Wedding contests for guests are cool to download. Dance competition "Dashing dancers". Surprise for your beloved

Like it or not, but no holiday without funny contests will not do, especially the wedding. So watch, choose and play!!!

Competition "Famous couples"

Let the guests remember historical couples who were known for their love and fidelity - Orpheus and Eurydice, Odysseus and Penelope, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Romeo and Juliet, etc. Whoever remembers last gets some kind of a thematic gift - a keychain in the form of a "heart", some book about love, etc.

Cool wedding contest "Marathon"

One team member must be selected. He must collect on his face as many kisses as possible - traces of lipstick. female sex it is forbidden to tint lips during the competition.

Wedding contest for guests "I'm not an artist, I'm learning"

Each player draws a portrait of someone present. After that, all the portraits are passed in a circle and the players write on the back of each portrait the name of the one who, in their opinion, is drawn on it. After the picture passes the circle and returns to the author, the number of correct answers is counted. The "artist" who draws the most recognizable portrait is declared the winner. After that, the portraits are given to those participants who are depicted on them.

Wedding contest "Come up with a verse"

Necessary: paper and word list
It is known that in all ages men dedicated poems to their lovers. Let the men compete in writing poetry. Rhymes can be very different. Give them the required number of words: fly, bones, belly, guests, cloud, husband, thrashing, worse, etc.

Competition for the wedding "Newton's Law"

For this wedding contest, you will need two bottles and 20 peas or small balls.
Two bottles are placed in front of two players, each is given 10 peas. The task is to lower the peas from above into the bottle without bending (hands at chest level) at the signal of the leader. The participant who puts more peas into the bottle wins.

Competition "Who was born?"

Several couples are selected from among the participants in the competition.
In each pair, it is determined which of the players will be "dad" and who will be "mother". All "moms" pull out cards on which the child's gender, weight, hair color, eye color, or some other signs are written. For example, to make it funnier, you can write this:

A Negro baby was born, weight - 4 kg, big ears.
- Height 40 cm, smile from ear to ear, blue eyes.
- Weight - 3 kg, screams loudly, brown eyes.
- A Chinese girl was born, all yellow, cunning eyes.
- Triplets were born, all children - 3 kg each, girls.

Moms stand in a line at a distance of 4-6 m from dads. The rest of the players occupy the space between the parents and try to create as much noise as possible (you can turn on the music if the noise is not loud enough). At the command of the leading mother, with a cry and gestures, they try to convey information about the child to the fathers. After a set period of time (1-3 minutes), the game ends and the correctness of the transmitted information is checked. The winner in this wedding competition is the couple in which dad most accurately understood all the information transmitted.

Competition "Extra died"

This wedding contest is built on the principle of the children's game "Extra dropped out." Of the guests, 5-6 people are invited to participate in the competition. Large glasses (or glasses) are placed on the table, one less than the number of participants. Vodka, cognac, wine (whatever you want) is poured into glasses. At the command of the host (for example, clapping hands), the participants in the wedding competition begin to walk around the table. As soon as the host gives a prearranged signal (the same clap), the participants need to grab one of the glasses and immediately drink its contents. The one who did not have enough glasses is out. After that, one glass is removed from the table, the rest are filled, and the competition continues in the same way as described earlier. The main thing is that the glasses should always be one less than the number of players. The competition ends when either of the two remaining participants drinks the last glass. In the absence of snacks and sufficiently capacious glasses, the finale looks indescribable, since it is usually difficult to call it walking around the table.

Hold the bottle competition

Participants of the wedding competition stand in a circle (alternation: guy girl). The first participant clamps a bottle between his legs, preferably a plastic one from under the soda 1.5 - 2 liters, and passes it to the next without touching the bottle with his hands. The other participant also takes the bottle with the help of his feet. In this competition, the couple that drops the bottle is eliminated. The last remaining pair is considered the winner and the most "skillful".

Competition "Captains"

For the wedding competition, 8 people are selected (4 girls and 4 guys). Girls play the role of judges. Guys sit down on a stool with their legs crossed and, without touching the floor with their feet and hands, they should get a box of matches with their teeth, standing "on the floor" at one of the rear legs of the stool. You can spin on the stool as you like. The one who does it first wins. Here the audience will have fun!

Competition for the wedding "Pigtail"

Necessary: three ropes and several pairs
Lead keeps on outstretched hand three ropes. The bride and groom are invited to tie a pigtail using only one hand (right and left), let them hold each other by the ears with their other hands. For variety, put two other pairs side by side. (The pigtail can be a good illustration of both the trinity of God, husband and wife, and an example life together).

Cheerful competition for the wedding "Dance with a ball"

It's very simple wedding competition for all guests. Each pair is given a ball. They put the ball between them and, holding the body, dance with each other. At the same time, it is forbidden to touch the ball with your hands.
The one who survives the test to the end is the winner. Those who drop or burst the ball are automatically excluded from the game, but can continue to dance for fun.
It will be very fun and funny to use for this competition a lot of musical excerpts from the most different styles, and most importantly - the pace. It is better to start with a slow dance, for the participants it will seem easy, but the funniest thing is ahead - rock and roll, this will be a real test!

Competition "You Can't Laugh!"

Guests squat in a circle (woman-man-woman). Everyone is warned that it is impossible to laugh (the presenter is allowed). The host "solemnly" takes his right neighbor (neighbor) by the ear. Everyone else around the circle should do the same.
When the circle is closed, the host takes the neighbor on the right by the cheek (nose, knee ...), etc. Those who laughed drop out of the circle. The rest wins.

Cheerful competition for the wedding "Sandwich"

It is desirable for this competition to select representatives who shudder at the mere mention of the cute creeping, buzzing, flying brothers of our smaller ones. The choice is made, and you report a simple competition, which is held for a short rest between complex and intense competitions. It is proposed to simply bite off a large piece from a small sandwich without the help of hands.
To do this, first place the participants with their backs to the table, then take out the sandwiches and put on each plastic cockroaches, flies, spiders, etc. that will be available (one creature per piece is enough). On command, the participants turn, opening their mouths for a powerful and quick bite... Can you imagine their reaction? The spectacle is amazing!

Competition "Searchers"

Players are given cards with certain letters. The task of the participants is to attach (and hold) all the cards to those parts of the body whose names begin with the indicated letters. The winner is the one who can place more and not drop.

Competition "Keg of beer"

For the competition, you need to purchase a 5-liter barrel of beer (for example, "Baltika"). A judge is appointed and everyone is invited.
The purpose of the wedding competition is to wrap one hand around the barrel from above and hold it in the air for as long as possible.
Whoever can hold the keg the longest, he receives it as a reward. Believe me - not everyone will be able to hold it in their hands, although it seems very easy.

Competition for the wedding "Road of Happiness"

Two teams compete: who has the longest road of happiness.
You need to take off your things (at least until underwear) and tie them in one length.

Cheerful competition "A lover of beer"

Several men are invited to participate in the wedding competition. Each is given a bottle of beer with a pacifier. The winner will be the one who first drinks the beer through the nipple.

Competition "Speaker"

For this wedding contest, you need to prepare a certain amount of Chupa-Chups. Participants take turns saying a tongue twister. After that, each participant puts one candy in his mouth and tries to repeat the tongue twister, etc. The one who fails to clearly pronounce the tongue twister is eliminated from the game. The last remaining participant wins.

Competition "Chicken Paw"

Several sheets of paper are placed on the floor. Felt-tip pens are attached to the feet of the participants. It is necessary to write a word with the foot (for example, the bride). Whoever writes legibly first wins.

Cool competition "Pioneer"

First, the participants of the wedding contest are invited to "discover" a new planet - to inflate as quickly as possible Balloons. And then draw figures of men on the ball. Who draws more in a certain amount of time, he won.

Competition "Football"

A rope with something heavy at the end (for example, a potato) is tied to the belt of the participants in the wedding competition. Each participant is given a box of matches or something similar. The task is to swing the tied object, you need to hit the matchbox and thereby move it along the floor. You can come up with a route around the chair, you can just go in a straight line. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins.

Competition "Dance"

Ha a slow dance we invite real men. Choose yours beautiful women. Beauty - great power. Now take your women in your arms and hold them until the end of the dance.

Competition "Guess who"

Chairs are arranged in a circle in a spacious room. Players sit on them - men and women. The leader is chosen. He is blindfolded. The music turns on, and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the music is interrupted, the driver stops and sits on his knees to the one near whom he stopped. The one to whom he sat down should hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: "Who?" If the driver guesses who he is sitting on his lap, then he becomes the driver.

Shave the ball contest

Needed: Balloons, shaving foam and a razor. Married couples are selected.
The groom and husbands are given into the hands of puffed up to the limit !!! balls, with eyes and a smile painted on them, on which the presenter applies a thin layer of shaving cream. Husbands should hold the ball by its bottom end, while wives should "shave" the foam balls with a disposable razor. Have a towel handy, you may need it when the balloon explodes. Boom!!!

To make the wedding memorable and fun, you should carefully choose the contests for the celebration. Games should be selected for newlyweds, witnesses, parents and friends.

A good time for wedding contests is the middle of the evening, because. all guests are accustomed to the environment and can be involved in entertainment. Let's consider some of them.

Contests for newlyweds

"A Tale of a Wedding"

You will need: a pre-prepared text of the story.

The text of the story is given to the groom, his task is to enter the words spoken by the guests into the missing places in the text. The task of the guests is to name a witty epithet in turn. For example, snuffy, headless, delicious, riotous ... Then the story is read out by the groom or host.

"In the maternity hospital"

You will need: written questions.

Young people and bystanders participate. Men are invited to imagine that their wife has given birth to a child, but they are not allowed into the ward. It remains to communicate with gestures that can be shown out the window. The husband's goal is to find out from his wife what interests him, the wife's goal is to answer them.

Questions: How are you? I have a stomachache? Who was born? How much does the baby weigh? What size child? Did you have pain during childbirth? Will we have more children? Do you want to eat? Are you bored? What shall we name the child? Happy with my visit? When will you be released? I am going home!

"Who will be born"

For the competition, children, guests present will be needed. The kids stand in a circle, the newlyweds become in the center of the circle, they are blindfolded and turn their backs to each other. The music turns on and the host gives the command to the children to scatter, and the goal of the young people is to catch one of the children. Depending on whether they catch a boy or a girl, this gender will be future child at newlyweds.


You will need: a ball and skittles.

The bride takes part in this competition. Skittles are placed in front of her, on which notes with a list of household chores are already pasted. For example, washing dishes, washing, vacuuming, ironing, etc. What skittles a young woman will knock down, such chores she will take on herself in her subsequent life together.

By analogy, you can hold the same competition for the groom.

Games for parents

"These Chains"

You will need: 2 dolls, 2 diapers, 2 diapers, 2 bottles, 2 ropes.

Parents of the bride and groom are invited. Couples' hands are tied (dad's right hand with mom's left hand). The host announces that this competition is an evaluation and will show how future grandparents will take care of their grandchildren. The task will be: put a diaper on a doll, drink from a bottle and swaddle. You can perform actions with only one free hand. Which couple will cope faster will become the best in the title of "Grandma and Grandpa".

"Where are you, son-in-law? Where are you, daughter-in-law?

You will need: eye patch.

Mother-in-law and mother-in-law are blindfolded. Several girls are invited, including the bride. And also a few guys along with the groom. Everyone gets in line. The mother-in-law and mother-in-law must guess where the son-in-law and daughter-in-law are by their voice. Girls and boys take turns saying these words: I'm here, dear mother.

"Who are you?"

You will need: clean sheets, pens.

The facilitator puts a piece of paper and a pen in front of each parent and asks them to write five animals in a column. The quality inherent in the written animal will apply to the newlyweds. To do this, the toastmaster reads questions, and the parents call the animal in turn. Questions might be, for example, who are you at work? Who are you when you're hungry? Who are you in bed? Who will you be after marriage? Etc.

Competitions for guests

"A raw egg"

5 eggs are placed in front of each player, the goal of the competition is to break them on the forehead. However, participants' attention is drawn to the fact that one of the eggs is raw and the rest are boiled. The winner is the one who breaks a raw egg on his forehead, not being afraid to get dirty. The reward for this competition should be significant!

In addition to the host, no one should know that there are no raw eggs, all boiled. And the winner is the one who is not afraid to break the remaining egg.


You will need: flower pot, eye patch.

The player is offered to take a stick, put a pot in front of him and then spin it to lose orientation. His goal is to break this pot.

"Grandma - hedgehog"

You will need: a bucket and a mop.

Competition - relay race. The first contestant is given a bucket - a mortar and a mop - a broom. He puts one foot in a bucket, with one hand he takes on a mop, and in the other he has a handle from a bucket. Thus, he must run to the next player and transfer his attributes. The team of players that completes the relay the fastest wins.


You will need: jelly.

The jelly is placed in front of the participants, their goal is to use matches or toothpicks to eat the dish as quickly as possible.


You will need: balloons, felt-tip pens.

One ball and a felt-tip pen are laid out in front of the players. It is proposed to be a discoverer and inflate a balloon with air, and then “settle” people on it, drawing as many of them as possible on your “planet” with a felt-tip pen. Whose number will be greater, he won.


You will need: cans with a slot or piggy banks, coins.

Participants are given cans with a slot in the lid or piggy banks, their task is to get coins by shaking the can. Whoever is faster will win. foreign objects cannot be used.

Competitions for couples

"Spaghetti Dance"

You will need: a pack of spaghetti.

Participants choose a mate and their task will be to dance to the music, holding dry spaghetti in their mouths so that it does not break. The music will change from slow to fast. She wins cheerful couple whose straw is intact.

"Rooster Fight"

The purpose of the competition: checking the prowess of men. They need to break into pairs and take a rooster stance: stand on the right foot, and hold the left with your hand, stretch your right hand in front of you with your palm up. Participants need to hit the palm of the opponent right hand and without losing balance, players can move by jumping on one leg. The one who made the opponent stumble wins.

"Cinderella's Slipper"

You will need: scarves, chairs, big box from cardboard.

A couple become a woman - a man. The more pairs the better. The girls sit down on chairs, take off one of their shoes and put them in one common box. Their pairs of men are blindfolded with a scarf and asked to find a pair of their lady's shoes. The task is complicated by the fact that with a blindfold you need not only to find shoes, but also to find your soul mate. Case situations are provided.


You will need: 2 caps.

2 couples become participants. The host gives out peakless caps and says: “If a storm rises on the sea, then the sailors under the chin tie their peakless caps with headdress ribbons so that it does not fly away.” The task of the players is to tie a peakless cap to their partner with one hand.

The funniest and coolest wedding contests and games will help you make your wedding unforgettable.

1. Competition "Ring"

Two teams of players are seated in two rows, and it is better if the “boys” alternate with the “boys”. Each participant takes a match in his mouth. The host puts any ring on the match of the first player from each team. The task of each team player is to pass the ring to a neighbor in the chain, from match to match. Hands, of course, are not involved in this. The first team to pass the ring to the last member of their team wins.

2. Competition for newlyweds "New road signs"

Young people are given drawings designed in the form of road signs, and explanation cards for them. The task of the young people is to find the correct family explanation of road signs in the pictures.

Host (tamada):
Family life is expensive.
It will have many obstacles.
You showed your patience
Find an explanation for the signs.

"Stop" - "Prohibition of scandals."
"Give way" - "Door to the kitchen."
"Obstacle avoidance" - "Alcohol, spirits and cigarettes".
"Parking place" - "House, cottage, family."
"No left turn" - marital fidelity.

3. Competition "Wedding relay race with a ball"

For this competition, divide the group of guests into two teams. It is best if each team has an equal number of boys and girls. You will need an inflated elongated balloon. The first player in the team pinches it between the legs and passes it without the help of hands to the next player, in the same place. If you drop the ball - a penalty in favor of the young. This team game carried out at speed.

4. Competition-game "Hot wedding glass"

The guests pass a glass from hand to hand, where each tops up a little alcoholic drink(make sure that everyone pours the same thing, we will not mix at the very beginning of the holiday). The one whose glass is filled to the brim should say a toast.

5. Competition "Collecting kisses"

Two (male) are invited to participate. The goal of the competition is to run around all the female guests in a certain amount of time and collect as many kisses as possible. The results of the competition are determined by counting the traces of kisses on the cheeks. The one with the most footprints wins. Before the competition, the toastmaster asks all women to renew lipstick on their lips.

6. Competition "Unusual dances"

Small teams (or couples) are given leaflets with the name of the compulsory dance. They are preparing to perform the dance: “gypsies”, “tango”, “waltz”, “lambada”, “lezginka”, “little swans”, etc. When the team says they are ready to perform, completely different music is turned on. The team must dance exactly their dance, not paying attention to inappropriate sounds of music. Have you tried to dance "Lezginka" under the "Gypsy" ?!


7. Competition-game "New wedding wardrobe"

Funny items of clothing are put into a small box: baby caps, huge family underpants, oversized bras, colored scarves, bright aprons, glasses without glasses, clown wigs, etc. To the music, the guests pass the box from hand to hand, and when the music stops, he , who has a box in his hands, without looking takes out a thing from there. He must put it on and not take it off until the end. wedding evening, or pay off with a toast, a bill, a song, an anecdote, etc.

8. Mobile competition "Wedding cavalrymen"

Participants need to jump to a certain place and return back, holding the previously inflated balls (balls) between their knees. The fastest one wins. (You can conduct it to the appropriate music: Gazmanov “My thoughts are my horses”, “We are red cavalrymen”, etc.)

9. Competition-game "Nimble nose"

The matchbox lid is put on the player's nose as tightly as possible. The task of each player is to remove the cover only with facial movements, without hands. These attempts look funny on the video - a memory for the ages!

10. Competition "Sweet congratulations"

This contest will require a bag of sucking candies (preferably round shape). Two players are called for the competition. They take turns taking sweets from the bag, put them in their mouths, but do not swallow them. After each candy, the player must congratulate the newlyweds with the phrase: "Happy wedding day, dear newlyweds", saying it as clearly as possible. Whoever stuffs more sweets into his mouth and at the same time pronounces congratulations legibly, he won.

11. Competition "Line of family life"

From the merry guests, two teams are recruited: in one, men, in the other, women. At the signal of the leader, the players take off their clothing items (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. The team with the longest line wins.

12. Tell the end of the joke

- How to make a man in bed just pissed off?
- Take away from him...
(…TV remote.)

How do you celebrate birthdays in your family?
- Yes, very simple. My wife's birthday is in a restaurant, and mine is ...
(... in red pencil on the calendar.)

The groom did not have enough money to buy the bride, so the wedding was postponed until ...
(... pay.)

According to tradition, the bride cannot be seen before the wedding, and after the wedding it is better ...
(... not see at all.)

Girls, if you want a grand fireworks display on your wedding day, get married...
(…9th May.)

Don't interrupt me, I don't...
(... numbers on the car!)

This wedding was wide
Not enough space
(... there was little vodka and food.)

By calling your wife a cow, you automatically become ...
(... zoophile.)
The desire of a woman is the law, the desire of a man is ...

Before marriage, I loved all women. And after the wedding...
(…one less.)

A wedding only happens once in a lifetime...
(...10-15, no more.)

Traditional tradition "Wedding"! On this day, the bride should be in a beautiful disposable dress. All guests are photographed with red or eyes closed. Young people are given opaque envelopes to ...
(... do not spoil their holiday.)

At the prosecutor's daughter's wedding, the guests who stole the shoes got...
(... eight years each with confiscation of property.)

Seryoga, did you have anything before the wedding with your wife?
- Well, it was ... After all, we are no longer children! Was…
(... wardrobe, TV, well, we bought skates after the wedding!)

At a bachelor party the day before the wedding, the groom got drunk and ended up in a sobering-up station. For the first time on the morning of the wedding day, the bride passed ...
(... redeem the groom.)

13. Gorgeous wedding

You can say the following words to the toastmaster: the bride and groom have already received their gifts from you, and now they want to give you prepared souvenirs.

The principle of the game is as follows: prepare paper bags in advance, which should be from sheets of paper (but not necessarily). On each package, write all the letters that are in the word "wedding". Thus, you will get 7 packages. Place a gift in each of them. Hang them up so that the word wedding comes out. The name of the gift must match the letter written on the package. For example, in a bag with the letter "C" you can put a saber, or a skipping rope. In order for the guests not to get tired of playing, you can come up with hints that can be something like this: this is an ornament for girls, if there are earrings or beads in the package, but this was what men had in ancient times (saber), etc.

In the package with the letter "B" you can put a fork, or a bucket, of course, a toy. For the letter "A", prepare an apricot or a toy car. In the bag with the letter "D" place a pipe, and with the letter "B" - a brooch. Unfortunately, words do not begin with a soft sign, but you need to put something in the package. There is also a way out of this situation. put it there soft toy or any soft thing.

14. 20 years later

This game is held for the parents of the newlyweds. One of the parents, most often the spouse, is asked to leave the hall for a while. His wife at this time ask a few questions.

For example:

When and where did you meet?
Under what circumstances did your husband confess his love to you?
How many guests were at your wedding?
What was the weather like on your wedding day?
Which wedding gift Did you and your spouse like it the most?

The wife is asked to return to the hall and ask him the same questions. It does not matter whether the answers of the spouses will coincide or not. After the game, you can propose a toast to one of the most unforgettable events in life and for the fact that in twenty years the young people remember their wedding as well as their parents.

When compiling an entertainment program for a wedding, include as many as possible funny contests. They should be very diverse and cover all parts of the celebration - from the ransom of the bride to the festive banquet - and also suitable for guests of all ages.

A wedding is an event filled not only with solemn notes, but also with general fun and joy for the young. Accordingly, and entertainment for guests and newlyweds should be not only exciting, but also fun. When choosing funny contests for a wedding, be sure: everyone, without exception, will be charged with positive until the very end of the festival. Just do not forget about their huge variety and attracting everyone present to the wedding fun.

Some ideas for cool performances and skits

A bright and incendiary wedding cannot take place without costumed performances and skits. A professional toastmaster has dozens of such entertainments in store. Let's dwell on the coolest and most popular of them, which any presenter can organize.

Costumed performance "Congratulations from the Stars"

For this fun, you will need several phonograms of famous songs of pop stars and costumes in which guests will dress up, portraying one or another performer. The producer, presenting his "star team", invites his "wards" in turn, who should get into the image of "their" star as much as possible and perform an excerpt of her song to the soundtrack.

For this role, you should choose the most artistic and liberated of the guests. Each performer, after the introduction, makes a short speech, congratulating the newlyweds and presenting them with gifts.

Scene "In the world of sensations"

Two journalists are required for this skit. who report "from the scene" - from wedding banquet. They take turns performing live”, telling sensational news about the wedding.

For example, the news that the groom is a famous producer, and the bride is a model, with whom he hid a relationship for fifteen whole years! Or the news that in the middle of the most luxurious restaurant in Moscow there is a whole pool with champagne, in which guests are already just swimming.

There can be as much news as you like - it all depends on the imagination of the participants. You can talk about which of the celebrities are present at the holiday and what they do while intoxicated. Another idea for sensational news is the description of chic and original gifts received by the newlyweds.

impromptu theater

Another one a popular idea for a fun production is impromptu skits. Such skits are very simple and funny, besides, they do not require preliminary preparation. Leading prepares short story which he will read.

As many “actors” are called to participate as there are in the story. Their task is to depict all the actions that the presenter says, while trying to be as imbued with their role as possible.

There are many such stories. For example, it could be a fairy tale about a princess who is kidnapped by a dragon, and a brave prince goes to save her. Another option is the usual production of "Morning of a Working Day": evil boss, who did not manage to get enough sleep, and violently reacts to all the events that take place.

We select fun wedding entertainment for every taste

Funny contests for witnesses and guests

In the midst of a wedding banquet, make sure that the majority of those present are not only spectators, but also active participants in fun entertainment. Below are some funny and interesting competitions in which guests of all ages will be happy to participate.

Dance competition "Dashing dancers"

Participants are paired up. You can also use a couple of young people. The music turns on and the couples begin to dance. As soon as the music stops, each pair receives a die.

Partners must hold the cube together and continue to dance. Gradually, the number of cubes increases (you cannot drop or put them aside). The winner is the pair that still has largest number cubes.

Competition "Dress a friend"

Several couples participate in the fun, among them a couple of witnesses. All participants are blindfolded, and each pair is given a bag with different elements clothes. The task of the players is to dress one of the partners in clothes from the package for certain time. The more things are worn, the closer the players are to victory.

It is advisable to choose the contents of the packages in such a way that a funny combination is obtained. For example, for a dense man - women's hat, Evening Dress, short skirt, lace blouse etc.

Comic scene "Auction"

This fun from the category of table funny contests will help everyone to have fun to the fullest. For her, you need to prepare several details that will be sold at the "auction". The presenter can voice, for example, such goods: washing machine, latest model calculator, container for milk, sewing machine, convenient basket for eggs.

In fact, these names may hide an eraser, children's abacus, a bra, a needle and thread, men's briefs respectively. Wrap each item or pack it in a box, and after a "hot" bid, when it is finally bought, show this lucky person what he really bought. The fun will have no limits!

Comic entertainment for parents

Competition "Know me"

Both mother-in-law and mother-in-law can participate in this competition for mothers. In the first case, you need to recognize your son-in-law by the voice, in the second - your daughter-in-law. Several participants, including the bride or groom, stand in one row and say the phrase “Dear mother-in-law, your son-in-law is here!” or “Dear mother-in-law, your daughter-in-law is near!”.

Blindfolded moms have to guess where their newborn babies are. For greater playfulness of the competition, you can change the intonation of the voice.

Fun "Comic congratulations"

The host invites moms and dads to make written congratulations for their children. Adjectives are entered into the blank with spaces, which are alternately called by the parents. At the end, the toastmaster reads out the resulting congratulations and solemnly hands it to the young couple. The beginning of the blank text might look something like this:

"________ our children! On this _________ day, we are pleased to congratulate you on the most ____________ event in your __________ life - your marriage. All ___________ guests at this __________ table join in our __________ congratulations. Our two ___________ families united into one - the very ________________!

Trials for the Groom: Original Ransom Contests

Bride price is obligatory wedding tradition , which is at the beginning holiday scenario. To start the fun already at this stage, pay attention to the funniest and funniest contests that can test not only the feelings of the groom, but also his resourcefulness. Here are some of them.

Competition of compliments and "anti-compliments"

The classic version of this test is to walk up the stairs, stepping on the pasted footprints and calling a compliment to your beloved (or calling a compliment on non-letters that are laid out on the stairs). We offer more original version. Lay red and blue stripes on the steps. Invite the groom to climb the stairs with the following condition: step on the red strip - you praise the bride or give her a compliment, step on the blue one - scold her.

It is interesting to make sure that there are some blue ones between the red stripes. Can't cross? Think what to do. For example, climb the railing. The most ingenious are picked up by a witness and carried through right amount steps.

Test "Keys to family happiness"

At the door of the bride's apartment, you can offer the groom a lot of interesting tests. For example, give him the opportunity to open the door himself and pick up his beloved. But to do this is not so easy.

The essence of the test is as follows: the groom is offered several containers of water (3-4). At the bottom of each of them is a key. Only one of them contains the key to front door. The groom must use trial and error to get the keys and try to open the door with them.

But there is one catch: to get the key, you need to drink the contents of the container. You can pour both salty and sour water there, and too sweetened. But for the sake of his beloved, the gentleman must make any sacrifice ...

Checking the Bride: Fun Wedding Trials

Wedding tests rely not only on the groom - his significant other must also prove his love and devotion, show how she knows her beloved, go through some tests and overcome obstacles on the way to happiness. We advise you to pay attention to the following funny contests and tests for the bride.

Competition "Tie"

Everyone knows that a wife should be able to tie her husband's tie. This test will show how the bride owns this skill. She needs to tie a tie to her beloved in a certain time, but so far the “training” one is from toilet paper.

Contest "Guess the Husband"

There are several variations of this competition. In all cases, the bride is blindfolded, and she must guess her beloved among several men. You can guess by feeling a certain part of the body, for example, an arm or nose, or you can do it in a more extravagant way - by kissing on the cheek.

In the latter version, you can make it so that only the groom kisses the bride. I wonder how long she will guess which kiss belongs to her beloved?

Competition "Knots"

This competition shows how loving the bride is. The facilitator invites her to tie as many knots on a long rope as possible within one minute. Then the bride must kiss the groom as many times as she tied the knots. It is important to observe one condition: kissing twice in one place is impossible!

Wedding fun in nature: moving, bright and fun

Celebrating a wedding in nature on a warm, clear day is a real pleasure: Fresh air, unlimited space, which opens up many interesting possibilities for wedding entertainment.

Often, the second day of the wedding celebration is devoted to outdoor recreation in order to take a break from solemn ceremony and relax in a relaxed atmosphere - here simple funny contests will help you so as not to overload guests unnecessarily.

Due to the wide space, on this day you can organize outdoor entertainment. Guests will not mind a little unwind and warm up. We offer several options for fun wedding entertainment in nature.

Competition "The main earner of the family"

Newlyweds participate in this competition. In front of them, the guests scatter a handful of coins, each of them is given a broom, and their task is to “sweep” into the house as much as possible. more money for a certain time (for example, for 1 minute). Whose “purse” (for example, a box or a can) will have more money in his “purse” will be considered the main earner in the family.

Entertainment "One team"

The following fun will amuse all the guests. Participants become in a circle. Their task is to synchronously execute all commands, called the master. Commands can be the most unexpected, for example: “grab the neighbor’s ear”, “pinch the neighbor’s nose”, “grab the neighbors knees”, etc. The “lower” the commands are, the more interesting and funnier the game.

Competition "Funny clothespins"

This game can be attributed to one of the funniest contests. It involves several couples "man - woman" (it is desirable that among them there was a couple of newlyweds or witnesses). For each pair, a rope is stretched and fixed between the trees. The man from each pair should hang as many clothespins on his rope as possible.

This is not so easy, because he will do it blindfolded, and clothespins must be found on his partner. Whoever completes this task faster in a certain time is the winner.

Competition "Fly, fly, petal"

Any number of players can take part in this game. Each participant is given a small piece of cotton wool. On command, everyone simultaneously throws up their cotton wool and begins to blow on it so that it does not fall to the ground. Whoever keeps his “petal” in the air the longest is considered the winner.

Competition "Meow and grunt"

The number of participants for this game is any. Two or more teams are created. The remaining guests form a circle. All players are blindfolded, placed in a circle and instructed to come together as one flock. Members of one team only meow, the other - grunt (maybe the third or fourth team).

Making "their" sounds, the players of each team must come together as quickly as possible without leaving the circle. The most nimble and attentive team wins.

Funny contests are a necessary addition to any wedding celebration. They are needed everywhere - at the stage of the ransom of the bride, at a festive banquet, at a relaxed rest on the second day of the wedding. When composing a script for funny contests, make sure that they are simple and interesting for everyone. age category- the atmosphere of fun and lightness will cover you in full.

Unusual and funny wedding contests: video

Properly selected contests will help to make the wedding fun, funny and unforgettable, to make the guests laugh and not let them get bored, to charge positively all those present. You can get ideas from our prepared videos.

It's not a secret for anyone that we don't celebrate a wedding, we don't celebrate it, but they play it! This suggests that games and contests are an integral part of the wedding scenario, and the mood of the guests directly depends on this program.

Contests are a proven way to make your celebration memorable, but which games will be the most successful depends not only on your preferences, but also on the status, financial situation, and age of the guests. It is unlikely that a 30-year-old businessman will be appropriate game program student wedding. It is worth thinking about those who will not participate in the competitions, in any case, it should be interesting for them to watch those who are braver.

Wedding contests for guests can be entertaining and musical, intellectual and mobile - the main thing is that they be varied. Monotony is tiring, and contests should be entertaining, accessible, understandable and funny. It is important that the program goes smoothly and everyone has fun.

Wedding pranks

Buy a fork

Covering wedding table, guests do not put forks. Before the feast, they offer to buy cutlery at a symbolic price. The proceeds are added to the newlyweds' chest.

Piece of cake

Guests are offered to redeem their piece wedding cake, only instead of money you can play forfeits - ask the guest to tell a poem or anecdote, perform a song or dance. It is important that in such competitions everyone can express themselves.

Lottery from the young

Organized win-win lottery with small prizes in the form of chocolates, calendar cards with a portrait of the newlyweds, balloons, flowers, souvenirs. The proceeds replenish the budget of a young family.


4 participants are invited to play. On their backs are attached plates with clearly distinguishable inscriptions: BATH, DURDOM, WORK, Maternity Hospital. The facilitator asks the participants questions (they do not know about the content of the inscriptions). Lined up with their backs to the guests, volunteers answer questions:

  • How often do you visit here?
  • Who do you usually go there with?
  • Three things you usually take to this place?

Unexpected answers are sometimes very impressive.

Funny contests

girls around the neck

Girls and boys participate in the competition, and there should be one more girl. The guys form a circle, lining up shoulder to shoulder and facing outside. Girls are evenly distributed around the circle. The music is playing and the girls are dancing around the guys. If the music breaks off, the girls throw themselves on the guy's neck (on one neck - one girl!). The one that was left without a pair takes one guy out of the game, and the competition continues. Difficulties begin when three people remain in the game, because you can only throw yourself on the neck from the front. At the end, the winner chooses any guest for her to dance, the resulting couples join them on the dance floor.

Do not put salt on my wound

Of the cool wedding contests for guests, there is a traditional game where the bride and groom have to feed each other with a piece of freshly salted bread. Salting bread, they do not yet know that they are salting it for themselves. So it turns out who wanted to annoy whom more, so that they would continue to live together and not salt each other.


Everyone is called and divided into pairs. Tamada offers to kiss his lady wherever he wants. For example, the first one says: “I kiss Anya on the nose!” That's it - no one else can kiss there. When there are no kissing places left, the one who has not found where to kiss loses.

wish ball

Two volunteers receive balloon and stand at the head of the table. They release their ball, the one whose ball flies the farthest wins. Guests can help, but only with their heads. The loser grants the winner's wish.

gift horse

Any couples, including newlyweds, can participate in the competition. The toastmaster asks the man in the couple what he would like to give to his companion. He answers in a whisper. The unsuspecting girl must tell how she will dispose of the gift. If the answers match, the couple won. But more often a woman cooks soup from a book, and gives a diamond necklace to a friend.

Balls need to be shaved too

For the participants, you need to prepare several balloons with painted faces. Each is given a razor and a ball of thin layer shaving foam. The winner is the one whose balloon is clean and does not burst.

Clever Witnesses

Two are brought out on a tray. raw eggs. Witnesses of the bride and groom must pass each other's eggs through clothes (for a guy - through trousers, for a girl - through sleeves) and not break them.

Road to happiness

Such a game can be an interesting competition for guests at a wedding. Two teams of participants are recruited and, at a signal for a certain time, they must make a rope from own clothes. The question is who is willing to sacrifice how much to pave the longest road.

living corridor

Participants (there must be more than 20 of them) line up in two lines. The bride and groom receive two candles. They must carry them through the living corridor and keep the flame alive. Guests are only allowed to blow out the candle without touching it with their hands.


To play, you need 5 pairs of guests and the same number of toilet paper rolls. One of the pair is a mummy, the other must wrap it in paper as quickly as possible. Whoever does it better wins. The losers (jokingly) are sent to stand at the toilet until the evening.


Improvised performances look very original at such events. famous fairy tales("Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok", etc.). For the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" you need 6 volunteers, among whom the roles of Kolobok, Fox, Wolf, Hare, Grandfather and Grandmother are distributed. The facilitator reads the text, the artists play their roles when their characters are mentioned. The success of the production depends on the skill of the presenter: “Meanwhile, Grandfather and Grandmother were sitting on a mound, peering into the distance, and waiting for Kolobok. Moral of the tale: Do not wait for the runaway Koloboks, better have your own children!”

Hen Ryaba

Several couples are given a boiled egg. They stand with their backs to each other and clamp the egg with their shoulder blades. Between them is a bowl. The task of each pair is to demolish the testicle so that it remains intact.

After the third toast

Competition for tipsy guests. Bottles are placed in one row and guests must step over without touching them. Whoever is no longer able to walk will simply crawl near them.

Where are the clothespins

Several couples are involved. Everyone gets a blindfold and 15 clothespins. The host puts clothespins on the girls. And the second participant must find and remove all clothespins as soon as possible. The first pair to collect all the clothespins wins.

Dance competitions

Dance of the virtuosos

From dance competitions for wedding guests, you can try the dance of virtuosos. 6 volunteers are invited. Music is playing and they are all dancing. The one who tried the least is out of the game. The rest dance already seated, and again the most unconvincing one is eliminated. For the remaining four, the task becomes more difficult: they dance while sitting and without legs. At the next stage, the participant is reduced and hand movements are removed. The climax is the dance of facial expressions.

A real man

After the men have invited their ladies to dance, the toastmaster announces that they must dance with them in their arms. Whoever holds his lady in his arms the longest wins.

Knight Tournament

Each participant (the number is not limited) is tied on a thread Matchbox. In the dance, you need to try to step on the opponent's boxes. The one who rips it off first wins.

Nose to nose

Divide participants into pairs. The toastmaster will give commands (right shoulder to right shoulder, nose to nose, left knee to left knee, etc.), and the participants must follow exactly. The pair that completes all the leader's commands wins.

Get in position

Tamada reports that for sure the guests, along with the newlyweds, would be glad to have a new addition to their family, but for now, the young need to prepare for this crucial moment, including the future dad. Nowadays, a man is quite capable of feeling pregnant. Balls are tied to the stomach of the participants, and the leader scatters them on the floor small items. "Pregnant" need to collect as many items as possible so that the tummy is safe and sound.

Table contests

At a wedding for guests, table contests are needed no less than moving ones.

What is love?

This competition has no time frame, you can collect notes - answers to the question all evening, and then announce the winner of the most original wording and give him a prize.

Mysterious numbers

Numbers are prepared on the cards indicating height, shoe size, date of birth of the bride, etc. The groom guesses the meaning of the number or fulfills the wish of the bride.


Participants - all sitting around the table, in the center - the prize. The toastmaster announces that he can be picked up at the expense of 3. The task is complicated by the fact that the leader uses any numbers in the countdown, and not just the first three. The prize goes to the most attentive.

First beauty

The bride is taken away from the table, and the guests are asked to describe her in detail (jewelry, eye color, hair, lipstick, shoes, etc.). A sticker is awarded for each correct answer. The one with the most pictures wins.


Several participants take turns complimenting the bride. Whoever has exhausted their eloquence faster, is eliminated. You can complicate the task by choosing compliments for one letter.

Song Contest

The whole wedding is divided into two teams. On the instructions of the toastmaster, the team sings a song of a certain theme (for example, with the word "love"). The one who sings the most songs wins.

What Contests Shouldn't Be

The ideal wedding competition is one in which all guests will participate, regardless of status or age. What games shouldn't be?

  • Vulgar - perhaps contests in which blindfolded men try to find candy in the neckline of the contestant, and women, feeling the dignity of men, try to find their husband and entertain an adult audience, but older people, and children are unlikely to be delighted with this .
  • Tightened - tie for half an hour - untie hands-legs-chairs or play “What? Where? When?" after a plentiful feast, it is tiring for both participants and spectators.
  • Primitive - a competition in which you need to put on a hat or a ford is possible only at the end of the event, when the guests have already “refueled” in order, and even then not always.

A selection of funny contests for guests at the wedding video will complement.

Whatever competitions you prefer, the wedding will still be unique and memorable. When there is love, the rest is not so important. Happy holiday to you! Find out, . And also - how to arrange matchmaking in an original way, read.