Great Dane - description of the breed, characteristics, training and photos. Great Dane: description of the breed, care, photos of dogs

Few people know that the ancestors of the Great Danes were Tibetan dogs, which shepherds used to protect livestock.

From his ancestors, the Great Dane inherited large dimensions, character and guarding abilities.

The breed is divided into several types, differing in size, color and purpose.

In contact with


Breed varieties

There are seven varieties of Great Danes. An interesting fact: in Soviet times, only the Great Dane breed was common. It was most popular service dog. After perestroika, other varieties of Great Danes began to be imported to Russia. For the first time, Russian dog lovers were able to see such representatives of the breed as, for example, the Brazilian and Great Dane.

German dog

It belongs to the largest dog breeds. It was bred in 1871 in Germany. Representatives of this species are endowed with a graceful physique, long limbs and high growth. (up to 90 cm at the withers). Their coat is smooth, the color can be completely different colors - from black and white to blue.

Great Danes look like real aristocrats, and behave accordingly. Despite their formidable appearance and size, these dogs are kind, active and sociable.

french mastiff

French mastiffs (Bordeaux) are strikingly different in appearance from their German counterparts. They have large noses, folds on the muzzle and near the eyes, and medium-sized hanging ears. The physique is dense, the paws are massive. The color may be brown or red. The coat is short and smooth.

Representatives of this species are very friendly creatures, can't stand loneliness, in the absence of the owner, they often feel stress and longing. Great Danes are leaders who are used to dominating other animals. If you do not train the dog, he can feel like a master in your home.

dogo argentino

This variety was bred in the Argentine city of Cordoba. Initially, it was used for hunting big game, later they began to be attracted to search and rescue operations and police service. Some dog breeders used Dogo Argentino in dog fights, which subsequently ruined the reputation of these dogs.

They are very smart and smart dogs. With proper upbringing and training, Dogo Argentino can become excellent defenders and guards at home.

Tibetan dog

This type of breed is covered with secrets and mysteries.

Some are sure that real Tibetan Great Danes died out several centuries ago, others argue that this species has found its continuation in the breed. Tibetan mastiff. Dogs of this breed have a massive physique and thick hair, like their ancestors. In addition to external characteristics, they inherited high intelligence and courage.

dogo brazilian

This species has an innate instinct to protect its owner and protect its territory. From time immemorial, Great Danes of Brazil have been used for hunting, guarding livestock, and even to chase runaway slaves. Security is in their blood.

Early socialization and upbringing make Great Danes good companions. At heart, these giants are real kind people, devoted to their master, but at the same time they do not lose their innate qualities.

Dogo Canario

The ancestors of the Canaries are fighting dogs who lived on the Spanish islands in the third century BC. This breed arose naturally without artificial crossing, which is why it is highly valued and of particular interest to dog breeders.

In the past, Great Danes were used for hunting and as home protectors. They are very strong, massive and stubborn. The owners will have to try hard to instill obedience in them.

Great Dane

These giants were the heroes of dog fights and military campaigns in the past. Now Great Danes are considered excellent companions. They are easy get along with people, children and other pets. The most important thing is to start teaching your pet commands in a timely manner and teach them to order.

Description of the breed

The main external feature of the Great Dane is its large dimensions and massiveness.

  • Growth can reach up to 90 cm at the withers.
  • Weight - up to 90 kg.
  • External characteristics: the muzzle is elongated, the shape depends on the variety of the breed. The nose is wide and has large nostrils. The eyes are almond shaped. The tail is of medium length, the coat in most varieties is short and smooth.
  • The color is varied: brindle, black, blue, marble, fawn, red, brown.
  • The physique depends on the type of breed. For example, the Great Dane has a taut body with a pronounced deflection of the abdomen, while the Dogo Argentino has a denser and more massive physique.


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dog character

Dogs are distinguished by devotion, calmness, patience and sociability. These are self-confident dogs that can be stubborn and uncontrollable at times. That's why they just training is needed and classes with a cynologist.

The breed is suitable for those who are willing to spend a lot of time with their pet and work with him regularly. Keeping a dog in a small apartment is quite problematic. He needs a lot of free space.

Dogs like Great Danes requires constant physical activity to keep in shape. Walking in the fresh air is an essential condition for keeping this breed.

Many dog ​​breeders are not afraid to introduce Great Danes to their children, as they do not show aggression towards them. However, due to their large size, Great Dane communication with small children should be kept under strict control. As for getting along with other pets, in this case a lot depends on socialization.

The sooner the Great Dane gets to know all the animals in the house, the sooner he will make friends with them. It is worth knowing that sometimes dogs of this breed can take a dominant position in relation to other pets.

The reaction to strangers can be different. It depends on the upbringing and degree of socialization of the dog. Dogs of this breed can be wary of passers-by and guests, or they can be completely indifferent.

Those who want to get a Great Dane should be aware that they are not very clean. One of the characteristics of this breed is profuse salivation.

Is the dog dangerous

The breed is included in the rating most dangerous and aggressive dogs. If we recall the past of representatives of this breed, then the desire to protect their territory and show dominant qualities is in their blood.

Great Danes were used in hunting to chase prey, they were lured to runaway slaves and even kept on the battlefield. Dogs took part in dog fights and were originally known as one of the most aggressive breeds.

However, early socialization, the right approach, constant training and training make Great Danes more accommodating, reserved and good-natured. The more a dog is surrounded by people, the less it shows its innate instincts of a hunter and a warrior. Numerous reviews of the owners indicate that the dogs are completely harmless creatures, sensitive and vulnerable.

The Great Dane is a modern version of a breed that looked completely different some time ago. This is a very ancient breed, and for all the time it was kept in artificial conditions, it showed itself on the good side.

This breed is ideal for those who have never kept a dog at home before. If it is difficult for you to decide on a future pet due to a lack of knowledge on their content, choose a Great Dane and you will not be mistaken.

Great Dane: photo, character

The main character traits of the Great Dane, which clearly describe this breed - big, kind and loyal.

A distinctive feature of dogs of the Great Dane breed is a calm character. It may even seem that by the type of nervous system they are phlegmatic. However, in case of danger, there is no trace of this type of character, and she immediately turns into a formidable and ferocious dog. Great Danes do an excellent job of guarding the house and the people living in it. But you can use this dog not only as a watchman. It is also perfect for those who are looking for a friend and companion. In this case, you will not be disappointed, because you can go with him to play or take a walk in the park.


A special place in the content of the Great Dane is occupied by education, which should be practiced from puppyhood. If you are not ready to spend enough time on an English or Great Dane, then it is better to immediately abandon it and get a cat. Regardless of the breed, the dog requires appropriate upbringing. It is wrong to assume that you can do the same with a Great Dane as with a dachshund. Still, this animal has a more impressive size and strength, therefore, if it does not obey you well, then this will be fraught with big troubles for you.

Before you get a Great Dane, English or Great Dane, know what it is very slobbery animal. Therefore, if your pet wants to caress and even lick you, be prepared for the fact that later you will have to take a shower. Difficulties you may have with Great Dane hair, which gets dirty very quickly.

Great Dane puppies never sit still and love to play. Also, they are not interested in curiosity, so they will try to get to the farthest corners of your house. If the puppy finds even a small loophole, then he will definitely try to find out what is inside. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your apartment will be a mess, but you can hardly do anything about it. You just have to be patient and wait for your pet to grow up. Over time, he will become more calm.

Adult dogs differ little from English or Great Dane puppies and love mobile games. And to make it convenient for you to do this, it is advisable to go for walks in those places where there will be enough space so that you can let your pet run without a leash. It is advisable to choose as deserted places as possible, otherwise you may run into a lot of trouble. It’s good if your dog only scares a random passerby. The situation will be much more unpleasant if there is a fight between your dog and someone else's dog, which will die. In this case, you will have to deal with its owner.

Although dogs of this breed do not show aggression without good reason, like the English and Great Dane, however, if they are pissed off, they will adequately respond to the attack.

Great Danes easily establish friendly contact with children, they can even try on the role of their guardian and caring parent. And your child will be happy to be in such a company. However, you need to be very attentive to your pet if your child is still too young. You should not exclude the possibility that the dog may inadvertently injure the baby, because this is a fairly large animal. Although the character of Great Danes is different, however, when a stranger approaches, they behave wary. But this should not be surprising, because they have been laid in them since birth. guard qualities.

You should not refuse to purchase a Great Dane puppy just because you already have other pets. There will be no problems with this, because for your other four-legged and feathered inhabitants, the Great Dane will become a good neighbor. But you will avoid many problems if you immediately take a Great Dane puppy and a cat at a young age. Although it will not be a problem if there is a big difference in age between them.

Having already finally decided for yourself that a Great Dane puppy will appear at your home, you immediately need to prepare to care for him. First of all, you you need a special brush for combing the dog. Your pet will create problems for you already during the first molt: although at this time the amount of wool shed is small, but this happens throughout the year. To keep your pet's coat in good condition, you can use:

  • brush;
  • a special glove that you can purchase at your nearest pet store.

It is especially necessary to be careful with bathing the Great Dane: it is often not recommended to do this, otherwise the dog may develop skin diseases and lose a significant part of its coat. Feeling that a subtle smell emanates from the dog, it is advisable to completely abandon bathing, but instead it should be washed using special dry shampoos. Do not forget about nails that need to be trimmed regularly.


Very carefully you need to approach the choice of food for a Great Dane puppy. At this age, the dog's body especially needs calcium. A feature of physiology is that these animals grow very quickly and their limbs are extended. Therefore, there must be enough calcium in the body, otherwise deviations may occur with the development of the joints. Also you must monitor the condition of the ears and eyes of the Great Dane. At the first sign of inflammation, you should immediately see a veterinarian.

  • it is advisable to cut them in such a way that after cutting the claws do not touch the ground;
  • it is important to correctly determine the place of cut of the claws so as not to injure sensitive areas.

At first glance, Great Danes look very slender, but they are big eaters, and if you don't plan the menu for them correctly, this can lead to an overweight problem. There are cases when overeating caused the death of dogs of this breed. This is not the case with Great Dane puppies, so you should be attentive to your pet when he is old enough.

During the growth period, puppies of this breed start gaining weight much faster than they develop ligaments and muscles.

  • therefore, in order to avoid problems, refuse to conduct active games;
  • before going for a walk, it is recommended to bandage the dog's paws with an elastic bandage, thereby reducing the risk of injury to the joints.

But paying attention only to the appearance and stomach of the animal is not enough. Also, you should not forget about his upbringing. By nature, Great Danes are very noisy and curious animals. Therefore, so that they do not cause you big problems, start raising them as a puppy. After a couple of years, there will be no trace of noise, and then a dog will appear before you, which will unquestioningly carry out all your orders.


If you are thinking about getting a Great Dane puppy, know that this is a serious step and you must be aware of the responsibility you are taking on. The Great Dane is one of those dog breeds that needs to be given enough attention without fail. Keep in mind that these dogs pose a potential threat to others, therefore, in the absence of control over their behavior, your pet can bring you a lot of trouble.

Therefore, from childhood, you need to teach him to obey his master. In principle, if you are ready for this and manage to allocate the necessary time, then you will not have problems with this. With the choice you make, not only you yourself, but also your household will be satisfied. After all, this dog will not only become strongly attached to you, but also behaves well in relation to other animals that live in your house.

Great Danes

The giant, who exudes calmness and nobility, is often called the largest indoor dog. He received this nickname for his "golden" character, kind heart and warm affection for the owner. No matter what happens, the dog is majestically reserved, looks like a graceful statue, and even when excited, never shows anxiety or nervousness. The characteristics of the Great Dane breed will help you understand whether it is difficult to keep a canine giant.

An imposing dog with "immodest" dimensions is often acquired for status. However, like any living being, he needs love and companionship. The dog forever "sticks" to his own family, shows love, and protecting it, without hesitation, will sacrifice his life. He is a true friend and nanny to small children. Owner reviews of the Great Dane indicate that it will make an excellent companion dog, unless you are afraid of the significant financial costs of its maintenance.

Great Dane: characteristics of the breed

The official history of this kind is connected with Germany. Thanks to pedantic Germans, uniform breed standards are spelled out with great care and specificity.

  • Weight . In males it is 55-90 kg. Females weigh an average of 45 to 60 kg.
  • Height . According to the standard, the minimum size of an adult Great Dane is 80 cm, the height at the withers of females is 72 cm. There is no upper threshold for growth.
  • Color. Black (full or with white spots), brindle, blue (steel), fawn, marbled.
  • Lifespan. The dog does not belong to centenarians. Great Danes live for about eight years. At this age they are complete old men. Dogs that have crossed the 10-13-year milestone are very rare.
  • Character . Distinctive features - good nature, friendliness, tenderness, devotion, unconditional obedience. Moderately intelligent, playful, cautious, sensitive dog. Dogs are not noisy, they do not "hysteria", do not suffer from mood swings.
  • Intelligence. They are dogs of average intelligence. Toilet training quickly. The training of the Great Dane ensures the execution of basic commands. According to the scale of canine intelligence, compiled by Canadian psychology professor Stanley Coren, the Great Dane, along with the boxer, share 48th place out of 133.
  • Security and guard potential. They are not characterized by aggression and anger, the “weapon” of the Great Danes is an impressive size, strict appearance, strength. In the event of a threat, your pet will stand up for defense, showing courage and energy.

Cases of dog attacks on humans are quite rare. Usually the dog first of all knocks the enemy down and holds him until the owner appears. They don't bark much, but they make good watchdogs. Enraged Great Danes are dangerous.

By temperament, these dogs are somewhat phlegmatic - like many large breeds, Great Danes love to lie in one position, which is fraught with corns and even bedsores. Therefore, the owners must constantly disturb their giant pet, make it move and change position, and do massages.

breed standard

The description of the Great Dane breed, which made it possible to call it "Apollo" among all dogs, is presented in the table.

Table - Visual parameters of the Great Dane

Part of the bodyPeculiarities
Head- "Sculpture";
- massive;
- long;
- flattened on the sides;
- with a distinct line of transition from the forehead to the muzzle;
- with an upper drooping lip, brightly marked jowls
Neck- Embossed;
- elongated;
- graceful;
- vertical - in a rack;
- slightly leaning forward - in motion
Frame- Athletic;
- balanced;
- square format in males, somewhat stretched - in females;
- the highest point of growth - withers;
- straight, short back, with a line of inclination to the croup;
- strong lower back;
- tucked up abdomen
limbs- Smooth, parallel to each other;
- powerful;
- long;
- slender;
- providing springiness, ease of gait
Tail- Middle length;
- thick at the base with gradual thinning;
- without creases, curls, "shaggyness";
- lowered down;
- during the run (or when excited) is raised saber-shaped, does not twist like a donut
Eyes- Medium size;
- almond-shaped;
- expressive, lively;
- with dry, dense eyelids;
- as dark as possible (in blue colors - dark hazel, in marble - blue or odd-eyed)
Ears- Large, proportionate to the head;
- spiky, "tensely alert" (if the clipping of the ears of the Great Dane is performed);
- long, hanging, with the front edge touching the cheeks (in non-docked dogs)

A healthy Great Dane has a well-established work of the sebaceous glands, which, along with the tongue, perform the function of thermoregulation. Therefore, the breed does not have the characteristic smell of a dog.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dogs of this breed want to please the owner in every way. They experience real happiness when they are caressed, they love to luxuriate in an armchair or on a sofa. Dogs are poorly aware of their strength; during a game or a joyful meeting with family members, they can easily be knocked down.

Before choosing a Great Dane puppy, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the breed, summarized in the following table.

Table - Pros and cons of the Great Dane breed

In addition to the fact that the Great Dane puppy itself is not cheap, you need to be prepared for unplanned expenses. The impressive weight and size of the dog is often a source of trouble: the animal can even inadvertently damage property by pushing interior items and decor.

History of origin and interesting facts

The Great Danes have an ancient genealogy. The first evidence of them dates back to the 7th century BC. Several hypotheses of the origin of the breed are known. It is believed that Great Danes are descendants of:

  • now defunct bullenbeisers;
  • greyhound (English greyhound);
  • mastiff;
  • Irish wolfhound.

The most plausible version refers the Great Danes to the Molossians, and considers the Tibetan Great Danes to be the ancestors of the breed, which is confirmed by archaeological finds. Strong and fearless animals first served as herding dogs, later used for hunting and military purposes. From Tibet, along with traders, dogs came to India, China, Europe, where they appeared with the nobility as bodyguards, wore gilded collars and were an attribute of wealth.

It is believed that the appearance of the modern Great Dane was formed by the 19th century. The first was Denmark, where in the 1860s the standard Great Dane with a wide torso and muzzle appeared. But a different type took root - dry, taut and slender, bred by German cynologists, who did a tremendous job of creating an official breed standard. It came out in 1880 and was adopted eight years later. At the same time, the Great Dane was proclaimed the national breed of Germany.

The existence of the Great Dane remained in history in the English-language nickname of the German Great Dane "great dane" - "great Dane". The Italians call it "alano", we often operate with the phrase "royal dog". The breed came to Russia with Alexander II, who acquired a pair of dogs in Hamburg. Later, Great Danes appeared on the estates of Russian aristocrats.

In the history of the origin of the Great Dane, Cardinal Richelieu is mentioned, who was enthusiastically engaged in their breeding. Otto von Bismarck is known as the patron of the breed. Alexandre Dumas, describing the hunting scenes in Queen Margot, confirmed the fashion for these dogs. Today, Great Danes are ranked 24th in the popularity rating among breeds registered by the American Kennel Club.


The Great Dane dog breed differs in constitution - there are individuals that are more massive and more elegant. But they are divided into varieties according to color. The breed is bred in five color groups, described in the table.

Table - Types by color

ColorWhat does it look like
Black- “Coal” whole body;
- lacquered black with white spots;
- "cloak" effect (as if a white dog was covered with a black blanket or cloak)
Blue- Light gray tones;
- blue-steel;
- without yellowness;
- white markings on paws, chest
Marble- Snow-white with black, clearly defined spots of ragged shape;
- brown, gray spots, as well as off-white base are acceptable;
- drawing without speck
Pale yellow- Sand;
- pale gold;
- intense red;
- red gold color;
- a black mask is welcome;
- undesirable specks and light spots
Brindle- Basic - all shades of red;
- contrasting, vertical brindle stripes (black);
- white spotting is unacceptable

The German Great Dane has a beautiful elegant silhouette. It harmoniously combines strength, power and grace. He is a real handsome man with a height of 80-90 cm.

Before you get a German Great Dane, frankly answer yourself the question, can you keep him? Do you have enough energy, finances and time?

  • Place. Not only the lack of an undercoat, but also attachment to the owner does not allow the dog to live in an aviary or on a leash. Small-sized apartments are also poorly suited: although he knows how to curl up in a compact ball, no one is immune from inadvertent damage to property. A four-legged friend will be grateful for a personal corner: a couch or a sofa, sheltered from a draft and raised 10-15 cm above the floor.
  • Walks. At normal temperatures, he likes to walk for several hours. In summer it is protected from overheating, in winter - from a long stay on the street, in cold and wet weather it is forbidden to sit on the ground.
  • Bathing. Since it is very problematic to buy a huge dog, they take care of him with dry shampoo. Often they resort to the services of groomers who professionally bring beauty.

Despite its overall size, the gentle giant has the unique ability to be invisible, occupy a minimum of space, lie silently and motionless for hours at the feet of his “master”. But what you have to put up with is hard hairs during molting and traces of saliva on clothes and furniture.

Features of care

Giant dogs are unpretentious, but one cannot do without a constant examination of the ears, eyes, nose, limbs.

  • claws. With sufficient walking, they grind themselves. Trim them comfortably with strong guillotine clippers, being careful when trimming dark claws.
  • Ears. Once a week, they are cleaned of sulfur and dirt with a special solution and a cotton swab. The reason for going to the doctor is the smell from the ears.
  • Eyes . They are examined every week, especially in the presence of "raw" eyelids. Furacilin will cope with abundant secretions. Ordinary - removed with a cotton pad dipped in boiled water or chamomile broth.
  • Teeth. For oral hygiene, weekly brushing of teeth (there are 42 of them) is carried out, solid treats are given for their self-cleaning.
  • Wool. A short, smooth and shiny coat requires minimal care: periodically brushed or with a rubberized glove. They shed moderately.

Buy or not

According to the standards adopted in Germany in 1888, the ears were docked, which was due to the real need to protect them from injury while hunting. Since the modern purpose of the dog is a companion, cosmetic circumcision has lost its relevance. Moreover, from January 1, 1993, a new standard began to work in Europe, and a ban on cupping began to operate, providing for punishment and fines.

In Russia, this issue is the subject of controversy and disagreement. Cupping continues to be valued in our country, but both categories of participants compete on equal terms in competitions. One way or another, the decision on surgical correction is made by the owner, having previously consulted with a veterinarian-dogist. An acceptable age for this is two to three and a half months: then the shortening procedure is less painful, and healing is faster. The main thing is that the operation does not overlap with vaccination.

According to veterinarians, uncropped ears are more reliably protected from dust, insects, dirt, and are less prone to otitis media (contrary to popular belief). Every year the army of adherents of non-interference in the "nature" of the animal grows in the country, preserving soft, velvet ears - "burdocks" for their pets. And in order not to spoil them with creases, do not stroke the puppies on the head.


Between natural and ready-made feeds, experts advise the first option, although it is more troublesome. If you opt for packaged food, purchase specialized age lines for large breeds of at least premium class.

It is noteworthy that the dog is not able to eat a lot: after all, his gastrointestinal tract is two times smaller than that of his fellows. Nevertheless, his food is expensive: the price of high-quality feed starts from 3 thousand rubles for a bag weighing 15-20 kg, which is enough for a month.

The grown Great Dane is fed twice a day with the morning norm 10% less than the evening one. Every day he needs 50 kcal per 1 kg of weight. Increased attention - to the period of growth. The following feeding schedule is optimal:

  • one and a half to two months- every three hours up to six times a day;
  • from three months - five times with a simultaneous increase in portions;
  • at four to five months- four times a day;
  • at six months - you can switch to three meals a day.

Puppies are supplemented with calcium. With its deficiency, the risk of fractures is high. Excess weight also leads to osteoarticular disorders: up to a year, the dog should recover by a maximum of 150-200 g per day. The priority is the dietary menu. What products are its basis, and what is banned, the following table will tell you.

Table - Balanced Diet

Dogs are prone to allergies. It can be caused by carrots, buckwheat, chicken, fish. With the appearance of swelling, redness, eczema and skin itching, they should first of all be excluded from the diet.


Raising a controlled, self-confident, socially adapted dog begins in early childhood (from three months). The dog learns well, but it is almost impossible to retrain him, and without practice, the knowledge gained is forgotten.

Traditionally, training begins with accustoming to:

  • leash, collar, muzzle;
  • hygiene procedures;
  • visiting a veterinarian
  • "smooth" response to loud sounds.

Demonstrate consistency, patience, take into account the pet's genetics, including its slowness. He learns quickly, but does everything slowly, "with a sense of sense and placement", is very susceptible to praise and intonations.

Diseases and treatment

The breed belongs to late maturing: the formation of the musculoskeletal system is quite long. The puppy becomes an adult only by 18-24 months. Up to a year and a half, try to avoid unnecessary loads - do not allow him to jump a lot, do not allow exhausting jogging, walking up the stairs (especially down). There is a practice of bandaging the pasterns of the paws before going outside. Also, according to indications, the veterinarian can prescribe the use of feed formulations with chondroprotectors - substances that contribute to the proper development of the joints. Typical diseases include the following.

The potential danger is genetics. Blue colors can get a problematic immune system, marbled representatives suffer from blindness, deafness, and infertility.

Breeders, sharing their experience, advise you to always keep the contacts of the veterinary clinic on hand and have the necessary supply of funds, do not self-medicate.


Vaccinations stimulate the production of immunity that can protect your pet's body from major serious diseases. Check your veterinarian's vaccination schedule regularly. He will also determine the vaccination schedule, advise vaccines (mono- or polyvalent). The first vaccination is given at two months.


A real "standard" Great Dane will only be born to purebred parents. It is not recommended to cross Great Danes of dubious origin; this is fraught with mental disorders in future offspring.

The female comes into heat for the first time at 8-14 months, however, a physically developed, completely healthy bitch is allowed to mate, not younger than 22 months, but not older than six years. "Debut" knitting is a difficult and exciting process, so the owners are in a hurry to enlist the support of professionals.

The pregnancy lasts nine weeks. During this time, the expectant mother is prepared for delivery. In particular, they correct the menu, enriching it with vitamins, dairy products, fish, poultry. Pathological childbirth requires immediate intervention by a veterinarian, often a caesarean section is performed.

On average, a brood consists of four to six cubs. Cases of appearance in one litter from 17 to 24 puppies are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

TOP nickname

Choosing a name for a new family member is a responsible matter. The sooner you decide, the sooner a trusting relationship with the puppy will begin to form. Simple nicknames will not work for your pupil. Choose a solid name, in harmony with the representative appearance and noble disposition of the breed. Great scope for imagination is given by legends and myths, where among the names of the ancient Greek gods you can find a suitable nickname.

Popular nicknames for the Great Dane "boy":

  • Diamond;
  • Amber;
  • Graph;
  • Gordon;
  • Baron;
  • Knight;
  • Duke;
  • Henry;
  • Joy;
  • Zeus;
  • Lord;
  • Mike;
  • Milan;
  • Nilson;
  • Oscar;
  • Pierre;
  • Richard;
  • Taylor;
  • Fidel;
  • Caesar.

Popular nicknames for the Great Dane - "girls":

  • Agatha;
  • Adele;
  • Aster;
  • Gloria;
  • Jena (Gina);
  • Cleo;
  • Lada;
  • Monica;
  • Nicole;
  • Audrey;
  • Paris;
  • Paula;
  • Rebecca;
  • Rue;
  • Silvia;
  • Secret;
  • Francesca;
  • Honda;
  • Tsarina;
  • Alice;
  • Erika.

Photo review

Photos of puppies and dogs of the breed prove that the Great Dane is a true canine aristocrat, a handsome giant, bewitching with elegance and self-confidence. Particularly impressive are the photographs where giant dogs are captured in the company of miniature toys or Yorkies.

Cost and where to buy

If you are planning to raise a champion or breed, then go to reputable clubs that offer pure pedigrees. Prices for puppies
differ: in different nurseries they request from 20 to 70 thousand rubles (data for February 2018).

Cheaper puppies may be sold due to unscheduled matings.
Choose a three-month-old pet when the breed and deviations are already visible.
The following points are important:

  • parents - their character and psychological characteristics (inherited);
  • health - the puppy should be cheerful, with clean ears and eyes;
  • weight - pay attention to well-fed babies;
  • limbs - located strictly parallel, long and thick;
  • tail - the longer, the larger the dog will be.


It is best to select a puppy on the spot, and not from a photo. You will recognize “your” pet from many others: the choice of the heart is the surest. Below are the contacts of famous Great Dane kennels:

  • Di Stella Ardens (Moscow)-;
  • "New Hermitage" (St. Petersburg)-;
  • "Bigfort" (Yekaterinburg)-
  • "Don-Ratibor" (Rostov-on-Don)-;
  • Inner Light (Kyiv) -

In the guise of a giant, the main thing is not parameters, but exceptional balance, harmony of “soul and body”. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that this dog was able to protect people not only from enemies, but also from evil spirits. But the handsome giant has only one significant minus - short life. But to increase the life expectancy of the Great Dane will help competent, rational nutrition, moderation of exercise, timely veterinary examinations and consultations.

Reviews: "Very neat and intelligent"

We have a big house and therefore when we chose the breed of dogs for our family, the issue was resolved quickly - we want a marble dog. Our boy is three years old, the children are 2 and 6. He is very neat and intelligent, he lives with us in the house, although he also has an aviary, which he considers a real punishment for himself. He gets along well with everyone who happens to be in our house, takes care of our parents and children, trying not to make sudden movements when communicating with them.

Galina and Evgeny

In 1992, when I was only 6 years old, my mom and dad decided to give my sister and me a dog - a Great Dane. As I remember now, we came from my grandmother, we go into the apartment, and there is this little miracle and dad's slippers on the armchair next to him) Dad called him Hamlet) Hamlet was easy to educate, he understood all the commands the first time! He was an excellent defender, my sister and I often walked with him and he did not let anyone near us! He liked to swim, although in my opinion the Great Danes are not very good at swimming, he went into the water up to his neck and stood cool :) He also loved to walk in the forest, ate wild raspberries straight from the bushes, neatly one berry at a time :) Like a man!

I still dream of him big beautiful striped - striped, his little black trousers (we called him cheeks that way), which I loved to kiss so much! I still remember him and miss him: (I have never met a more devoted and kinder dog! It’s a pity that the Great Danes live so little!


We have been living with my dog ​​for the sixth year. He is a conscientious objector - I took him as a one-year-old from the owners, who could not well support and feed him. I can't say anything bad about the dog - his excessive appetite disappeared after a week of normal feeding, he is very careful about the toilet, and on walks he never wants to go far, tracking me. At home, he tries to be inconspicuous, sleeps, waiting for me from work, barks a little. I am very glad that Hector became my dog.

Sergey, Mariupol,

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This breed of dog is the pride of German breeders. But long before the breeders themselves were born, the ancestors of this breed already had a reputation as a reliable guard, loyal guard and fearless warrior. German dog!
He has such an ancient family tree, such an outstanding exterior, that his inherent manner of holding himself a little arrogantly, with an amazing sense of his own dignity, seems quite justified. Aristocrat of the dog world. The giant is handsome. The power and elegance of this dog is mesmerizing. It is no coincidence that German Chancellor Otto Bismarck adored Great Danes.

However, not only him. This is the favorite breed of Alexander the Great, Bulgakov's Pontius Pilate and many palace rulers. In 1878, the Great Dane was declared the national breed of the German Empire, and since 1965 it has been the official symbol of the US state of Pennsylvania.

The history of the origin of the breed

There are several versions of the origin of the Great Dane breed.. Each has its fans.

Version #1

The ancestor from which the family tree of the Great Dane starts is the Bullenbeiser breed, which does not exist now. She was crossed with hunting dogs and got a dog, the breed of which was later identified as the Great Dane.

Version #2

The Great Dane appeared in Germany and is a descendant of the ancient German dogs. It was bred from the Great Dane, which differed from the Mastiff in a drier and more graceful constitution. Initially used for protection and hunting. This version differs from the first only in details, although, as usual, they contain the essence.

Version #3

The Great Dane is a direct descendant of the Tibetan Great Danes and Greyhounds. In Tibet BC, large strong dogs were used as herding dogs. They formed the basis of Molossians, Asian Shepherds, and Great Danes. From Tibet, the Great Danes moved with man to India, Mesopotamia, China, and later to Europe.

Archaeological finds support this version. Images of dog-like dogs were found during excavations of the buildings of the ancient states of the Scythians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, and Germanic tribes.

This is interesting! The oldest evidence of Tibetan Great Danes dates back to the 7th century BC.

Gradually, the scope of Great Dane dogs expanded. Participation in military campaigns, hunting for wild animals and even fighting battles in the arenas were added to grazing, protecting the home. Since ancient times, these beautiful giants have been greatly appreciated. Among the Persians, for example, the life of the Molossian, the ancestor of the Tibetan Great Dane, was worth more than a man. And in India, this dog participated in religious cults and rituals. By the way, the name of the dogs "Moloss" came from the same name of the people of Ancient Greece, who were actively breeding Great Danes for hunting.

With the development of civilization, giant dogs began to lose value in the eyes of man. The functions of a warrior turned out to be unclaimed. Then, with the advent of new breeds of hunting dogs, they stopped using Great Danes for hunting. Meanwhile, the large size and peculiarities of keeping Great Danes were too expensive for many, especially in cramped urban conditions. In the 19th century, Great Danes could be seen, for the most part, in wealthy houses, palaces, castles and country estates. They were kept for status and prestige.

In the middle of the 19th century, the history of Great Danes takes a sharp turn. It is associated with the adoption of the provision on the purebred breeds and the division of all Great Danes into 6 lines: Ulm, English, Wirtenberg, Danish, hunting and royal (the largest individuals). In 1866 an attempt was made to separate the Danish line into a separate breed. But nothing happened. The standards of the Great Dane came into conflict with the classic Great Dane from Germany.

This is interesting! This confrontation between the Great Dane and the Great Dane continued until the end of the 70s of the 19th century, until the Great Dane disappeared as a species, and the Great Dane strengthened its position and was recognized in 1878 as a separate breed - the Great Dane.

Thanks to German pedantry and thoroughness, uniform breed standards were prescribed with great care. Archives were kept about all matings, projects and plans. The exterior was constantly refined, the standard was adjusted. Even during the great wars, when other breeds were on the verge of extinction, the Great Dane kept its livestock and was protected by the Germans as a national treasure.

Tribal work only slowed down in hard times, but then resumed with the same thoroughness. As a result, in the middle of the 20th century, the Great Dane breed, without any problems, was recognized by the whole world and entered the second group of the International Cynological Federation - FCI.

Description of Great Dane

The Great Dane is distinguished by a harmonious physique and an amazing combination of power and grace. His elegance will be envied by the star model - a beautiful silhouette of the body with a taut belly, smoothly turning into a wide chest, slender muscular legs, an expressive, proudly raised head on a graceful neck. Handsome! And all this with a height of 80-90 cm!

breed standards

Breed standards stipulate differences in the size and structure of females and males. Males are taller and more powerful (up to 90 cm and 90 kg), females are lower, lighter (up to 84 cm and 59 kg) and have a slightly stretched body format, providing convenience for feeding future offspring. The upper growth bar of the Great Dane is strictly stipulated by the breed standards for a reason. Its excess is fraught with too large offspring, which will complicate the birth process and introduce distortion into the gene pool. Therefore, all overgrown dogs are culled and do not participate in breeding matings.

  • Head - large, proportional to the body, has strict contours, a clear transition from a high forehead to the nose. Eyebrows and eye sockets are well defined. The front of the lips drooping, completing the rectangular silhouette of the muzzle.
    The extreme line of the lips and the nose are black. The pigmentation of the earlobe depends on the color of the coat. For the Great Dane marble, skin color is acceptable by standards, for blue - slate.
    Bite on the type of "scissors".
  • Eyes- dark brown. A slight lightening of the iris is acceptable, but faded and yellow color is not welcome. In marbled and blue Great Danes, heterochromia occurs, which is also considered an undesirable phenomenon.
    The look of Great Danes is distinguished by expressiveness and interest, without shades of any aggression. The eyes are almond-shaped, but not oblique.
  • Ears- large, proportionate to the head, set high. Since 1993, according to breed standards, they have not been docked.
  • Neck- dry, muscular. The nape and withers are well marked, especially in males.
  • Tail Set high, reaching to the hock in length. In a calm state of the dog, the tail hangs down, in an excited state it rises to the level of the back or higher. The tail is thick and powerful at the base, tapering towards the end. Deviations from the standard are considered: curls, creases, excessive "hairiness".
  • limbs- Smooth, dry, parallel to each other, with muscular shoulders. The ends of the paws are rounded, the fingers are gathered into a ball. The Great Dane moves easily. The step is springy, free, without wobbling.
  • Wool- short, harsh, shiny, without undercoat.

This is interesting! Great Danes do not have sweat glands, and therefore they do not smell like "dog".

Great Dane color

Breed standards provide for 5 types of color .

  1. Black - uniform charcoal color throughout the body or black-and-white and white-black spots. This includes the “cloak color” - as if a white dog was covered with a black cloak.
  2. Blue- light gray, steel color uniform throughout the body. No yellowish tones. White spots are acceptable.
  3. Marble- black spots on a white background. The picture is as clear as possible, without small specks. A gray-white color is acceptable, but not desirable.
  4. Pale yellow- from light sand, golden to rich red - "red gold". A dark mask is acceptable, but no white spots or specks.
  5. Brindle- vertical black frequent stripes on a yellow background, creating a contrasting pattern. White spots are not allowed. The black mask is welcome.

Important! Albino puppies are culled from the litter. They, as a rule, are born deaf and are carriers of several genetic diseases at once.

dog character

Gentle and affectionate giants. Friendly and true friends. Vigilant and formidable guardians. Patient and balanced nannies. Silent and unobtrusive family members. Smart and obedient companions. It's all about them, about Great Danes.

It's a pleasure to do business with them. They do not "hysteria", do not suffer from mood swings, do not seek to prove to everyone and everyone who is the boss in the house. They behave proudly and with dignity, showing true aristocracy and generosity to all whom nature has not awarded with such dimensions.

At the first call, they will come to the rescue without hesitation, wisely using their physical advantages and intelligence.

It is the dogs who use a characteristic tactic in relation to strangers - "let everyone in, but do not let out without a master," even if they were not taught this. They have so many virtues that against their background, minor character errors are barely noticeable. And yet, they are, otherwise these dogs would be real angels.

This is interesting! Great Danes try to unobtrusively keep the owner always in their field of vision. If possible, they do this by lying down at the feet of their "master".

  • Stubbornness and pride. Great Danes cannot stand familiarity. They themselves behave very courteously and expect the same from others. Sometimes their natural slowness is mistaken for stubbornness, especially during training. True stubbornness can be manifested in small things. For example, when the owner wants to free himself a sofa from a giant located on it. Great Danes, like true aristocrats, adore comfort.
  • Can't stand loneliness. It is unlikely that this can be attributed to a disadvantage, rather - to information for reflection. The Great Dane is a social dog, she needs a person, a family, of which she would feel like a full-fledged member. Alone, the Great Danes get bored and sad, mope and feel bad, losing confidence and becoming, which adorn them so much.
  • vindictive. But! Not vengeful. The Great Dane, by virtue of his intellect, will remember the offender, but will not take revenge and pursue. And he will, if possible, stay away from him, avoiding unwanted contact. Petty squabbling is not in the character of a good-natured and peace-loving giant.


A short lifespan is perhaps the main drawback of the Great Dane. Rare representatives of this breed live up to 10 years of age. The average duration is limited to 8 years. This is very little. Great Danes have the shortest lifespan in the dog world.

Due to its outstanding size, it is better for the Great Dane to live in a spacious country house with a backyard area. But an apartment is also suitable, provided that the dog is regularly and fully walked.

Important! Short coat without undercoat and attachment to the owner do not allow the Great Dane to live on the street, in an aviary.

The owner will also have to put up with traces of the pet's saliva on furniture and clothes, as well as on short coarse hairs everywhere. Yes, "Their Majesties" shed and drool. Otherwise, this dog is completely trouble-free and does not cause much trouble in care and maintenance.

Care and hygiene

  • Wool– once a week it is enough to wipe the dog with a damp cloth, removing dirt and dust from the coat. Water procedures are recommended only for severe pollution.
    Frequent use of detergents is fraught with the occurrence of dermatitis. And the dog itself is not a fan of bathing, so experts advise using dry shampoos.
    For the shedding period, you need to have a rubber brush that is used daily while the process is intensive.
  • claws- with a good walking, they grind down naturally and do not require trimming.
  • Eyes- need regular monitoring and examination, as Great Danes are prone to ophthalmic diseases. Daily ordinary secretions are removed with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile decoction or furacilin solution.
  • Ears- need to be examined, especially if not docked. The ingress of dirt and water into the auricle can provoke otitis media.

Great Dane Diet

There are 2 options for feeding the Great Dane - natural or ready-made. Experts advise giving preference to the first option, although it is more troublesome. If the choice is made in favor of ready-made food, then only specialized lines are suitable for the Great Dane - for dogs of large and giant breeds - and above.

With a natural type of feeding, the size and appetite of the dog should be taken into account.. The daily portion is divided into two times. The morning bowl is slightly smaller (45%) than the evening bowl (55%). The diet cannot be changed abruptly and drastically. New products are introduced gradually.

There are 7 main foods that should be present in the Great Dane's diet:

  1. Meat - low-fat varieties, except for pork. It can be given raw, scalded and boiled.
  2. Offal - give only boiled.
  3. Poultry meat - chicken, turkey. Without tubular bones!
  4. Kashi - boiled on the basis of meat broth, along with meat. Preference - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
  5. Cottage cheese and other dairy products.
  6. except for beans and potatoes. They are not digested.
  7. Fish - marine varieties and without large bones. It is given boiled.

Diseases and breed defects

Great Danes suffer from diseases typical of large dogs. Their weak points: joints, skin, intestines, eyes and heart.

  • Joints -, arthritis, bone disease - bone cancer.
  • Leather- granulomas, demodicosis, dermatitis, histiocytoma.
  • Intestines- volvulus of the intestines or stomach, bloating of the peritoneum, gastritis, colitis, flatulence.
  • Eyes- eversion or inversion of the eyelids, cataracts, glaucoma.
  • Heart- aortic stenosis, cardiomyopathy.

Education and training

Natural intelligence does not exempt Great Danes from training, and their owners from knowledge of certain rules for raising pets and their observance. An ill-mannered giant is much more dangerous than a spoiled Yorkie and can cause a lot of problems.

Rule #1 - start early

Great Danes grow quickly and behavior skills are fixed in them too quickly, due to their natural quick wit and extraordinary mind. Therefore, a 2-month-old puppy can and should be taught to follow basic commands.

Rule number 2 - patience and encouragement

By virtue of the same mind, Great Danes are very susceptible to praise and intonations. And they are proud and you can’t shout at them, let alone apply physical punishment. You can get an aggressive or intimidated neurotic. They will understand the dissatisfaction of the owner both by look and by gesture.

The natural slowness of the Great Dane should also be taken into account. He learns quickly but performs slowly.

Rule number 3 - dosing loads

In puppyhood and adolescence, it is important not to harm the joints with excessive training.

Rule number 4 - variety and change of activities

The tedious execution of the same commands is not an occupation for such a highly intellectual person as the Great Dane. To learn the basic commands, two lessons are enough for him. And, if the dog becomes bored in training, he will turn around and leave. And it will be very difficult to get his attention later.

When this magnificent dog stands up on its hind legs, it will be equal in size to the best players in the NBA. A beautiful Great Dane, whose breed characteristics indicate that the animal has a large number of positive qualities, is a huge dog that has a kind and calm character, developed intelligence.

Regardless of their truly impressive size, these dogs are very graceful and intelligent. During entertainment, the dog can easily knock the owner to the ground. However, it should be remembered that the pet does this with kindness and love. This animal will be very happy to lie with its owner on the bed, willingly watch a new series or make an excellent company on a bike ride, since the main thing for a dog is to be near the owner.

History of the breed

The dog Great Dane, whose character is very calm, is not a purely European breed, as many claim. For millennia BC, the ancestors of these dogs lived in Tibet. Aborigines taught animals to guard livestock.

Various dogs originated from these animals, such as the Tibetan Great Dane and the Asian Shepherd. It is they who act as the progenitors of the Germans. From the territory of Tibet, the Great Danes were distributed to India, China, Mesopotamia. Here, the Babylonians really liked the dogs, who depicted large dogs on the walls of their dwellings, described them in cuneiform.

In the 1920s Great Danes received the title of Apollo among all dogs. Currently, individuals of this breed are especially popular all over the world, including our country. Their owners are not afraid of the really huge size of the dogs, since all Great Danes have excellent intelligence, gentle disposition, incredible devotion, and amazing beauty.

Character features

The beautiful marble Great Dane is a gallant companion with excellent manners. The impressive size, rather stern and formidable look of individuals of this breed often causes concern among people who are not familiar with the true nature of these animals. In fact, these dogs are very affectionate and loyal, wise, absolutely not prone to aggression for no reason.

Adult dogs are very balanced, do not waste their energy, their movements are measured, graceful, precise. When a real danger appears, these animals firmly, without obvious emotions, protect a loved one. However, just like that, without a reason, the dogs will not raise their voice.

Representatives of this breed do not like importunity, they feel when it is not necessary to disturb the owner. And yet, pets need attention. The Great Dane is sociable, he needs to feel that he is a full-fledged member of the family. Dog puppies are overly active and not obedient. With proper upbringing and socialization, these animals grow up to be confident dogs that are in excellent command of both themselves and the situation.

Care specifics

Great Danes have a short coat, they do not shed much and are generally quite undemanding to care for. In order to maintain a well-groomed appearance of the pet, you need to properly feed the dogs, give them the necessary vitamins.

Once a week, it is necessary to comb out dead hair with a special brush or using a rubber mitten. A beautiful black Great Dane does not need frequent bathing, for this reason this procedure should be carried out as rarely as possible, because it reduces the quality of the coat if abused - especially if bathing is done with hard water, which is not uncommon today. In the process of bathing, special means should be used.

It is necessary to regularly inspect the eyes, ears, teeth of dogs, remove discharge. Once a week, you should brush your teeth with a special paste that tastes and smells like meat.

It is necessary to constantly monitor that stones do not form on the teeth. This is indicated by the smell from the pet's mouth. In case of insufficient home care, one should contact the veterinary clinic, since an excessive amount of stones on the teeth leads to the fact that the dog's teeth are destroyed, bringing the animal considerable discomfort.

Even with frequent walking of the pet, the dog does not often have the opportunity to completely grind off the claws, for this reason they must be cut off on their own. Excessively long claws interfere with the animal in the process of walking, they break off and cause pain. You need to buy a guillotine-type nail cutter. When carrying out the procedure, you must try so that the vessels are not affected.

After walking, it is necessary to inspect the paw pads of the dog, and especially between the fingers, in order to promptly treat possible wounds or remove debris. To avoid the formation of cracks on the pads, from time to time it is necessary to lubricate them with a moisturizing oil.


The nutrition of individuals of this breed must be balanced without fail. Meat should be included in the pet's diet. However, it is not necessary to feed only meat. It should be remembered that meat for representatives of the breed must first be boiled or steamed - raw meat can be given to a pet only once a week.

Also, ocean fish should be included in the diet. The bones, which were initially treated with boiling water, should also be remembered, but they should only be given a couple of times a week. From an early age, you should accustom your pet to vegetables and fruits. From time to time, you can feed the animal with boiled potatoes and cereals.

Great Danes in the apartment

Naturally, the best place where a blue Great Dane can be kept is a private house near a reservoir. At the same time, even in the city, in an ordinary apartment, a pet can feel comfortable if it is possible to throw out all the accumulated energy while walking on the street.

A large number of people are afraid to start a German because of their significant size, assuming that the dog will take up all the space in the apartment. However, as experienced owners note, the dog does not take up much space in the apartment, behaves rather quietly, attentively, respects the personal space of each family member.

The place of the animal should not be equipped on the aisle, drafts and the presence of nearby heating devices are excluded. Excessive humidity or, conversely, dryness adversely affect the health of the dog. To provide your pet with the necessary comfort during sleep, you should buy a high mattress that matches the dimensions of an adult animal. Or you can buy a special sofa for dogs. With age, individuals of this breed may experience problems associated with the spine, for this reason, a thin mattress for rest is not enough for these pets.


Individuals of this breed are very obedient, disciplined, patient. If the owner devotes enough time to the process of raising this dog, then a positive result will not be long in coming, since representatives of the breed by nature act as the best companions.

It is only necessary to allow the animal to reach its potential by introducing basic behavioral guidelines through control, encouragement and trust. And answering the question of how long Great Danes live, there are, of course, exact figures: 8-10 years. But the life span of a pet is directly affected by the attitude of the owner, his care and upbringing of the pet.