Ruby stone has magical properties. The magical and healing properties of the ruby. Ruby - the best protector from diseases and dangers

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Ruby and astrology

Rubies are among the most expensive gems. Diamond is the only stone that is harder than ruby. The mineral has multiple colors and shades, jewelry made from this stone attracts the attention of most of the fair sex of mankind. But, like other minerals, not everyone can wear this one, but only those who suit the ruby ​​stone according to the zodiac sign.

The gem has a rich history dating back to the Bronze Age. The ancient Indians considered the ruby ​​the king of precious gems, so they used it as a talisman. Among the Romans and Greeks, the stone was used by royalty and nobility.

The medieval inhabitants of Rus' called the bloody ruby ​​a yakhont, and believed that it drives away bad dreams.

Any continent can boast of deposits of precious rubies, the only exception is Antarctica. The most valuable corundums are mined in Asia.

Ruby, like any gemstone, is characterized by certain healing and magical properties. He treats:

Chronic tonsillitis.

  • Articular, cardiovascular and skin diseases.
  • Digestive system.
  • Kidneys and liver.
  • Spine.
  • Gastric ulcer.

The gem has hemostatic properties, helps prevent fever and epileptic seizures, relieves nightmares and depression, calms the nervous system and cures schizophrenia. improves metabolism, improves immunity, relieves inflammation, improves tissue regeneration.

Europeans have always believed that the ruby ​​symbolizes:

  • Force.
  • Beauty.
  • Faith devotion.
  • Dignity.
  • Bravery.

Eastern residents considered the stone to be the personification of:

  • Love.
  • Health.
  • Forces.
  • Life energy.

Legends and beliefs say that false friends, diseases and evil magic should be afraid of the sun stone-talisman, and only people who are pure in heart and have good thoughts can use it, and spoiled and conceited people should be wary of wearing this jewelry stone. People looking for pure and true love will find a faithful assistant in a talisman with a ruby.

Modern physicians often have to confirm the healing power that a precious stone possesses and that was used by ancient healers. This applies to water infused with ruby, the action of which is truly miraculous - it helps to normalize blood pressure, improves eyesight, and saves from blood diseases.

Asthma sufferers who are matched with the ruby ​​zodiac sign feel better if they wear jewelry with this gem and drink ruby ​​water. If the spine, nasopharynx or ears are inflamed, it is recommended to attach this stone to them. The gem can have different shades. There is a red ruby, white, green, pink.

General information (composition and physical properties)
The magical properties of the ruby
Who suits the ruby ​​​​according to the sign of the zodiac

Ruby stone for Aries

Ruby favorably affects Aries by enhancing his active, optimistic, leadership abilities, kindness and decency. Ruby amulet Aries uses for:

  • Career achievements.
  • Relief from mental pain.
  • Women are for fertility.
  • Protection from negativity.
  • Indications of an approaching danger.

Aries ruby ​​is ideal for the sign of the zodiac, because it has properties that correlate with the character of the representatives of this sign. The mineral contributes to increased activity, leadership, kindness, compassion and decency of Aries. A beautiful and bright bloodstone drives away negative emotions, promotes the return of lost strength, drives away sadness.

Ruby stone for Taurus

Ruby Taurus considers his main stone, which is a strong amulet for him, helping to adequately cope with troubles and failures. The gem helps to relieve fatigue and irritation. With the help, bad thoughts and negativity are neutralized.

Taurus, who prefer jewelry with a ruby, do not notice the ordinary, their life is full of variety and interesting events. The solar ruby ​​is very favorable for lonely people who do not feel lonely, wearing jewelry with a stone that helps to increase vitality, energize and vitality. The talisman gem protects the owner from dark forces and counteracts black magicians.

ruby stone for Gemini

The combination of Gemini rubies is favorable, since jewelry and amulets with this gem help to mobilize and increase the creative energy of Gemini, which leads them to a successful result.

The white ruby ​​is more suitable for Gemini. This beautiful gemstone has a strong energy, which helps to increase the ambition of the representatives of this sign, which helps them in the implementation of large and complex projects.

Gemini should be careful when wearing ruby ​​jewelry, as some of them can waste energy. Only those people who have a lot of life experience, use energy correctly, will benefit from this mineral.

Ruby stone for Cancer

Rubies act differently on representatives of this sign. The positive impact is:

  • Improvement in general mood.
  • Raising vitality.
  • Removing fear.
  • Neutralization of depression.
  • Strengthening the power of the water.
  • Tempering character.

But if Cancer does not want to leave his shell to get acquainted with the beautiful surrounding world, then the combination of ruby ​​Cancer is undesirable for Cancers. The hot energy that a red ruby ​​possesses can harm the health of representatives of this sign who have a weak psyche, or lead them to waste a large amount of energy, which is also undesirable and harmful to the body.

ruby stone for lion

Ruby Leo considers the most sought-after gem for himself, which:

  • Help Leos overcome laziness.
  • Provides them with the missing energy.
  • Helps shape and define your goal.
  • Helps in personal development, career growth, expansion of spheres of influence.
  • Attracts the attention of people who can help him in something.

Being strong and domineering natures, Lions tend to control other people. The red ruby ​​is a talisman, an enhancer of natural character traits, strength and energy, courage and spirit. Jewelry with a gem gives girls more attractiveness and beauty.

Ruby stone for Virgo

The gem is favorable for Virgos - it makes them physically strong, the vital energy of the representatives of this sign increases if they wear jewelry with, which contributes to success in promising and interesting things.

Having chosen a ruby, Virgo will fill her life with meaning, get rid of internal tension and anxiety. The female ruby ​​has a healing effect on Devs, helps them in the implementation of the most daring projects, to create.

Representatives of this sign, who prefer ruby ​​to other stones, gain self-confidence. The mineral helps to relieve internal tension and anxiety.

Ruby stone for Libra

The combination of the Libra ruby ​​has not been fully studied, therefore, each representative of this sign checks the properties of the stone on himself, and then determines whether the gem suits him or not. Why? Because gem:

  • Gives the owner dynamics.
  • Helps to strengthen vitality.
  • Develops determination.

Not all representatives of this sign are able to accept the energy of the mineral. Only balanced and not shy people, capable of taking responsibility for their actions, and confident in their desires, can afford to wear ruby ​​jewelry that enhances their dynamics. Those who doubt everything, Libra, decorating themselves with this gem, will experience disharmony and difficulties in life.

ruby stone for scorpio

The gem has a beneficial effect on Scorpios, who strive to move forward, expand connections and relationships. Using the ruby, Scorpio gets rid of voluptuous lust, can defeat excessive passion and hypersexuality.

The red ruby ​​is considered a talisman and a talisman, and gives its owners:

  • Women - an attractive force.
  • It helps men to restrain anger, to find inner balance.
  • Cheerfulness and free positive feelings.

Scorpios who are able to experiment on themselves can safely wear jewelry with this stone, supplying them with energy and joy.

Ruby stone for Sagittarius

Ruby Sagittarius considers his lucky ticket, providing all the benefits of life. The mineral is able to enhance all the best qualities of the representatives of this sign, especially those who are in responsible positions and have great power. It is their ruby ​​that charges with additional energy and optimism, gives the ability to implement the tasks set.

Sagittarius are those who are suitable for a ruby ​​stone according to the zodiac sign. The mineral helps to overcome serious problems, makes Sagittarius more responsible. Weakened and not believing in their strength and in justice, people will be restored with the help of a ruby.

Ruby stone for Capricorn

An excellent combination of the Capricorn ruby ​​allows the representatives of this sign to act correctly and in a timely manner, while spending active energy evenly and correctly, in an orderly and purposeful manner. As a result of this, Capricorn gets what he wants with less effort and quickly in time.

Ruby jewelry helps to simplify and correct the action of Capricorn, organizes it. It is better for women to give a pink ruby ​​- they will become happy and lucky. The owners of the stone will improve memory and vitality will appear.

Capricorn men will be able to avoid any dangerous situation if this gem is their talisman.

Ruby stone for Aquarius

The gem affects Aquarius in different ways. Many representatives of this sign do not accept the ruby, they are not interested in it. But there are Aquarians who love to wear jewelry with this stone, because it:

  • enhances their vitality and strength,
  • enhances physical health
  • aligns the psychological state in depression and crisis.

Ruby Aquarius, tired of finding meaning in life, dissatisfied with it, uses it as a talisman. A green ruby ​​has a beneficial effect on Aquarius, who cannot find the meaning of life, are not satisfied with their lives. A warm and friendly energy emanates from the mineral, open and pleasant.

Ruby stone for Pisces

Ruby Pisces is worn to gain strength and cheerfulness. The gem helps to eliminate lethargy, timidity and pessimism that disappoint Pisces and ruin their hopes.

Sensitive and emotional representatives of this sign find it difficult to complete their bold undertakings, which is harmful not only to them, but also to those around them. Stone:

  • Makes Pisces optimists.
  • Helps to strengthen their physical form.
  • Gives life energy.

A white ruby ​​will help Pisces control emotions. The energy of the stone is consonant with the energy and character of the representatives of this difficult zodiac sign.

Ruby is a precious dark red stone, a special variety of corundum, second in hardness and brilliance after diamond. The bulk of rubies are mined in India, Thailand, East Africa, Sri Lanka.

Cap of Monomakh - the main regalia of Russian grand dukes and tsars, one of the royal caps

Ruby is an extraordinary stone of sparkling dark red color, majestic and mysterious. Since ancient times, it has been considered a symbol of strength and power. No wonder the great rulers preferred to decorate their clothes and wear jewelry inlaid with this stone. For example, Monomakh's hat, decorated with a huge ruby, still arouses universal admiration.

The rich scarlet color of the ruby ​​is intended to emphasize the high status and superiority of its owners over others. From this article, you will learn about the magical properties of the stone and the influence of the ruby ​​on various zodiac signs.

The magical properties of the ruby

Ruby, thanks to miraculous mystical properties, can increase the internal energy, grandeur and strength of its owner several times.

Timid and insecure people should use the ruby ​​very carefully.

Like many minerals, ruby ​​does not like weak and weak-willed people. Having appeared as a talisman in a person who is always overcome by doubts, this stone, unlike chrysoprase, is able to instantly destroy everything that has been achieved earlier. Therefore, people who are timid and indecisive should be more careful about jewelry made from this gem. Wear them as little as possible. Better yet, avoid them altogether.

But for a person with a strong will and a strong character, the ruby ​​will provide incredible assistance in achieving goals. Self-confidence and determination will attract additional energy to the purposeful owner of the stone.

Ruby energy can easily change direction

A person who dares to wear a ruby ​​jewelry as a talisman or amulet should carefully listen to his inner feelings and vigilantly follow the events and the slightest changes taking place in life. This is necessary in order not to miss an important moment when the positive energy of the ruby ​​begins to change its direction.

Another rather interesting distinguishing feature of the ruby ​​stone is its ability to repeatedly enhance certain character traits of its owner, both positive and negative. Positive-minded people will become even more active and cheerful, but a person with a bad temper will become more aggressive and angrier. All negative traits will only get worse.

Ruby - the best protector from diseases and dangers

Ruby has long been perceived as a stone of passion.

At various times and among different peoples, the ruby ​​was considered a stone of blood, the sun and frozen fire. Since ancient times, the mineral has been revered as a stone-protector of some signs of the zodiac, a powerful patron of love and passion, a talisman for people whose profession is associated with constant danger: warriors (in ancient times), firefighters, aviation workers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and others.

Ruby acts not only as a protector from damage, the evil eye, black witchcraft, but also sharpens psychic abilities and intuition, draws attention to its owner. That is why this stone has been so loved by magicians, sorcerers and sorcerers at all times.

Ruby is very well suited as a talisman for people of dangerous professions.

A person whose activities are constantly associated with danger should think about purchasing a talisman with this stone. In order to avoid many unforeseen troubles and accidents.

Ruby's properties are not limited to magic. Traditional healers believe that the ruby ​​can help with many diseases:

  • anemia;
  • heart failure;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • depressions;
  • nightmares;
  • asthma attacks.

In addition, the ruby ​​is considered the patron of married couples: it kindles love and helps to remain faithful to each other.

The magical properties of ruby ​​stone for zodiac signs

Ruby symbolizes the sun and fire, therefore, the most magical and healing properties of the stone are manifested when interacting with the fiery signs of the zodiac:,.

Ruby has a negative effect on representatives of the elements of water and air. Although there are disagreements among astrologers about this, it is worth wearing ruby ​​jewelry with caution and carefully monitoring your condition and the slightest changes in the usual course of life.

So, what signs of the zodiac ruby ​​has a beneficial effect:

  1. Lions. Stone lovers. The symbol of power, wisdom and strength is perfect for them. With the help of the magical properties of the ruby, men will feel more confident and resolute, and women will be more attractive.
  2. Aries. For this zodiac sign, a ruby ​​stone will become a powerful amulet against energy loss and a protector from dark forces. Aries, who quickly get tired in achieving the goal, with the help of a ruby ​​will be able to restore vitality and achieve success in business. For women prone to jealousy, the ruby ​​will give peace and self-confidence.
  3. . Although this zodiac sign belongs to the elements of water, it has no less inner strength than the representatives of fire. A ruby ​​amulet will help to find peace of mind and harmony, to minimize outbursts of anger and aggression. The stone will direct internal energy in the right direction to achieve success in creative and professional activities.
  4. . For them, the ruby ​​is the best protector from all adversities: everyday troubles, accidents or health problems. For men, this is an indispensable assistant in decision-making. For women, the ruby ​​is a talisman that brings good luck and enhances intellectual abilities.
  5. Sagittarius. Ruby will help in achieving not only financial well-being, but also in the love field. He is able to activate internal forces, clearly see the goal and choose the best ways to achieve it. In addition, the ruby ​​increases the stress resistance of the representatives of this sign.
  6. . The influence of the properties of the stone on this zodiac sign is very controversial. With it, you can gain a lot or lose everything. It is better to be careful with ruby ​​jewelry.
  7. . A ruby ​​talisman will help this cheerful, sociable sign learn to take decisions more seriously, take advantage of different situations, and clearly understand the meaning of ongoing events.

For women, a ruby ​​stone will help to tame a little indefatigable energy and direct it to the path of creation.

Representatives of the Gemini sign will fully experience the healing properties of the ruby.

When deciding to buy ruby ​​jewelry, remember that the properties of this stone and its effect on different signs of the zodiac are very contradictory. This is a “strong” mineral that requires no less internal energy and firmness of character from its owner. Even self-confident people should listen to their inner feelings and general state when interacting with this stone. With the slightest negative changes in life, it is better to abandon the ruby ​​amulet, replacing it with less aggressive stones.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

The Buddhists had a ruby ​​- one of the most revered magic stones. Its main magical property is to give rise to an attraction to the great. Indian magicians said that he was able to give unlimited power and have an irresistible effect on people. At the same time, the ruby ​​enhances the feeling of unity with other people, generosity and the ability to compassion.
Ruby strengthens strength, drives away melancholy and protects from evil spells.
Owning a ruby ​​gives courage and dignity, helps to cope with mental pain and revive a lost interest in life.
Ruby strengthens the mind and heart, protects against negative energies, restores lost strength, drives away longing. As a talisman, he inspires a person to great deeds, gives courage, awakens passions, and pushes him to exploits.
Ruby has always been considered a symbol of fiery passion, strength, stormy energy, power and passionate love between a man and a woman. This stone brings people happiness in love. You should give your beloved a ruby ​​so that the love is mutual.
Ruby gives women fertility. The ancient Chaldeans advised ladies who wanted to get pregnant: "A woman who cannot give birth in any way, let her take a ruby ​​and give birth immediately."
Ruby is a stone of pure thoughts and self-confidence. Therefore, weak people were not recommended to look at the ruby, as they risk being in the grip of illusions.
According to legend, the ruby ​​enhances the properties given to a person from birth. It makes a good person kinder, and in an evil person it enhances negative qualities.
It was believed that the ruby ​​by changing shades of color warns its owner of the danger. Rings with rubies have always been worn by people who are afraid of poison: immersed in a poisoned drink or brought to the point of a poisoned dagger, the ruby ​​allegedly changed its color and lost its luster.

In terms of brilliance and hardness, this gem is second only to diamond, but is sometimes valued higher than diamonds.

Ruby stone is considered a symbol of power, strength and passion.

It is on the Kremlin towers, Monomakh's hat, the British crown. His magic helps men and women, self-confident persons and people with low self-esteem.

History and origins

People learned about the ruby ​​300-400 years before our era. In the East, scarlet crystals were revered as the blood of the Dragon.


For ancient Rome, it was the number one stone.

  • The red ruby ​​is the first of 12 gems worn by the High Priest of Ancient Judea. King Solomon owned a ring with a star-shaped gem.
  • The Aesculapius of the Middle Ages treated the plague with a ruby, the alchemists were eager to get it no less than the philosopher's stone.
  • Two stones (47 and 37 carats), sold by the Burmese king, financially ensured his reign and prosperity for several generations.

Ruby means "red" in Latin. Other names for the stone: lal, carbuncle, yahont. They are used as synonyms for the official name.

Physicochemical characteristics

Ruby is a variety of corundum, a gemstone of the highest level.


In terms of hardness, it is second only to diamond, the color of ruby ​​is always red. In natural stone with any shade, the color is uneven or with zoning.

The length of the original gem reaches 2 cm.

ColorRed, red-brown, red-purple, red-pink
Density3.99-4.10 g/cm³

Mining place

Ruby is found throughout the world, but is more often opaque. Corundum is found in mountains (primary or primary deposits) or rivers (alluvial).


The richest and oldest deposits are in Burma and Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

In each deposit, the color of the stone is different:

  • Burma (Myanmar) - red;
  • Ceylon - pale colored, purple and star-shaped;
  • Madagascar - especially transparent and clean;
  • Tanzania - crimson transparent, glowing after cutting;
  • Thailand - dark red and brown;
  • Vietnam - purple;
  • Indian Kashmir - scarlet.

Sometimes the description of gems from one mine varies. The mining fields of Kashmir are mined 90 days a year.

The best rubies - deep saturated color - are mined in Burma (Mogok region). Price range - 25–5500 $ per 1 carat.

In Russia, there is a ruby ​​in the Northern Urals and the Kola Peninsula, but there are no separate mines. The gem is mined along the way.

Varieties and colors

Ruby is red corundum. Gamma is given by chromium impurities: the more of them, the darker and brighter the stone.

Corundums of other colors (green, yellow, blue, pink, colorless) are sapphires. Black ruby ​​(picotite) is actually a dark (chrome) spinel.

natural stones

Varieties of natural rubies:

A pure transparent crystal with a clear, regular star or stripe is prohibitive. Turbid copies are much cheaper.

Ruby color varies. This is the basis of the commercial grade classification: excellent, dark, light.

Varieties of Burmese stones have received their own names:

  • "pigeon blood" - the most expensive, rare, bright red;
  • "bull's blood" - the predominance of darkish tones;
  • cherry.

There is a classification of rubies by countries of extraction: Indian, Tanzanian, Ceylon, Burmese, Madagascar.

Ennobled Mineral

The transparent color of the crystal is a rarity, specimens that are imperfect by the standards of jewelers are “improved” by heat treatment. Heating the stone neutralizes the hue (for example, yellowishness), impurities.

The resulting crystals are called heated, and not heat-treated stones that have a natural color are called unheated. Jewelers call this procedure the natural "cure" of the crystal. Used in 95% of cases.

Instances "with warming up" are three to four times cheaper than natural ones. A carat of heated ruby ​​costs from $110. In Russia, they make up the majority of the ruby ​​assortment. If voids remain, they are filled with molten colored, transparent glass, resins or oils.

A natural nondescript pebble becomes a natural substitute for a ruby. Its cost is $30 per carat.

artificial ruby

Natural stone is available to units, therefore technologies for obtaining an analogue have been developed. This is the first gem reproduced by humans.

Ruby crystals are grown in several ways. The most popular is the Verneuil method. The Frenchman obtained "Siamese rubies" by fusing ruby ​​powder. In three hours, a 30-carat synthetic stone is obtained. He looks like natural.

In the 20th century, new methods for obtaining an artificial crystal appeared: the Czochralski and zone melting methods, crystallization from solutions in a melt or from a gas phase; hydrothermal method.

Last most popular:

  • cheap minerals are mixed with additives, melted;
  • the mass is crystallized under the established pressure and at high temperature;
  • large stones are formed, in composition and properties they are identical to natural ones.

Such rubies are called hydrothermal.


All rubies in Soviet jewelry from jewelry stores are artificial.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists found out the healing properties of the mineral:

  • improves blood flow, pressure, tones blood vessels;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • heals the heart;
  • heals wounds;
  • improves the functioning of the brain;
  • eliminates depression or stress;
  • effective in epilepsy or paralysis.

Sore spots are treated by applying a crystal.

Ruby is a powerful emitter of energy. The sunlight passing through the stone helps more.

The water in which the stone has lain overnight has healing properties. They drink it or wash it to be beautiful. It helps to recover from illness or nervous shock.

magical properties

The magical properties of the scarlet ruby ​​were recognized throughout the ancient world, and are used in the modern world.

Ruby in religions

The secret symbolism of the crystal was used by the ministers of the main creeds of the world:

  • Indian sages considered the corundum crystal a means of influencing the masses of people;
  • the rabbis of Ancient Judea, knowing about its connection with Mars - the planet of war and catastrophes, used the stone carefully;
  • the Chaldean magicians prescribed to wear a crystal to women who wanted, but were not able to become mothers;
  • Buddhists understood the meaning of the ruby ​​as generating aspiration for high goals.

customs associated with stone

Since ancient times, the presence of poisons in the liquid was recognized by immersing a ring with a ruby ​​​​into the bowl. The swords were tested by bringing the ring insert closer to the blade.

So that the girl was inflamed with passion, well-born suitors or knights presented a fiery ruby. Today, this technique also works.

The magical power of a gem in life

The magical properties of natural stone, recognized by all:

  • a strong amulet against negativity like the evil eye or damage, especially in a gold frame;
  • powerful talisman for a woman: attracts male attention, strengthens relationships;
  • returns positive and self-confidence;
  • changing color or fading, warns of danger;
  • makes the owner merciful, generously helping his neighbor;
  • the owner of the stone discovers courage or previously dormant talents.

red ruby

The properties of the ruby ​​magic stone are available only to a kind person. For other cases, the gem is dangerous. The nature of the owner of the magic stone does not change. Ruby reveals and enhances what is on the surface or hidden by a person. Aggressive become more aggressive, vicious - more vicious, honest - more honest.

The properties of a ruby ​​have a twofold effect on weak-willed people: the owner will become penetrating or go "wrong".

Natural stone serves as a talisman or amulet.

Who suits the zodiac sign

This is a fiery symbol, and it has long been found out which signs of the zodiac it is useful for.

According to the sign of the zodiac, a natural ruby ​​\u200b\u200bis suitable for representatives of all elements:

  • Fire - the gem will nourish energetically.
  • Earth - will become a support for strengthening the spirit.
  • Water - the character is harmonized, composure will appear, but, despite the compatibility of the zodiac, it is desirable to lower the conceit.
  • Air - crystals suitable for the horoscope will enhance the assertiveness of oscillating natures.

The elite ruby ​​stone is of particular importance for insecure people. With such an accessory, everyone will become a self-sufficient, self-aware person.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - categorically contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

Aesthetically, the yahont is combined with diamonds or white sea pearls. This is a luxury for the elite. More often, the decoration combines a dark ruby ​​with a scattering of diamonds.

Energetically does not tolerate the neighborhood of onyx, malachite or obsidian - even in different decorations.

According to Pavel Globa, it is incompatible with amber. The stone of Fire ruby ​​is in conflict with Water (they will destroy each other) and the Earth (Fire will suppress the earth's energy).

Where is used

Rubies are used by the beauty industry and industry.


The main area of ​​​​use of ruby. Natural or artificial gems are used.

Ruby bracelet

For rubies, they go to auctions in Asia: the largest cities in Burma hold them every six months. In the capital of Thailand, prices for local rubies are lower.

Stone grade

The value of a ruby ​​is determined by the following parameters:

  • the color of the stone - the richer and brighter, the better;
  • structure - cracks, blackouts or bubbles reduce the price;
  • mass - a carat of a large specimen is more expensive than a carat of a small one;
  • cutting - if the lower segment is larger than the upper one, the stone is more expensive;
  • inclusions - reduce the price, but a uniform soft "silk" in a transparent crystal (no frills) is welcome.

Rubies as top-class stones are sold at auctions.

A certificate for a ruby ​​bought in a salon must inform whether the stone has been ennobled or is it 100% natural.

Ruby pendant

Most salons or online stores sell synthetic or heated rubies.


Domestic Internet platforms offer different stones. For example, a real Burmese cabochon:

  • red, heated - 0.12 carats for 6.8 thousand rubles.
  • fiery red, heated - 3.24 carats for 1341 thousand rubles;
  • color of blood, without heat treatment - 3.94 carats for 3292 thousand rubles.

Jewelry is presented in price segments:

  • premium - natural rubies, diamonds, 750 gold, platinum;
  • budget - silver (925th test), gold (585th test), hydrothermal rubies, cubic zirkonia.

Prices differ by 10-15 times.

Rubies of the highest quality larger than five carats start at $100,000, and pigeon blood colors start at $500,000 per carat. There are cheap options.

The cost of a ruby ​​of local species in Indian markets is up to $1 per carat (maximum $5 per gram), a bracelet of them is $32–35.


Ruby is not a democratic gem, it needs appropriate clothing: luxurious or restrainedly elegant.

  • Jewelry is incompatible with winter, demi-season, simple clothes or a tracksuit, massive shoes.
  • Three jewels on the outfit is too much.
  • On a red background, the gem "melts".

ruby jewelry

Ruby is suitable for people of any age, you just need to choose a color, size and frame. The younger the hostess, the smaller and lighter the stone.


The jewelery assortment is enriched with gizmos that adorn life: candelabra, caskets, table clocks. Ruby inlay makes them luxurious.

A ruby ​​desk set is a useful status item.

Other areas

Artificial rubies are used in laser technology, instrumentation, quantum electronics, or as clockwork stones.

How to distinguish a fake

There are ways to determine the origin of the stone at home. Natural ruby ​​has the following properties:

  • has a uniform, even luster;
  • it is difficult to break;
  • if there are cracks, then they are chaotic (ordered are characteristic of a fake);
  • darkens in the light; and if the background remains the same or brightens, this means imitation;
  • does not change color under ultraviolet light: synthetics will turn orange;
  • in a glass, a real stone shines reddish, in milk it brightens;
  • scratches almost all minerals (garnet, turquoise, others), which is not available to synthetics;
  • there are no bubbles in it (if there are, then they match the color of the stone);
  • in the hands of the ruby ​​does not heat up immediately, unlike a fake.

A microscope or a magnifying glass helps to determine the authenticity: the glass frozen inside glows orange or blue.

How to wear and care

The stone is durable, but ruby ​​jewelry should be worn carefully and the gem should be stored carefully.

ruby jewelry

General rules

They are the same as other precious gems:

  • the stone does not like the scorching sun, perfume, cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • jewelry is put on when makeup is applied;
  • the contaminated jewelry is soaked for 20-30 minutes, washed with warm water and soap and a soft brush;
  • stored in a soft inside box, each piece of jewelry separately. Neighbors can only be expensive stones that are equal in class.

An energetically powerful stone, you should not wear it all the time because of the risk of overexcitation.


The qualities of a ruby ​​are contradictory, not everyone can wear it:

  1. Helps people who know what they want and how to get it.
  2. Activates the best qualities, but does not tolerate double standards from the owner.
  3. If the owner goes to the goal "on the heads", the ruby ​​organizes the loss of what has been accumulated in one fell swoop.
  4. Contraindicated in those suffering from hemophilia (blood incoagulability) or hypertension (high blood pressure).
  5. Increases the energy of people experiencing physical exertion.

An uncut stone is magically stronger than a cut one.

Jewelry specialization

The combination of jewels solves the problems of life and health:

  • ring plus earrings - luring love;
  • earrings and pendant - increased immunity;
  • beads, necklace and pendant - a solution to heart problems;
  • silver rings - solving issues, activating talents.

Ruby pendant

Ruby wedding is the 40th anniversary of marriage. Spouses exchange or accept items with a ruby ​​in gold as a gift.

Favorable time to buy

It is desirable to buy and bring home a ruby ​​or jewelry on the 17th lunar day. To put on jewelry or start using a stone - on the 3rd lunar day.

Before activating the stone, you can talk to it or pet it.

  • Rubies (jewel quality) number one are Burmese. The largest 400-carat specimen comes from this country.
  • The most expensive stone is owned by the ruler of the Sultanate of Brunei: $ 12 million was laid out for 25 carats.
  • The national treasure of Myanmar is the pristine ruby ​​"Mogok Sun" (1743 carats) and the square "Nawara Ruby" (504.5).
  • Burmese stones are kept by American museums: "Nixon Ruby" (196 carats, Los Angeles), 100-carat star ruby ​​"De-Long" (New York).

Ruby stone is the most expensive mineral, in ancient times it was considered even more expensive. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the ruby ​​is in a place of honor in the group of precious stones. To be more precise, this is one of the varieties of corundum that has a red color.

The first information about the ruby ​​goes far into the past - 2000 years before our era. The mineral was popular with many nationalities, while some used it exclusively as an ornament and a symbol of wealth, while others used it as a powerful talisman.

Red rubies, due to their rich brilliance, are called "fiery", they are very similar to flames when light is reflected in them. And the inhabitants of Ancient Rus' gave the ruby ​​their own version of the name - "".

Rubies are mined in almost all regions of our planet, the only exception is Antarctica. Asian rubies are the most valuable. To date, the most famous suppliers of these valuable minerals are Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tajikistan, East Africa, Tanzania and Kenya.

An interesting fact is that in nature it is impossible to find two rubies of the same color. The mineral combines various variations of the red color. Corundum can be found in light pink, crimson, bright red, red-violet and brownish colors.

The highest valued rubies are those in the inner part of which one can observe a six-pointed star. They are called "star rubies".

What healing properties does a ruby ​​stone have?

Corundum helps to cope with a large number of different diseases, namely:

  • eliminates chronic tonsillitis;
  • treats the spine;
  • improves the condition of the joints;
  • favorably affects the kidneys, liver, digestive organs;
  • helps to stop bleeding;
  • the mineral also prevents the onset of epileptic seizures;
  • copes with fever;
  • normalizes the state of the nervous system;
  • relieves depression (also treats schizophrenia, improves sleep, relieves nightmares);
  • corundum eliminates pathologies of the skin;
  • normalizes the functioning of the immune system;
  • improves metabolism in the body;
  • successfully copes with inflammatory diseases;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • light radiation emanating from corundum has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, brain, increase vitality and increase the sexual capabilities of the stronger sex.

The magical properties of ruby ​​​​stone, who suits

In Buddhism, the ruby ​​is a very revered magical mineral. Its main magical property - awakens in people an interest in the sublime.

  1. Indian magicians were convinced that the stone is capable of granting unlimited power and has an irresistible effect on people.
  2. At the same time, the mineral helps to strengthen the feeling of unity with others, makes a person more generous and compassionate.
  3. Corundum fills with vital energy, relieves melancholy and the evil eye.
  4. The one who wears ruby ​​jewelry will always be brave enough, will be able to overcome mental pain and restore the lost interest in life.
  5. The mineral helps to harden the mind and heart, motivates a person to do great things, pushes him to accomplish feats.
  6. At all times, the yacht has been known as a symbol of fiery passion, lively energy, power and ardent love between a guy and a girl. The mineral helps to find happiness in love. Previously, there was even a tradition to present a ruby ​​as a gift to your beloved girl in order to achieve reciprocity from her.
  7. Ruby gives the fair sex easy conception and pregnancy. The ancient Chaldeans recommended that women who could not get pregnant for a long time acquire and regularly wear jewelry with rubies.
  8. In addition to all this, corundum is a stone that symbolizes pure thoughts and boundless faith in oneself. It is suitable only for energetically strong people, because the weak can be so captivated by the gem that they find themselves immersed in an illusory world.
  9. Ancient beliefs say that rubies enhance the properties acquired by a person at birth. But his action is very specific - for example, he will make a good person even better, and a bad one - on the contrary.
  10. Ruby rings were traditionally used by rich people who feared poisoning: they had to be dipped in food or drink and then carefully watched for changes.

There is an opinion that the stone is able to warn its owner about the approaching danger by changing its color. In this case, it fades and loses its magnificent brilliance.

Additional information about the mineral

Differs in projective Yang energy (releasing, active).

Refers to the earth, air, fire and ethereal elements.

The ruling planet is the Sun.

Which of the signs of the zodiac is suitable

Ruby is able to give its owner a strong will, love, kindness and warmth. But along with other precious stones, it is advised not to use it for all people.

Each constellation of the Zodiac corresponds to its energy element, which is patronized only by certain natural minerals.

According to the horoscope, the ruby ​​\u200b\u200bis ideal for Sagittarius and Cancer.

The first, thanks to him, will attract increased attention to their bright and extraordinary personality, gain power and add more determination to themselves. In addition, corundum will help them cope with natural pride and stubbornness, add loyalty, openness, and help in difficult situations.

Cancers, on the other hand, yahont helps to meet their soul mate, and also eliminates their excessive shyness, modesty, using ruby ​​jewelry, they achieve their goals more easily.

Also traditionally ruby ​​is a magic stone for Leo. Leo women, after acquiring jewelry with bright red rubies, will add to their external attractiveness and will be able to attract a mutual passionate feeling. And for Leo men, corundum adds masculinity and self-confidence.

In addition, the ruby ​​is suitable for Scorpions and Aries. Thanks to him, Scorpios develop purposefulness, softness and complaisance. And Aries, due to corundum, direct their active energy in the right direction, subjugate those around them to their will, interest them in something useful and interesting.

Ruby shows his favor to Capricorns, but it is quite difficult for representatives of this zodiac constellation to get used to the magical properties of the stone. The mineral will help diversify the calm and measured life of Capricorns with activity, activity, and will also help direct their energy in the right direction.

But who should refuse to use jewelry with rubies is Virgo and Taurus. On them, the effect of the stone will not manifest itself in the most positive way.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: