Why are the eyes of a British cat watery. Watery eyes in a cat of the British breed

Many owners of animals of this beautiful breed are faced with the problem of "wet" eyes in an animal; the term "current" eyes is often used in colloquial speech.

If you are also faced with a similar phenomenon, it is important first of all to find out the possible cause and degree of severity or even danger of this ailment.

In the case when the discharge is transparent and appears in an animal, especially a kitten, only after sleep, most likely there is no reason to worry. Such discharge may be associated with the structural features of the head of cats of the British breed. Little kittens are not yet accustomed to carefully carry out their own hygiene.

With the appearance of transparent discharge only in the morning, you can:

  • gently wipe the eyes of the animal with warm boiled water;
  • use special cotton swabs with lotion for animal eye care.

If the discharge appeared suddenly and is intense, perhaps this is a manifestation of an allergy. Remember if the animal received something unusual for food, or maybe new household chemicals were used in the house. In such a case, it makes sense to contact a veterinarian who will prescribe suitable drops for allergies.

Festering eyes are a symptom of various diseases.

However, there are cases when the discharge is not at all harmless, they have a thick structure and a yellowish color characteristic of pus. This can be a signal of a number of diseases that are dangerous not only for the animal, but also for humans. You should immediately consult a doctor who will take swabs for various types of infections and prescribe the correct treatment.

Diseases can be viral (herpes, calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis), bacterial, fungal, caused by protozoa (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis). All of them are unpleasant, dangerous for other animals in the house, and many for people.

individual pathologies.

Sometimes eye problems are caused by individual pathologies in the structure of the eyes and the nasolacrimal canal. The doctor will be able to identify such features. Sometimes, to alleviate the condition of the animal, he can undergo plastic surgery to correct. At the same time, it is important to understand that if the defect is only external (“current” eyes), then one should think about the risk associated with the operation, and, perhaps, prefer to carry out hygiene procedures for the animal more often.

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British cats, like other purebred representatives of their kind, require special care. The Briton has watery eyes for various reasons that should be sorted out. Whether it be physiological features or an inflammatory process, first of all, it is necessary to identify the accompanying symptoms.

Excessive tearing occurs in case of reduced immunity. It spreads most often to small kittens who still have a weak immune system. Until the animal is vaccinated, various viruses in the body can cause this symptom. During this period, the kitten is most vulnerable, and requires more care. From an early age, British kittens need daily eye care. If the Briton has watery eyes, then you need to regularly wash them and get vaccinated. The visual organs of a kitten must always be kept clean, otherwise complications may begin.

Problems with the intestines appear from the wrong diet. The kitten will suffer not only from indigestion, but also from inflammatory processes that began due to malnutrition. Such a breed has a flattened muzzle, and in some cases this causes clogging of the lacrimal passages. This causes the cats to shed tears and begin to sniffle. There is no serious threat to the body, but it is important to wipe the visual organs and remove all accumulations of tears.

An allergy provokes a similar reaction. Perfume, air freshener and cleaning products are dangerous for the mucous membranes of the cat. You can reduce symptoms on your own using ¼ of a suprastin tablet, which is mixed with food. To complete the treatment, the veterinarian will need to examine the British and prescribe an individual course of treatment and dosage.

If fluorescent lamps are installed in the room and the lighting is too bright, the pet may develop conjunctivitis. Frequent discharge is treated with special drops. It is also important to change the lighting in the rooms where the pet is located.

The Briton has watery eyes from dusty places. A kind of allergy caused by a lot of dust is not treated with drugs, because they only relieve symptoms for a while. It is recommended to keep the house clean and do wet cleaning more often.


To begin with, it is necessary to determine the nature of the discharge: whether they are purulent and whether there are accompanying symptoms. Take your pet to the veterinarian immediately if:

  • occurrence;
  • temperature increase;
  • lack of appetite and sluggish behavior.

To reduce the tearing of cats, the following actions are carried out:

  1. It is necessary to regularly wipe the eyes with herbal decoctions or a mixture of boiled water and potassium permanganate or tea leaves. If the coat is light tones, then this procedure will color them brown - this is not dangerous.
  2. Tetracycline ointment is a universal antimicrobial drug. It is applied at night, smearing the eyelids with a small amount.
  3. Use eye drops "Iris": they are dripped a couple of drops into each visual organ, and then the leaked residues are wiped dry. It is important to make sure that the cat does not start scratching them, otherwise irritation will begin.

Before using ointments and drops, you must first consult with your veterinarian so as not to aggravate the disease with the wrong treatment.

Briton has watery eyes photo

Preventive measures

First of all, watch your pet's diet. You can not accustom him first to the food, and later feed the same that you eat yourself. A balanced meal should be observed daily. We must not forget about the physiological characteristics of this breed and regularly clean the eyes of the accumulated fluid. Before giving any medicine or dripping drops, test the drug on yourself. This is how you will know if unexpected reactions occur. Do not smoke near pets. It is important to air the room daily and do wet cleaning. The eyes of the British are very sensitive, so it is better to get rid of all allergic pathogens in advance, including dust.

A couple happens that the cat was at home all the time, did not go out, but his eyes began to flow or fester. Among breeders of British cats, the problem is not new, it is common and requires immediate attention from the owner. People often ask themselves the question "why are they watery, why are they watery and why are the eyes of the British watery." I will tell you plenty of reasons, and now we will talk about them in order.

First of all, let's note the fact that British cats in many cases may have watery eyes due to the physiological structure of the head. This feature is the cause of changes (shortening) of the nasolacrimal canals. It is because of this feature, as a rule, that the British have watery eyes at a young age, and if the eyes are watery with a slight discharge from the mucosa, then there is nothing to worry about. Everything should pass with the further development of the kitten.

The next reason for the appearance of tears in your pet may be Worms. As it turned out, some types of worms can provoke lacrimation in kittens. As a rule, when contacting a veterinary clinic, you will be advised to take tests and give a medicine against helminths.

Allergy can also become an important reason for inflammation of the mucosa. Your new perfume, household chemicals, dry food, and no matter how trite it may seem, flower pollen can cause an allergic reaction in a kitten or an adult cat.

A much more serious cause can be an infection or mechanical damage to the eye. Your pet could somehow injure the eye during the game or some small mote could get in. These types of injuries can be very dangerous and in such cases it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately. Only a specialist is able to assess the degree of damage and prescribe the correct treatment. As for viral diseases, there are a lot of them, the etiology of which is expressed precisely in lacrimation, and now it makes no sense to list all of them.

We found out with you Why do British cats have watery eyes? and now let's find out what should be done when the kitten's eyes are dripping.

Considering the main reasons, you can try to take measures to eliminate them.

  1. Brew chamomile petals in a steam bath, cool and flush the kitten 2-3 times a day. You can also wipe your eyes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. If a British cat has conjunctivitis, then antimicrobials should help. You can put eye ointment under the eyelids at night.
  3. If a kitten has mechanical damage, breeders and owners often use Iris drops and Levomecitin drops, and Diamond Eyes and Albucid (human pharmacy) drops also performed well.
  4. In those cases, if purulent discharge appeared before your eyes, you should try a decoction: calendula, sage, chamomile, St. John's wort. An industrial substitute for this decoction is PhytoElite eye lotion, designed specifically for the care of cats with eye diseases.

Experimenting on the health of your pet is not worth it, and if you are not sure about the cause of the disease, it is better to consult a specialist. The sooner proper treatment begins, the sooner your Briton will recover.

One of the most common problems in pets is watery eyes. Both ordinary cats and thoroughbreds equally suffer from this. Therefore, the question arises, because of what the British kitten has watery eyes. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, so you need to figure out what exactly the problem is with your baby, and only then do something.

Causes of watery eyes

This problem is very common among all pets, so do not panic if you suddenly notice that the eyes of a British kitten are watery. First, let's try to find out the cause of this symptom.

The first thing veterinarians do when contacted for a British cat with tears is to prescribe deworming medications to furry patients, even when it has not yet been determined why the cat's eyes began to leak. This measure helps in many cases, in addition - this therapy cannot harm if the cause of the Briton's illness is elsewhere.

2. Blockage of the tear ducts

When asked why a British cat has watery eyes, you can be answered: your british has clogged tear ducts. This feature is typical for this breed, as well as for the Scottish cat. The special shape of the muzzle with a narrowing at the site of the bridge of the nose can provoke the effect of watery eyes.

If the problem is serious, then you need to seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible. Tearing can be complicated by the fact that the tissue begins to fester. This problem is already much more serious than just when the Briton has watery eyes after sleeping.

If you notice purulent discharge, fever, lack of appetite in your pet, you should definitely seek help from a veterinarian.

3. Allergic reaction

The reasons for watery eyes in the British can actually be different, and one of them is an allergy. Food often causes allergies. Remember from what day your kitten's eyes started watering, and this will help you determine the cause of the allergy.

4. Wrong diet

The British are true aristocrats, so their body is very sensitive to bad things, including bad things. If you decide to get a kitten of this particular breed, ask the breeder or veterinarian how to feed a British pet.

The first thing to do is to seek the advice of a veterinarian. © shutterstock

You can provide first aid yourself:

During washing, you must wash your hands thoroughly., you can use both cotton wool and cotton pads, while washing, pass cotton wool from one corner of the eye to another, after each time changing a piece of cotton wool.


You can treat a kitten with folk remedies, but they are not always effective. Therefore, if you do not notice a visible effect after a course of washes, try some proven medicines.

  • At night, tetracycline ointment is applied to the eyelids of kittens.
  • Slightly dissolve potassium permanganate or furatsilin in water and use for washing.
  • Means "Iris" contains chloramphenicol, so it perfectly fights against manifestations of irritation and allergies.
  • "Diamond Eyes" is an excellent remedy for the treatment of watery eyes in a kitten based on taurine and succinic acid. Helps to fight irritation of the mucous membrane in animals.
  • If the cat's eyes are watery, it can replace the Phytoelita lotion based on herbs.