Pictures posters decoupage with your own hands. Learning how to make simple decoupage paintings and panels in vintage style. Preface to work

To give the interior a special sophistication, you can make a unique product with your own hands. Thus, you will receive an original and exclusive decorative item. This topic is dedicated to the decoupage of paintings and panels. After spending several hours to make them, you will become the owner of a beautiful little thing, which will not only become an amazing interior item, but also a pleasant surprise for relatives and friends.

This master class offers you a simple and quick way with which you can make.

Work begins with the preparation of the frame. For a picture, you can take an ordinary wooden frame for a photo, order it in a workshop, or make it yourself.

Prepare acrylic based paint and cover the entire surface of the frame with it. After letting the item dry, apply a varnish designed for. Leave to dry again, then apply a layer of golden hue paint with your own hands with a brush.

As a result, you should get an aged picture frame, as in the photo.

Next, a suitable canvas is created for the picture from a two-thread fabric. This material must be cut to the size of the glass with a small margin. Apply a layer of PVA glue and glue glass to it. Also apply glue to the edges and bend them.

At the next stage of the master class, the canvas is turned over and covered with several layers of artistic acrylic primer. After that, leave the canvas to dry.

Now we go directly to the decoupage of the picture. Take a napkin with the image you like, stick it on the prepared surface, varnish it and dry it thoroughly.

It remains only to insert the pictures with decoupage into the frame, stick cardboard on top of it and fix it firmly.

Here is such a simple master class that will allow you to make an interesting picture using decoupage technique in the shortest possible time.

Decorative panel in vintage style

The next master class will show you how to create a delightful vintage-style panel. In order to repeat this decoupage, you need to prepare a fabric, a rice card and napkins.

This master class for work uses images of a female silhouette, a lush rose and a gentle angel.

As a canvas for panels, it is best to use natural materials, in the form of cotton or linen (the admixture of synthetic fibers should not exceed twenty percent).

Prepared images from a napkin and a rice card must be carefully cut along the contour lines. After you have cut out all the blanks, proceed to sticking the motifs. This is done in the same way as on any other plane. Take the image, put it on the canvas, apply glue to the brush and with gentle movements, moving from the middle to the borders, glue the picture. In the process of fixing the motif, do not spare the glue, for the reason that the fabric material has the ability to quickly absorb it. Therefore, if you do not apply enough glue, you can glue certain areas poorly.

Before applying glue, place a material under the fabric that does not get wet, such as a file.

Not everyone knows that decoupage with napkins or rice cards can be applied to fabrics. For example, this female silhouette is obtained from a rice map.

It is best to use special decoupage glue for work. As a result, after the glue dries, it should not leave characteristic marks on the material. After a few hours, you will need to iron the product on both sides. After that, wash the fabric (observe the washing temperature no more than forty degrees) by hand washing.

The ideal option for decorating the interior is always a painting. It is the works of painting from real masters of their craft, or those who like to draw, that give the room so much necessary comfort, and sometimes full-fledged charm.

Beautiful do-it-yourself decoupage paintings - lessons and photos of works

The presence of a beautiful picture in the house is a sign of good taste, and the interior element itself will not hurt at all. But, not every needlework master has such significant and important drawing skills. Especially when the issue is raised in the mainstream of professional painting, where it is necessary to have not a simple experience and, for sure, to be able to draw better than average.

This article will tell us about modern and simple methods of working with decoupage of paintings. A wide variety of unique and incredible decoupage designs open up new horizons for improving your home. But what if you try your hand at traditional decoupage for a rather scrupulous and difficult job?

What does decoupage of paintings include?

Therefore, many choose an alternative option in the form of decoupage of paintings. With this simple method of transferring one image to the desired surface, recreating a beautiful image is not difficult. At the same time, such decoupage will not turn out to be too difficult a task and, on the contrary, it will be a fairly simple undertaking for an ordinary master. We offer you the option of creating a series of paintings where this technique will be involved.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the base material on which we will work. We stop our choice on the canvas, on which we will work. They should be of various sizes, of your choice. Also, you will need specialized napkins for decoupage, with which it will be very easy to process and improve the external characteristics of the base. With the help of special equipment, we will try to change the appearance of the pictures, prepare a series of our own works.

For work, you will need to pick up themed napkins that will convey the general mood of our room. For starters, he suggests taking the option with cities. You can take canvases in the form of a frame, cardboard canvas is also suitable.

Working on a painting

Next, we select a napkin that we like and make cutouts in the required sizes. Then, remove the top part of the layer for our image to work with. Next, we proceed to the process of transferring the picture - decoupage. For such work, there are two popular methods - in the first, you need to apply the top version of the napkin layer above the canvas and carefully cover the product with PVA glue, which was previously diluted in water. You need to work with a brush.

The second way is to unfold the desired part of the napkin on the front side of the file. After, the file is watered with water and then straightened as much as possible. The napkin should be without any folds. Only a napkin, which is well processed, will remain on such a file. The napkin must be attached, like the file, to our base and ironed with top-down movements with the help of a hand, or fabric base. Then, the file must be removed and wait until the picture is fixed at the base of our canvas. After our illustrations dry, we can add brightness to them using paint elements.

Decoupage products

Even for an amateur, this task will not be so sophisticated and difficult. We carry out our actions along the contours and paint the necessary range of work especially in order to improve and decorate the surface of the product.

After that - we produce the final work on the finishing of the picture. We will use a special varnish coating, which will be intended especially for decoupage. Such a coating, at a minimum, will be able to protect the surface from any damage and, as a maximum, will give your product the much-needed shine and quality. Wait for the varnish to dry. It is possible to apply several layers of varnish, depending on the coating with a variable expectation!

It remains only to place your work of art in the right part of the room. There are an infinite number of such options and illustrations.

To give the interior sophistication, spending money is not at all necessary, you can do the decoupage of the picture yourself. And since you will do the decoupage of the picture completely with your own hands, as a result you will get a home-made panel, which will become not only an interior item, but also a pleasant gift for your relatives.


The origins of decoupage go back to the Middle Ages. Back in the 15th century in Germany, furniture was decorated with carved pictures, and then the surface was covered with several layers of varnish. With the help of such an application, furniture makers imitated expensive attributes and sold them at a high price, such products are still expensive today.

About materials

The basis for decoupage can be a wooden or ceramic, metal or glass, fabric or plastic item. For example, you can decorate photo frames, paintings, a tray, a vase, etc. with your own hands. An important condition is the smooth surface of the starting material.

Consumables are:

  • Professional glue may be required only when working with a thermal gun. In other cases, you can use the usual PVA.
  • Paints are better to choose acrylic. They do not smell, dry quickly, do not give yellowness and are easily corrected in the "raw" state.
  • In this technique, it is desirable to use decoupage varnishes (matte or semi-gloss), which protect the image from mechanical stress.
  • Colored paper, pebbles and rhinestones adorn the canvas.
  • You can borrow images directly from paper napkins, clippings from books, magazines, postcards.

Decoupage pictures with napkins

This technique can work in two ways. First- attach the top layer of the napkin to the prepared canvas and cover it with a mixture of glue and water. This method requires precision and is not suitable for beginners. Therefore, it is better to act on a simplified technique.


Before starting work, you need to prepare the frame, or rather artificially age it. You can make decoupage with your own hands from a photo frame or order a base in any workshop. It is necessary to cover the surface of the frame with acrylic paint, wait until it dries and apply craquelure varnish. After it is absorbed, a gold-colored paint should be applied.

Building the Foundation

Next stage- creating a canvas from a light fabric. In the finished product, the napkin will be transparent, and the image may be muted on a dark background. The material should be cut in the shape of a frame, that is, attach plastic glass and cut the fabric with a margin of one centimeter on each side. The resulting rectangle should be glued to the glass. In this case, the glue should be applied to the fabric and to the plastic. The canvas should be coated with several coats of acrylic primer and allowed to dry.

Important! Before starting work, any surface other than wood must be cleaned with your own hands, that is, wiped with acetone, alcohol or dishwashing detergent.

Transferring a picture

First you need to attach a napkin to the fabric and cut out the picture along the contours of the frame. Then the cut out image should be placed face down on the file and glue diluted with water should be applied to it with a flat brush. When wet, the napkin will begin to stretch. Therefore, brush movements should be from the center of the picture to the edges. It is very important at this stage to straighten the picture from the “wrinkles” with your own hands. Only after that you can attach the image file to the canvas and carefully remove the transparent film.

The edges of the napkin should be well saturated with glue. In this decoupage technique, the hanging ends of the napkin from the edges of the canvas are inevitable. Only wet, well-soaked ends can be cut off, otherwise the picture may be damaged.

When the glue dries, you should tint individual elements of the image or the entire picture with acrylic paints. Final stage- cover the canvas with decoupage varnish and insert the canvas with the image into the frame.

Decoupage pictures from postcards

Using this technique, you can create a three-dimensional picture with your own hands in just a few minutes.

This will require:

  • manicure and paper scissors;
  • white double-sided tape;
  • thick cardboard for the base.

For example, let's take two identical postcards depicting urban architecture. On the first one, you need to cut out the sky along the contour, and on the second - at home. Each of the cut out parts is a separate layer of the picture. The closer it is, the smaller the details should be. In this case, these are flower pots.

The ends of all cut parts should be made dark with a felt-tip pen.

Tape strips should be attached to the base of thick cardboard. On the reverse side of each cut out part, you should also stick a square of adhesive tape.

To give the interior sophistication, spending money is not at all necessary, you can do the decoupage of the picture yourself. And since you will do the decoupage of the picture completely with your own hands, as a result you will get a home-made panel, which will become not only an interior item, but also a pleasant gift for your relatives.


The origins of decoupage go back to the Middle Ages. Back in the 15th century in Germany, furniture was decorated with carved pictures, and then the surface was covered with several layers of varnish. With the help of such an application, furniture makers imitated expensive attributes and sold them at a high price, such products are still expensive today.

About materials

The basis for decoupage can be a wooden or ceramic, metal or glass, fabric or plastic object. For example, you can decorate photos, paintings, a tray, a vase, etc. An important condition is the smooth surface of the starting material.

Consumables are:

  • Professional glue may be required only when working with a thermal gun. In other cases, you can use the usual PVA.
  • Paints are better to choose acrylic. They do not smell, dry quickly, do not give yellowness and are easily corrected in the "raw" state.
  • In this technique, it is desirable to use decoupage varnishes (matte or semi-gloss), which protect the image from mechanical stress.
  • Colored paper, pebbles and rhinestones adorn the canvas.
  • Borrow images you can directly from paper napkins, clippings from books, magazines, postcards.

Decoupage pictures with napkins

This technique can work in two ways. First- attach the top layer of the napkin to the prepared canvas and cover it with a mixture of glue and water. This method requires precision and is not suitable for beginners. Therefore, it is better to act on a simplified technique.


Before starting work, you need to prepare the frame, or rather artificially age it. You can make decoupage with your own hands from a photo frame or order a base in any workshop. It is necessary to cover the surface of the frame with acrylic paint, wait until it dries and apply craquelure varnish. After it is absorbed, a gold-colored paint should be applied.

Building the Foundation

Next stage - creating a canvas from a light fabric. In the finished product, the napkin will be transparent, and the image may be muted on a dark background. The material should be cut in the shape of a frame, that is, attach plastic glass and cut the fabric with a margin of one centimeter on each side. The resulting rectangle should be glued to the glass. In this case, the glue should be applied to the fabric and to the plastic. The canvas should be coated with several coats of acrylic primer and allowed to dry.

Important! Before starting work, any surface other than wood must be cleaned with your own hands, that is, wiped with acetone, alcohol or dishwashing detergent.

Transferring a picture

First you need to attach a napkin to the fabric and cut out the picture along the contours of the frame. Then the cut out image should be placed face down on the file and glue diluted with water should be applied to it with a flat brush. When wet, the napkin will begin to stretch. That's why brush movements should be from the center of the picture to the edges. It is very important at this stage to straighten the picture from the “wrinkles” with your own hands. Only after that you can attach the image file to the canvas and carefully remove the transparent film.

The edges of the napkin should be well saturated with glue. In this decoupage technique, the hanging ends of the napkin from the edges of the canvas are inevitable. Only wet, well-soaked ends can be cut off, otherwise the picture may be damaged.

When the glue dries, you should tint individual elements of the image or the entire picture with acrylic paints. Final stage - cover the canvas with decoupage varnish and insert the canvas with the image into the frame.

Decoupage pictures from postcards

Using this technique, you can create a three-dimensional picture with your own hands in just a few minutes.

This will require:

  • manicure and paper scissors;
  • white double-sided tape;
  • thick cardboard for the base.

For example, let's take two identical postcards depicting urban architecture. On the first one, you need to cut out the sky along the contour, and on the second - at home. Each of the cut out parts is a separate layer of the picture. The closer it is, the smaller the details should be. In this case, these are flower pots.

The ends of all cut parts should be made dark with a felt-tip pen.

Tape strips should be attached to the base of thick cardboard. On the reverse side of each cut out part, you should also stick a square of adhesive tape.

Decoupage cards from napkins

A homemade postcard can be a great present for family and friends. It is made in just a few minutes with your own hands using the decoupage technique using glue, cardboard, napkins and scissors.

Cardboard is better to choose dense and colored. On the finished product, the napkin will be transparent. So that later you do not have to finish the picture with paints, it is better to use a colored base.

In this example, consider a more complex decoupage technique, that is, applying glue directly to a napkin. Since the canvas is not large in size, even beginners can cope with this task.

At the first stage, you need to separate the top layer of the napkin and cut out the pattern of the desired size. Next, you need to gently smear a piece of napkin on the front side with glue so that it sticks tightly to the cardboard. After the drawing has dried, you can draw the outline of the image with acrylic paint in a contrasting color.

Foamiran and decoupage panels (2 videos)

To give the interior sophistication, spending money is not at all necessary, you can do the decoupage of the picture yourself. And since you will do the decoupage of the picture completely with your own hands, as a result you will get a home-made panel, which will become not only an interior item, but also a pleasant gift for your relatives.


The origins of decoupage go back to the Middle Ages. Back in the 15th century in Germany, furniture was decorated with carved pictures, and then the surface was covered with several layers of varnish. With the help of such an application, furniture makers imitated expensive attributes and sold them at a high price, such products are still expensive today.

About materials

The basis for decoupage can be a wooden or ceramic, metal or glass, fabric or plastic item. For example, you can decorate photo frames, paintings, a tray, a vase, etc. with your own hands. An important condition is the smooth surface of the starting material.

Consumables are:

  • Professional glue may be required only when working with a thermal gun. In other cases, you can use the usual PVA.
  • Paints are better to choose acrylic. They do not smell, dry quickly, do not give yellowness and are easily corrected in the "raw" state.
  • In this technique, it is desirable to use decoupage varnishes (matte or semi-gloss), which protect the image from mechanical stress.
  • Colored paper, pebbles and rhinestones adorn the canvas.
  • You can borrow images directly from paper napkins, clippings from books, magazines, postcards.

Decoupage pictures with napkins

This technique can work in two ways. First- attach the top layer of the napkin to the prepared canvas and cover it with a mixture of glue and water. This method requires precision and is not suitable for beginners. Therefore, it is better to act on a simplified technique.


Before starting work, you need to prepare the frame, or rather artificially age it. You can make decoupage with your own hands from a photo frame or order a base in any workshop. It is necessary to cover the surface of the frame with acrylic paint, wait until it dries and apply craquelure varnish. After it is absorbed, a gold-colored paint should be applied.

Building the Foundation

Next stage- creating a canvas from a light fabric. In the finished product, the napkin will be transparent, and the image may be muted on a dark background. The material should be cut in the shape of a frame, that is, attach plastic glass and cut the fabric with a margin of one centimeter on each side. The resulting rectangle should be glued to the glass. In this case, the glue should be applied to the fabric and to the plastic. The canvas should be coated with several coats of acrylic primer and allowed to dry.

Important! Before starting work, any surface other than wood must be cleaned with your own hands, that is, wiped with acetone, alcohol or dishwashing detergent.

Transferring a picture

First you need to attach a napkin to the fabric and cut out the picture along the contours of the frame. Then the cut out image should be placed face down on the file and glue diluted with water should be applied to it with a flat brush. When wet, the napkin will begin to stretch. Therefore, brush movements should be from the center of the picture to the edges. It is very important at this stage to straighten the picture from the “wrinkles” with your own hands. Only after that you can attach the image file to the canvas and carefully remove the transparent film.

The edges of the napkin should be well saturated with glue. In this decoupage technique, the hanging ends of the napkin from the edges of the canvas are inevitable. Only wet, well-soaked ends can be cut off, otherwise the picture may be damaged.

When the glue dries, you should tint individual elements of the image or the entire picture with acrylic paints. Final stage- cover the canvas with decoupage varnish and insert the canvas with the image into the frame.

Decoupage pictures from postcards

Using this technique, you can create a three-dimensional picture with your own hands in just a few minutes.

This will require:

  • manicure and paper scissors;
  • white double-sided tape;
  • thick cardboard for the base.

For example, let's take two identical postcards depicting urban architecture. On the first one, you need to cut out the sky along the contour, and on the second - at home. Each of the cut out parts is a separate layer of the picture. The closer it is, the smaller the details should be. In this case, these are flower pots.

The ends of all cut parts should be made dark with a felt-tip pen.

Tape strips should be attached to the base of thick cardboard. On the reverse side of each cut out part, you should also stick a square of adhesive tape.