Unpopular dog breeds. The most fashionable dog breeds: rating, features and reviews

Americans today have over 70 million pet dogs in their homes, and more than two-thirds of American households have had at least one dog. Of the top 10 most popular breeds in the US, 5 breeds are of German origin, the rest are of British and Canadian origin. In general, Americans prefer large dogs, the vast majority of which are European.

Labrador Retriever

The Labrador is of Canadian origin. This breed is regarded throughout the world as an exemplary family dog, excellent with children, intelligent and eager to please its owner.

The breed was originally bred for bird hunting. good memory and developed instincts are ideal for the extraction of fallen birds.

Golden retriever

Golden Retrievers were officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1925. Prior to this, the breed was relatively rare in the US, although it was already extremely popular in the UK. The joyful Golden Retriever and his happy-go-lucky and cuddly personality make him a favorite among many American dog lovers.

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is of Germanic origin and has had a checkered history in America. After World War I, her popularity declined significantly as anti-German sentiment spread. But after that, thanks to the means mass media And developed intellect the popularity of the breed began to grow again.


This is typical british breed who loves children, has a boundless affection for wants nothing more than to be near the owner. Although the bulldog was originally bred for bull-baiting, its aggressive character traits completely smoothed out over several generations.


Beagles are the most popular hounds in America. Although the exact origin of the Beagle is still unknown, the breed first appeared in England in the Middle Ages. The breed was created to track burrowing animals by smell. The adorable floppy ears help the beagle pick up scent by collecting it around its head when its nose is tilted towards the ground.

Yorkshire Terrier

One of the few popular toy dogs in America, the Yorkie, although tiny, has great character. The popularity of these dogs is far from stellar, but they have a whole army of fans who provide the breed with a stable place in the top ten for many years to come.

German boxer

Whimsical, loyal, energetic and agile, the Boxer is an excellent watchdog and companion dog. However, regardless of the energy, the boxer will be equally happy to relax with you in front of the fireplace or lying on the mat. The German boxer is part of a trend in the US that shows Americans are becoming more and more dog breeds mastiff type.


Another German breed, the poodle, has a dense curly coat and the highest intellect(takes 2nd place in the list of the smartest breeds). The poodle has 3 varieties: dwarf, small and large. While the Poodle is not the most popular breed in the US today, it, like the Labrador Retriever, has been one of the most popular breeds in America for decades.


The Rottweiler is the largest breed in the top 10, this affectionate and powerful companion can make a formidable guard dog. His somewhat tarnished reputation is largely undeserved and is associated with many myths. With proper training and socialization, the Rottweiler will become a loyal, even-tempered and truly reliable companion.


This small German breed, like the Yorkie, has a whole army of fans, including stars, the most famous of which are Queen Victoria, Pablo Picasso and John F. Kennedy. However, the growing popularity large breeds means that the playful and friendly dachshund in volume-10 ranks below the other two German breeds Shepherds and Rottweilers.

Each dog owner chooses a breed that is close to his soul. However, there is the most popular breeds dogs in the world which are the most popular. The statistics used are those that apply to almost all countries. The rating includes those dogs that are distributed around the world.

1 German Shepherd

A magnificent breed that has an obedient character and is easy to train. There are two varieties of this species: short-haired and long-haired. For these dogs, exercise, long walks and active play options are very important. You can not keep them in cramped apartments or houses, the best place for them there will be a wide yard with a cozy kennel. Able to adapt well to life in big cities. They are also distinguished by quick wit and a desire to please the owner. Their average life expectancy is approximately 12-13 years.


Miniature and playful narrow-faced pets will be a real discovery for lovers of indoor dogs. They are constantly on the move, so they need regular walks. For such a breed, it is better to immediately buy toys for chewing, otherwise it can cause a lot of trouble to the owners, trying to gnaw everything that catches her eye. Terriers of this variety are not aggressive towards other animals and people, they get along well with children. They require constant thorough hair care, so they will have to be combed several times a day.


Brave and frisky creatures with a lively disposition, these are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. For owners, they can serve as both companions and hunters for small rodents, rabbits, hares, and are suitable as watchmen. Don't provoke them aggressive games, because, heated up, they can bite. Quite independent and love long walks and travel. Quickly get used to any conditions, not very whimsical. If this breed is well trained, then it will bring a lot of joy to the owner and will get along well with other household animals. They can keep calm when transported in transport.


Kind, funny and immeasurably affectionate dogs who love to explore everything new and undiscovered for them. They are extremely energetic and love a crowded society. Do not react aggressively to other people's animals. They need frequent walks, appear to be born bloodhounds, and they can get very carried away, so the owner will have to keep a close eye on them. Smart, clean individuals, moderately playful with children. They do not like to be left alone for a long time - they begin to whine and howl in a long way, which makes a lot of noise. Their diet should be controlled, as they are prone to obesity.


The medium-sized smooth-haired breed is also one of the ten most popular dog breeds in the world. Stable in their behavior, strong, have a cheerful disposition. They prefer slow walks in cool weather. They do not like the heat and are constantly looking for shelter from it. Rarely bark, quiet, do not require serious physical training. They are extremely sensitive and obedient, therefore, under no circumstances should they be shouted at - they become shy. However, they have proved to be excellent as watchmen. They often molt, their breeding can be very problematic. Sometimes they have breathing problems and wheezing.


Representatives with a soft coat various shades. They love to sunbathe, sleep under light blanket and can not stand the cold without insulating clothing. Active, fast moving, observant. They zealously protect their owners, deafeningly barking and grinning, they are extremely inquisitive and love their toys. They live long (13-15 years), become excellent companions. They need minimal care, adapt better to the conditions of any apartments, but are completely unsuitable for courtyard life. Training lends itself, but this is not absolutely necessary.


These large and good-natured dogs are characterized by loyalty and unwavering devotion, included in the ranking of the most popular dogs in the world. Get pleasure from active rest with a wide variety of outdoor games in the open space. They are very attached to their owners and are kind to children. They are hardy, strong and weather resistant. They treat the rest of their kind and strangers calmly and even friendly, but only as long as nothing threatens their owner. They easily learn commands and become more restrained and serious with age.


This is a calm breed, not distinguished by a violent character. Such dogs enjoy dynamic recreation, which they prefer to spend with their owners, toddlers or other dogs. They stand out for their attentiveness, composure and efficiency. They are tolerant and not aggressive, so they fit perfectly into young families with a small child. Ready at any time to come to the rescue and protect members of their family. They have watchdog skills, they quickly adapt to new areas, they are not embarrassed by the bustle of megacities. They live an average of 12-14 years.


Powerful, muscular, yet elegant variety, almost most popular dog breed in the world and Russia. They love to walk, but they can not be let off the leash in in public places. Games like tug-of-war and wrestling are desirable to be excluded, because during their conduct, his militant nature awakens in the pet, they are able to inadvertently injure their opponent for entertainment. Otherwise, such animals are quite good-natured with people, but they can growl and bark at other people's dogs, and be stubborn. It is important to pay attention to the fact that they do not tolerate sub-zero temperatures, and while running they often wheeze a lot.

10. Jack Russell Terrier

Desperately brave and smart pets, funny and able to pretend. Very independent, but still require almost constant attention from others. They easily endure long physical exertion and long runs, because they are distinguished by considerable energy. Cheerful, cheerful and friendly nature make them incredibly affectionate towards all family members. They have a hunting instinct and are happy to learn new training commands for themselves. Suitable for keeping in any territory, as they are very hardy and adapt quickly.

  • B. Hunting dog breeds
    • cops
      • English cops
      • short haired english cops
      • linnohaired continental hounds
      • short haired continental hounds
      • longhaired continental hounds
      • wirehaired
    • hounds
    • Search rocks
    • Bloodhounds
    • Dachshunds
  • V. Terriers
    • hunting terriers
    • Other Terriers
  • G. Greyhounds
    • Short haired greyhounds
    • Long haired greyhounds
    • Rough-haired greyhounds
  • D. Indoor-decorative breeds of dogs
  • Popular dog breeds

    At the end of the last century, the German Shepherd was a relatively uncommon shepherd dog used in different areas Germany for grazing sheep. In northern and central Germany, it was of a squat, massive type, and in southern Germany, mainly in the Württemberg region, a lighter, high-legged type was bred. By crossing both of these varieties, the modern German Shepherd was bred.

    Her triumphal march around the world happened after the outstanding, wonderful properties of this service dog breed were established ...read all

    doberman pinscher

    This breed of dog is named after its creator L. Doberman from Apolda in Germany, who at the end of the last century bred very vicious dogs resembling the size of a short-haired pinscher.

    These dogs laid the foundation for the subsequent breeding of Dobermans...read all


    The Rottweiler was originally a herding dog. It was mainly used by cattle traders and butchers in southern Germany to escort herds and guard them at night. The Rottweiler was known as a butcher's dog. He received his name in honor of the city of Rottweil am Neckar, which was the center of the cattle trade, and therefore these dogs were very numerous there ...read all

    Giant Schnauzer (Riesenschnauzer)

    Most rough-haired dogs are hunting dog breeds. The oldest of them are descended from an old rough-haired dog, which was found in different forms throughout Europe.

    It is difficult to say whether this dog was the ancestor of the modern Schnauzer. However, there is an opinion that the Giant Schnauzer comes from the so-called large wire-haired pinscher, which at one time was very common in the Munich region ...read all

    In its origin, method of breeding and use, the Caucasian Shepherd Dog differs only slightly from the Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

    Greater Swiss Shepherd Dog (Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund)

    Swiss Shepherds are divided by size, coat length, use and distribution into four distinct dog breeds. Crossbreeds are almost never found even in areas where their distribution is intermittent.

    Briard - Brian Sheepdog (Briard)

    This breed of dog got its name in honor of the area in France, famous for the production of Brie in Champagne cheese, although it has nothing to do with its development.

    Boxer (Deutscher Boxer)

    The ancient ancestors of the modern boxer were used to hunt bears, wolves and wild boars. Their images are preserved on various old engravings. They were stocky, massive, strong, well-built dogs, absolutely fearless and little sensitive to injuries received in battles. They also demonstrated their strength and courage in the battles that were held between them and other animals (for example, with bulls, bears, etc.)

    Great Dane (Deutsche Dogge)

    In some countries, without any reason, it is called the Great Dane (for example, in France "Grand Danois", and in England "Great Dane"). This is not true, since back in 1879 in Germany its pedigree characteristics were first identified and the breed was named "Great Dane". It belongs to the most large dogs at all. The Great Dane is a descendant of the ancient Great Danes, bred in ancient times for military and hunting purposes. These were powerful heavy dogs, fearless, confident in their strength.


    Collie is a very intelligent and well-trained dog, has innate abilities for shepherd service. Thanks to these features, combined with a beautiful, imposing appearance, the collie has many admirers, and therefore, in addition to its official purpose, it has become a favorite decorative dog.

    She attaches herself to the family of her owners with great devotion and love, loves children and guards the apartment well. In addition to the well-known Rough Collie, there is also a Rough Collie, which is relatively rare in England. From the long-haired, this breed of dog differs only in coat, which should be hard, thick and short...read all

    St. Bernard (Bernhardiener)

    As early as the seventeenth century, it was known that the monks of the Augustinian monastery of St. Bernard in Switzerland bred huge guard dogs. , which they often use to search for and rescue lost and freezing travelers, exhausted in snow storms. The most famous of these dogs was a male named Barry, who saved forty people from certain death between 1800 and 1812. The most interesting thing is that the St. Bernards perform this noble work to this day ...read all


    Still remains open question about whether the Linhofoundland was taken to the island of New Foundland from Europe and then returned to Europe back, or whether it is aboriginal american breed dogs.

    It is indisputable only that the British paid attention to him on the island of Newfoundland (hence the name of this breed of dogs), took him to Europe and here, the breed improved to the modern type ...read all


    An old breed of dog, bred in Hungary. It is a representative of a shepherd dog that came to Hungary from Asia. Designed to protect herds and housing.

    Targeted breeding along with climatic conditions(cold nights and harsh winters) contributed to the development of a bold, powerful and hardy dog ​​breed.

    The komondor is characterized by its thick matted coat, which protects it from dampness, cold, but also from the bites of rivals. His figure is square, slightly longer on occasion, his head gives the impression of a ball of hair, which seems to be an extension of the back ...read all...

    English Bulldog (Bull-dog)

    The origin of this breed of dog, whose use in England dates back to the beginning of the seventeenth century, is much older than its name. In England, Great Danes have always been widespread, favorite dogs, destined for the rut on the beast.

    The combative nature of these folk entertainments, the cruelty of which is incomprehensible and alien to us today, consisted in the fact that the dog attacked a powerful bull, grabbed his muzzle with his teeth and dragged him until the exhausted bull surrendered to his fate. Therefore, these dogs were called “bull-dogs” (bull dogs).

    Physically adapted dog breeds were selected for these fights. , the short, stocky form of which did not give the bull the opportunity to attack them (with their small stature they did not provide the possibility of a counterattack), very mobile, but nevertheless very massive and weighty.

    Moreover, a large head with powerful teeth, which played a decisive role in battles, deserved attention. It seems quite likely that the basis of the current descendants of a powerful fighting dog was laid by the Romans, who occupied England and then took these dogs to their homeland. Subsequently, dogs of a somewhat smaller bodily format were bred, which were used in the rut on bulls ...read all...

    Labrador Retriever

    It comes from New Foundland, from where it came to England. Belongs to the group of ancient English breeds of dogs.

    Initially, the Labrador was intended for fetching in cooperation with English Pointing Dogs.

    In view of his outstanding instinct and extraordinary passion for wear, his use was partly transferred from the field of hunting to the field service dogs. Therefore, he finds good use, for example, at the customs service, as well as as a guard dog. However, his hunting abilities come first..read all...


    Dachshunds belong to the group of hunting dogs , called burrows. Already by their name and classification, one can understand that they are used for hunting badgers in holes (in German der Dachs - badger).

    Dachshunds come in three coat types: shorthaired, longhaired and wirehaired. In each of them, three varieties are distinguished by weight and chest circumference: normal, dwarf and rabbit.

    All these options in total represent independent breeds of dogs (nine pieces), differing from each other in size, character of wool and color ...read all...

    Fox Terrier

    Parfors huntingthe fox was and still is the favorite sport of the British. A fox runs at full speed ahead, pursued by a flock of foxhounds, followed by a cavalcade of riders on special hunting horses. It already seems that the fox is exhausted, the hounds are already looking forward to how they close their deadly circle around her, but suddenly the fox disappears without a trace. She disappeared into a hole with lightning speed and a flock of bloodthirsty hounds scurry around her entrance in amazement to find the lost track.

    But at this time riders drive up, one of them jumps off the horse and takes out a small white dog with black spots (fox terrier) from the basket and lets it into the hole. A few moments later, a furious barking is already heard from the hole and a flock of foxhounds again rushes after the fleeing fox ...read all...


    Strelka and Belka, perhaps the descendants of the toylike, which an unknown artist depicted on a fresco preserved in Kiev back in 1037, by their flight into space provided convincing evidence of the outstanding properties of this group of northern dogs.

    Laika can be considered one of the oldest dog breeds serving man. To this day they have kept characteristics, testifying to their close relationship with the wolf and the jackal. How to use as well environment, over the course of many generations, certain psychological and physiological signs have been fixed in separate groups of huskies, on the basis of which huskies can be divided into three subgroups:

    A - shepherd's huskies, B - riding (polar) huskies, C - hunting huskies ...read all...

    Sheltie - Shetland Sheepdog

    The Shetland Sheepdog, also called the Shetland Sheepdog, is essentially a dwarf collie, reaching about half the normal height of a collie. Its striking resemblance to a collie leaves no doubt that these are two very closely related breeds.

    The Shetland Islands are native to the Shetland Islands, where the harsh climate favors the appearance of dwarf forms and other animals. There are well-known Shetland ponies, etc. So this little sheepdog is only a natural addition to these modest, harsh and poor nature, unspoiled and yet very hardy and useful animals ...read all...

    American Cocker Spaniel

    Cocker spaniels in many countries are bred according to English breed standards.

    On the contrary, America - in the twenties of our century - went its own way. The so-called American Cocker began to develop there, the breeding of which is much more widespread there than the breeding of the English Cocker.

    From his English relative it differs, first of all, in the density and density of the coat and the short, angular shape of the head. The American Cocker Spaniel has been recognized as a separate breed of dog. After the Second World War, the American Cocker was also imported to Germany, where, however, it did not attract much attention..read all...

    Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkshire Terrier)

    The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest terrier breeds. It was bred at the end of the last century in the English county of Yorkshire, from where it got its name. There is no detailed information about its origin.

    It is believed that it was bred by crossing several breeds of dogs, of which the Skye Terrier is most often mentioned and the possibility of the participation of the Maltese Pinscher is also allowed ...read all...


    From the middle of the eighteenth century and still in the nineteenth century, the pug was very common. Especially among the nobles and in the ladies' world, the pug was highly valued by dog ​​lovers. Duke Alexander von Württemberg, after the death of his beloved pug, in 1733 ordered a monument to be erected in the park of his castle Winnenthal, which was supposed to testify to the descendants of the properties of this dog.

    During its glory period, the pug was a frequent object of interest for artists. There is no exact explanation about the origin of the name of this breed of dogs. In southern Germany, the words "moppen", "mopperen" or "möppen" mean to grimace, grumble or make a face, and therefore, probably, the word "pug" was meant to express a dog with a disgruntled, peevish expression. Data about the birthplace of the pug is also inaccurate. Lead China, but also Africa (Cape good hope). There is also a suggestion that, based on the shape of its skull, it can be considered (in Europe) a dwarf variant of the small bulldog ...read all...

    Poodle (Caniche)

    The poodle, according to all scientists, is one of the oldest dog breeds. However, there is no consensus on its origin. Some say that it comes from an old, shaggy herding dog, while others say that it comes from an old "water dog" used to feed waterfowl.

    Obviously, the poodle is a cross between both of these ancient breeds. This is also evidenced by two types of poodle coat, namely curly, as a heritage from a shepherd dog, and corded from a water dog. Various traits of his character have also been preserved ...read all...

    Dalmatian dog, Dalmatian (Dalmatinac)

    It can be assumed that the Dalmatiandogs (Dalmatians) are undoubtedly bred in Dalmatia. But still, despite this, there are a number of different assumptions about its origin. In the 18th century, this breed was called the "Bengal Brakk", so there is a theory that the true homeland of the Dalmatian dog was India, from where it then gradually spread throughout the Mediterranean, and was later imported to England.

    In its type, it resembles a high-legged hound and was originally used for hunting. Soon, however, she began to be cultivated as an indoor dog breed ...read all...

    Chow-chow (Chow-chow)

    Chow Chow comes from East Asia. It has not yet been clarified whether China was his homeland or whether he came to China from Tibet or Manchuria. It belongs to the group of Spitz breeds and is probably related to the Siberian Spitz breeds.

    Together with the Beijing dog, Chow Chow was bred in the palace of Chinese emperors, but was also distributed in the Chinese provinces. The often circulated claim that it was fattened for slaughter and cooked as a gourmet roast is a fiction that is completely untrue.

    From China, the chow-chow came to England, where English dog breeders, through purebred breeding and careful selection, brought out an independent in its type, a very special breed of dog, which soon became known on the European continent and in the USA ...read all...

    French bulldog (Bouledogue francais)

    At first glance, the French Bulldog is a smaller version of the English Bulldog. But despite this, there are still doubts whether he is related to him at all. According to one version, a dwarf form of the English bulldog, called the "toy bulldog", which, however, no longer exists, participated in the emergence of the French bulldog. According to another version, it is of purely French origin and is considered a dwarf form of Great Danes.

    In all likelihood, although this breed of dog originated in France, its ancestor is still a bulldog, although of a dwarf form.

    The French Bulldog is a very accommodating dog, smart, quick-witted, and also calm, in a word, a pleasant watchman and companion in the house...read all...

    Maltese (Maltese)

    This is one of the most small breeds dogs. It comes from the Mediterranean, where her ancestors were bred back in the days of the Roman Empire. Then it was called "Canis melitensis", that is, a dog from the island of Melita, the present Mljet.

    Obviously, the name of this island was mistakenly confused with the island of Malta, and therefore this dog was called the Maltese back in the 16th century. This breed was formed and acquired modern appearance in England and from there spread throughout the world.

    Its close relative is the lap dog, which was bred in Italy, apparently by crossing with the white poodle, from which she inherited a curly coat and a slightly large size. The one who sees only a living toy in the Maltese is mistaken; As a rule, she is affectionate towards her household people, but she is extremely distrustful of strangers...read all...


    This little dog lived for centuries only in the Chinese Imperial Palace and its gardens in Beijing. She was not allowed to leave this mysterious place.

    The right to breed the Pekingese was granted only to the Chinese emperor. Others were forbidden on pain of death. The Pekingese breeding cult reached its climax when one of them was declared a reincarnated Buddha, and high honors were given to him.

    The Pekingese was brought to England for the first time in 1896. These were five dogs that were saved after the capture of the imperial palace by the Europeans at the very moment when, on the orders of the fleeing empress, they had to be killed so as not to fall into the hands of the British ...read all...

    Miniature Schnauzer (Zwergschnauzer)

    The miniature schnauzer is a dwarf form of the small schnauzer. The beginnings of its breeding at the end of the last century were probably even more difficult and difficult than those of the small schnauzer. This has now been overcome and the Miniature Schnauzer is now a well-established, well-adjusted breed. Both in appearance and in character, both breeds are very similar.

    Due to its small stature, the miniature schnauzer is great for city apartments, being the most common schnauzer in a number of European countries. For the sake of his great flair, he is successfully used customs service in the fight against drug smuggling, thus referring to service dog breeds..read all...

    Chi-hua-hua (Chihuahua)

    The smallest dog breed in the world. Because this dog is very smart, intelligent, lively and agile, it is a typical representative of a pet. It occurs in two versions, differing from each other only in the coat.

    The short-haired Chihuahua originates from Mexico, where it was bred from the original local breed.

    The long-haired Chihuahua appeared much later in the United States of America, where it was bred from the genuine short-haired Chihuahua.

    Based on the number of dogs shown in our country in Lately at exhibitions, we can say that this miniature dog and we have acquired many lovers ...read all...

    Siberian Husky

    All about the Siberian Husky dog ​​breed. breed history, character traits, features of the content, susceptibility to diseases, breed standards and photographs.

    Husky - if you translate this word from in English we get - "hoarse". These beautiful and well-built dogs do not bark, but growl.

    Another meaning of the word "husky" was the name of the Eskimos, derived from the abbreviated "eski". In addition, huskies are called dogs used for sledding, that is, sled dogs. All of them are characterized by a very thick coat, erect ears and a sharp muzzle, as well as a tail curved upwards.

    One of the merchants in Alaska (his name was Gusak) brought dogs from Siberia (light and not very large) and decided to use them in a sledge team, rightly believing that they had enough strength for this, and their small stature would allow them to develop good speed. Thus began the driving history of the use of this breed of dog...read all...

    Akita Inu

    The Akita Inu is a Japanese dog breed that is considered a national treasure in its homeland. Features, advantages and disadvantages of the breed, everything you need to know when choosing a pet of this dog breed.

    The national treasure of Japan, the proud heritage, the epithets that the Japanese characterize the Akita Inu breed. It was bred for use when hunting big game, such as bear, elk, wild boar and others. This powerful and dignified dog is famous for its courage and loyalty, but can be intolerant of other animals. His luxurious fur ...

    It’s fashionable to have a small dog, but what if you don’t want to carry rat-shaped chihuahuas in your bag, forever trembling with bouts of fear and hatred? In fact, there is a choice: fashionable dog breeds are not limited to Yorkies, Maltese or Chihuahuas, as many provincial fashionistas are sure; besides fashionable dog does not have to be tiny and nervous.

    Mixed breeds of dogs are becoming more and more popular all over the world - after all, everything new often excites and interests much more than the usual. However, many classic breeds are still very popular due to their gentle nature and cute muzzles. If you are looking for a pet that will not only stand out from other dogs on playground, but also to please the owners with a bright personality and intelligence, pay attention to our rating.

    the site reminds: a dog is a man’s friend and in most cases an expressed personality, and not a thoughtless and meaningless accessory. You can throw a handbag in a closet or give it to a girlfriend, and you will have to learn to love a dog ... or be able to betray. This is who studied.

    The pug is funny, belligerent and coughs instead of barking

    The appearance of modern pugs is very different from the appearance of their ancestors, who were imported from China to Europe in the Middle Ages, throughout the 16th century settled in the courts of the nobility. The pug and beagle mix - the pug - is even more popular with fashionistas, even being a relatively young breed, bred only 30 years ago. Pugs are loved by many stars, for example, Jessica Alba, Tori Spelling and Kelly Osbourne.

    Goldendoodle will forever be a puppy... in the shower

    One of the most popular mixed breeds is the goldendoodle, a hybrid golden retriever and a poodle. He has a cheerful and sociable disposition, but Goldendoodle also became famous because of his appearance - soft, slightly curly hair, expressive black eyes, long legs and a luxurious tail. The Goldendoodle is far from a small dog, but it is easy to train and a very sociable dog. Every year the popularity of smart and healthy breed only grows. Goldendoodle fans include Usher and Kenny Chesney.

    The French Bulldog is a real aristocrat who is not averse to commanding

    All breeds of bulldogs are in high demand, but Frenchies are considered among the most popular among small species, even despite the fact that not educated (not trained) French bulldogs are particularly stubborn. This breed does not know how to bark, so it is convenient to take the French Bulldog on trips and travels. The advantages of the breed were fully appreciated by Reese Witherspoon, Ian Somerhalder and John Legend, choosing French Bulldogs as pets.

    Labradoodle - the soul of the company and the best friend of children

    Another popular breed is obtained by crossing a Labrador and a Poodle. Labradoodles are calm and not prone to aggression even in the most controversial situations from their point of view. They are hypoallergenic and different sizes. Best friends labradoodles - Jennifer Aniston, Lance Bass, Christie Brinkley and Tiger Woods.

    Yorkshire Terrier: "Look at me, I'm a princess!"

    The famous "toy" breed, sweet and meek, has won the hearts of many stars. Yorkies include Miley Cyrus, Gisele Bundchen, Natalie Portman and Miranda Kerr. Dogs are active and love attention, they are friends with cats.

    Maltipu - can't be cuter

    Another poodle hybrid has become one of the most popular breeds thanks to the sympathy of many stars such as Ellen DeGeneres, Jessica Simpson, Blake Lively and Vanessa Hudgens. The Maltipoo is an affectionate and playful breed that combines the qualities of the Maltese dog with the hypoallergenic nature of the poodle.

    Shih Tzu is the most patient creature in the world

    They are famous for their obedience and cheerful disposition, but primarily for their stunning photogenicity. In search of a patient pet that can be dressed up in different clothes, we advise you to pay attention to this breed. Its peculiarity lies in the long hair, which allows you to create a variety of hairstyles, but interferes with vision. Mariah Carey, Nicole Richie and Beyoncé are the star Shih Tzu owners.

    Miniature Schnauzer with a huge ego

    Katherine Heigl, Claire Danes, Rob Lowe and many others are people who have decided to connect their lives with friendly and intelligent dogs of this breed. Miniature Schnauzers love to be given a lot of attention and can get seriously offended if ignored. Surprisingly jealous and have an extremely pronounced sense of dignity. Owners.

    The dachshund will tell the owner the word in the crossword

    Mary-Kate Olsen, Dita Von Teese, Josh Duhamel and Adele are star connoisseurs of dachshunds - dogs, for a long time remaining at the top of the American "dog" charts. Dachshunds come in a variety of colors, short-haired and long-haired. They are also considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world, which explains their extreme stubbornness and perseverance in achieving their goals.

    Pomsky - the new name "mimimi" and "nyashka"

    One of the cutest hybrids (Pomeranian and Husky), Poms are very popular. For those who can't afford to keep a husky at home, the pomsky is the best option. They are cheerful, playful and friendly, find mutual language with everyone you can. Pomskies come in a wide variety of colors and coat lengths.

    We have been talking for a long time about different breeds dogs. In our conversation, various hit parades have already flashed more than once, aimed at finding the largest, most popular, ferocious and the devil knows what other dogs. But we have never talked about the most popular or famous dog breeds in the world. We decided to correct this injustice, and today we will find out what most famous dog breeds in the world.

    In order to give the most objective information to our readers, we have studied the data of several exhibitions that took place on the territory of the CIS over the past few years. And we got such a picture, of course, it cannot be considered 100% reliable, but it is close to this indicator. If you disagree, please state known dog breeds, can you add something new to the article. For game lovers, the game must be known matryoshka, there is often question about the most famous dog breeds, in our article you will find the answer to the question about the most famous dog breeds in the world. So, let's begin.

    Famous dog breeds: TOP-20 with photos

    1 place. Rightfully belongs to the German Shepherd. And this, as we believe, is correct, because these dogs differ from their counterparts in their absolute unpretentiousness in maintenance. The German Shepherd can live peacefully both in the house and on the street. These dogs have an amazing mind, they are very harmoniously built and have a wonderful appearance. In addition, they have an excellent character, German Shepherds easily get along with other animals in the house, love children very much and are distinguished by incredible devotion to their owners. In addition, the German Shepherd can become a reliable guard and watchman for your home. It is thanks to these qualities that the German Shepherd can be called the most popular and famous dog breed in the world.

    2nd place. Sly, cunning, smart and very funny dogs are firmly entrenched in second place. If you still don't understand what in question, then we will tell you - these are dachshunds. Yes, gentlemen, the second most popular and famous dogs in the world are dachshunds, and in a variety of configurations. The opinion that only mini-dachshunds are especially popular is not correct. All types of this breed are popular.

    And there is nothing surprising in this, because dachshunds are a lump positive energy, they are always ready to amuse you, they love to be close to their owner. But be careful, if you decide to buy a dachshund puppy, then remember that with cats, these dogs are irreconcilable enemies, your mustachioed pet will be the number one target for hunting a long puppy. And dachshunds just love to dig, so if you have flowers growing on the site near the house, then it may well be that a new pet will dig all these flowers.

    3rd place. In third place in terms of fame is Labrador, and hardly anyone will argue with this. These dogs are known and popular not only in Russia or the CIS countries, they are popular all over the world. And this is absolutely deserved, because these dogs have just an excellent character and a stable psyche. Representatives of this breed of dogs successfully work in police and army units around the world, participate together with rescuers in their operations and even work as doctors. Yes, Labradors are used to treat autism in children, as well as guide dogs.

    The Labrador is an excellent family dog, but it is not suitable for guarding your home or you. Labradors are absolutely devoid of aggression towards people. So, in three most famous dog breeds we figured it out, now we'll look at dog breeds that are less popular than these and those dog breeds that were very popular in the past, but now their popularity has practically disappeared.

    4 Place. In the fourth most popular place are dogs that have become popular in our area recently. These are huskies, these guests from the far north have recently become very popular in the CIS and their popularity is growing every day, now more and more often you can meet these cute dogs on the street. If you decide to get yourself a husky puppy, then remember that these dogs are quite difficult to train and require special care.

    5th place. This place is occupied by another well-known breed of dogs in our area, the Asian Shepherd Dog, or as it is also called Alabai. These dogs gained their popularity in the 90s. Back then, you had to protect your home, and dogs of this breed are known for their ferocity. Therefore, a lot of people began to start them. In addition, Asian Shepherds became famous thanks to the scary stories that used to be often written in newspapers. These dogs became the heroes of bloody stories about their owners being eaten and so on. In fact, these dogs are distinguished by devotion to their owner and, with proper upbringing, become excellent dogs.

    6 Place. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog, also a very popular dog in the past, is now representatives of this breed, also not uncommon to be found on the street or in private sectors. These dogs are excellent guards. If your yard is guarded by a Caucasian, then be sure that no one except you or those people whom you show the dog to the dog will enter the yard.

    7 Place. The Rottweiler took an honorable 7th place in this list. At one time, these dogs were very popular in the CIS, they were brought to us in the 90s of the last century and became very popular. These are excellent guard dogs, they are well trained, get along well with children and pets. But they have one problem, poor health, apparently, so their popularity is now declining. Although, if you wish, you can buy a Rottweiler puppy without any problems.

    8 Place. Doberman. They are excellent watchdogs different countries they are used for service in the police and the army. In our country, they were popular in the 90s. These dogs have one inconvenience - they can only be kept in the house and during walks on fresh air V winter period they need to be dressed in clothes, these dogs do not have their own undercoat.

    9 Place. Collie. These dogs came to us from distant Scotland, they belong to sheepdogs, they have an excellent character and are very devoted to their master. These dogs at one time were very popular with us, now their popularity has slightly decreased, but still these dogs are quite popular.

    10. Place. Sheltie. This is a kind of collie, these dogs differ from collies in size (they are slightly smaller) and in color. Shelties are predominantly black and white. These dogs are perfect for people with children. Dogs of this breed simply adore them.

    11. Place. Another hero scary stories from newspapers. Pit Bull Terrier, this breed of dog became popular due to the publication of articles in newspapers that these dogs are not really pets, but ruthless killers. Scary stories really took place. But the authors of these articles forgot to say that such behavior in a dog can only be subject to improper upbringing. And the fact that these dogs are not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders categorically.

    12. Place. Boxer. Boxers appeared in Germany, these dogs were popular at the end of the last century, now it is often impossible to meet representatives of these breeds on the street. People stopped starting this breed of dog, but in vain. After all, boxers are incredibly smart, agile, courageous and loyal dogs. For his master, the boxer is ready to give his life, and without hesitation. Boxers are great family dogs. If desired, a boxer puppy can be bought now.

    13. Place. Diver. These dogs were also popular at the end of the last century, they are popular now, but not as much as before. These are excellent dogs that work as rescuers in many countries of the world. They are excellent companions, nannies and generally wonderful dogs. The long coat and thick undercoat make these dogs easy to live both indoors and outdoors. Therefore, they have no problems with content. As a guard, these dogs are not suitable because they completely lack aggression towards people.

    14. Place. Takes the Great Dane, also very famous dog breed and very popular in the past, now you can’t meet these dogs at every turn, and before they lived in almost every apartment building. Great Danes are excellent pets, they are calm in nature, not vicious, but in case of danger they can easily protect their owner. These dogs are perfect for the role. pet, and the guard. Only with these dogs there can be maintenance problems, because dogs are big, and they can only live in a house, so if you don’t have a palace, but an ordinary apartment, it’s better not to get such a dog.

    15. Place. Chow Chow, everyone knows these funny dogs with blue tongues. Thanks to this blue tongue, this dog breed and became famous. Chow-chow belong to decorative dogs. They are very difficult to train precisely because of this feature, these dogs are considered stupid. In fact, they are simply wayward and in order for the dog to obey you, you just need to find an approach to it. More recently, these dogs were simply super-popular in the vastness of our vast country.

    16. Place. Poodle. This known dog breed all over the world and very popular, and earlier this dog was just super-popular, now its popularity has become less, but still dogs of this breed constantly participate in exhibitions and competitions. They have a simply amazing mind and are trained very quickly. As a watchdog, these dogs are very good, when someone else approaches, the dog will definitely notify its owner with a loud bark. But this dog will not be able to protect the owner.

    17. Place. English bulldog . A well-known dog all over the world, thanks to the film about Sherlock Holmes, the English bulldog played the role of a dog that the famous detective rented for his needs. If you decide to buy a puppy of this breed of dog, you should be prepared for the fact that they are absolute lazybones. These dogs are simply world champions in couch potato. You can leave your pet lying on the couch when leaving for work, and when you return to find it in the same place. Moreover, it may well be that this handsome man will not even change his position on the couch. That's it, so if you need a dog that will not bring you any problems, then the English Bulldog is exactly the dog that you need.

    18. Place. St. Bernard. Famous dog breed worldwide. Basically, these dogs are known for the movie "Beethoven" where the dog of this breed played a major role. But, not many people know that St. Bernards are real heroes in the world of dogs. Since ancient times, St. Bernard dogs have rescued people from snow captivity. There is even a monument to this wonderful dog in Paris. In addition to all this, St. Bernards are very unpretentious dogs in care, they have a calm character, a stable psyche and a sharp mind.

    Thanks to these qualities, this dog can be called an ideal family dog. But this dog has not received popularity in our area. Apparently this happened because of the huge size of the St. Bernards, because not all people with us live in spacious country houses, and the apartments of most people do not allow them to keep such a big dog.

    19. Place. Bloodhound. This dog breed became famous in our area thanks to the folk series "Plot". Remember that funny dog, who at the end of each series wrote a letter to the wife of the district police officer, played by Bezrukov. It is this funny dog ​​with sad eyes that is the Bloodhound. All over the world, this breed of dog is known for its excellent hunting qualities. They have an amazing sense of smell and are able to smell game, even if the trail was left a few days ago. This feature of this breed of dog was noticed not only by hunters, but also by representatives of the police. Therefore, Bloodhounds are not only excellent pets, hunters, but also bloodhounds.

    20. Well, at the end of our article, we want to talk to you, about probably most famous dogs in the world. You will never guess what kind of dogs we are talking about - mongrels. There is no one more famous than these dogs in the world. They are everywhere, wherever you go, go or do not turn your eyes. Therefore, the most famous thoroughbred dog is a shepherd, but the most famous dog in general is a yard terrier. The fact that these dogs do not have a breed does not mean that they are not worthy of love or attention.

    They are excellent loyal friends, have a very good health and very often mutts are much smarter than their eminent brethren. Therefore, when, walking on the street, you see a sad look, do not be too lazy to bend down and give the dog a piece of bread or just pet the dog. It may well be that for him it will be very important.