What questions are asked at the bride price. Checking the groom on the knowledge of his chosen one. Funny questions for the bride

September 11, 2013

The traditional ritual of ransoming the bride at a wedding is one of the most interesting. It is usually held by bridesmaids or close relatives at the bride's house. Questions for the ransom to the groom are prepared in advance, distributed among the ransom participants for different stages this ceremony. Such a ritual should take place at a good pace and with humor. It is desirable to decorate the place of the ceremony with posters, balloons and ribbons. The groom must be warned that the ransom will take place without fail, so that he calculates the time. Many modern knights specifically try to avoid this procedure, justifying themselves with a fixed registration time. In such a case, he should simply pay the ransom without haggling.

Questions to the groom at the ransom

Bridesmaids can meet the groom on the threshold of the house and ask simple questions that relate to significant dates for the couple. For each correct answer, the groom is given the right to move on, and in case of an incorrect answer, he must pay a symbolic fine. Such a fee should be commensurate with the financial capabilities of the applicant for the hand and heart of the bride. Sample questions at the ransom for the groom:

  • When did the couple meet?
  • What day and where did the first date take place?
  • What outfit did the bride wear on the first date?
  • What date was the offer made?
  • What date was the application submitted to the registry office?

With gradual progress towards the goal, the questions at the ransom to the groom should be asked more difficult:

  • How many days have the couple known each other? How many hours?
  • Which favorite dish at the bride?
  • Does she sleep with soft toy, with what?
  • What movies, books, songs does the bride like?
  • What was her grade in history in 5th grade?
  • What shoe size does the bride wear? Such a question can be accompanied by a selection contest suitable insole of course new.
  • What is the shape of the bride's lips? Offer the groom options for lip prints of several girls.
  • What pattern is on the bride's hand? This competition must also be accompanied by a choice of prints from several possible options.
  • What was the name of your classmate in 9th grade? and etc.

In the apartment itself, close relatives can ask the groom questions at the ransom. Sample list of questions:

  • What size is the girl's dress?
  • What day of the week was she born?
  • Where was the bride born?
  • What is the middle name of the girl's father?
  • When are the next of kin's birthdays?
  • What color are the eyes of mother-in-law, brother, sister?
  • Does the bride have diplomas for the study of individual subjects or for sports achievements?
  • Is the girl a member of any organizations or parties?

If the groom and his entourage are impatient, then this company can be punished. Escort to a false bride, such as a male relative dressed in a veil or other funny costume. Such a turn of events will show the groom that the relatives are determined and are not going to give up easily.

Questions for the groom at the ransom can include any funny riddles, better for children. And also simple logical questions, taken from any collection, for example, about a kilogram of cotton wool and iron. The ransom process should be led by an experienced person who can make timely adjustments to the ransom script and monitor the mood of the groom. This manager must competently and tactfully extinguish the aggressive outbursts that arise in such cases, be able to compromise and defuse the situation. And then suddenly the groom changes his mind about marrying

Anna Lyubimova July 30, 2018

Before the wedding, young people already know each other. They know the character traits of the half, taste preferences, literary passions. However, it is impossible to know all the details to the smallest detail.

How impeccably the young knows the betrothed, and the bride of the young, will help determine tricky questions newlyweds to know each other. They form the basis of various wedding competitions, they are used during the ransom of the bride or for her release, when, according to ancient tradition young wife is stolen during a celebratory banquet.

List of questions and quiz

A quiz for newlyweds at a wedding is interesting not only for the heroes of the occasion, who eventually get to know the chosen one / chosen one even better, but also for the guests, for whom it will become entertainment.

The test for a husband and wife, how much they know each other, consists of both serious and funny questions. Everyone who came to congratulate the spouses will listen with interest. Guests are happy laugh at the most curious of them.

Photo where the bride answers the question, set by the guests at the wedding

Here are some you can set

  1. What would the spouse save first of all during a fire?
  2. What was the most absurd act of your beloved / loved one?
  3. Which of the life actions of the other half is the most insane for her / him?
  4. Name the most romantic act husband/wife.
  5. In what is the most unpredictable place you kissed?
  6. Which of the habits of your lover / beloved annoys you the most?
  7. What body part of the bride/groom do you like the most?
  8. Where would you prefer to go to Honeymoon if you had the opportunity to choose any corner of the planet?
  9. Which of the artists would play the role of a young / young in a picture dedicated to her / him?
  10. How many children does the spouse want to have?
  11. Would you trust the choice wedding dress other half?
  12. Do you remember the exact date of your first date and the moment your relationship started?
  13. What delicacy does the bride/groom love the most?
  14. Who is in charge of your union?
  15. What affectionate nickname does the young man call the young?
  16. What do you like more: a solitary pastime or a date with him / her in the company of friends?
  17. Which song does your spouse like the most?
  18. What season does your husband/wife like?
  19. What specific words did the young man utter, making a marriage proposal?
  20. Under what circumstances did you meet?

To have fun from the heart and "acquaint" the newly-made spouse and wife even closer, you can hold a quiz "He and she." The young and the young take part in it, and the guests will be spectators

You will need to prepare two plates, one of which will be written "He", and on the other "She". The host will read out the questions, and the bride and groom will give answers to them, raising the desired card. Guests will watch the game and learn facts about the new family.

Photos of wedding plates with the inscriptions Mr. and Mrs.

Can prepare next questions for a competition with signs "He and she" or Mr. and Mrs.:

  1. Which one of you will take out the trash?
  2. Who was worried and worried more at the first rendezvous?
  3. Who sings in the bathroom?
  4. Who never turns off the light?
  5. Who initiated the first kiss?
  6. Who doesn't show up on time?
  7. Who keeps pulling the blanket in their direction?
  8. Who decides how to spend the wedding money?
  9. Who says where to organize a trip for the weekend?
  10. Who burns dinner?
  11. Who will give you happiness?

These cool questions for a honeymoon wedding can be endless. But it is recommended to ensure that their number is limited, otherwise the game will drag on and become uninteresting.

How to prepare a questionnaire?

An entertaining questionnaire for the bride and groom will also help to check knowledge about spouses. To compile it, it is recommended to increase and print a photo together couples by processing the photo with attractive frames. Stickers are attached to the picture. Then the newlyweds are asked in turn questions from the questionnaire. This is done in such a way that the young is responsible for the young, and vice versa. If the answer is correct, one sticker is removed from the picture, and this continues until the entire photo card is opened.

Joint photo of lovers for the questionnaire

Such wedding competition for the bride and groom may include these questions:

  1. Favorite color.
  2. What is the last name of your best friend?
  3. What was your favorite lesson in school?
  4. First pet.
  5. What will you name the girl?
  6. What will you name the boy?
  7. What was your childhood nickname?
  8. What did you do in boring lessons?
  9. What present would you like to receive?
  10. What profession did you dream about as a child?
  11. What size clothes does he wear?
  12. What was the title of the thesis?
  13. What is the name of the boss?
  14. Life's greatest adventure?
  15. Eye color.
  16. Name the prizes, awards, cups, certificates that the chosen one received?
  17. What football team do you support?
  18. Favorite TV show.
  19. What was the name of your first love?

The game with questions for young people will be the more interesting, the more unexpected the tasks themselves turn out to be.

Cool questions to the groom about the bride

If there is a competition at the wedding with the theft of a young woman, then in order to organize a ransom, you will need to know what questions you can ask the groom. You can put them just so that the wedding is fun:

  1. What city does your wife want to visit?
  2. What does the bride prioritize: children or a professional career?
  3. What did the young wife dream about when she was little?
  4. What size shoes will you buy for your wife?
  5. How tall is young?
  6. How long does the chosen one stand idle in front of the mirror?
  7. How many bridesmaids does she have?
  8. Why does your spouse love you?
  9. What bouquet of flowers would she prefer?
  10. What are the young people's hobbies?

The host of such comic questions about the bride with answers can prepare in advance so as not to get into an unpleasant situation during the competition.

The groom answers questions about the bride at the wedding

Riddles for the wedding about the groom with a trick

Separately prepare and funny questions for the bride. But in order to tasks were creative, it is not necessary to use standard riddles, such as how many dumplings can a loved one eat at a time? It will be more interesting if you invite the young woman to draw the eyes of her beloved or show her photographs, from which she must choose the one that depicts the eyes of her husband. Do the same trick with the prints of the hands or feet of the chosen one.

Questions and answers for the bride and groom should not offend or embarrass them, cause resentment or spoil the mood. Therefore, carefully discuss everything with the newlyweds and find out if there is any topic that they would not like to talk about.

You will need

  • - drawing paper;
  • - colored markers;
  • - scotch;
  • - Balloons;
  • - threads;
  • - 3 Keys;
  • - photos;
  • - colored paper;
  • - scissors;
  • - a tray;
  • - plastic bag.


Starting to prepare a ransom script, find out the character of the groom. Someone will be able to joyfully and carelessly dance on the basin, sing to the guitar and shout to the whole entrance about love for the bride, but for some such tasks may seem too extreme. It is sad if the ransom is overshadowed by a sense of embarrassment and the groom's refusal to complete the tasks. Check with your future wife questions for redemption.

invent questions on ingenuity, try to keep them with humor. You can, for example, ask about the location of a mole on the bride's face, which actually does not exist. Do not ask too simple or too difficult questions. Remember that the groom will not arrive alone, so try to ensure that the entire “retinue” of the newlywed is involved in your scenario. Remind friends to help groom when passing tests.

If future husband can play any musical instrument, use this skill in . Offer, for example, to serenade a newlywed. Prepare the tool in advance. Also, take care of musical accompaniment For dance competition in a buyout scenario. For example, ask the groom and his friends to perform.

Offer to find out how well the groom knows his future wife. To do this, prepare a poster with numbers that are significant for the bride. These can be dates, acquaintances, numbers indicating the size of clothes, shoes, rings, house numbers, apartments, vehicles, etc. Design a poster, for example, in the form of a flower, on each petal of which a number is written.

Use the stairs in the entrance, along which the future husband will climb to the apartment. Cut out hearts from paper, glue them on the steps of the stairs and offer groom stepping on the hearts, affectionately call the bride. As an option - to call different diminutive forms of her name. It is not so easy to come up with so many names for your beloved. Or ask the newlywed to tell you how he will help his future wife with household chores. Each step is one thing. You can also offer to name the reasons why the future husband marries, stepping on each step.

Beat the entrance to the bride's apartment. Hide the key to the apartment balloons- let the groom guess in which ball the desired key is hidden. If he makes a mistake, he must pay a fine, the amount of which is written in advance on the balls with a marker. You can also hide the key in one of the three glasses with opaque drinks, such as juice different colors. Ask the newlywed's friends to help you drink a drink to see if the key is there. Or invite your future husband to ring the doorbell with your heel. Of course, friends will help in this task.

In the apartment, stick several children's photographs on the wall, one of which depicts the bride. Ask the groom which one. In case of a mistake, ask the future husband to pay the fine and try again. As a fine, you can use not only money, but also sweets for the bridesmaids. Or ask to perform any penalty task.

If you have good memory, ask questions V . They are easy to find or compose on your own, and such a ransom will look much more festive and interesting. Joke, smile, smooth out awkwardness. Remember that the groom is worried, and be indulgent. Do not demand an answer to the question at all costs, it is better to assign a penalty task or let him pay off.





Say so much kind words about the mother-in-law, how many steps on the stairs. The next flight of stairs - on each step the groom talks about his duties after marriage (to earn money, raise children, etc.). Then go up the stairs and say tender and affectionate words to the bride. (For each missed step - a fine);
. A rope is stretched in front of the entrance (you can’t step over it, crawl over it, or bypass it), you need to guess to burn the rope;
. Traces cut out of paper are laid out on a flight of stairs, on the back of each trace are written memorable dates(the year in which the bride was born, the date of birth of the mother-in-law - the wedding day, the size of the bride's shoes, the date of application to the registry office, the date of acquaintance, the height of the bride, etc.), the groom must guess everything, and for each wrong answer - a fine;
. Or the groom is given several balloons with pieces of paper inside, on which memorable dates are written (the date the bride graduated from school or institute, the number of the house or apartment of the bride, the father-in-law's birthday, the age of the bride, etc.), for each wrong answer - a fine;
. A bridesmaid with a camomile in her hands stands in the way of the groom. On each petal of this chamomile, memorable numbers for young people are written in advance. It can be:

Date of acquaintance of the bride and groom;
- the hour of their first date;
- year of birth of the future mother-in-law, father-in-law;
- waist size of the bride;
- the size of the shoes of the future wife;
- quantity best friends brides;
- birthday of the bride;
- growth of the bride;
- the height of her hairpin holiday shoes;
- the number of intended children in the family;
- the size of the bride's ring;
- weight of the bride in grams;
- favorite number of the bride;
- the number of guests invited to the wedding;
- the age of the witness and the witness;
- the amount of money that the future wife would like to have every day for small expenses.

That is, tasks can be very diverse and unexpected. The groom must, tearing off the petal, guess what this or that memorable number means. For each incorrectly guessed task, the groom pays a ransom. The competition ends only when all the petals are torn off from the chamomile.

Arrange daisies of two colors on the stairs. Stepped on red - tell me about the bride sweet Nothing, stepped on the blue one - tell me how you will scold. And do not want to scold - pay;
. Written on the steps different letters, the groom must go up the stairs to say affectionate words to the bride, starting with this letter;
. There are footprints on the steps, and the last three to five are glued to the wall, the groom must overcome this obstacle, stepping on each footprint and answering the question. If the groom cannot complete the task, he must either retire or pay the ransom.
. On the way of the groom there is an obstacle - a ladder. Each rung of the ladder carries a test for the groom. He will be able to move from one step to another only when he answers to question asked. The questions asked can be very varied and unexpected:

Name the day you met your fiancee?
Where did this happen significant event?
Do you remember the hour of your first date?
What shoe size does your fiancé wear?
Name full name her future mother-in-law.
On what day will you wish your future mother-in-law a happy birthday?
Name your bride's favorite flowers.
What kind of men does your fiancé like the most: handsome, smart, strong or generous?
What does your father-in-law drink more readily - tea or vodka?
What color are your bride's eyes?
Name your favorite color.
Name favorite time the year of your beloved.
What will your bride prefer: a candlelit dinner, going to a disco or witchcraft over a new culinary recipe?
Where does she prefer to rest: on the sea, in the mountains, in the forest?
Name your bride's favorite perfume.
What kind of cuisine does your future wife prefer: Chinese, European or Russian?
What does your beloved prefer in the morning: a newspaper or coffee in bed?
What will come first for a wife: family or work?
How many children does your fiancee want to have?
What does she love most: reading, sewing, cooking or something else?
What dish would your fiancee never eat?
What would she never wear?
What animal does your future wife associate you with?
Do you dream about your bride in a dream?
Does your lover believe in horoscope?
What was your fiancée's favorite subject in school?
Which affectionate nickname did your fiancee have as a child?
Name the first word your future wife said.
Do you remember the words you used to declare your love to your fiancee?
What does your wife think: who will be the boss in the house?
What does she like more: ice cream or cakes?
What do you think - if such an opportunity presents itself, will your wife go to rest at the resort without you or not?
What animal does your future wife want to have at home?
What was her childhood dream?
What does your fiancee love to do more than anything in the world?
Does she like to play sports?
What century would she like to be born in?
What will your wife's last name be after marriage?
How many non-girlfriends?
Does she like talking on the phone?
How does she react to complements? unknown man?
How much time does your future wife spend in front of a mirror?
Does she love to dance?
What brand of wine does your fiancee prefer?
If your bride caught goldfish and she promised to fulfill any wish, what wish would she make?
What is your future wife's favorite book?
Who is her favorite movie character?
Does your bride agree with the statement that with a sweet paradise and in a hut?
What does your lady love more: giving gifts or receiving them?
What qualities does your chosen one not tolerate in men?
What does your bride prefer on her day off: sit in front of TV, go to the theater or go to nature?
What is her life motto?
What kind of music does your loved one listen to the most?
Describe your future wife in three words.
Who is her favorite writer?
What is the bride's waist in millimeters?
What is your fiancé's favorite car brand?
On which cheek does your beloved have a mole?

If the groom does not know the correct answer to the question or answers not quite accurately, then he pays the ransom. The test ends only when the groom is successful, i.e. having answered questions or paid a ransom that will suit the bride's guests, he will overcome the last rung of the ladder.
Questions should not be very easy and very difficult, it is better if they are quick-witted and composure. For example, as in the question of a mole, if the bride does not have it, I wonder if the groom will immediately think of it or begin to remember.

Screaming "I love you!" - for the whole house three times;
. The groom is greeted with a glass of water. He must make the water flow over the edges (throw coins into a glass);
. Three glasses. In one glass it should ring (throw coins), in the other it should rustle (put there banknote), in the third - to hiss (pour champagne);
. The groom must put as many coins on the plate as he is going to live with his beloved for years;
. Freeze the apartment key in an ice cube. You can freeze a few more cubes with "fake" keys.
. Bridesmaids and relatives of the bride leave handprints on a large beautifully designed sheet of drawing paper, and the groom must guess the pen of his beloved;
. The witness is given an orange with matches, he must, pulling out the matches, list positive traits groom;
. Bridesmaids leave on paper or balloon(it is better if the ball is dull white) imprints of his lips, among this variety the groom must guess the lips of his narrowed one, for each wrong answer - a fine;
. The groom is given an apple studded with matches, and he must take out a match and call the bride affectionate names(beloved, dear, etc.), did not name - pay a fine. When the groom takes out a short match, the test ends;
. For the groom to draw a portrait of the bride on a piece of paper (association with animals);
. The door to the bride's room is covered with colored ribbons, cutting along the ribbon with scissors, the groom calls the betrothed by affectionate names (sweet, gentle, kind, etc.);
. The groom must put the name of the bride on a tray or on the floor with money;
. A rope is stretched under the ceiling, on clothespins there are 5 photographs of babies, one of which is a bride in infancy. The groom must first guess his sweetheart, and then jump and kiss her photo. If he can’t, then friends give the groom a seat so that he gets to the photo;
. The groom is offered to put in an empty basin the most precious thing he has for the bride (he must become himself);
. Guess which of the three glasses with an opaque liquid (strong tea, coffee, juice, kefir) contains the key to the bride's apartment, and take it out without touching it with your hands (drink with a witness, friends);
. Read a love poem
. Sing a love song with your friends;
. The groom and the witness, to their own accompaniment, perform the dance of little swans;
. On front door there are three hearts. The key to the door is hidden (drawn) under one of them, the amount of the fine is written on the rest. Didn't guess - pays;
. Several balls with pieces of paper inside are hung at the door. On one piece of paper the word "key" is written, on the rest either the amount of the ransom or the task. The groom must burst the balloons and find the key;
. The doors to the apartment and all doors in the apartment are closed. On each door hangs a task or a riddle. The groom chooses the door where he thinks the bride is and answers the question. Answers correctly - the door opens, did not guess - pays a fine. At the same time, in any of the rooms there may be a person dressed as a bride, it is better if a man.

Guess the riddle: The lady is sitting in a spoon, legs dangling. (Noodles)
- Show me! ...............?
- How can you go to us without noodles for a bride. For an oversight from the heart, give us profits!

Guess the riddle: They don't eat me alone,
And without me, they don’t look at food. (Salt)
Show me! ...............?
- Oh, and no salt either, give us a bag of coins!

What is the strongest thing in the world? (Love)

What is the most precious thing in the world? (Bride)

What is the sweetest thing in the world? (Family life)

The groom must throw darts at the target, thereby explaining the reason why he is getting married - that he told the bride, that to his parents, that to his friends:

The groom is given several attempts:
1-2 - shoot
3 - what did (name of the bride) say
4 - what he said to his parents
5 - what he said to friends
6 - actually

Values ​​are announced:
10 - so the heart suggested
9 - for love
8 - by calculation
7 - mom ordered
6 - the bride forced
5 - friends advised
4 - as needed
3 - out of curiosity
2 - out of stupidity
1 - damn beguiled

A large target is unfolded in front of the groom, he must hit the target with a champagne cork. The option can be used just to determine "for love", "for convenience", etc.
. There are a lot of balloons, inside each note: "for love", "for convenience", etc., the groom claps balloons with his hands, thereby determining the reason why he decided to marry. If you do not agree with what is written on a piece of paper - pays;
. Three glasses with different water(bitter, sour, sweet). With what face to drink - so with the bride and live;
. The groom walks from the door to the bride with small steps, and for each step he says an affectionate word for his beloved (see above);
. The bride's hands are tied with a ribbon. There are many knots on the ribbon. The groom unties the knot and says tender words his betrothed;
. The groom cuts a passage in the form of a heart with nail scissors in a sheet stretched over the door;
. And you can also make a whole wall of balls, let him make his way;
. When the groom has passed all the tests, he must say the most cherished words so that the door to the bride's room finally opens. But these words are not "sim-sim, open up", but, of course: "I love you"!
. Standing on the threshold, the groom needs to take as many steps to the bride as he can then let her go;
. The bride meets the groom and guests, the groom gives the bride a bouquet, and the bride - without shoes. The groom is offered to guess in which of the three boxes the shoes are narrowed. Did not guess - pays for the next attempt.
. For this test of the groom, you will need a pre-prepared wet towel. The witness hands this towel to the groom and says: "Tie the towel as tightly as you will love your future wife." Of course, the groom will tighten the towel with all his might. The guests at this time support the groom so that he ties the towel as tightly as possible. After that, the witness, to the approving exclamations of the guests, says: "Now untie the towel as quickly as you will quickly weather your quarrels from the house." The groom will try to quickly untie his own tied towel, and the situation turns out to be comical.

The bride, two or three bridesmaids and a grandmother are locked in a room. When the groom approaches closed door room, he sees several ribbons that look out from under the door (their number depends on the number of people in the room). At the other end, these ribbons are tied to the fingers of people in the room. When the groom pulls the ribbon, the one to which this ribbon was tied comes out to him. The witness says: "Take her as your wife or pay tribute." The contest continues until the groom guesses his bride.

Our bride needs a helper husband,
Show what you're up to.
By go up the stairs,
Try to guess the housework:
Step on the stairs
And what will you do about the housework promise.

(Letters are laid out on the stairs: MP, SB, etc.)

MP - wash dishes
Sat - wash clothes
PC - vacuuming the apartment
VM - take out the trash
GO - iron clothes
MO - wash windows
PP - wipe dust
X to M - go to the store
TD - raising children
ZP - make the bed
ZD - make money
DR - make repairs

A wedding is one of the most important events in a person’s life, you want all your family and friends to be there at this moment. For a fun, memorable wedding, many invite a toastmaster, and some trust close person. But not a single event passes without competitions. One of the tests that is most often encountered at a wedding is the bride's wedding questions about the groom, which can amuse guests and learn a lot about the newlyweds.

Questions to the bride about the groom

This kind of warm-up can be a fun moment during the event. It will allow guests to relax, focus their attention and, perhaps, laugh a little. In order to have something to compare with, you can first conduct the same survey with the groom and then for sure everyone will know the rights of the bride or not. In such situations, newlyweds can learn a lot about each other. You can call such a “competition” a “question answer”.

Rules for conducting the survey: the toastmaster asks the bride a question about the groom, after which he reads out his answer. At the same time, the bride's time for reflection should be minimal and preferably the answers should be humorous.

A list of sample questions to the bride about the groom:

  • What was the groom wearing when you first saw him?
  • First movie/TV series you watched together?
  • What style of music does the groom prefer to listen to?
  • What is your favorite pet?
  • What brand of cars does the chosen one prefer?
  • What is your loved one's dream?
  • What does the groom like to eat?
  • Favorite drink of the future spouse (you can specify alcoholic or non-alcoholic).
  • Why does the groom love the bride?
  • How can you cheer up the groom?
  • How many children do you want?
  • What household chores is the groom willing to perform?
  • What is the groom's shoe size?

Cool and tricky questions:

  • What part of the bride's body does the groom like to kiss the most?
  • What color panties does the chosen one like to wear?
  • During a strong earthquake, what, first of all, will you take with you to the street?
  • Given the choice of staying at home or going out for a beer with friends, what will your loved one do?
  • What does the bride think, what habit of hers annoys the groom?
  • What was the most romantic act of the groom during the period of their meetings?
  • What was the most stupid act in the life of the chosen one?

The optimal number of questions is about 15 pieces, you should not overload the newlyweds and create awkward situations for the bride or groom.

Of course, by analogy, a survey of the groom about the bride is conducted. Questions can be left of the same plan and diluted with a little new ones, which is more typical for the female half.

Questions for two

An interesting option, of the same kind of question-and-answer quiz, can be questions addressed to both the bride and groom at the same time. To do this, you need the bride and groom to stand with their backs to each other and with the help of a hand ( thumb up) directed at each other, thus answering the question posed.

A sample list of questions for newlyweds:

  • Who first suggested dating?
  • Who kissed you on the lips first?
  • Who paid for the first dinner?
  • Who made the marriage proposal?
  • Who was the first to introduce his parents to the chosen one or the chosen one?
  • Who decides which movie to watch?
  • Who will cook the food?
  • Who will take out the trash?
  • Who will lie on the couch and watch TV?
  • Who will earn more for the family budget?
  • Who will manage the family budget?
  • Who will be the first to give in?
  • Who will get up to the child at night?
  • Who is the happiest and most in love person in the whole world?

Wedding contests for newlyweds

There are a huge number of wedding games that set the mood for the newlyweds, parents and invitees. Conventionally, they can be divided into:

  • competitions for newlyweds;
  • table games for guests;
  • outdoor games.

To make the contests more expressive, to interest everyone, you need to use various props on the subject of entertainment.

Since this article is devoted to contests for newlyweds, let's take a closer look at this category. In addition to the question and answer quiz, you can prepare the following games:

  • desired gifts: the groom is taken away from the bride and along the way, at each step he names a gift that he will give to his future wife;
  • what kind of bride: the groom eats a slice of lemon and compliments his chosen one, answering the question what kind of bride;
  • who will do what: the facilitator suggests pulling out one item from the bag, which should be associated with a particular activity (fishing rod - fishing, nipple - feed the baby, soccer ball - play football, etc.).