How to name a dog? Rules for choosing a dog name. Examples of nicknames for dogs. Male dog names spelled and their meaning. We name the pet correctly

There are many different names for boy dogs with national accents: French, English, Spanish, Oriental, Northern. For those who find it difficult to choose, we have compiled a list of rare and beautiful ones. Choose how to name a boy puppy, based on the characteristics of character and disposition.

Original Russian nicknames for boys

Recently, the dominance of foreign pretentious names has made itself felt. For some reason, the owners believe that their dog will be more successful if you give it a European-style name.

Russians have their own superiority: they always sound good, soft (and you don’t even need to cut), funny, playful, many funny. Versatile, you can choose to any character. Pay attention to some of them.

  • Bandit,
  • Tramp,
  • Tramp,
  • Thunder,
  • buddy,
  • Volcano,
  • Pie,
  • Cake,
  • Bobik,
  • Jackal,
  • Rogue,
  • Cupid,
  • Warrior,
  • Tail,
  • Ginger,
  • Pie,
  • Dobrynya,
  • Hog,
  • Svarog,
  • Rodion,
  • Happy,
  • Handsome,
  • baby,
  • Tsar,
  • Volchara,
  • Whistle,
  • Beast,
  • Hermit,
  • Savage,
  • Grozny,
  • Brukhan,
  • Winnie the Pooh,
  • Nightmare.

Modern nicknames for four-legged "gentlemen"

But if you notice the habits of a true Englishman behind your dog, you should not refuse her a national name.

Your dog tries to serve in everything (brings slippers in the morning, and then also carries them around all day), is too obedient, friendly, stable, but afraid to show his feelings, extremely fond of order and comfort - then choose something for him then from this list.

  • Armstrong,
  • Bentley
  • barton,
  • Jeeves,
  • webster,
  • Bobby,
  • Burgher,
  • watson,
  • sherlock,
  • duke,
  • winfred,
  • glenmore,
  • beardsley,
  • Graph,
  • Lancelot,
  • Greenwich,
  • Bosswell,
  • carrington,
  • Digby
  • chadwick,
  • fergie,
  • Cromwell,
  • Dandy,
  • London,
  • wesley,
  • Rochester
  • Charles,
  • bacon,
  • Spencer
  • wilson,
  • Wilston,
  • Oxford,
  • Tower,
  • Tennyson,
  • Maxwell.

Nicknames for puppies with a French accent

If you notice cheerfulness, cheerfulness, ardent temperament, enthusiasm, likes to be the center of attention in your pet, then choose a French name for him.

  • Armani,
  • Andre,
  • Dandy,
  • cavier,
  • Neville,
  • Cousteau,
  • Garson,
  • Dominic,
  • Maurice,
  • Pierre Paris,
  • Chianti,
  • faber,
  • Chardonnay,
  • eiffel,
  • Ludwig,
  • corporal,
  • Sedan,
  • Orleans,
  • Jules,
  • Grass,
  • Gauthier,
  • Julienne,
  • Gerard,
  • Philip,
  • Modest,
  • Cordel,
  • bulien,
  • Chevalier,
  • besancon,
  • Valentine,
  • Victor,
  • Adye,
  • Cognac,
  • Justien,
  • blaise,
  • Rouen,
  • Christoph,
  • Alonso
  • Grass,
  • Poitiers.


Options for "little" dogs

Decided to have a baby, then this list of the "smallest" playful names for you.

  • Karapet,
  • baby,
  • Shket,
  • Micro,
  • Electron,
  • Smallest,
  • Small,
  • junior,
  • cog,
  • tinkle,
  • Dwarf,
  • karapuz,
  • Chizhik,
  • Shustrik,
  • Small,
  • Midge,
  • Malets,
  • Proton,
  • Baby,
  • Little,
  • smarty,
  • Cake,
  • Mini,
  • Kinder,
  • Funtik,
  • Kutsy,
  • Byte,
  • carnation,
  • fluff,
  • Sweeties,
  • Zaki,
  • Sweepy,
  • shorty,
  • Micron,
  • pretzel,
  • zigo,
  • Chico,
  • Fluffy.

Name for different dog breeds

Each breed is unique in itself, because it has unique habits and has its own universal character.

Breeds of watchmen and security guards: German Shepherd, Alabai, Rotfeiler, Moscow Watchdog, Black Terrier.

Family and friendly - pugs, poodles, St. Bernards, shelties, poodles. Now we will consider what names are best for some breeds.

  • Timmy
  • Coconut,
  • Bow,
  • Lucky,
  • darling,
  • Small,
  • bambi,
  • Smile,
  • didi,
  • Volt,
  • pixel,
  • Knop,
  • Boni,
  • Zorro,
  • Alcor,
  • sparky,
  • smokey,
  • benji,
  • Richie
  • Mini,
  • loyd,
  • Best,
  • kiki,
  • Agate,
  • Freddie,
  • Boss.

For taxis:

  • Pirate,
  • Bruno
  • Hunter,
  • stif,
  • baxter,
  • Black,
  • brown,
  • rocky,
  • flint,
  • Rave,
  • pitty,
  • Timka,
  • Fritz,
  • Sema.

Husky male nicknames:

  • loki,
  • Thunder,
  • Buran,
  • Amur,
  • frost,
  • fierce,
  • Archie,
  • Daemon,
  • wolf,
  • silver,
  • Cold,
  • North,
  • Ural,
  • Shaman,
  • gray,
  • Caesar,
  • North,
  • Hugo,
  • Sniper,
  • Baikal,
  • Snor.

Shepherd boys will be happy if you choose one of these for them:

  • Diamond,
  • Graph,
  • Empire,
  • Conrad,
  • Perseus,
  • Marcus,
  • lord,
  • Antey,
  • Dingo,
  • Austin,
  • Jaco,
  • Uranus,
  • Grant,
  • Pier,
  • Martin,
  • Rhine,
  • Lobster,
  • Nero,
  • Corsair,
  • Main,
  • Cascade,
  • Zinc,
  • Bodo,
  • Rhine,
  • Jeff,
  • Zhigan,
  • Rudolf,
  • king,
  • dux,
  • Carat,
  • Oscar,
  • Falcon,
  • Flint.

Successful Labradors:

  • amigo,
  • Atom,
  • brun,
  • Casper,
  • Jack,
  • bond,
  • ajax,
  • Zorro,
  • Clyde,
  • Gucci
  • winston,
  • kelvin,
  • boomer,
  • Toby,
  • Crow,
  • Chaos,
  • Nugget,
  • Orion,
  • Adonis,
  • ricochet,
  • Gigolo,
  • byron,
  • Champion,
  • Jack,
  • homer,
  • ranger,
  • bambino,
  • butch,
  • Jazz,
  • flash,
  • Sunny
  • Romeo,
  • Tango.

Beautiful names for Alabai:

  • aspar,
  • Arden,
  • farhad,
  • Murad,
  • Hummock,
  • Ardak,
  • Nubar,
  • Wagr,
  • Topush,
  • barut,
  • diram,
  • margos,
  • Nazar,
  • Radash,
  • Miro.

Note to those who are planning to acquire a Staffordshire Terrier. Good Nicknames:

  • Asik,
  • Bard,
  • bawar,
  • Arro,
  • Hephaestus,
  • Butuz,
  • kaab,
  • A tan,
  • Imar,
  • bidi,
  • Helot,
  • Zagray
  • cube,
  • kaffi,
  • vicourt,
  • Proud,
  • Kuchum,
  • chieftain,
  • Dary,
  • Quinto,
  • dux,
  • Werther
  • Jibo,
  • Buckingham
  • East,
  • Le Havre
  • Buyan,
  • Gasan,
  • viking,
  • Euphrates.
  • Raydon,
  • takumi,
  • Samurai,
  • Tobiko,
  • darius,
  • goro,
  • haco,
  • fudo,
  • Setsuko,
  • haru,
  • Neko,
  • Nikko.

The most suitable names for spaniel boys:

  • Aylat,
  • Alan,
  • Jeremiah,
  • Lorgnette,
  • sparky,
  • Ferocious,
  • Punks
  • Robin,
  • Sniper,
  • Scimitar,
  • Bachem,
  • Golden eagle,
  • frickly,
  • Bold,
  • catchy,
  • Charlie,
  • muffy,
  • Hawk,
  • natsmen,
  • Sebastian,
  • Longket,
  • Cracker,
  • Nimble,
  • pull out,
  • saiga,
  • Remote.

But no matter what successful and beautiful name you choose for your puppy, he will not be happy if you do not take care and look after him properly.

Remember the words of the great Saint-Exupery: "We are responsible for those we have tamed." Therefore, try to pay as much attention as possible to your four-legged friend, and he will doubly thank you for your work.

Funny dog ​​names

A good sense of humor helps in life and is even an integral part of it. Often, owners want their pet's name to evoke a smile and a wave of positivity. Why not? The main thing is that the nickname pleases, but in no case should it be offensive or offensive to a devoted comrade.

What can be guided in the selection of a "cool" name? For example, the size of a dog. Here you can use opposite meanings, so a tiny toy or Yorkshire terrier can turn into Gulliver, Giant, Cerberus or Terrible with the light hand of the owner. Such names for babies sound unexpectedly funny, and if the dog has character, then it is quite eloquent.

There is also a reverse trend, when representatives of giant breeds are called diminutive names. You can meet a Caucasian shepherd dog named Fluff, Great Dane Krosha or, frightening with its appearance, Mastiff Tsvetika.

But here you should be more careful, given that the name leaves its mark on the character of the pet, and if you want to get a vigilant guard, there is a risk of becoming the owner of a good-natured giant. With medium-sized pets, you can give free rein to your imagination and come up with a nickname based on the characteristic qualities.

Owners of mestizos often have unintentional embarrassment with nicknames. Initially gentle, tiny creature named Donut, Ray or Little Mouse can grow to a decent size. And there are also reverse situations, when a puppy is taken into the house, which the former owners position as a large, sentry individual, and a dog grows up the size of a dachshund.

And such Polkans, Mukhtars and Caesars run around, and the owners are somewhat embarrassed by their original, not quite suitable, name. If there is no desire to choose a playful nickname, and the future size of the pet is not clear, it is worth naming the puppy so that the name is not associated with dimensions.

You can focus on the color of the pet. The nickname will reflect the inherent quality of the pet - its suit:

  • You can call a dog with black hair Coal, Devil, Blackie, Demon, Zorro, Gypsy, Agate, Bes, Chernysh, Blade, Raven, Rook, etc.
  • For males with white coat, names such as Snowball, Bely, Belyash, Frost, Leopard, Snowstorm, Nord, Chalk, Light, Casper, Edelweiss, White, Zephyr, Polar, Sugar, Refined are suitable.
  • Dogs with a spotted coat are called Spot, Pockmarked, Fifteen, Motley, Bright, Domino, Harlequin. Among the English nicknames can be considered Bud, Spotty, Patch, Tabby.
  • Chocolate pets can be named after favorite goodies - Snickers, Mars, Twix, Milky Way, Toblerone, Picnic, Chocolate. Suitable nicknames such as Brownie, Chestnut, Mocha, Bruno, Bob, Darkley, Maroon, Brownish, Choco, Porter, etc.
  • Males with grey, ashy coats may be called Ash, Grey, Gray, Silver, Smokey, Smokey, Smokey, Steely, Steele.
  • Red-red dogs are often given nicknames, one way or another associated with the red, fiery color - Fire, Scarlet, Pepper, Red, Bright, Ruby, Pomegranate, Fire. Pets whose fur looks like a fox coat are called Fox, Fox, Foxy, Golden, Orange, Honey,

When choosing a nickname, you can focus on the nature of the pet. Puppies, like any children, from birth begin to show some of their outstanding qualities. What can we say about grown-up kids getting into a new house. For puppies with obvious leadership qualities, it is worth choosing the appropriate nickname: Commander. King, Leader, Favorite, General, Pharaoh. Captain.

Names for dog boys

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The dog has been man's true friend for centuries. This animal has everything: love, courage, and loyalty to its owner. Some dogs hunt, others protect the territory, others are excellent companions. Among four-legged friends there are nannies, guides and rescuers. A person chooses a breed that matches his lifestyle, character and temperament. This is how true harmony and understanding between a dog and a person is achieved. It is noticed that animals often look like their owner.

When deciding to have a pet, many are faced with the question of choosing a nickname. Some discuss this issue at a family council, others look for the answer in books or the Internet. The nickname is the name with which the dog will live on, and the owner will have to pronounce it many times a day. Therefore, it should not cut the ear, arouse bad feelings and negative memories.

Dogs have different purposes in their origin:

  • Watchdogs.
  • Hunting.
  • Companion dog.
  • Service.
  • Shepherds.
  • Fighting.
  • Rescuers.
  • Riding.

How to choose the right name for a dog?

The nickname for the dog should correspond to its size, pedigree roots, status and future purpose. If this is a Doberman, then such a beautiful and stately dog ​​should be given a nickname that can emphasize its grace. For the boxer, we will focus on a strong physique. For hunters, we choose a sonorous name. The watchmen and guards will have nicknames that are understandable and clear. And companions will gladly respond to the names of celebrities and artists.

Be sure to study the history of the four-legged friend breed. Look into his eyes! They will guide you and help you make the right choice.

It is not advisable to come up with a nickname for a pet before it appears in the house. You do not yet know his character (and this is very important). We must remember that choosing a nickname for dogs is a responsible step. Astrology claims that the received name affects the future character of the pet and its future life.

Any owner wants a complaisant, mentally balanced friend to grow up next to him. Therefore, it is not necessary to call him the Devil or the Bes. Choose beautiful, bright and sonorous names. Which are nice to say. Avoid hissing letters and harsh endings. Say the chosen nickname aloud several times, try to shout it out loud. It happens that the dog does not respond to the chosen nickname and unexpectedly responds to another. She has a choice too!

Nicknames for large dogs

Guard dogs (Great Dane, Cane Corse, Mastiff, Giant Schnauzer, Doberman, Bullmastiff, Rhodesian Ridgeback)

They guard the house and carry out faithful service. They have a difficult and responsible job. The nickname should correspond to their status and position. For such dogs, choose beautiful and serious names.

  • Male: Rich, Martin, Marcel, Orion, Fakir, Dick, Pirate, Lord, Chesar, Caesar.
  • Bitch: Irma, Alba, Laura, Dana, Yashma, Dina, Chelsea, Era, Chaka, Bagheera, Saima.

Service and guard dogs (all types of shepherd dogs, Newfoundland, St. Bernard, Rottweiler, bulldogs)

Their life is meant for the protection and salvation of man. They are large and brave animals. Therefore, they need a nickname that emphasizes their main essence and purpose:

  • Male: Zeus, Sheriff, Anchar, Jack, Zaire, Icarus, Faithful, Scarlet, Max.
  • Bitch: Alba, Viola, Ruby, Cherry, Kiara, Elsa, Laura, Irana, Becky, Agnia, Daisy.

Hunting dogs (huskies, hounds, kurtshaar, pointer)

They are great hunters and know their stuff. It is better to choose a sonorous name so that you can shout it. Their names are:

  • Male: Bim, Ralph, Boy, Zaliv, Valdai, Baikal, East, Gray, Gray, Fuse.
  • Bitch: Zara, Maina, Bullet, Belka, Aika, Gerda, Adele, Lana, Zarya, Nala, Chika.

Sled dogs (husky, malamute, samoyed dog)

Visitors from the north Strong, powerful and extremely durable. They will like nicknames from a cold, northern theme.

  • Male: Buran, Ice, Bars, Polyus, Kai, Nord, Nanuk, Sever, Balto, Umka, Norman.
  • Bitch: Blizzard, Blizzard, Alaska, Utah, Dymka, Khurta, Nora, Alpa, Skye, Jena.

Shepherd dogs (collie, sennenhund, Australian white shepherd, akita inu, terriers, welsh corgi)

Smart and mentally balanced. Reliable friends of man. Help people at work. They are good guards and nannies. Suitable nicknames for them:

  • Male: Anchar, Marquis, Baron, Jackie, Karat, Albert, Muscat, Louise, Leon.
  • Bitch: Gerda, Zheka, Laima, Silva, Vesta, Alba, Mirta, Shelby, Betty, Adele.

Fighting dogs (pit bull, staffors, mastiffs, bulldogs, bordeaux)

It is difficult to choose a name for such a dog. A small puppy does not immediately correspond to the name of an adult animal. When he grows up and matures, this name will suit him. Let it be short, without a hint of "shusi-pusi."

  • Male: Kuch, Sean, Tyson, Staff, Boss, Porsche, Tair, Ben, Fred, Bruce, Hank, Duke.
  • Bitch: Elsa, Adele, Sharon, Pita, Dima, Linda, Sarah, Yucca, Chili, Hanna.

Companions, companion dogs (retweaver, labrador, afghan)

They are bred for the soul. They don't go hunting or catch criminals. The main purpose is to be near the owner and give your love. You can talk to them or go to rest. The owners prefer to call companions affectionate names.

  • Male: Meissen, Charlie, Leon, Barry, Henry, Ruslan, Anri, Kasper, Lucas, Orion.
  • Bitch: Jessie, Cathy, Berta, Marta, Eva, Margot, Jaddy, Lilu, Faina, Agatha.
  1. Choose a name no more than two syllables. Canine hearing does not perceive long names.
  2. Do not call the nicknames of the dead, dead animals. This is a bad omen.
  3. The dog's name must be meaningful and match the coat color of the animal. It's absurd to call a white dog Black and a black one Ice.
  4. A sense of humor is inappropriate here. Do not call big and beautiful dogs by folk names and yard nicknames.
  5. It is not necessary to name a word whose meaning is not known. Who knows what it will bring home?
  6. Rare and original names will give the dog a bright personality.

Do you have a barking pet in your house? Then very soon you will face a whole problem - choosing a name. It would seem that it could be easier than choosing a nickname for your animal. But alas, such a task drives many owners into a stupor. I want the name to be beautiful, memorable and consistent with the character of the dog.

If you need names for dogs for boys or for girls, listen to the opinion of dog handlers. Here's what they advise:

  • The name should be easy to pronounce.

Firstly, the animal quickly gets used to such a nickname. Secondly, it will be easy for you and your children to pronounce it.

We had to watch how Guy Julius Caesar turned into a simple Yulik, Mirabella - into Miruu, and Boniface - into Bonya.

  • The nickname must correspond to the breed, color of the dog and size.

A Chihuahua named Thunder or a Rottweiler named Tuzik or Sharik will surely cause laughter from others. If it is a calm indoor dog, then names like Ares, Buyan, Wind are unlikely to suit him.

  • Even if this is your favorite, do not call her Alice, Borenka or any other human name.

Why? - you ask. Even if it's not ethical. Imagine a situation where a person with that name appeared in your family. You call a dog, for example, named Max, and your family member responds; or vice versa, you call your husband (son-in-law), and the dog comes. In addition, in ancient times, people believed that if a dog was called by a human name, it would often get sick, show aggression or apathy. But! There are many cases when pets are called foreign names: Harry, Jack, Sarah.

  • Cynologists do not advise calling their puppies the names of departed pets.

By giving a name to a dog that someone already had, you thereby depersonalize your pet and deprive him of his individuality. After all, every time you shout at your dog, associations with your previously beloved pet (or the deceased hero of the film) will arise in your brain. In addition, you may have certain expectations, and whether your pet will justify them or not, this is another question.

Have you ever wondered why a dog has a wet nose? The thing is that it helps them determine the direction of the wind and distinguish thousands of different smells..

  • When choosing a name, it is worth considering the purpose of the dog.

For guard dogs, strong and sonorous names are suitable, for hunting dogs - short ones (which could be easily called out), for companions - gentle and soft. If you are a big joker, be careful with funny nicknames. At first, Bullies and Evils will amuse, and then they will be able to annoy.

There is an interesting story about how a dog named Banks, after he had an accident and became blind, became friends with Buttons the goose. The goose was a real guide and a true friend: he never left the dog alone and guided him with his cries and neck.

How to name your pet

They say that the name of a dog is not just a set of vowels and consonants. This is coded information that makes the pet behave one way and not another. Therefore, when choosing the best nickname for an animal, remember that he will live with it for a very long time. It's like a name for a person, it is given for life.

We have prepared the best nicknames for dogs and today we are happy to share them with you. Perhaps you will like some of them, and you will name your pet that way.

Nicknames for boys dogs

Leopard is a suitable nickname for dogs of large breeds (South Russian, German Shepherd), because it is borrowed from the name of a predator. Dogs with such names lend themselves well to training, proud and devoted to their owners.

Black. The name comes from the English black and means "black" in translation. Therefore, this is the name of dogs with a black coat color of small breeds. The name is also suitable for a mongrel, the place of ordinary Barbos and Beams.

Jay. You can call it a dog of both a large and medium breed. An animal with such a beautiful name is characterized by kindness, diligence and a calm disposition.

Jack. Such nicknames are usually given by owners to thoroughbred yard dogs. Pets with such names are known for their kindness, strength and the fact that they are difficult to train.

Lord. A great option for a Sand Bernard or Newfoundland. Lords are usually hardy dogs with an impulsive nature.

Bond are formidable dogs and excellent guards. Bonds become attached to their owners and have a hard time parting.

Jerry is a universal name that can be given to both a German Shepherd and an American Cocker Spaniel or Border Terrier.

Golden Boy is another nickname for male dogs. This is the name of pets of hunting breeds: German Jagd Terrier, Airedale Terrier, Foxhound, etc.

Harold. This name is suitable for stubborn, bold, self-confident animals and comes from the Greek word for "command". It is unlikely that it will suit a small dog, but it is just right for a Great Dane, Rottweiler, Giant Schnauzer.

Oscar. Dogs with this name have a very complex character, but at the same time they love children very much and are strongly attached to their master.

Note: Oscar is not only the name of an animal, it is also.

How to name a girl dog

It doesn’t matter at all whether you have the most evil dog in the world or the most affectionate, she needs a name. Now we will tell you what interesting things you can think of for a girl.

Aza is an old but popular name. There is an opinion that it appeared in our country after the film "Gypsy Aza" was shown on TV. Usually bitches with this name are nervous, restless and fearless.

You can call Angelica both a cute collie and an affectionate chow-chow. This name means “angelic” in translation, so an animal with such a nickname is playful, cute, and even if there is no leash, it does not run away from the owner anywhere.

Elba - such a name goes to large, smart, non-irritable, but at the same time dangerous dogs for a stranger.

Tina is quiet. This is the name of pets of indoor-decorative breeds. Dogs girls with this name are very kind, affectionate, understanding.

Vlada is a name associated with the Slavic name of Vladislav. Similar nicknames are given to dachshunds, Dobermans and females of the Russian Toy breed.

An important point: an animal with this name brings warmth, comfort and peace to the house.

The name Daisy is usually given to brave and kind puppies. Daisy is called the bitch of the Shih Tzu breed, Tibetan Spaniel, Miniature Pinscher.

Not so long ago, we found information on the Internet that a disabled dog with the same nickname, which had a deformity of the front paws, was taken to her home by a girl. It is a pity that this happens to our pets, but they will help make their lives easier.

If a Collie, Airedale Terrier or St. Bernard lives in your house (yard), pay attention to another popular name - Jessica. Dogs that are given this name grow up to be playful, bold, and spoiled.

Juliet. It is easy to guess where this nickname comes from. Of course - from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. A very original name suitable for any breed. It is associated with pride, suspiciousness and jealousy.

The nickname Elsa is a great option for dogs with a balanced character: English Setter, Collie. Usually these are excellent watchmen, nannies and companions.

A child is growing in the family, and you decided to get a girl dog? Call her Indus. Judging by the response on the Internet, a dog with that name gets along well with children and is faithful to his mistress.

Take note:affectionate forms of names are often used, for example, the place of Hera is Gerochka, etc. There is nothing wrong with this, but cynologists advise calling dogs this way when they grow up and get used to the correct nickname.

A few ideas on how to find good nicknames for dogs: girls or boys

To come up with beautiful names for dogs, boys or girls, turn on your imagination and call other family members for help. For example, a German Shepherd puppy might be named after a cartoon character. Whether this is a cute or formidable creature depends on the breed and character. A good option is historical heroes or great inventors: Edison, Napoleon. You can call your pet the name of a star (constellations): Orion, Sirius.

This is interesting:choosing a nickname, you need to take into account not only the nature of the dog and the breed, but also some features. There is an opinion that a name containing the letter "r" provokes aggression. Whether you agree with this or not is up to you. Personally, we believe that any dog ​​is aggressive in itself and this is given to her by nature..

When choosing a name for dogs, remember that you will often have to refer to him, call him by name, walk with the animal in the park. Therefore, approach the choice of a name with all seriousness, because it reflects the inner world of the animal. If you find it difficult to cope with such a task as choosing a name, call on the help of more experienced people. We often have to observe how people post photos of their pets on various forums and ask for help with choosing a name.



Russian nicknames for dogs are not just a set of sounds, they have a deep meaning displayed by our ancestors. We have all heard the proverb - “whatever you call a ship, so it will sail” - exactly the same approach can be applied to choosing a nickname for a dog, which plays no less important role than the name and surname for its owner. That is why it is highly desirable to approach the issue of choice very responsibly, and even better, think about it before acquiring a dog.

In order to choose a good nickname that would really suit your pet, you need to know some rules:

Remember that the dog's name should be easy to pronounce.

  • When choosing a name for a dog, pay attention to its breed. For example, the name Bagel or Tuzik is absolutely not suitable for or a shepherd dog.
  • Always remember the meaning of the nickname. Our ancestors called dogs names that reflected their character and carried a certain meaning. That is why nicknames suitable for some breeds are completely inappropriate for others.
  • No need to chase originality. When choosing a special nickname that would make your pet stand out from others, remember that the dog's name should be easy to pronounce.
  • The dog's nickname should not overlap with the team, for example, Funtik and the "Fu" team, as this sometimes causes great confusion in the animal.
  • Pay attention to the features of your puppy. It can be funny spots on the face or back, or big ears. Such qualities can be reflected in the nickname by choosing the most suitable one, for example, Spot, for the owner of many spots.

Remember! There are a huge number of dog nicknames for every taste. That is why you should not call a pet the name of a close relative, neighbor or just a passerby. Names like Victor or Angela are simply not appropriate for a dog.

So, if you are still thinking about what to name a dog, Russian nicknames can be an ideal option. Unlike many other peoples, our ancestors tried to give dogs nicknames that would emphasize their appearance, belonging to the breed or qualities that the owner wanted to see in his friend in the future. Below is a list of popular nicknames for dogs of different sexes.

Nicknames for dog girls:

A girl dog can be called Rada, Iskra or Krasa, and for a boy the names Grad, Svyat or Amur are suitable.
  • Lelya;
  • Mlada;
  • Haze;
  • Glad;
  • Taiga;
  • Spark;
  • Fly;
  • bug;
  • Button;
  • Naida;
  • Beauty.

Popular Russian nicknames for dog boys:

  • Fog;
  • Amur;
  • Grad;
  • Ball;
  • Valdai;
  • Thunder;
  • Irbis;
  • Trezor;
  • holy;
  • Agate;
  • Chapa.

When choosing a nickname for a dog, in addition to common sense, creativity will not be superfluous. If you want your pet's name to really match his appearance, watch your puppy first. It is not necessary to call him in the first hours of life in a new place. Choosing a nickname can take a couple of days.

Choosing a nickname for a small dog is a real science. Many owners, in an attempt to be original, completely neglect the breed characteristics of the pet, as a result of which you can often meet with the nickname Behemoth or with an even more ridiculous name.

The name of a small dog should suit the pet, the names will be a good choice: Fly, Spot, Sonya.

Below is a list of nicknames for small dogs that will not only emphasize the personality of your friend, but also perfect for its appearance:

  • Chapa - suitable for a small fluffy dog;
  • A fly - this is how you can call a crumb of black;
  • Mink is an ideal nickname for a dachshund (look at it);
  • Note - suitable for any miniature breed;
  • Lada is a good option for a small affectionate dog;
  • A fox is a good option for a fluffy Spitz;
  • Vetka - a name for a small nimble dog;
  • Funtik - such a nickname is associated with a small, plump dog;
  • Baron - suitable for unhurried and important kids, or bulldogs;
  • Spot - for a baby with a lot of spots;
  • Belek - this nickname speaks for itself;
  • Istok - a nickname for a mobile dog;
  • Sonya - this nickname also speaks for itself;
  • Leopard - a universal option, suitable for both large breeds and kids;
  • Arto - this nickname became popular after the publication of Kuprin's story "White Poodle".

The nickname for a large dog should be, first of all, solid and, in addition, emphasize the individual characteristics of the breed. So, how to choose a good nickname for the "giant"?

The name of a large dog should reflect its character and temperament.

Nicknames for hunting dogs:

  • Taiga;
  • Fog;
  • Willow;
  • Branch;
  • Altai;
  • Buran;
  • Haze;
  • Thicket;
  • Naida;
  • Vesta;

Nicknames for large decorative dogs, such as Great Danes or Bulldogs:

  • Buran;
  • Giant;
  • Amethyst;
  • Lada;
  • Dora;
  • Dara;
  • Nars;
  • Athol;
  • Stavr;
  • Mlad;
  • Lelya;
  • Beauty.

Nicknames for guard dogs:

A guard dog can be called Thunder, Pirate or Khan.
  • Covenant;
  • Lord;
  • Thunder;
  • Amur;
  • Pirate;
  • Gosh;
  • Leila;
  • Busya;
  • Aurora.

First of all, it is worth remembering that the nickname should be in harmony with the appearance of the dog. In addition, it is important to remember that it should be sonorous and simple just enough so that the dog can perceive it without any problems.

Most popular dog names

Just like human names, some dog names are more popular than others.

Among the popular nicknames for males are:

  • Buran - active, fast;
  • Dick is the leader;
  • Bim - cheerful, good-natured;
  • Fight - cocky, leader;
  • A friend is reliable;
  • Glad - benevolent;
  • Lel - spring;
  • Count - majestic;
  • The Danube is a reliable intercessor.

Below are Russian nicknames for dog girls:

  • Rada - cheerful, kind;
  • Aza - active;
  • Naida - faithful, reliable;
  • Sonya is lazy;
  • Vesta - obedient;
  • Aurora - affectionate, loving owners;
  • Inga - reliable, intercessor;
  • Lola is funny.
Representatives of domestic breeds (Russian black terrier, Russian toy, etc.) are usually called Russian nicknames.

In general, Russian nicknames are distinguished by their special sound. They are easy to pronounce and remember, and most importantly, carry a hidden meaning. Especially domestic nicknames are suitable for hunting dogs.

For example, in the days of Tsarist Russia, small dogs were most often called in the French manner, but larger, exclusively Russian nicknames, since not a single foreign word could single out the character of the dog with the same accuracy as the Russian nickname did.

Beautiful Russian dog names with a description of the character

It is believed that the name of a dog can affect not only its fate, but also its character. If you want your pet to have a peaceful disposition and at the same time a sonorous nickname, it is worth taking a closer look at some of the dog "names".

The most sonorous nicknames for bitches:

Beautiful nicknames for males:

  • Amethyst - proud, attached to one owner.
  • Amur is an excellent watchman and a very smart dog.
  • Baron - moderately lazy, but if necessary, he will always protect the owner and his property;
  • Dzhulbars is an angry and aggressive dog. These dogs are very vindictive, have a great sense of smell and a sharp mind. Ideal name for or any other guard breed.
  • Rad is a smart and kind dog who loves children.
  • Tuzik is kind and harmless, he can bark at a stranger, but usually his “threats” never go beyond this.
  • Gosha is stubborn, difficult to train, but he will never offend a child.
  • Sharik is highly trainable and is an excellent watchdog.
  • Umka is a kind and affectionate dog who loves to play, and is completely devoid of the instinct of a guard.

For a male, such beautiful Russian nicknames as: Amur, Dzhulbars, Amethyst are suitable.

The choice of Russian nicknames for dogs is almost limitless. If you wish, you can choose the right option for a pet of any size and breed. It is important to remember that the name given to the dog will not be able to make her life easy and happy if you yourself do not put any effort into it.

The first thing that awaits the owners of a puppy that has just appeared in the house is the choice of a name for it, that is, a nickname. Experts recommend not to rush, to look at the new family member. It should be a sonorous word that is easy to pronounce, likes both the owner and the dog. It is worth considering the most successful ideas for nicknames for boys' dogs.

It is not enough to choose the right word that you like, you should make sure that the pet can quickly learn its new name:

  • It is desirable that the nickname be short, consisting of one or two syllables. It is easier for the owner of the dog to pronounce, and the pet quickly learns its name.
  • It is important that the nickname is pronounced clearly and simply.
  • If the owner is a little "wise" and subsequently encountered difficulties, you can not change the nickname, but think over its diminutive version.
  • The nickname should not be similar to any team, for example, the Pound sounds like the command “Fu!”, And Commie - “Come!”.
  • If a question arose with the choice of a nickname, then you can ask for options for the country where the breed comes from.
  • It is not recommended to give the dog a name that is too common, as there is a chance of later encountering difficulties.

Beautiful nicknames for boys dogs

People who surround themselves with beautiful, harmonious things will want their pet to have a harmonious name. Of course, everyone has different tastes, but more often in this case, the names of celebrities are taken, as well as mythological heroes, gods, and just good-sounding words:

The list of beautiful nicknames for dog boys can include the following names:

  • Cupid, Amadeus, Alfonso, Apollo, Angel, Antey, Amadeo, Aramis. Amigo, Aragon, Avatar, Airan, Amethyst.
  • Big Ben, Beckham, Banderas, Brian, Baikal, Brian, Baron, Boston, Barkhan, Bond, Balkan.
  • Wolf, Volcano, Vincent, Wulf, Vostok, Woland, Viscount, Viking, Heather, Vakhtar.
  • Helios, Grice, Gratian, Hephaestus, Hercules, Goodwin, Hephaestus, Guy, Grimm.
  • Dario, Danai, Duncan, Julian, Daimon, Demon, Danko, Dionysus, Daniel, Dexter, Dolph.
  • Yeremey, Elai, Erkhan, Emelyan.
  • Jasper, Jean Christophe, Julien, Gerard.
  • Zeus, Zoltan, Golden, Zach.
  • Ymir, Ilmir, Icarus, Emerald, Ishtar, Irbis, Irtysh, Impulse.
  • Cupid, Kazbek, Casper, Kai, Krishtian, Colosseum, King, Cosmos, Courage, Clyde.
  • Leonardo, Leo, Leonel, Locky, Lexus, Lucas, London, Lord, Limus, Louis, Lucian, Lacoste, Larion.
  • Mars, Magnum, Marquis, Milton, Marseille, Mercury, Merc, Maximus, Marat, Madrid.
  • Neptune, Napoleon, Nice, Nord, Nelson, Noris, Narzan, Nevil, Nix. Next.
  • Oliver, Octavian, Ontario, Odysseus, Orlando, Orion, Oscar, Olympus.
  • Pegasus, Prince, Pele, Paphos, Perseus, Poseidon, Porthos, Prometheus, Paris, Pierre.
  • Rafael, Rio, Richie, Rango, Ryder, Rave, Rockefeller.
  • Sirius, Sensei, Severus, Solomon, Salvatore, Sunny, Selenium, Saturn, Simon, Sydney, Stealth.
  • Theseus, Texas, Tyler, Tiberio, Titan, Troy, Tamerlane, Taylan, Tyrone, Tyson, Tokyo, Teddy, Theodore.
  • Urman, Walt, Ural, Urfin, Winslet.
  • Phoenix, Philip, Forest, Fresh, Ferdinand, Fabio, Fabian, Flavio, Fidel.
  • Javier, Hatiko, Hummer, Harley, Hulk, Hancock, Caliph.
  • Centurion, Caesar, Cerium.
  • Charlie, Champion, Chester.
  • Storm, Charles, Sheldon, Sherlock, Sher Khan, Sage.
  • Everest, Elbrus, Eden, Alvin, Elien, Emir, Elf, Emilio, Edmond.
  • Eugene, Justinian, Yutos, Eugene;

Funny dog ​​boy names

A good sense of humor helps in life and is even an integral part of it. Often, owners want their four-legged friend's name to evoke a smile and a wave of positivity. Why not? The main thing is that the nickname pleases, but in no case should it be offensive or offensive to a devoted comrade.

What can be guided in the selection of a "cool" name? For example, the size of a dog. Here you can use opposite meanings, so a tiny toy or Yorkshire terrier can turn into Gulliver, Giant, Cerberus or Terrible with the light hand of the owner. Such names for babies sound unexpectedly funny, and if the dog has character, then it is quite eloquent.

There is also a reverse trend, when representatives of giant breeds are called diminutive names. You can meet a Caucasian shepherd dog named Fluff, Great Dane Krosha or, frightening with its appearance, Mastiff Tsvetika. But here you should be more careful, given that the name leaves its mark on the character of the pet, and if you want to get a vigilant guard, there is a risk of becoming the owner of a good-natured giant. With medium-sized pets, you can give free rein to your imagination and come up with a nickname based on the characteristic qualities.

The owners of four-legged friends of mestizos often have unintentional embarrassment with nicknames. Initially gentle, tiny creature named Donut, Ray or Little Mouse can grow to a decent size. And there are reverse situations when a puppy is taken into the house, which the former owners position as a large, sentry individual, but in fact a dog grows up the size of a dachshund. And such Polkans, Mukhtars and Caesars run around, and the owners are somewhat embarrassed by their original, not quite suitable, name. If there is no desire to choose a playful nickname, and the future size of the pet is not clear, it is worth naming the puppy so that the name is not associated with dimensions.

You can focus on the color of the pet. In this case, the nickname will reflect the inherent quality of the pet - its suit:

  • A boy with black hair can be called Coal, Imp, Blackie, Demon, Zorro, Gypsy, Agate, Bes, Chernysh, Blade, Raven, Rook, etc.
  • For males with white coat, names such as Snowball, Bely, Belyash, Frost, Leopard, Snowstorm, Nord, Chalk, Light, Casper, Edelweiss, White, Zephyr, Polar, Sugar, Refined are suitable.
  • Dogs with a spotted coat are called Spot, Pockmarked, Fifteen, Motley, Bright, Domino, Harlequin. Among the English nicknames in this case, one can consider such options as Bud, Spotty, Patch, Tabby.
  • Chocolate pets can be named after favorite goodies - Snickers, Mars, Twix, Milky Way, Toblerone, Picnic, Chocolate. Nicknames such as Brownie, Chestnut, Mocha, Bruno, Bob, Darkley, Maroon, Brownish, Choco, Porter, etc. are also suitable.
  • Males with grey, ashy coats may be called Ash, Grey, Gray, Silver, Smokey, Smokey, Smokey, Steely, Steele.
  • Red-red dogs are often given nicknames, one way or another associated with the red, fiery color - Fire, Scarlet, Pepper, Red, Bright, Ruby, Pomegranate, Fire. Pets whose fur looks like a fox coat are called Fox, Fox, Foxy, Golden, Orange, Honey,

When choosing a nickname, you can focus on the nature of the pet. Puppies, like any children, begin to show some of their outstanding qualities almost from birth. What can we say about grown-up kids getting into a new house. For puppies with obvious leadership qualities, it is worth choosing the appropriate nickname: Commander. King, Leader, Favorite, General, Pharaoh. Captain.

A loudly barking, restless pet can become a Bell, Horn, Whistle, Klaxon, Voiced. Affectionate nicknames, such as Zhorik, Obzhorik, Baton, Termite, Crookshanks, Pie, are suitable for a dog with excellent appetite. A dog with pronounced highly intellectual abilities can be Clever, Spinoza, Einstein, Jobs, Sage, Kulibin, Freud.

It will be interesting:

List of funny dog ​​names

For those who want to name their pupil unusually, such cool nicknames are also suitable:

  • Apricot, Android, Artist, iPhone.
  • Barmaley, Buddha, Keychain, Bourgeois, Bamboo, Banana, Bobo, Eggplant.
  • Whiskey, Vintik, Broom.
  • Garik, Hegemon, Google, Homer.
  • Dollar, Dragon, Driver.
  • Emelya, Yeralash.
  • Zhorik, Groom. Zhigan, Zhivchik, Zhadyuga.
  • Zombie, Hare, Political Officer.
  • Ilya Muromets, Icarus, Judas, Raisins.
  • Krutysh, Zucchini, Capital, Carlson, Kumir, Korzhik, Cupcake, Squid, Kuzya, Kombat. Confucius, Kissel.
  • Lemon, Lapot, Dashing, Likhach, Buttercup, Lemonti, Burdock, Lucifer, Luntik.
  • Malets, Mamai, Major, Mickey Mouse, Mister, Mixer.
  • Nolik, Insolent, Narcissus, Napoleon, Nemo.
  • Othello, Okay, Annealing, Nut.
  • Gingerbread, Cartridge, Foreman, Pluto, Rake, Dodger, Pappy, Dumpling, Gunpowder.
  • Rimbaud, Robinson, Romeo, Inspector.
  • Syrupchik, Sniper, Hipster, Cheesecake, Santa, Scooby-Doo, Sausage.
  • Timati, Tarzan, Tube, Truffle, Tetris.
  • Umberto.
  • Fan-fan, Fant, Date, Funtik,.
  • Hobbit, Master, Happy, Tail.
  • Citrus, Compass.
  • Chapai, Cheburek, Che.
  • Screw, Shaman, Shkodnik, Chanson.
  • Hercule, Electron, Elf.
  • Jung, Julius, Humor.
  • Iago, Yakhont.

Fashionable nicknames for dogs from various languages

There are funny nicknames, there are beautiful ones, and there are also fashionable ones. Yes, yes, if not so long ago Barons and Counts met on the street through one, today the trend has changed somewhat. It is worth considering the most relevant names for dogs.


  • Buddy;
  • Bronx;
  • Baxter;
  • Arches;
  • Buffalo;
  • Brandy;
  • Brooklyn;
  • Brandan;
  • Harvard;
  • Hudson;
  • Ginger;
  • Jordan;
  • Junior;
  • Cowboy;
  • Concord;
  • Maxine;
  • Malibu;
  • Madison;
  • Pentagon;
  • Rocky;
  • Spider;
  • scrapie;
  • Sandy;
  • Taffy;
  • Holi;
  • Henk;
  • Chicago;
  • Frack;
  • Shadow;
  • Shrek.

The dog can be called in the English manner:

  • Armstrong;
  • Bentley;
  • Near;
  • Burger;
  • Webster;
  • Duke;
  • Greenwich;
  • Colin;
  • Cromwell;
  • Maxwell;
  • Rigby;
  • Spencer;
  • Tennyson;
  • Winston;
  • Wesley;
  • Chelsea;
  • Shpik;
  • Yardley.

It will be original to call the pet with an Italian name:

  • Alphonse;
  • Baggio;
  • Bambino;
  • Bettino;
  • Gucci;
  • Giovanni;
  • Casanova;
  • Cappuccino;
  • Mario;
  • Lamborghini;
  • Romano;
  • Fabio;
  • Figaro.

Austrian-German nicknames:

  • Blitz;
  • Hans;
  • Gunther;
  • Vandal;
  • Klaus;
  • Conrad;
  • Siegfried;
  • Wilber;
  • Schnitzel;
  • Schultz.

If we consider the original Russian nicknames, then here you can find quite interesting options, although perhaps not always elegant: Bandit, Bosyak, Bayan, Vepr, Volodar, Veles, Savage, Dar, Dobrynya, Zadira, Zagray, Vepr, Nightmare, Lute, Handsome, Svarog, Naughty, Perun, Ratibor, Fog, Horse, Zimun, Chance.

There are also "northern" nicknames, of course, they are not suitable for all breeds:

  • Storm;
  • Igloo;
  • Klondike;
  • Kenosh;
  • Nordic;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Tundra;
  • Yukon;
  • Utik;
  • Yamal;
  • Scimitar.

Quite refined nicknames can be found in French: Andre, Bijou, Benji, Destin, Cavier, Cousteau, Kenzo, Maurice, Rochelle, Seymour, Soleil, Tison, Toby, Eiffel, Enzo, Finn, Chevalier.

A dog in the house is a friend of the family, her child, protection, an interesting interlocutor who will listen and understand you.

What are the popular dog names for boys today? After all, a nickname is like a name for a person. And the latter is chosen very seriously. You also need to approach the choice of nicknames for your pets.

A small puppy appeared in the family. Together with him, joy entered the house, growing into a problem. But the dog has become a member of the family, which begins to require special treatment.

Experts advise choosing a name that is fully consistent with the appearance of the puppy, his character. The dog must respond to the nickname very quickly. For this, nicknames Zur or Rex are suitable.

With the nickname Sid or Funtik, the dog can confuse the commands given by the owner. The diminutive name that we are used to using in everyday life will also be incomprehensible to the dog.

Dick will not respond to the nickname Dikusha, he will not understand it. Do not call a dog by a human name. If you loudly shout the nickname Zina or Sasha on a busy street, the situation can be very uncomfortable.

In special kennels, cynologists give nicknames to puppies from the litter, starting with one letter. For example, Aport, Archie, Alma. New owners who have bought a puppy often give him their nickname.

In the last century, the following nicknames for boys' dogs became popular:

  • Dolly (doll);
  • Lucky (happy);
  • Redi (red) and some others.

This list is updated every year. It contains rare and unusual names. After all, children are also given extraordinary names. This is how Terabyte and Google, iPhone and Gadget, dollar and Ajax, Dardanus and Augur appeared.

The most popular dog names are listed below alphabetically:

  1. A - Alarm, Air, Albar, Akbash, Altai, Adler, Apache, Scarlet, Aton, Alkazar, Akush, Argon, Amber, Aksai, Almaz, Antey, Amadeus, Arro, Ataman, Athos, Alzar, Alex, Atlas, Anchor, Altair, Apollo, Artag, Excitement.
  2. B - Baikal, Buyan, Bosya, Balt, Byte, Boss, Boxing.
  3. B - Vatan, Vityaz, Vampire, East, Whirlwind, Faithful, Viking, Varyag, Valdai.
  4. G - Grand, Count, Thunder, Terrible, Proud, Guidon.
  5. D - Darius, Wild, Darts, Savage, Don, Gene, Dushman, Domino.
  6. F - Jasmine, Pearl, Heat, Zhora.
  7. Z - Zaire, Zador, Zeus, Zenith, Zephyr, Umbrella, St. John's wort, Zorro.
  8. K - Clif, Killer, Cobalt, Scream, Creed, Idol, Karat, Tuning Fork, Cardinal, Caprice, Cartel, Sorcerer, Cypress, Condor.
  9. L - Lotus, Buttercup, Fierce, Lux, Lord.
  10. M - Moor, Mamai, Max, Milord, Muscat, Mage, Mukhtar, Meteor, Mirtan, Mirage, Mars, Kid.
  11. N - Narcissus and Neptune.
  12. P - Pirate, Palace, Pilot, Donut, Twig, Progress, Parthos, Pride, Punch, Peony, Pegasus, Pierce, Surf, Pupsi, Porsche, Pers, Dodger, Prok, Purosh, Pan, Perseus, Polkan, Prophet.
  13. R - Reflect, Rotor, Rex, Ruslan, Ralph.
  14. C - Sapphire, Sultan, Saturn and Stalker.
  15. T - Tair, Tashkent, Tasman, Treff, Troll, Tibet, Tamerlane, Titanic, Topaz, Tornado.

In the nickname for a puppy, there should be many voiced consonants. The kid remembers such a name quickly and executes all commands. It is important to consider the nature of the puppy.

The German Shepherd usually differs from other breeds in its devotion to the owner and great intelligence. Puppies of this breed are well trained.

Popular German Shepherd Dog Names:

  1. Hector.
  2. Baikal.
  3. Django.
  4. Ataman.
  5. Pharaoh.
  6. Orion.
  7. Rimbaud.
  8. Ramses.

Small breed puppies are like teddy bears. They want to cuddle, play with them. They are playful and have a lot of energy. It is not recommended to call these dogs serious and impressive nicknames that will look ridiculous in the eyes of others.

The most suitable for small dogs may be the following: Bambi, Donut, Dandy, Fluffy, Monty, Alfie, Yukki, Hippie, Ginger, Fantik, Teddy, Winnie, Twiggy, Maxi.

The most suitable nicknames for dogs of Yorkshire terrier boys: Milord, Harold, Franz, Diamond, Marseille, Guy, Amber, Knave, Prince, Baron, Jean, King, Viscount, Topaz, Aramis, Karat.

Dachshunds are very smart and smart dogs.

Some experts claim that they have a sense of humor.

A dog with a long body on short legs looks quite comical. But she has great resourcefulness and energy. This breed belongs to the hunting class. Names for boys' dogs can be: Hunter, Brown, Excitement, Gunter, Pulka, Quick, Wiener, Wind, Trick, Kaning, Straight, Sly, Clover, Lucky, Choco, Schnel.

Laika has an impressive size, good-natured disposition and a very docile nature. For her, the owner is the most faithful person. In him, she sees not only a friend, but also a brother, a comrade-in-arms. The dog will faithfully protect the owner's family until the last breath. The choice of a name must be approached very carefully.

Nicknames Bes or Monster may turn out to be funny. A dog with such kind eyes can never become a monster. It is better to call her Buyan, Faithful, Ataman, Courageous, Thunder, Vityaz, Excitement.

Often there are outbred dogs. Nicknames are suitable for them: Beam, Jack, Athos, Bobik, Charlie, Pirate, Dick and Bars.

Nicknames for dogs of boys of fighting breeds are better to choose more impressive: Thunder, Tyson, Ataman, Schwartz, Volot, Vityaz, Sultan, Wolf, Titan, Demon.

Recently, some owners call their wards the names of celebrities. You can meet a dog named Damon, Elton, Jake, Buster, Heathcliff, Eliot.

There are names of singers, nicknames of politicians. Quite often, dogs are called mythological names: Zeus, Hercules, Poseidon, Ares. These nicknames are suitable for large dogs.

Other options

A dog's nickname is a kind of business card. It gives an idea of ​​the pet and its owner. The name should consist of 1-3 syllables. In the United States, scientists have counted approximately 450 thousand nicknames.

Some of them are listed below: Archie, Rex, Hachiko, Gray, Casper, Rey, Charlie, Volt, Max, Caesar, Cupcake, Totoshka, Buddy, Richie, Cupid, Kuzya, Theme, Milo, Richard, Gnaw, Tayshet, Teddy, Kai, Barney, Baloo, Umka, Baksik, Baikal, Peach, Buran, Angel, Grice, Timka, Toshka, Jackie, Fox, Phil, Phil, Kent, Walter, Archik, Murphy, Bern, Gosha, Denchik, Tishka, Martin.

The nickname should be easy to pronounce. This can be useful when teaching the dog to follow commands.

In this case, it is very difficult to pronounce overseas names. Here are some more nicknames for boys' puppies: Bitwin, Deneli, Karpel, Nauris, Stanley, Hassan, Aaron, Blanco, Nakht, Haseru, Abay, Blarney, Denydale, Karthuz, Nael, Abacus, Denty, Nevir, Steven, Heder, Abaris, Karuss , Nevland, Heke, Katgan, Neman, Strik, Hyphen, Kafka, Nemo, Rich man, Khingai, Kashmir, Souvenir, August, Agbar, Jano, Quinton, Nidas, Agbet, Bombino, Jasper, Sandy, Hobby, Nikita, Suzuki, Bonda , Kay, Tabor, Honda, Aggressor, Bonaparte, Tagore, Adar, Adept, Nice, Brave, Jim, Boatswain, Admiral, Adolf, Centaur.

No less popular nicknames: Taimyr, Adonis, Noris, Typhoon, Brahms, Norton, Openwork, Joker, Taishet, Talisman, Tsar, Giuseppe, Caesar, Breeze, Kitezh, Diamond, Tarzan, Cent, Klaus, Centaurus, Oasis, Cerberus, Spark , Twist, Prince, Guidon, Savage, Odysseus, Sorcerer, Jazz, Dixon, Cyclone, Terek, Cynic, Circus, Buddha, Consul, Buka, Dingo, Sidekick, Cookie, Olympus, Accord, Boomer, Disney, Snowstorm, Rain, Dollar , Cornet, Shepherd, Butuz, Timur, Bushui, Buyan, Tyrant, Opal, Tobol, Dragon, Wagner, Gyrfalcon, Chardash, Douglas, Varyag, Fog, Watson, Chernomor, Pamir, Tulip, Faithful, Chizhik, Pilot, Wind, Chumak , Satan.

What nicknames should not be given?

You can't give your pet a name that you don't like. A well-chosen nickname characterizes the owner of the puppy as a good owner. The nickname should be easy to remember and easy to pronounce. It is not recommended to give a name before the puppy appears in the house. After all, the choice of nickname can be influenced by the color and character of the pet.

Large breeds of dogs should not be given the nicknames of small ones and vice versa. A dog can hear only 2 sounds from a name. Therefore, the nickname should be short. You can not give names with a lot of growling sounds. They can provoke aggression in a pet. It is better to turn on hissing sounds or whistling.

Each name means something. Explanation of some nicknames:

  1. Archie is a trusting and amorous dog. There is also stubbornness in his character. Suitable for puppies of small breeds.
  2. Haggai - festive and cheerful. The dog is active, fast, kind. The nickname is suitable for small breeds.
  3. Barkhan is a dog with a complex character, similar to a huge sandy mountain. The nickname is given to the guards. These dogs love only their owner, they are aggressive towards other people. They have an excellent sense of smell. Their reaction is lightning fast. Any other dog they just gnaw.
  4. Harry is a calm dog. She is intelligent, slightly brooding, has great physical strength and a straightforward personality.
  5. Icarus is the mythological son of the artist. On homemade wings, he flew away from his father's captivity. The dog is strong and resilient. She is easy to learn and is diligent. Loves the owner. Icarus is a nickname for a large breed dog.
  6. Lucky is a small friendly dog.
  7. Lancer is a brave dog with great physical strength. Loves freedom. The dog usually does not show aggression, it is easily trained.
  8. Charles is a very courageous animal. The character is measured. This is a gentleman, he is not capable of bad deeds and betrayal. The nickname is perfect for Labrador Retrievers.

Conclusion on the topic

You can't give a dog a nickname just for fun. Smart animals have a hard time accepting a change in their name. They may simply not respond to a new nickname.

The name should, if possible, emphasize the appearance of the dog, its breed, hunting skills.

If you look closely at your pet, he himself will tell you how to name it.

How to name a boy's dog.

From the article you will learn how to name a dog for a boy of a small and large breed, how to choose a nickname depending on the breed, color of the dog.

How can you name a puppy of small dog breeds of boys of a chihuahua and toy terrier: list and meaning of the name

  • Due to its miniature size, the Chihuahua is an exemplary "pocket companion" for the owner. Regarding the origin, homeland and history of the dog, experts still do not have a consensus.
  • It is known that the first tiny dogs appeared in the 15th century BC. e. These dogs were called techichi and were revered by the ancient Indian tribes of the Aztecs, Mayans and Taltecs as sacred animals.
  • Those arriving in the southern states of the United States and the border cities of Mexico bought exotic dogs from the local population. So the dogs came to Europe, where they became incredibly popular.

What is the name of a Chihuahua puppy?

  • When choosing a nickname for a Chihuahua, it is worth remembering the diverse and colorful culture of the ethnic groups of the dog's homeland.
Nickname for the dog of the boy of the Chihuahua breed Nickname meaning
1. Abukchich Mouse (individual name)
2. Arenk Star (individual name)
3. Bidziel Strong (individual name)
4. viho Chief (individual name)
5. Vichasha Sage (individual name)
6. kangi Raven (individual name)
7. Mackey Child (individual name)
8. saki Black (individual name)
9. Agepeto Favorite (Mexican name)
10. Aleio Defender
11. Gaspar Dear (Mexican name)
  • Toy Terriers are an equally popular miniature dog breed, which you just want to give a cute, kind or playful nickname.
  • But in the case of a tiny dog, and even a boy, too much cuteness is not appropriate, because the owner risks turning his pet, surrounded by excessive care and guardianship, into a spoiled and capricious creature.

How can you name a toy terrier puppy

  • An active and sociable toy terrier, who strives to accompany his master everywhere, should choose a strong nickname so that it becomes a reflection of his character.
Nickname for doggie boy breed toy terrier Nickname meaning
1. Ren lotus
2. hosico star child
3. Nariko Thunder
4. Daity Wise, intellectual
5. Yuki Snow
6. Takara Treasure
7. Syn Real
8. Aiko Darling
9. Khonte Leader
10. Miyako Lovely night child
11. Hoshi Star

Beautiful and popular nicknames for dogs of pug and Pekingese boys: list

  • A compact and powerful dog with a funny depressed muzzle, who loves to eat well and relax, a hooligan cheerful nickname will do.

Beautiful and popular nicknames for a pug

  • A dog with short legs is unusually playful, active and contact.
Nickname for a dog boy breed pug Nickname meaning
1. Gigolo Noble, dexterous
2. barney son of a preacher and brave as a bear (English name)
3. bad Herald (English)
4. Volt Vigorous
5. Harold Owner of troops
6. Hamlet Imaginary, crazy
7. Jack Derived from English. John
8. Dantel Lasting
9. Mojo Witchcraft, magic (Creole origin)
10. Gilmour Servant of the Virgin Mary
  • For a Pekingese, you should choose a name that suits a person of royal blood.

The refined appearance of the pet, aristocratic manners, arrogance do not allow calling him a simple nickname. Short and voiced variants of names are presented in the table.

Nickname for dog breed boyPekingese Nickname meaning
1. Aiko Darling
2. Anto Calm
3. Kaede Maple Leaf
4. Kumiko Baby
5. Nikko Solar
6. Taishi Proud
7. hoshiko Star
8. Jason Healer
9. Calvin Beautiful
10. Oscar (other German) "god", "spear"

  • Outwardly, sharpei look like a funny toy, covered with deep folds of skin. However, the ancestors of dogs of this breed were raised to participate in fierce dog fights, from which they more often emerged victorious.

A funny and gentle name would be suitable for Shar Pei, despite the heroic history.

Beautiful and popular nicknames for dogs of sharpei boys

Beautiful and popular nicknames for dogs of Yorkshire Terrier and Spitz boys: list

  • A small dog of the Yorkshire Terrier breed, despite its height and toy appearance, has a courageous character.
  • He performs his guard duties perfectly well: he knows that guests will come, even before they ring the doorbell. The dog is fearless, which is typical of representatives of medium-sized breeds. The nickname for an active and playful dog is short, sonorous and bright.

Beautiful and popular nicknames for the Yorkshire Terrier

  • Spitz is one of the ten most expensive dog breeds. This is a miniature dog, the main decoration of which is a magnificent mop of wool of a rich color.
  • A small fluffy ball, even in adulthood, remains cheerful and playful. For a Spitz, you should choose a cute, sonorous and soft nickname.
Nicknames for dogs of boys breeds Yorkshire Terrier and Spitz Nickname meaning
1. Anselm Deity or helmet
2. William Will, determination
3. Henry Head in the house
4. Gustav military adviser
5. Gunther battle, army
6. Jonas Pigeon
7. Johann Merciful
8. Caspar treasure keeper
9. Conrad Brave, bold
10. Ludwig Glorious fighter or famous in battles

Beautiful and popular dog names for dachshund boys: a list

  • Dachshunds are cheerful and curious. It is hard not to love a Dachshund dog, because she is ready to support any childish prank.
  • The oblong funny dog ​​is popular all over the world. Despite her small stature, she is brave, vigilant and selfless.
  • Caring for a dachshund is not difficult, and the joy of communicating with a cheerful creature is guaranteed.
Nickname for a dog of a dachshund boy Nickname meaning
1. Haggai festive, fun
2. Amur god of love
3. Gaston guest, stranger
4. Dandy dandy, dandy
5. Dominic Belonging to the Lord
6. Jared Descended
7. jul gem, treasure
8. Quint Fifth
9. Micah Like the god Yahweh
10. Orestes Mountain

Beautiful and popular nicknames for dogs like boys: list

For a brave, smart and courageous husky, picking up a nickname is not so easy. The name should be chosen taking into account the "cold" appearance and ability to survive in extreme conditions. Amazing physical and intellectual abilities require an energetically strong nickname.

Beautiful and popular nicknames for dogs like huskies

  • For a mobile and energetic dog that will become a true friend for its owner, it is worth choosing the best proud name.
  • Let now the mischievous kid looks like a cute fluffy lump, but over time he will turn into a bold dog that requires the kindest treatment. The ideal nickname for a Cocker Spaniel is an English name.

For a Cocker Spaniel, the following nicknames are also suitable:

  • Whirlwind, Cupid, Ataman
  • Aramis, Werther, Zador
  • Colt, Cowboy, Corsair, Musket

A banal nickname, a la Barsik or Barefoot, cannot be called a husky. After all, such a dog wants to choose a beautiful name that matches its appearance and strong character.

Nickname for a husky boy dog Nickname meaning
1. Ayumu sleepwalker
2. Hinata Sunflower
3. Daity Courageous, intellectual
4. Arata New
5. Hotaru Firefly
6. Etsuko child of joy
7. Honcho Leader
8. Hayato Falcon
9. Natsu, Natsuko spring child
10. Haruki shining

Beautiful and popular dog names for husky boys

  • nicknames atypical for hounds: Jimmy, Bourgeois, Puzzle, Georg
  • nicknames for a dog-hunter: Get, Push around, Catch up, Budishka
  • nicknames that characterize the type of voice of the gotcha: Sobbing - lingering, Bass - low
  • nicknames that characterize the ability to pursue animals with barking: Signal, Noise, Screamer, Pevun

Beautiful and popular nicknames for hound boys dogs

For a strong and large dog of the German Shepherd breed, you should choose a nickname that sounds solid: the puppy will grow up as a warlike dog, confident, devoted to its owner.

Nickname for dog boy breed German Shepherd Nickname meaning
1. Fett brave
2. flink fast
3. Stark, Fest, Hart, Derb, Rustig strong
4. Brave, Artig, Willig obedient
5. Gut Kind
6. Weich, Zart affectionate, soft
7. besser best
8. Dick thick
9. Hager skinny, lean
10. Wert, Lieb Expensive

Beautiful and popular dog names for a German Shepherd boy

And here is a list of German dog names:

  • B Bernard, Bern, Benno
  • Sven, Svenny
  • Gerhard, Gerd, Gehry
  • Stefan, Stef
  • Werner, Verni
  • Klaus, Klaas, Klas
  • Martin, Mertel, Mert
  • Michael, Michel, Michi
  • Thomas, Tommy
  • Frank, Jens, Heini, Heiner
  • Jürgen, Jürg, Jörg
  • Helmut, Helmi, Helly
  • Dieter, Didi, Dimo
  • Torsten
  • Christian, Chris, Krish
  • Andreas, Andy

A courageous and determined dog of the Rottweiler breed will suit a brutal nickname. But if this option does not suit you, then choose an easy-to-remember nickname that matches the appearance of the dog.

Nickname for dog boy breed Rottweiler Nickname meaning
1. Barkhan Accumulation, mound of loose sand
2. Gaston guest, stranger
3. Gideon Shirt, hack
4. Gordon From Scotland. surnames
5. Vulture From the name of the bird
6. Jared Descended
7. Jason Healer
8. John God-given
9. Icarus dedicated to the moon
10. Clark From last name

Beautiful and popular nicknames for dogs of Rottweiler boys

A plump, pretty puppy will turn into a complacent, faithful companion of a respectable appearance. The nickname for such a dog should be worthy.

Beautiful and popular nicknames for dogs of Labrador boys

Beautiful and popular dog names for boxer, bulldog, stafford boys

The nickname for a fighting dog is selected taking into account its appearance. You should choose from noble names, powerful in their energy.

A mongrel can become his owner's best friend. Therefore, it is worth choosing a nickname such that it reflects the nature of the pet. A well-chosen nickname is easy to remember and sounds beautiful.

Beautiful and popular nicknames for dogs boys mongrels

How to name a pooch boy:

  • Ajax, Amur, Achi, Argon, Alish
  • Agusha, Aisik, Neon
  • Phil, Buttercup, Ali
  • Hoarfrost, Royale, Truffle
  • Yankel, Bram, Beads
  • Bow, Bambi, Bull
  • Varley, Parthos, Pikker
  • Fred, Star, Fiji

Beautiful and popular nicknames for dogs of white boys

For a white dog, choose a nickname, focusing on its appearance. You can pick up a nickname for a white dog from foreign languages:

  • White - English
  • Blanco - Spanish
  • Jiebai - Chinese
  • Weiss - German
  • Blank - French
  • Bianco - Italian

We are looking for other nicknames, in the name of which there is a white color:

  • Blond, Protein, Snowstorm
  • White Fang, Kefir
  • Coke, Coconut, White gold
  • White dragon, Hoarfrost, Light
  • Nord, Pole, Polar explorer
  • North, Grey, Snowball
  • Snowy, Chalk

For a cute blackie, choose a nickname that is associated with the words "coal", "dark", "night":

  • Gypsy, Coal
  • Damn, Bes, Demon
  • Black and Blackie
  • Must, Musty
  • Dark, Dusky, Dunkel
  • Finster, Tamsus, Skum
  • Suam, Dork, Dokki
  • Cool, Pachman, Varo, Sekitan

Beautiful and popular nicknames for black boys dogs

The nickname for a red dog should reflect its fiery appearance and cheerful disposition:

  • Ginger, Fox, Light
  • Yolk, Patrick
  • Foxy, Foxy, Jakkuls
  • Zoltan, Goldie
  • Arani (Arana, Aran)

Beautiful and popular nicknames for dogs red boys

If you are looking for a rare nickname for your dog, then the options are presented below:

  • Armstrong, Avalar, Arktu
  • Bentley, Barton, Jeeves
  • Baffle, Biggie, Bossy
  • Watson, Sherlock, Duke
  • Winfred, Glenmore, Beardsley
  • Haroun, Gifors, Dalis
  • Devi, Jagger, Jihi
  • Zorg, Karanis, Kiltar
  • Rochester, Charles, Shpik
  • Spencer, Wilson, Wilston

Rare dog names for dogs and puppies boys

If you want to stand out and draw attention to yourself and your four-legged friend, then choose a cool nickname for him:

  • Bagel, Vinegar, Borscht
  • Baton, Snickers, Cola
  • Dumpling, Chips, Cucumber
  • Ruble, Bucks, Euro
  • Peni, Pound, Forbes
  • Forex, Futures
  • Sungam (Samsung), Google
  • Terabyte, Device, Pixel
  • Sotik, Monique, Print, Bot

Cool dog names for dogs and puppies boys

Russian nicknames for boys dogs

If you want to choose a Russian nickname for your pet - special, unusual, different from the beaten nicknames, then see the list below.

  • A serious dog can be called Bayan, Bogolep, Branibor, Buyan, Valdai, Veligor, Vlas.
  • The nicknames Izbor, Lut, Martyn, Prov, Ratibor, Udaloy, Shemyaka, Yar are also suitable.
  • A good dog and a universal favorite can be called such a nickname: Volodar, Beloyar, Gradimir, Dobrynya, Mlad, Olel, Smeyan.
  • Call a smart dog Rus or Reason
  • Among the Russian nicknames there are also playful ones: Vityok, Vanya, Genka, Dimon, Kolyan, Mityai, Mishka, Petrushka, Romka, Sanya, Tolik, Shurik, Yurka.

Today we are going to talk about choice. nicknames for dogs. One of the main questions that confronts the future owner of a puppy is the nickname for the dog. It's a tough job and a lot of responsibility. The nickname should sound good, like the owner and show the character of the pet. A well-chosen nickname means good care on the part of the owner, characterizing him as a responsible and serious person.

The acquisition of a dog changes a person's life for the better, because a dog can not only protect the house, but be the best friend. A dog can live next to a person up to 25 years old, and always remains devoted to him. With good care, the pet will spend many years with its owner. The dog's name will sound very often in the house, so it should sound beautiful, easy to pronounce and remember.

How to choose a nickname for a boy's dog?

Tips before choosing dog names for boys:

  • You should not give a name before the pet has appeared in the house. It may not correctly reflect the character or appearance of the dog. Also, the puppy may have some feature: color or character, given which it will be necessary to name it. Dogs are often named after their color. For example, Coal or Black.
  • Be sure to give a nickname suitable for the breed. Don't call big dogs after small ones. It will look funny. For example, give a funny nickname that is suitable for small dogs, for a puppy.
  • The name should be short, dogs hear only the first two sounds.
  • After choosing a nickname, you need to pronounce it often so that the dog understands that they are addressing it.

Nicknames for small dogs boys.

Ajax, Cupid, Achi, Argon, Alish, Agusha, Alpha, Ardan, Aisik, Berti, Neon, Almond, Phil, Buttercup, Ali, Hoarfrost, Piano, Truffle, Knop, Yankel, Bram, Beads, Busya, Boni, Bow, Bambi, White, Bull, Varley, Altai, Parthos, Picker, Fred, Star, Fiji, Quint, Icarus, Trezor, Bagel, Fluff, Lucky, Gucci, Baksik, Dolce, Lemon, Rope, Nut.

Nicknames for dogs of boys shepherds.

Avar, Aizan, Mike, Butch, Ricky, Jack, Dick, John, Watch, Grant, Jeep, Joyce, Dragon, Rally, Roy, Ron, Baidah, Merce, Sputnik, Jupiter, Terrible, Goodwin, Black, Chuck, Harley, oss, Boguchar, Ahmad, Alt, Alkazar, Cody, Dave, Hercules, Baikal, Jerry, Tyson, Baron, Patrick, Acast, Odysseus, Claude, Elbrus, Damon, Frank, Demon, Neva, Fox, Richard, Neji, Vityaz, Rex.

Russian nicknames for boys dogs.

Fluff, Dozor, Mukhtar, Ryzhik, Count, Baikal, Grand, Euphrates, Bayan, Altai, Boris, Branibor, Tail, Lut, Ratibor, Martin, Volodar, Beloyar, Daring, Mlad, Rus, Vovka, Holy, Trezor, Druzhok, Buyan, Valdai, Pepper, Election, Tuzik, Agate, Howl, Wrestler, Wind, Dar, Caucasus, Beetle, Cupcake, Fog, Chance, Screw, Don, Peace, Barking, Bear, Steppe, Cedar, Strong, Mountain, Mityai, Anchar, Rhomba, Vaska, Buran, Bulba, Bullet, Flame, Otokhnik, Ball, Cartridge, Wave, St. John's wort, Cossack, Tehran, East, Top, Bim, Titan, Zenith, Sheikh, Yamal, Esaul, North, Top, Tornado, Dobrynya, Bely, Prince, Vityaz, Rex, Kuzka, Genk, Timokha, Elbrus, Pamir, Rogue, Kuzma, Tatoshka, Timoshka, Gosh, Tashkent, Karat, Aztek, Ataman, Amigo, Iran, Gypsy, Yusuf, Apaches, Nabat, Neptune, Faust, Kesha, Fomka, Fatyan, Fanya, Coal, East, Lightning, North, Remote, Zenith, Uranus, Gogol.

German dog names for boys.

Cadillac, Bully, Abbo, Adriano, Asterix, Barry, Bart, Cuddy, Duck, Donald, Esther, Phantom, Fausto, Fin, Flipp, Fabio, Froggy, Cash, Kandor, Ball, Baldrick, Bierko, Benz, Boxer, Fight, Jack, Jet, Jumbo, Hestor, Harley, Merce, Cobalt, Ikarus, Hasco, Hamlet, Wooddy, Titus, Vikko, William, Wulf, Tanosh, Tandof, Tess, Yurk, Iago, Yami, Zorro, Solt, Zipfel, Sheriff, Cocker, Sid, Bert, Hans, Heinrich, Karl, Fritz, Askold, Hunter, Schultz, Afram, Karcher, Asterisk, Emil, Stolz, Gerard.

Nicknames for dogs of boys terriers.

Rio, Bard, Tommy, Brad, Smile, Korzh, Tim, Taylor, Rick, Turbo, Prime, Rocky, Pixel, Kort, Crete, Charlie, Kim, Kai, Eddie, Jim, Eugene, Eiffel, Booster, Benny, Bambi, Yuda, Simba, Antey, Idaho, Alex, Egoist, Adam, Alfred, Freddie, Mickey, Ruch, Kaspersky, Kefirchik, Eros, Maidan, Bahram, Amber, Clif, Kent, Cap, Richie, Cap, Churchill, Chip, Perun, Mike, Spark. Such nicknames are suitable for.

Nicknames for dogs boys huskies.

Baikal, Buran, Altai, Fang, Caucasus, Bogdan, Ratibor, Buyan, Stavropol, Stavr, Star, Comet, Wind, Lut, Snowball, Veligor, Mountain, Ut, Path, Wayfarer, Verge, Herald, Pirate, Danube, Baron, Alaska, Dinar, Zorro, Hermes, Bacon, White, Angel, King, Crete, Zenith, Thunder, Corral, Berkut, Barclay, Steppe, Volcano, Adam, Yurt, Kazbek, Excitement, Fang, Chestnut, Nobel, Whistle, Orion, Mike, Max, Yesaul, East, North, Dawn.

Popular dog names for boys.

Dick, Jack, Mukhtar, Dozor, Pirate, Grand, Tom, Baikal, Tyson, Richie, Rex, Beam, Fluff, Lord, Baron, Rey, Star, Kuzya, Ginger, Charlik, Oscar, Max, Pirate, Dozor, Trezor, Thunder, Fight, Teddy, Snowstorm, Bandit, Kid, Tiger, Black, Friend, Thunder, Cupid, Gypsy, Black, Chernysh, Coal.

Nicknames for hunting dogs boys.

Bullet, Thunderstorm, Bim, Euphrates, Sailor, Vanguard, Jack, Fervor, Clear, Cop, Rocket, Thunder, Gray, Cold, Terrible, Blizzard, Ataman, Robbery, Ruby, Antey, Cheetah, Frant, Altai, Vaigach, Ararat, Khaizar, Bahram, Storm, South, Cedar, Felix, Piston, Aisan, Jack, Dick, Dagger, Orlian, Throw, Runner, Tornado, Lightning, Steppe, Cedar, Strongman, Turbo, Flame, Cheetah, Spikes, Gray.

Beautiful nickname for a boy's dog.

Atlant, Aylat, Lonken, Happy, Lucky, Lord, Baron, Atom, Ajax, Hermes, Herlion, Galaxy, Primus, Path, Caucasus, Danube, Altai, Dragon, Ion, Rocket, Orion, Trojan, Bahram, Amethyst, Leo, Nickel, Buran, Ferocious, Antey, Hero, Abder, Carriage, West, Cupid, Mountainous, August, Domenik, Carlos, Janson, Admiral, Angel, Howard, Griffen, Darlion, Goodwin, Garibalt, Freud, Rourke, Addison, Grian, Canibalt, Oscar, Sinegal, North, Siren, Grauft, Goethe, Bloomberg, Hermes, Gansalis, Jazz, Phillip, King, Aidoho, Olympius, Solomon, Olberg, Red, Lightning, Dobrynya, Deleted, Steppe, Olympus, Emperor, Stepan, Mountain.

Cool nicknames for boys dogs.

Bagel, iPhone, Asterix, Pixel, Cormorant, Screw, Barmaley, Claw, Bamboo, Pipirchik, Tusk, Laughter, Botox, Borscht, Cocktail, Donut, Bum, Marshmallow, Curbstone-yumba, Yogurt, Ripper, Goblin, Baton, Grizzly, Banana, Bagel, Baksik, Snickers, Pound, Cement, Tyrabyte, Kopm, Print, Glamour, Whiskey, Samsung, Google, Raccoon, Belly, Tail, Bow, Device, Schwarzenegger, Stalone, Face, Abrek, Aladdin, Kvass, Console, Pipka, Vampire, Monster, Darts, Dad, Dog, Matroskin, Nobel, Eared, Hillock, Shket, Tomato, Strudel, Switok, Flea, Hercules, Hydrant, Garfield, Kotopes, Watermelon, Bayan, Raptor, Micha, Nipel, Chekist, Pineapple, Word, Tequila, Kent, Pistachio, Lavrushka, Pie, Baton, Round, Hamster, Fat Man, Kama Sutra, Hitler, Einstein, Fritz, Orange, Crab, Sony, Krug.

Nicknames for dogs boys chihuahua.

Timmy, Bow, Coconut, Baby, Pipka, Boss, Lucky, Smile, Small, Bambi, Asterisk, Darling, Didi, Volt, Pixel, Yashka, Yarik, Knop, Bedbug, Alex, Baby, Boni, Max, Air, Zorro, Alkor, Athos, World, Shurik, Beetle, Agate, Laughter, Lemon, Styopka, Lucky, Best, Beni, Atila, Button, Freddie, Speaker, Tank, Chief, Stitch, Malec, Sparky, Smokey, Dwarf, Benji, Stitchie, Bobby, Hunter, Kiki, Locks, Loyd, Austin, Beat, Dolce, Pepin, Gucci, Bingo, Richie, Bruiser, Giant, Chichi, Richie, Mini, York.

Nicknames for dogs boys mongrels.

Bobik, Bim, Vityaz, Klop, Toddler, Baikal, Watch, Trezor, Cog, Altai, Ball, Shurik, Bob, Screw, Surprise, Kolyan, Pumpkin, Don, Dick, Vovka, Terrible, Casper, Hedgehog, Ruff, Pirate, Mukhtar, Chernysh, Ginger, Tail, Robbery, Falcon, Jack, Khazar, Polkan, Donut, Dodger, Jim, Roy, Sherlock, Sherkhan, Boxing, Stif, Ricky, Klop, Skiff, Punch, Nose, Snowball, Corporal, Gypsy, Black, Red, Mike, Pete, Lemon.

Nicknames for dogs boys dachshunds.

Dick, Smile, Fred, Long, Charlik, Pirate, Fritz, Timka, Oscar, Sammy, Piano, Posh, Punch, Baxter, Beefy, Brad, Hunter, Roy, Stif, Syoma, Harry, Askold, Bruno, Pluto, Goofy, Gnome, Stitch, Milo, Laurel, Chuck, Lucky, Brown, Black, Flint, Rocky, Pitty.

The meaning of nicknames for dogs boys

Many dog ​​breeders say that the nickname leaves a certain imprint on the character of the dog. First of all, the name for a dog means a command. If the pet hears its nickname, then you need to act. Therefore, the nickname should be sonorous, short, easy to pronounce. She should also fit her character. Do not call purebred large dogs funny names. This looks rather ridiculous.

If the dog's passport has a large and complex name, then you need to come up with a short nickname that is easy to pronounce. As a rule, no one calls dogs by the full name from the passport. The selection of a simple nickname will make life easier for the owner and pet. It should consist of one, maximum two names. It also matters what sounds the nickname consists of. Growling noises can provoke aggression in the dog, as growling is anxiety for a dog.

This can happen to a dog at an old age, so it is better to choose a nickname with hissing or whistling sounds. Before choosing a name for a dog, you need to find out its meaning. For large, strong dogs, names meaning power are suitable. For example, Buran, Baikal or Bahran, Harold, Dzhulbars, Emperor, Dick, Vulture, Lord, Baron, which sound proud. Likes are suitable names that mean freedom, speed. The nicknames Caucasus, Altai, Baikal, Lightning, North, East sound beautiful.

Cute names are suitable for you, such as Baby, Fluff, Timka, Tail, Lucky, Bonya, Dolka. You should not give the dog a “dangerous nickname”, as it can have a negative impact on the character of the pet, make it aggressive. For hunting dogs: Wind, Bullet, Tornado, Whistle.

Those. nicknames that will reflect her abilities on the hunt. Hunting dogs are distinguished by their speed. For mongrels, you can pick up any nickname. But it should not humiliate the dog and sound funny. After all, it does not matter at all a thoroughbred dog with a good pedigree or an ordinary yard dog. They are all dedicated and intelligent. A dog is a friend of a person who will always come to his aid. A person should treat his pet with respect, select competent care.

If a person decides to purchase a thoroughbred dog, then it is better to discuss the name of the dog with the breeder or kennel in advance. After buying a purebred dog, her name in the passport does not change. As a rule, dog names have a certain meaning. Most often these are the heroes of Greek, Roman mythology. There are names from Scandinavian mythology. Gods from the ancient history of Ancient Egypt or India. Often nicknames are taken from different legends or stories of the peoples of different countries.

The names of dogs, meaning the name of natural objects and elements, also sound beautiful. The mongrel is usually named after some distinguishing feature. It can be a spot, an unusual color or a dog's coat. Often there are nicknames from famous films, with the hero of which the dog is associated. Funny names are given by people with original thinking. There is no harm in this if the name does not cause ridicule, but makes others smile.

Such a dog gives a positive charge. The names of planets or galaxies in the names of dogs sound beautiful and proud. It often happens that the dog's name does not reflect its character. The owner can give a nickname that characterizes the voice of the dog: Signal, Bass, Tikhonya. For example, a puppy was given a nickname when he was very active, but he grew up and turned into a calm dog. And his name completely ceased to reflect his essence. Be responsible in choosing a name.

After you find a nickname that you like, find out what it means. It often happens that the owner cannot fully pronounce the name in the pet's passport, does not know its meaning. The nickname can be funny, cute or serious. Also, the owner can choose a widespread name or a rare one. The main thing is that the breeder likes it and does not diminish the merits of his pet. The nickname should characterize the dog, then the dog will proudly respond to it.

Male name is one of the important factors influencing the character of the pet. Any name is coded information, guided by which we unconsciously make decisions, perform actions, in a word, determine the fate of the puppy.

If you took a dog from a kennel, then for sure he already has a sonorous official nickname. Usually it consists of several words, includes the name of the kennel and is used only during exhibitions. It is not at all necessary to call the dog such a long, incomprehensible name, because you can give him a new, more harmonious, with a positive meaning.

It is very important that the nickname for the boy's dog be harmonious, easy to pronounce. At the same time, it must certainly correspond to the breed. Agree, a Yorkshire Terrier or a Spitz with the name Wolf or Typhoon will look funny, a Newfoundland or a Caucasian Shepherd Dog called Fluffy or Mimi will be no less strange.

Breeders and dog handlers strongly recommend not to select options lasting more than three syllables. A short name will be remembered much better, the dog himself will respond better to it, in addition, it is more convenient to pronounce it quickly, and this is important when you need the pet to let the garbage out of the mouth or quickly return to the leg.

Every year the list of nicknames becomes more and more extensive, because fashion is characteristic not only of human names. So, you can find options in honor of the heroes of movies and cartoons: Hachiko, Rex, Jack, Beethoven.

Nicknames of males - meaning

Before naming a puppy, be sure to read the meaning of dog names, find out which breed is more suitable for this or that name.

Abai (attentive, cautious - from Kyrgyz). The ideal nickname for Labrador dogs, Doberman Pinschers, Alabaev, Shepherd Dogs, Rottweilers, Laikas. These breeds are distinguished by high intelligence, are able to make decisions independently and very quickly navigate the situation.

Apricot is a devoted dog, a faithful defender, loves games and entertainment. Excellent option for Sheltie, Standard Schnauzer, Laika, Husky.

Haggai (holiday - from other Hebrew) - suitable for a fast, kind, representative dog of the toy terrier breed, papillon, small poodle, Pekingese, Japanese chin.

Aiko - this is how you can call a true friend, everyone's favorite, the soul of the company. As for the breed, it is the Airedale Terrier, Laika, Pomeranian, Dalmatian, Spaniel.

Amigo (friend - from Spanish). A devoted dog, ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his master. Name the Alaskan Malamute, Briard, Laika, Husky, Alabai.

Artie is an option for a miniature pet: Pomeranian, Chinese Crested, Scotch Terrier, Shih Tzu, Chihuahua. Artie is a mobile creature, simply adoring the owner. He is ready to spend all his time in fun games with the "human family".

Archie - strongly attached to the owner, has increased mobility and a cheerful disposition, ideal for a toy poodle, Yorkie, Chihuahua.

Leopard - this is how you can call the South Russian, German or Podgolian Shepherd Dog. These dogs are highly trained and loyal to their owner. They are also excellent watchdogs.

Barkhan (mound of loose sand) - has a complex character, loves exclusively the owner. Barkhan can work at the border, guard the house, participate in exhibitions, winning prizes, so you can call all varieties of shepherd dogs, as well as the English Great Dane.

Harold (army, to command - from other German) - has a complex character. The dog is proud, brave, self-confident, stubborn. Harold is suitable for Miniature Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler, Great Dane.

Gideon (rubaka - from other Hebrew) is the protector of the whole family, a glorious watchman, a brave and strong dog. Suitable nickname for German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Giant Schnauzer.

Jason - suitable for a good home creation of a medium-sized breed: basset hound, dachshund, pug, dwarf poodle.

Jul (jewel - from English) - suitable for a large thoroughbred dog: great dane, shepherd. Such males tolerate only a calm tone of communication, they are rather touchy.

Dick is a name for a yard dog. If you call a husky Dick, then, undoubtedly, it will be a leader, devoted to the owner, strong and smart.

Icarus (dedicated to the Moon - from other Greek) - will suit a strong kind dog, a good watchman, devoted only to his master.

Karidon (funnel - from Greek). The name is given to tall thoroughbred dogs with a stable psyche.

Quint (fifth - from lat.). Quint is suitable for a large thoroughbred dog with a calm disposition. Use strictness with your dog, but certainly not abuse. Distinctive features - kindness, diligence.

Keen - the nickname is suitable for a fast, brave, big dog, an excellent athlete. Positive qualities can be called kindness, diligence.

Milan (Italian city). A large dog that loves children, calm and warm-hearted. Suitable for hunting breed.

Morgan ("light", "great") is a great option for a large pet that loves people. Good watchman. In winter, Morgan can sled in the snow.

Noua (peace) - suitable for a small phlegmatic dog. Such a companion will have a calming effect on a person.

Orestes (mountain - from Greek). A large dog that is attached to its owner, but does not tolerate a change of owner very painfully. Orestes is an excellent watchman.

Oscar (god, spear - from other German). The nature of such large and medium dogs is very complex. These are proud smart dogs who do not wish harm to anyone.

Fluffy is a fluffy little dog. He loves to play with children and is well trained.

Glad. The nickname is a derivative of the word "rejoice", an option for thoroughbred males, strong and kind.

Richard (rich - from OE) - this option is suitable for large thoroughbred animals, but not for hunting breeds. It is better to call a shepherd dog or a great dane Richard.

Simon (hear - from other Hebrew). The variant is ideal for a large good-natured dog (Newfoundland, Sand Bernard), who rides children on sleds in winter.

Timothy (respecting - from Greek). Timothy has an impulsive temperament, endurance and diligence, a leading role.

Tuzik - perfect for a yard dog, greeted with a kind bark, tail wagging. Tuzik loves children.

Wilbur - suitable for a large hunting dog that is not afraid of water.

Wilfred (will - from other German). Call it a giant schnauzer, standard schnauzer, boxer, rottweiler.

Hart (hard - with him.). Ideal for a large representative of the hunting breed. Hart is highly trainable, not afraid of water, he is strong, calm and courageous.

The ball is the choice for a medium-sized yard dog. A good watchman barks very loudly and is well trained.

Sheriff is a formidable serious male, devoted to his master, has excellent working qualities. So you can call the East European (German) Shepherd, Rottweiler, Doberman, Giant Schnauzer.

It should also be noted that the letters that are present in the name will also have their own special meaning. So, nicknames of males starting with the letter"A" and this letter itself inside the name will indicate that the dog lends itself perfectly to education and training. B - the male will be an excellent companion for walks, C - indicates increased intelligence, D - disgust, P - activity, C - eccentricity.

T is a very active dog, cannot sit idle.

Ф - self-sufficiency and independence, sometimes it may not even notice the owner.

X - experiences all the failures and joys with the owner.

C - never forgets insults, maybe even take revenge.

Ш - a distinctive feature of the pet - composure.

E - does not know the measure in food.

Yu - total devotion to the owner.

I, your dog, is extraordinarily self-confident.

Nicknames of German Shepherds

The German Shepherd is a fearless and strong dog with remarkable intelligence. All these positive natural qualities should be reflected in nickname for a shepherd dog.

For this breed, it would be appropriate to use german dog names, for example, Adi, Laster, Manfred, Bohr, Moppel, Otto, Schnell, Siegfried, Udo.

Shepherd dog names: Arko, Alan, Alarm, Beryl, Blaine, Bosch, Bers, Veron, Wind, Volcano, Weiss, Gor, Vulture, Grade, Gerey, Jer, Jack, Dalmar, Erosh, Esaul, Eufrat, Zhus, Jean, Zhora, Zord, Zealot, Zaim, Irsen, Irving, Irbis, Kring, Klaus, Cake, Locks, Leo, Larry, Luchar, Mais, Marat, Mani, Mat, Knight, Nikon, Nux, Omi, Opal, Oiran, Pan, Palmer, Punch, Radar, Rife, Rock, Rex, Sant, Sai, Semur, Step, Teddy, Titan, Toger, Cliff, Ullis, Flip, Flash, Bassoon, Horst, Khairon, Hort, Zori, Tsez, Champion, Chan, Cheser, Sheikh, Shock, Emir, Al, Yuren, Eugene, Yuz, Yard, Jaromir, Iago.

Husky dog ​​nicknames

The ancient breed of husky is very popular at present, the distinctive feature of which can be called the “icy” look of blue eyes. It should be noted that all of the options below will serve excellently as nicknames Laek males.

Husky male can be called: Argo, Altai, Aben, Brutus, Baikal, Buran, Valdai, Viking, Wind, Hussar, Guard, Grade, Juno, Joker, Danube, Euphrates, Yenisei, Zorro, Zador, Zeus, Indigo, X, Icarus , Kinto, Karo, Lord, Luke, Fierce, Muscat, Meichi, Mirage, Norton, Nord, Noir, Odin, Roar, Alder, Pegasus, Pike, Surf, Rial, Ridge, Romulus, Samur, Saiga, Signal, Tair, Terek , Tigran, Urman, Ural, Ferdy, Franz, Hite, Hobby, Wizard, Champion, Yuko, Eugene, Yarro, Amber.

Nicknames of hunting dogs males

Hunters approach the choice of the name of a hunting dog very reverently; in some cases, centuries-old hunting traditions have been preserved, such dog names for males reflect the spirit of the hunt.

For hounds chasing the beast together and giving a loud strong voice, such options as Budilo, Grom, Tuning fork, Tyavkusha, Gul, Get, Raise, Danube, Swat, Virk, Sorcerer, Ingur, Bullet, Varyag, Vargus, Will, Top, Drive, Grad.

The pointer (setter, pointer) can be called Cheetah, Ayan, Don, Mage, Wright, Sputnik, Krams, Frant, Rio, Lux, Light, Reef, Karat, Hunter, Sport, Tom, Stack, Rocket, Ben.

Hunting burrowing dogs (terriers, dachshunds) can be called Enno, Thorn, Joy, Croxley, Jeffrey, Jim, Gray, Theodore, Ike, Milan, Cupid, Gray, Puff, Roy, Bucks, Charlie, Red, Fred, Tim.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for nicknames for males, you will certainly find something special and beautiful for your pet.