning

  • Yuri - lily;
  • Adeline - noble;
  • Michiko is the child of beauty;
  • Amanda - worthy of love;
  • Aimi - beautiful love;
  • Artemis - goddess of the hunt;
  • Aiko - beloved;
  • Vesta - hearth;
  • Nami is a wave;
  • Lyme - happiness;
  • Hoshi is a star;
  • Rita is a gem;
  • Hana - a flower;
  • Hilda is war.

So we ended the selection in which the Give Lapu website collected nicknames for small dogs. We hope you were able to choose what to name the new family member and if so, do not forget to share this nickname in the comments below, especially if it is not in our selection.

The nickname should correspond specifically to your dog, so that her fate is built according to plan, luck was present in her life and she was less sick. What exactly is the name of the girl? We will talk about this in the article, and also find out the most beautiful, cool and easy-to-remember dog names for girls of small breeds.

When you get a girl puppy of a small breed - this is an inexpressible happiness. You feel responsible for the life of a tiny creature. Indeed, at the age of 2-3 months, such a puppy can fit in the palm of your hand.

Whining and wagging his tail, the baby communicates with his new owner, the dog does not yet know his name, but you can teach him the first science. The main thing is not to overdo it with training and not to invent a difficult name.

Different breeds and different characters

If you don't know, we'll show you how. Imagine that you came to the nursery and your eyes fled, because a lot of puppies ran out to you, wanting attention and affection. Undoubtedly, every puppy is worthy of your look, because they are all so cute and restless. It would be nice if you decide on the breed in advance, then you will almost not be distracted by other dogs, pursuing only one goal - choosing a pet of a certain breed.

If your choice is a pug, you are in luck, for such a well-fed girl, the name Ponochka, Meatball or Bun is best suited. Having fantasized a little, you can come up with a couple more three suitable names. Take note of the color, short plush coat. Thus, Plush is also great for a pug. The character of the pug is usually cheerful, but sometimes phlegmatic. You can name a dog based on this, but looking at your pet and its behavior at home.

If the choice fell on, then the name should be elegant, like herself. In no case should the nickname offend the dog. This breed of fine mental organization, and at least at first it seems that she only does what she plays. She will show character with time. Do not wait for a week to pass, try to identify in your pet those qualities that correspond to the type of chihuahua. Names like Isabelle, Adele, Lolita, Nelly, and so on.

The names Rose, Mimosa, Astra, Violet, Madonna, Toy, Hannah, Fiona are perfect for fluffy girls. Try naming a Spitz, a lap dog, or whatever. Watch the dog's reaction. Often, pets will respond to the name, thereby giving you a hint - "That's what you call me."

Name Dachshund, Jack Russell and another super active girl with a name that matches the character - Bullet, Aelita, Honda, Skoda. And noble persons, such as a pinscher, and a Yorkie can be named after Tootsie, Minnie, Smalley. Or come up with an even nobler and more interesting nickname.

What is the correct name?

Use hissing and growling sounds in the nickname, according to the advice of experts, such a nickname has a beneficial effect on the character of the dog. She easily remembers the name thanks to her favorite growling sounds. The main thing is not to overdo it and not make the dog too excited and aggressive by constantly making growling and hissing sounds.

Practice on the street - call the dog by name, calling her to you, are you comfortable saying the nickname and how strangers react to it. Does your girl respond and wags her tail. The next day, try the same story, but with a different nickname. In this way, it will be possible to slowly decide on a sound preference for both of you - you and your dog.

You can not call a dog after a deceased person or animal, this does not bode well for the fate of a decorative dog. Very complex nicknames are not suitable, even if they were called that in the kennel. It is better to use an abbreviated form, for example, from Isabella - Bella, Maximilian - Maxi, Gabriel - Gaby, Cassandra - Cassie, Pandora - Dora.

Look for sources of information that may lead you to give an unusual and possibly fabulous name to your Princess, Fairy or Belle. It is fashionable to assign dog names to girls of small breeds in honor of cartoon characters, so that fantasy in this regard can not be restrained.

Education begins with memorizing the name, learning will go faster if it takes place on a cheerful, good-natured note. Try not to shout when you say the dog's name out loud, but conduct classes in a calm, playful manner.

You can name a pet by coat color or some individual characteristics - eye color, demeanor. If you are undecided on a name, review the following list, perhaps you will find her unique name for your maverick.

Heroines of Greek myths - Aphrodite, Diana, Freya, Cleo, Hera, Circe, Psyche.

Funny and funny - Baby, Malvina, Paw, Bun, Ryzhulya, Button, Arrow, Cherry, Lyalka, Marmalade, Weasel, Umka, Squirrel, Doll, Toffee, Mickey, Baby, Pusya, Bulka, Milka, Kalinka, Palma, Bunny.

Beautiful and unusual names for small dogs - Aurora, Barbara, Marquise, Milady, Baroness, Monica, Marine, Isolde, Francesca, Athena, Jacqueline, Camellia, Juliet, Dulcinea, Signora, Jeannette, Bagheera, Charlotte, Duchess, Donna, Olympia, Carmen, Madonna, Milana.

And a small list of the most interesting names - nicknames for dogs of girls of small breeds:

America, Beauty, Vanilla, Goldie, Dolce, Evangelista, Jeannine, Zizi, Iris, Cinnamon, Leela, Manon, Nymph, Orlette, Charm, Rosie, Sophie, Longing, Smile, Fairy, Halva, Chick, Cherry, Chamrel, Evita, Juno, Berry, Amelie, Basia, Bibi, Vivien, Pear, Grace, Dunka, Zhuli, Zoe, Butterscotch, Button, Krasochka, Lady, Malvina, Nancy, Audrey, Paloma, Renata, Susie, Tiffany, Clever, Fifa, Florence, Hochma, Cherry, Charlize, Ellie, Yula, Yasmin, Balalaika, Cherry, Ibiza, Cocoa, Limpopo, Raspberry, Pops, Powder, Rumba, Tundra, Flower, Jamaica.

Remember that whatever you call a puppy, he will not grow up like that, but everything does not always depend on the name, but more on the attention of the owner to his beloved four-legged girl. When educating, both strictness and praise are appropriate, it is important to devote a lot of time to raising a dog and the result will not be long in coming.

Nicknames for dog girls can be chosen for hours. However, it is important to choose an option that the animal will need to put up with all his life.

Some call the dog thoughtlessly, while others choose a nickname filled with meaning.

The nickname of the dog should be selected on the basis of certain simple rules. The main thing is that the names correspond to the gender of the puppy. For example, options such as Sharik, Baron, Barbos, Tarzan, etc. are not suitable for a female pet. But if a situation arose when, due to inexperience, the owner called the puppy a male name, but the dog turned out to be a girl, then the situation will have to be corrected. Watchdog easily turns into Barbie, Tarzan into Zana, etc.

Names for dogs should be not only beautiful, but also easy to pronounce and sound. A suitable word can consist of 3 syllables (this is the maximum). It is important for owners to pay attention to this rule, since dogs perceive two-syllable nicknames by ear. They have a great response to short words.

When naming girls of the Husky breed, it is necessary to monitor the sonority of the nickname. Giving a pet the first name that comes to mind just because it can be classified as feminine is wrong. Everything must be well thought out. It is important that the chosen nickname does not negatively affect the behavior of the animal that will wear it.

Experts do not recommend naming an animal after a person, since there are alternative options, there are a lot of them, some of them are really cool and original. It is known that dogs bearing human names often have bad behavior, they do not listen to the owner, do not follow commands, and are naughty. Most likely, this is due to the owner's unwillingness to constantly reassure or scold the naughty animal, calling it a human name.

The last rule (very important): nicknames must match the breed. For large breeds, there are their own unique options that will be ridiculous for small miniature animals.

Most Relevant Ideas

German Shepherds are allowed to be called: Fly, Nicky, Ciel, etc. The most beautiful nickname for a Chihuahua is Mimi (short for Mimosa). Not only for this breed, but also for other most playful graceful babies, an attractive nickname Gloria is suitable.

Options have a certain meaning: Silva, Linda, Laima. They symbolize fearless animals, ready to protect their master and their home. With such dogs there will be no need to worry about discipline, they are obedient. A dog named Laima will always be devoted to his master or mistress. Linda is friendly and devoted to all family members.

Huskies are a beautiful, kind and loyal breed. She has a accommodating disposition, so the Elsa, Palma option will suit her. For likes, the choice can be stopped on the name of Ada. Dogs with this nickname are very well trained. But it is worth considering that they do not like to play with a small child too much, sometimes they are capricious.

Dogs, both large and small (suitable for husky and other good-natured breeds), can be called Squirrel. The squirrel will grow up cheerful, it will become a favorite not only of children, but of all adults. For a husky, the name Babetta, Albina is suitable. Babette is a good-natured pet who rejoices at the appearance of the owner. The dog is easy to train. Good words can be said about Albina, because it is pleasant to walk with her in nature, she loves children, it is interesting to travel with her.

For huskies, the nickname Amanda is good, symbolizing devotion. But if you shout at her unreasonably, then she may be offended.

Hunting dogs are named after Betty. This nickname is a bold, strong nature, which has a good disposition. Betty is suitable for all purebred dogs. Hunting dogs are good with the name Lada. The nickname embodies intelligence, courage, beauty and easy learning. It will also be harmonious for bulldogs, boxers, rottweilers.

York girls can be called Tina. Tina will personify a sensitive, smart, small decorative dog. If the choice is given in favor of Desi, then you should first find out about the meaning of this option. These are excellent watchmen, but their temperament is not the easiest. Desi can run away for a walk, so she needs special supervision.

Good-natured spaniels, setters also need cute, unpretentious nicknames. Pugs, poodles, dachshunds, spitzes are often called Lassie, Kaylee, Conti, etc.

Meaningful Options

For shepherds, huskies, mongrels, the most common name is Alma. The dog will serve flawlessly, protecting the house and owners from strangers. The mutts will not be whimsical, they are characterized by a good disposition.

Alpha should be called a self-confident girl who has a restless character and is difficult to train. Hunting and other large dogs are comparable to the name Vlad. They are easy to train, they are restrained, accurate, careful, but there is vulnerability. Bagheera is a nickname for calm, kind, neat dogs, suitable for husky.

A girl of any breed is called Vesta, if she is gentle, does not tolerate rudeness towards herself. But she is very easy to train. Current Russian nicknames for dogs are, for example, Rita, Zhulka.

Rita is often referred to as small female representatives. Zhulka is perfect for an ordinary mongrel, which can be a little naughty, accompany passers-by with ringing barks, but is distinguished by affectionate, slightly sly eyes.

Owners of the Maltese can safely call their pet Adela. The dog will grow up devoted, only it is necessary to show some rigor and perseverance to it during training.

If you want to raise a headstrong dog that is difficult to teach, the owners can choose the name Bonita. A girl with such a nickname should not be walked, unfastening the leash, so as not to run after her later.

Beautiful dog names: Unita, Elba. They symbolize the devotion of the pet, kindness, courage.

Absolutely any dog ​​needs a name, no matter what breed it belongs to. A nickname that is memorable for a pet can be simpler or more complex, refined or funny. The main thing is not only how the nickname sounds, but also that the dog should know it.

Making a choice is a responsible event, since an animal will have to live with a nickname for a long time. It should also be comfortable for a person. The dog must be called quickly at any time, and it must immediately call out. This is important: sometimes something threatens a pet and you should immediately secure it. Experts note that the dog's nickname should contain letters that are well perceived by animals, for example, "p".

Choosing a name for a girl pet is more difficult than a boy. For a real lady, the nickname should be feminine, sound beautiful and easy to remember. The main thing is that the chosen name should be to the taste of the owner, then every time he calls out to his pet, he will experience the warmest and most reverent feelings.

The name of the dog reflects its characteristic features. If you want to have cute, playful girls, they should be called Businka or Masya. A dog named Zorda, when he becomes an adult, will show all his menacingness and willfulness to others. Therefore, people say that when choosing a name, a choice of fate occurs.

Borzoi dogs should choose traditional options: Light, Fast. To those that originated from the countries of the north, you can choose the following cool nicknames for dogs: Nanuk, Kayukh, Tundra, Nordic, Anuk, etc.

In the presence of a small dog, original options are used that emphasize tenderness and "tininess": Buttercup, Prissy, Lesik. The owners, who are not devoid of a sense of humor, call their miniature pets nicknames that contradict their appearance, for example, Thug.

If the animal has a pedigree that the whole family is proud of, then usually the choice is given in favor of elegant classic nicknames. Pretentious names are appropriate to call pocket girls. The fun lies in the contrast between the miniature appearance and the solid nickname.

Classic: Paloma, Arlette, Julitta, Barbara, Ilsa, Erica, Joly, Dora, Ruby, Yvette, Brandy, Norra, Greta.

Girlish dog nicknames, which are associated with favorite ancient heroes, characters of mythology, are especially successful and creative in sound. The choice in this direction is multifaceted. Among the Greek goddesses there were both tender names and variants filled with heroism and strength.

In the process of choosing a female nickname for your favorite dog, you need to take a little time to think.

Having gone through the most popular nicknames, you can find an option suitable for a particular pet, which will be the embodiment of not only his appearance, but also his inner world.

Have you got a puppy girl in your house? The first thing you need to do is come up with a name for your baby. This is not so easy, the name will accompany the pet throughout her life. It should reflect her character and be suitable for breed and size, because you definitely won’t call a Shepherd Dog a Baby. What sweet-sounding nicknames for girls' dogs exist - this issue is on the agenda!

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How to name a puppy?

Most experts agree that a pet name should be:

  • short (no more than 2-3 syllables);
  • sonorous (without deaf consonants and their combinations);
  • like the owner and members of his family;
  • match the pedigree (not necessarily why - find out later).

First and foremost - the nickname should be euphonious and short. Remember that a dog is a social being, you will regularly walk with a four-legged friend on the street and will often call your pet by name in front of other people. And it is desirable that this name does not make people turn to look at you on the street. Therefore, originality and fantasy are good, but, according to most, something neutral is still better. A lot in nicknames for dogs depends on their breed, the larger the dog, the more serious and majestic, as a rule, her nickname.

Well, little dogs all the time have playful and humorous names! In addition, if your puppy is purebred, he will have to choose a name in accordance with the pedigree. Although the name on the passport and the name in life do not always match even for dogs. Usually breeders give puppies of the same litter names that start with the same letter. Most often, this is the first letter of the nickname of the mother of the babies. Sometimes in the middle of the nickname there is the first letter of the father's nickname.

We would like to note that these names are most often long, pretentious and consist of difficult-to-pronounce combinations of letters. The easiest way out of the situation is to find a diminutive version of the first name or come up with another one that starts with the same letter. Often, a perspicacious owner, in a few days of observing a new family member, easily determines which nickname will suit his puppy the most. The animal itself can “prompt” you, the main thing is to be able to understand it.

Names suitable for the breed

We have already noted that one of the main criteria for choosing a nickname for a dog is its breed. Therefore, we will try to structure the names of females precisely according to their belonging to a particular breed!

For large breeds

A large dog, such as a Sheepdog or Laika, and the name requires "big" and solid. Long names for large females are rarely chosen, it is preferable that the name be short, with sonorous letters, but so that it carries a certain power. So, for Laika, as for a dog from the north, they try to choose a winter name. For example, Aurora, Alba, Blizzard, Ice, Weasel, Alaska, Gerda. Many breeders carefully study the meaning of names, for example, you can meet Laika with the name Aina, which means "clean, bright." Video tips on how to name a large Husky breed for your attention next!

Sheepdog is a breed that is generally very popular all over the world. And the names of Sheepdogs can be very diverse. For this breed, the nicknames Adele, Berta, Emma, ​​Elba, Hardy are recommended. By the way, zoopsychologists note that Sheepdogs with the name Hardy have a strong and strong-willed character, perhaps this is due to the fact that the meaning of this word is “strength”. In addition, I would like to note that when choosing names for females of the German Shepherd breed, some breeders try to emphasize their "German" roots. In this case, Young, Juno, Cora, Lotta will suit your Sheepdog.

For hunting

Hunting dogs have been "helpers" of man since ancient times. They also try to choose short names for them, when you need to quickly call a pet on the hunt, there is simply no time to pronounce a catchy name. In addition, it is recommended that their name should have more voiced sounds and vowels, so that the nickname sounds brighter and louder. For a bitch of a hunting breed, the nickname Diana is often chosen, this is very symbolic, because the goddess Diana is the patroness of all hunters.

In addition, for a hunting bitch, you can consider the following options: Gaia, Nora, Irma, Ara, Lada, Vesta, Yuma. For Greyhounds, Spark or Arrow are often chosen. Golden Retrievers are also often used as hunting dogs. For beautiful and graceful females of this breed, the names Berta, Omega, Luna or Jasmine are suitable.

For small breeds

Small beautiful dogs are rapidly gaining popularity. Their enterprising owners are trying not to limit themselves to Pusy, Lyalya and Busy, which are quite enough anyway. Indeed, I want the name to emphasize miniature and tenderness, and even more so girls. But at the same time, it is important that it evokes some other emotions besides an ironic smile. We liked such original names for small breed bitches: Linda, Gloria, Silva, Mimosa, Tina, Daisy, Betty, Amanda, Bonita, Rita, Doll.

Barbie, Zhu-zhu, Ariel, Allexia, Blondie, Viviana, Monroe are considered especially “glamorous” nicknames for babies. Well, small yard dogs are often called Zhulka, Bugs or Squirrels.


We noted that most often you can meet bitches with the nicknames Naida, Fly, Nika, Molly, Bella, Maggie, Daisy, Lucy, Marta, Hera, Lada, Bonya. As it is easy to see, in our country names derived from foreign words are more popular. The list of used nicknames is constantly growing, because many owners want to stand out and name their puppy in a special way. These same options are still in high demand.


Rare may be nicknames that are initially tricky, their meaning is not clear and they are difficult to perceive. It happens when the owner, having named his doggy something like that, over time changes the name to a simpler one. It is not often possible to meet bitches with nicknames Almadel, Bernima, Vilena, Laira, Milagro, Samfira, Tarita, Frans.

From mythology

Mythology and folklore in general can be considered a storehouse of options for pet names. Athena, Hera, Aphrodite, Ariadne, Artemis, Venus, Vesta, Galatea, Gella, Irida, Kali, Cassiopeia - all this is from mythology. In addition, their variants are also known: Lakshmi, Lara, Medea, Metis, Nika, Penelope, Selena, Flora, Themis.


Sometimes the owner of the dog wants to emphasize the national flavor and choose the Russian version of the nickname for the pet. By the way, there are not so many of them, there are a lot of American, Asian, Italian or Spanish options, but with Russians everything is not so simple, especially with beautiful names. In principle, you can use nicknames such as Alenka, Beauty, Bug, Mashka, Mila, Fluffy. There are humorous options, such as Sausage or Berry. But, you see, all these names are more suitable for small mestizo dogs.

List of names

In addition to the nicknames already sounded, we present a table with the most acceptable and beautiful, in our opinion, options so that you can decide exactly how to name a dog a girl!

Letter of the alphabetNames
AAlma, Adele, Asya, Albina, Anita
BBagheera, Bianca, Beta, Barbara, Boni, Bella, Badi
INVeya, Vaida, Vista, Vanessa, Vanilla, Vikki
GHavana, Gabby, Hecate, Grace
DGemma, Dinara, Dixie, Daphne, Janie, Juliet, Dorothy
HerElizabeth, Yolka, Elika
ANDZhadi, Julie, Jeanette
WZarina, Zemfira, Xena, Zolli, Zlata
ANDIndie, Isis, Inga
TOCasey, Kimberly, Kelly, Kitty, Button, Carey, Katty
LLolita, Lada, Leda, Lika, Lassie, Laura, Lussy
MMagda, Malika, Madeleine, Malvina, Maggie, Margosha, Milana, Miranda
HNicole, Nana, Nancy, Norma, Night, Nefertiti
ABOUTOda, Olivia, Ophelia, Audrey, Olva
PPalma, Prima, Paula, Pippi, Patti
RRosalie, Roxy, Rachel, Roxanne, Ruta
WITHSandra, Sabina, Cindy, Santa, Solly, Cynthia, Sophie, Stella
TTamila, Tara, Teri, Tiffany, Tracey, Trinity
AtUlya, Ursula, Ulmara, Ondine
FFaya, Phoebe, Fleur, Fiona, Fifi, Francesca, Fury
XChloe, Helma, Hana, Helena
CCiri, Cyana, Tsarina, Tsilya
HChinara, Chilita, Chapa
WSherry, Charlotte, Shani, Sheba, Cheryl, Chanel
EEsther, Elf, Eda, Elina, Emily
YUYunica, Yumi, Yutana, Younessa
IJava, Yasmina, Yanina

Video "What name to choose for a puppy?"

Video tips on how to choose a nickname for your puppy can be found below!

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When choosing a nickname for a pet, cynologists recommend paying attention to the individual characteristics, character and reaction of the animal to the name. From the article you will find out which nicknames for girls' dogs are popular with dog breeders.

Thinking about buying a dog, you need to understand that the issues of proper care, balanced nutrition, education and training fall on the shoulders of the new owner. First of all, according to the advice of dog handlers, it is necessary to come up with a nickname for a four-legged family friend.

Let's figure out how to name a dog a girl.

So, you need to choose a name for a new family member without haste and fuss, taking into account the following criteria:

  1. Features of the breed. A large breed dog does not fit such nicknames as Knopa, Baby, Minnie, Mouse, Baby, Baby, Candy, Bead, Busya, Cherry, Sparkle, Lyalka or Manyunya. This kind of nickname is an interesting option for the Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian, Toy Terrier and Chihuahua.
  2. Color. The name of the pet can be selected depending on the color. The black color of the coat can be emphasized by the nickname Bagheera, Blackie, or Gypsy. The red color harmonizes interestingly with the names of Ryzhulya, Foxy and Vixen. A dog with a beautiful light coat will suit the nickname Goldie, Sunny, Snow, White, Snowball, Shiny and Blondie.
  3. Character. It is not uncommon when, succumbing to the effect of the first impression, a person gives a puppy a fashionable, gentle and calm name, while the dog has a sanguine temperament.
  4. Personal preferences and hobbies of the owner. It has now become fashionable to name an animal after a favorite brand, car name, favorite literary or cartoon character, musician or athlete: Britney, Jolie, Monica, Hellas, Jurmala, Nefertiti, Chanel, Shakira, Lolita, Mercy (from Mercedes), Scarlett, Tiffany, Ferrari, Honda, Hilary, Adi (from Adidas), Cleo or Cleopatra, Nota, Aisha, Dalida, Avatar.

The nickname for the dog is the first command that the pet should learn well and respond quickly to it. You should not give the puppy a nickname on the very first day of meeting, it is better to take a closer look at the peculiarities of temperament for some period, to study the character and characteristic habits of the dog.

Video "How to name a dog?"

In this video you will learn about the most unusual and original nicknames for your pet.

Nickname options

There are many options for beautiful and unusual, funny and funny, short and long nicknames for girls' dogs. We bring to your attention the most interesting and original options.

Light and beautiful

Often, owners opt for an easy and beautiful name for a four-legged family pet. Such a decision is quite justified and understandable: a female dog is distinguished by graceful forms, a more complaisant and balanced disposition.

The most popular options for such nicknames for girls' dogs include: Daira, Esmina, Zoya, Venira, Basie, Ivory, Cassie, Isis, Zlata, Orbi, Odelia, Grazia, Oliya, Nevada, Camellia, Evan, Eva, Daina, Glora, Gaina , Ulisi, Chloe, Loya, Charmy, Chasey, Saffiano, Pilar, Sophie, Poli, Haifi, Hana, Faya, Yasmin, Eliza, Yanta, Angie, Elvira, Yanaya, Yanessa, Tessa, Terry, Ulisi, Hailey, Fortuna, Aira , Judita, Taira, Selena, Sheba, Sherry, Chayra, Sally, Tiara, Rhonda, Rada, Paloma, Lady, Martha, Lorda, Milady, Nesi, Lesta, Mystery, Simone, Laima, Josie, Laura, Dolly, Blanca, Aisha , Yolla, Alza and others.

For large breeds

A big dog girl can be called Ada, Elba, Palma, Isolde, Gloria, Luna, Astra, Gerda, Dora, Athena, Dixie, Nora, Tsunami, Luta, or Tigress.

Often a large purebred female is given an English, German or Russian name to emphasize the place of origin of the breed: Heike, Eliza, Mlada, Radomira, Helga, Karen, Ursula, Inga, Alexa, Katrin, Yasna, Darina, Krista, Briggit, Zhdana, Bozhana, Barbara, Gelika or Angelika, Pietra, Claudia, Clara, Gisella, Cheslava, Golub, Fanny, Nicole, Storm, Norda, Eugene.

With meaning

Many owners treat with due attention and responsibility the choice of a name for a girl's dog, so often, as experienced dog breeders note, they use nicknames with a certain meaning:

  • Vesta - the keeper of the hearth;
  • Felicia or Felisa - bringing happiness and joy;
  • Lada - dear, beloved;
  • Alma - fertile;
  • Rigel is a bright star in the constellation Orion;
  • Adela or Adeline - noble;
  • Amanda - wayward, touchy, the owner of a complex character;
  • Nika, Victoria - victory;
  • Artemis is a sensitive and gentle huntress;
  • Takara - treasure;
  • Demeter - the patroness of fertility and agriculture;
  • Hera is the guardian of family ties;
  • Berta - loving attention;
  • Clotho - the patroness of destinies;
  • Alma is kind and friendly.

original and popular

In an effort to stand out, some pet owners try to pick up an original version of the nickname for the dog. So, funny and funny nicknames sound interesting: Fury, Istoma, Fun, Bullet, Oatmeal, Joy, Toffee, Wasabi, Blackberry, Sweetheart, Nezhka, Scream, Shumka, Swell, Cicada, Flapper, Simka, Pumbaa and Smiley.

In terms of popular female dog names, the popularity rankings are dominated by rare English and Japanese names: Yucca, Yuna, Hayami, Adele, Samantha, Agnes, Bella, Vilena, Jia, Ogna, Tanita, Cynthia and Danna.

A mongrel dog can be called Belka, Strelka, Zhulka, Knopa, Bonya, Motya, Monya, Naida or Doll.

According to experts, in order for a dog to respond to its nickname, it must like it, be easy to pronounce and remember. For this reason, it is better to immediately abandon pathos, pretentious, too long and double nicknames. Such names sound cool, but cause difficulties in everyday use.

The nickname for a dog of a girl of a decorative breed must be chosen carefully. The pet will live with her for the rest of her life. His fate, character and habits will depend on the nickname. Breeders recommend thinking carefully when choosing a nickname for a pet.

It is necessary to adhere to certain rules when choosing a name:

  • Nicknames must match the gender of the puppy.
  • They should be sonorous and short, containing no more than three syllables. Should be easy to pronounce.
  • Don't call girls' dogs human names.
  • The nickname must match the size and breed.

Great Names for Toy Terriers and Chihuahuas:

  • Agasha, Jessica, Knopa- affectionate girls who love their mistresses and are attached to them.
  • Madeleine, Neji, Poldi- cheerful dogs, love active games, adore walks.
  • Bun, Ricky, Sally- Fluffy and beautiful girls love to eat and lie on the couch.

Yorkshire Terrier and Spitz are miniature breeds. Cute Yorkies and Pomeranians wear bows, hostesses love to dress them up.

The best names for Yorkie and Spitz girls:

  • Matilda- a fashionista. Likes to go to dog beauty salons. Affectionate and tender.
  • Glady- sensitive, small, attached to his mistress.
  • Polly- Amenable to training, trainable and smart.

For a dachshund, names are suitable:

  • Assol- Faithful, will always come to the aid of his master.
  • Virgie- friendly dachshund, kind and affectionate.
  • Jolly- smart and accommodating.
  • Egoza- cheerful and cheerful, does not sit still for a second.

Spaniel girls should be taken seriously. This is a hunting breed, albeit a small one.

  • Arrow- fast and active spaniel girl. A typical representative of hunting breeds. Perfectly shows its natural qualities.
  • trilly- loud, her barking can be heard from afar. It will be an excellent guard in the house.
  • power- devoted, obedient. He follows his master on his heels.

Often owners give their pets unusual names. Some owners give original nicknames, like cartoon characters: Rapunzel, Alice, Chapa.

Other nicknames for dogs of girls of small breeds:

Letter Nickname
A Agidel, Adeline, Hayka, Anika, Arnika, Ashka
B Barberry, Buffy, Beatrice, Bonechka, Bonita
IN Vanilla, Mitten, Vikki, Blizzard
G Gabi, Gadget, Grammy, Gulya
D Daniela, Danochka, Delly, Thumbelina, Dyusha
E Blackberry, Christmas tree
AND Zhulka, Genevieve
W Fun, Cinderella
AND sparkle
TO Droplet, Button, Katie, Candy, Baby
L Sweet, Lizzy, Lusik
M Malika, Malinka, Cutie, Pug
H Nancy, Nyuta, Nyusha
ABOUT Fire, Orchid
P Peppy, Pepsi, Cookie, Button
R Ranetka, Chamomile, Ruffy
WITH Fairy tale, Smiley, Soffit, Steshka
T Twiggy, Teen, Tiffany, Tutti
F Favorite, Fimka, Florence
W Charlize, Charlotte, Shmonya
I Berry, Yashka, Jasper

Nickname for a dog of a girl of a large breed

Before choosing a nickname for a large breed dog, you should think about how the dog should grow up, what qualities it should have.

For German Shepherds and Alabaevs, it is necessary to choose serious, formidable names. These are service breeds, names should sound impressive.

Suitable names for them:

  • Vega- fearless, courageous shepherd dog. In any situation, protect the owner.
  • Laura- athletic, muscular dog. Dedicated friend.
  • Taiga- obedient, well-trained dog. The nickname is suitable for a police dog.
  • Husky calm and friendly dogs, and they need to choose names that are light, simple, sonorous.
  • Aina- This dog loves to walk with the owner, a devoted friend.
  • Hera- kind and smart, likes to play with children.
  • Aira- smart, self-confident, loves her family.

Labrador girls are distinguished by a complaisant character. Responsive and balanced. Excellent companions and great smarts. Gentle, affectionate names are suitable for Labrador girls. Labradors are often given rare names:

  • Bagheera- a great nickname for a chocolate-colored Labrador girl.
  • Gray- good-natured, sweet, loves to lie at the feet of his master.
  • Mary- trusting and obedient, loves children.

Sonorous names are suitable for huskies, because the breed itself says that the dog barks a lot. Interesting names for huskies: Storm, Avalanche, Siberia.

Mutt girls are often taken from shelters. They are funny, with one protruding ear or an unusual color. Cool names are suitable for them: Tequila, Lamborghini or Balalaika.

Other nicknames for dogs of girls of large breeds:

For big dogs, girls have a huge choice of nicknames. Choose slowly.

Note! Don't name the puppy until you've seen it. It happens when you pick it up, a nickname for it will come up with a completely different name than what you planned to call it.