Development of a 3 year old child at home. Learning English with a three-year-old. Types of child development

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To save the house from destruction by children with their irrepressible energy, you simply need to entertain them with something all the time.

website offers several simple and available ways occupy the child when bad weather doesn't let me go for a walk.

1. Turn a regular fan into a rainbow one

Allow your child to paint the blades different colors and then just let them dry. Delight guaranteed!

2. Make edible clay

You will need:

  • half cup softened unsalted butter
  • 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream
  • 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract (optional)
  • 3–4 cups powdered sugar
  • gel food coloring(optional)

Beat with a mixer butter and cream. Then gradually add powdered sugar into the mixture and mix. The mass should become thick and dense enough for modeling. Finally add vanilla extract (optional). Knead the dough on a surface sprinkled with powdered sugar. Divide it into several parts, add a drop of food coloring to each and mix well again (if you don’t want to use dyes, you can leave the mass white). Now you can start sculpting - roll out with a rolling pin, cut out figures or shape them with your fingers; they are quite simply fastened together. And most importantly, you can eat all this later.

3. Hang a swing at home

You can hang a swing not only outside, but also at home. And believe me, your baby can rock in them all day long.

4. Prepare a soft mass that glows in the dark

You will need:

  • ​​​​​​Ultraviolet lamp
  • vitamin b complex
  • vegetable oil
  • cream of tartar (can be found at a spice store)

Crush 2 vitamins into powder (if your vitamins are in capsules, just pour out the contents). Add 2 cups flour, 4 tsp. cream of tartar, 2/3 cup salt and mix well. Then add 2 cups warm water and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and cook over medium heat until the mixture becomes like plasticine and no longer sticks to the pan and your hands. Let cool and proceed. Turn off the light and turn on the lamp. Plasticine will glow in the dark!

5. “Make” snow

If winter is still far away, make your own snow! You can make lumps or just play with fluffy snow. All you need to do is mix cornstarch with shaving foam. You can add a little dye, and then the “snow” will become colored.

6. Ask your child to make faces out of small objects.

Collect buttons, beads, caps - in general, whatever you think is suitable, and ask your child to make different faces out of them. Besides the fact that you will occupy him for a while, it will in a great way develop fine motor skills and imagination of the child.

7. Prepare unusual colors for drawings

Mix hair gel, food coloring, glitter and confetti. Such paints adhere unusually to paper and allow you to create simply magical drawings.

8. Make chocolate bowls for sweets or ice cream

Simply melt the chocolate and then dip the inflated balloons into it. Then let the chocolate dry and carefully pop the balls.

9. Make a maze out of cardboard boxes

Cut the boxes and glue their walls together, cut out the arches - and fun for the whole day is guaranteed.

10. From cardboard box you can do something else interesting

You can make a whole city with your child: draw roads, arrange cars and people. And then the baby himself will turn it into exciting game.

11. Make your own solar system model

You will need: round plywood, newspapers, toilet paper, glue and paints. You need to form balls from newspapers and paper, and then dry and paint them. Then paint the plywood and attach the “planets” to it, and your own Universe is ready.

12. Build your own castle

Paper towel tubes, juice boxes and some cardboard are all you need for a real castle.

13. Color it Christmas balls

The New Year is not that far away. By using acrylic paints your child can turn plain Christmas balls into an exclusive work of art.

14. Put soap in the microwave and give your child a soap cloud.

15. Create an underwater world

Cut out silhouettes of sea animals from black paper: fish, squid, crabs, as well as stones, algae, etc. Cover a sheet of white paper with watercolors of “sea” colors. It is important to create a fairly wet coating that does not dry out right away. And now secret technique! Give your child a pre-prepared dropper of alcohol and ask him to apply a few drops all over the canvas. The alcohol will dissolve the paint, and glowing circles will appear on the paper. Wait for the paint to dry completely and glue the cut out silhouettes onto the background.

What to do with a 3 year old child at home? Many parents quickly find the answer: “Turn on cartoons.” The baby will of course be devoured exciting activity a couple of hours, but watching TV for a long time is harmful: this fact was established long ago by psychologists and pediatricians. A child watching TV is convenient for parents, but of little benefit for the baby.

Offer to your son or daughter interesting activity. There are plenty of games and entertainment for a three-year-old child. Nothing comes to your mind other than drawing, appliqué and sculpting? Choose any of the exciting games, practice with your child, and rejoice in their success. So, no lectures or long explanations, just suggestions on how to keep a three-year-old child occupied.

Home theater

A win-win option, regardless of the gender of the child. Prepare a mini-play, choose your favorite fairy tales, come up with new ones. Fantasize yourself, support the ideas of the little director.


  • make fairy tale heroes from cardboard, scraps, and scrap materials;
  • sew small figures of animals and people that can easily be put on your finger;
  • make a big screen for fairy tales. The device will replace a row of chairs covered with fabric;
  • many kids love to turn into fairy-tale heroes. Choose a play in which two or three characters participate (change clothes in the next room), make costumes for yourself and the baby. Show a simple fairy tale to your dad, grandparents: your loved ones will be delighted.

Treasure Island

What to do:

  • take out several boxes, handbags, bright boxes;
  • inside each “chest” put little surprise: candy, apple, baby doll, postcard;
  • Tell your child that you don’t have an apartment, but a treasure island. Offer to find all the bags and boxes in which the treasure is hidden;
  • put the “chests” not too far away so that the child can easily find them;
  • The exercise develops fine motor skills and takes at least half an hour.

Little helper

At three years old, most children willingly imitate their parents. Take advantage of this and offer an “adult” activity.

Lots of options:

  • To water flowers;
  • wash the vegetables for the original salad;
  • roll out the dough;
  • put new dresses on the dolls before guests arrive;
  • decorate the pie;
  • wipe off the dust;
  • sort shirts or socks;
  • clean up the shelf and so on.

Important! Be sure to praise your baby and tell everyone at home about his successes. Give feasible tasks so that the young assistant does not become disappointed in his abilities.

Accurate shooter

Play together with your baby. You will need two plastic buckets, paper balls. Together with your child, make “cores” from soft paper, a piece of old wallpaper (take cheap ones so that they wrinkle easily).


  • hit the basket with a paper ball in two or three steps;
  • think about what distance is appropriate for the child to hit the target, otherwise disappointment cannot be avoided;
  • after the competition give " a marksman» prize.

Young artist


  • put paper on the table, offer to draw a picture to decorate the house;
  • give Finger paint, show how to make a flower;
  • children create with pleasure;
  • hang the picture in a prominent place;
  • Many kids enjoy drawing so much that a whole “gallery” often appears in the room.

Home orchestra

You will need:

  • jars, buckets different sizes made of plastic;
  • cardboard tubes from food foil or film.

Show how to play the drums, explain that you can not just knock, but also play melodies:

  • draw the young drummer’s attention to different pitches of sounds;
  • To prevent the drumming from annoying you, after 15–20 minutes offer another interesting activity, for example, watching cartoons.

Modeling from plasticine

Time-tested activity for children three years. Buy a set of 10-12 colors and shades. Choose plasticine good quality: Avoid cheap, toxic materials.

Offer to sculpt fairy tale characters, pets, fruits, vegetables. Start with simple figures to avoid disappointment. At first, sculpt together, then leave for a while and learn to practice on your own. After a while, be sure to arrange an exhibition of your work.

Advice! Select a place and display plasticine figures for everyone to see. Many children like to stage scenes with the participation of newly sculpted characters.

Garland for the New Year

Offer to decorate the apartment with your baby. Cut strips of colored paper 1–2 cm wide. If the child knows how to handle children's scissors, let him do some of the work himself.

Task: Glue the strips into rings. New strip thread through the finished ring, connect. After 10–15 minutes of work, you will get a small garland.

Model show

The game is suitable for children who are good at putting on and taking off clothes. Offer your child more things and let him put on a show. Choose simpler details: capes, hats, wigs, skirts to make changing clothes easy. Girls especially like this game.

The most dexterous

A simple task will keep your baby entertained. Offer to carry a convenient object around the apartment in a tablespoon: a small ball, a nut, a tennis ball. Show how to act. After going through all the rooms, the “most dexterous” will receive a prize.

Wind power

The game develops deep breathing, gives fun, good mood. Arrange a competition, try to make the baby win too.


  • bubble;
  • cotton balls;
  • paper balls.


  • draw more air into your lungs, blow objects off the table or blow out a large soap bubble;
  • V different days alternate balls with bubbles: this way the game will not get boring. Involve dad and grandma and praise them for their success.

Coloring pages

A win-win option for developing perseverance, imagination, and fine motor skills. At first, buy coloring books with large objects that are of interest to your son or daughter. Choose stories from cartoons and favorite fairy tales.

The young artist copes well with large area? Move on to pictures with medium and small details.

Thick coloring pages are not needed, the baby will not have to flip through the pages for a long time. Find a suitable drawing on the Internet (“Coloring pages for children to print”), then print it on a printer. Let little artist will color the hero.

Find a match

First option:

  • place clean shoes on the floor, mix boots, shoes, slippers;
  • take out 3-4 baskets or boxes, invite the young housewife/owner to sort the shoes: boots - into one basket, slippers - into another, and so on;
  • You definitely need to find a pair before you put your shoes in the right place.

Second option:

  • you can just take shoes out of boxes and make a mess;
  • ask your child to carefully put everything back so as not to mix anything up;
  • help a little right away, don’t leave the child alone in front of a pile of shoes;
  • tell your family which helper is growing.

Rocking chairs or swings

Good fun for little kids. Buy comfortable model rocking chairs in the shape of a horse with a stable base. Attach the swing securely to doorway. During such entertainment, never leave your son or daughter alone, always monitor their behavior to avoid injury.

How to treat in children? find out effective methods and folk recipes.

The rules for taking antibiotics for laryngitis in a child are written on the page.


Colorful magazines, panoramic books, encyclopedias with bright pictures(taking into account age) arouse keen interest among children. Choose interesting material, read with expression so that the baby gets carried away.

Situational games

Children are happy to try on different roles. Games that develop imagination are what a three-year-old child needs.

You don't know what to do with your 3 year old child at home? Suggest one of the popular games:

  • daughters and mothers;
  • hospital;
  • school;
  • salon;
  • shop;
  • cafe.

Buy sets of toy instruments, make the props yourself. With saucepans, plastic pans and glasses in early age Both boys and girls play with pleasure. Situational games develop speech, teach communication, and attention to strangers.

Children's disco

Play your favorite songs and let your baby dance. Take part too. Great option, if friends or relatives come to visit with a child of a similar age.

Circle your hand

Girls especially like this simple game. Show your little one how to trace her palm and fingers with a pencil. Help me cut along the contour, together draw rings on my fingers, paint my nails, and put on beautiful bracelets.


Prepare cardboard, glue, scissors, colorful paper, old magazines. First do simple paintings so that the baby can cope with the task. A child may tear pieces of colored paper with his hands if he does not handle scissors well.

Treat for the animals

Offer to feed pets and cute animals. Place at the table a bear, a bunny, an elephant, anyone you find in children's corner. Draw in advance, then cut out apples, carrots, cabbage, and other vegetables and fruits from cardboard. Make cereals and grass from colored paper. Tell your son or daughter what each animal eats.

If there is suitable pet food in the refrigerator, use it after washing it and checking that it is not cold. As you go, explain why it is important to wash your hands, vegetables, and fruits.

Now you know a lot of exciting games and entertainment for kids. Be sincerely interested in your child’s affairs and spare no time in developing skills and abilities. Fantasize, imagine yourself in the place of your son or daughter. Cooperative games They bring you closer, improve family relationships, and give you a good mood.

Video. More more games and activities for a 3 year old child at home:


The game begins with the words of the presenter:
- Simon says: “Put your hands up!”
The presenter raises his hands. The child must also repeat this movement. Further, according to the same model, any commands are given, for example, touch your fingertips, sit down and stretch your arms forward, bend over, etc. However, from time to time the leader forgets to say the beginning of the phrase “Simon says” and then the child should not follow the command. The game develops attention and the ability to follow instructions. If your child is unable to immediately grasp the phrase, start simply by typing commands. Let your child also try to be the leader.


Cut out two circles from cardboard and attach them to a stick (juice tube, sushi stick, etc.) We play like this: when the light is red we stand, when the light is green we move towards the goal. Task: walk the specified distance without making a mistake. The game not only develops attention, but also, no less important, helps to learn the rule of crossing the road.


Draw any icons on a white piece of paper and ask your child to cover them with stickers. Develops fine motor skills, perseverance, attention. Depending on the theme of the stickers, the task can be played out in different ways: feed the fish, plant flowers, etc.


Make cards with paired images. Place several pairs of pictures face down (it’s better to start with 4-6 cards). The child opens any picture he likes, looks and remembers what is drawn on it, and looks for exactly the same picture. Only 2 cards can be open at a time, and if it is a pair, the cards remain open. In case of failure, both open cards are turned over and the pair must be looked for again. The game develops visual memory.


A game for practicing long breathing. To form the correct and beautiful speech It is very important to develop long breathing in the child. To do this, you can blow soap bubbles, blow on candles, try to hold pieces in the air paper napkins and finally come up with a game with cotton balls. For example, going through a labyrinth.


Tennis with a balloon. A game to develop movement coordination. For rackets use plastic plates on sticks.


At the age of three years, a child should not only know basic colors, but also be able to sort toys and other items by color. It is good to use plastic bowls from IKEA and Kinder Surprise toys for this game.


Ask your child to make a hairstyle with the colander by inserting it into the holes. fluffy wire. Good game for the development of fine motor skills.


A game for developing hearing, the ability to improvise with rhythm and just for Have a good mood. We build a home drum kit from scrap materials. We arm ourselves with drumsticks - cardboard tubes from cling film or foil - and make a merrily noise. Draw your child's attention to what sounds are being made. various items, how the same object can produce several sounds depending on the place of impact. Try tapping familiar melodies.


Winter activity for a child to develop observation skills. Tell us about the animals in winter forest and demonstrate with toys that different animals have different tracks. Make a path from the tracks of some animal and ask the child to guess who ran. For instructions on how to prepare the “winter” dough, see below.
For the test:
Flour - 2.5 cups
Salt - 0.5 cups
Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups
Soda - 1 tbsp
Boiling water - 2 cups
Mix the ingredients and let the dough cool slightly. If the dough sticks to your hands, add more oil. If it is too oily, add flour. But be careful, if you use too much flour, the dough will quickly harden.


Take any small bags, pockets, jars, boxes. Hide a small toy or any other “treasure” in them and ask your child to find it. In this way, we train fine motor skills and learn everyday skills to “open” and “close” different things. Next time, ask your child, on the contrary, to hide the treasure.


We make three holes in the lid of the shoe box (one above the other). We glue the lid to the base of the box vertically, take a large package of felt-tip pens, divide them equally, and sit down different sides our “mail” and start playing. First player:
- Please send me a red felt-tip pen through the top window.
- Please send me a purple marker through the middle window.
And so on. Task: to understand the concepts of “upper”, “lower”, “middle”, as well as shades of basic colors.


A fun game on the theme “Who eats what?” Take pictures of animals or toy figures. Place carrots, apples, nuts, bananas, seeds in bowls, you can also pour milk into a saucer. Ask your child to place the animals correctly. Well, then, come and visit everyone))


Throw your family members' shoes into a pile. Place boxes or plastic baskets (according to the number of people) and give the child the task of bringing, for example, dad’s sneakers. Then tell me which basket it should be placed in. Then ask them to find him a mate. In this game we teach the child: firstly, to pay attention to details (father’s big shoe, mother’s smaller one, mother’s shoe with a heel), secondly, to find a pair, thirdly, to hear instructions and strictly follow them, fourthly, put things in their places.


Playing while walking.

Do you know how to turn a walk with your child into an exciting game? So, to make the road to the garden, school, or store fun, we will be spies. Start the game like this:

You: I see something of blue color, what don't you see!

Child: Car.

Child: Urn.

Child: Signboard.

We switch roles: now the child is the spy. You can describe the hidden object not only with the help of color, but with any other adjective - round, prickly, glass, etc. The game perfectly develops observation skills and lexicon!


At the age of three, children already love and can reproduce scenarios of their favorite fairy tales. The heroes of fairy tales can be ready-made toys from the baby’s arsenal or made with mother’s help, drawn, cut out, painted.


Development game tactile sensations for babies. Take the package balloons one color and use a funnel to fill them with a wide variety of contents. Rice, flour, sugar, small pasta, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, lentils and any other grains are perfect. Do this with your child, he will love helping you in such an important task. In addition, he will probably be able to remember some new words.
So, make 2 balls with each type of filling and start the game. To begin, ask your child to find by touch 2 balls with the same contents, and then try together to determine what is inside.


Creative imagination in the kitchen. Children love creativity, and children love sweets. Well, “sweet creativity” is doubly joyful!

You will need: white chocolate, bread sticks or straws, gelatins, dragees, confectionery sprinkles. Melt the chocolate and decorate your painting with candy. Cool the finished masterpiece for 10 minutes in the freezer. And then, if desired, we put it in a prominent place and give it away to a loved one or eat together with the whole family :)

Soap bubbles can be blown almost endlessly. At least until the solution runs out. To prevent this from happening soon, make a large supply: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashing liquid, a tablespoon of glycerin. The barrel of solution is ready!

22. Drawing without stains

If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes into a durable, hermetically sealed bag, your child will be able to draw futuristic pictures with their fingers without getting dirty!

23. DIY car wash

Kids can play for hours in the bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made from a five-liter plastic jerry can, scouring pads and moisture-resistant adhesive tape.

From the canister you need to cut out the body of the sink with entry and exit. Cut dish sponges into thin long sticks and glue them vertically to the ceiling of the sink. Permanent markers color the structure. Place shaving foam in empty yogurt containers, take old toothbrushes and toy cars. The imagination will do the rest.

24. Science experiment with balloons

Show your child a chemical experiment in the kitchen. Pour into balloon spoon of soda, but empty plastic bottle pour vinegar. Place the ball onto the neck of the bottle and secure tightly. Gradually pour the baking soda from the balloon into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will lead to the release large quantity carbon dioxide, which inflates the balloon.

25. Frozen Dinosaur Egg

If your child loves dinosaurs, show him how ancient lizards hatched from eggs. Place a dinosaur figurine in a balloon and fill it with colored water, then put the balloon in the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists. Remove the “shell” of the ball from the eggs and look at the dinosaur in the ice. You can remove the toy using a small hammer (you just need to do this with swimming goggles so that small pieces of ice do not damage your eyes).

26. Banana ice cream

You can make popsicles with just one ingredient. Take bananas (preferably slightly overripe), peel and cut into thin pieces. Place in the freezer. After a couple of hours, remove the frozen bananas and blend in a blender until the mixture resembles thick sour cream. The ice cream can be eaten immediately or put into molds and re-frozen. Older children can handle the cooking themselves!

Let's look at what a 3-year-old child can do, why a developmental crisis occurs at this age and how to cope with it, as well as with the help of what activities to develop a three-year-old child.

At the age of 3, a new round of child development occurs, accompanied by a crisis.

Features of age

  • The child's motor development improves. 3 year old child drives well own body. He walks evenly, without unnecessary movements, can change the pace of walking and is able to learn to ride a bicycle.
  • Performance nervous system a three-year-old child is getting bigger. Child more long time awake and ready to absorb new information. He is already more patient and can do one thing longer than at 2 years old (up to 20-25 minutes).
  • Fine motor skills also improve, allowing the baby to master buttoning, drawing with pencils, using cutlery and other household skills.
  • The vocabulary of a 3-year-old baby already includes more than 1000 words. The child uses almost all parts of speech in conversation, although sometimes incorrectly. The pronunciation of sounds improves, although children at 3 years old may not yet pronounce many sounds. Three-year-olds constantly talk through their actions, giving the impression that they are not silent at all. Also characteristic feature The speech of children of this age is the presence of numerous questions.
  • The main activity of a three-year-old child is playing. Now the baby loves role-playing games most of all. The scenes played out by the child have a plot, since the baby develops abstract thinking and imagination.

Play with your child and come up with interesting stories

Many kids at this age, at the first opportunity, want to play with other people's toys, while not paying attention to their own. Is this normal and how to react to this situation, watch the video of Larisa Sviridova (Lara’s mother).

What should a child be able to do?

Most children in three years old already know how to:

  • Run quickly, jump, step over obstacles.
  • Pronounce up to 1,500 words and form complex sentences from them.
  • Listen to fairy tales for a long time.
  • Ask a lot of questions.
  • Complete the task without distraction for at least 5 minutes.
  • Tell a familiar fairy tale based on the picture.
  • Learn poems and songs.
  • Pronounce your first and last name, know your age (points on fingers) and gender.
  • Show body parts and know their purpose.
  • Call yourself "I".
  • Say hello, goodbye and say “thank you”.
  • Perform 2 actions at the same time, for example, clapping and stomping.
  • Play with other children, exchanging toys.
  • Ride a 3-wheeled bike, sled, and swing.
  • Count to three.
  • Navigate in 7 colors (including white and black) and in geometric shapes Oh.
  • Assemble toys from 4-6 parts.
  • Understand the differences in the size of objects, their shape and weight.
  • Draw according to your wishes.
  • Fantasize in role playing games ah and follow the rules in moving.
  • Dress yourself, as well as undress and fold your own clothes.
  • Fasten buttons and tie shoelaces.
  • Use a handkerchief.
  • Eat carefully (not only with a spoon, but also with a fork) and use a napkin.

Choose the weakest areas in your child’s development and work on them

What is the “three-year crisis”?

The behavior of most children at the age of 3 changes strikingly, causing misunderstanding and panic among parents. Mom begins to worry that she missed something in her upbringing, but in fact these are absolutely normal changes for children of this age.

The development of a child goes through several crises, among which the three-year-old is the most turbulent and difficult for parents. It gradually increases starting from 2 years of age. At its peak, such a crisis manifests itself in violent hysterics and conflicting behavior of the child, but soon passes, becoming a real school of life for the toddler.

The main signs of the “3-year crisis” are:

  1. Negativism of a child. The baby answers “no” to all proposals from adults.
  2. Stubbornness. The child insists on his own opinion and proposal.
  3. Refusal to do things that were previously done without any problems, for example, the child does not want to eat, wash or brush his teeth.
  4. The desire to do everything on your own, even if you don’t know how. The child is in no hurry to seek help.
  5. Conflict behavior. The child rebels and protests against almost everything the parents say.
  6. Depreciation. A previously calm, quiet baby may begin to demonstratively throw and break toys, spoil things, and swear.
  7. Jealousy. It is especially pronounced when there are other children in the family, but can also be directed at the father.

The appearance of such changes in the behavior of a three-year-old child is associated with the baby’s awareness that he is already old enough to influence circumstances and other people, and is also capable of making decisions. The child considers himself big and wants to be respected. He rebels against the command of his parents, so he becomes stubborn, screams, and is hysterical. However, contradictory behavior is no less difficult for a child to bear than for his parents. The baby cannot understand what is happening to him, and also cannot control his own emotions.

The manifestation of a crisis at 3 years of age should be taken as a given. At correct behavior parents, the crisis will pass without a trace over time

The most powerful manifestation of a three-year-old's crisis is hysterics. At an earlier age, they could occasionally occur due to overwork, and the main action of the parents was to calm the baby. At the age of 3, tantrums become a way of manipulation. That is why they appear in places where there are spectators, for example, on the street or in a store.

How to respond to a child’s tantrums and whether it is worth fulfilling his demands, see the program by E. Komarovsky.

To survive this crisis period Without much difficulty, parents can be advised to:

  • Change your communication strategy with your baby. Recognize that the child has grown up and can be independent. Stop doing for your child what he can handle on his own.
  • Always offer choice or the illusion of it. For example, if there is a walk ahead, ask the baby how you will go down - by the elevator or along the steps, and if lunch is coming, ask which plate the child will eat from - red or green.
  • Don't force your child to do anything, but offer to help you. For example, you are about to cross the street. Do not tell your child that this is dangerous and that you must hold an adult’s hand, but offer to take you across the road because you are afraid of cars.
  • Give your child more time for any action so as not to rush.
  • If your child gives an ultimatum, answer “no” and try to remain calm. Ignore the screams, falls on the floor, and glances from passers-by. If you follow the lead, this behavior will repeat itself more than once.
  • Pick up a child who has fallen on the roadway or in a puddle and take him to safe place and leave the screaming there.
  • Don't criticize or scold your child after a tantrum. It’s better to teach your baby to express his emotions in words.

If you have children with a small age difference, take a look next video Larisa Sviridova (Lara's mother). You will learn how to respond to an older child’s aggression towards a younger one.

Height and weight

If we compare with the indicators at 2.5 years, a child by the age of three gains approximately 1000-1200 g and grows by 4-5 cm. Indicators of physical development of girls are usually somewhat lower than those of boys. To help you determine whether the rate of physical development of your three-year-old child is normal, we have collected in the table the average values ​​of the main parameters, as well as boundary indicators norms for each gender:

Most parents are not happy with their child's weight. Should you worry about deviations from the norm, see E. Komarovsky’s TV show.

Types of child development


This type of development is aimed at increasing the child’s endurance, developing dexterity and coordination of movements. Activities affecting physical development should be carried out daily by a three-year-old child and may include the following activities:

  • Exercise with music, poetry or video lesson.
  • Stepping over obstacles (place blocks on the floor).
  • Walking on an inclined board.
  • Jumping over a line drawn on the floor.
  • Walking on a rope laid out on the floor.
  • Jumping forward on two legs.
  • Jumping from small hills.
  • Ball games - throwing to each other, throwing up and then catching, kicking, getting into a box, running a race with a rolling ball, rolling between chair legs.
  • Outdoor games with simple rules.
  • Overcoming an obstacle course.
  • Dancing.
  • Fitness with mom.
  • Swimming.
  • Exercises on the sports wall (rope, rings, ladder, crossbar).
  • A ride on the bicycle.

Swedish wall will help your child spend time at home more actively


This type development helps the baby learn the world And different properties items. Classes with cognitive purpose will develop the toddler's attention, logic, and memory. IN game form The baby learns the first mathematical concepts and learns more about the world in which it lives. Activities at the age of three can be as follows:

  • We look for colors by name and sample.
  • We sequentially collect nesting dolls and molds of different sizes.
  • We select flat geometric shapes according to the sample.
  • We select three-dimensional geometric shapes for the holes and study their names.
  • We assemble a pyramid of 8-10 rings different color and size, guided by the drawing or sample.
  • We study the differences between the concepts of small-medium-large.
  • Compose the picture from 2 parts.
  • We play with mosaics and lotto.
  • We remember the place where the toy was located, which the adult removed.
  • We are looking for the whole picture by its details.
  • We study the concept of right-left.
  • We generalize objects according to some property, for example, floating, flying.
  • We study with the child natural phenomena, flora and fauna, and labor activities.
  • We find an extra item in the group.
  • We select opposite objects from a group.
  • Let's study the numbers.
  • We are looking for the shadow of the picture.
  • We select patches.
  • Adding missing items.

Activities should be interesting for the child

Parents can begin to introduce their child to mathematical concepts in a playful way. Conduct the following lesson using the “Flower” method, which is shown by M. L. Lazarev (musical development expert) in the following video.

At the age of three, the baby will be interested in learning about the days of the week. Conduct classes in a playful way and in a good mood.


This development involves the child’s senses – touch, taste, smell, vision, hearing. During sensory activities, the baby improves tactile sensitivity, learns to recognize objects by smell and taste. Such activities at age three may include:

  • Determination of the texture of objects.
  • Identifying geometric shapes by touch.
  • Guessing animals by the sounds they make.
  • Games with sensory bags and boxes.
  • Guessing objects by smell.
  • Guessing food items by taste.

Development activities should be varied


This type of development of a three-year-old child not only affects the child’s hearing, but also instills in him a sense of rhythm and musical taste.

You can develop your baby through the following activities:

  • Singing.
  • Playing a musical instrument.
  • Listening to music with different rhythms.
  • Guessing the sounds of everyday objects.
  • Guessing songs.
  • Dancing.
  • Music in the background.

Expert on musical development Lazarev M.L. shows how you can hold a theatrical performance “Festival of Music” using the “Flower Flower” method. The child will become familiar with musical instruments and musical intervals.


For a 3-year-old child, it is very important to constantly expand his vocabulary, so you should communicate more with your toddler. Articulation classes also influence speech development. With a child of this age, speech development can be dealt with as follows:

  • Learn songs and poems.
  • Discuss story pictures.
  • Tell a story using pictures.
  • Discuss what you read.
  • Listen to a fairy tale read by an adult, as well as in an audio recording.
  • Give your child a riddle in which the answer is the last word quatrains.
  • Talk to your child about how your day went.
  • Discuss different situations on the topic of “what if?”
  • Perform articulation gymnastics.
  • Study vowels.

Sing, teach poetry and talk more with your child for his speech development

Fine motor skills

Developing motor skills is extremely important for stimulating the speech development of a toddler, since the areas of the brain responsible for speech and hand movements are very close. If during classes the baby uses his fingers more, you will simultaneously stimulate the speech zone. Suitable fine motor activities for a 3-year-old child include:

  • Finger gymnastics.
  • Games with sand and cereals.
  • Fastening buttons, loops, various fasteners, buttons.
  • Stringing multi-colored beads onto a cord, including alternating the color and shape of the beads.
  • Games with nesting dolls, lacing, mosaics, inserts, clothespins.
  • Laying out patterns from pasta, shells or pebbles.
  • Games with water.


Activities that will stimulate a child's creativity include different types drawing and appliqué, playing with construction sets, modeling and the like. With a three-year-old child you can do the following:

  • Add details to the drawings, for example, leaves to a branch or stems to flowers.
  • Draw lines, rectangles, ovals and circles.
  • Paint over the drawing.
  • Draw according to your plan and tell what you draw.
  • Roll out plasticine or dough in your palms and sculpt simple shapes (sausages, balls, bagels).
  • Make simple applications using paper natural materials, pieces of fabric.
  • Build bridges, fences, houses from cubes, using verbal instructions, your imagination, a sample or a drawing.
  • Cut with children's scissors.
  • Decorate cakes or sandwiches with mom.
  • Dramatize a fairy tale.
  • Play with puppet theater.

Prepare and decorate dishes with your child

For the creative development of your child, conduct a lesson using the “Little Leonardo” method, which is shown by O.N. Teplyakova. - expert on intellectual development.


A three-year-old child is drawn to his peers and communicates a lot with other children. Many children of this age already attend kindergarten, therefore, their social development proceeds at its own pace while communicating with children in the group. If a three-year-old child does not yet go to kindergarten, it is important for parents to pay additional attention to the child’s social development. In addition, this type of development also includes the acquisition of skills that children will need in everyday life.

Activities aimed at the social development of the baby will be as follows:

  • Games with other children using substitute objects.
  • Learning polite words.
  • Folding clothes before bed.
  • Learning to tie shoelaces and fasten buttons.
  • Learning table manners.
  • Helpful help around the house.

Many parents face difficulties in parting with their child, accompanied by tears and tantrums from the baby. Is this normal and is it worth continuing to take your child to kindergarten? Watch Larisa Sviridova’s video.

Sample exercise program for a week

Having compiled weekly plan classes for the development of a three-year-old child, you will be able to evenly distribute classes across the days of the week, without missing anything, but also without overloading the little one. Each child will have their own lesson plan. Its preparation should be based on the interests of the baby and mother, as well as the presence of certain skills in the toddler. The plan includes attending sports and developmental classes, massage and other mandatory activities.

When drawing up a plan for the first time, it is better to focus on the minimum list of activities. After one or two weeks, you will be able to analyze how the child copes, whether any activities need to be added, what the child likes best, and what is more difficult for him.

Classes should be carried out only in a good mood and should be a pleasure for both parents and children

We offer the following approximate weekly schedule of developmental activities for a 3-year-old child:








Physical development


Charging according to video tutorial

Ball games

Charging with music

Playing with fitball

Outdoor games

Cognitive development

Studying numbers

Studying birds

Looking for the whole in detail

Study of natural phenomena

Studying colors

Sensory development

Sensory bag games

Studying tastes

Studying smells

Guessing objects by touch

Fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics

Game with clothespins

Playing with sand

Game with beads

Playing with water

Game with cereal

Musical development

Studying musical instruments

Music in the background

Speech development

Reading a fairy tale

Articulation gymnastics

Telling a story from a picture

Learning a verse

Audio fairy tale

Discussing the plot of the picture

Creative development


Puppet show


Games with a constructor



Social development

Learning etiquette

Games with peers

Learning words of politeness

Care and regimen

In the development of 3-year-old children, attention should be paid to maintaining the health of the children, so the importance of the daily routine and caring for the toddler is beyond doubt:

  1. The baby should get enough rest. The approximate duration of sleep at 3 years of age is 12-13 hours a day. Many children may refuse to sleep daytime, but pediatricians note that preschoolers need rest during the day, so parents should try to put their child to sleep for 1-2 hours during the day.
  2. A three-year-old's morning should begin with hygiene procedures. The child must wash himself, brush his teeth and comb his hair. Parents should constantly remind their child to wash their hands before eating and after returning from a walk, as well as after using the toilet.
  3. Many parents continue to harden their children, carry out procedures in the period after nap. Such procedures include sunbathing, walks on fresh air, rubbing with a damp towel, dousing the feet or the whole body, cold and hot shower, swimming in ponds.
  4. WITH three year old child They advise you to go for walks 1-2 times a day, dressing your little one according to the weather.
  5. The diet of a child of this age includes 4 meals, between which 3-4 hours pass. The nutritional value of the daily diet of three-year-old children is 1500-1800 kcal.

And once again about the most important thing: what happens to a child at 3 years old and why it is important to behave correctly during this difficult period, watch the video child psychologist Yulia Milovanova on the Open TV Channel.

  • At the age of three, it is important to ensure that the child has toys that will support motor activity baby (ball, bicycle, skittles and the like). Also, for the games of a three-year-old toddler, you need construction sets and pyramids, lotto and cubes, books and posters, creativity kits and toys for role-playing games (dolls, animals, dishes, food and others).